• 2 days ago
Thailand's islands offer a diverse range of experiences, from bustling nightlife to secluded beaches


00:00What's up guys, my name is Christian LeBlanc and for about the past two and a half years
00:19I've been traveling all around Southeast Asia, I've pretty much visited every country and
00:24of which Thailand has to be in my top three.
00:27Now there's one thing that keeps me coming back to Thailand and that is the incredible
00:31And today I wanted to put together a video of my top ten choices of the best beaches
00:36in all of Thailand.
00:38Starting with number ten.
00:39Number ten is a beach that I'm a little embarrassed to admit is in my top ten, but Koh Phi Phi
00:43is a truly beautiful island that's just a little bit overpopulated.
00:48But if you're looking for an amazing night out, this is the place to go.
00:51Koh Phi Phi is the party island.
00:53You can find yourself on this beach seven nights of the week, it is always busy, it's
00:57not the place to come if you're looking for a quiet or romantic getaway.
01:00Just a fifteen minute boat ride away from Koh Phi Phi leads me to number nine.
01:04Let's ride.
01:07Maya Bay.
01:08Maya Bay is easily the most beautiful beach in all of Thailand, but the reason it's not
01:12making the top three is because it's just simply too busy.
01:16But if you can get past the crowds or get there at the right time during the day, you
01:19will be blown away by the incredible beauty.
01:22It was actually made famous by Leonardo DiCaprio's movie The Beach, or was it called The Island?
01:28Number eight.
01:29Koh Samet is one of my favorite islands that very few people know about, and it's only
01:32about three and a half hours away from Bangkok using the local buses.
01:36The great thing about the beaches in Koh Samet is that you've got that beautiful blue clear
01:39water, and you've got for the most part a very relaxing environment where you can enjoy
01:43the beach, enjoy some great restaurants, and a bit of nightlife.
01:47It kind of gives you a little bit of everything, and it's close to Bangkok.
01:50Number seven is Koh Nang Yon.
01:51This is an island situated right off the coast of Koh Tao.
01:55It's literally a 15 minute little long tail boat away, and it's one of the most spectacular
01:59views I've seen in all my years of traveling.
02:01Now, with most beautiful places in the world, it tends to attract crowds, and Koh Nang Yon
02:05is no exception.
02:06You have to pay to get on the island, but the view and the spectacular beauty of this
02:10island definitely outweighs the cost and the crowds that you'll probably have to put up
02:15I recommend coming here towards the end of the day so you avoid most of the crowds.
02:17There was not many fish, but it was still cool.
02:20I saw a coral.
02:21I saw a sea cucumber.
02:22It was exciting.
02:24Number six is Rele, and Rele is basically taking a page right out of Avatar.
02:29This place is unbelievably beautiful.
02:32I would even go as far as saying it's probably the most spectacular landscapes I have ever
02:37seen in one place.
02:39However, the reason it's not in the top three is again the crowds.
02:42You're going to have to deal with quite a bit of tourism, but luckily because there's
02:46few places to sleep, it does quiet down at night.
02:49If you're willing to spend extra money, you can get an incredible sunset because by then
02:53most people have headed back to the mainland.
02:55This is also a great place to do rock climbing, and they have some incredible island tours
02:59that take you to some of the most pristine beaches.
03:01Again, be warned that like most of Thailand these days, you will probably see crowds.
03:06Number five is actually two different islands, but they're so close to each other I thought
03:10I would bring them together.
03:11Ko Yao Ye and Ko Yao Noi are two little islands right off the coast of busy Phuket.
03:18Both of them are incredible islands, and if you're in the Phuket area, I highly recommend
03:21you escape Phuket to go check these two out.
03:24They've got incredibly beautiful beaches, and unlike pretty much every beach I've mentioned
03:28so far, you will probably not have to face any form of crowd.
03:33Nobody else here, so I guess there's only like one other guest checked in, so I feel
03:36like this is like our own private beach, and it's so nice.
03:39I'm loving this.
03:41Oh my gosh, what if I have to drink?
03:43No, they're not the most spectacular beaches in Thailand on their own, but the fact that
03:47you have privacy, an awesome island to rent a scooter and explore, there's a few good
03:52restaurants and a few great hotels.
03:54I have to say, these are definitely some of the must-visit beaches in Thailand.
03:57Now number four is Koh Negei.
03:59Now admittedly, it's been at least a couple years since I was last there, and it may have
04:04changed, but when I was there last, I just remember seeing one of the most pristine beaches
04:08I'd ever seen with the most clear blue water.
04:11There was a simple swing set up where you could just feel like you were swinging through
04:14paradise, and there was nobody else there other than a few day trippers.
04:18One of the ways to see Koh Negei, without spending the big money to actually stay on
04:21the island, is to do the day trip.
04:23There's a four-island and a five-island tour, and sometimes they'll include Koh Negei.
04:27I would definitely try to go out of my way to see it.
04:29Number three is Sairi Beach in Koh Tao.
04:32This beach holds a special place in my heart for a different reason.
04:36It is not the most beautiful, it is probably one of the busiest, and sometimes it can even
04:40be a little bit dirty.
04:42But what I love about Sairi Beach is the nightlife, and when it's nighttime, it comes to life.
04:47You've got bars, restaurants, you've even got fire shows going on.
04:50I definitely recommend Koh Tao to any traveler.
04:53Koh Tao is actually a very big island, and it has many other beautiful beaches surrounding
04:57it, but Sairi is the one that definitely gets the most attention, and it's the best for
05:01the nightlife.
05:02The second most beautiful beach in all of Thailand is on an island that, as of right
05:05now, very few people are visiting.
05:07On the eastern coast of Thailand, near the Cambodian border, there are a few beautiful
05:11islands, and Koh Kood is one of them.
05:13My girlfriend and I had the incredible opportunity to stay at one of the finest resorts in all
05:18of Thailand, and at that resort, they had this beach on Koh Kood that literally was
05:22what dreams were made of.
05:24This right here is the North Beach of Soneva, absolutely pristine.
05:29This is the most beautiful beach I've ever seen in my entire life, hands down.
05:34Granted, it's also not the most natural beach I've ever seen.
05:37This place is definitely groomed.
05:38You can tell that there's not a single piece of garbage.
05:41There's not a single piece of foliage that's been left around.
05:44They keep this place in tip-top condition, but purely from an aesthetics point of view,
05:49this is the premium beach.
05:50You cannot beat this.
05:51Now, the reason it's not number one was because it's not publicly available, and it was so
05:56well-groomed that it really wasn't that natural of a beach, but for just enjoying that romantic
06:01getaway or having that picture-perfect moment, that beach in Koh Kood, Thailand, was my favorite.
06:07And last but not least is the number one beach in all of Thailand.
06:11It's actually very close to Koh Kood, Thailand, and that is on an island by the name of Koh
06:16Now, Koh Mak, similar to Koh Kood, is currently a bit of a sleeper island, but it is unbelievably
06:22beautiful, and I think that there is a lot more tourism coming its way soon.
06:26If you want to experience a pristine beach that still has great amenities, restaurants,
06:30and hotels, but you don't have to compete with the crowds, then you're definitely going
06:34to want to check out Koh Mak.
06:36And what leads me to the number one beach is actually not on Koh Mak, but a little island
06:40right off the coast of it, just a 10-minute long-tail boat away.
06:43Koh Kam, was it?
06:44Koh Kam?
06:46South Africa?
06:48It's Koh Kam.
06:49And Koh Kam is a privately-owned island, and on it was one of the most incredible beaches
06:52I've ever seen.
06:54It basically ticked off every box that you could possibly be looking for if you want
06:58to find the most beautiful beach.
07:00Incredible, fine, white sands, the clearest of blue waters, the tall, swaying palm trees,
07:05it even had a feeling of being disconnected from the rest of the world, which I absolutely
07:10For me, it is the perfect island, and it takes my number one in all of Thailand.
07:14If you're coming to Thailand, I'm sure this video helped you plan your trip a little bit
07:17further, but if you want to have all the stress taken away, I've actually created the perfect
07:22travel itinerary just for you.
07:24Go to my website,, and check out my 24-video travel guide that will literally
07:30show you how to pack your bag, what to bring.
07:33It'll show you where to go in Thailand step-by-step in a chronological order from the moment you
07:39land in Bangkok to the moment you fly out.
07:41It shows you the best of everything Thailand has to offer.
07:44From the islands in the south, the elephants in the north, and the incredibly diverse city
07:48of Bangkok, this itinerary will make sure that you make the most of your time in Thailand.
07:54And I even have a free sample of what that guide has to offer.
07:57So make sure to check out, where you can get your free guide to Bangkok
08:01and get ready for your incredible trips ahead.
08:04If you enjoyed this video, guys, make sure to share it with your friends, hit that thumbs
08:07up button, whatever you gotta do.
08:09And thank you so much for your support.
08:10Let's get lost again in the next one.
08:12Are you, uh, are you from here?
08:15What are your thoughts on the island?
08:19You want some peanut butter?
08:21You want some food?
08:25Oh yeah, they speak Thai here.
08:26Forgot about that.
08:27This is really nice.
08:31We're chilling on one of the most pristine beaches, hanging out with, uh, Mook.
08:36Mook Mook.
08:37Onward to the next beach!
