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Iraqi noha by aman rizvi most popular and old kalaam
00:30As'aa Bikkum As'a Bikkum As'aa Bikkum
00:51Wa hakk chaf-il kafeel wujood wa-rrayah
00:56Me and Abbas and you, O' walkers
01:01And for the hands of the disbelievers, there is existence and a vision
01:06Me and Abbas and you, O' walkers
01:11O' you who sold your souls and came to me
01:16I have a duty to fulfill you, O' faithful
01:21You comfort me with your slogans
01:25You comfort me with your tears
01:30I comfort you and my wounds comfort you
01:35Welcome, O' walkers, welcome
01:40You visit me
01:43You visit me, O' believers
01:48You know me, the intercessor of the universe
01:53I pray for you, I record it, I pray for you
01:58Welcome, O' walkers, welcome
02:03I pray for you, I record it, I pray for you
02:08Welcome, O' walkers, welcome
02:13You visit me
02:15Welcome, O' walkers, welcome
02:20I came, you don't care, it's neither cold nor hot
02:25Welcome, O' walkers, welcome
02:30I came, you don't care, it's neither cold nor hot
02:35And for the tears of the wise and the grave of the great
02:40I warn you, I don't give up, it's the hour of gathering
02:45O' people, carry the banner and come to me
02:50You know your opinion, who do you remind me of?
02:55O' people, carry the banner and come to me
03:00You know your opinion, who do you remind me of?
03:05With a piece of cloth and a piece of cloth, don't catch me
03:10I'm not healthy, my brother, and my back is bruised
03:15My back is broken, my sword is abandoned
03:20My patience has run out, I'm still young
03:25I recommend you to the banner, I recommend you
03:30Welcome, O' walkers, welcome
03:35You visit me
03:38You visit me, I love you
03:43You know me, the intercessor of the universe
03:48Your names, I remember your names
03:53Welcome, O' walkers, welcome
03:58Your names, I remember your names
04:03Welcome, O' walkers, welcome
04:08You visit me
04:10O' those who mean to me and the tears run
04:15I know your need, you don't have to say it
04:20O' those who mean to me and the tears run
04:25I know your need, you don't have to say it
04:30And for the river of the abode, the need to spend it
04:35O' Zaire, your covenant, what is in it?
04:40O' Zainab, you are a witness, you visit me
04:45I call you, if you are in the crowd, you come to me
04:50O' Zainab, you are a witness, you visit me
04:55I call you, if you are in the crowd, you come to me
05:00I don't walk easily and they don't steal me
05:05And I don't wear their clothes and they beat me
05:10You call me, I'm confused
05:15And my eyes are full of jealousy
05:20I cry to you, I cry to you
05:25Welcome, O' walkers, welcome
05:30You visit me
05:33You visit me, I love you
05:37You know me, I am your intercessor
05:42I call you, I call you
05:47Welcome, O' walkers, welcome
05:52I cry to you, I cry to you
05:57Welcome, O' walkers, welcome
06:02You visit me
