Love of Nirvana - Episode 26 (English Subtitle)

  • 2 days ago
Love of Nirvana - Episode 26 (English Subtitle)
00:30花一落,堆积凡尘的凉薄, Sui zhe feng, fang ruo bu liu hen er guo, Flowers have fallen, piled up against the coolness of the mortal world,
00:50随着风,仿若不留痕而过, Sui zhe feng, fang ruo bu liu hen er guo, As the wind blows, it's as if it doesn't leave a trace,
00:57解释借一滴笔墨, Chong xie xia ni wo, Gan gu yu gong, He tian di tong you, Explain with a stroke of a pen, Rewrite the story of you and me, Dry bones and bowels, and the pain of the world,
01:10血染土,宿命纠缠无解的因果, Xue ran tu, su min jiu chan wu jie de yin guo, Blood stained soil, the cause and effect of life's entanglement,
01:17乱世中,未相逢的缘由, Luan shi zhong, wei xiang feng de yuan you, In the troubled times, the reason for our reunion,
01:24并肩踏过了坎坷, Chong shi le li he, Gan ge liao luo, Ming yue zhao cheng guo, We've walked through the difficulties, We've re-established the bond, Dry bones and bowels, and the pain of the world,
01:38我愿只一枪敢弹, Tie ma zhan gao xiang yun duan, I'm willing to take a bullet, I'm willing to fight to the end,
01:44只为那一句无憾, Zhi wei na yi qu wu han, Only for that one sentence,
01:48生死俱不破不换, Zhen si ju bu huo bu huan, Life and death are never broken,
01:52人眼随心意兜转, Ren yan sui xin yi dou zhuan, The eyes of the people turn with the heart,
01:55山河尽处人不散, Shan he jing chu ren bu san, The mountains and rivers never part,
01:59穿越狼烟再与你相伴, Chuan yue lang yan zai yu ni xiang ban, We'll go through the wilderness to be with you,
02:18如何? How is it?
02:20打听到了,那天我们离开不久,小刺就到了, We heard about it. Not long after we left that day, Xiao Ci arrived.
02:24和一个算命的婆子说了两声,就往月落的方向去了, He said a few words to a fortune-teller, and went in the direction of the moon.
02:29怎么会去了月落,只怕是个陷阱啊? Why did he go to the moon? I'm afraid it's a trap.
02:36不论如何,我要先去月落。 No matter what, I have to go to the moon first.
02:44来,吃点饼吧。 Come on, have some biscuits.
02:47没关系。 It's okay.
02:49没事。 It's okay.
02:51来,吃点饼吧。 Come on, have some biscuits.
02:53给你的。 Here you are.
02:55谢谢,谢谢姑娘。 Thank you, thank you.
02:57没关系。 It's okay.
03:06这是你的。 This is yours.
03:08谢谢,谢谢姑娘。 Thank you, thank you.
03:11不用谢,慢慢吃。 You're welcome. Enjoy it.
03:14来。 Come on.
03:37公子,我族死伤惨重,若陆虞再次起兵,肯定是守不住的。 Young Master, our tribe is badly injured. If Lu Yu attacks again, we won't be able to defend ourselves.
03:45洪城主已经战死了,月落无人领导,民心浑散,一盘散沙啊。 Chief Hong has died in the battle. No one leads the tribe, and the people are divided.
03:54他们在那儿! They are over there!
04:00你们要干什么? What are you doing?
04:01这个人是罪魁祸首,我们要杀了他,告慰今天死去的族人在天之灵。 This man is the culprit. We have to kill him to pay tribute to the dead.
04:14对!对!杀了他! Yes! Yes! Kill him!
04:16陆虞起兵跟公子有什么关系? What does Lu Yu's attack have to do with Young Master?
04:19若非他回来,又怎会掀起战火?萧无侠,你和你爹一样,只会陷月落于不义。 If he didn't come back, how could there be a war? Xiao Wuxia, just like your father, you will only end up in trouble.
04:26杀了他!为洪城主报仇! Kill him! Revenge for Chief Hong!
04:28杀了他!为洪城主报仇!杀了他! Kill him! Revenge for Chief Hong!
04:33杀了他!为洪城主报仇!杀了他!翘海天欠的血债,今日就由你来还。杀了他!为洪城主报仇!杀了他! Kill him! Revenge for Chief Hong! Kill him! Revenge for Chief Hong!
04:43我让你自行了断,就当是,我还了你父亲的恩义。 I'll let you end the blood debt of Xiao Haitian, for your father – that way, I've repaid your king's favors.
04:49眼下的局面是杀了他就能解决的吗? You think you can settle this by just killing him?
04:51His wife, of course, will speak for him!
04:56If I were selfish, I would only care about his safety.
04:59If he didn't want to catch the spy for Yue Luo,
05:01he wouldn't have to come back.
05:03If he didn't want to save Yue Luo,
05:05he could have left when he found Zhenyuan Army.
05:07You are all in pain over your family's destruction.
05:10But this is his family!
05:12Now, the city is full of grievances.
05:21Everyone admits that Yue Luo will be defeated.
05:23When Lu Yu comes into the city,
05:25our ending will only be a dead end.
05:29What do you want?
05:31If I don't want Yue Luo to die,
05:33I will fight against Lu Yu.
05:35No matter what happens,
05:37I will fight with Yue Luo.
05:41I don't believe you.
05:58Today, the blood oath is broken.
06:01After fighting against Lu Yu,
06:03I will let you do whatever you want.
06:05I will never retreat.
06:10The Blood Oath
06:41Hong Jian,
06:43I have discussed it with the other two elders.
06:47we will hold a cremation for Chief Hong.
06:58Why did you make this decision for me?
07:02Since you came back,
07:05nothing good has happened.
07:07Just because you came back,
07:10my father died.
07:14He trusted you so much,
07:16and protected you.
07:18He thought you could protect Yue Luo,
07:20but you couldn't even save him.
07:24Get lost.
07:26Get lost!
07:27Get lost with your people!
07:29Get lost!
07:38The Blood Oath
07:44Are you going to keep doing this?
07:46If you keep doing this,
07:48what about the people of Yue Luo?
07:51I hope you can cheer up.
07:54You keep saying that you want to be the Chief of Yue Luo,
07:57and let the people live a stable life.
07:59Are you going to give up just like that?
08:02The Blood Oath
08:06My father also gave up his life
08:08to protect you.
08:11The Chief is not just a name.
08:14You have to bear the responsibility
08:16and the spirit of Yue Luo.
08:18My father hopes I can do it.
08:20At the same time,
08:22I also hope you can do it.
08:25Hong Jian,
08:27you will be the Chief of Yue Luo in the future.
08:30I am still waiting for you
08:32to lead the people of Yue Luo
08:34to stand up.
08:59The Blood Oath
09:21The moon is above.
09:23My father, Hong Yan,
09:25has always been upright
09:27and upright.
09:29The sky is not fake.
09:31People do not break the moon.
09:33I am willing to give up my life for Yue Luo.
09:35I am willing to give up my life for Yue Luo.
09:41The world is far away.
09:43Although Yin and Yang are separated,
09:47Chief Hong is still alive.
09:51The people of Yue Luo
09:53will definitely move forward
09:55The world and Yue Luo
09:57will die together.
10:01The people of Yue Luo
10:03will die together.
10:05Chief Hong
10:27I will protect Yue Luo.
10:29I ran away from home.
10:31Why don't you stop me?
10:33If you want to go,
10:35why do you have to wait for me to come out?
10:39Stinky old man,
10:41you don't live with me at all.
10:45The door is not working.
10:47I'm going to break it.
10:49You have to guard the people of Yue Luo.
10:51Close the gate.
10:55Hurry up.
10:59The door is not working.
11:01I'm going to break it.
11:03You have to guard the people of Yue Luo.
11:05Close the gate.
11:07Hurry up.
11:09Hurry up.
11:11Chief Hong
11:13Chief Hong
11:15Chief Hong
11:17Chief Hong
11:19Chief Hong
11:21Chief Hong
11:23Chief Hong
11:25Chief Hong
11:27Chief Hong
11:29I haven't seen you for years.
11:31You have suffered!
11:33Bless my clansmen
11:35to die in peace.
11:37Next year,
11:39let's drink!
11:57I'm sorry.
12:04The love between father and son,
12:06the love between mother and daughter,
12:07the pain of losing a loved one,
12:08can't be erased in this life.
12:11But the sun will rise as usual.
12:13The days still have to go.
12:17You'll be drunk tonight.
12:19If you're still like this tomorrow,
12:21don't blame me for looking down on you.
12:28I'm sorry.
12:41Don't make your mother wait too long.
12:47How did you know?
12:49Yue Luo is not as big as my father.
12:52And I don't know.
12:58I was only 15 years old when I was sent to Qingkang.
13:03I remember my mother was very thin at that time.
13:07But in order to protect me,
13:08she still carried a few wounds.
13:12I remember she cried very sadly at that time.
13:17The pain of loss.
13:23She shouldn't bear it a second time.
13:28But you're still alive.
13:31As long as you're alive,
13:34there's still a chance.
13:37Yue Lian.
13:40Don't be like me.
13:43In the end,
13:45there's only regret left.
13:57Don't be like me.
14:23Does your wound really hurt?
14:25A little.
14:27Compared to the wound on your body,
14:28it's really nothing.
14:33If you really win,
14:35you really have to let them deal with it.
14:38Even if they want to kill you.
14:42It's a promise.
14:47It must be because he loves this land very much
14:50that Xiao Wuxia didn't care about life and death.
14:56Everything my father did when he was alive
14:58was to protect Yueluo.
15:02Since I'm still alive now,
15:04I'll do my best
15:06to fulfill his wish.
15:09I'll go to the military camp tomorrow to help.
15:15Jiang Ci.
15:16I don't want you to get involved.
15:19But I'm already involved.
15:21I'll face this battle with you.
15:25Don't worry.
15:31On the day of the lock bridge,
15:33you were going to leave, right?
15:41Jiang Ci.
15:42Actually, I...
15:45There's a movement on the city wall.
15:46The elders are rushing over there.
15:49Go ahead.
15:55Let's go.
16:04The situation today
16:05is really not good.
16:06The place should be from here.
16:12The elders asked us to come.
16:13Let's get to the point.
16:14The patrol soldiers found
16:16traces of being dug under the city wall this morning.
16:19This Lu Yu
16:20actually wants to dig in from the tunnel.
16:24I'm going to ask the soldiers
16:25to guard the city wall immediately.
16:26I won't let the patrol soldiers dig through the tunnel.
16:29There's no need to waste military forces to guard.
16:32If we don't guard,
16:33are we going to wait for the patrol soldiers to attack
16:34and kill them?
16:36Elder Qi.
16:37Calm down.
16:39Why don't we guard?
16:41They can't get in.
16:48Hurry up.
16:53Let's go.
16:55Be gentle.
17:02There's nothing we can do.
17:03How are we going to dig?
17:06Under the city wall
17:07there's a very hard rock.
17:09Even if we dig hard,
17:10we might not be able to dig it
17:11in ten days or half a month.
17:16You wasted my time.
17:21made a mistake.
17:22Please punish me.
17:31You're good, Xiao Haitian.
17:35So you already knew
17:36there's a hard rock under the city wall.
17:40Yue Luo has been through many wars.
17:42The old master has learned
17:43the lesson of many wars.
17:45He's ready to guard the city alone.
17:48At the bottom of the city
17:49there's a lot of hard rock.
17:51That's impossible.
17:52I've never heard of
17:53the city wall.
17:56It's a secret.
17:57Few people know about it.
18:01You're good, Xiao Haitian.
18:09Elder Ping.
18:15Your father
18:17was wrongly accused.
18:19It's not the time to talk about this.
18:22If you really want to be the City Owner,
18:24you have to know
18:25what's the most important
18:26at any time.
18:31What City Owner?
18:33Didn't the old man
18:35give you the white jade hairpin?
18:39Do you think
18:40the people of the clan respect you
18:42just because of a white jade hairpin?
18:45If you really want to be the City Owner,
18:47you have to prove it
18:48with an object.
18:50Then you'll never understand
18:51the sincerity of it.
18:58Why haven't you prepared the stone umbrella yet?
18:59Not yet.
19:02Come on, gauze.
19:04I want gauze.
19:05What are you holding?
19:07Put it on.
19:14Have you ever set a fire?
19:17Hurry up.
19:18I've burned it.
19:21Tie your legs first.
19:22Dr. Lin.
19:23Dr. Lin.
19:24I beg you.
19:25Please save my legs.
19:26You're dying.
19:27What's the use of legs?
19:31If you do this,
19:32you can't cure a few people in a day.
19:33Uncle Lin.
19:34Save me.
19:38Why is it so badly injured?
19:40Damn it.
19:46I can afford a female doctor,
19:47but I can't afford a coward.
19:49Uncle Lin.
19:50Please save her.
19:52It's easy to send the intestines back to the abdomen,
19:53but it's hard to save her life.
19:56If we use silver needles
19:57to protect her heart,
19:59and then put the intestines
20:00into the abdomen for suturing,
20:01and then put it into
20:02the just-killed cow's stomach.
20:04It's a perfunctory treatment.
20:06Come on.
20:07Take care of her first.
20:08Come with me.
20:16You go to catch the medicine and fry the medicine.
20:17If there is any difference,
20:18her life
20:19will be in your hands.
20:20I won't do it.
20:36Lin Zhiyi.
20:38She won't live.
20:40Life and death on the battlefield change all the time.
20:42Every second you waste in sadness
20:44is a death line.
21:03I really didn't expect that.
21:05The little city of Yueluo
21:08is so weak.
21:12I have a plan.
21:14Say it.
21:16there is a strong wind in the east.
21:18If we can
21:19put the Wuhui Bamboo in Yueluo,
21:21then we can
21:22break the wall.
21:44A small team of Zhenyu
21:45went into the dark and left the camp.
21:46Each of them
21:47was very careful
21:48with a mask
21:49and a bag.
23:22The Spirit Army has found that
23:23the ordered soldiers
23:24vomited blood and were sick at the beginning of the battle.
23:25Those who were careful
23:26were transferred to the Fuqi Hall.
23:28Damn Lu Yu.
23:29He is so vicious.
23:31Will there be any order to send more soldiers?
23:33The top priority
23:34We need to cure the patients as soon as possible,
23:35and then use the dust to wipe out the area.
23:38Is there a place that can be used as a medical center?
23:40There are several villages in the east and north of the city.
23:42The elders should be able to make a few houses.
23:45The north of the city is a little farther from here.
23:47It's close to the mountains,
23:49and you can get medicine on the spot.
23:51The north of the city is a good place.
23:54set up the medical center first,
23:56and then tell Bai Xing.
24:03The army is spreading now.
24:05The patients must be sent to the city outskirts
24:07for emergency treatment.
24:09Why do we have to go there?
24:12Why did you make the decision?
24:14Everyone, this is our military counselor.
24:16He means the same as our elders.
24:19I can still recuperate at home.
24:21There is no medicine to cure the army.
24:23Treatment as soon as possible
24:25can save lives.
24:26Please cooperate.
24:28we will send the emergency doctors together.
24:30The emergency doctors are saving the soldiers.
24:32Who can care about us?
24:33It's so cold.
24:34We can't even have a hot meal after going to the medical center.
24:36We won't go.
24:38We won't go.
24:41I am also an emergency doctor.
24:43I will go with everyone.
24:45I know you are all very afraid.
24:47But only by rescuing the doctors as soon as possible
24:48can you recover as soon as possible.
24:50I will take care of everyone.
24:52Please trust me.
24:57I'm so tired.
25:02Jiang Yishi,
25:04I'll go with you.
25:10I will go, too.
25:12Me, too.
25:14Me, too.
25:16Me, too.
25:18I will go, too.
25:20Me, too.
25:22Me, too.
25:27I am Ji Yi. I have to go with them.
25:32I will take good care of them according to the prescription Dr. Lin gave me.
25:49Did you make this?
25:51If anything happens, you can use it to call the police.
25:55Don't worry. I will keep an eye on them every day to keep you safe.
26:05But if I see you in the ER, I won't save you.
26:10I understand.
26:14I'm leaving.
26:15Xiang Zi.
26:18This is for you too.
26:20I'm leaving.
26:39Be careful.
26:43Let me help you.
26:45Be careful.
26:48Be careful.
26:50Go inside.
26:52This way.
26:53Follow me.
26:58This way.
27:10Dr. Jiang.
27:13This is the new medicine I made.
27:15Take it and give it to the infected people.
27:18Record their condition according to their symptoms.
27:21Report to Dr. Lin and me every three days.
27:24I will make improvements.
27:26I understand. Thank you, Dr. Jiang.
27:28Tell Yulian to send more clothes for Yuhan next time.
27:32The weather is getting colder. I'm afraid they can't stand it.
27:47Shizhi, why aren't you drinking it?
27:50I just didn't think Lu Gong would use Furong to spread misunderstandings.
27:56Shizhi, don't worry.
27:59Right now, it's the southeast wind.
28:01This Furong is very powerful.
28:04It will spread to the north and south.
28:07It will spread to the east and west.
28:09Right now, it's the southeast wind.
28:11This Furong won't go back to our camp.
28:15In less than three days, those people will open the city gates
28:19and let me save them.
28:22Lu Gong has medicine.
28:24There may not be people from Yueluo.
28:29How can it be so easy to solve?
28:31Besides, I still have a backup plan.
28:38I saw some people from Yueluo in the camp.
28:42Is it related to them?
28:45Shizhi, you have good eyes.
28:47Using people to threaten Yueluo. I'm afraid the effect is very weak.
28:51Then, what is Shizhi's plan?
28:56I followed the lead and caught some people from Yueluo.
29:00Those people have already died in the eyes of their families.
29:04Who can be indifferent to the relatives who have died and come back to life?
29:09Secret plan?
29:11Who set up the secret plan?
29:13I haven't found out yet.
29:14It's just that this secret plan has been lurking for a long time.
29:16They know a lot of secrets.
29:18How can their leader easily abandon them?
29:23If we don't take their lives, we can also take Yueluo.
29:27Shizhi, your trick is great.
29:33I'm impressed.
29:37Shizhi, this medicine can relieve cold and dampness.
29:40You drink more.
29:42Where is the wolf?
30:01Why hasn't he come back yet?
30:03Elder Ji, calm down.
30:05We have sent a letter.
30:07The wolf should be on the way.
30:10If you lie to me again, I'll make you look good.
30:19In order to deal with Lu Yu and get the secret plan back,
30:21I'm afraid that Pei Yan can use any means.
30:25Young Master, you mean that
30:27Pei Yan may use the brothers of Shadow Pavilion to threaten us?
30:41Uncle Ping, have you ever thought about our ending?
31:02Don't let some soldiers get involved.
31:04Capture them.
31:05Once the gate is opened, we can break through.
31:08Yueluo slaves,
31:10I'll give you a big gift today.
31:16Bring it up.
31:19Come here.
31:22Hurry up.
31:23Hurry up.
31:35Stand still.
31:36Kneel down!
31:39Kneel down!
31:43Kneel down!
31:56Raise your heads!
32:02Raise them!
32:03It's Ah Lang!
32:07It's Ah Lang!
32:11Ah Lang!
32:13It's Ah Lang!
32:15It's Ah Lang!
32:17It's Ah Lang!
32:19It's Ah Lang!
32:21I heard that
32:23someone secretly sent these
32:25slaves to Daliang
32:27to be their own slaves.
32:29Among these people
32:31you have your own family
32:33and friends.
32:35Do you have the heart
32:37to watch them
32:39die one by one?
32:45What's going on?
32:47They are indeed the people
32:49I sent to Daliang to collect information.
32:53Don't listen to Lu Gou!
32:55No one is using us!
32:57Everything is our own choice!
32:59Don't open the city gates!
33:01Don't open the city gates!
33:03Don't open the city gates!
33:05Open the city gates immediately!
33:07I will let you
33:09reunite with your lost
33:15I will kill them
33:17one by one!
33:29I will
33:31give you
33:33half an hour
33:35to think about it!
33:45Open the city gates!
33:47Open the city gates!
33:49Open the city gates!
33:51Open the city gates!
33:53Lu Yu is under Jingang's control.
33:55He can't open the city gates directly.
33:57I will arrange for the Army of Zhenyuan
33:59to infiltrate the captives
34:01and attack them from the inside.
34:03Now the city is in a state of war.
34:05The city gates are open
34:07and the people are in chaos.
34:15But I can't just watch
34:17my son die!
34:19Elder Ji!
34:27Elder Ji!
34:45Elder Ji!
34:49It's been half an hour!
34:51I will count to three!
35:01Lu Yu!
35:07Open the city gates!
35:17Open the gates!
35:19Open the gates!
35:21Open the gates!
35:23Open the gates!
35:25Open the gates!
35:27Open the gates!
35:29Don't open the gates!
35:31Xiao Wuxia!
35:33It's not your turn yet!
35:35I'm begging you!
35:37Open the gates!
35:39Open the gates!
35:41Open the gates!
35:43What is he trying to do?
35:45How can you defend the city when you are so weak?
35:47I don't care who you are.
35:49I will kill you!
35:55The one on the wall
35:57is Xiao Haitian's son, right?
36:01He is just a lowly slave.
36:03But that day,
36:05he fought with his master.
36:09In order to protect something,
36:11people can exert infinite power.
36:13Even Master Lu
36:15couldn't fight against him.
36:19I want to see
36:21whether he will open
36:23the city gates
36:25or not.
36:31Xiao Wuxia!
36:33Do you want to be
36:35the enemy of Yue?
36:37I already am.
36:47If you don't open the gates,
36:49we will do it ourselves!
36:51Don't open the gates!
36:53We are weak people!
36:55Don't open the gates!
36:57Whoever dares to leave the city
36:59will be killed!
37:05Xiao Wuxia!
37:07You are a bastard!
37:09You are a traitor!
37:11Xiao Wuxia!
37:13You are a bastard!
37:17Xiao Wuxia!
37:19It's time!
37:39Lu Yun!
37:41Don't do it!
37:43Don't do it!
37:45Don't do it!
37:47Don't do it!
37:49Don't do it!
37:51Don't do it!
37:53Don't do it!
38:17I am also
38:19a brave man!
38:21Just like you taught me!
38:23Just like you taught me!
38:41They are all our families!
38:43They are all our families!
38:47I have been blessed
38:49to live longer.
38:51I will repay
38:53your kindness in my next life!
39:11Kill them!
39:13Kill them all!
41:37What are they doing?
41:39Let us go!
41:41Let us go!
41:43Yulian, Tingshu.
41:45Stop the people who want to climb the city wall.
41:49The Moon Tribe!
41:51If you don't want
41:53them to return to their roots,
41:55then I will help you.
41:57I will show you
41:59the result of
42:01not opening the city gates.
42:07They are all dead!
42:09They are too cruel!
42:15I want to go down!
42:17I want to go down! Don't stop me!
42:19I want to go down!
42:21I want to kill you!
42:23I want to kill you!
42:25I want to kill you!
42:27Let me kill him!
42:29Let me kill him!
42:31You don't open the city gates.
42:33I know you want to.
42:35But the Zhenyuan Army
42:37won't even let the tribesmen's bodies go.
42:39The Moon Tribe cannot be humiliated.
42:41What is all this noise?
42:43Is there someone coming back?
42:45Is there a reason?
42:47The Moon Tribe is not afraid of death!
42:49The Moon Tribe is not afraid of death!
42:51The Moon Tribe is not afraid of death!
42:53The Moon Tribe is not afraid of death!
42:55The Moon Tribe is not afraid of death!
42:57Don't be impulsive!
42:59Everyone, listen to me!
43:01Don't be impulsive!
43:03Calm down!
43:05Calm down!
43:07You can take up arms
43:09and attack the enemy.
43:11But what about the old and weak in the city?
43:13But what about the old and weak in the city?
43:15Once the city gates are opened,
43:17the old and weak will have no power to fight back.
43:19The Moon Tribe will be destroyed in an instant.
43:21At that time,
43:23will you still say you are not afraid of death?
43:29The old and weak will have no power to fight back.
43:31At that time,
43:33will you still say you are not afraid of death?
43:39Master, please wait.
43:41Let's have a talk.
43:53you and I are on the same boat now.
43:55You and I are on the same boat now.
43:57Come with me to drink a glass of wine.
43:59Come with me to drink a glass of wine.
44:01Come with me to watch a good show.
44:03Come with me to watch a good show.
44:05What is your plan?
44:07I brought those people
44:09to open the city gates.
44:11to open the city gates.
44:13Now that they have become dead,
44:15I must use them as soon as possible.
44:17I must use them as soon as possible.
44:21Then come with me.
44:23Then come with me.
44:27Then come with me.
44:57Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
45:27Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
45:57Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
46:27Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
46:57Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
46:59Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
47:01Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
47:03Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs