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00:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:06To be continued...
00:30Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
01:00Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
01:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
01:34To be continued...
02:00Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
02:06This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
02:10To be continued...
02:29There are ambushes everywhere on Meishan Mountain.
02:31If you take a wrong step, you will die.
02:33Master, you must follow me closely.
02:35There's no need to be so troublesome.
02:47It's too... too strong.
02:49Master, teach me that move just now.
02:55Wait for me, Master!
03:06Finally, it's done!
03:08It's combined with my strongest talisman spell!
03:13There are still people who risked their lives to come celebrate with me.
03:18That's not right.
03:19Who broke the talisman?
03:21That thing...
03:23It's not a talisman.
03:25It's not a talisman.
03:27It's not a talisman.
03:29It's not a talisman.
03:31It's not a talisman.
03:33That thing...
03:35Does it deserve to be called a talisman?
03:38Ye Feng!
03:40If I don't look for you,
03:42you'll have to come to me yourself.
03:57It's a bit interesting that you have half of your power.
04:04It's a bit interesting that you have half of your power.
04:07You actually locked my talisman!
04:09You really are a genius!
04:12This talisman can be given to Lin'er.
04:16Give me all your talismans.
04:20Only this one!
04:25The movement of the red stone is completely different.
04:28It's interlocked.
04:34The movement of the red stone is completely different.
04:40Such a fast movement.
04:43It's getting more and more interesting.
04:45Such a pity.
04:46It's a pity.
04:54You're not afraid to explode?
04:56You're not afraid to explode?
04:57Little genius.
05:00Genius is just like that.
05:01You're right.
05:02I'm not afraid of exploding.
05:04Aren't you dead?
05:06It's a trap!
05:07I'm getting more and more impressed by you.
05:10Why don't you become my disciple?
05:13You can't even break the maze.
05:15And you want to become my master?
05:19I understand.
05:20Geniuses have a temper.
05:22Just listen when you want to use your talisman.
05:25The stars and the seconds are in the form of a talisman.
05:29万战万武 迎平我眼
05:44就算这火引发了天地异象 想对付我还差点火候
05:51当你试过它的厉害 我就说不出这么嚣张的话来
06:20怎么可能 这不融入了我精纯的灵力 怎么会没你左右
06:29因为你的实力太弱了 结束了
06:45可以结束的 是你
06:48服了吗 不出一刻 你这失灵夫就能将你的修为尽废
07:00现在求饶 还能做我的弟子
07:07都说了 想对付我还不够火候
07:21幻阵 又是幻阵
07:25我练武四十载 修阵二十载
07:29以服阵成圣 劈逆大陆所有阵法天才
07:34没想到 我却看不透你的幻阵
07:41我 我 叶峰 指点指点我吧 师父
07:50拜师也有先来后到 天边是我先来的
07:58做你师弟 也行
08:01只要你收我为徒 这些虚名不重要
08:11不就对付个叶峰 这敖扬干脆就不来了
08:15要我说 这道骨索性散了得了
08:19这 哪 哪 哪来的算字搞东西
08:31看来前任六七两宫公主之死 已是全忘了
08:39上将 不过上人修理 就让天狼神魂受损 毫无还手之力
08:53九天道宫公主未知 你们不想做 有的是人做
09:00叶峰这次恐怕要有大麻烦了 得快点提醒他
09:07好了 现在说说叶峰吧
09:21难道你要冒天下之大不韪 护着魔头吗
09:26除非我死 否则 你休想带走叶辰的尸身
09:43蓝外青石半路余纷纷 痛尽容颜正清纯
09:55闻玉清风化殿妆 远离纷扰 缘在此与良人
10:06繁华落尽相伴寄予余生 与人间从此无离分
10:18望日期再重现 谁非恩怨抛下一切终成空
10:28燕国长虹与水月相拥 你浪迹天涯我跟从
10:41往后余生你陪同 写了宾家诉情淡然这一生
10:50携手锁过这千般风景 共赴这一世约定
