• last year
The competition watchdog's supermarket report has found customers don't trust "sale price" claims at the grocers.


00:00Shoppers like Zach are here at this discount store trying to avoid the major supermarkets.
00:07I don't like shopping at Coles and Woolworths.
00:09Why not?
00:10Because they're too expensive and they've been price gouging us for God knows how long.
00:13The Consumer Watchdog is investigating supermarket pricing and Coles and Woolworths are its biggest targets.
00:20They behave in an oligopolistic fashion, in other words not trying to compete too strongly and mirroring practices.
00:30And that's not a good outcome if that's the case for consumers.
00:34The ACCC has dropped its interim report on the same week it's also lodged action against Coles and Woolworths
00:41alleging that they've been bumping up prices so they can drop them, giving the illusion of discounting.
00:48It is a breach of trust for supermarkets to be behaving like this and today we've released the ACCC interim report.
00:58One former ACCC chair says the report says nothing new.
01:03I'm a bit disappointed.
01:04The critical things are how do we allow Aldi and Costco in particular to enter the market with more vigour
01:13because they've got the capital to do it but they need to be able to enter more vigorously
01:16and the real issue there I think comes down to the availability of sites.
01:20The report does raise concerns about land banking where companies buy up sites and sit on them keeping out their competition.
01:28Woolworths has more than 100 undeveloped sites.
01:32Coles has over 40 while Aldi is sitting on 13.
01:36We cannot just allow the chains to open store after store after store
01:41and I really strongly believe that the government should take this opportunity of introducing a supermarket cap.
01:49The ACCC is now going over five years of price data to find out if the supermarkets are gouging which they say they're not.
01:57I don't think price increases equate to abuse of market power.
02:01Consumer rage about supermarket prices has been growing during a cost of living crisis.
02:07Coles and Woolworths used to be some of Australia's most beloved brands.
02:13Now they are some of the least trusted in the country.
02:16The ACCC will make supermarket bosses front up to their inquiry before releasing a final report next year.
