Men & Women Trapped in Jungle. Their survival short story.

  • 2 days ago
Men & women trapped in jungle. Their survival short story.
00:00time adrift, they spot a large island in the distance and decide to disembark to try to
00:04get help, unaware of what awaits them.
00:06The woman decides to go ahead to try and find someone, while her boyfriend stays at the
00:10dock tying the boat.
00:12Walking through the forest, she finds a very suspicious facility surrounded by fences and
00:16barbed wire.
00:17Believing it to be some kind of military installation, the girl starts to call for help, but when
00:22she doesn't get a response, she decides to go back to the forest and maybe find some
00:26shelter in the woods.
00:28In the middle of her search, the woman starts to hear strange noises coming from the trees
00:31around her, and fearing being caught by some fierce predator, she begins to run extremely
00:37Feeling she is being surrounded, the young woman starts calling for her boyfriend, who,
00:41unfortunately for her, is too far away to hear.
00:45Realizing her partner wouldn't be able to save her, the girl tries to run again but
00:48is easily caught by mysterious creatures that drag her by her legs to their lair.
00:53Along the way, the woman tries to grab onto something and maybe escape, but her fingers
00:57are devoured by the beast, and unable to resist, she simply gives in.
01:02In the distance, her boyfriend finally hears the agonizing cries of his partner, but unfortunately,
01:07it's too late and there's nothing he can do to help.
01:10Unaware of the dangers that await them, Matt and John, two brothers who have the best of
01:14relationships, fly in their plane to that same island, accompanied by their childhood
01:18friends named Noah and Sarah, and also Nikki, Matt's girlfriend.
01:22It turns out that before becoming deserted, the island had some residents, and among them
01:27was the brother's uncle.
01:28After many years without visiting the place, the group decides to spend the weekend at
01:32the abandoned house to have fun away from civilization.
01:36When they arrive, the two brothers go to the garage where the generator is and take the
01:40opportunity to see if their uncle's old car is still working and are surprised to find
01:44that, after so many years inactive, the vehicle still runs, even needing some repairs.
01:50Inside the house, Sarah and Noah are responsible for storing the supplies and preparing a special
01:54drink to celebrate the arrival, but since the house has no electricity, they have to
01:58wait for the two brothers to turn on the generator before they can use the blender.
02:02As soon as Matt and John get the job done, an excited Sarah turns on the blender, but
02:07she doesn't even have time to celebrate.
02:09A few seconds after managing to turn on the appliance, the power suddenly goes out.
02:14Not knowing what happened, the couple of friends decide to check the fuses in the basement,
02:18which, due to the lack of electricity, is completely dark.
02:22Noah then uses his lighter to illuminate the environment, and while exploring, they find
02:26a wine cellar with dozens of wine bottles and decide to take them.
02:30After some more time exploring the place, the couple of friends manage to reach the
02:33fuse box, find the burnt fuse, and start replacing it with a new one.
02:37After reconnecting the power, Sarah makes her drink and everyone starts to get drunk.
02:42After some time swimming, the group goes to the house's porch where they watch John
02:46practicing target shooting with his bow until a beautiful German Shepherd puppy emerges
02:50from the forest, making the friends fall in love with so much sweetness.
02:54In the middle of the night, as the drink they brought for the trip runs out, Noah goes to
02:58the kitchen to get one of the bottles of wine he found in the basement, and when he opens
03:02the door, the puppy goes with him.
03:05While the man opens the bottle, the once gentle puppy now seems enraged and starts growling
03:09at the man.
03:11When Noah returns to the living room and starts telling his friends what happened, the puppy
03:15runs out of the house through a hole in the structure and heads for the forest.
03:19As Sarah really likes the little animal, she decides to go out and look for it with
03:23John, who offers to help her.
03:26Using some flashlights, the couple of friends manage to find the puppy in the middle of
03:29the forest, but as they approach, an adult dog jumps from a bush onto Sarah, knocking
03:34her to the ground.
03:36When John comes over to help his friend, the enraged animal bites the woman's leg for
03:39no apparent reason and then runs into the forest with its puppy.
03:43Thinking about the possibility of the animal being contaminated with the rabies virus,
03:47Matt and Nikki argue that they should return to the city the next day to start treatment
03:51and prevent Sarah from contracting the disease.
03:54John says that medical care doesn't need to be immediate, and therefore, they could
03:58return after the weekend.
03:59However, he leaves the decision in the hands of Sarah, who thought the attack was to protect
04:04the puppy and didn't want to interrupt the mini-vacation of her friends.
04:08She opts to stay at the house until Monday.
04:11During the early morning hours, John gets up to get a glass of water and finds Sarah
04:14visibly disturbed at the window.
04:17When he tries to speak with her, she doesn't respond and begins to approach him without
04:20saying a word, but as soon as she gets close to the man, she starts kissing him so hard
04:24that it hurts him.
04:26With John's complaints of pain, some trigger is activated in the girl's mind, and she
04:30finally regains consciousness, asking him to leave.
04:33The next morning, the group of friends is having breakfast, and we can see that Sarah
04:37has a voracious and bizarre hunger, almost piercing Noah's hand with her fork when he
04:41tries to grab the last pancake.
04:44As soon as they finish their meal, John grabs his bow to practice target shooting in the
04:48forest, and as they were bored, the other men decide to go with him while Nikki stays
04:51to keep Sarah company.
04:54In the middle of the forest, the men find no signs of other animals, and with nothing
04:58else to do, Noah separates from the group and sits on a log to clean his camera.
05:03While cleaning the lens, the man begins to hear growling sounds around him.
05:07Concerned, he starts to look for the source of the noise and finds himself surrounded
05:10on all sides by several dogs.
05:13In an attempt to escape alive, the man runs through the forest until he trips over a root
05:17and is found by his friends.
05:19As soon as Noah tells them about the dogs, the boyfriend of the woman who was previously
05:23devoured appears behind them, completely covered in blood, and says that the dogs don't want
05:27anyone on the island, but the man doesn't even have time to explain why.
05:32While he is speaking, an enormous dog jumps on his chest, knocking him down the hill and
05:36devouring him alive along with its pack.
05:38The terrified trio runs toward the house, and when they're almost there, they see the
05:42girls who were in the water also being chased by the animals.
05:46They then run to try to help them, and just as they are about to enter, one of the dogs
05:50manages to bite Nikki's leg, grabbing her by the pants.
05:54Attempting to save her, John grabs his bow and shoots an arrow at the ferocious dog,
05:58but his shot ends up hitting the young woman's calf, causing her immense pain, but still
06:02managing to drive the creatures away.
06:05Once inside the house, Matt breaks the projectile with pliers and begins to remove it to make
06:09a bandage.
06:11While preparing the bandages, the man tries to understand what's happening, telling his
06:15friends why that place is now a desert.
06:18Many years ago, a company rented part of the island to build a kennel that would train
06:22some dogs to be guides for the visually impaired, but after a few years, one of the dogs ended
06:27up contracting the rabies virus, and as they all frequented the same environment, the sick
06:31animal contaminated other dogs who managed to escape from the training center.
06:36With dozens of dogs contaminated across the island, the kennel was closed, and the island
06:40was completely evacuated, becoming the desert it is today.
06:44But since the contamination happened at least a year ago, the dogs should have already died.
06:49What Matt wonders now is how they're still alive after being infected for so long.
06:54After the inconclusive conversation, Noah, completely hysterical, starts shouting that
06:58they should seek medical help for the two injured girls, but the man's screams end up
07:01attracting one of the dogs, which jumps through the window and knocks him to the ground.
07:06As soon as it gets up, the animal charges toward Sarah, and just as it's about to reach
07:10her, it's held back by John at the last moment.
07:13Seeing that without his help, his brother could also get hurt, Matt grabs a metal bar
07:17and thrusts the piece of metal into the animal, and it dies shortly afterward.
07:21Realizing that the house isn't safe, the group gathers their belongings, and just as they're
07:25about to leave the house, they notice that two of the rabid dogs are at the pier, exactly
07:29where the plane they used to get to the island is.
07:32Matt then says it's better to wait for the animals to leave, but after a few seconds,
07:37Noah looks out the window and sees the aircraft drifting with the tide because the dogs cut
07:41the rope that was holding the plane.
07:43Seeing no sign of the dogs and knowing they could lose the plane in the middle of the
07:46ocean if they take too long to reach it, the group of friends heads to the pier extremely
07:52John jumps into the water to swim to the aircraft, but as he approaches, the tide turns the aircraft
07:57over, and the man can see that the two dogs that broke the rope were actually hiding on
08:01the wing.
08:02The animals then jump into the water and start swimming toward John, who desperately needs
08:06to return to the pier to avoid being caught.
08:10As soon as they are all on solid ground, one of the fierce dogs tries to attack them, but
08:14Noah manages to fend it off with his baseball bat.
08:17Taking advantage of the moment, they head back home, barely escaping the other animals.
08:22Aware of the capabilities of the enraged dogs, the group begins reinforcing the windows and
08:27cracks in the house with wooden boards.
08:30Once the improvements are completed, Noah tries to call emergency services, but the
08:34cell phones have no signal.
08:37Matt and John wrap the body of the dog that tried to attack Sarah in a cloth and throw
08:40it outside.
08:42With things seemingly safe, they decide that the best chance of survival is to head to
08:45the other side of the island, where there is a boat.
08:48Obviously, that strange man who was attacked on the hill got there somehow, and they presume
08:53the vehicle he used is precisely at the dock next to the old kennel.
08:57Furthermore, Matt argues that even if there is no way out, they might still find some
09:01communication equipment at the facilities.
09:04With the plan set, the men decide to go to the garage to try to start the old car once
09:08again, but as they step outside, the fierce dogs rush towards the body that the brothers
09:13threw out and begin to devour it.
09:15Seeing the pack of dogs outside, the trio returns indoors and decides to come up with
09:20another plan.
09:21Matt plans to reach the garage via a rope connecting the two buildings, but for that,
09:25he needs the pulley that was on the zipline outside.
09:28The man then takes advantage of the beasts being distracted by their feast and runs
09:32to grab the object.
09:34Even while trying to be as stealthy as possible, he is spotted by one of the dogs but manages
09:38to get back inside safely.
09:40Next, we see Matt attaching the pulley to the rope connected to the garage.
09:45Even though Nikki is injured, she convinces her boyfriend that, being lighter, she should
09:49check the car.
09:51With everything ready, the girl begins sliding down the rope and reaches the other side,
09:55but the insatiable dogs see her dangling like a piece of meat in a butcher shop and
09:59run towards her, while her friends try to distract the dogs.
10:03As soon as she manages to enter the garage, Nikki gets inside the car and tries to start
10:07it, but the vehicle shows no sign of life.
10:10Meanwhile, the dogs outside are pushing to get in and manage to make a hole in the gate
10:14large enough for them to enter.
10:16Nikki then climbs out through the sunroof and has to hang on to the wooden structures
10:20of the garage to avoid being devoured.
10:23Outside, the group pulls her back, and as the fierce dogs leap to reach her, John shoots
10:27an arrow into the heart of one of them, finally rescuing Nikki.
10:31During the night, the power suddenly goes out, and believing it's the fuse acting up
10:35once again, Noah volunteers to go down to the basement to reconnect the electricity.
10:40As soon as he reaches the lower floor, he begins to hear strange noises coming from
10:44a compartment where a creepy doll is hanging at the entrance.
10:48When Noah approaches the source of the sound, one of the dogs leaps at his neck, tearing
10:52pieces from his throat and brutally crushing his trachea and rupturing his jugular.
10:58Hearing all the commotion, Matt and John rush to the entrance of the basement but find their
11:01friend already dead.
11:03They then lock the door to trap the dogs, but it doesn't do much good because, outside,
11:08several dogs go into a wild mode and start breaking the wooden reinforcements on the
11:12windows, thus gaining access to the house.
11:14The group then decides to run to the attic, but as they are nearly there, Matt is seized
11:18by one of the demonic dogs that leaps onto his back and begins biting him, but he is
11:22saved by John, who manages to restrain the animal.
11:26With everyone on the upper floor, the house is now completely taken over by the dogs,
11:30and with only the supplies they have in the attic, they need to devise a plan to get out
11:34as quickly as possible.
11:36When dawn arrives, the group leaves the attic to check if the beasts are still in the house,
11:40but apparently, they have all left.
11:43So, the brothers head to the garage, and while John is behind the wheel, Matt pushes the
11:47car until it finally starts, but with all that noise, the dogs manage to track them
11:51and begin a chase.
11:53The younger brother then jumps onto the car roof and grabs the bow to try to hit them,
11:57but when one of the animals climbs onto the hood of the vehicle, John has to make a sharp
12:01turn, and with little support, Matt ends up dropping the bow.
12:05With no way to fight off the creatures, the man enters through the sunroof, but at that
12:09exact moment, the car stops by itself.
12:12Without needing to get out to push, John heads towards a cliff to gain speed and try to restart
12:19Although it's a rather stupid idea, it ends up working, and they barely escape with their
12:23With the car finally running, the brothers head back to the house, but along the way,
12:27a bloodthirsty German Shepherd jumps through the car window and nearly bites Matt.
12:31However, he is saved by John, who swerves the car to the side, causing the mutant creature
12:36to crash into a pole.
12:38Back at the house, Sarah has given up trying to survive and refuses to flee with them.
12:43Trying to convince her to change her mind, John approaches her, but at that moment, one
12:47of the dogs appears in the room.
12:50Determined to avenge the infection, the girl asks him to escape through the window while
12:54she stays to fight the beast.
12:56Despite his reluctance, John ends up jumping out.
12:59At that moment, the dog jumps at Sarah's neck, but she manages to defend herself by putting
13:03her arm in front.
13:05Knowing that unarmed, she wouldn't be able to take out the fierce dog, the girl tries
13:09to throw it out the window but ends up falling with it onto a wooden stake, thus causing
13:13both their deaths.
13:15Realizing they couldn't help their friend, who is already lifeless, the trio gets into
13:19the car and starts driving to the other side of the island while other hungry dogs appear
13:23to devour the impaled bodies.
13:26When they reach the other side, the group decides to enter the facility to try to call
13:29for help via radio, but during their exploration, they discover it wasn't a kennel for training
13:34guide dogs but a laboratory that was genetically modifying the animals to become combat machines.
13:40It turns out that the fierce dogs were never infected with rabies, they were modified
13:44to such an extent that they became uncontrollable.
13:48Realizing they had gone too far, the researchers decided to euthanize the animals, but since
13:52they had become extremely intelligent and strong, the mutant dogs managed to escape
13:56the facility.
13:58Aware of the risk they would face if they decided to stay, the group of scientists simply
14:02abandoned the island and left the dogs there.
14:05This explains why they are so intelligent and also why there are no other animals on
14:09the island, they were all wiped out by the beasts.
14:12Regardless, as soon as they reach the radio, Nikki sees through the window that the transmitter
14:16tower's cable is disconnected, and John volunteers to reconnect the wires.
14:21He then leaves the building, and while climbing, he sees the couple's boat docked.
14:25When the man gives the signal, Nikki turns on the amplifiers to increase the radio's
14:29range, but when she presses the button, a short circuit occurs, starting a fire in the
14:33building's wiring and giving John a massive shock, causing him to fall from the top of
14:37the tower.
14:39Fortunately, he's alive.
14:41However, as the flames spread throughout the place, the dogs finally find them and manage
14:45to dig under the fence to attack John, who receives several bites.
14:50Seeing that his brother needed help, Matt grabs his baseball bat and runs to help him
14:54fight off the animals.
14:55Inside, Nikki opens a gas cylinder valve and lets the dogs in.
14:59When she senses there's enough fluid in the air to cause an explosion, she opens the door,
15:04allowing the gas to reach the flames, initiating a combustion that kills all the dogs inside.
15:09Outside, Matt and John are surrounded on all sides, and when they think they have no chance
15:13of survival, Nikki shows up with the car and runs over the dogs.
15:18She survived the explosion by hiding right behind the door.
15:22With everyone in the car and knowing the boat's location, the trio drives to the spot and
15:26plunges the car into the water while the fierce dogs approach.
15:29The group manages to exit the sinking vehicle and safely reaches the dock.
15:34After boarding the boat, they escape the island, seeing the animals watching them from afar.
