Interview with KAIVS 2023.10.07 #Rome #Italy #DeathMetal #Horrend #2023 @kaivs

  • anteayer
Thanks to Max and Jacopo from KAIVS!

Recorded by Milady Noise
Querétaro, México @ 2023.10.07

Edited por Milady Noise
Querétaro, México @ 2023.11.13

#DeathMetal #Horrend #2023 #SupportTheUnderground

KAIVS - Horrend (2023)
01. Horrend
02. Krushing All Altars
03. Sepulchrist

Release Date: February 1st, 2023

KAIVS was formed by his singer on 19th, June 2022 following death metal inspired by early 1990's Stockholm sound (Entombed, Nihilist, Dismember and Carnage).

With countless rehearsals, longtime songwriting and concerts, KAIVS was ready to release in January 2023 "Horrend" a three tracks demo, forerunner of the upcoming album entitled "After The Flesh" expected for the summer of the same year. But still looking for a label to print it.

Both artworks will feature Spanish master Juanjo Castellano (Revel In Flesh, Avulsed, The Black Dahlia Murder) paintings.

Death metal! No fucking bullshit!

Max Foam - Vocals
Tiziano Mortician - Guitar
Jacopo Simonelli - Bass
Leonardo Sastro - Drums

More info about KAIVS:



00:00To play death metal is a lifestyle, so you have to enjoy yourself in this genre.
00:16We want the people to feel what we are playing.
00:20Death metal is a lifestyle, death metal is feeling, it's raw.
00:29We are Caius, we formed in June of the last year.
00:33I just put an ad on the internet, on a website, looking for members, but when I met Jacopo,
00:44he told me he had a friend called Leonardo, and he joined us on drums.
00:53And then I found Tiziano on this website, that was the same website where I knew Jacopo,
01:03and then here we are, me on the vocals, Tiziano on the guitar, Jacopo on the bass, and Leonardo
01:09on the drums.
01:10We have only one guitar, we don't perform guitar solos, we have only rhythmics and riffs,
01:17so nowadays it's very strange, because death metal bands focus on technical, death metal
01:25you know, solos, but we want only the strings to speak for us.
01:33We play very classic death metal with basso guitar sound, you know, the Swedish sound
01:40of the early 90s, like Entombed, Member of the Grave, so this kind of band.
01:46Also the choice not to perform guitar solos comes also with the intent not to sound like
01:56a pre-made band or like plastic, because we wanted to keep the things raw, as raw as possible,
02:04because this kind of genre deserves it, and sometimes it lacks it.
02:10So our focus, our main focus was on the sound, and also was on the, we can call it brutality,
02:20we can call it rawness, and also from this kind of core, we decided to keep the formation
02:28on four members, and we decided to avoid the fifth member, the second guitarist, because
02:36honestly, the kind of frequency we got in the rehearsing studio and on the recordings
02:43are way way better with one guitar, because as I was saying, it keeps like a raw spirit,
02:52more aggressive, that we want to achieve.
02:56To play death metal is a lifestyle, so you have to enjoy yourself in this genre, and
03:02we want to follow the pace of the past bands, we don't invent anything, maybe we are not
03:08original, but we don't care about that, so if you take this with the artwork by Juanco
03:15Castellano, that also made the artworks for bands like the Black Lion Martyr, and Abused
03:22or Even in Flesh, so he is a very important guy in the making of such artworks, we want
03:32to create the music we want to buy, we want to hear, this is very important, I think,
03:38because I am not a musician, I am a fan of death metal, of this kind of music, so mainly
03:47I am a fan, then maybe I am a singer, yes, Jacopo is very skilled on the bass, Tiziano
03:54is very skilled on the guitar, Leonardo is very skilled on the drums, but this is not
03:59the point we focus to, so it is very important to amuse with this music, to keep in touch
04:08with the people, with the bands, so this is a dream that is coming true, maybe that we
04:13have to keep alive.
04:14We want our music not to let people think about what they are hearing, the important
04:22we want the people to feel what we are playing, because as we were saying, death metal is
04:31a lifestyle, death metal is feeling, it is raw, people need to feel raw, and don't need
04:38to think about some eerie stuff, or some kind of stuff that you never heard of, and probably
04:47will never do anyway, so we keep it simple, we keep it classic, because it is not original,
04:57we are not adding anything new to the cauldron, but I think, and I think that Max can agree
05:04to this, and also anyone who listened to our work, we keep it classic, we keep it good,
05:13and that's the important, we want people to feel what we do, we want people banging,
05:18mashing their heads to what we play, we don't want them to think, oh this kind of riff is
05:24in 1280s, so it's kind of, no, no no, we are straight to the point, and we want our music
05:33to reach as many people as we can, because also we think that too much technicism will
05:41be sort of, I can't say, an obstacle, because some things are not so easy to comprehend,
05:52I'm not saying that technicism is bad, because it's cool to play all this kind of stuff,
05:59but to us, basically simple doesn't mean easy, sometimes doing simple things is quite
06:11harder than doing easy things, we want people to feel, we want people to unleash their rage
06:18while they listen to us.
06:21We recorded an EP called Horrend in January of this year, this is the product of what
06:28we made, this is Horrend, our EP, three songs, and we are really proud of this, this was
06:38released in February, and it sold not so bad at the gigs, and on our website, on our socials,
06:47so we are very underground, we wanted to keep the scene alive, or death metal for what it
06:57was meant to be, so it is very important to know the characters of the name, the logo,
07:03the artworks, the look, the pictures, the artwork was ready, because we work in a very
07:12precise way, so we have all the song titles, the lyrics, all the patterns for the lyrics
07:20and of the guitars, the bass and the drums, when we were up to, with the recording session,
07:28we had almost four or five songs, and we decided only to record three songs, Crushing All Altars,
07:37the title track Horrend, and Simple Christ, they are mid-tempos with an up-bass, but without
07:46exaggerating in speed, and I think that the peculiar point of our sound is, I repeat,
07:56the guitar sound, so the HM-2 bass pedal, that made the famous and infamous bass guitar
08:07sound that the bands from Stockholm had, like Nihilist, Carnage, Early December, and Tomb,
08:16that is very important, because it's a sound that nowadays not so much bands have, in Italy,
08:23for example, I think the best example is a band called Horrid, Horrid is a historical
08:33band that was formed in 1989, and they recorded in Sweden, in Stockholm, at Sunlight Studios,
08:44produced by Thomas Scotberg, that invented with the band this kind of music, so the song
08:51we made in that period were absolutely simple and straight to the point, so as Jacopo said,
08:57we are focused on brutality, maybe on speed, on lyrics about horror and death and violence,
09:08so it's always the same, because this is death metal, and we don't want to invent anything,
09:16we don't care about being original by force, so this is very important for our attitude.
09:24We recorded at Kiki Razzu Studios, produced by Andrea Kiki Razzu, that is the owner of
09:31the studio, and also the guy who provided with an org, an org guy called Andrea, the
09:38rehearsal room where we used to rehearse, so we recorded in a very special way that bands
09:50don't do so often nowadays, so we played, we recorded live the horn, guitar, the bass and
10:00drums were performed live, then I added the vocals in a second time, so because we stressed
10:09the harshness, the brutality of death metal, doing this kind of recording, you know, it's
10:17it's very very hot, you know, when you, we cannot record on tape nowadays, we have computers,
10:24so digital and hard is recording, but we tried to resume a sort of old-school sound.
10:34Very good and unexpected feedback, reviews are only good and in part excellent, and we had also
10:43gigs to promote horror, and we had merchandise, so t-shirts for the EP, and we had also
10:54interviews here and there, you know, on websites, on magazines, webzines, fanzines, so it's very
11:02important to us to keep, you know, the name, because we are no one, we are not, we are not a very known
11:12band in the scene, and so it's very important the feedback, it's important
11:19to have all these things said, so we want to thank you and your websites, and Holy Noise,
11:30and all the kind of fanzines and websites that put all their efforts in death metal and in the
11:39underground extreme music, and not only, so without you we are fucking nothing, that's for sure.
11:47Maybe we reached the point with the production of the studio and of Andrea that we cannot thank
11:53so much anymore, because he did a very monstrous job to release the final sound, and we are very
12:00happy, especially for the album, for the debut, we had many problems with the production of the
12:07guitar sound, so Tiziano had to go many times to the studio to re-amp the guitars, then to the
12:16today we received the final mix, and it's very nasty, it kicks ass. We are recording live just
12:25and absolutely to keep things real, we don't want our sound to be artifact, we don't want our sound
12:32to be plastic made, we want to keep what we feel on stage, we want to play with the same sounds
12:41you hear on stage, and also I cannot thank enough also Andrea, our main sound engineer,
12:54with his mastermind and his hands, although some little problems that came up with sometimes
13:02mixing things, but the final result which came in yesterday was nuts, it was really really good,
13:13and I can't wait and also think Max and the others, we can't absolutely wait to show you
13:19the artwork, to show you the tracks, to show you all that's about After The Flash, it's honestly
13:28in my personal journey, musical journey, it's the hardest, the longest and the proudest work
13:37I've ever done, so I'm pretty, I know I'm boasting myself, I know I'm just proud, I'm just proud, I'm
13:45not making fun of anyone, I'm just proud of what we did, and also I like to think that in After The
13:53Flash we four put a piece of us inside each track, because as Max was saying, death metal is lifestyle,
14:01it's extreme music, and extreme music sometimes need extreme experiences, so with harsh times,
14:09with sad times, with anger times like work, like relationships, all sort of kind of stress, anger
14:17that a person feels during the day, during the month, we just kind of like push it into this
14:26while recording, it's in the art, it's in everything you can look at our work, and besides that
14:36I want to just to make things clear, when we play, when we record, when we make a sound,
14:44we are giving you what we love, because firstly we are listeners, then we are musicians,
14:54I will not play, Max will not sing, and the others will not string the guitars and hitting the drums
15:06to something they don't love to play, and if they don't love to play it, there is no
15:13means to bring it, because if it annoys me, annoys you who are just listening,
15:22it's a kind of maybe psychological thing, maybe, but I think that it is the way of
15:32like musicians need to do things, and also I think I like the most about the new record,
15:39it's... some time ago I heard from a famous musician that when writing their album
15:49they said that every song, every track on their album should be worked as it was a single,
16:00so if we can take one song from an album, it should be as good as a promo single,
16:09and not some kind of filler, filler track, it's useless, a filler track is useless, it's boring,
16:17no one likes it, neither the listener nor the band, just to say this. You will hear a huge
16:26difference between the demo, Horrend, and the full album, it's based mostly on the sound,
16:34the effects, and also of course because it's part of the parade, the gear.
16:42We have a booking agency for the tour and for the promotion, we expect that our label will do
16:50a very huge campaign, a very huge work to spread the thing, so it's very important,
16:56but we are an underground band with only one album, and so the weight of the promotion
17:05is also on our shoulders, we have to deal with this, it's a do-it-yourself attitude,
17:12in part, it's true we have a label, we have a booking agency, but we are not a big band,
17:19a huge band, we are not famous, so we have to earn all these things, it's very important, so
17:27we cannot give the weight of doing all these things only to one person,
17:35we have to do also by our own, it's very important this point for me, so we have to clarify that a
17:42band like Caius, yes, maybe we have fans, we are known here and there, but we have to
17:49improve our visibility worldwide, it's very important, so we are really confident
17:56in the booking agency, in the label, and in the album, that is the first thing, and we are
18:02very confident in ourselves that we can have great tours, great shows, great songs, so the future,
18:08I think, it's very good for us, and I hope so. Me and Max and the others, we live in a
18:16very big environment, Rome is a megalithic city, it's very big, but the places,
18:27the places and the people that play in Rome are a lot, and sometimes these places are not enough,
18:35and when a place is opened, another one closes, another one closes, another one closes
18:42forever, because I don't know what's going on, but nowadays there are a lot of people that want to
18:53play, they are eager to play live, but they can't have the possibility, also the
19:03the public, the listeners, when you are live, and maybe you are in a live show,
19:15sometimes you find yourself playing in front of 20-30 people, and these people are just friends
19:24of other friends, of other friends, of other friends, and there are no genuinely
19:32proactive listeners that think, oh, this band is gonna play tonight, let's go hear them,
19:40there is no such thing, honestly, there is no more such thing, and it's kind of sad, really,
19:46all Italy is a problem under this kind of stuff, maybe the Northern Italy is less of a problem,
19:55okay, because maybe there is a more active scene, or for example in some places in Northern Italy
20:03there are so few shows that the people go to every single one of them, and it's a good thing
20:12on one side, but on the other hand it's not, because that would be, it's too less activity,
20:21there is no scene almost, we can say that the biggest part of the scenes are from the biggest
20:28city like Rome or Milan, but in other parts it's very very decreasing. Maybe the point is that
20:40there is no scene, there is maybe a movement of bands, death metal bands, fresh metal bands,
20:49grindcore bands, heavy metal bands, but this is also in every part of the world,
20:58so I mean the question is, there is a sort of lack of a mentality, of the right mentality, so
21:08if you are a musician you have to play in bands, if you have a venue you have only to organize gigs,
21:17if you print merchandise you have only to do that, if you are the boss and the owner of a label
21:24you have to produce and to find new outfits, if you do all these things maybe, like Jacopo said,
21:33is only a fucking mess, so you cannot, how can you follow five or six things that are all related
21:43into music, but you know it's all different if you are a producer of a studio, okay maybe you
21:50can be also a musician, but how can you be a booking agent, so there's a lot of confusion
21:59about that, and every one of us have to follow his pace, and if I am skilled to do one thing,
22:08I have to do only one thing, because I am only for this thing, maybe I am skilled to do that,
22:15I have a sort of preparation, can you understand me, so it is very important, so in Italy,
22:21maybe in Rome, we have a big center of bands that no other places from our country had,
22:32but the most important center in Italy is Milan, that is full of venues,
22:40and all the tour has to Milan, and they don't go to Florence and Rome so often,
22:46because Milan is near to Austria, to Switzerland, to France, to Slovenia, so we are not the focus
22:54of the tour, like Germany, England, Belgium, Netherlands and other are, so we are maybe
23:02out of the boundaries of certain mentality and of certain music business. Music is not valued enough,
23:10it's a problem, because in some other countries, like for example Germany and other ones,
23:18musicians from the biggest to the lowest, they are paid to do their job, in Italy there is not
23:25a chain, a musician, a band can invest on merchandise, patches, stickers, t-shirts,
23:36CDs, music production, but there is no warranty on the regain on those expenses, I'm not talking
23:46about, for example, the travel costs, because the travel cost is something that cannot be regained
23:55in any way, but people simply have a warranty on what they can get back,
24:04for example, it could be a minimum part of the expenses, but at least they get it,
24:11they earn it, we don't. Also there is the problem that Max was suggesting, that Italy is not
24:20very well logistically connected, Milan is an exception, because it's the financial center
24:28and also the closest metropolis, and it has connections all over Europe, if we go south
24:39like Florence, Rome, Naples, there is no such things, no maintenance, no nothing, and it's a problem,
24:48it's a really really big problem, but not for metal scene, for everything, it's a general
24:56annoyment. In Rome, for example, where I lived, there are venues that, like
25:06Jacopo said, they open, they close, so why this? Because the audience maybe is not
25:12interested in such kind of music, they change tastes, you know, we have millions of reasons
25:21we can list about that, so I think this is the main thing, that there is not more
25:32interest in metal maybe, or not such like in the past, so the people have changed, maybe
25:40you are into the metal scene, then you change idea, then you are more involved into hardcore or
25:47punk, or you cut your hair and you don't give a fuck anymore about this kind of music, because
25:52you know, you are growing older, so many many reasons. Mortuary, Shabnigrath and Cryonics, great
26:00death metal bands from Mexico, I remember, especially for Mortuary, for an album called
26:06Blackened Images, I have an old cassette, so I like it very much, I want to thank all the guys from the band.
26:12I don't know if they are from Mexico, but I love Semicon and I love Brujeria, I love them.
26:24For the new year we will release the album and we will tentatively plan the tour
26:32and the festival for the summer, you know, we have to keep in touch with our booking agency, so it's
26:38not simple, because the cost of the tour, you know, are improving day by day, so we have to
26:46to see and to organize, to manage many things, it's not easy.
26:53The upcoming dates, live shows are the primal focus as of today.
27:03Basically our prime material, yes, we cannot promote us, we cannot talk about us without having
27:14something concrete, if we're talking about music, we cannot hope to do what we want to do if we don't
27:26have the album with us, so I think our primary objective is to think about the release of the
27:34album, when, where and obviously the follow-up, because we can't release the album and leave it
27:42like this. With the release of the album we have to think about an upcoming show, we are doing this
27:50for the music, we are doing to feel alive, we are doing to all the things that I've already said to you
27:57and also after that we surely think about doing something a little big,
28:07bigger, we can say that, maybe some dates abroad and all the stuff like that, also with a merch
28:17and all things connected to it. Our focus is the release of the upcoming album called After The Flesh.
28:32If our listeners and viewers are willing to buy our stuff, for now they can find
28:40the R&D EP at our bandcamp, when the album will be announced they will find our
28:50first album on the e-commerce of our label.
28:57It's Max from Key Agenas, I'm Jacopo, this is Andrew Brown, this is Holy Noise.
