• 2 days ago
00:00You may not know it, but if you're the average person alive on Earth today, you are being
00:06lied to, and you're buying into five great lies about the food you put in your body.
00:13These lies cost you money, they cost you your longevity, they cost you health, and they
00:20negatively impact the health of your family.
00:23Billions of people buy into these lies and eat and drink things that they think are healthy,
00:29but when you understand the truth, you gain the ability to immunize yourself from these
00:35Doing this will not only add years to your life, but it will save you and your family
00:40thousands of dollars.
00:41The first big lie is fruit juice.
00:45We are trained to believe that fruit juice is healthy because we associate fruits with
00:48health and nutrition.
00:51Fruits are healthy, but fruit juice is not.
00:54Most modern fruit juices that you buy in a grocery store are filled with sugar and artificial
00:59flavoring, and only contain a tiny bit of the total vitamins and nutritions that you
01:04would get in an actual fruit.
01:07Big lie number two, companies like Coca-Cola in their worldwide marketing create an artificial
01:12connection between their drink and your happiness.
01:15Coca-Cola isn't happiness and positivity in a red can, it is obesity and diabetes in a
01:21red can.
01:22Billions of dollars are spent every year by large soda companies to associate their drinks
01:27with happiness, positivity, a sense of adventure, and deeper human connection.
01:32All of these are triggers that entice us as human beings, but within every can are slow
01:38poisons that wreak havoc on your body.
01:41The big lie number three, sugar.
01:44Yes, our bodies do need small levels of sugar every now and then.
01:49However, large food companies have realized that sugar's addictive quality means that
01:53When they add sugar to their products, we can't stop buying them and eating them.
01:58Thus, up to 70% or more of products that you buy in the average American grocery store
02:04today contain sugar.
02:06And sugar, says modern science, is not just bad for your health, it can be as addictive
02:11as cocaine.
02:13Companies get you hooked on eating more and more and more.
02:17Big lie number four, the lie of diet soda.
02:21In a brilliant move, they took the word diet, a word that we associate with health, and
02:26slapped it on cans of soda.
02:28It's proven that diet soda in many cases is actually worse for your body than regular
02:34soda because it disrupts the trillions of cells in your gut that regulate your biology.
02:40Lie number five is the exercise myth.
02:43Modern studies show that 80% to 90% of your body shape has little to do with exercise.
02:47In fact, most of your body shape is based on what you eat.
02:52Companies like Nestle market drinks like Milo and put sports stars on the package, suggesting
02:57to kids in developing countries that drinking Milo gives them the energy for them to go
03:01forth and succeed at sports.
03:04What Nestle doesn't share is that Milo is 40% sugar.
03:08In fact, to burn off the number of calories in a glass of Milo, a child would have to
03:12run two kilometers.
03:14It is no wonder that in countries with high consumption of Milo, obesity is on the rise.
03:20These five lies flow together in beautiful symphony and brainwash billions of us to eat
03:25things that are bad for us, to spend our money with large companies who get us hooked on
03:30substances that destroy our health.
03:32And they are hurting not just us, but our children and entire generations to come.
03:38The way to get these companies to shift is to expose these lies so that these companies
03:42take responsibility and change their products for the better.
03:46The last time we created a video like this to expose Nestle's practices in Malaysia,
03:50we got banned from every single media outlet in Malaysia because Nestle spends $3 billion
03:56a year on advertising.
03:57However, our video became the biggest story in Malaysia because Malaysians shared it using
04:03This pushed Nestle to side with the truth.
04:06In Australian New Zealand, Milo lost its 4.5 stars for health and became one star.
04:12In Singapore, zero-sugar Milo was introduced.
04:16When we stop falling for the lies, we take away the power that these companies have to
04:19destroy our health.
04:21So let's stop this blatant lying to billions of people.
04:25Share this video and let's wake up humanity to the truth.
