Shakiel Thompson vs River Wilson-Bent

  • 2 days ago
00:06my lads you both know the rules so let's just have a good clean fight okay most of all remember to
00:11defend yourselves at all times all right just love Shaquille Thompson hoping to keep his undefeated
00:18record intact one of the best kept secrets for a long time in the middleweight division
00:24but he's now out under the lights and on display river Wilson Bent who screamed for this fight
00:33after his last outing which was fairly disappointing in commentary but he said get me
00:39Shaq Thompson I was there in the amateurs when Thompson was knocked out by my mate Bradley
00:44Goldsmith and I'm going to shatter him so let's see Shaquille Thompson in the gray the southpaw
00:54tall lanky good reach decent power River Wilson Bent has fought at a higher level
01:01losses to Amo Williams and Hamza Shiraz can he deal with Shaq Thompson good body shot from Thompson
01:10Thompson's on the stage that he wants to be his own city topping the bill live on tv
01:16he's got to go out there and he's not only got to win he's got to impress and he's in with somebody
01:21you know he's wanting to take his head off who believes he's going to go out there and do a
01:25demolition job Shaquille Thompson's got to make sure he doesn't let emotions get involved there's
01:29been a lot of back and forth and a build-up to this River swipes with a right hand
01:37be quite disappointing last couple of fights Shaq Thompson
01:43has been improving but this is a test
01:57support is growing for Thompson lovely guy
02:00outside of the ring not as charismatic maybe as rwb
02:06oh a little bit disorganized there
02:10trying to swap body shots who's going to get the early success here
02:15yeah both have got good jabs southpaw and orthodox as i expected it a little bit a little
02:24bit edgy and you know a little bit herky-jerky to start off with nobody wanted to make that mistake
02:30oh good work from Thompson was hurt there just smiles in his corner
02:39some power Thompson has in those fists eight knockouts on the slate so far he punches with authority
02:52finding some gaps here Thompson in the defense of the Coventry fighter
02:58that shooting left hand Thompson looking very sharp
03:11blood to the nose of Wilson Bentley comes back with a couple of shots of his own he was a good
03:16amateur Wilson Benton he's had a checkered career former Midlands champion he's got a huge amount of
03:36Shaquille Thompson's looking to make Wilson Benton pay with every shot they throw
03:40nothing's settled everything's looking to take his head off with every car
03:54that was a nice right hook a little a little counter as
03:59steps onto him looking for his own attack
04:02timed it beautifully he's got such long levers Shaquille Thompson
04:11Jack Cattrell back in a few weeks time against Regis Progre
04:16terrific matchup that on the zone coming your way
04:20that was the celebration after the uh Josh Taylor win second time around 10 seconds guys you can see
04:31the corner of River Wilson Benton, Brendan Norman, Tom Powell, John Pegg in there
04:37Roger Thompson as always with Shaquille Thompson in the grey trunks
04:43oh nice right hand a little clip there from Wilson Benton
04:49from Wilson Benton he can throw a good count of a nice left hand from
04:54Thompson who started with real authority and intent in this second round
05:02Isla and Romy on his waistband his two children and River Wilson Benton has his
05:09Neve and Omari the pink and blue trunks a girl and a boy both dads of two
05:15both great guys out of the ring who gets the better inside
05:37and I think he's quite surprised about the dig that Thompson has with the right and the left
05:44he's gunning for this Shaquille Thompson I think he wants to make a real statement
05:49hands as Shiraz did on the big stage at Wembley in this round against Tyler Denny
05:54last week and Thompson with the right hand
06:02he's timing these little counters really well he's Shaquille Thompson
06:08there there's the right it's the right hook over the top
06:11that's clever intelligent workers Wilson Benton comes in
06:16leaves himself a little bit static and open and Thompson's making him pay
06:41a nice right hook underneath there from Shaquille Thompson
06:48it was quite physically imposing doesn't Adam doesn't he oh good shot from Shaquille Thompson
06:56he's really come in in a mode like he did here in February when he took out Gino Cantor's
07:04very authoritative using those long leave as well and powerful
07:19good work from Thompson again and what I like what Thompson's doing is is the shots that he's
07:25throwing the counter shots are all different sometimes they'll go with the uppercut sometimes
07:30sometimes you go with the right hand
07:42but he's got to prove to Michael Alexander he's okay and he just about gets back to his corner
07:47and boom from Shaquille Thompson he's looked superb tonight but the job's not done yet
07:56and River Wilson Benton has a minute is a minute enough I don't know the way that he
08:01walked back across that ring there his legs are on slag they're on stilts
08:06Shaquille Thompson's just gonna be composed
08:10and find the bit that was a great short little left hand and then his reaction was great
08:15as Wilson Benton is falling or leaning over he catches him to finish the shot
08:19there he doubled up great reactions because he actually spins off and gets turns
08:33yeah predatory instinct there
08:42is it a matter of time third round of 10 and Shaquille Thompson is going straight
08:48for Wilson Benton who might have his best chance just throwing caution to the wind here
08:57he's felt the power of Thompson he just needs to hold get on fight some time walking back
09:07I think he's been shocked here oh completely his legs are still like jelly
09:15Shaquille Thompson said River Wilson Benton has never faced anyone like me
09:21I'm different to the others I'm not Ammo Williams I'm not Hamza Shiraz I'm Shaquille Thompson
09:32this is a superb performance from Shaquille Thompson Michael Alexander my son is here and now
09:40he's giving him the benefit of the doubt and here comes Thompson and River Wilson Benton
09:45is going to be stopped here surely in the third round there's no way back
09:50that shot was brilliant I'm sure it was on the turn and right up on the turn
09:57he's absolutely Wilson Denton is sitting up right here RWB he's so brave getting to his feet
10:06so tenacious Thompson with a body shot
10:10and somehow the commentary fighter is still in this
10:18Thompson should still use his jab use his jab distract set it off
10:30Michael Alexander still won't go in down twice in desperate trouble
10:35River Wilson Benton in this third round a minute to go
10:54it's so brave from RWB I think one more attack and then it'll be over but Thompson
11:02is one shot away and he's trying to find it but Wilson Benton hurling in a little bit like
11:13going out on the shield isn't he wow what excitement here body shot from Thompson
11:21but Wilson still on a left hook as well
11:25and Wilson Benton is going on
11:31that's the fourth time and the bell's coming any second and it's all done and dusted
11:39Sheffield Thompson with the win of his career and the celebrations begin in Sheffield
11:46it was an unlucky 13 it was a stunning performance and Sheffield Thompson has laid out
11:54a statement here to the other middleweights to say don't count me out I'm coming for you
12:01that's outstanding you're stepping up in levels and you go out there and you put on a performance
12:06like that in front of your hometown on this platform what a great statement what a great
12:11performance fully focused and it was devastating fair play to River Wilson Benton he went out on
12:19his shield he kept throwing and kept trying great fight he was punch perfect from the beginning
12:27tonight Sheffield Thompson focused aggressive clever counter shots timing he waited he didn't
12:35waste anything brilliant yeah brilliant Johnny Nelson impressed surely alongside Peter Welly
12:44there's Calbrook in there and Shaquille Thompson looks up to Calbrook as a hero and his heroes in
12:50the ring with him I think Shaquille Thompson going a long way in this middleweight division
12:57it was that there and we just Wilson Benton trying to hold on to him he just rolls under
13:04I thought it was a fantastic shot
13:12very brave Wilson Benton yeah that's what I'm saying he went over the top of him wasn't really
13:16knocked down but the damage were already done before that the fight was over yeah oh yeah
13:21definitely but what a win and there's a few tears I think for Shaq Thompson
13:27and all of this Dave when he's got a nine to five job for cripple for the steel company
13:35he goes running in the morning he takes the kids looks after them he goes to work comes back he's
13:42in the gym to whatever time at night that's his life yeah and Josh Warrington who we saw earlier
13:48in the ring he was a dental technician for many many years until he got really serious and then
13:54he had to give up yeah that is life you know you don't earn enough money to do it full time
14:02many do but they're living on the bread lines trying to do it you know if you if you to live
14:08you need to be earning a wage and until you get into the big fight keep it going but this guy
14:15Shaq Thompson has got to get into the big fights yeah great win here's Aki
14:25ladies and gentlemen please show your appreciation for both boxers
14:33your referee Michael Alexander stops the contest your official time two minutes and 58 of round
14:39number three therefore your winner by TKO and still IBF European and WBO global middleweight
14:51champion Dr. Steel Shaquille Thompson
15:09absolute demolition job there from Shaquille Thompson that was a fantastic
15:14fantastic dominant performance it was incredible you know i said in the build-up to the fight
15:18he's only 12 fights into his career it's early days how many opponents has he fought that have
15:23got aspiration to actually win but that doesn't mean he wasn't ready for this step up because
15:28he's faced tonight absolutely an opponent in river wilson bent that fight i've been there
15:33done it got the t-shirt and you're not ready for me but in fact it was the other way around
15:38Thompson looked absolutely phenomenal his power was sensational the speed accuracy but not only
