Days of our Lives 9-27-24 (27th September 2024) 9-27-2024 DOOL 27 September 2024

  • 3 days ago
00:00Alex, hi.
00:02Sorry I'm already sleeping.
00:03I know it's late.
00:05It's okay.
00:06I was just getting ready for bed.
00:07What's up?
00:08Nothing really.
00:09I just wanted to stop by and thank you for tonight.
00:10All your hard work at the photo shoot.
00:11But I will not keep you.
00:12I'll let you sleep and I'll see you tomorrow.
00:13Alex, wait.
00:27I'll let you sleep and I'll see you tomorrow.
00:28Alex, wait.
00:31Eric just sent over some of the proofs from the shoot.
00:34Want to stay and take a look?
00:38What you looking at?
00:42Oh, Stephanie just emailed me some of Eric's proofs.
00:48Oh yeah?
00:49Let me see.
00:52Wow, these are ... These are great.
00:56rates right and I think that was like one of the first ones that he took I
01:00bet you they get better as they go on well I mean these these photos they're
01:04fantastic and you look gorgeous in all of them
01:11even this one
01:14Sarah dear you're nice how are you feeling is there anything I can do for
01:30you I know I just peeked into Victoria's room oh my goodness that child is an
01:36angel when she's sleeping wasada there's there's something you should
01:42who does it time it's about Brady
02:06looks like the truck did his job now all I have to do is put this gun in your
02:14hand and pull the trigger you know Brady
02:19my only regret is you will feel the pain oh no the torment that you inflicted
02:28upon my Sarah
02:39what's going on here I came by to offer Brady my support of anyone passed out
02:45what is it I just got a call from Sarah Sarah called you yeah some rather
02:54shocking information
03:06like sand through the hourglass so are the days of our lives
03:24got some really great shots he's such a talented photographer that's a great
03:31one you should know yeah looks like we're actually in love instead of ready
03:36to kill each other all the whole point of acting right
03:40convincing everyone else that you're feeling something you're not mm-hmm
03:44yeah that's why they pay us actors the big bucks because that could be very
03:48very challenging sometimes I'm sure it can be anyway I hope the kid never happy
03:55with these oh they're gonna be thrilled especially the one of you should know
04:00just not sure Johnny's gonna share that sentiment
04:07Eric really did an amazing job you know Alex and I try to avoid each other like
04:11the plague but from these photos you would never guess that we can't stand
04:16nope you sure couldn't I gotta admit I was a little thrown when I walked in and
04:26saw you guys getting along so well but I was very impressed with your acting
04:33ability thank you mr. director and I have to say maybe Alex isn't such a
04:40jerk no seriously we talked and he actually feels the same way that we do
04:48about the lovemaking scene he agrees that it is way too soon he does yeah we
04:57both just wish that our head writer aka Leo Stark would post print yeah well
05:04there is no luck there I already tried talking to Leo asked him to rewrite the
05:09script and he was having none of it why are you looking at me like that because
05:14I cannot believe you did that damn it Johnny why would you go behind my back
05:20like that
05:27what about Brady
05:32Sanders told me that you two had an affair or fling whatever you want to
05:38call it I see well I hope Sander also told you that I had no idea that Brady
05:46was on his nephew nor could I have predicted of course that he would drive
05:50drunk and cause such a terrible accident he seemed like such a good man
05:57no Brady is a good man he just made a terrible mistake which is why I am so
06:04grateful to you for stopping Sander from attacking him with a baseball bat
06:09god I hate having to say that it's understandable and as I'm sure you know
06:15as do I but my son has a history of letting his temper get the better of him
06:20but please please don't think that just because I prevented him from meeting out
06:25some vigilante justice that I'm not absolutely appalled by what Brady did to
06:30you no I I don't think that I'm glad glad to hear that and also I hope you
06:38know that Brady and I are over I want nothing more to do with that man and I'm
06:43I'm sure that Sander will be especially happy about that but that isn't what I
06:47wanted to talk to you about well what then I decided to be proactive in
06:56preventing Sander from going through with his vigilante justice I see and then
07:06so what exactly did you do I sent the police to Brady's house they should be
07:15there now
07:18oh he's really wasted huh Sarah told us that we need to get here right away
07:48what exactly did Sarah say she told me that she remembers seeing Brady behind the wheel on the night of the accident
08:00so you know now that Brady was behind the wheel the night of the accident I
08:19thought that I would never remember but then suddenly it all came back to me and
08:25I can very clearly see his face and he was in the driver's seat yeah yeah he
08:32was and so as soon as I remembered I called the police and told them that I
08:37would testify to that fact and that they should go and arrest Brady immediately
08:42before someone else got hurt Brady Brady it's Jada Hunter looks like you've been
08:55drinking no no I don't know I don't drink and drive right yeah right yeah
09:04that's what Tate said that's what Tate said when I'm sober as a judge Brady I'm
09:14gonna have to take you down to the station. Take what? I don't even drive home.
09:20well given the condition you're in thank God for that but I'm not here about
09:25tonight I'm placing you under arrest for Sarah's hit-and-run so you think Johnny's
09:40gonna have a bad reaction to these huh yep I do even though it's clear that
09:46Chanel and I were just acting and that's all and the guy's gonna be directing us
09:51so I hope he realizes that he's gonna have to get used to seeing us like that
09:54at some point yeah well I I don't know what he does or doesn't realize but you
09:59didn't see his face when he walked into the shoot well let's just say he he was
10:04not happy okay well that seems kind of crazy because we were acting like I said
10:11and besides that Chanel hates my guts so there's really nothing for him to worry
10:14about Alex you and I know there's nothing to worry about but I don't know
10:19it's just hard for Johnny either because he's you know jealous or insecure hmm
10:28well I hope he gets over the jealousy at some point because the Chanel and I were
10:34in the character that is all yeah I get I was surprised that we actually seemed
10:42to get along a little bit better at the photo shoot though Chanel was actually
10:47friendly to me you know and I responded in a kind way you know
10:52wait a second wait a second what you don't think that's gonna like ruin our
11:00on-screen chemistry do you the fact that we're like seemingly getting along why
11:04would that ruin your on-screen chemistry I don't think it would it's just Abe
11:09asked me to audition for this part because he saw the way Chanel and me
11:14were at each other's throats
11:20okay Chanel I am the director of this show in case that slipped your mind I'm
11:29allowed to confer with the head writer just tell me Johnny when did this
11:36happen when did you go talk to Leo oh why does it matter and why are you so
11:40upset you even said you weren't happy with the scene you were about to call
11:44Leo before Stephanie texted you with the call that's right that's right I was
11:49about to call him to talk to him about my character and my scenes but you beat
11:53me to it you went behind my back Johnny to solve a problem that was mine and
11:58mine alone to solve that was unethical and
12:10let's slow down all right but why do you keep saying that I went behind your
12:20back I was having your back I was trying to look out for oh by going to the head
12:25writer and asking him to change my character's part of the script okay
12:29Chanel I honestly don't understand why you're so upset about this you were just
12:34telling me that Alex agreed with you that the faith and arrow love scene was
12:38happening too soon and that it needed to be rewritten all the sudden he's some
12:41good guy I do the same thing and then I'm out of line somehow because it was
12:47your place and as I reminded you before Chanel I am the director so I have every
12:59right to go and talk to the head writer about my take on a scene any scene
13:03including yours yeah yeah yeah well what we both know that that is not why
13:13you went to go talk to oh oh really okay I went to talk to Leo because you were
13:20uncomfortable with the scene all right you said you didn't want the sex scene
13:24to happen with Alex so soon I know that okay but when Alex and I discussed it we
13:30decided that we were going to talk to Kate okay and then we decided that we
13:36were going to wait for what the scene shoots in like three days unless what
13:43what you know that did you change your mind did you decide that all you and
13:48Alex were just getting along together so so well and that the photo shoot was so
13:52much fun that maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to have a love scene with
13:56your new co-star thank you for showing me this course and now I'll let you get
14:08some sleep oh yes you should get some rest too big day tomorrow yeah big day
14:15tomorrow it's kind of a problem what do you mean well look I know people who
14:21see me as this somewhat cool anti-hero type I probably shouldn't admit this but
14:27I'm a little nervous about tomorrow too amped to sleep I totally get that and
14:36doesn't make me think you're any less cooler anti-heroic I'm so relieved and
14:43hey I was thinking of watching one more episode of Ted before bed wanna join me
14:49yeah yeah it's no fun watching a foul-mouthed teddy bear alone you know
14:56no one to laugh with I can't argue with that
15:08hey Gina here hi what's going on yeah I got a call from my mom said that
15:14neighbor saw you taking Brady out of his house in handcuffs yeah I arrested
15:19him who says who run what I thought EJ decided there wasn't enough evidence to
15:25prosecute Brady for that charge there's been any development in the case okay
15:29what sort of development Sarah remembered what happened
15:34so you just remembered it was Brady tonight
15:46I was just telling your mom how the memory of seeing Brady behind the wheel
15:53the night of the accident just came back yeah I just learned about that myself
16:01um um would you mind checking Victoria for me of course
16:15so James has just showed up at Brady's place she told me you told her
16:25I was so scared she wasn't gonna show up in time
16:28so tell me the truth did you really remember seeing Brady
16:37no no no he was lying I had no other choice I had to stop you from killing him
16:59oh now I am even more insulted you think that I actually want to have a
17:07sex scene with Alex now because I was civilized with him at a photo shoot
17:11Chanel please just try and see where I'm coming from okay you were totally
17:16against doing these scenes the last time we talked about it and now it seems like
17:19you're totally cool with doing them which I guess shouldn't surprise me
17:23since you had no problem putting your hands all over Alex in those pictures
17:26oh for God's sake it wouldn't be the first time right what the hell is that
17:32supposed to mean that is supposed to mean that when you two started groping
17:36each other maybe just maybe a reminder you had a less sexy little time you and
17:41Alex had together and you thought it wouldn't be so bad to do a little I
17:44don't know recreation for the camera and after all what's a little simulated sex
17:49between friends huh you know what Johnny you don't even deserve an explanation
17:56after that unfair explanation that you've come up with okay but for the
18:02record Alex and I decided to wait to talk to Kate because we realized that it
18:07was getting late and it would be a better conversation for tomorrow that is
18:11the God's honest truth but if you prefer to think that it is because I want to
18:15jump Alex's bones then you go right ahead and think that and I mean I
18:19already feel disrespected enough so why don't you just double down and make it
18:34you know now that I've done a little acting myself I gotta say the bear that
18:37plays Ted is really good I'm seriously impressed all these other actors there
18:42be they're being able to be so convincing playing opposite a CGI stuff
19:18off the charts which is why we don't have to act it's keep between us it's
19:28real real real it's very real
19:32maybe when I look into your eyes
19:37it's like I can see your soul
19:42all your wants and needs
19:47and desires
19:49all of them
19:51all of them
19:55but right now
19:57I just want to take you to bed
20:01I'm going to make bed
20:03pass you the rough tears
20:07I'm going to win this
20:11like a
20:15like a
20:17like a
20:19like a
20:21like a peacock
20:25like a peacock
20:37yeah you were dreaming
20:41yeah yeah
20:43that was weird
20:45there was a
20:47peacock in it
20:49maybe it's not that weird
20:51we were just watching episode 10
20:53on peacock
20:55yeah right
20:57that must be it
20:59so you were dreaming about
21:01a foul-mouthed bear
21:03about a bear
21:11no okay well
21:13whatever you're dreaming about
21:15seems pretty intense
21:17what do you mean was I like talking in my sleep
21:19you were mumbling
21:21what did I say
21:23I don't know I couldn't make it out but
21:25I don't know
21:27so you were dreaming about the bear
21:29what were you dreaming about
21:39yeah I
21:41thought it was a bit of a coincidence
21:43that you suddenly remembered seeing
21:45Brady just in time to send the cops
21:47to his house but
21:49I'm surprised you were able to bring
21:51yourself to lie to the police
21:53especially after how you
21:55reacted when I suggested you do it
21:57you didn't leave me much choice did you
21:59what did you think
22:01I was just going to come home and go to sleep
22:03after you told me that you were going to murder him
22:05and then make it look like a suicide
22:07I suddenly wanted to get justice
22:09for what he did to you
22:11apparently not since I came up with a different solution
22:15after I accepted the fact that you were determined
22:17to punish Brady
22:19I realized that
22:23if I just
22:25remembered seeing him
22:27behind the wheel
22:29then the police would
22:31have no choice but to go and arrest him
22:33Brady wouldn't die
22:35you wouldn't go to prison for the rest of your life
22:37for his murder and then they would get the justice
22:39for me that you were so desperately seeking
22:43it was the only way that I could save you
22:45and Brady both
22:49so now I just
22:51I have to live
22:53with the lie
22:55which is so much better than
22:57living without you
23:11how are you doing Brady
23:13feeling better
23:15Jade has been buying me with coffee
23:17since I got in here
23:19I don't understand after everything
23:21that's happened how could you drink again
23:23Eric I didn't
23:25I didn't
23:27you were with me at the pub you know it was
23:29how about after you left the pub I went home
23:31and then
23:33I was starting to feel really
23:35strange and then I was
23:37totally out of it so after you
23:39and I parted ways nothing happened between
23:41then and when you got home no
23:45wait wait wait
23:49I did run into this guy
23:51what guy
24:01I ran into this guy
24:03in the square
24:05he said he recognized me from
24:07an AA meeting
24:09did you know him
24:11no I'd never seen him before
24:13that's not unusual
24:17there's a reason they call it
24:19alcoholic's anonymous
24:21and the guy said he hardly ever spoke up
24:23but he
24:25said some words
24:27he wished me well and he
24:29he shook my hand
24:33and then what
24:37it surprised me at the time
24:39but he
24:43he cut my hand
24:45with his ring
24:47it wasn't deep or anything
24:49but yeah you know it hurt
24:51it was pretty sharp
24:53and then you went
24:55and you said
24:57and then you went
24:59straight home afterwards
25:03yeah and
25:05Tate was there and
25:07look I must have been
25:09out of it because yeah he even
25:11accused me of drinking
25:15he even helped me to bed
25:17and then
25:19the next thing
25:21I remember was Jada
25:23shaking me waking me up
25:25and she
25:27and you know
25:29she was talking to someone
25:31talking to another cop
25:35it wasn't another cop
25:39I'm pretty sure it was them
25:45oh totally
25:49inject the boost into Brayden's room
25:51just for a second
25:53I think maybe you're right
25:55I mean
25:57the thought did cross my mind
26:01I realized I can't do that to you
26:05you're my husband
26:07the father of my child
26:09I just realized
26:11all I could do was call Jada
26:13and just hope that
26:15she'd need it there in time to stop you
26:17but what if she walked in
26:19right when I was putting the gun in his hand
26:21it's just a risk
26:23I had to take
26:27so this dream you were having
26:29you had a really big smile on your face
26:33which kept getting bigger
26:35and bigger
26:37okay alright alright so not only
26:39mumbling but smiling too
26:41how embarrassing
26:43oh my god why are you embarrassed for having a good dream
26:45come on just tell me
26:47what was it about
26:49well like I said
26:51it wasn't about Ted
26:53it was about a
26:55stuffed animal that I had when I was a kid
26:57it was just like Ted
26:59a bear obviously
27:01so you had a stuffed bear
27:03that would talk to you
27:05most of our conversations
27:07were one way
27:09he was a very good listener
27:11yeah so technically that wasn't
27:13that's a weird
27:17I'm just trying to understand this relationship
27:19between you and
27:21said bear
27:25yeah well
27:27in the dream
27:31I was
27:33about to
27:37take him to bed
27:39never got that far
27:51I'm sorry okay
27:53Chanel I really don't want to fight with you about this
27:55are you sure about that
27:57cause it sure seems like you do
27:59no I don't alright I'm an idiot okay
28:01finally we agree on something
28:07it's just
28:09when I walked into that room and I saw
28:11you and Alex with your hands all over
28:13each other my head just
28:15spiraled in and I couldn't help
28:17but think about the fact that you two had slept
28:19together in the past and I know
28:21that that was a long time ago
28:23listen to me okay
28:25the only reason why
28:27Alex and I were touching each other
28:29was because we were giving Abe and Kate
28:31promotional material
28:33for the show okay
28:35I was doing a job
28:37the job I was hired for
28:39the job that you
28:41recommended me for
28:43I said you're right
28:45you're right you're absolutely right
28:47what went on
28:49between me and Alex was a
28:51performance okay
28:53it was fake not real
28:55and since you have trouble
28:57telling the difference let me spell it out for you
28:59okay what is happening
29:01right here right now how
29:03totally pissed off I am at you
29:05this is real
29:13that's fantastic
29:29I really am
29:31sorry okay
29:35first scene
29:37is tomorrow
29:39I know that you
29:41are going to kill it
29:43I have an
29:45early call tomorrow
29:49see you on set
30:11I've got a 7am
30:13call time so I should probably
30:15shine go sleep
30:19between the tossing
30:21and turning yeah
30:23you better well thank you for
30:25letting me come by and hang out for a while
30:29gonna be on set tomorrow
30:31first day shooting for
30:33body and soul wouldn't miss it good
30:35it'll be nice to have you there
30:37it's for moral support
30:39that's what friends are for right
30:41that's right
30:50excuse me
30:56good night
31:10even though it's my only option
31:12I don't
31:14feel good about lying to the police
31:22as much as I hate
31:24having Brady
31:26rested on false pretenses
31:28there's no doubt in my mind that he's guilty
31:30sorry Don
31:32I know you didn't want to do things this way
31:34what's done is done and it's not like
31:36I'm free
31:38I'm an innocent man right
31:40Brady confessed
31:42he knows he's the one who was driving
31:44that car he doesn't remember me
31:46and now he is going
31:48to pay for what he's done so you can
31:50stop the one man
31:52crusade to give me justice
31:54that's all I want
31:56it's for the
31:58person that hurt you
32:00to get what they deserve
32:18how's Brady doing
32:28sobering up
32:30yeah he arrested Rosie that's him
32:34Xander he was there when you
32:36took Brady into custody
32:38yeah he was
32:40he was in there when I walked into the room
32:42did he happen to say why
32:44he was there
32:46he said he came by to talk
32:48to Brady and he found him out
32:50cold in the bed
32:52excuse me I have to take this
32:54detective Hunter
32:58why were you only there Xander
