WWE Raw 12.14.2015 - Roman Reigns vs Sheamus (Career vs Title Match, WWE World Heavyweight Championship)

  • 2 days ago


00:00As the chairman made the announcement, it is official.
00:03Roman Reigns will challenge Sheamus
00:06for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
00:09Hey, it could be the ultimate achievement for Roman Reigns,
00:12but Mr. McMahon also said,
00:14hey, Roman, if you lose tonight, you're fired.
00:18♪ It's not something you get
00:19♪ It's just something you got
00:20♪ And I don't know what you know
00:21♪ And you don't know what you've got
00:23Mr. McMahon relaxing in ringside.
00:27Will he have the opportunity to fire Roman Reigns tonight?
00:31♪ It's all in the air
00:33♪ There's no tomorrow
00:35♪ No tomorrow
00:37♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh
00:41♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh
00:45♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh
00:49♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh
00:51♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh
00:55♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh
00:59The WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Sheamus,
01:03said that he is so confident
01:05that he can beat Roman Reigns tonight
01:08that he agreed to put his championship on the line.
01:11He said he wanted to beat an apology out of Roman Reigns.
01:15How proud must Mr. McMahon be?
01:18Same Irish heritage as Sheamus.
01:21He's now become such a wonderful world champion.
01:26Yeah, Sheamus has an opportunity
01:27to get rid of his toughest adversary
01:30permanently in Roman Reigns.
01:35Sheamus knows how to win championships.
01:38Roman Reigns, so far as shows,
01:40he knows how to come in second real well.
01:50Come on!
01:54You better be ready!
01:56You better be ready!
01:58Get out of here!
02:00Let's get the hell out of here!
02:06Come on!
02:10Come on!
02:14This could be the final time
02:16that Roman Reigns enters the WWE arena.
02:20And Roman Reigns is taking it all in.
02:25We can confirm, guys, that Roman Reigns
02:29is going to be a very special guest
02:31of Jonathan Coachman on ESPN SportsCenter
02:34tomorrow night at 9 o'clock Eastern.
02:36The question is, will Roman Reigns be heading there
02:39as the WWE world champion?
02:40No, I'll tell you what, he's gonna be heading there.
02:42He has to ask for a sideline reporting job
02:44and Susie Cobra is what he's gonna be for.
02:46You're gonna see Roman Reigns on the sideline
02:48of college football interviewing coaches.
02:51Yes, that is it.
02:52Roman Reigns loses tonight.
02:54He's fired.
02:55And Mr. McMahon, a very believable,
02:57he would like nothing better, I believe,
02:59than telling Roman Reigns you're fired
03:01after what Roman Reigns did to Mr. McMahon's son-in-law
03:06at Triple H last night,
03:08after he disrespected the McMahon family earlier today,
03:12and then after Mr. McMahon kicked Roman Reigns
03:15you-know-where earlier tonight.
03:17Let's not lose sight of this.
03:18This is still an opportunity.
03:20It is still a chance, perhaps the last chance
03:23for Roman Reigns.
03:24Wait a minute, Byron, there's no perhaps.
03:26You're right, you're right.
03:27This is the last chance for Roman Reigns.
03:29It's do or die, it's all or nothing.
03:31It's do or die, you're right.
03:32Your dream comes true or you're unemployed.
03:37The following contest is scheduled for one fall
03:41and it is for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship!
03:50Introducing first, the challenger,
03:53from Pensacola, Florida,
03:55weighing in at 265 pounds,
03:59Roman Reigns!
04:07And his opponent, from Dublin, Ireland,
04:10weighing in at 267 pounds,
04:13he is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion,
04:18the Celtic Warrior, Sheamus!
04:25Hashtag WWE title.
04:28That is what it's about tonight.
04:30Sheamus versus Reigns.
04:33Reigns' last chance.
04:40I don't think Roman Reigns,
04:41after everything he's been through,
04:43would have ever imagined
04:44all the struggles, all the trials,
04:46would culminate on a night like this
04:48where it's either do or die.
04:50Win the championship or go home.
04:52Roman Reigns is lucky.
04:53Mr. McMahon could have just fired him today.
04:56Didn't have to give him this opportunity.
04:58It's still an opportunity.
05:03Roman Reigns, cover for the championship,
05:05kicked out by Sheamus.
05:07You have to remember,
05:08look at all the marks on Sheamus' back.
05:10These guys went to hell and back last night.
05:16And tonight, Roman Reigns is fighting
05:18for either the greatest prize in sports
05:20or saying goodbye to his dream.
05:28And remember,
05:29Sheamus has the champion's advantage tonight.
05:32Roman Reigns has to pin or make Sheamus submit
05:35in order to win the championship.
05:37There's a rolling senton by Sheamus.
05:40That's got to hurt Roman Reigns.
05:42Roman Reigns was at that table last night.
05:45And Roman Reigns rolling out of the ring.
05:47Both of these men went through hell last night
05:49in the tables, ladders, and chairs match.
05:53Reigns with a right hand to Sheamus.
05:54You can still see the welts and the cuts and the bruises
05:57all over the back of Sheamus.
05:58Look at his tricep.
05:59Black and blues on his thighs and legs.
06:03Remember, just like you said,
06:04this gets counted out right here.
06:06Roman Reigns' career is over.
06:09Roman Reigns has to win the championship tonight.
06:11And he's dropped right on our announce table.
06:14And just like that, Sheamus is in control.
06:23It is our main event on Monday Night Raw
06:25for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
06:27The champion, Sheamus, in control of the challenger,
06:31Roman Reigns.
06:32Roman Reigns must win, or he's fired from WWE.
06:37And he'll be fired by the man sitting to our right
06:39at ringside, the chairman of the company, Mr. McMahon.
06:46And watch this during the break.
06:47Sheamus continuing the punishment on Roman Reigns.
06:54And you can't understate the fact
06:55this is the biggest match in Roman Reigns' career.
06:59This is a critical moment here for Roman.
07:01This is a turning point in Roman Reigns' life.
07:05I can't imagine the pressure Reigns is feeling.
07:07I mean, he mentioned earlier on tonight,
07:08today's his daughter's birthday.
07:10Imagine now having to go home.
07:11If you lose this match, go home with your daughter.
07:13He should have thought about that
07:14before he assaulted Triple H last night, Byron.
07:17He's lucky he didn't get fired.
07:18You're right.
07:19It wasn't right, but it was an emotional response.
07:21This has been an emotional road for Roman Reigns
07:24ever since WrestleMania,
07:25ever since he saw that opportunity
07:26stolen away from him to become WWE champion.
07:29Ladies and gentlemen, this is Monday Night Raw.
07:33We are live tonight in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
07:37This is a WWE World Heavyweight Championship match.
07:40The champion, Sheamus.
07:42The challenger, Roman Reigns.
07:44The chairman of WWE, Mr. McMahon, sitting at ringside.
07:48Roman Reigns must win the championship
07:50or he will be fired and his WWE career will be over.
07:56John mentioned it just a moment ago
07:58that this is the biggest match in Roman Reigns' career.
08:02You can't get any bigger.
08:03You can't make the stakes any higher.
08:05Roman Reigns unloading with the right hands.
08:07Where your dream comes true, you lose.
08:09Goodbye, Roman.
08:10And Roman Reigns knocking out Sheamus.
08:13Now Reigns trying to build a little bit of momentum.
08:15Give himself a little bit of hope here.
08:17It's been all Sheamus, really,
08:18since the beginning of this matchup.
08:20Down goes Sheamus.
08:22That's the one thing we continually see for Roman Reigns
08:24no matter how much pain he's in.
08:26It's his spirit that keeps pushing on.
08:28Both these men went through a hellacious
08:30tables, ladders, and chairs match last night.
08:33They're both showing the effects.
08:34That's what you're seeing from Roman Reigns right now.
08:36Those ribs are hurt from going through a table last night
08:38in that incredible championship match.
08:42Sheamus is all busted up, welts and bruises,
08:45and cuts all over his body.
08:48You see both these men just trying to
08:50wipe away that memory bank.
08:52Yeah, but this is about your career.
08:53This is about your job, your livelihood,
08:55the well-being of your family.
08:57That's what Roman Reigns is fighting for here,
08:59not just the championship.
09:03And Roman Reigns can't come in second again tonight.
09:07If he does, goodbye.
09:10You can't come in close.
09:13You got to win it all.
09:16That could be the blow that ends it.
09:21Roman just stunned.
09:25Here's Mr. McMahon barking at Sheamus.
09:27You got him, Sheamus. You got him.
09:29Sheamus may get him here.
09:31Roman Reigns over to the right,
09:32quickly back to his feet.
09:40Oh, boy.
09:41What in the world is Roman Reigns trying to do here?
09:45From the...
09:47Samoan drop from the second rope
09:49into the cover for the championship,
09:51and a kick out at two.
09:59Roman is hurt.
10:02Stephanie McMahon left the arena earlier tonight
10:04to be with her convalescing husband, Triple H,
10:07who was assaulted by Roman Reigns last night.
10:09As you take another look at this Samoan drop by Reigns.
10:14Almost won the championship there.
10:17Get another look.
10:19Can you imagine how apoplectic Mr. McMahon would be
10:22if you had the person who assaulted his son-in-law last night
10:25and tonight wins the WWE championship?
10:28They called his family a disgrace.
10:35And now Sheamus with that high running knee.
10:39And this could be it.
10:41Oh, and he could get fired right there.
10:43That was almost Roman Reigns' career
10:46before he kicked out at two.
10:51And again, Sheamus with an Irish curse backbreaker
10:55again to fire Reigns here tonight.
10:57And again, Reigns stays alive.
11:01Reigns is still alive,
11:02but you gotta believe that gas tank is near and empty.
11:07Sheamus staring right at the boss
11:09who's feeding Sheamus encouragement.
11:16Sheamus gotta be wondering what he has to do.
11:19Hey, Sheamus wanted this fight.
11:21Roman Reigns has got to know his entire life
11:24is playing out right in front of him.
11:27As Don Meredith used to say,
11:29his penthouse or outhouse.
11:34WWE fans are behind Roman Reigns,
11:37but is it enough?
11:38Looking for white noise.
11:40Roman Reigns, though,
11:41to try to win the championship,
11:43trying to power up,
11:44and he does with Sheamus.
11:46270 pounds.
11:48This could be it.
11:49Roman Reigns to win the gold.
11:51He got him.
11:55How close was that?
11:57That's about as close as you can get.
11:59Let's just sit out powerbomb by Roman Reigns here.
12:01Version of it, anyway.
12:02The power of Reigns.
12:04Hey, Roman Reigns has proved
12:05he can come close to winning the championship.
12:07He can come close to winning the championship
12:09on any occasion.
12:11Both these men are spent
12:13from what happened last night
12:15to what happened tonight.
12:17Roman is just not good at winning it.
12:20And if he's the WWE's bridesmaid again tonight...
12:23I'll have to be honest, John.
12:24Roman is good at winning it.
12:25Roman did win the championship
12:27and held it for 5 minutes and 15 seconds, Michael.
12:32And he would have won last night
12:34if it wasn't for Sheamus' cronies.
12:36He more than should have.
12:38Sun's in my eyes.
12:41Roman Reigns has got Sheamus in his sights.
12:44He could right now.
12:45Oh, went for the Superman Punch.
12:47Sheamus, though.
12:48Oh, Reigns is in trouble.
12:49That's it.
12:50The career of Roman Reigns
12:51crashed into the mat.
12:52No, no, no, no, no.
13:00Roman Reigns' career
13:01must have just flashed before his eyes.
13:04It's gonna be a shame
13:05if some career as talented as Roman Reigns
13:07gone tonight.
13:08Roman digging down deep to power out.
13:14I gotta agree with you, John.
13:15There is no shame in what Roman Reigns has accomplished.
13:18The struggles he's had to overcome.
13:22People will talk about 2000.
13:24Uh-oh, no, no, no, no.
13:31People are gonna say,
13:32remember when Roman Reigns...
13:33He's going for the Cobra Lace.
13:34Sheamus is going for the Cobra Lace.
13:37Submission maneuver.
13:38Looking right at Mr. McMahon.
13:42Sheamus can't get it locked in.
13:43Sheamus is trying to fight it.
13:44Sheamus is trying to fight out of this.
13:45Roman's trying to fight out.
13:48And Roman Reigns,
13:49the end may be near.
13:51We may be moments away
13:52from Roman Reigns tapping out.
13:54Sheamus wants Roman Reigns
13:55to tap out to become unemployed.
13:58Roman Reigns has nowhere to go.
14:00Sheamus screaming at him to tap.
14:02Reigns screaming in agony,
14:03trying to stay alive.
14:05Reigns trying to stay in this.
14:06The last thing you'll ever see
14:07in WWE is Roman Reigns
14:08cementing his career.
14:09Look at this.
14:10Look at this.
14:11To the ropes.
14:12That is court.
14:13That is a termination for Roman Reigns
14:15to stay in this fight.
14:19Yeah, but for how long?
14:21Look at Sheamus.
14:22Sheamus can't believe it.
14:23Sheamus cannot believe
14:24that Roman Reigns was able
14:26to make it to the bottom rope
14:27to force a break.
14:39Roman Reigns is doing
14:40everything he can just to hold on.
14:42He has to, John.
14:43Not just in this match.
14:44He has no choice.
14:45This is his career.
14:46His livelihood,
14:47everything is at stake,
14:48and I think we're about to see it end.
14:51Oh, and a headbutt by Roman.
14:55And Roman has stunned Sheamus.
14:59Another right hand.
15:01Every resource you have, Roman,
15:02you've got to tap into now.
15:04Oh, but Reigns hung on
15:05by the top rope,
15:06and Sheamus,
15:08And he ran into a Superman punch!
15:09And Roman Reigns
15:10for the championship!
15:14The referee out of the ring!
15:16The chairman just pulled
15:17the referee out of the ring!
15:22This is...
15:24Oh, come on now!
15:27Roman Reigns
15:28off that headbutt
15:29has been busted open!
15:31Reigns is busted open!
15:33He had Sheamus beat,
15:34and Mr. McMahon
15:35pulled the official
15:36out of the ring!
15:39Oh, a Superman punch!
15:40A desperate Superman punch!
15:43This isn't fair.
15:44This is not fair at all!
15:47Mr. McMahon owns the company.
15:48Oh, come on, John.
15:49You can't even defend
15:50those actions!
15:53How much more
15:54do you stack to stack
15:55to get?
15:56Sheamus from behind!
15:57Sheamus from behind,
15:58and now Mr. McMahon
15:59forcing the official
16:00back into the...
16:01back into the ring!
16:02Not like this!
16:03No, it's not like this!
16:04Roman Reigns' career
16:05is over!
16:23I mean, if you're
16:24an official John John,
16:25I mean, what are you gonna do?
16:26I mean, you got...
16:27I'll tell you what you're gonna do.
16:28You're gonna count
16:29to be fired with Roman Reigns.
16:31Go back to cooking donuts.
16:35What in the...
16:36Sheamus, why did he
16:37just push Reigns
16:38out of the ring?
16:41Oh, my God!
16:42Is this why?
16:43Now we know why, yeah.
16:44Rusev and Del Rio
16:45in the League of Nations!
16:46Just like last night
16:47all over again.
16:48And Mr. McMahon
16:49still has the official
16:50all tied up!
16:54Mr. McMahon said
16:55there'd be no chance
16:56in hell.
16:57How much more
16:58can you throw at this man?
16:59How much more can you
17:00throw at Roman Reigns?
17:01It won't matter.
17:02He's about to be unemployed.
17:05Superman Punch!
17:08Wait for the Brogue!
17:10Superman Punch!
17:17Superman Punch!
17:19What the hell is wrong
17:20with you, Roman?
17:21What the hell is wrong
17:22with you?
17:23Watch out!
17:24Oh, my God!
17:25Good riddance!
17:26Roman Reigns!
17:28Roman Reigns kicked out!
17:29Reigns kicked out!
17:30Reigns is still in it!
17:31Reigns is still in it!
17:34Sheamus can't believe it!
17:35But Roman Reigns
17:36is alive!
17:37Reigns is alive!
17:40There is a desire!
17:41There is a fire
17:42inside Roman Reigns
17:43that cannot be put out!
17:55Sheamus going for the
17:57Sheamus going for the
17:58death blow!
17:59The Brogue Kick!
18:02It's a good career, Roman.
18:08The cover!
18:10Roman Reigns is back!
18:11No way!
18:12Roman Reigns is champion!
18:13Roman Reigns is champion!
18:14Here is your winner
18:16and the new
18:26Roman Reigns
18:27is WWE
18:32He did it!
18:33He overcame
18:34all the odds!
18:37It was
18:38win or go home
18:39for Roman Reigns
18:40and now
18:41Roman Reigns
18:42on this night
18:43here in
18:45can call himself
18:47It has all come
18:48full circle!
18:49It was in this arena
18:50in January of this year
18:52where Roman Reigns
18:53won the Royal Rumble match!
18:56And it is in this arena
18:57at the end of 2015
18:59that Roman Reigns
19:06Roman Reigns
19:07may have just realized
19:08a dream
19:09but he is Superman
19:10plus the chairman of board
19:11the COO
19:12is sitting right now
19:13at home
19:14trying to recover
19:15from what Roman Reigns
19:16did to him last night
19:17Roman Reigns may have
19:18that title
19:19but Roman Reigns
19:20has something else
19:21Roman Reigns
19:22has got total
19:23hell to pay
19:24for what he has done!
19:25I would say
19:26for tonight
19:27the Roman Empire
19:28has toppled
19:29the McMahon Empire!
19:32There is nothing
19:33more powerful
19:34than the human spirit
19:35and the human spirit
19:36has propelled
19:37Roman Reigns
19:38to the
19:43There's nothing more
19:44powerful in sports
19:46than the McMahon name!
19:52Celebrate Roman!
19:53You deserve it!
19:54You earned it!
19:55But John
19:56for tonight
19:57there's one name
19:59that we're talking about
20:00that name
20:01is Roman Reigns
20:03The League of Nations
20:04tried what they could
20:06just like last night
20:08but Roman Reigns
20:09found a way
20:10to combat it all
20:11and watch this!
20:13Superman punch
20:14to the chairman!
20:16That's gonna be the
20:17dumbest thing
20:18Roman Reigns
20:19ever has done
20:22And now the spear!
20:25One more look
20:27Roman Reigns
20:28full speed
20:31And that would be
20:32the final blow
20:33to secure
20:34a lifelong
20:36for Roman Reigns
20:38If that's not a
20:39slammy award winning
20:40moment I've never
20:41seen one!
20:43Roman Reigns
20:44is on top
20:45of the mountain!
20:46He's an incredible
20:48he'd be a hell of a
20:49champion but there is
20:50a day of reckoning
20:52It's Roman Reigns
20:55It's Roman
20:58It's Roman
21:01It's arrived
21:02at WWE!
