Concerning Violence - Documentary

  • 2 days ago
Concerning Violence is a bold and fresh visual narrative from Africa based on archive material from Swedish documentaries 1966-1987 covering the most daring moments in the struggle for liberation from colonial rule. This powerful footage is combined with text from Frantz Fanon’s landmark book The Wretched of the Earth – written in 1960 and still a major tool for understanding and illuminating the neocolonialism happening today, as well as the unrest and the reactions against it.

“Colonialism is not a thinking machine, nor a body endowed with reasoning faculties. It is violence in its natural state, and it will only yield when confronted with greater violence.”

“Come comrades, the European game is finally over; we must look for something else. We can do anything today provided we do not ape Europe, provided we are not obsessed with catching up with Europe. Europe has gained such a mad and reckless momentum that it has lost control and reason and is heading at dizzying speed towards the brink from which we would be advised to remove ourselves as quickly as possible.”

-Frantz Fanon


00:00:30Are we in the red?
00:00:41France Fanon was born on the Caribbean island of Martinique in 1925 and grew up a gentleman of the French Empire
00:00:50He realized when he came from the island of Martinique to the mainland of France in Europe
00:00:57through involvement in the French army elsewhere
00:01:00that his class privilege
00:01:03Among his own black people did not mean anything in the country of the colonizing masters
00:01:09He was nothing but a black man
00:01:12In a famous chapter in his book black skin white masks rejected as a dissertation by a French University
00:01:20He mentions his shock when a white French child cries out to her mother
00:01:25Mama see the Negro
00:01:27But Fanon moves from just this shock into an attempt to understand
00:01:33colonization all over the world
00:01:35In this very book in the last chapter
00:01:38he walks us through a reading of the European philosopher Hegel's famous chapter on master and slave and
00:01:46turns it to his own use as
00:01:49We watch the film today
00:01:51Concerning violence
00:01:53We remember this in the freedom fighters invocation of the named states of Mozambique and Angola
00:02:00borders established by the imperialists
00:02:04Fanon's lesson was that you use what the masters have developed and turn it around in
00:02:10The interests of those who have been enslaved or colonized in this
00:02:16He is with great leaders like W. E. B. Du Bois and Nelson Mandela
00:02:21Fanon did not stop at thinking
00:02:24Colonization, but wanted to do something about it
00:02:27He gave his time and skill to the healing of those who suffered from violence
00:02:34the French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre
00:02:37himself a strong
00:02:39Anticolonialist among the colonizers read the book Fanon wrote in the last 10 weeks of his life
00:02:45Knowing that he was marked for death by acute leukemia
00:02:49Even as he was being hounded by the colonizing government of France
00:02:53Sartre read it as an endorsement of violence itself
00:02:57Not reading between the lines where Fanon insists that the tragedy is that the very poor is
00:03:05Reduced to violence because there is no other response
00:03:09Possible to an absolute absence of response and an absolute
00:03:14exercise of legitimized violence from the colonizers
00:03:18Those lives count as nothing against the death of the colonizers
00:03:23unacknowledged Hiroshima's over against
00:03:26Sentimentalized 9-elevens. It is within the context of the aftermath of colonialism
00:03:31That Fanon could not know that the tragedy of what we watch in this film must be carefully considered
00:03:38This is a teaching text. I
00:03:41Add a word on gender
00:03:43This film also reminds us that although liberation struggles force women into an apparent equality
00:03:51sharing and starting with the 19th century or even earlier
00:03:56when the dust settles
00:03:58The so-called post-colonial nation goes back to the invisible long-term stretch of structures of gendering
00:04:06The most moving shot of this film is the black Venus
00:04:10Reminding us of the Venus of Milo with her arm gone and also black Madonna suckling a child with bare breasts
00:04:17This icon must remind us all that the endorsement of rape
00:04:22continues not only in war but also
00:04:26Irrespective of developing and developed nations in women fighting in legitimized armies
00:04:32Colonizer and colonized are united in the violence of gendering which often celebrates motherhood with genuine pathos
00:04:41Here we have to promote our brother Fano into a changed mindset
00:04:45But he who would have been in his 80s today is not there for us
00:04:50here now is our film a
00:04:53tribute to and an illustration of once funnels wretched of the earth I
00:04:58Ended in funnels own way
00:05:01Turning around for our own use what a European philosopher wrote for the use of Europe over 200 years ago
00:05:09Turning can't around for our purposes as he did Hegel and I quote
00:05:14Anything which the people that is the entire mass of subjects cannot decide for themselves and their fellows
00:05:22Cannot be decided for the people by the sovereign either
00:05:26The people under colonization have had no practice of freedom you cannot decide without practice
00:05:32The ones you see on the screen are a small part of the people the poorest of the poor
00:05:38mobilized into violence by sovereign leaders cannon fodder
00:05:42This practice goes in all armies all resistance movements in the name of nation and religion
00:05:50Here for no would have been useful today
00:05:53But we must ourselves gender the people our brothers can't and funnel are not useful here
00:05:58I thank you're an awesome for setting us these tasks
00:07:41Colonialism is not a thinking machine
00:07:44nor body endowed with reasoning faculties
00:07:47It is violence in its natural state
00:07:50And it will only yield when confronted with greater violence
00:08:53National liberation
00:08:55national renaissance
00:08:57the restoration of nationhood to the people
00:09:00Whatever may be the headings used or the new formulas introduced
00:09:05Decolonization is always a violent phenomenon
00:09:10Decolonization is a historical process
00:09:13It cannot be understood it cannot become clear to itself
00:09:18Except by the movements which give it historical form and content
00:09:24Decolonization which sets out to change the order of the world is obviously a program of complete disorder
00:09:32But it cannot come as a result of magical practices nor of a natural shock nor of a friendly understanding
00:09:48In the night of the 23rd of May I
00:09:54Was taken by impeller into Cabinda near the Congo border and their preparations were being made for this
00:10:02military operation
00:10:04Cabinda contains one of the world's largest oil deposits larger than Kuwait
00:10:10Well, they carried more than 40 up to 50 kilos each because they had to carry their own ammunition
00:10:16plus the ammunition for the 20 bazookas in the force
00:10:20They walk very swiftly anyway using mainly tennis shoes or light rubber shoes
00:10:32These several days of March
00:10:35We finally came close to the Portuguese base and camped in the forest within about two and a half kilometers of the base
00:10:48They reconnaissance commander Max
00:10:50Explained the situation of the base and how the attack was we carried out
00:11:04Start working for an ocean
00:11:08We moved from the camp about three o'clock in the morning and
00:11:13everything was done with great calm and
00:11:16absolute silence and
00:11:18As soon as it became light enough just to barely see the order was given to open fire
00:11:32Only fired back for a couple of minutes with machine guns
00:11:37After that there was no reaction on their part anymore
00:11:42Very soon many buildings in the base started burning and
00:11:47There was a big explosion of an ammunition depot
00:11:54When the attack was stopped a small group of MPLA came out of the base with a jeep
00:12:04If I've ever seen a guerrilla movement that is like the fish in the water well, that's that's MPLA can be there
00:12:12I've seen it
00:12:22Do not turn any society however primitive it may be
00:12:26upside down with such a program if you have not decided from the very beginning to
00:12:31Overcome all the obstacles that you will come across in so doing
00:12:36the native who decides to put the program into practice and to become its moving force is
00:12:43Ready for violence at all times
00:12:53From birth it is clear to him that this narrow world
00:12:58strewn with prohibitions
00:13:00Can only be called in question?
00:13:03by absolute violence
00:13:10Decolonization is the meeting of two forces
00:13:12Opposed to each other by their very nature
00:13:15Their first encounter was marked by violence and their existence together
00:13:20That is to say the exploitation of the native by the settler
00:13:24Was carried on by the impact of a great array of bayonets and cannons
00:13:34In decolonization there is therefore the need of a complete calling into question of the colonial situation
00:13:43If we wish to describe it precisely we might find it in the well-known words
00:13:49The last shall be first and the first last
00:13:55Decolonization is the putting into practice of this sentence
00:13:58That is why at a descriptive level all decolonization is successful
00:14:09The naked truth of decolonization evokes for us the searing bullets and blood-stained knives which emanate from it
00:14:18For if the last shall be first
00:14:20This will only come to pass after a murderous and decisive struggle between the two protagonists
00:14:27That affirmed intention to place the last at the head of things can only triumph if we use all means to turn the scale
00:14:36including of course
00:14:39that of violence
00:14:56It was about 11 o'clock I had a rough knock on the door
00:15:02And I said who is there and they shouted police
00:15:06So I dressed up
00:15:09It went
00:15:10Went with the police to their police cells. They told my wife that I would be back in a short period of time
00:15:17How long were you in prison? I was in prison approximately for
00:15:23Five years
00:15:25Would you tell me how it affects you?
00:15:30Well when I was in detention
00:15:34The feelings I
00:15:36Had and my colleagues did have I
00:15:41Looked at for instance the history of black people
00:15:44from the days of slavery I
00:15:47find that well, I found that
00:15:50Suffered they suffered at the hands of white people
00:15:54Then I looked at
00:15:56the days of colonialism I
00:15:58Also found that the black man was again
00:16:02At the bottom of everything was under oppression
00:16:06from the white man
00:16:08Then I looked at
00:16:10America and Britain in America. I still found that despite the emancipation
00:16:16The black man was still at the bottom of everything is a situated object
00:16:23And then we find we looked at South Africa and Rhodesia. We found that these were countries with institutionalized
00:16:33Where again the black person is at the bottom of everything
00:16:38Undergoes torture is something less than human is an object if you don't tell them what they want
00:16:46You then go to
00:16:49but the other system of
00:16:51Torture is that they can tie you to your legs a tree your hands to a car and pull they say if you don't
00:16:58tell us
00:17:00Who did what or what you did we are going to pull you apart and of course they pull
00:17:06Some some people have died as a result of torture
00:17:10What did you feel when you came out of prison? I I didn't I had grown in any way to be indifferent
00:17:20Torture and a gun for the last five years made me
00:17:25Less and less feeling about things, you know, just take life as it comes
00:17:29So even when I came out, there was no great excitement on my part and I still felt that I was still in prison
00:17:46Since the wagon wheels rode north it has been many years
00:17:52The country has been built and run by hardy pioneers
00:17:58They fought the mad appealing and many a hardship to
00:18:04The flag and furl will tell the world and sing the song to you
00:18:10And you can call us rebels and you can call us rogues
00:18:16We were founded by an Englishman by the name of Cecil
00:18:32Thank you Timothy, but you didn't open that one you stupid thing, but don't worry
00:18:38We'll open to ourselves
00:18:40During the line
00:18:42Did you always believe that one day you would leave Rhodesia?
00:18:47Never ever now. I was one of the guys and I stay here and switch off the lights and I'm told yeah, I
00:18:53I was gonna switch off the lights and then close the gates and say right Rhodesia
00:18:58Yeah, well and then burn as we go back
00:19:01and it didn't happen I was gonna switch off the lights and I'm Tony but
00:19:06things happening so fast at the moment, it's just
00:19:10I've got nothing. I haven't got that much time anymore
00:19:14You're going and leaving the lights on that's right. Somebody else left to switch them off
00:19:18Why don't you stay and take the gamble take the risk
00:19:21Pete there is no risk. I mean there is no gamble. He's a risk, but there's no gamble. The gamble is all in it
00:19:28The gooks got it
00:19:30The who the gooks it is
00:19:33They were world the whole world is supporting the terrorists
00:19:37Has the attitude of Africans changed as a result of what is currently happening? Yes
00:19:43Yes in what way?
00:19:47got a staff or the company I work with who's got a staff of that eight eight Africans and
00:19:54They all think they're gonna own houses
00:19:59I've never seen so many Africans driving learning to drive motorcars is what I have
00:20:04Lately because anyone of them think they're gonna get a motor car
00:20:07a little garden
00:20:10We call him a garden boy
00:20:12Was washing my mother-in-law's car and
00:20:17He said to her he says well next year that's gonna be my car
00:20:22So my mother went to my mother-in-law went to me. She said well you see this box of matches was lighter
00:20:27I'll burn it before I give it to you
00:20:30So that's the attitude of the African is it's changed completely
00:20:33Gracious. Yeah at the moment. I think we are about 34 to 1
00:20:38Maybe a bit more with everybody taking a gap like me
00:20:43And so that we go at the moment. I think it's about
00:20:46Four to one I think by four to one
00:20:49So you could stand a chance does that make you feel happier?
00:20:53Well, I could take out four F's before they take me out
00:20:57But you couldn't 36
00:20:59No way
00:21:17Colonial world is a world cut in two
00:21:21The dividing line the frontiers are shown by barracks and police stations
00:21:27The colonies it is the policeman and the soldier who are the official instituted go-betweens
00:21:34the spokesman of the settler and his rule of oppression
00:21:38The intermediary does not lighten the oppression but puts it into practice with the clear conscience upholder of the peace
00:21:47Yet he is the bringer of violence into the home and into the mind of the native
00:21:56The zone where the natives live is not complementary to the zone inhabited by the settlers
00:22:02The two zones are opposed
00:22:04But not in the service of a higher unity
00:22:09Should you come under attack go through
00:22:13Unless you're very well back and you can see the context well ahead. Is the road very dangerous?
00:22:26The settlers town is a strongly built town all made of stone and steel
00:22:32It is a brightly lit town the streets are covered with asphalt garbage cans swallow all the leavings
00:22:40unknown and hardly thought about
00:22:44The settlers feet are never visible
00:22:46His feet are protected by strong shoes
00:22:49Although the streets of his town are clean and even with no holes or stones
00:23:03Town belonging to the colonized people
00:23:06The shantytown the Negro village the Medina the reservation is a place of ill fame
00:23:15peopled by men of evil repute
00:23:17They are born there
00:23:19It matters little where or how they die there. It matters not where nor how
00:23:28It is a world without spaciousness
00:23:31Men live there on top of each other and their huts are built one on top of the other
00:23:38The native town is a hungry town
00:23:41starved of bread of meat of shoes of coal of light
00:23:48The native town is a crouching village a
00:23:52Town on its knees a town wallowing in the mire
00:23:56It is a town of niggers and dirty Arabs
00:24:05Look the native turns on the settlers town is a look of lust a look of envy
00:24:11It expresses his dreams of possession all manner of possession
00:24:17To sit at the settlers table to sleep in the settlers bed with his wife if possible
00:24:26The colonized man is an envious man
00:24:33This the settler knows very well
00:24:37When their glances meet he ascertains bitterly always on the defensive
00:24:43They want to take our place
00:24:46It is true
00:24:47For there is no native who does not dream at least once a day of setting himself up in the settlers place
00:24:54What is your general attitude towards the white minority if they remain in the country
00:25:01We accept them every white man would like to remain in the country
00:25:05It's free to do so provided he accepts the system that will have been established the new government of course we must accept
00:25:13That his privileges based on color have gone
00:25:19Overly we will not
00:25:22perpetuate the system where people are
00:25:27Communally on the basis of race or color
00:25:31We want an integrated system
00:25:33where people are
00:25:37Communally on the basis of race or color
00:25:40We want an integrated system where people are
00:25:45We want an integrated society. We're not the color of a person counts, but the skills that is able
00:25:53To show and the contribution he's got he's prepared to make just the development of the country
00:26:15July 27 1966 your employment has now
00:26:19Conceded to exist and you have to leave the company house
00:26:24You are complying and the occasions area has from July the 28th
00:26:32The company will provide transportation to the boundary of the concession area from you
00:26:39Never mind, I'll get a copy you get a copy. That's all right. I take this one to a panel apartment
00:26:44No, there's no assignment here. They won't tell me say sign here, man. I'm not
00:26:48Listen, let me let me tell you something. I was about to go to work. You understand now. I have to get a something
00:26:54You know, I'm a some kind of information from mr. Gooden
00:26:57No, no, it's no more. There's no information now you sign for this copy or you leave it
00:27:23Torsdagen then to a first a Julie you're
00:27:26Antigone a money I bet stock men sold out their poster at the head dog and we are a bit spatser
00:27:31Arbitrarily can air it
00:27:32Liberian Anna in Imba got a strike
00:27:35We monger or for an e-fax reading in Bidlam co
00:27:39Thanks, lad. Oh, I'm clogged for a tough relic that part who's in Liberian or a demonstrator for hunger lunar
00:27:44And straight simple for Han for Clara's ologic
00:27:47Avak tande sit ode you can pre-mess in Imba
00:27:51Their first fuck reading slid on a till them bent on the bill and of Lamco leading in
00:27:55Or a present under for Liberia's rearing verse talisman read an inferred and stray kind of many hidden to channel yet resounds more
00:28:03The Beruk the defendants at Bell Jella ocean some London's first a torture and stunt what if on the sell on a little drink is not another window
00:28:18Leading an innovative reading in Harlem
00:28:23But that's a poet so we took your heel to answer it illegal set the fiends in
00:28:28Fuck reading slug or an N log some best emmer spell regna Mellon
00:28:34Mellon are besieged our Arbets tagar, or then her hands Brutus
00:28:39Look I'm sure Pomona moron. We're all to find a look
00:28:43Arbeta najik till Möti fuck reading slow Colin is still a fertile arbutus
00:28:49Monda for me that I'm lender start for Sanad military for starting from Monrovia
00:28:54And but I don't be over 300 a man's I'm lost you can fetch in Savannah Mason if their upstanding ladders miscarred ammunition
00:29:01You want to tell me?
00:29:03If the workers in citizens strike or something like that. Do you think the government is going to use a Monday?
00:29:11Why are the soldiers here all the soldiers here? Maybe on Lanka's claim on Blanco's desire?
00:29:18But there is no threat now. No word of violence ever been used to anybody
00:29:23I'm the strike just organized from the workers themselves
00:29:27Which were tired and fed up of the langos management and wouldn't pay them the money they decide to strike
00:29:34Allah, Jenner till who put them evacuating down there, Po
00:29:37Endo for Arbeta Bussana with a tobacco nest on Toma or fuck reading for Colin for only a military
00:29:43Hindranora fear Merton with the strength and
00:29:47I wrote them a letter and told them that they had violated the
00:29:52Violating the laws of the country
00:29:54And they could not strike except their first
00:29:57Submitted grievances if they had in the grievances, they should submit them first to management keep with law
00:30:03And if they could not agree then refer the matter to government, but they persisted I would not go back to work
00:30:12I then ordered
00:30:14the place to be policed
00:30:17So that to prevent violence
00:30:20Well, my orders were to the extent to break the mob or whatever existed by all costs and
00:30:26of course if it had become necessary to
00:30:30resort to
00:30:35My orders were to fire all those people's heads originally and then wound a few people
00:30:41In the attempt to burst it break the crowd
00:30:45It's open
00:30:46The lamp co-leading and in the bar dog and in this reckoning straighten villain to tell sleuth
00:30:51Oh my stood in for risk and I think us of shed a sturdy dealer of Arbets durga
00:30:57The vis-a-vis say that they were
00:30:59Endless then she feint present some stand up
00:31:03We had a trot that a much sturdier
00:31:06And a lot of it and I scullocoma to the Arbete, but they your room also in
00:31:18In Vecca har got sedan streaking bread you
00:31:22Look on super Morgan and a de la clara Arbetan har got debacle
00:31:27Water store for Lamco at America's traffic
00:31:3030 ups a means brave skadilla suit
00:31:33Motaga ready Liberian ska arbetare some red and stem plots some troublemakers heller up Viglare
00:31:40There's a threat your troublemakers up sookers put or talks Morgan is in a hand when you have them in Hema even they had to go to
00:31:46Baka to see an Arbets skatse
00:31:50Of course my children didn't realize anything I told her I said children I tell you one thing this is now your home
00:32:05Robert Jackson under the bar for another bleep of shred that my Vista has never fished if certain logic is
00:32:13Swarovska, yeah, we didn't
00:32:15when I am
00:32:16There was an enemy
00:32:18And well, you took the pokey. Oh, how does that get frantic and purchase on telephone telephone man?
00:32:25Oh shock until I can't sloot at the
00:32:33Night if any teeth in there have a hammer well, if you took
00:32:37Honey, I will then you don't mean a poker some some hard to take let's best
00:32:46Okay, I'll let it sense. I'll buy a bit to do or repair era
00:33:04Put my things in
00:33:06My family and put everything in the truck with my boys myself
00:33:15You I don't want to go of us from this place
00:33:40If there ain't a mess fad you know motion for Skakiga vagar when I'm entering a new time for Lambo's område
00:33:46three and a half meet both from Nimba
00:33:49Rating speed on a yield and a non-issue to traffic
00:33:55Even the how the driver was driving. I even advising
00:34:00Say there's a woman with us here
00:34:02My brother-in-law's wife is in the car. She wasn't pregnant. I said take time
00:34:08Stay the drop. We don't hear me
00:34:11Well, if anything happened, okay
00:34:17Beauty person standard last either Robert Jackson's femmoliga chance for dumbo you definitely
00:34:44The author store endless in the time we took the reason heat
00:34:48I made in Tiga's at military transport here at me not he'll hurry hater or mean family you can ask God or other only cool up stop Robert Jackson
00:35:12Soldado had you see the murkier Robert Jackson or Hans family Laura's a boy again, huh?
00:35:37When you examine at close quarters the colonial context
00:35:41It is evident that what defines one's place in the world
00:35:45Is the fact of belonging to or not belonging to a given race a given species
00:35:53In the colonies the economic substructure is also a superstructure
00:36:00The cause is the consequence you are rich because you are white you are white because you are rich
00:36:32Native society is not simply described as a society lacking in values
00:36:38The native is declared insensible to ethics
00:36:41He represents not only the absence of values but also the negation of values
00:36:50All values in fact are irrevocably poisoned and diseased as soon as they are allowed in contact
00:36:58with the colonized race
00:37:00the customs of the colonized people their traditions their myths
00:37:05Above all their myths are the very sign of that poverty of spirit
00:37:28As soon as the native begins to cause anxiety to the settler
00:37:32He is handed over to well-meaning souls who point out to him the wealth of Western values I
00:37:39Speak of the Christian religion and no one need be astonished
00:37:43The church in the colonies is the white people's church the foreigners church
00:37:50She does not call the native to God's ways
00:37:52but to the ways of the white man of the master of the oppressor and
00:37:58As we know in this matter many are called but few chosen
00:38:20The lingerie war it
00:38:22Had a Tanzania and sent them the tool it is ember
00:38:28So that was going to be interesting to hear it was a friend that said from from the first time
00:38:37The stuff that I mean
00:38:42After the baby free start
00:38:48You know the first time how many shouldn't for and that's what I said inventive
00:38:57Said to me cut it off. I need shelter and rats. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I'm second after so monga. Oh, yeah
00:39:12I'm severe. Can't say that I don't love that boy. Thank it doesn't you and sucks to my commute. I think
00:39:18man, can't you see a little better?
00:39:23Mm-hmm. How do you for sure that end up for many for you? I will buy it and they love it up gift. Yeah
00:39:30They are clark. I have you ever for sex for that. We are you to me for this chance to post a set of you for sure
00:39:39If first I handle your religious a frog and I told you what funds to for religion here in any concrete it is no one some
00:39:47I mean to take it again. Go check us out. Yeah
00:39:51And an African scarily you know
00:39:56When I pick on scarily you know the
00:40:03Scammer say
00:40:05then have a lot of fun. It's so then what's that? We're finished. They're clark, man
00:40:12Mission in store to it and I hate what it well it bra grip over
00:40:17Hullshell yeah, yeah, man
00:40:19They must you are in the booth store a friend thing out for more of all to exemple. Let's get a family organization and the polygamy
00:40:29Yeah, we some
00:40:32mission we
00:40:34You did you at the family's me Lamma's come here and in history to the temple they you think part for in
00:40:41some till here in
00:40:43Kings for something here you did at Kuna
00:40:46Gifts that say in Andra let's say you go then don't for fun. No. Yes, I miss in first offer you
00:40:52It is a clean in
00:40:54Kristen's in Punta Lerner or pace in business study people for monogamy
00:41:07They are doing
00:41:12Mr.. Nia testament, it's
00:41:15It's a long time
00:41:19Till example the store the store at in
00:41:22in for some things
00:41:25Don't worry. It's got a man's
00:41:28in hustles man, that's all
00:41:35I'm a beginner in Kyrka Harry Morshi
00:41:38Yeah, I see
00:41:40It is in common first such a church can evangelize a ring and that brukar. We push a cow
00:41:47Come in yet, also big a school or a shoot you saw some tell their vets
00:41:51We interested in first I believe it for bleeds and the hand is a file
00:41:56I'm first in Kyrka. Oh, yeah, they channel be very stupid
00:42:10The colonial context
00:42:12The settler ends his work of breaking in the native
00:42:15When the latter admits loudly and intelligibly the supremacy of white man's values
00:42:23For colonized people the most essential value because the most concrete is first and foremost the land
00:42:31The land which will bring them bread and above all dignity
00:42:38But this dignity is nothing to do with the dignity of the human individual
00:42:43For that human individual has never heard tell of it
00:42:48All that the native has seen in his country is that they can freely arrest him beat him
00:42:54Starve him and no professor of ethics
00:42:57Professor of ethics no priest has ever come to be beaten in his place nor to share his bread with him
00:43:09The well-known principle that all men are equal
00:43:12Will be illustrated in the colonies from the moment the native claims that he is the equal of the settler
00:43:27The native intellectual had learned from his masters that the individual ought to express himself fully
00:43:34The colonialist bourgeoisie had hammered into the natives mind the essential qualities of the West
00:43:41the idea of a society of individuals
00:43:44where each person shuts himself up in his own subjectivity a
00:43:49Society whose only asset is individual thought
00:45:04The colonized man will first manifest this aggressiveness which has been deposited in his bones against his own people
00:45:13This is the period when the niggers beat each other up and
00:45:17The police and magistrates do not know which way to turn
00:45:21when faced with the astonishing waves of crime
00:45:33These patterns of conduct are those of the death reflects when faced with danger a
00:45:41Suicidal behavior which proves to the settler that these men are not reasonable human beings
00:45:58The oppressor starts the process of domination of exploitation and of robbery
00:46:06In the other sphere the coil plundered creature, which is the native
00:46:11Provides fuel for the process as best he can
00:46:15The process moves uninterruptedly from the banks of the colonial territory to the palaces and the docks of the mother country
00:46:27In this be calm zone the sea has a smooth surface
00:46:32The palm tree stirs gently in the breeze
00:46:35The waves lap against the pebbles and raw materials are ceaselessly transported
00:46:41justifying the presence of the settler
00:46:58There's no way or place for me to go this is my home
00:47:04And this is where I intend to die
00:47:08The settler makes history
00:47:11His life is an epic an odyssey
00:47:15He is the absolute beginning
00:47:17This land was created by us
00:47:20He is the unceasing cause if we leave all is lost and the country will go back to the Middle Ages
00:47:30All the while the native bent double more dead than alive
00:47:35exists interminably in an unchanging dream
00:47:45The native is boxed into a corner
00:47:48Apartheid is simply one form of the division into compartments of the colonial world
00:47:56The first thing which the native learns is to stay in his place and to not go beyond certain limits
00:48:03This is why the dreams of the native are always of muscular prowess
00:48:08His dreams are of action and of aggression. I
00:48:12Dream I'm jumping swimming running climbing
00:48:15I dream that I burst out laughing that I span a river in one stride
00:48:20Or that I'm followed by a flood of motor cars, which never catch up with me
00:48:26During the period of colonization the native never stops achieving his freedom from 9 in the evening until 6 in the morning
00:49:41They are young
00:50:11of Eastern Central African leaders.
00:50:13Taxpayers in Black Africa can expect to see more money being poured into the pockets of
00:50:18traitor-loving terrorists living outside the borders of South Africa.
00:50:21Mozambican people, in September of 1962, the Congress of the Mozambique Liberation Front,
00:50:28POLIMO, affirmed unanimously the will and determination of the Mozambican people
00:50:33to fight for national independence.
00:50:35For the wealth of our country and the work of the Mozambican people
00:50:39continue to be exploited by the Portuguese colonialists and their imperialist allies.
00:50:45Our people are murdered for participating in the struggle for the liberation of our country.
00:50:51The prisons are full of patriots, and those who are still free
00:50:56live in uncertainty of what the next day will bring.
00:51:00Faced with this situation, POLIMO is left with no alternative
00:51:04but to conclude that any struggle is the only way for the Mozambican people to achieve their sacred rights.
00:51:11We shall win! Long live POLIMO! Long live Mozambique! Long live Africa!
00:51:34When I was a child, I used to drink water from a well.
00:51:44I was born in Kenya and I was born in Mozambique.
00:51:49I was born in Kenya and I was born in Mozambique.
00:51:54I was born in Kenya and I was born in Mozambique.
00:51:59I was born in Kenya and I was born in Mozambique.
00:52:04I was born in Kenya and I was born in Mozambique.
00:52:30We see that the enemy has recently intensified its psychological attack on our people.
00:52:38This psychological attack is basically the massive use of the bombing planes
00:52:48that were offered to them by NATO countries,
00:52:53specifically the Fiat G91 jet planes,
00:53:00which almost constantly terrorize our people
00:53:06and launch many bombs in the palm of their hands,
00:53:10which have caused many injuries to the population.
00:53:23In this war, FRELIMO's guerrilla army does not have any planes,
00:53:29and the Portuguese control the airspace.
00:53:33There, the colonial army can always occupy smaller areas within the liberated zones.
00:53:40The Portuguese can concentrate their artillery and troops at any point they want.
00:53:48The Portuguese can concentrate their artillery and troops at any point they want.
00:53:53But for the last three years, the Portuguese soldiers have been able to enter the liberated areas exclusively by helicopter.
00:54:00When they have left their helicopters and had to operate on foot in the jungle and the snow,
00:54:06they are handed over to the guerrilla army,
00:54:10and they can hardly stay more than a couple of weeks before they are killed by artillery fire.
00:54:16and they can hardly stay more than a couple of weeks before they are killed by artillery fire.
00:54:24The Portuguese say that they are trying to destroy as much as possible of the slaughtered cattle in order to sweep out the guerrillas.
00:54:32They terrorize the local population by attacking the liberated areas,
00:54:36so that the people there will get the feeling that FRELIMO cannot protect them.
00:54:41They destroy as much as possible of what the population in the liberated areas has built up.
00:54:47This means that every school, every hospital, every orphanage in the liberated areas is a military target for the Portuguese colonial power.
00:55:17When we go to school, we don't stay in the village.
00:55:23We don't go to the colonies.
00:55:26We don't go to the colonies.
00:55:29We don't go to the colonies.
00:55:32We don't go to the colonies.
00:55:35We don't go to the colonies.
00:55:38We don't go to the colonies.
00:55:41We don't go to the colonies.
00:55:44We don't go to the colonies.
00:55:47We don't go to the colonies.
00:55:50We don't go to the colonies.
00:55:53We don't go to the colonies.
00:55:56We don't go to the colonies.
00:55:59We don't go to the colonies.
00:56:02We don't go to the colonies.
00:56:05We don't go to the colonies.
00:56:08We don't go to the colonies.
00:56:11We don't go to the colonies.
00:56:14We don't go to the colonies.
00:56:17We don't go to the colonies.
00:56:20We don't go to the colonies.
00:56:23We don't go to the colonies.
00:56:26We don't go to the colonies.
00:56:29We don't go to the colonies.
00:56:32We don't go to the colonies.
00:56:35This group, who wants to continue?
00:56:38The leader should give their message.
00:56:41The leader should give their message.
00:56:44The leader should give their message.
00:56:47emotion, different.
00:56:50And we give it.
00:56:53And we give it.
00:56:56Why don't we be united?
00:56:59Why don't we be united?
00:57:02I want to go back to my homeland
00:57:09I want to go back to my homeland
00:57:15My name is Mesumão Elias.
00:57:17I am in Frelimo.
00:57:20As a member of Frelimo, I want to help the Mozambicans.
00:57:25I also belong to Mozambique.
00:57:29I was born and raised in Mozambique.
00:57:32I saw that it was better to serve my people.
00:57:35I am in Frelimo to serve my people.
00:57:38I am in medicine, practicing medicine.
00:57:42I want to have ideas to direct health services
00:57:47to help the Mozambican people.
00:57:55When will Mozambique be free?
00:57:58We don't know when Mozambique will be free.
00:58:02We don't know when Mozambique will be free.
00:58:08Will it last long?
00:58:11It may last long or not.
00:58:14It's hard to say because we don't know.
00:58:28The immobility to which the native is condemned
00:58:37can only be called into question
00:58:40if the native decides to put an end
00:58:43to the history of colonization,
00:58:46the history of robbery,
00:58:49and to bring into existence
00:58:51the history of the nation,
00:58:55the history of decolonization.
00:59:05It is clear that in the colonial countries
00:59:08the peasants alone are revolutionary,
00:59:11for they have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
00:59:15The starving peasant outside the class system
00:59:18is the first among the exploited
00:59:20to discover that only violence pays.
00:59:25For him, there is no compromise,
00:59:28no possible coming to terms.
00:59:30Colonization or decolonization
00:59:32is simply a question of relative strength.
00:59:37The exploited man sees that his liberation
00:59:40implies the use of all means
00:59:43and that of force first and foremost.
00:59:50It's hard to believe that the colonization
00:59:55is the result of the harsh reality
00:59:59that we live in.
01:00:02We are the only ones left.
01:00:06We have no other choice.
01:00:09We have no other place to go.
01:00:12We are the only ones left.
01:00:15We are the only ones left.
01:00:18I'm not a banker. I'm just a nurse.
01:00:48I'm a woman.
01:00:50I'm from Banda.
01:00:52Where do you come from?
01:00:54I'm from Kathmandu.
01:00:56Where do you live?
01:01:00I live in Sam Bar.
01:01:02Where do you work?
01:01:04In a mart.
01:01:10I also have a spring.
01:01:12If you don't give me a spring,
01:01:14I'm in the middle of a fight.
01:01:16This is not a joke.
01:01:44In the middle of a fight?
01:03:55These are my
01:03:59You know
01:04:04These are my
01:04:08You know
01:04:13These are my
01:04:17You know
01:04:22You can buy a
01:04:30Book and our leader
01:04:35But I mean your party
01:04:48Was a voice do not
01:04:53Know the other julgamento
01:04:57The dirat the Omar
01:05:02He did I didn't
01:05:07Cancel straight over
01:05:11Yeah, okay, no robo
01:05:51La situacion politica
01:05:54and in a
01:05:56a semblable
01:05:58I'll sell these old
01:06:05The population
01:06:08Don't let a grand majority
01:06:11So don't have film decision
01:06:19integrity the Lord
01:06:22Politic donation Portuguese
01:06:33Colonized man finds his freedom in and through violence
01:06:39Violence enlightens because it indicates to the means and the end
01:06:45At the level of individuals
01:06:47violence is a cleansing force
01:06:50It frees the colonized man from his inferiority complex
01:06:54makes him fearless and
01:06:57restores his self-respect
01:07:11The mass of the people struggle against the same poverty
01:07:15Flounder about making the same gestures and with their shrunken bellies
01:07:20Outline what has been called the geography of hunger
01:07:28Is an underdeveloped world a
01:07:31world inhuman in its poverty
01:07:33But also it is a world without doctors without engineers and without administrators
01:07:42If you wish for independence take it and starve and go back to the Middle Ages
01:07:55The colonization never takes place unnoticed
01:07:59Ford influences individuals and modifies them fundamentally
01:08:05It brings a natural rhythm into existence
01:08:09Introduced by new men and with it a new language and a new humanity
01:08:25Very good
01:08:28Go see go see very good
01:08:32Come on
01:08:34Look at me
01:08:51So as our desire que la fric n'existe pas sans les européens
01:08:57Nous nous considérons que notre indépendance nous permettra de
01:09:03Développer notre propre culture nous développer nous-mêmes et de développer nos pays en
01:09:10délivrant le peuple de la misère de souffrance de l'ignorance
01:09:16Parce que vous savez que les états où nous nous trouvons après cinq siècles de présence portugaise chez nous
01:09:23Nous sommes prêts à n'importe quel moment à négocier c'est au portugais de dire quelque chose
01:09:27Et comme nous parlons la même langue c'est pas difficile de s'entendre
01:09:29Capitalism in its early days saw in the colonies a source of raw materials
01:09:55Capitalism in its early days
01:09:57Saw in the colonies a source of raw materials which once turned into manufactured goods could be distributed on the European market
01:10:07After a phase of accumulation of capital
01:10:10Capitalism has today come to modify its conception of the profit-earning capacity of a commercial enterprise a
01:10:18Blind domination founded on slavery is not economically speaking worthwhile
01:10:25Colonies have become a market
01:10:28Today the colonized countries national struggle crops up in a completely new international situation
01:10:38What the factory owners and finance magnets of the mother country expect from their government is
01:10:43Not that it should decimate the colonial peoples, but that it should safeguard their own
01:10:49legitimate interests
01:10:53The private companies put pressure on their own governments at least to set up military bases for the purpose of assuring protection of their interests
01:11:03Thus there exists a sort of detached complicity between capitalism and the violent forces which blaze up in a colonial territory
01:11:13For centuries the capitalists have behaved in the underdeveloped world like nothing more than war criminals
01:11:23Massacres forced labor and slavery have been the main methods used by capitalism to increase its wealth
01:11:30It's gold to dive in reserves and to establish its power
01:11:37Not long ago
01:11:39Nazism transformed the whole of Europe into a veritable colony
01:11:43The governments of European nations called for reparations and demanded wealth which had been stolen from them
01:11:50Cultural treasures pictures sculptures and stained glass have been given back to their owners
01:11:57The wealth of the imperial countries is our wealth, too
01:12:04Europe has stuffed herself excessively with the gold and raw materials of the colonial countries
01:12:11Latin America China and Africa
01:12:15From all these continents under whose eyes Europe today
01:12:19Raises up her tower of wealth there is flowed out for centuries towards that same Europe
01:12:25diamonds and oil silk and cotton wood and exotic products
01:12:31Europe is literally the creation of the third world
01:12:35The wealth which smothers her is that which was stolen from the underdeveloped peoples
01:12:44The well-being and the progress of Europe have been built up
01:12:48With the sweat and the dead bodies of Negroes Arabs Indians and the Asian races
01:12:56We have decided not to overlook this any longer
01:12:59They will not manage to divide the progressive forces which mean to lead mankind toward happiness
01:13:05By brandishing the threat of a third world, which is rising like the tide to swallow up all Europe
01:13:13The third world does not mean to organize a great crusade of hunger
01:13:17Against the whole of Europe
01:13:19It means to divide the progressive forces which mean to lead mankind towards happiness
01:13:24The third world does not mean to organize a great crusade of hunger against the whole of Europe
01:13:31What it expects from those
01:13:33Who for centuries have kept it in slavery?
01:13:36Is that they will help it to rehabilitate mankind and make humanity victorious everywhere?
01:13:43once and for all
01:13:54The third world does not mean to organize a great crusade of hunger against the whole of Europe
01:14:13What does democracy mean to you?
01:14:16I believe in the people
01:14:18The people
01:14:21I believe in a force, a power
01:14:25The one who knows how to speak to the people, the one who knows how to have the confidence of the people, can succeed
01:14:33No, speak to the heart of the people
01:14:37Make the people feel these ideas
01:14:40The external financing
01:14:42Does not have to appear as a miracle solution to all our economic problems
01:14:47Yes, we need external financing, but we must first start by working on ourselves
01:14:52If we do not work
01:14:55Solutions like those of the IMF appear as solutions of ease
01:15:00And as soon as we have a small difficulty, we run the IMF, as soon as we have a small difficulty, we run the IMF
01:15:05This is a bad thing
01:15:08Very important element too, is that
01:15:11We have the impression
01:15:13That every time we put the conditions at the level of the IMF, for example, it is to create other conditions, we are told
01:15:20We are ready to grant you such funding on the condition that you do such and such a thing
01:15:25We accept these conditions, we meet these conditions
01:15:29We are still brought other conditions
01:15:31We are still brought other conditions
01:15:33It becomes disturbing
01:15:34So what are the countries where the IMF has succeeded? What are the examples where the IMF has left and it works very well?
01:15:42We do not see it
01:15:44You said no to food aid, why?
01:15:47The food aid we received
01:15:49Unfortunately, instead of helping us develop, it kept us in a mentality of assisting, every day we reach out to ask for food
01:15:55That's bad
01:15:56Secondly, the food aid means that the peasants at home who could have produced, can no longer produce
01:16:03When they produce, they can no longer sell
01:16:06It's the surplus
01:16:07Peasants from other countries that we bring here
01:16:09We ask for something else
01:16:11Those who really want to help us can give us carts or tractors, fertilizers, insecticides, pipes, water pipes, dams, forages
01:16:22That's food aid
01:16:24But those who bring us bags of wheat, corn, corn or milk, they don't help us
01:16:29They steal from us, like we steal from the pigs
01:16:33To be able to sell the pigs, so that they are heavy, so that we can sell them
01:16:39That's not us
01:16:41It's their money that they are looking for, it's not food aid
01:16:59The ports of Holland, the docks of Bordeaux and Liverpool, were specialized in the Negro slave trade
01:17:17and owe their renown to millions of deported slaves
01:17:23So when we hear the head of a European state declare with his hand on his heart
01:17:27that he must come to the aid of the poor underdeveloped peoples
01:17:31We do not tremble with gratitude
01:17:33Quite the contrary
01:17:35We say to ourselves
01:17:37It's a just reparation which will be paid to us
01:17:43This help should be the ratification of a double realization
01:17:47The realization by the colonized peoples that it is their due
01:17:51It is their due
01:17:53And the realization by the capitalist powers
01:17:55That in fact, they must pay
01:18:01But it is clear that we are not so naive as to think that this will come about with the cooperation
01:18:07and the goodwill of the European governments
01:18:11This huge task, which consists of reintroducing mankind into the world, the whole of mankind
01:18:17will be carried out with the indispensable help of the European peoples
01:18:21who themselves must realize that in the past they have often joined the ranks of our common masters
01:18:31To achieve this, the European peoples must first decide to wake up and shake themselves
01:18:37use their brains and stop playing the stupid game of the sleeping beauty
01:18:47A film by
01:18:51A film by
01:18:55A film by
01:18:59A film by
01:19:03A film by
01:19:07A film by
01:19:11A film by
01:19:15A film by
01:19:19A film by
01:19:21A film by
01:19:25A film by
01:19:29Come, comrades
01:19:31The European game is finally over
01:19:33We must look for something else
01:19:35We can do anything today
01:19:37provided we do not ape Europe
01:19:39provided we are not obsessed with catching up with Europe
01:19:45Europe has gained such a mad and reckless momentum
01:19:48that it has lost control and reason
01:19:51and is heading at a dizzying speed
01:19:52towards the brink from which we would be advised
01:19:55to remove ourselves as quickly as possible.
01:20:10Europe undertook the leadership of the world
01:20:12with ardor, cynicism and violence.
01:20:17Look at how the shadow of its palaces
01:20:19stretches and multiplies.
01:20:22We must shake off the heavy darkness
01:20:24in which we were cast and leave it behind.
01:20:35Yet it is very true that we need a model
01:20:38and that we want blueprints and examples.
01:20:42For many among us,
01:20:43the European model was the most inspiring.
01:20:47But when we search for humanity
01:20:48in the technique and style of Europe,
01:20:51we see only a succession of negations of humanity
01:20:55and an avalanche of murders.
01:20:57The human condition, plans for mankind
01:21:14and collaboration between people in those tasks
01:21:17which increase the sum total of humanity
01:21:20are new problems which demand true inventions.
01:21:24Let us decide not to imitate Europe.
01:21:27Let us combine our muscles and our brains
01:21:29in a new direction.
01:21:31Let us try to create the whole human being
01:21:34whom Europe has been incapable of bringing
01:21:36to triumphant birth.
01:21:54Two centuries ago, a former European colony
01:21:58decided to catch up with Europe.
01:22:01It succeeded so well that the United States of America
01:22:04became a monster in which the taints,
01:22:08the sickness and the inhumanity of Europe
01:22:11have grown to appalling dimensions.
01:22:19The West saw itself as a spiritual adventure
01:22:21The West saw itself as a spiritual adventure.
01:22:25It is the name of the spirit
01:22:27in the name of the spirit of Europe
01:22:29that the West has made her encroachments,
01:22:32that she has justified her crimes
01:22:35and legitimized the slavery
01:22:37in which she holds four fifths of humanity.
01:22:41Yes, the European spirit has strange roots.
01:22:47So comrades, let us not pay tribute to Europe
01:22:51by creating states, institutions and societies
01:22:54which draw their inspiration from her.
01:22:58Humanity is waiting for something other from us.
01:23:03If we want to turn Africa into a new Europe,
01:23:06then let us leave the destiny of our countries to Europeans.
01:23:10They will know how to do it better
01:23:12than the most gifted among us.
01:23:15But if we want humanity to advance a step further,
01:23:18if we want to bring it up to a different level,
01:23:21then that which Europe has shown,
01:23:23then we must invent and we must make discoveries.
01:23:28For Europe, for ourselves and for humanity.
01:23:33Comrades, we must turn over a new leaf.
01:23:37We must work out new concepts
01:23:40and try to set afoot a new human being.