• last year
00:00Pájaro soñador
00:10El pájaro albatros
00:14El Valle del Amor, carnal, es el más misterioso de todos.
00:17Ninguno se queda en ese valle.
00:19Ni el que se entrega, ni el que es capaz de controlarse.
00:24¿Es igual nuestra lucha con las necesidades, carnales?
00:28Yo soy débil y me entrego.
00:31Me dejo llevar por los recuerdos, las sensaciones, aromas, anhelos y deseos.
00:39Dicen que lo carnal es el enemigo del alma.
00:42Que capture el alma.
00:44Pues ojalá nos capture.
00:47Que hable de una vez nuestro cuerpo, y que calle nuestra alma.
00:54Que se detenga el mundo cuando nos miramos, cuando nos tocamos.
00:58Que nuestros cuerpos se fundan como las raíces de un árbol que llevan el agua a las ramas.
01:10De todas formas, cuando ha escuchado el corazón a la voz de la sabiduría,
01:14¿cómo puede frenar la sabiduría el latir de un corazón?
01:18Mi corazón está como loco por él.
01:21Dime, ¿quién puede detenerlo que no sea yo misma?
01:28A ver, mi rey, ¿cómo tengo que decírtelo?
01:30Las facturas están pagadas.
01:31Ya me encargué, no hay problema.
01:33No pasa nada.
01:34No busques líos donde no los hay.
01:36Entre nosotros tiene que haber mucha confianza.
01:40¿Será posible?
01:42Ahora rosita, fresita, rojita, la de las lechugas.
01:46¿Sabes qué?
01:47Es como en las películas antiguas.
01:49El chico y la chica se encuentran e inmediatamente queda cautivado por la belleza de ella.
01:56Algo así me pasó.
02:02¿La belleza?
02:04Me refiero a la chica de la película.
02:06Era una actriz famosa.
02:07No me refería a ti, rojita.
02:08Mira, la pensó que hablaba de ella.
02:13Pero la escena es la misma y con lechugas.
02:20Tú sigue esperando a la chica de la película.
02:22Ya sé que tú puedes vivir solo de ilusiones.
02:26Adiós, Geyir.
02:27No hablaba de las películas antiguas.
02:29¿A dónde vas?
02:30No me has entendido bien y yo no pude ni recogerle las lechugas.
02:33¿Qué ha pasado?
02:34Yo no hice nada.
02:35Así serás.
02:36Eres un idiota, Musa, y un burro.
02:38¿Cómo le dices eso a una chica?
02:39¿A quién se le ocurre?
02:40Oye, hay chicas guapas por aquí, pero no me refería a ti.
02:43Es que eres un...
02:45Lo que pasa es que no me ha entendido nada.
02:47Pero no le dije que era fea.
02:49Solo le di un ejemplo de las películas que he visto.
02:53Siendo sinceros, es la más bonita de aquí.
02:56Lo que pasa es que no he sabido expresar mis sentimientos
03:00Siempre me pasa igual.
03:02Puse un mal ejemplo, pero esa rojita está linda.
03:08Hola, mamá.
03:09¿Cómo estás?
03:12¿Cómo va la pierna del abuelo?
03:14Sí, está bien, pero tú no te canses mucho.
03:16No te preocupes por mí.
03:17No estoy sola.
03:19Tengo muchos socios ayudándome.
03:21¿Es la voz del abuelo?
03:22¿Ya está otra vez insultando a papá?
03:24Claro, no se lo diré.
03:26No te preocupes, mamá.
03:27No lo haré, ¿de acuerdo?
03:28No lo sé.
03:29¿Cómo voy a saber los rumores del barrio?
03:31Muy bien, un beso.
03:33Hasta pronto.
03:44Buenos días.
03:45Buenos días.
03:46Buenos días.
03:47Muy bien.
03:48Los he reunido hoy temprano porque les daré muy buenas
03:50noticias, chicos.
03:52La agencia tiene nuevo trabajo.
03:54Así se hace.
03:55¡Qué maravilloso!
03:56¡Qué bien!
03:57Me alegro mucho.
03:59¿De quién?
04:00Del club náutico.
04:01Yo tenía muy buena relación con ellos.
04:03¿Cómo no se me ocurrió?
04:04Podría haber sido de otro grupo.
04:06¿De qué grupo?
04:07Del club náutico.
04:09Yo tenía muy buena relación con ellos.
04:11¿Cómo no se me ocurrió?
04:13Podría haberme llevado todo el mérito.
04:15Es la semana de la navegación.
04:17Les llamé para interesarme y conseguí que me dieran el
04:20Fantástico, Deryn.
04:21Eres la mejor.
04:23Tenemos un cliente.
04:24¿Y qué es lo que quieren?
04:25Pues es algo muy sencillo.
04:27Quieren que les saquemos un anuncio para una revista y
04:30quieren que haya una sirena y un marinero.
04:32Pero quieren que utilicemos una encuesta,
04:34una encuesta que ellos han aplicado a cientos de personas
04:37y que nosotros también tendremos que rellenar.
04:39Yo ya lo hice.
04:41No se tardan ni dos minutos.
04:42Es muy simple.
04:43Solo hay que responder a un par de preguntas.
04:46Y, ah, vamos a cumplir con estas formas y después
04:50empezaremos a sugerir ideas.
04:53¿Y qué haremos con los resultados de la encuesta?
04:55No te has explicado muy bien.
04:57Aplicaremos los atributos más destacados de los hombres al
04:59marinero y los de las mujeres a las sirenas.
05:02Sí, y el eslogan surgirá de los resultados de la encuesta.
05:07Inspiraremos a la gente para que sean como ustedes.
05:15Es decir, es que...
05:18Bueno, yo ya me caí.
05:19No digas nada más.
05:20¿Quieres decir que su relación de pareja es ejemplar?
05:23¿Por qué usaste esas palabras?
05:24Para mí no estás pensando correctamente.
05:26Estás confundida.
05:27Porque su relación también es algo complicada.
05:29O sea, hay una intersección,
05:30pero no se sabe quién se cruza con quién.
05:33No sé por qué hablamos de nosotros,
05:35pero como siempre digo,
05:37Zanem es alguien muy especial para mí.
05:39Muy especial.
05:44Y bueno, intenté explicar la situación brevemente.
05:48Sí, tenemos una relación especial.
05:51Muy especial.
05:53Sí, pero eso quedó en el pasado.
05:55¿No es así? ¿No?
06:01Para mí ahora, Musa significa lo mismo que tú.
06:06Yeye, Jan o Musa, todos son lo mismo.
06:08Zanem, entendimos.
06:09No hace falta que des más ejemplos.
06:11Mi vecina Zanem.
06:12Mi querida Zanem.
06:15Mi vecino Jan.
06:16Mi querido vecino Jan.
06:19Jan es solo mi vecino.
06:22A ver, ¿qué atributos busco en un hombre?
06:26Han cambiado mucho.
06:28Lo que busco
06:29ha cambiado mucho en el último año.
06:31Para mí también, ¿sabes?
06:34Bueno, ya terminé.
06:36Anoté todo lo que busco en un hombre.
06:39Abrí una nueva página, como todo el mundo.
06:41Oh, pero...
06:44Así es.
06:45Estoy en una página nueva.
06:46Como todos los que estamos aquí.
06:48Ven, te toca.
06:53¿Qué buscas en un hombre y en una mujer?
06:55¿Qué buscas en una mujer?
07:00¿Qué buscas en una mujer?
07:03Salud, querida.
07:04Ah, creo que está cerca, Polen.
07:05No le invoques.
07:06Cruz, cruz.
07:07Que se vaya el diablo.
07:11¿Qué pasa?
07:12¿Tienes curiosidad por saber
07:13qué es lo que busco en una mujer?
07:15¿Por qué es lo que me estás dando a entender?
07:17¿A ti te interesa saber lo que busco en un hombre?
07:20No tengo la menor curiosidad por saberlo.
07:24¿Qué buscas en una mujer?
07:25¿Qué buscas en una mujer?
07:27¿Qué buscas en una mujer?
07:29Bueno, creo que nos hemos excedido un poco.
07:33Claro que me interesa mucho.
07:39Toma, Yeyey.
07:41Yeyey, haz lo mismo.
07:42Contesta la encuesta
07:43y envía tus respuestas por correo.
07:45Luego, imprime las demás
07:46para poder empezar a trabajar
07:47lo antes posible, ¿de acuerdo?
07:49Ya terminé.
07:50Mis respuestas son cortas.
07:52Qué lástima que no pude leer
07:53lo que escribió mi superamigo.
08:02Buenos días, muchacho.
08:06Tenemos problemas.
08:09Nuestra crema le produjo alergia a un cliente
08:11y nos denunció.
08:12Es imposible.
08:13Es natural.
08:14Está hecha a mano.
08:15Además, es orgánica.
08:16No puede ser.
08:17Mis cremas son hipoalergénicas.
08:18Tiene que ser un error.
08:19Sabemos que no hay ningún ingrediente perjudicial,
08:21así que vamos a tranquilizarnos.
08:23Habrá sido un malentendido.
08:24Lo vamos a resolver.
08:25No se preocupen.
08:28Voy a ver a Yeye.
08:31A ver.
08:32¿Por qué está en blanco?
08:33Yeye, ¿me devuelves las llaves del auto?
08:35Te las di ayer.
08:36Claro que sí, Yan.
08:37Aquí está.
08:43¿Son las encuestas?
08:45Aquí están.
08:46¿Están todas?
08:47¿También las nuestras?
08:48Sí, por supuesto.
08:50Y supongo que lo hiciste como es debido.
08:52No faltará nada
08:53y sabes de quién es cada una, ¿verdad?
08:55Porque, si quieres,
08:56yo puedo ayudarte a ordenarlas.
08:58Ah, no hace falta, Yan.
09:00Mira, estas son las de los clientes
09:02y aquellas son las nuestras.
09:03Ahí está la de Sanem, la mía, la de Deren y la de Musa.
09:06Está bien.
09:07Procura que no haya ningún error.
09:08Son importantes.
09:14Ay, lo que me faltaba.
09:15Justo ahora se para.
09:26Ay, ¿ahora qué hago?
09:27Creo que estoy muy confundido.
09:29Debo esperar un momento.
09:30Creo que la primera es la de Deren.
09:31Luego la mía, la de Sanem, la de Musa.
09:33Musa no.
09:34Sanem, Musa y yo.
09:35La mía acaba de salir.
09:36Y ya me confundí.
09:37¿Cómo es posible que...?
09:40Señor Yan.
09:43Creo que desapareció.
09:45Ni que fuera un superhéroe.
09:46Hace esto y desaparece.
09:48Bueno, da igual.
09:50Funciona ya.
09:52Sigue imprimiendo.
09:54Aquí pasa algo raro.
09:55Estoy seguro.
09:56Huele a gato muerto.
09:59¿La denuncia es de alguien de aquí?
10:01Sí, eso parece.
10:02¿Cómo se llama?
10:03Arda Gurel, aunque no lo conozco.
10:05Voy a salir.
10:06Tengo algo que hacer.
10:08Oye, ¿puedes echarle un ojo a Sanem?
10:10Está un poco alterada.
10:11Claro, haré lo que pueda.
10:12Te lo agradezco.
10:15Piénsalo con calma.
10:16¿Por qué siempre me pasan a mí estas cosas?
10:18No lo entiendo.
10:19Mis productos no causan alergia.
10:20Es imposible.
10:21Solamente sería un caso.
10:22Puede que sea verdad.
10:24Mis productos son 100% naturales.
10:26Son orgánicos.
10:27Hay cosas naturales que pueden causar alergia.
10:29La miel, las avellanas son naturales.
10:31Pero hay gente que es muy alérgica.
10:33Todo está probado en un laboratorio.
10:35Y me dijeron que son hipoalergénicas.
10:37¿Y ahora qué?
10:38No podré seguir haciendo cremas.
10:40¿En qué me equivoqué?
10:41Oye, ese era nuestro producto estrella.
10:43Ahora no vamos a poder emitir el anuncio.
10:46Pero, Deren, ¿qué estás diciendo?
10:48Entra en razón.
10:49Hazme el favor.
10:50Vamos a ver.
10:51Tenemos que respetar lo que estamos haciendo.
10:53Nadie podrá impedir que haga mis cremas.
10:56Eso es.
10:57Sigamos adelante.
10:58No pueden impedirte que sigas haciendo tus productos.
11:00No vamos a detenernos.
11:01Ya no lo soportaré.
11:02No pararé.
11:03Qué miedo.
11:04Quiero volver a la agencia.
11:05Y yo quiero volver a hacer mis cremas.
11:07Queremos volver.
11:08Tenemos que hacer algo.
11:09Tienes razón.
11:10¿Pero qué hacemos?
11:11Sean positivas y abrácense.
11:12No sirvió de nada.
11:23Claro que sí.
11:24Eso fue tierno.
11:41If he's not in the cafe, we'll see where he lives
11:43and go to his house.
11:44Hey, thanks a lot for coming with me.
11:46Oh, it's a pleasure.
11:48I know Arda very well.
11:50He doesn't have a stable job, but he's a good person.
11:52I'll talk to him, and you'll see how he'll end up
11:54withdrawing the complaint.
11:56Look, we were lucky.
11:57He's sitting at that table.
12:03How are you?
12:04Hi, nice to see you.
12:06Hi, I'm Jan.
12:08Nice to meet you.
12:11Have a seat.
12:18Well, tell me, how have you been?
12:21I heard about your reaction.
12:23Yes, that's right.
12:24Look how I am.
12:26Are you sure it was the cream?
12:28Who are you?
12:30I'm a friend of the manufacturer.
12:34Hey, Arda, I guess there's been a mistake.
12:37You don't know what it's about,
12:39but you haven't had time to report it.
12:42What was the need?
12:44The Sanem creams are hypoallergenic.
12:46I'm sorry, I have nothing to say.
12:49Talk to my lawyer.
12:51Wait, we're not done yet.
12:53Arda, don't go.
12:56This is disrespectful.
13:06He filed the complaint, but he has a lawyer now.
13:10It seems so.
13:12He doesn't have a job.
13:13How can he hire a lawyer?
13:15I'll find out.
13:20This place has not been rented again.
13:23Since Mrs. Nula left it, it has been empty.
13:26I hope it will serve you.
13:27I hope so. Thank you.
13:28Good luck.
13:29Thank you. See you.
13:30See you soon.
13:32Thank you very much for everything.
13:33Very kind.
13:35Well, everything is ready.
13:37I hope the new office brings you a lot of luck.
13:40Oh, thank you, Dad.
13:41Take the keys, daughter.
13:42Tea, juice and coffee will be served by Rami.
13:45But water with gas and sodas can be taken from my store.
13:48Very good.
13:49So from now on we'll see each other all the time.
13:52Yes, we can say hello with our hands, right?
13:55Oh, I almost forgot.
13:57In the warehouse there are several tables and chairs.
13:59You can go and take whatever you want to put it around here.
14:02So you can decorate the place as you like, okay?
14:05Well, Dad, thank you.
14:06Well, I'm leaving. I'm hungry. I'll go eat something.
14:08Thank you, father-in-law.
14:10What's up?
14:11One moment. Hold this for me.
14:12Give it to me.
14:13I've prepared something for you.
14:17They are sliced cucumbers for you to eat when you are anxious.
14:21Oh, good.
14:22So if you are very hungry, you can eat this.
14:24And look, I brought you more things.
14:26Yes, I see.
14:27Well, when you are hungry, eat from here.
14:29Nothing to eat, other things.
14:30No, nothing.
14:31You can put salt on it.
14:33But not much.
14:34With little salt.
14:35Thank you again.
14:36No problem.
14:37Well, I have to go.
14:40Don't forget to eat the salad.
14:41I hope he doesn't eat dirty.
14:45What do you think, love?
14:46It's not the ideal place, but it's not bad to start with, right?
14:50Yes, I think it can serve us for now.
14:53Let's fix this place and you'll see how good it looks.
14:56Hey, love.
14:57Someday we'll rent a place where I can hug you without anyone interrupting all the time.
15:04Yes, I also want to be alone with you.
15:07I wish my father went on vacation.
15:10It's enough with my mother's absence.
15:12So he would be distracted.
15:13What do you say?
15:14Can I fix it?
15:15Well ...
15:16Oh yeah?
15:20And now what will you do?
15:25Did you say hello to the sun this morning?
15:27No, first I would have to say hello to you.
15:29Of course.
15:30Oh, it's my son.
15:32Tell me.
15:33Hi, Dad.
15:34How are you?
15:37Here with Denise.
15:38She sends you greetings.
15:39We are removing the bad herbs from the garden, but honestly this is desperate.
15:43The more herbs you remove, the more salt.
15:45I'm already exhausted.
15:48It's a message from Sanem.
15:49I'm going to see what he wants.
15:51It's nice to hear that you work in nature.
15:54By the way, we took Aniad to the hospital because his blood sugar went up.
15:59And my mother-in-law went to take care of her father who broke a leg.
16:02Things are complicated.
16:04How sad.
16:05I hope they both get better soon.
16:07Well, it's nothing serious.
16:08Actually, he just has to monitor his diet.
16:10But of course, being alone is more complicated.
16:12You know what the doctor told him?
16:14That it would be convenient for him to leave the city to breathe fresh air.
16:16But I didn't know how to organize it.
16:18I was thinking of a solution.
16:23Let me talk to him here at home.
16:26If you think it's okay, we can invite him to come.
16:28We know his wife is not here.
16:30And if he's alone, it's better if he comes with us here.
16:33Hey, I really appreciate it, Dad.
16:35It would be great.
16:36It's a pleasure.
16:38Say hello to Leila on my behalf.
16:40I'll call Aniad.
16:42What's up?
16:44Mekibe's father broke his leg and left with him to his town.
16:48And Niad has diabetes.
16:50They took him to the hospital.
16:52The doctor has recommended that he change his airways.
16:54And I think...
16:57Change his airways, right?
16:58Yes, that's it.
17:00Fresh air, organic food, tranquility.
17:03That's our thing.
17:05Message received.
17:06We're going to make him a room, right?
17:08Tell him we're expecting him today.
17:10Has Denise escaped again?
17:11We've worked very hard.
17:13I swear, I'm exhausted and I can't lie down anymore.
17:16I have a broken back.
17:20You should also be polite.
17:22Zanem, what are you doing?
17:24As we work for the nautical club, I review the previous campaigns so as not to repeat them.
17:29Bravo, very good idea.
17:30You do know.
17:31Let's see, the next question.
17:33What are you looking for in a woman?
17:35I have answered.
17:36Ayhan, what do you think?
17:37An unexpected answer.
17:39Simple and elegant.
17:43Are you making fun of my innocence?
17:45No, not at all.
17:46I didn't expect that from you.
17:47I know.
17:48Uh, what do you have there?
17:50Uh, this is that I have printed all the surveys.
17:53Oh yeah?
17:54So you have them all?
18:00Are they all printed?
18:01Do you have the ones we have answered?
18:03Of course.
18:04I have printed them all.
18:05Look, here's Musa's.
18:07This is Yan's.
18:09That's right.
18:10And these others belong to other people who have participated in our survey.
18:13Very good.
18:15But why wasn't I going to do it?
18:17I'm a qualified worker, but it's curious.
18:20Why does everyone ask me the same thing?
18:24Who drinks my coffee?
18:25Nobody drinks it.
18:26I'm sure someone does, and I'm going to find out.
18:28I hate it when you talk like that.
18:33Which one was everyone's?
18:35Now that I think about it, they didn't put their names.
18:38I'm glad I have photographic memory.
18:45And this one's for you.
18:51Let's see if we can get it without arguing about it.
18:54We haven't said anything that could cause a debate.
18:57Please don't be so susceptible.
18:59Don't let me ruin my motivation.
19:01That's it, that's it.
19:03I'm going to go.
19:04Okay, I'll be there.
19:05I'll be there.
19:07I'm going to go.
19:08I'm going to go.
19:09I'll be there.
19:10I'll be there.
19:11I'll be there.
19:12I'll be there.
19:13That's right.
19:15What's up?
19:16I read your message.
19:17Sit down.
19:18I'll tell you now.
19:21We have an assignment from the nautical club,
19:23and they want us to do a survey.
19:25What do women look for in men and vice versa?
19:28What are their expectations of opposite sex?
19:31You have 127 criteria,
19:33so it will be very useful to us.
19:35Do you have the list?
19:36I always have it with me.
19:37Here it is.
19:38That's not true.
19:39127 criteria?
19:40What normal person can do all that?
19:42I think it's crazy that someone is exactly what you want.
19:45Don't overdo it.
19:47You can stay calm, Musa,
19:48because you don't meet any of those criteria.
19:51So what?
19:52We're not going to join the European Union.
19:54I have to go.
19:55Here, take it.
19:56Well, I have the notes.
19:58Uh, I guess we can keep working.
20:01Where's Jan?
20:02I don't know, and I don't care where Jan is.
20:05Where's Jan?
20:06Where's Jan?
20:07And what the hell do I care?
20:09I don't care anymore.
20:10Do you understand me?
20:11I don't care.
20:12I don't care where he is,
20:14or me, or anyone else.
20:16And I'll tell you something else.
20:17If you know where he is, don't tell me,
20:19because I don't care,
20:20at the very least.
20:21Jan can be anywhere,
20:22because I don't care.
20:28He's behind me, right?
20:32I can hear the sound of the stones.
20:42Jan, where were you?
20:45Where'd you go, huh?
20:48I found Arda.
20:50He doesn't have money, but he has a lawyer.
20:52Either he wants to get money out of us,
20:55or someone else wants to annoy us.
20:57Well, I'll go look for that lawyer.
21:00When I find him, I'll tell you.
21:02Uh, well, Bullut will take care of the lawyer,
21:05and we'll take care of him.
21:07We have to put up an office right away.
21:10We'll have to put up computers,
21:12and contact graphic designers,
21:14and we'll have to get the old clients back.
21:17Do you agree, partner?
21:19Of course.
21:20I agree, partner.
21:22Well thought out.
21:23Yeah, partners have to agree.
21:26So, let's go to the table to work.
21:28We'll hand out the paperwork,
21:30and then we'll get to work.
21:34I'll start making calls to get the music.
21:48You're very quiet.
21:49Is something wrong?
21:51No, sorry.
21:52It's just that I've been listening to music.
21:55I've been listening to music.
21:57I've been listening to music.
21:59I've been listening to music.
22:01Is something wrong?
22:02No, sorry.
22:03It's just that I've been thinking about my things.
22:06I have to go.
22:07Are you going to work?
22:08No, no.
22:10Look, I think you should focus on your work.
22:13You're a very intelligent man,
22:15and you have a lot of talent.
22:16Listen to me.
22:17You should forget about everything.
22:18I can't forget, Uma.
22:19It's impossible.
22:20It's been a year.
22:25I can't.
22:27But I'll figure it out.
22:31What are you going to do?
22:32What are you thinking?
22:33They still love each other, and you have to accept it.
22:36Forget it.
22:37We made a mistake.
22:38We made a mistake.
22:39Do you understand?
22:40Look, Uma.
22:41Jan knows everything.
22:42And I'm afraid to tell Zanem that I burned the notebook.
22:45So no, I can't.
22:46Forget it.
22:49Jan is not that kind of man.
22:51Do you understand?
22:53Look, my son may lead Zanem in the right direction,
22:58but he'll never tell him.
22:59I don't want to hear you.
23:00Hey, I'm talking to you.
23:02I can't hear you.
23:03Listen to me.
23:04In the end, you're going to lose.
23:06I'm telling you for your own good.
23:07No, I have nothing to lose.
23:08Yes, Uma?
23:10Excuse me.
23:22What does it say?
23:23We can't take that price.
23:25You have to understand.
23:26We're a small cosmetic firm.
23:29Please reconsider the budget.
23:32Good morning.
23:34Jan, they ask us for a lot of money for the music.
23:37Don't you have a friend who's a composer?
23:39Maybe he'll give us a better price.
23:41I'll go see.
23:45Yay, yay.
23:46When you're done, you can go.
23:47I'm going to meditate a little.
23:49All right.
23:50Well, the report is done.
23:51So, my king, let's go.
23:54Hey, what are you doing?
23:56Hydrating my cutis.
23:57Yay, yay.
23:58But how do you think?
23:59It will give you the allergic reaction, fool.
24:02It's going to look like the bees bit you.
24:04You're going to look like a living cockroach.
24:06Why didn't you tell me before?
24:07Zopilote, your face is going to fall apart.
24:10I have it red.
24:11It got red.
24:12Oh, I feel so bad.
24:13You look like a zombie.
24:14I feel swollen.
24:15It's swollen.
24:17Let me laugh.
24:18Nothing happens to you.
24:19You're not a living zombie.
24:21I swear.
24:22I was just kidding.
24:23You fell.
24:25Calm down.
24:26Calm down.
24:27You're going to get us into jail again.
24:29Don't talk about jail.
24:30Get me out of here.
24:31This was a short sentence.
24:33He's a comedian.
24:38Sanem, leave to me the issue of the complaint, okay?
24:42When we find the lawyer, I'll talk with him.
24:44I try not to think about it.
24:48Was this what you had in mind?
24:52I didn't know you drew so well.
24:54A hobby.
24:55How's it going with the slogan?
24:58Well, it's the story of a sailor and a mermaid.
25:01They live in different worlds, but they find a way to live together.
25:05Isn't that right?
25:09Our client is the nautical club.
25:11That's right.
25:12So the slogan will be...
25:15Miracles happen in the sea.
25:17Do you like it?
25:18It's perfect.
25:20But what if we bring the sailor and the mermaid a little closer?
25:25Because she's out of the water.
25:28Sacrificing herself for him and trying to breathe.
25:31She should be closer.
25:33That's right. As if they were neighbors.
25:36Oh, sure.
25:37They too.
25:39Here we are again.
25:41With the neighbors thing.
25:43It may be a little hard for you to understand.
25:45I guess the idea outweighs you.
25:47Because you didn't grow up in the neighborhood culture.
25:50Neighbors value each other a lot.
25:52They need each other and they know it.
25:54I don't know if you're able to understand that concept, Jan.
26:00It's very simple to me.
26:02We'll see.
26:14Hello, sister.
26:15Leila was going to call you. How are you?
26:18I quit my job.
26:19Oh, yeah?
26:22Are you serious?
26:23Where are you? I'm coming right now.
26:25Okay. I'll be right with you.
26:27Very well.
26:33And now this.
26:35I mean...
26:37Nothing. Forget it. I have to go to the neighborhood.
26:39Then you'll leave me here alone.
26:45Forget that man.
26:47He treats you like any other girl in the neighborhood.
26:50He doesn't like you. He doesn't like you anymore.
26:52What kind of girl does he like now?
26:55What do you care?
26:56I don't care either.
26:59Don't you have Jan's survey in your pocket?
27:01If you're not interested anymore, throw it away.
27:03I don't have a pocket in my pocket.
27:11What are you looking for in a woman?
27:13Good thing you don't care what kind of women Jan likes.
27:16It's for work. That's why I see him.
27:18Excuse me. What's wrong?
27:20Do you need any help?
27:23I don't know.
27:25Well, I'll explain.
27:26This is what my ex-boyfriend is looking for in a woman.
27:28And she's ready.
27:29Let me share it with you.
27:30Let's see what you think, okay?
27:32She says her ideal woman has to be very nice.
27:35She shouldn't talk too much.
27:37Look at that.
27:38Her ideal woman must have perfect bald heads.
27:42She must dress fashionably like an urban woman.
27:45And she must be very self-confident.
27:47For example, that she makes her dance.
27:49And she must be a sportswoman.
27:51Isn't that a joke?
27:52What's that nonsense?
27:53Yes. It's the same thing I say.
27:55I hadn't seen him in a year because I was surfing.
27:58And now I find this list and I don't have any of those qualities.
28:01I'm the exact opposite.
28:03Then forget about him.
28:04Forget him?
28:05Of course.
28:06It's true.
28:07You're right.
28:08Besides, now we're neighbors, you know?
28:10And he treats me like any other neighbor.
28:13I don't have any expectations.
28:15He says he doesn't want a woman who talks a lot.
28:17But what woman would want to talk to him?
28:19Men say women talk a lot.
28:21But that's nonsense.
28:23It's not that we talk a lot.
28:24It's that men don't talk.
28:40Hello, Emre. I'm here.
28:43Yes, don't rush. I'll wait.
28:58I'll take a look at Sanem's survey.
29:01Let's see what she wrote.
29:07What are you looking for in a man?
29:10He must be a gentleman.
29:13It's just that I'm not.
29:14Kind, elegant, and polite.
29:16All that goes with me.
29:18There's no doubt about it.
29:20What a simple look and...
29:22No accessories?
29:24Well, no.
29:25That can't be.
29:26I'm not going to take them off.
29:28T-shirt, coat, well combed hair.
29:32And shaved?
29:34That's impossible.
29:35I'm not going to shave.
29:37Use cologne?
29:38Well, I will.
29:40He shouldn't meddle in my private life.
29:43Are you serious?
29:44He must respect my private life.
29:46He won't take me the other way.
29:48And he'll support me in everything, of course.
29:51But he doesn't need to give me his coat if it's cold.
29:56Will it freeze?
29:59He must be attentive to what he needs.
30:08Brother, hello.
30:09What happened?
30:10How did you leave your work?
30:12I'll tell you.
30:13Are you ready?
30:15We're going to dedicate ourselves to music.
30:17To music?
30:19How interesting.
30:21And then let's go for a walk and talk.
30:24Yes, it's something new for us.
30:26But Leila has talent and I know people in the sector.
30:29I think we can be successful.
30:31Of course.
30:32I fully trust you two.
30:34You have to do something that makes them really happy,
30:37because that's the main thing.
30:39You can count on me for whatever it takes, brother.
30:41I will support you in everything I can, okay?
30:43Always be very present.
30:44You always tell me.
30:45I promise you that if I need your help, I will ask you.
30:48Well, now it's my turn.
30:49Yes, of course.
30:50Let's change the subject.
30:51I'm going to ask you a question and I want your sincerity.
30:53I want you to be honest, okay?
30:55Tell me what you think.
31:00Do you think I've changed a lot over the last year?
31:03I mean, do I look like a porcupine or a shipwreck?
31:06Do I look bad?
31:07I don't know.
31:08I want to know how you see me.
31:11Does Yandivit care how she looks now?
31:14You're not going to laugh at me.
31:16Am I attractive or not?
31:17Tell me what you think.
31:18Be honest, will you?
31:21Do I look like a good neighbor?
31:23Good neighbor?
31:26Turn around.
31:27I want to see your profile.
31:28Look at me.
31:30I don't know.
31:32I don't know.
31:33You've always been much more informal than me,
31:36but you look great, really.
31:38And I'm hot in here.
31:40You said informal.
31:42I was left with that word.
31:43What exactly do you mean by informal?
31:46Do you think I'm not formal?
31:48You look good.
31:49You're more comfortable.
31:50Well, you said that and you made me doubt.
31:52The truth is that everything happened very quickly.
31:55I went to the office, I said I was quitting,
31:57I took my things and left.
31:58Yes, okay.
31:59You know I always support you,
32:01but why?
32:02What happened for you to decide that?
32:04I guess you thought it through.
32:06You have something planned, right?
32:09Emre and I will start a business.
32:11What are you going to do?
32:13Don't tell me.
32:14It's the best news I've ever heard.
32:16And you're going to play your instruments again?
32:18Yes, that's what it looks like.
32:20How nice.
32:21I'm very excited, Sanne.
32:22Very excited and at the same time a little scared.
32:25Don't worry.
32:26I trust you and you should trust yourself too.
32:29I needed to talk to someone.
32:31Now I'm calm.
32:36You look very pale.
32:38What do you think of my clothes?
32:40Do you think I look pretty?
32:43You look very pretty.
32:44Maybe I should go shopping and maybe change my style a little.
32:48Why do you say that nonsense?
32:49What's wrong with you?
32:50It's just that I don't feel good.
32:51I don't look attractive, Leila.
32:53I feel like the neighborhood girl,
32:55the daughter of the neighbor of the store.
32:58What neighbor are you talking about?
33:00Oh, it doesn't matter.
33:02Forget it.
33:03You don't understand.
33:04I'm stressed.
33:06Mom's Organic Products
33:33Don't do it!
33:37What are you doing, for God's sake?
33:39Why are you eating chocolate at this time?
33:41Look how shameless.
33:43The chocolate is very tasty, but these are not hours.
33:45You should be taking a nap.
33:46Go home and rest for a while.
33:48We'll meet in front of the store.
33:50Bet for a while and turn on the TV.
33:52Rest and enjoy a little of your life because it looks like a bitter lemon.
33:57No nap or sleep.
33:58But what are you saying?
33:59Why am I going home?
34:00I'm perfectly fine.
34:01I don't need to rest.
34:03We met Leila on the way.
34:05She told us that you have diabetes problems
34:07and that you spend all day eating chocolates and sweets.
34:10So we came to watch you.
34:12No, no.
34:13It's not true.
34:14None of that.
34:15Give me that.
34:16Come here.
34:18But what is this?
34:20That's enough.
34:21It's my store.
34:22I can eat whatever I want.
34:23For God's sake.
34:24This or these sodas and even detergent if I feel like it.
34:25Oh yeah?
34:26And shampoo too.
34:28I can eat all that and that and anything I want.
34:31Well, enjoy yourself.
34:32Of course you can eat whatever you want.
34:34It's obvious, but don't get so upset that it's bad for your health.
34:37You try to relax.
34:38Rest a while.
34:39You'll feel good.
34:40Why don't you go out for a while to sit at the door?
34:42We'll take care of the store.
34:43I don't know how you're going to do it, but there's yoga.
34:47But the thing is that you rest.
34:48Let's see.
34:49I'll check on you.
34:52Oh, hello.
34:53Good morning.
34:54It's so nice to see you.
34:55How are you?
34:56I hope I'm not bothering you.
34:57No, no.
34:58Not at all.
34:59I'm fine.
35:01And how are you?
35:02All good?
35:03I'm fine, too.
35:04Thank you very much.
35:05Hey, Emre has told us that Mevkibe's father has broken a leg,
35:08and that she has left the village to take care of him.
35:11I hope he recovers very soon.
35:13I don't know.
35:14I don't want to bother you.
35:16What did you say?
35:17No, nothing.
35:18I wasn't telling you.
35:19It's just that he's very old, and at his age, bones take a long time to heal.
35:23You know.
35:24Yes, of course.
35:25Well, I hope he gets better.
35:26So that your wife can come home as soon as possible.
35:29I hope so, too.
35:30You see, I was calling you because Sisi and I wanted to invite you to dinner at home tonight.
35:35We have to give you a surprise.
35:38Calm down.
35:39Calm down.
35:40Well, I'm alone.
35:41I appreciate it.
35:42I'm sure you'll make some delicious food.
35:44I'll be delighted.
35:47Well, then I must be famous as a good cook.
35:49Yes, the truth is, I'm not bad at anything.
35:52Well, then we'll wait for you here.
35:54By the way, I thought you could come a little before dinner.
35:57That way we'll have more time to talk.
35:59And if you want, you can stay for the night.
36:01Please tell him.
36:02I'll tell him, yes.
36:03And since we don't live so close, if you want, you can stay for the night,
36:06and tomorrow we'll have breakfast together in the middle of the field.
36:09What do you think?
36:10Oh, a breakfast in the field.
36:12Okay, I'll stay.
36:14Thank you very much.
36:15Yes, I'll stay.
36:16Mevkibe is not here, but we can repeat it when she comes back.
36:21Well, we'll wait for you here.
36:22See you later.
36:26Rami, a tea.
36:29And what about us?
36:32Two more.
36:39Dark blue can look good on me.
36:41We're talking.
36:43Sanem, I have a light blue dress, and if you want to try it, I can leave it to you.
36:47It's just that your clothes are... I don't think so.
36:49Yes, you have a more youthful style, but to try the color, it works for you,
36:53and with the energy you release, you don't need anything else.
36:56You are quite attractive now, Sanem.
36:58We'll see.
36:59I have a very nice one with the shoulder uncovered.
37:03Ay, ay, ay.
37:11What are you doing here?
37:14Hey, neighbor, did you hear the news?
37:17Now I know what neighbor was talking about.
37:19Yes, that's right.
37:20And I think your opinion is the same.
37:23Can I know what they're talking about?
37:25First of all, congratulations on the new project.
37:28And we're going to be your first client.
37:30Uh, what did you say?
37:32We made an announcement for Sanem's cream.
37:34That's right.
37:35But we're missing the music, and we don't have much time.
37:38Could you take care of it?
37:40Oh, I don't know.
37:41All this...
37:43It's very rushed.
37:44We don't have a studio or equipment, and I still have to practice a lot.
37:49No, don't worry.
37:50I'll take care of everything.
37:51I have acquaintances.
37:52I'll look for the studio and equipment.
38:00Honey, this will be our first project.
38:02That's right.
38:03Thanks to both of you.
38:07Well, we have to go.
38:09Deren sent me a message.
38:11He already reviewed all the surveys and wants to talk to us.
38:14And what if you have tea first?
38:16Yes, of course.
38:17Well, we have to order it.
38:19Sanem, when did you start drinking tea?
38:25Before we go, I'm going to see Dad.
38:27Here you go.
38:30Oh, Sanem.
38:31I promised Dad I wouldn't tell you, but I have to.
38:34We had to take him to the hospital yesterday.
38:36He had very high blood sugar, and we didn't take him to the ER.
38:39They gave him a strict diet.
38:41What? And how is he?
38:42Everything is fine.
38:43It's nothing serious.
38:44But he can't eat sweets and he's in a bad mood.
38:47Very well.
38:48I'll go see him.
38:50But please don't tell him anything.
38:54He won't listen to me.
38:55I'm sure he'll tell him.
38:57But I couldn't tell him.
38:59I had to tell him.
39:01And I put a little more.
39:04Mrs. Semil, these are delicious first-class beans.
39:07You'll see.
39:08They're imported.
39:09You'll be delighted.
39:11Put some fresh cheese on it, too.
39:13Of course.
39:14As you wish.
39:15And take some peppers.
39:16They go very well with the beans.
39:18Don't they make you gas?
39:19Yes, it's fine.
39:20How much are we going to put on it?
39:22Just a little piece.
39:23Like this?
39:24Do you want it small?
39:25Do you want it small?
39:26Do you want it small?
39:27Tell me.
39:28Do you want it small or more?
39:29Tell me!
39:30But what are you doing, son?
39:31Tell me how you want it.
39:35What are you doing?
39:36Calm down.
39:37You can't play with food.
39:38You're crazy.
39:39You don't take good care of the business.
39:41You didn't tell me anything.
39:42Oh, I'm sorry, beautiful lady.
39:44Let's see.
39:45This piece weighs 400 grams.
39:49A little more as a gift.
39:52I appreciate it.
39:54Is this enough?
39:55Yes, it is.
39:56All right.
39:57What are you doing?
39:58That's enough.
39:59What are you doing?
40:01Come back whenever you want.
40:02They want you here.
40:03Their trusted store with personalized care.
40:07Take care.
40:08Have a great day.
40:10You too.
40:11Have a great day.
40:12Look at him.
40:13He's very stubborn.
40:14He's on the lookout for everything.
40:15He sits there and he goes crazy.
40:16We tell him to go rest and he doesn't obey.
40:20Everything is fine.
40:23Put the money in the box.
40:25The one you put in your pocket.
40:27And why do I have to put it in the box?
40:29So how do you think we're going to make money?
40:42What a pleasure to see you here.
40:45Tell me, Dad.
40:46How are you?
40:47Sanem, what are you doing here?
40:51It's time to go to our break.
40:53Good idea.
40:54They're everywhere.
40:55So tell me.
40:56Dad, are you okay?
40:57I met with Leila and she told me you were sick.
41:00Why didn't you tell me anything?
41:02Because lately you've been very busy and I didn't want to bother you.
41:06Diabetes is a very common disease nowadays.
41:09The more your sister tells me I'm sick, the worse I feel.
41:12I'm fine, daughter.
41:14Fine, if you say so.
41:21How are you?
41:23I just came to ask how you were.
41:26I see you're very well.
41:30If there's anything I can do, don't hesitate to call.
41:33I appreciate it.
41:37I have to go.
41:38Take care.
41:39See you soon.
41:42Have a good day.
41:45Is everything okay at the farm?
41:47Do you have any problems with the garden, with the agency?
41:50Everything's fine.
41:51Don't worry.
41:52I'm never alone there.
41:53I have a lot of neighbors.
41:55And neighbors.
41:56The truth is, I'm not bored.
41:58It's like being here in the neighborhood.
42:01Very good.
42:02If you're happy, so am I.
42:04It's the important thing, don't you think?
42:06And that you're okay.
42:07Please keep me informed of your health.
42:09Of course.
42:10I have to go do something, but I'll call you later.
42:12Don't worry.
42:13Yes, you can call me.
42:14And you too.
42:15Count on it.
42:16See you later, Dad.
42:17Goodbye, daughter.
42:18I missed you.
42:19That's my girl.