Rasa Syukur Ibunda Lihat Kimberly Ryder Mulai Kerja Lagi Usai Sempat Terkekang

  • last month
Kimberly Ryder perlahan mulai bangkit setelah tengah proses cerai dari Edward Akbar. Hal itu disambut baik oleh ibundanya.

Irvina Zainal, ibunda Kimberly Ryder, mengungkapkan rasa bahagianya melihat putrinya kembali aktif di dunia akting. Ia menilai kesibukan Kimberly saat ini merupakan bentuk perjuangannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kedua anaknya.

Menurut Irvina, vakumnya Kimberly dari dunia hiburan sebelumnya disebabkan oleh batasan yang diterapkan oleh suaminya, Edward Akbar. Sebagai seorang ibu, Irvina meminta doa dari publik agar karier Kimberly terus berjalan lancar.


00:00Fortunately, Ibunda saw Kimberly Rider start working again after she had a hard time.
00:05Kimberly Rider slowly began to wake up after undergoing a divorce process from Edward Akbar.
00:11Ibunda welcomed it well.
00:15Irvina Zainal, Ibunda Kimberly Rider expressed her happiness to see her daughter back active in the acting world.
00:25She said Kimberly's busy schedule is a form of struggle to meet the needs of her two children.
00:33According to Irvina, Kimberly's vacuum from the entertainment world was caused by the restrictions imposed by her husband, Edward Akbar.
00:42As a mother, Irvina asks for prayers from the public so that Kimberly's career continues to run smoothly.
00:50Alhamdulillah, netizens pray for Kim to get a good job again.
00:54Yesterday, he was locked up and restricted.
00:58I thought everything was fine, but it turned out to be a lot of problems.
01:03Irvina's words were met by reporters at the Central Jakarta Religious Court not long ago.
01:10However, Irvina also insisted that Edward did not actually forbid Kimberly to work during their marriage,
01:17which has been going on for 6 years.
01:20However, there were many problems faced by Kimberly, so it made her have to sacrifice her time.
01:27Actually, she can work as long as her work does not neglect her children.
01:32However, there are other problems behind that you may not know.
01:37As time goes by, the woman has a limit of patience, as well as Kimberly.
01:42Finally, she rebelled.
01:44Clearly Irvina.
01:46Kimberly Rider is said to be old later.
01:49The mother then said a prayer.
01:52God willing, January is old.
01:54Then, this October alone, there are two jobs.
01:57Not bad, Alhamdulillah, good.
02:00Not first, invite Kim's son, so that Kim concentrates, so that life is better.
02:05Get a good partner, he said.
02:08On that occasion, Irvina also revealed that Edward's daughter-in-law chose to close communication with the family.
02:17This made the two Kimberly children often miss their father's presence.
02:23Yes, we don't want to force it.
02:26All my social media accounts, such as Instagram and Facebook, as well as my phone number, everything is blocked.
02:32Even my little child is also blocked, said Irvina.
02:38My grandchildren always ask when they can talk to their father.
02:43But Edward never answered.
02:46We don't know where he is.
02:48If you say it's like a drill, that's how it is.
02:52We've tried to contact him, but there's no response.
02:56And he doesn't want to meet either.
02:58So it's not our fault.
03:00The end.
03:02For your information, Kimberly Ryder filed a divorce suit against Edward on July 12, 2024.
03:10After several mediation hearings, Kimberly continued his divorce.
03:16In the divorce hearing also revealed, one of the reasons Kimberly Ryder's divorce was due to the KDRT action he received from Edward since 2019.
03:29What do you guys think?
03:31Don't forget to write your comments in the comments column.
03:34See you!
