Wandering Eye (2011) | Mystery, Thriller

  • 2 days ago
Neglected by her workaholic husband, a young wife, Maren Abbott, meets a man through Wandering Eye - a networking website designed to facilitate extramarital liaisons. Charming as he is, she realizes she can't go through with the affair. When he is found brutally murdered in their hotel room, infidelity is the least of Maren's worries as she finds herself in the cross-hairs of a serial killer who uses the website to trawl for his next victims.
00:01:43I have to go.
00:01:48Uh-uh. Not yet.
00:03:20I propose a toast. To Graham.
00:03:22The last one to be bucked off the horse
00:03:24and the first one back in the saddle.
00:03:28So, tell us about your new job.
00:03:33It sucks.
00:03:34You know, I sit there all day
00:03:36watching billions of pixels race by
00:03:38trying to figure out which ones to grab
00:03:40to maximize our client's profitability.
00:03:42Sounds familiar.
00:03:43Yeah, only now,
00:03:44knowing how bad the economy can get,
00:03:46it kind of...
00:03:47Well, it kind of takes the fun out of it.
00:03:49Yeah, fiscal responsibility.
00:03:51I mean,
00:03:52who goes into investment banking for that?
00:03:55So, uh, how's Conor married?
00:03:57Working too hard.
00:03:59Yeah, neglecting his beautiful wife, I'm sure.
00:04:02No, not tonight.
00:04:03It's his birthday.
00:04:05What do you have planned for him?
00:04:07What do you have planned?
00:04:09Nice dinner,
00:04:10candlelight, champagne.
00:04:12What are you gonna wear?
00:04:13Wouldn't you like to know?
00:04:15Actually, I would.
00:04:16I'm just saying.
00:04:17Look, Maren,
00:04:18if you were my wife,
00:04:20I would never be late for work.
00:04:22I'd be home every night in your arms.
00:04:28I know it's awkward,
00:04:29me having the job,
00:04:30and you guys still looking for work.
00:04:32Hey, I'm enjoying unemployment.
00:04:34I get to be a full-time mom.
00:04:37And I get to do all the things
00:04:38I never have time to,
00:04:39like tab class, art lessons,
00:04:41rock climbing.
00:04:42Hold on.
00:04:43You're doing all that stuff?
00:04:44No, but I have time to.
00:04:46Good for you.
00:04:47I'm gonna get this.
00:04:49Oh, you're too good to us.
00:04:51Next time, it's on me.
00:04:52All right, see ya.
00:04:56Great to see you.
00:04:59It was nice to see you, too.
00:05:27Detective, it's Patrick.
00:05:29Solomon, I don't have all night.
00:05:32The male victim is Michael Hollis.
00:05:34He lived here with his wife
00:05:35and two children.
00:05:36She and the kids
00:05:37are away in Florida
00:05:38visiting her mother.
00:05:39He was supposed to call him
00:05:40at 5 p.m.
00:05:41He does that every day
00:05:42when they're away.
00:05:43When he didn't,
00:05:44and she couldn't reach him,
00:05:45she calls the neighbor,
00:05:46comes over,
00:05:47discovers the bodies
00:05:48at 8.15.
00:05:49Time of death?
00:05:50Current best guess,
00:05:51got it about 1.
00:05:52Looks like they were
00:05:53having a nooner.
00:05:54And the woman?
00:05:55Ann Fetterman.
00:05:56She lived in Elmhurst.
00:05:57She's married.
00:05:59Daughter in junior high.
00:06:01Her husband's got
00:06:02a contracting firm
00:06:03on the island.
00:06:04Have you spoken to him?
00:06:05Yeah, yeah,
00:06:06he's on his way in now
00:06:07to ID the body
00:06:08and Mrs. Hollis
00:06:09is on a plane from Miami.
00:06:11That's an extremely
00:06:12clean cut.
00:06:14It's almost surgical.
00:06:16So the killer
00:06:17severed just the ring finger?
00:06:19Just the ring finger.
00:06:21And his, too.
00:06:24But whoever killed them
00:06:27wasn't interested
00:06:28in the rings.
00:06:33I'm sorry.
00:06:56Hi, sweetheart.
00:06:57Hey, look,
00:06:58I'm not gonna be home
00:06:59for a while.
00:07:00How long a while?
00:07:01I don't know.
00:07:02I'm sorry,
00:07:03but you have to get
00:07:04back to me
00:07:05and I'm the only
00:07:06surgeon on duty.
00:07:07Don't wait up, okay?
00:07:08All right,
00:07:09I'll keep a plate
00:07:10warm for you.
00:07:11Okay, thanks.
00:07:18Happy birthday.
00:07:33Are you sure the name
00:07:34doesn't ring a bell?
00:07:35No, she never mentioned
00:07:36Michael Hollis.
00:07:37So you don't know
00:07:38how they met?
00:07:40Did you know that your wife
00:07:41was having an affair,
00:07:42Mr. Fetterman?
00:07:44My teenage daughter
00:07:45is home alone
00:07:46and I have to go tell her
00:07:47her mother's been murdered.
00:07:49And then I have
00:07:50funeral arrangements to make.
00:07:51I understand,
00:07:52Mr. Fetterman,
00:07:53we're supposed to...
00:07:54There is nothing
00:07:55I can tell you
00:07:56about what happened
00:07:57to my wife in Miami.
00:07:58I'm sorry,
00:07:59I'm sorry,
00:08:00I'm sorry.
00:08:01I don't know what happened
00:08:02to my wife
00:08:03or the man she was with.
00:08:05I'm done here.
00:08:07Mr. Fetterman!
00:08:11If my wife had been murdered,
00:08:12I'm pretty sure
00:08:13I'd want to know why.
00:08:15He said he was
00:08:16on a job site
00:08:17at the time of the murder.
00:08:18No one can corroborate that.
00:08:20Find out everything
00:08:21you can on this guy.
00:08:26Got it.
00:08:29Hi, you're on
00:08:30Do Tell.
00:08:31Who's calling?
00:08:32Hi, Pamela,
00:08:33my name's Vicki.
00:08:34What's on your mind
00:08:35today, Vicki?
00:08:36Well, frequency.
00:08:37My husband,
00:08:38he wants to,
00:08:39you know,
00:08:40do it all the time.
00:08:41How often
00:08:42is all the time?
00:08:43Every day,
00:08:44if he could.
00:08:45How long
00:08:46have you been married?
00:08:47A little over five years.
00:08:48Then you're doing
00:08:49something right,
00:08:51He's still interested.
00:08:52Thanks for calling.
00:08:54Hey, Grant.
00:08:58Lunch sounds great.
00:09:08This place is fantastic.
00:09:10it's only been open
00:09:11a few months,
00:09:12but it's already
00:09:13a neighborhood favorite.
00:09:15you look beautiful.
00:09:21So who's this client
00:09:22you're out here to see?
00:09:26I kind of fibbed about that.
00:09:27You know,
00:09:28I was stuck at my desk
00:09:29and I was bored
00:09:30out of my mind,
00:09:31and I had
00:09:32an overwhelming desire
00:09:33to, um,
00:09:35play hooky.
00:09:38So you lied
00:09:39about having business
00:09:40in Brooklyn?
00:09:42not here for Brooklyn.
00:09:43Here for you.
00:09:47I don't understand.
00:09:50How are you?
00:09:52What do you mean?
00:09:54it's just,
00:09:55when I look at you,
00:09:56you look like someone
00:10:00and frustrated.
00:10:04I'm not.
00:10:10Then why are you still
00:10:11holding my hand?
00:10:19Let's go to my place.
00:10:21Okay, um,
00:10:24Come on,
00:10:25I don't want to.
00:10:27I don't.
00:10:29you do.
00:10:34All right.
00:10:36I'm sorry.
00:10:38I came on too strong.
00:10:46whenever you're ready,
00:10:47I'm here.
00:12:10What are you doing here?
00:12:11Do we, uh,
00:12:12do we have something today?
00:12:27you know what?
00:12:28We've got to stop it.
00:12:29This isn't the time
00:12:30or the place.
00:12:31I'm sorry.
00:12:33Then what is?
00:12:36You never touch me
00:12:37anymore, Connor.
00:12:39Is there someone else?
00:12:40For God's sake,
00:12:42Then what?
00:12:43You're not attracted
00:12:44to me anymore?
00:12:47I'm a surgical resident.
00:12:49I'm working.
00:12:50I'm working harder
00:12:51than I ever have, okay?
00:12:52And harder than I ever
00:12:53will again.
00:12:57you're fine,
00:12:59I love you.
00:13:00And I'm sorry
00:13:01if I'm not the stud
00:13:02you'd like me to be right now,
00:13:04I will do whatever...
00:13:07But I am
00:13:08actually late
00:13:09for a staff meeting.
00:13:10I gotta go.
00:13:11I'm sorry.
00:13:12I'll see you tonight?
00:13:15I promise.
00:13:16So Fetterman's
00:13:18He's still
00:13:19in the reserves.
00:13:20He's an expert marksman.
00:13:21Belongs to a gun club.
00:13:22He owns over a dozen
00:13:23registered firearms.
00:13:25No criminal record?
00:13:29and there's still
00:13:30no physical evidence
00:13:31linking him to the crime.
00:13:32Most people are murdered
00:13:33by someone they know.
00:13:35Especially when
00:13:36infidelity's involved.
00:13:37Okay, so
00:13:38what do you know
00:13:39about Fetterman?
00:13:40I don't know.
00:13:41I don't know.
00:13:42I don't know.
00:13:43I don't know.
00:13:44I don't know.
00:13:45Okay, so
00:13:46we got motive,
00:13:48and no alibi.
00:13:50So let's pay him a visit.
00:13:52Meet me back here
00:13:53in an hour.
00:13:55You know,
00:13:56one thing still puzzles me,
00:13:58Hollis and Fetterman's wife,
00:13:59they were from
00:14:00completely different worlds.
00:14:01How do they know each other?
00:14:03That's a very good question.
00:15:03You're on the air.
00:15:04Do you have a question
00:15:05for our guest,
00:15:06Brooke McCall?
00:15:07Hi, yeah, look.
00:15:08Let's get real here, Brooke.
00:15:10Isn't your website
00:15:11just, you know, pornography?
00:15:12Oh, my goodness.
00:15:14Not at all.
00:15:15But you're selling sex.
00:15:16Actually, we're not
00:15:17selling anything.
00:15:18We're a networking site.
00:15:19Yeah, for sex.
00:15:21Tell me, Caller,
00:15:22are you married?
00:15:24Have you ever had an affair?
00:15:26Have you ever
00:15:27been tempted to?
00:15:30Come on now, Caller.
00:15:31This is do ask, do tell.
00:15:33Be honest.
00:15:34Well, yeah, once.
00:15:35But I didn't.
00:15:36I love my husband.
00:15:37Well, Wandering Eye
00:15:38embraces both realities.
00:15:40That you can love your spouse,
00:15:42but still need more.
00:15:43Like sex with a stranger?
00:15:45Not a stranger.
00:15:46Someone who is
00:15:47in the same predicament
00:15:48you're in.
00:15:49Someone who wants
00:15:50to preserve a marriage
00:15:51they value,
00:15:52but at the same time
00:15:53enjoy the pleasure
00:15:54of being with someone else.
00:15:55You make it sound
00:15:56like there are
00:15:57no consequences.
00:15:58Oh, there are.
00:15:59We help save
00:16:00a lot of marriages.
00:16:01Come on.
00:16:02When you were
00:16:03tempted to stray,
00:16:04was it with someone
00:16:05you knew?
00:16:06Yeah, a neighbor.
00:16:07And that's probably
00:16:08one of the reasons,
00:16:09if not the reason
00:16:10you didn't do it, right?
00:16:11Well, sure.
00:16:12It would have been
00:16:14That's why
00:16:15Wandering Eye works.
00:16:16We keep things
00:16:17from getting complicated.
00:16:18And that's what
00:16:19our members value most.
00:16:30You ready?
00:16:31We know how
00:16:32Michael Hollis
00:16:33and Ed Federman met.
00:16:34This is Hollis's computer.
00:16:36One his wife never used.
00:16:38They gave it to the geeks.
00:16:40And look what they found.
00:16:46What is it?
00:16:47It's a website
00:16:48where married people
00:16:49meet other married people
00:16:50who want to get it on.
00:16:51Wandering Eye.
00:18:11can I help you?
00:18:12We have a couple
00:18:13questions for you,
00:18:14Mr. Federman,
00:18:15if that's okay.
00:18:18Have you ever heard
00:18:19of a networking site
00:18:20called Wandering Eye?
00:18:22What does it have
00:18:23to do with my wife?
00:18:24We found
00:18:25e-mail exchanges
00:18:26between her and Hollis
00:18:27on his computer
00:18:28through a Wandering Eye
00:18:30We think that's how
00:18:31they met.
00:18:33Did your wife
00:18:34own a computer,
00:18:35Mr. Federman?
00:18:36There it is.
00:18:38I found it yesterday.
00:18:39I didn't know she had it.
00:18:40Were you able
00:18:41to read her e-mails?
00:18:42Why on earth
00:18:43would I do that, Detective?
00:18:45My wife was murdered
00:18:46in another man's bed.
00:18:47I think the time
00:18:48to be the jealous husband
00:18:49has passed.
00:18:50I assume you need
00:18:51to take this?
00:18:54Let's be quick about it.
00:18:55My daughter will be home
00:18:56in a few minutes.
00:18:58I'll be right back.
00:19:05Let's be quick about it.
00:19:06My daughter will be home
00:19:07from school soon.
00:19:08Mr. Federman,
00:19:09you own a .38.
00:19:11Is that what the killer used?
00:19:13Do you?
00:19:35They're all legal
00:19:36and registered.
00:19:39I assume you need
00:19:40to take this, too?
00:19:57The guy gives me the creeps.
00:19:59He just found
00:20:00the computer yesterday.
00:20:01It's convenient.
00:20:03We need to put a shadow
00:20:04on him.
00:20:05I'm on it.
00:20:06I need to put a shadow
00:20:07on him.
00:20:08I'm on it.
00:20:57Hi, Lukas.
00:20:58Nice to meet you.
00:20:59Yeah, you too.
00:21:01You're even prettier
00:21:02than you said you were.
00:21:04You don't look
00:21:05prettier than you said you were.
00:21:10That sounded like a lie, didn't it?
00:21:12Uh, yeah.
00:21:14I'm sorry.
00:21:15I'm just, I've never done this before.
00:21:19It sounded like a lie, too.
00:21:21It's OK.
00:21:22Let's face it, this is really weird.
00:21:25Yeah, yeah, definitely weird.
00:21:31What are you having?
00:21:33A refill on the coffee and a glass of white wine, please.
00:21:38Actually, make that two white wines.
00:22:04I love Blair.
00:22:15I really do.
00:22:17And I still want her, sexually.
00:22:20Not if she doesn't want to be with me.
00:22:23These days, I don't have to tell you, right?
00:22:27You're married to a doctor, too.
00:22:29I couldn't believe it when I read your profile.
00:22:31I thought, here's my mirror image.
00:22:35You want to know the truth?
00:22:36The idea of having an affair, of being unfaithful to Blair,
00:22:42it depresses me.
00:22:44It feels like a violation of everything I believe in.
00:22:47I know.
00:22:49When I said my wedding vows, I meant them.
00:22:55But I can't stop thinking about being with someone else.
00:23:01Especially now.
00:23:08I checked in after I landed.
00:23:11I've got a room.
00:23:19Not yet.
00:23:24No, I understand.
00:23:32So, I'm here the rest of the week.
00:23:39What do you say we just keep in touch
00:23:41and we'll see what happens?
00:23:44And whatever happens, or doesn't,
00:23:47I'm really glad that we met.
00:23:49Me too.
00:23:55I'm sorry.
00:23:57No, that was nice.
00:25:01I'm sorry.
00:25:25Hey, it's me.
00:25:26Hey, coming up.
00:25:32Mommy's here.
00:25:33Yeah, Mommy's here.
00:25:36How was the movie?
00:25:37I laughed and cried.
00:25:39And it was short enough.
00:25:40I had time to get a manicure.
00:25:44And how did you two get along?
00:25:46Well, she's not the most dazzling conversationalist,
00:25:48but I only had to change one diaper.
00:25:52Only one?
00:25:53You're saving the best for Mommy, aren't you?
00:25:57Hey, that smells good.
00:25:59Connor's actually going to be home for dinner.
00:26:02How are things with you guys?
00:26:04Status quo.
00:26:08Any word from Graham about openings at his company?
00:26:10No, and I'm not going to call him.
00:26:12I don't want to give him the wrong impression.
00:26:16Do you want something to drink, water, or anything?
00:26:18No, I better take Her Highness home.
00:26:25Bye, Miss.
00:26:30Thanks again for today.
00:26:31My pleasure.
00:26:33I owe you one.
00:26:34No, you don't.
00:26:36Say hi to Connor.
00:26:37I will.
00:29:20Morning, Roberts.
00:29:23It's all yours.
00:29:25See you later.
00:29:43Ooh, it's irresistible.
00:29:48Ooh, it's another side of me.
00:30:00Something takes over.
00:30:06Design gets stronger.
00:30:12Where will it take me?
00:30:18It's scary.
00:30:19Ooh, it's irresistible.
00:30:42Ooh, it's irresistible.
00:30:49Ooh, it's irresistible.
00:31:19Ooh, it's irresistible.
00:31:49Ooh, it's irresistible.
00:31:55Ooh, it's irresistible.
00:32:01Ooh, it's irresistible.
00:32:07Ooh, it's irresistible.
00:32:13Ooh, it's irresistible.
00:32:18Ooh, it's irresistible.
00:32:24Ooh, it's irresistible.
00:32:30Ooh, it's irresistible.
00:32:36Ooh, it's irresistible.
00:32:42Ooh, it's irresistible.
00:32:59How are you?
00:33:00Good, how are you doing?
00:33:40What are you doing?
00:33:41Why are you following me?
00:33:43Hey, stop! Don't even...
00:33:45You're under arrest, Mr. Fetterman.
00:33:54You're lucky your officer wasn't injured.
00:33:56I'm lucky.
00:33:57Why did you attack the car, Mr. Fetterman?
00:33:59That's not the right question.
00:34:00Why did you make an unprovoked attack on my car?
00:34:02That is not the right question!
00:34:05The question is, why are you following me?
00:34:07Why are you watching my house?
00:34:09We're investigating the murder of your wife, Mr. Fetterman.
00:34:11You think I killed her, don't you?
00:34:13You think I murdered Anne.
00:34:14It is our responsibility to conduct a thorough investigation.
00:34:17What is wrong with you people?
00:34:20I love my wife.
00:34:22Do you have any idea what it felt like to get the call?
00:34:25To hear that she was dead, to see her dead,
00:34:28and to know she had been with another man?
00:34:31Anne was everything to me.
00:34:32I trusted her completely, and she died betraying me.
00:34:36Betraying us.
00:34:39Can you imagine what it feels like?
00:34:43Knowing that.
00:34:50Murder my wife and leave our daughter without a mother?
00:34:52What kind of person do you think I am?
00:35:01Why was there a loaded gun in your glove compartment?
00:35:04I put it there the other day.
00:35:07They're here, you know that, don't you?
00:35:10Wondering eye.
00:35:11Their offices are in Queens.
00:35:14I was so angry when I discovered the site on Annie's computer.
00:35:17I wanted to blame somebody for what had happened.
00:35:19I wanted to blame them.
00:35:23So I drove over there to confront them to...
00:35:27I'm not sure what.
00:35:30Couldn't get out of the car.
00:35:32Couldn't do it.
00:35:35My daughter needs me now.
00:35:39She needs me so much.
00:35:43And it wasn't their fault.
00:35:47It was Anne's.
00:35:55Do you like a good coffee, Mr. Lane?
00:36:09What was that?
00:36:11Was that just an act for our benefit?
00:36:13Felt real to me.
00:36:17Yeah, Ballistics got back to us on his .38.
00:36:19It's not the murder weapon.
00:36:23I'm gonna get him a cup of coffee,
00:36:25and then I'm gonna let him go.
00:36:26But the attack on the car.
00:36:33So, back to square one.
00:37:02So, what about the wife?
00:37:05The wife was a thousand miles away.
00:37:07And I don't see her hiring a hitman.
00:37:09A burglary gone wrong.
00:37:10Nothing was taken.
00:37:11Yeah, but they didn't get a chance to.
00:37:13They had a chance to take the wedding rings, but didn't.
00:37:16That was a message.
00:37:20But what the hell does that mean?
00:37:37You come here often?
00:37:39Yeah, I always stay here whenever I come to New York.
00:37:53I'll have a glass of wine.
00:38:12You don't stay here for the view.
00:38:17It's mostly out of necessity.
00:38:19Being so close to the airport.
00:38:28I know that it's not in the city,
00:38:30but to tell you the truth,
00:38:32I really enjoy the quiet time alone.
00:38:35Yeah, I know what you mean.
00:38:43You are so beautiful.
00:39:31What is this?
00:39:33What's wrong?
00:39:36Talk to me.
00:39:38I can't do this.
00:39:41I'm sorry.
00:39:43I can't do this.
00:39:45I thought I could, but...
00:39:48I just can't.
00:39:51It's just...
00:39:53Your vows.
00:40:02What do you say we just get back to our wine?
00:40:11I'd like that.
00:40:13I'd like that a lot.
00:40:21I'd like that a lot.
00:40:33I should probably get going.
00:40:53I have a confession.
00:40:55My name's not Allison.
00:40:57It's Maren Abbott.
00:41:01Sorry I lied to you.
00:41:03It's okay.
00:41:05I mean, who knew what we were getting ourselves into here,
00:41:10I wasn't smart enough to use an alias.
00:41:13You know what I think?
00:41:17I think your wife is gonna come back around.
00:41:20Oh, yeah?
00:41:22What makes you say that?
00:41:24Woman's intuition.
00:41:31Take care of yourself, Lucas.
00:41:36You too, Maren.
00:44:58What you doing?
00:45:00Um, a little shopping.
00:45:05At three in the morning?
00:45:07I couldn't sleep.
00:45:13What are you doing up?
00:45:15I was gonna...
00:45:17I was gonna get some water.
00:46:13I'm all right.
00:46:16Look, why are you calling me?
00:46:20I don't know.
00:46:25We haven't released that information yet.
00:46:27How do you know that?
00:46:33I was looking for you.
00:46:35You talked to Ian Mankiewicz?
00:46:37Homicide detective, Queens.
00:46:39Yeah, we went to the academy together.
00:46:41You told him about the severed finger
00:46:43in the Hollis-Vetterman case?
00:46:45Oh, yeah, well, you know, we were having a beer...
00:46:47I was in the hotel room near JFK this morning.
00:46:49Mankiewicz is part of the investigative team.
00:46:51The lead investigator just called me.
00:46:53The dead man was mutilated in the same way.
00:46:57Bring that with you. We're going to Queens.
00:47:09In the news today, Queens police have not yet released
00:47:12the identity of the man whose body was discovered this morning
00:47:15at the luxury travel hotel near the airport.
00:47:18The homicide victim was a frequent guest there.
00:47:21In other news, the mayor's office reiterated that...
00:47:45There he is.
00:47:47That's Will Atherton?
00:47:49He's the lead investigator?
00:47:51Only in Queens.
00:47:53That's my case.
00:47:55Still, that's a guy that caught the subway stalker, huh?
00:47:58That's the guy.
00:48:00Well, you know him?
00:48:02I was married to him.
00:48:08He was shot at close range with a small-caliber gun.
00:48:1138 rounds.
00:48:13Yeah, probably.
00:48:15The body had been here overnight.
00:48:17He was killed yesterday afternoon.
00:48:19Any sign of his struggle?
00:48:21Uh, no.
00:48:23He appears to have been caught completely off guard.
00:48:25Maybe because he knew the shooter.
00:48:27Well, he was definitely with somebody.
00:48:29We collected two empty wine glasses with two sets of prints.
00:48:31One with lipstick traces.
00:48:33And earlier that day, he was seen in the hotel dining room
00:48:35with a woman.
00:48:37Young, attractive, well-dressed.
00:48:39Waitstaff couldn't tell if it was a business meeting or a date.
00:48:41She and the victim left together.
00:48:43Well, presumably he came back.
00:48:45Where they drank wine at noon?
00:48:47Sounds like a date to me.
00:48:49Well, it didn't get very far.
00:48:51He was dressed. Bed was made.
00:48:53You said he came here often?
00:48:55Every other month for about a week at a time.
00:48:57Is he in the habit of holding business meetings here?
00:48:59Not according to the staff we talked to.
00:49:01It's definitely a date.
00:49:03Was he married?
00:49:05Yeah. His wife's a doctor in Ohio. Two kids.
00:49:07She's flying in tonight to identify the body.
00:49:09He doesn't work on business. Lonely.
00:49:11Meets someone.
00:49:13Invites her back to his room.
00:49:15And things go seriously wrong.
00:49:17Okay, so, uh, other than the mutilations,
00:49:19what is connecting this to the Hollis-Fetimer murders?
00:49:21Do you have a laptop?
00:49:23Yeah, we've got it.
00:49:25Forensics took it back to the station.
00:49:27I want to see it.
00:49:29You bet. Uh, let's go.
00:49:39You look well, Jackie.
00:49:41How's Patricia?
00:49:43Look, I didn't ask for this assignment.
00:49:45In fact, I suggested they use someone else.
00:49:47But, uh, they want me,
00:49:49so let's make the best of it, okay?
00:49:55See you around.
00:50:09Luxury Travel Hotel.
00:50:11Hi, can I have room 411, please?
00:50:13One moment, please.
00:50:15I'm sorry, did you say room 411?
00:50:17Yes, that's right.
00:50:19May I ask who's calling?
00:50:21Is there a problem?
00:50:23Could I have your name, please?
00:50:25Could I have your name, please?
00:50:43We found our connection.
00:50:55You naughty boy.
00:50:57Mommy, are you gonna read me a story?
00:51:00Mommy will be right in.
00:51:04I'll show you naughty.
00:51:06Mommy, are you gonna read me a story?
00:51:08Mommy will be right in.
00:51:12I'll show you naughty.
00:51:36Mommy will be right in.
00:52:06It was fast.
00:52:14Chat, wait.
00:52:36Queens Police this morning released
00:52:38the name of the man found murdered
00:52:40yesterday in a hotel near the airport.
00:52:42Lucas Manning, age 34,
00:52:44was from Cleveland, Ohio,
00:52:46a pharmaceutical sales rep
00:52:48who was in New York on a business trip.
00:52:50His body was identified earlier
00:52:52by his wife, Dr. Blair Manning,
00:52:54the mother of their two children.
00:52:56No motive or any other details
00:52:58have been released at this time
00:53:00relative to the murder.
00:53:02It is not believed that Dr. Manning
00:53:04is the murderer.
00:53:08You okay?
00:53:10Yeah. Fine.
00:53:12Okay, um, well,
00:53:14have a good day, okay?
00:53:41Brooke McCall?
00:53:51No, I didn't know them, but then I wouldn't.
00:53:53We don't have any direct contact with our members.
00:53:55Except when you build them.
00:53:57Actually, Detective, our memberships are free.
00:53:59We make our money from advertising.
00:54:03Same sells.
00:54:05You don't approve of my business.
00:54:07Not when your members are turning up dead.
00:54:09No, I don't.
00:54:11Detective Fitzpatrick, I'm as concerned
00:54:13about these murders as you are.
00:54:15But if you're here to take an adversarial position
00:54:17or to challenge the integrity of my business,
00:54:19we'll suspend this conversation right now
00:54:21while I call my attorney.
00:54:23We have evidence that suggests that these victims
00:54:25were the same person and, uh,
00:54:27because they were married and having affairs.
00:54:29What evidence?
00:54:31Well, I can't tell you, but there's no evidence at all
00:54:33that Lucas Manning knew the other two.
00:54:35The only thing connecting them is Wandering Eye.
00:54:37That's disturbing.
00:54:39The killer knew when and where the victims were gonna be.
00:54:42Information he might have learned
00:54:44from their Wandering Eye accounts.
00:54:46Do your employees have access to those accounts?
00:54:48Not at all.
00:54:50Discretion is our stock and trade.
00:54:52Then is it possible the site's been compromised, hacked?
00:54:54I don't know.
00:54:56Who would?
00:54:58Our head of I.T.?
00:55:00I mean, nobody but me has access to the server.
00:55:02Like, nobody.
00:55:04I mean, I hardly ever go in.
00:55:06No, look, I mean, I do, like, routine maintenance,
00:55:08but this system's, like, rock solid.
00:55:10I mean, I just about never even have to go in, you know?
00:55:15Oh, my God.
00:55:19Well, somebody has been in, like, a lot.
00:55:22They've been accessing our e-mail logs.
00:55:26Well, you know, meaning that they've been reading our members' e-mails.
00:55:28From inside the office?
00:55:30Oh, well, no, no, no, these aren't R.I.P.'s.
00:55:32They're, like, from all over.
00:55:34Our security's been breached, like, big time.
00:55:37So you're saying a lot of people breached it?
00:55:40Well, no, I don't know.
00:55:42I mean, it could just be one person from different computers.
00:55:44I just...
00:55:46Oh, man, I just...
00:55:48I can't believe this.
00:55:52You have to talk to the police.
00:55:54There's nothing I can tell them.
00:55:56Well, they have to know you were there.
00:55:58People must have seen you with him.
00:56:00It happened after I left. I don't know anything.
00:56:02That's not the point.
00:56:04It was a robbery or I don't know.
00:56:06Maybe he crossed somebody.
00:56:10But it had nothing to do with me.
00:56:14You think I'm horrible, don't you?
00:56:16Stop it.
00:56:18In a hotel with another man.
00:56:20I'm not judging you, Maren.
00:56:22I just want you to do the right thing.
00:56:24What is that? Go to the police?
00:56:26Go public? Then Connor would know.
00:56:28He'll understand.
00:56:30No, he won't.
00:56:32Would Aaron?
00:56:34If you were in my position,
00:56:36if you had done or almost done what I had,
00:56:38would your husband understand?
00:56:45My password's never been cracked.
00:56:47Not ever. Not anywhere.
00:56:49Is that the only way someone
00:56:51could have gained access to this server?
00:56:53Yeah. I just can't believe it.
00:56:55Systems get hacked, Zoe.
00:56:57Even the Pentagon's.
00:56:59The different API addresses,
00:57:01are they time-coded?
00:57:03Can we tell when the system was breached?
00:57:05Yeah. And where from.
00:57:07Oh, my God. What is wrong with me?
00:57:09I need to change these passwords.
00:57:11We need to shut down the site.
00:57:13We can't shut down the site.
00:57:15There's thousands of members,
00:57:17What if we didn't change the passwords
00:57:19and kept the site open?
00:57:21Let's not alert the killer that we figured out
00:57:23this piece of the puzzle.
00:57:25Let's not draw any attention to Wandering Eye.
00:57:27Now that you know that you've been hacked,
00:57:29do you have any way of monitoring future breaches?
00:57:31Sure. I could set up a protocol
00:57:33so I'll be alerted, like, immediately
00:57:35if anybody hacks us again.
00:57:37That's what we should do.
00:57:42I need you to bring up the data
00:57:44on a member.
00:57:46Lucas Manning had a date with her
00:57:48the day he was killed.
00:57:50Sure. No problem.
00:58:00I wish you hadn't told me.
00:58:04I had to tell someone.
00:58:06You gave me permission to stay quiet.
00:58:08Really think about this, Mary.
00:58:10A man was murdered.
00:58:12I know.
00:58:14I knew him.
00:58:27I know that you're the serial killer expert here,
00:58:29but I just want to make sure
00:58:31that we're not making a mistake
00:58:33by keeping that site open.
00:58:35We can investigate those IP sites
00:58:37and start busting down some doors,
00:58:39but my bet is they'll be cold.
00:58:41Someone with the capacity
00:58:43to crack several passwords is smart.
00:58:45We tip our hand if we can lose him.
00:58:47I say we catch him
00:58:49when he hacks in again, real time.
00:58:51Yes, but what worries me
00:58:53is we have no idea what he already knows.
00:58:55There could be someone right now
00:58:57going out on a hot date
00:58:59and they're walking into a death trap.
00:59:01Yeah. Shutting the sites down now
00:59:03isn't gonna help them.
00:59:43Hey, it's Solomon.
00:59:45I'm calling about Allison Rogers.
00:59:47Allison Rogers is actually a pseudonym.
00:59:49She didn't enter any personal information
00:59:51except an e-mail address.
00:59:53According to Wandering Eye's I.T. expert,
00:59:55it's a web-based account,
00:59:57so it's gonna be difficult to track the I.P.
00:59:59I say, uh, send her an e-mail
01:00:01and let her know that I'm on my way.
01:00:03All right.
01:00:07It's gonna be difficult to track the I.P.
01:00:09I say, uh, send her an e-mail
01:00:11and see if she comes forward.
01:00:13Yeah, we won't need to do that.
01:00:15Well, why's that?
01:00:17Because she already has.
01:00:44Hey, honey.
01:00:46Looking for a date?
01:00:48Maybe. How much?
01:00:50Depends what kind of date you have in mind.
01:00:53Get in.
01:01:05I don't know exactly when I left.
01:01:08Uh, around 1.30?
01:01:13Why were you in Mr. Manning's hotel room?
01:01:16For the obvious reasons.
01:01:21But I couldn't go through with it.
01:01:23Still, I wanted to cheat,
01:01:25so what's the difference?
01:01:29There's a difference.
01:01:34Was there anyone else there with you?
01:01:39Did you see anything or anyone suspicious
01:01:43as you were leaving?
01:01:45Just the maid's cart down the hall.
01:01:47Why didn't you come to us sooner?
01:01:49I was trying to protect my marriage.
01:01:52Did you own a firearm, Ms. Abbott?
01:01:56I've never held a gun in my life.
01:01:58Why would you ask me that?
01:02:01Well, you were the last person to see Mr. Manning alive.
01:02:04No, I wasn't.
01:02:06The person who killed him was.
01:02:14Do you know either of these people?
01:02:17Do you know either of these people?
01:02:29No, but I read about their murders.
01:02:33Why are you showing me these?
01:02:36They met on Wondering High,
01:02:38like you and Mr. Manning.
01:02:42I don't understand.
01:02:44Is there some connection between what happened to them
01:02:47and what happened to Lucas?
01:02:49We think there is.
01:03:04Slow down, honey.
01:03:06You're happy for a whole hour.
01:03:15What the...
01:03:17What are you doing?
01:03:19Oh, the hell with this.
01:03:21You don't know who it is.
01:03:23It could be the police. Perry, don't.
01:03:26Hey, you got a problem, buddy?
01:03:29Because I got a problem.
01:03:31I'm trying to spend some time with my girl.
01:04:03I knew that I was lucky not to be there.
01:04:05But if it were a robbery or whatever,
01:04:08I could have been killed, too.
01:04:10But I had no idea I was a target.
01:04:14So, what do you think?
01:04:16I think she's right. She was lucky.
01:04:19Damn lucky.
01:04:23We may need to talk to you again.
01:04:26You're free to go.
01:04:35Are you gonna release my name to the media?
01:04:38No. Since you used a pseudonym,
01:04:40the killer doesn't know who you are.
01:04:42Let's keep it that way.
01:04:51You can still protect your marriage.
01:04:53You don't have to tell your husband.
01:04:55We won't.
01:05:13I told him everything.
01:05:15Good for you.
01:05:17Now I owe you one.
01:05:19For what?
01:05:20Pointing me in the right direction.
01:05:22You already pointed there. You just need a little push.
01:05:28No. I don't think I'm going to.
01:05:33I want to protect you.
01:05:35I don't want to hurt you.
01:05:37I don't want to hurt you.
01:05:39I do.
01:05:41I want to put this behind me.
01:05:44I wish that Graham would do the same thing.
01:05:47He's been calling?
01:05:49And texting and emailing.
01:05:51I'm beginning to feel like a stalker.
01:05:53Well, you're a hard woman to give up on.
01:05:56You're right.
01:06:00Judy calls.
01:06:09I'm sorry.
01:06:33Wandering Eye's been hacked again.
01:06:35We have a location. We're on our way with SWAT.
01:06:37I don't know who the targets were.
01:06:49All right. What now?
01:06:51Get Will on the phone.
01:06:53He's trying to track down the Wandering Eye members
01:06:55that were hacked from this address.
01:06:57Hopefully he had better luck than we did.
01:06:59Hey, it's Solomon. What's the word?
01:07:04All right. We'll meet you there.
01:07:08He found them.
01:07:10A hooker?
01:07:12Yes, again.
01:07:14Driver's license in her purse says this is our girl.
01:07:17Minus the red wig, Brenda Shepard Bates.
01:07:19Got her name from Wandering Eye.
01:07:21Ammo matches the other murders.
01:07:23Brenda Shepard Bates.
01:07:25The real estate developer?
01:07:27Yeah. This is his wife.
01:07:29Turning a trick?
01:07:31Acting out a fantasy.
01:07:33That'd be my guess.
01:07:35So who's he?
01:07:37Harry Nunzio, book publisher.
01:07:39Worked in Midtown.
01:07:41Stick around. Let me know if forensics comes up with anything.
01:07:44Okay. You got it.
01:07:50We have to let the meeting in on this
01:07:52before they connect the dots.
01:08:06Hi, you've reached Maren Abbott.
01:08:08Please leave a message at the sound of the beep.
01:08:16You need another?
01:08:37Hey, it's Solomon.
01:08:39No luck. Forensics came back with trace evidence.
01:08:41Okay. I'm on my way back.
01:08:43All right.
01:08:49We have to issue a statement.
01:08:51Control the rumors before the media does it for us.
01:08:54And who knows, maybe someone will come forward
01:08:56and tell us the truth.
01:08:58I don't think so.
01:09:00I don't think so.
01:09:02Control the rumors before the media does it for us.
01:09:05And who knows, maybe someone will come forward and...
01:09:08Because right now we've got nothing.
01:09:10You're right.
01:09:14And we have to shut down the site.
01:09:16Yeah, you're right about that too.
01:09:33Come on, Graham. Give it up.
01:09:51So here's what we're going to release to the press.
01:09:53We believe the same person is responsible
01:09:55for the murders of Ann Federman
01:09:57and Michael Hollis in Manhattan.
01:09:59And Lucas Manning, Brenda Shepherd-Bates,
01:10:01and Perry Annunzio in Queens.
01:10:03All the victims were members of the social networking site
01:10:06Wandering Eye, which has today suspended operations.
01:10:11Other than acknowledging that commonality,
01:10:13we are not releasing any further information
01:10:15concerning the murders at this time.
01:10:17What we do want to emphasize
01:10:19is that the general population has nothing to fear.
01:10:21These murders are not random.
01:10:23Okay. We're about to start the press conference.
01:10:25Okay, great. Zoe's ready to shut down the site.
01:10:28I'm waiting for your call.
01:10:30Okay. Okay. Let's do this.
01:10:41When did you get this?
01:10:43About an hour ago.
01:10:44And you don't know this under?
01:10:46No, but it's got to be the killer.
01:10:48Why do you say that? Who else could it be?
01:10:50He must have got your email address from Wandering Eye.
01:10:52So what? Now he wants to blackmail you?
01:10:54No. He wants to kill me.
01:10:56I'm unfinished business, the one who got away.
01:10:59She's right. This isn't about money.
01:11:01This is about restoring moral balance.
01:11:04Colin Lincoln, all the murders,
01:11:06said the male victims were fathers with young children.
01:11:09I think the killer suffered the trauma of divorce as a kid
01:11:13because his father was unfaithful.
01:11:15So he couldn't kill his dad or his dad's mistress.
01:11:18So he's killing Serge.
01:11:20We're better to find him than Wandering Eye.
01:11:22But he didn't kill this surrogate.
01:11:25Look, he's seen me at the hotel,
01:11:28but he doesn't know who I am or where to find me.
01:11:30He's trying to smoke me out.
01:11:32Yeah, but does he really think you're going to fall for a blackmail threat?
01:11:35He assumed I'd come forward, but I didn't.
01:11:38Or he thinks I didn't.
01:11:40Which is why he didn't contact you sooner.
01:11:42As far as he's concerned, I'm desperate to stay anonymous.
01:11:45Okay. So what do you want to do?
01:11:48I give him what he wants.
01:11:50If he wants to smoke you out, we let him.
01:11:53You can't ask him to do that.
01:12:01You would be putting yourself at risk.
01:12:03But you'd be there to protect me, right?
01:12:13One of my answers is e-mail.
01:12:15One of my answers is e-mail.
01:12:45One of my answers is e-mail.
01:13:01Okay, it's showtime.
01:13:03You ready?
01:13:06I keep thinking about Blair Manning, Lucas's wife.
01:13:10Did you meet her when she came to New York?
01:13:16She thinks her husband cheated on her.
01:13:19But he didn't.
01:13:21He really loved her.
01:13:25We'll be watching you at all times.
01:13:30He's not going to do anything in public.
01:13:32It doesn't fit the profile.
01:13:34Then why am I wearing a bulletproof vest?
01:13:39You can back out.
01:13:41I wouldn't blame you.
01:13:44No, let's do this.
01:13:46Okay, so once we have him,
01:13:49you go straight to the alley behind the restaurant.
01:13:52Got it.
01:14:14Good evening.
01:14:16Table for two. I'm meeting someone.
01:14:18Right this way.
01:14:27Waitress will be right with you.
01:15:15Oh, my God.
01:15:17Oh, my God.
01:15:27How's he doing?
01:15:29Hands on your head!
01:15:31I said put your hands on your head!
01:15:33If you're under arrest, you have the right to remain silent.
01:15:36What are you doing? I haven't done anything.
01:15:38You have the right to an attorney.
01:15:40If you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you.
01:15:43What are you doing?
01:15:47We're sorry, people. Police business.
01:15:49Please stay seated. Everything is under control.
01:16:05Williamsburg, please.
01:16:14I'm telling you, I didn't send any pay-me-or-else e-mail!
01:16:17Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:16:19Sit down.
01:16:21How'd you know to meet Mrs. Rogers tonight?
01:16:24We exchanged e-mails, but not at that address you said.
01:16:27I got my phone in my jacket. Check it.
01:16:33By the way, she contacted me first.
01:16:35She e-mailed me.
01:16:37I'm sure she's got something to say.
01:16:40By the way, she contacted me first.
01:16:42She e-mailed me.
01:16:44You're claiming you and Mrs. Rogers had a relationship?
01:16:46No. She was interested in one. That's why we were meeting.
01:16:49We got the wrong guy.
01:16:51We've been set up.
01:16:53We gotta get a patrol car in a minute.
01:17:09Let's go.
01:17:35Guess who?
01:17:37What are you doing?
01:17:41Do you want to go to dinner?
01:17:43What was that place that we went to for lunch?
01:17:47Go home.
01:17:50Go home?
01:17:53Okay, just one little kiss first, okay?
01:17:56You're just one.
01:17:58Let go of her. Let go of her now.
01:18:08Are you okay?
01:18:12Guess again.
01:18:33Hi, you've reached Erin Abbott.
01:18:35She's not answering.
01:18:39Yeah, is she there?
01:18:41No. All I found was a friend of hers, Graham Ball.
01:18:44Sent him to the hospital with a minor head injury.
01:18:47All right, thanks.
01:18:49The killer has her.
01:19:00Where are we going?
01:19:02You're not very romantic, are you, Allison?
01:19:05No basking in the afterglow for you.
01:19:08No pillow talk.
01:19:10Just wham, bam, thank you, man, and you're out of there.
01:19:14Poor Lucas.
01:19:16Had to die all by himself.
01:19:19And that's not fair.
01:19:22Turn right at the light.
01:19:25Damn it!
01:19:31Where is she?
01:19:34Will, where is she?
01:19:37He has to finish what he started.
01:19:42What are you doing?
01:19:44Yeah, it's Atherton.
01:19:46I need backup now. Luxury travel hotel.
01:19:48I'll be right back.
01:19:54Let's go.
01:19:56Okay, got it.
01:20:18You made a promise,
01:20:20a promise before God,
01:20:22and you broke that promise,
01:20:24and that's a grievous sin.
01:20:28Did you think it would go unpunished?
01:20:30Did you think that God would, like, look the other way?
01:20:33It doesn't work like that, Allison.
01:20:36So that's why you're killing people?
01:20:38For God?
01:20:40Don't reduce this to simple.
01:20:42Nothing is simple.
01:20:44Life is complicated,
01:20:47and that's why we need to help each other.
01:20:50So why don't you help me and let me go?
01:20:53Right, see,
01:20:55I was gonna help people.
01:20:57See, I was gonna be a doctor,
01:21:00like him.
01:21:02See, he encouraged me even when I was really little.
01:21:05Let me read all his books,
01:21:07play with his medical instruments,
01:21:10and then he ruined everything.
01:21:20The hotel.
01:21:22You're taking me back to the hotel.
01:21:24Somebody should have killed him, too.
01:21:26Him and his whore.
01:21:30Go, run back.
01:21:51You're gonna kill me, aren't you?
01:21:53Oh, give me.
01:21:55You killed yourself, Allison.
01:21:57I'm gonna eat you to sleep with another man.
01:22:00Park anywhere.
01:22:02I have something to tell you.
01:22:04What are you doing?
01:22:05What are you doing?
01:22:06My name isn't Allison.
01:22:07Stop the car!
01:22:09Stop it!
01:22:20Stop it!
01:22:42Hey! Hey!
01:22:44Over here!
01:22:51Maren, what happened?
01:22:53You okay?
01:22:55I don't think so, I don't know.
01:22:57It wasn't...
01:23:01You don't have to do this.
01:23:03We can get you the help you need.
01:23:05I'm not the one that needs help right now, Detective.
01:23:11Kept your vest on.
01:23:13Calling for help. Don't move.
01:23:16I'm right here.
01:23:18Everything's gonna be fine.
01:23:20Let me see. Let me see.
01:23:22Let me see.
01:23:23Luxury Travel Hotel, Officer Down.
01:23:25Let me see.
01:23:26You're gonna be okay.
01:23:28It's okay. I'll put you down.
01:23:30You're gonna be okay.
01:23:32You're gonna be okay.
01:23:34You're gonna be okay.
01:23:37It's okay. Help is coming.
01:23:54Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
01:23:56Flesh wounds hurt.
01:24:01You saved my life tonight.
01:24:04We both got lucky.
01:24:07Now you have my back.
01:24:11I've always had your back.
01:24:13Not always.
01:24:15Fell in love with someone else, Jackie.
01:24:18It happens.
01:24:20Yeah, I remember.
01:24:23Come on.
01:24:25What happened to one of us?
01:24:27We were lousy together.
01:24:31Yeah, I remember that, too.
01:24:35I should hand in my badge.
01:24:39How many years have I been doing this,
01:24:41and it never occurred to me the killer was a woman?
01:24:43Not once.
01:24:47I'd like to go home.
01:24:49Yeah. Yeah, of course.
01:24:52I'm sorry.
01:24:56So, you're still anonymous.
01:24:58You don't have to tell your husband, right?
01:25:00Yeah, I know.
01:25:02But I'm going to.
01:25:05Our marriage is in trouble,
01:25:07and it's never gonna survive if it's based on lies.
01:25:16What's this?
01:25:18Lucas Manning's wife, Blair.
01:25:20It's, uh...
01:25:22It's our number.
01:25:33Take care. Yeah.
01:25:35You, too.
01:26:03Hi, honey.
01:26:05Hey, you.
01:26:33Welcome home.
01:26:35Who saw this?
01:26:39I've been a total jerk,
01:26:41and I missed my wife.
01:26:43So I hope you don't have any plans for tonight,
01:26:45because I've got a lot of lost time to make up for.
01:26:51Connor, listen, I am...
01:27:01I can't wait till tomorrow.
01:27:27Oh, my God.
01:27:57Oh, my God.
01:28:27I'll never find another dream like you