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Ghulam Rasool New Episode - Bablo Gir Gaya, Noman Ki Ayadat - Ghulam Rasool 3D Animation Series


00:00The next day
00:18Bablu Bhai
00:20Bablu Bhai, listen to me
00:23I hope you don't ask me for chocolate
00:25It's too late now. How long will uncle be here?
00:29He will be here soon
00:37Bablu Bhai, listen to me
00:40Yes, tell me now
00:44What happened? Why are you laughing?
00:50Bablu Bhai, there was a fly on your chocolate
00:54You ate the fly while eating the chocolate
01:03What happened Fajan Bhai?
01:05Why are you laughing?
01:07You are not supposed to laugh
01:10May God bless you Reshul Bhai
01:13Bablu Bhai ate the fly with the chocolate
01:17Are you laughing?
01:19You should have told him
01:21Reshul Bhai, I was telling him
01:24But Bablu Bhai thought I might ask him for chocolate
01:28He didn't listen to me
01:30Bablu Bhai, don't eat too much chocolate
01:33It's not good for children's health
01:40Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
01:43Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
01:47I will sit in the front
01:48No, I will sit
01:49Move away Fajan Bhai
01:50No, it's not possible
01:51You will not sit in the front
01:52I will sit in the front
01:53No, I will not sit in the front
01:54Bablu Bhai, look there is a dog behind you
02:00Where is the dog?
02:01Where is the dog?
02:02Where is the dog?
02:03Where is the dog?
02:07Bablu Bhai, there is no dog
02:09Come down
02:10And Fajan Bhai, you shouldn't have lied
02:13There is a Hadith
02:15Lying makes a person angry
02:17Lying makes a person angry
02:23I was just kidding
02:25Fajan Bhai, even in a joke, a lie is a lie
02:28Okay Ghulam Rasool Bhai, I will not lie again
02:32And Fajan Bhai, can't you do Ishaar for each other?
02:38Yes, Ishaar
02:39What will other Muslim brothers think?
02:42This is the pride of Muslims
02:44Look, the Quran says
02:52And they give priority to their lives
02:55Even if they need it
02:57Okay, you sit Fajan Bhai
02:59Okay, Jazakallah Khaira
03:04Ghulam Rasool Bhai, you sit in the front
03:06You teach us a lot
03:08You will sit in the front
03:10Jazakallah Khaira
03:15Make space for me
03:22Bablu Bhai, what are you doing?
03:26I fell down
03:32Fajan Bhai, are you hurt?
03:35No, Ghulam Rasool Bhai, I am not hurt
03:39Bablu Bhai
03:41Ghulam Rasool Bhai, what should I do?
03:43I can't make space
03:44Bablu Bhai, this is a six-seater car
03:46You can sit in the back
03:48Oho, I didn't think about this
03:51Bablu Bhai, you sit here
03:53I will sit in the back
03:58Oh yes, you all tell me
04:00Did you take permission from your parents to go with me?
04:04Yes, I took permission from my parents
04:07I also asked my father
04:09Yes, my father also gave me permission to go
04:12Yes, I spoke to their father
04:15You can tie your belt
04:18Ghulam Rasool Bhai, I always tie my belt
04:22Bablu Bhai, not pant belt, seat belt
04:27Oh, okay
04:40Ghulam Rasool Bhai, I can't get down from the car
04:44Bablu Bhai, at least open the seat belt
04:52Oho, this is a seat belt
04:55I am worried
04:57Ghulam Rasool Bhai, I can't get down from the car
05:01Bablu Bhai, at least open the seat belt
05:04Oho, this is a seat belt
05:07I am so worried
05:09I don't know what is happening to me
05:38Bablu Bhai, don't do this
05:40There are germs in the hospital
05:42You shouldn't touch the things here
05:46We are not doctors, then why did we come to the hospital?
05:50To get Noman Bhai's treatment
05:52What else?
05:53What do you mean by treatment?
05:55Oh Bhai, to check the health of a sick person
05:58To ask his well being
06:00Oh, okay
06:01Okay, Ghulam Rasool Bhai, do we get the reward for the treatment?
06:05Kul bil gul Faizan Bhai
06:07The Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said
06:11If a Muslim returns to his Muslim brothers, he will remain in paradise forever
06:17If a Muslim returns to his Muslim brothers, he will remain in paradise forever
06:24In another hadith, it is said
06:26If a Muslim returns to his Muslim brothers in the morning
06:31If a Muslim returns to his Muslim brothers in the evening
06:34If a Muslim returns to his Muslim brothers in the evening
06:37If a Muslim returns to his Muslim brothers in the evening
06:39If a Muslim returns to his Muslim brothers in the evening
06:41If a Muslim returns to his Muslim brothers in the evening
06:43If a Muslim returns to his Muslim brothers in the evening
06:45If a Muslim returns to his Muslim brothers in the evening
06:47If a Muslim returns to his Muslim brothers in the evening
06:49If a Muslim returns to his Muslim brothers in the evening
06:51If a Muslim returns to his Muslim brothers in the evening
06:53If a Muslim returns to his Muslim brothers in the evening
06:55If a Muslim returns to his Muslim brothers in the evening
06:57If a Muslim returns to his Muslim brothers in the evening
07:02Wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
07:06Hey brother Noman, keep lying down
07:09How are you feeling now?
07:11Alhamdulillah rabbil alameen
07:14Alaa kulli haal
07:16What happened brother Noman?
07:18Usaid and I were running away from the dog
07:21I crossed the road in a hurry
07:24I fell down from the rickshaw and fainted
07:27Alaa kulli haal
07:29You were in the hospital
07:54La ba'a satahurun
07:56In sha Allah
07:58It means, it is not a matter of shame
08:00In sha Allah
08:02This disease is going to cure you from your sins
08:04Brother Noman, now pray for us
08:06We should pray for the patient
08:08So that the patient prays for us
08:10So that the patient prays for us
08:12No brother Fuzan, it is not like that
08:14The prophet of Allah, peace be upon him, said
08:16The prophet of Allah, peace be upon him, said
08:18Pray for the patients
08:20And tell them to pray for themselves
08:22Because the patient's prayers are accepted
08:24And his sins are forgiven
08:36Ghulam Rasool bhai
08:40Bablu bhai, look outside
08:42What is that sound?
08:44Ghulam Rasool bhai
08:46Bablu bhai is not in the room
08:48Don't do that
08:50Hey kids, stop
08:54Bablu bhai, stop
08:56Stop him
08:58Ghulam Rasool bhai
09:00He is not stopping
09:02Stop, where are you going?
09:10Ghulam bhai, stop
09:12Stop the break
09:14The break failed
09:16Noman bhai, my legs
09:18Leave my legs
09:20How can I leave my legs?
09:22If you leave my legs, I will fall
09:24What should I do?
09:44Bablu bhai, we came to pray
09:46And you got hospitalized
09:48Because of you, Faizan and Usaid bhai
09:50Are lying next to you
09:52The consequences of mischief
09:54Are not good
09:56You wouldn't have left Babu uncle's dog
09:58Nor would the dog have followed you
10:00Nor would Noman bhai have met with an accident
10:02And you wouldn't have come here
10:04And done mischief
10:06Neither you nor our friends would have been injured
10:08Yes Ghulam Rasool bhai
10:10I made a mistake
10:12I won't do mischief like this again
10:14Yes Bablu bhai
10:16Next time we won't do mischief like this
10:18We will do some other mischief
10:22I won't do it
10:24I won't do any mischief
10:26Please forgive us
10:28By mistake, my hand
10:30Got injured because of you
10:32Dear children, if we go to
10:34Ask about the patient's health
10:36We should know his manners
10:38To make Allah happy
10:40We should ask about his well being
10:42We should not sit near the patient
10:44For too long
10:46We should not say anything
10:48That will trouble the patient
10:50And yes, we should talk good things
