• last year
00:00Why is it that the worst songs are some of the hardest to get out of our heads?
00:05Is it because they're uniquely catchy?
00:08That might be part of it, but there's actually a scientific answer to this question.
00:13Dr. Roy Baumeister explains that if you listen to a randomly chosen song and shut it off
00:19halfway through, the song is likely to run through your mind at odd intervals.
00:25If you get to the end of the song, the mind checks it off, so to speak.
00:30If you stop it in the middle, however, the mind treats the song as unfinished business.
00:35And that's why this kind of earworm is so often an awful tune rather than a pleasant
00:40We're more likely to turn off the bad one in mid-song, so it's the one that returns
00:45to haunt us.
00:46Neurologists will tell you that it's not just unfinished songs that our minds keep reminding
00:51us of.
00:52There are also unfinished tasks and unfulfilled commitments which our brains are bursting
00:58That's a problem, because God didn't design our brains to store that much information.
01:04And because we know we can't keep track of it all, our mental to-do lists often cause
01:09Christ-followers a tremendous amount of anxiety.
01:14Because we know that Jesus has commanded that our yes be yes, which brings us to the second
01:20principle of this series.
01:23Principle 2.
01:24Let your yes be yes.
01:26To redeem our time in the model of our Redeemer, we must ensure that our yes is yes from the
01:32smallest to the biggest commitments we make.
01:35Our solutions for practicing this principle in our modern context are inadequate, to say
01:40the least.
01:42From trying to keep track of to-do's in our head to storing tasks in start emails, I think
01:46most of us would admit that our yes is not always yes, like Jesus commanded, and thus,
01:54we're more stressed than ever.
01:57So what's the solution?
01:59Extracting all of your commitments out of their current locations, your brain, email
02:03inbox, post-it notes, etc., and placing them into a trusted external system.