666 The Beast 2007

  • 2 days ago
00:03:21The hour of the prophecy is upon us.
00:03:27Lord, give me strength.
00:03:30You must leave for America tonight.
00:03:51So this is for real?
00:03:53Are you moving?
00:03:55You should see this house, Sarah.
00:03:57It's incredible.
00:03:59Do you really think this is a good time for this, though?
00:04:01I mean, you're thinking about all of this now with the baby almost here and everything else.
00:04:05I don't know. If Donald gets this promotion, then anything's possible.
00:04:08I just, I don't want you to get stressed out on this.
00:04:11I mean, look, we're gonna need more room.
00:04:14Lord knows we can't stay in this house forever.
00:04:17Is it too soon?
00:04:20But we're just looking. There's nothing wrong with that.
00:04:23I know how you can get, and it's not healthy.
00:04:26Especially now.
00:04:27Baby first.
00:04:29All right, well, I love you, but I gotta get back to work.
00:04:31All right, I love you.
00:04:33I love you, too.
00:04:35I love you.
00:04:36I love you, too.
00:04:38I love you, too.
00:05:09I'm sorry. Is my coughing keeping you up?
00:05:14No, it's...
00:05:16No, it's, uh...
00:05:25I'm gonna bust my ass for this job.
00:05:28I know all the accounts.
00:05:31It's mine. I know it.
00:05:38Donald, even if you don't get it...
00:05:41Of course I'm gonna get it.
00:05:43I know, but...
00:05:45Director of Operations is a big deal.
00:05:48And you're so young.
00:05:50I'm not saying you're not qualified, but...
00:05:54The Tom guy's been there for, what, ten years?
00:06:00But he doesn't have my secret weapon.
00:06:02Oh, yeah? What's that?
00:06:04That I'm the most humble man in the world.
00:06:07I know.
00:06:11You're gonna get it.
00:06:13I know you will.
00:06:17I have a feeling about these things.
00:06:20Try and get some sleep.
00:06:37I love you.
00:07:07I love you.
00:07:37I love you.
00:07:39I love you.
00:08:08So, what, our killer was Jewish?
00:08:11It's a hexagram.
00:08:13Not necessarily a star of David.
00:08:15Who are you?
00:08:17Father Deacon Cain. I'm leading an investigation for the Vatican.
00:08:20Well, I'm sorry, Father, but the Catholic Church...
00:08:23Has no jurisdiction in the Los Angeles crime scene.
00:08:26Who let this man in?
00:08:28I don't know.
00:08:30I don't know.
00:08:32I don't know.
00:08:34I don't know.
00:08:36Who let this man in?
00:08:38It's either God or the devil.
00:08:41Or both.
00:08:43It has six points...
00:08:45Creating six triangles...
00:08:48Around a six-sided figure.
00:08:50So it's a satanic symbol.
00:08:52It has many meanings.
00:08:54It's both man and woman.
00:08:56Heaven and earth.
00:08:58Fire and water represents battle.
00:09:03Look, Father, I appreciate the information, but...
00:09:06Have you checked her neck?
00:09:10On her neck, she should have a distinct birthmark.
00:09:58How do I look?
00:10:02Will you calm down? You're gonna be great.
00:10:06Of course.
00:10:08It's a big move.
00:10:11For all of us.
00:10:16Get out of here.
00:10:35I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.
00:10:37No, it's okay. I just, uh...
00:10:39I didn't expect you there.
00:10:41I'm always doing that, sneaking up on people.
00:10:43How about you?
00:10:45I don't know.
00:10:47I don't know.
00:10:49I don't know.
00:10:51I don't know.
00:10:53I don't know.
00:10:55I don't know.
00:10:57I don't know.
00:10:59I don't know.
00:11:02I can't say that I do.
00:11:07Have a seat. Relax.
00:11:13So what do you think?
00:11:20It's nice.
00:11:22You like the dolphins?
00:11:28Do you know why you're here?
00:11:30I think so.
00:11:32You hope so.
00:11:34That's the real truth, isn't it?
00:11:36I suppose.
00:11:38You don't think you deserve the D.O. position?
00:11:41Well, I think I'm qualified.
00:11:43Oh, come on now, Donald.
00:11:45You deserve it. Say it. It's fine.
00:11:48I'd like to think that I'm the best man for the job.
00:11:54Modesty will not get you far around here.
00:11:58So tell me, Donald.
00:12:00Who are you?
00:12:02I know the credentials.
00:12:04Top of your class at Harvard.
00:12:06Graduated in six semesters.
00:12:11You're a natural leader.
00:12:13You've only been with our company for 14 months,
00:12:16and we're already considering you for a major position
00:12:19in the operations of our company.
00:12:23Family must be very proud.
00:12:26My wife's proud.
00:12:28She's my only family.
00:12:30What about your parents?
00:12:32Brothers? Sisters?
00:12:34No, sir.
00:12:36Uh, my real parents were killed in a plane crash
00:12:39when I was a child, and my adopted parents,
00:12:41well, they died shortly afterward.
00:12:45I was adopted by my Aunt Mary Lou.
00:12:47Wait a minute. The Mary Lou?
00:12:49That's right.
00:12:51Wow, she's huge!
00:12:53I mean, I remember the...
00:12:57details of publicity around her accident.
00:13:00Yeah, that was, um, right before I hit high school.
00:13:03Seems like everyone I've called family has died.
00:13:07It's amazing, Donald.
00:13:09It's amazing what you've been able to accomplish.
00:13:11Thank you, sir.
00:13:13You're special, Donald.
00:13:15You have that fire, that intensity.
00:13:19I have a very good feeling about you.
00:13:22But tell me, what is it that you want?
00:13:27What, from you?
00:13:29From life. What do you want from all of this?
00:13:32Donald, there's lots of jobs.
00:13:35There's tons of things to do and see.
00:13:37We live in a world full of choices.
00:13:40So tell me, what is it that you want?
00:13:48Money, power, control.
00:13:51Sure, that all comes with it.
00:13:53And you think you can find that here?
00:14:00I'm not offering you the D.O. position.
00:14:22You're angry.
00:14:43But, uh...
00:14:45I understand.
00:14:47You understand?
00:14:52Yeah, you didn't pick me. I mean, what do you want me to say?
00:14:55You can say something, Donald.
00:14:59You know what?
00:15:01Maybe I was wrong about you.
00:15:03Because if you're gonna back away with your tail between your legs
00:15:06when someone fucks you...
00:15:09Then I don't want you on my team.
00:15:14What do you want me to say?
00:15:17That you're wrong?
00:15:19That I deserve this job more than anyone in this company?
00:15:23That Tom, that little prick of an employee,
00:15:25works half the accounts that I do?
00:15:27And brings in a quarter of the profits?
00:15:29Is that what you want me to say?
00:15:31I want you to say you're angry.
00:15:33I'm fucking pissed!
00:15:47I'm not offering you that D.O. position.
00:15:53Because I want you to work directly with me as a junior vice president.
00:16:07As a senior vice president,
00:16:10I work primarily in our Israeli office,
00:16:13overseeing trades in the Middle East.
00:16:16I need you to be my eyes and ears here in the States.
00:16:20And to work directly with me
00:16:22on all of our operations in that part of the world.
00:16:30Is that something you think you can handle?
00:16:34I, uh...
00:16:41Absolutely, I...
00:16:44I just don't know what to say. I mean...
00:16:48I'm sorry.
00:16:49Don't apologize.
00:16:59Thank you, sir.
00:18:40What is this about?
00:18:42Are you related to a Sarah Madeline Daniels?
00:18:45Yes. She's my sister.
00:18:47We have some trouble news for you.
00:19:09This is your new office, Donald.
00:19:13Now allow me to introduce you to your new assistant, Sidonia.
00:19:16She's here to serve you in any way.
00:19:19Sit down. Try it out.
00:19:21Go ahead.
00:19:28How does it feel, Donald?
00:19:32It, uh...
00:19:34Feels good. Feels really good.
00:19:37I'm glad you like it.
00:19:40Let me fill you in, Donald. Sidonia.
00:19:49I've been negotiating a very important deal in Israel.
00:19:52One that will have a great deal of financial and political impact.
00:19:58Although Israel is the most economically and industrially advanced country in the Middle East,
00:20:03they owe over half of their national debt to the United States,
00:20:06due in large part to the fact that they accept $5.5 billion in aid every year.
00:20:11You follow me?
00:20:13The diamond industry in Israel is incredibly lucrative
00:20:16and accounts for a great deal of the country's financial stability.
00:20:19The deal we've been negotiating will make us a majority stakeholder
00:20:22in the country's largest diamond security,
00:20:25giving us a lion's share of the profits
00:20:28and giving us a great deal of control over the industry.
00:20:31Understandably, the United States government is extremely interested in this opportunity
00:20:35and is providing an unprecedented level of financial support.
00:20:39You understand why this is a very important time, Donald?
00:20:46What's the matter, Donald?
00:20:49Doesn't this feel right to you?
00:20:52It's just...
00:20:56Donald, you were born for this.
00:20:59Every step you've taken
00:21:02has brought you to this moment right here, right now.
00:21:07Are you ready?
00:21:17Do you need to get that?
00:21:20Uh, it's, uh...
00:21:23No, it's, um...
00:21:26It's not important.
00:21:29Okay, let's get to work.
00:22:00Kate, do you have a moment?
00:22:03I don't know.
00:22:05I was sorry to hear about your sister.
00:22:16How do you know about my sister?
00:22:19I was at the crime scene.
00:22:21My name is Father Deacon Kane.
00:22:23I'm an investigator for the Vatican.
00:22:25I'd like to ask you some questions, if you'll excuse me.
00:22:28I'm sorry. I can't, Father. I just...
00:22:31I don't understand. I just...
00:22:34Vas es unos meos pafulos.
00:22:38Vas es electos.
00:22:41Quiero meos pes.
00:22:44You've heard this before.
00:22:47My grandfather...
00:22:50He used to whisper that to my sister.
00:22:53I haven't heard that for years.
00:22:55You are the one, my child.
00:22:57You have been chosen to carry my hope.
00:22:59Did you know that's what it meant?
00:23:03Your sister had a very unique birthmark on the back of her neck,
00:23:06just below the hairline.
00:23:08You have it, too.
00:23:10Was your child planned, Kate?
00:23:14I have to go, Father.
00:23:16You're special, Kate, and your child is special.
00:23:19You have been chosen for something greater than yourself,
00:23:21greater than any of us.
00:23:23If there is a God,
00:23:26then why did he take my sister?
00:23:29Was she chosen, too, Father?
00:23:31There are great powers at work in this world.
00:23:34There is a God, and there is good, but there is also evil.
00:23:37There are dark and powerful forces
00:23:39that you and I can't possibly comprehend.
00:23:42You were chosen before you were even conceived.
00:23:45No, I wasn't, Father.
00:23:47I am no one, and my sister was no one,
00:23:50I am no one, and my sister was no one,
00:23:53and I'd appreciate it if you'd just leave me alone.
00:23:55Kate! Kate!
00:24:17How'd you do it?
00:24:23I'm sitting here wondering,
00:24:25how the hell?
00:24:27I mean, you've been working here, what?
00:24:31A year.
00:24:33And now you're junior vice president.
00:24:37I mean, very impressive, Donald.
00:24:42I gotta go, Tom.
00:24:44I'm thinking, maybe,
00:24:47since I've been here ten years,
00:24:50maybe I should have got that promotion instead of you.
00:24:55No offense, though.
00:24:57I'm sure you'll be great.
00:25:02See you around, Tom.
00:25:04I'm watching you.
00:25:26I tried calling you all day.
00:25:28I know, honey, I'm sorry.
00:25:31Sarah was killed.
00:25:36She was murdered this morning at her work.
00:25:40How'd that happen?
00:25:42They don't know.
00:25:43They don't know anything.
00:25:54Why didn't you answer, Donald?
00:25:58I needed you.
00:26:05I'm sorry.
00:26:08I'm sorry.
00:26:10At least tell me you lost your phone.
00:26:12Tell me you were so busy in meetings
00:26:14that you couldn't find two seconds to call me.
00:26:16Tell me something, Donald.
00:26:18Today was a very big day for me.
00:26:20For us.
00:26:24I didn't get the D.O. position.
00:26:29The truth is,
00:26:31you're talking to the new vice president
00:26:33The truth is,
00:26:35you're talking to the new vice president of the company.
00:26:51I'm sorry about your sister.
00:26:56I was just talking to her yesterday
00:26:59about the house and this weekend
00:27:02and everything else, you know.
00:27:08Come here.
00:27:15I'm sorry.
00:27:19Congratulations on your job.
00:27:32Congratulations on your job.
00:28:32Congratulations on your job.
00:29:02Congratulations on your job.
00:29:32Congratulations on your job.
00:29:50We have a problem.
00:29:56Zidonia, Lawrence files February through April.
00:29:59What's going on?
00:30:01Five years ago,
00:30:03we closed a very important account with an Israeli client.
00:30:06Now, that client has not been sharing the appropriate profit
00:30:09in accordance with our agreement.
00:30:12But there's a catch.
00:30:15This particular client is very well connected to the Israeli government
00:30:19and exposing their breach of contract
00:30:22will have serious political implications.
00:30:25And to top it off,
00:30:27we need to find documentation that this agreement ever existed.
00:30:31What house is that possible?
00:30:34Zidonia, Thomas and Wilson files June through November.
00:30:37I don't know, but we have to find it.
00:30:48And if we don't?
00:30:50Donald, this deal is very important.
00:30:52It's worth over half a billion dollars.
00:30:54We're going to find that document.
00:30:58Well, as junior VP, this is your time to shine.
00:31:01Any bright ideas?
00:31:09I'll take care of it.
00:31:11I'm sorry.
00:31:13I know these documents backwards and forwards.
00:31:16If anyone can find it, it's me.
00:31:18I'll handle it.
00:31:20This is very important, Donald.
00:31:22It's not a problem.
00:31:28All right.
00:31:30It's on you.
00:31:35Yeah, yeah. No, no, no, I just said it.
00:31:42Yeah, give me the glasses.
00:32:39You're late.
00:32:42Yeah, it's been a long day.
00:32:45You should have called.
00:32:48I know.
00:32:51What are you doing?
00:32:54Going through pictures of Sarah.
00:32:58It's just so hard to believe, you know?
00:33:02Come on.
00:33:04Let's go to bed.
00:33:09Have you been drinking?
00:33:12I closed a very big deal today at work.
00:33:16The boss took me out.
00:33:18And you didn't call?
00:33:21It was one drink, Kate.
00:33:32Did your boss get lipstick on your neck, too?
00:36:18Gentlemen, it's good to see you all again.
00:36:21Allow me to introduce Donald Lawson, our new Junior Vice President.
00:36:24Donald is going to be leading us today.
00:36:30Gentlemen, you're all here because you represent Israel's incredibly profitable diamond exchange.
00:36:37As a major investment conglomerate, I'm sure it's easy for you to understand why Global Corp is very interested in this market.
00:37:25It's me, Tex Jackson. Are you all right?
00:37:30I don't know. I...
00:37:34Yeah, I'm fine. I just got a little worked up. I just need to get home.
00:37:38Is someone following you?
00:37:40No, no, it's fine. I'm just emotional with my sister.
00:37:46Fine, really. Thank you.
00:37:52Gentlemen, with these kinds of numbers, it's hard not to be impressed.
00:37:58So it's time now for me to simply say, let's make a deal.
00:38:04Well, the question isn't why Global Corp is interested in our trade.
00:38:10The question is, why should we be interested in Global Corp?
00:38:21Because we're going to offer you so much money, you can't afford to say no.
00:38:34You're the best damn VP in the company.
00:38:36I couldn't have done it without you.
00:38:38Yes, you could have. Donald, you don't need me.
00:38:42I'm not your boss. I'm your associate, you understand?
00:38:46To us.
00:38:48How about that?
00:38:49To that. For now.
00:39:00That's it. I'm heading home.
00:39:02No, don't go.
00:39:04The party has just started.
00:39:07You two are going to have to carry on without me. I'm getting too old for this much fun.
00:39:16You're not leaving, are you?
00:39:27I'll stay if you want me to.
00:43:09Stop it.
00:43:11Stop it!
00:43:13Stop it!
00:43:35Isn't this, uh, interesting?
00:43:42You, uh, seem so surprised.
00:43:47What are you doing here?
00:43:50I could be asking you the same question right about now.
00:43:54I, uh...
00:43:58I don't really know.
00:44:02Let me, uh...
00:44:04Let me refresh your memory.
00:44:13You little sexpot secretary.
00:44:16Had a lovely little office rump.
00:44:19All over the office.
00:44:26For some reason, I don't think your wife, uh...
00:44:31I don't think she'd, uh, appreciate your little office escapades very much.
00:44:34What do you think?
00:44:36Leave my wife out of this.
00:44:39That won't be very hard.
00:44:41You cooperate.
00:44:46I'll tell you what.
00:44:49You, uh...
00:44:51You submit your resignation.
00:44:54Along with your recommendation for my promotion, and...
00:44:58All this just goes away.
00:45:02You live out the rest of your life with your dignity intact.
00:45:06Or I can...
00:45:08Tell your wife how you've been...
00:45:11Sleeping with the office whore.
00:45:19What do you say?
00:45:39I didn't expect...
00:45:51Are not my wife.
00:45:56I love you.
00:46:00You are not my wife!
00:46:24Call 9-1-1.
00:46:28Phil, call 9-1-1!
00:46:30He didn't fall.
00:46:32You threw him.
00:46:35No, no. It was another light.
00:46:38That was an accident.
00:46:41An accident?
00:46:43Donald, who are you trying to fool?
00:46:46You nearly choked him to death, and then you threw him down the stairs.
00:46:51We saw everything.
00:46:53No, he... He was... He was drinking.
00:46:55He was drunk? Sure, he had a bit to drink, but...
00:46:59By God, man, you killed him.
00:47:02The question is...
00:47:04How did it feel?
00:47:09You can feel the heartbeat in the neck.
00:47:13And when you're squeezing,
00:47:15and you can see the muscles tighten,
00:47:18desperately trying to breathe,
00:47:20you realize that if you keep holding on,
00:47:25eventually, that heartbeat will stop.
00:47:30And the life you hold in your hands
00:47:33will end.
00:47:37That power is incredible.
00:47:42It's okay, Donald.
00:47:44You did this. Accept it.
00:47:47Just stop listening to that nagging conscience and enjoy it!
00:47:54Deep down inside, it felt good.
00:47:58Admit it.
00:48:00Good. Admit it.
00:48:03No. Oh, come on, Donald.
00:48:05You held a man's life in your hands.
00:48:08You decided whether he lived or died.
00:48:12That is power.
00:48:15That is control.
00:48:17When you can take a man's life,
00:48:20you can have anything.
00:48:25No, it's wrong.
00:48:27There's hope.
00:49:56Don't you get it, Donald?
00:49:58Don't you see that you're different?
00:50:01That you're special?
00:50:06Sit down, Donald.
00:50:09Think back, Donald.
00:50:14Remember when you were a child?
00:50:19Your step-parents?
00:50:21Your grandfather?
00:50:24How did they die?
00:50:27I don't...
00:50:29I don't remember.
00:50:31Yes, you do. Remember.
00:50:35Remember when you were young,
00:50:38when you were still pure,
00:50:41before you were corrupted by the world.
00:50:50You killed them.
00:50:54You were responsible, Donald.
00:51:01How do you like that?
00:51:03No, I...
00:51:05I don't remember that.
00:51:09Don't deny yourself, Donald.
00:51:11Don't do that.
00:51:14It's in your blood.
00:51:16It's who you are.
00:51:18You were never normal.
00:51:20You were born with a reason.
00:51:23What's that?
00:51:25To fulfill an ancient prophecy, Donald.
00:51:38The fate of the world is on your shoulders.
00:51:44You were destined to be the leader of a new world
00:51:50to lead legions of people all across the world.
00:51:54The world is going to bow down to you, Donald,
00:51:57kiss your feet.
00:51:59Do you know why?
00:52:01Because you are the chosen one.
00:52:07The steps of the prophecy are almost complete.
00:52:12A child is born
00:52:14and will rise to power,
00:52:16nations at battle against each other in the Middle East.
00:52:2230 years ago,
00:52:24you were born at the exact moment that prophecy was made.
00:52:31Everything is already in process, Donald.
00:52:35The deals we're making in Israel
00:52:37will soon have Pakistan having majority control
00:52:40of the precious diamond trade in Israel.
00:52:43This is set to cause an incredible disruption
00:52:46to Israel's financial stability
00:52:48and allow Pakistan to take over the foundation of its economy.
00:52:54Donald, do you know what this means?
00:52:58Great wars will be waged.
00:53:02You will lead legions of people
00:53:04and in the center, you will control it.
00:53:11it's going to be a new world because of you.
00:53:16Do you see it?
00:53:18Can you feel it, Donald?
00:53:25So if I'm going to be this great leader,
00:53:30where are these followers?
00:53:36Number 82, shoot him. Give me a BP.
00:53:39Pulse OX is low, 82.
00:53:41That's why I'm coming down, give me a blood pressure
00:53:43and start a central line.
00:53:45BP is steady, we're good.
00:53:47We need four units of O9,
00:53:49and take two on the ration unit.
00:54:17Her vitals are back to normal.
00:54:25She's fine.
00:54:39She's alive.
00:55:09She's alive.
00:55:11She's alive.
00:55:13She's alive.
00:55:17She's alive.
00:55:19She's alive.
00:55:21She's alive.
00:55:23She's alive.
00:55:25She's alive.
00:55:27She's alive.
00:55:29She's alive.
00:55:31She's alive.
00:55:33She's alive.
00:55:35She's alive.
00:55:37She's alive.
00:55:39She's alive.
00:55:41She's alive.
00:55:43She's alive.
00:55:45She's alive.
00:55:47She's alive.
00:55:49She's alive.
00:55:51She's alive.
00:55:53She's alive.
00:55:55She's alive.
00:55:57She's alive.
00:55:59She's alive.
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00:57:53She's alive.
00:57:55She's alive.
00:57:57She's alive.
00:57:59She's alive.
00:58:01She's alive.
00:58:03She's alive.
00:58:05She's alive.
00:58:07She's alive.
00:58:09She's alive.
00:58:11She's alive.
00:58:13She's alive.
00:58:15She's alive.
00:58:17She's alive.
00:58:19She's alive.
00:58:21She's alive.
00:58:23She's alive.
00:58:25That was a close call.
00:58:27The puncture wounds on your wrists and feet?
00:58:29It's a miracle you didn't bleed to death.
00:58:37There's someone here who'd like to see you.
00:58:47They think I did this to myself, don't they?
00:58:49Did you?
00:58:51Of course not.
00:58:53They believe the wounds
00:58:55were self-inflicted.
00:58:59And what do you believe?
00:59:17Are you familiar with
00:59:19the stigmata?
00:59:21No, I don't.
00:59:23Since the death of Christ,
00:59:25the stigmata has afflicted only
00:59:27the very closest followers of God.
00:59:29Those who live
00:59:31their lives in complete service
00:59:33to the Lord and dedicate their existence
00:59:35to living like him.
00:59:39When Christ was crucified,
00:59:41he was nailed to the cross
00:59:43by his wrists and his feet.
00:59:47Those who bear the wounds of Christ are messengers,
00:59:49sent to remind us of his suffering.
00:59:53You bear the wounds
00:59:55for a different reason.
00:59:57And what is that?
01:00:01Revelations 12.1 says
01:00:03a great and wondrous sign
01:00:05appeared in heaven.
01:00:07A woman was clothed
01:00:09with the sun,
01:00:11with the moon under her feet,
01:00:13and a crown of twelve stars on her head.
01:00:15This sign
01:00:17of twelve stars is said to appear
01:00:19before the birth of a son who will rule
01:00:21all nations.
01:00:23This son, we believe,
01:00:25is the Christ child,
01:00:27his second coming
01:00:29as foretold by the New Testament.
01:00:45Let us all sing
01:00:47the nativity song!
01:00:49Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy,
01:00:51Holy, Holy, Holy,
01:00:53Holy, Holy,
01:00:55Holy, Holy
01:00:57Holy, Holy
01:00:59The stars are aligned in the eastern sky.
01:01:04The time is here for the second coming.
01:01:09This is for you, Donald.
01:01:14All of this.
01:01:17All of this is for you.
01:01:22The hour of our victory approaches.
01:01:35Tonight, we unite as one to bow before the great leader.
01:01:46I present to you the chosen one.
01:01:53This is your god.
01:02:04Last week, in a small province in southern Italy,
01:02:08a monk discovered this alignment of stars.
01:02:12Twelve stars aligned perfectly for the first time in 2,000 years
01:02:17to form this.
01:02:20The star of David?
01:02:22A hexagram.
01:02:24It's a sign.
01:02:26The Christ child is coming.
01:02:30And do you think...
01:02:32You bear the mark of the cross.
01:02:35The birthmark on your neck.
01:02:38Prophecy tells us that the one who is chosen to carry God's hope
01:02:42will be marked with his sign.
01:02:44My sister had the birthmark, too.
01:02:46Twins, yes.
01:02:48God's back-up plan?
01:02:53Or perhaps your sister was meant to show the way,
01:02:57to light the path to you.
01:03:01There are great forces working against you, Kate.
01:03:05There is an antichrist who exists in this world
01:03:08who will stop at nothing to destroy your child,
01:03:11to stop Christ from gaining power again.
01:03:15This man is incredibly dangerous.
01:03:19Who is he?
01:03:22Does your husband know you're here?
01:03:30I led these people before you could.
01:03:36They followed,
01:03:39waiting for your arrival.
01:03:42They followed,
01:03:45waiting for your arrival.
01:03:49Waiting for your arrival.
01:03:58Now that you are here,
01:04:02I am nothing.
01:04:09They can no longer see me as a power above them,
01:04:13because there is no power but you, my lord.
01:04:19What is to be done?
01:04:29You know what is to be done.
01:04:49It has been the ultimate honor to show you the way.
01:04:55I'll await until you open the gates of hell,
01:05:00so all your souls can roam the earth.
01:05:04Then I'll be free.
01:05:07Then we'll all...
01:05:11Then we'll all...
01:05:14Then we'll all...
01:05:17Then we'll all be free.
01:05:37We should go.
01:05:41From this night, you are not safe here.
01:05:44If Donald has accepted his fate, then his power is limitless.
01:05:48No one can be trusted now. We must leave before he finds us.
01:05:54Trust me.
01:05:56I don't know where to trust you.
01:06:02I'm here to protect you.
01:06:12There is one last thing you must do
01:06:16before your reign can be complete.
01:06:21The second coming is nearly here.
01:06:25The twelve stars of the hexagram have aligned.
01:06:32Once the Christ is born again into this world,
01:06:37that dagger must be used to kill the child.
01:06:47Where is the child?
01:07:07Are you all right?
01:07:11Kate! Kate, what are you doing? Open the door, Kate!
01:07:14Don't do this, Kate! Kate! Please, Kate!
01:07:18Kate! Open the door, Kate!
01:07:36I can stop.
01:07:39Stop, please.
01:07:46Hey, beautiful.
01:07:51What are you doing here?
01:07:54Sarah and I have been here all day.
01:07:57We've been waiting for you.
01:07:59Hi, Kate. How are you feeling?
01:08:02You're dead.
01:08:04What? Why would you think that, silly?
01:08:09You're dead. I saw you at the morgue. You were murdered.
01:08:13That was a nightmare, honey. Remember, Kate?
01:08:18I don't remember.
01:08:20I don't remember.
01:08:26Kate, I love you.
01:08:31I love you, too.
01:08:33I love you so much.
01:08:36What's going on?
01:08:43Come with us.
01:08:48Come on, Kate. It'll be fun.
01:08:54Kate, run!
01:09:08By the power of our Lord Christ Almighty,
01:09:11I command you to leave this house!
01:09:14You shall remain with me.
01:09:17I am your God.
01:09:19Anyone who does this shall perish!
01:09:56Are you all right?
01:09:58I don't know. He was there for a moment. Donald was there.
01:10:01Your husband's gone, Kate. He's something else now.
01:10:14This is the Lord's house, Kate. We will be safe here.
01:10:19God will protect us.
01:10:22I love you.
01:10:43There's no one here.
01:10:45Just wait.
01:10:48Father Kane?
01:10:50We've been waiting for you.
01:11:01She's the one?
01:11:02She wears the mark.
01:11:03And she carries the wounds.
01:11:05Indeed. Poor girl.
01:11:07Come. We have a place for you.
01:11:15Can we trust them?
01:11:17You are safe now.
01:11:43You can have the child right here, in this holy place.
01:11:47Father Jones is a doctor. He's delivered many children to our families.
01:11:53You're in very good hands.
01:12:05Are you hungry?
01:12:09Well, let me get you something to eat.
01:12:11Are you okay here?
01:12:14I think so.
01:12:15I'll be right back.
01:12:20You're safe now. We're here to protect you.
01:12:39It's me. I have the girl.
01:12:46God forgive me.
01:12:54Seven priests.
01:12:56From seven different parts from the globe.
01:12:59All sworn in a secret pact.
01:13:02To gather here for this moment.
01:13:06We're here to protect you, Kate.
01:13:10Why seven?
01:13:13Why seven?
01:13:15Seven is the number of God.
01:13:17God created the heavens and the earth in seven days.
01:13:21There are seven deadly sins and seven virtues.
01:13:26Book of Revelations, there are seven churches of Asia.
01:13:30Virgin Mary had seven joys and seven sorrows.
01:13:35Six is the number of man for man is sin.
01:13:40Revelations 13, 18.
01:13:44If anyone has insight, let them calculate the number of the beast.
01:13:49For it is man's number.
01:13:52His number is 666.
01:13:56Man was created on the sixth day.
01:13:59And 666 is said to represent the unholy trinity.
01:14:04The devil, the antichrist, and the false prophet.
01:14:12Your husband, Donald Robert Larson,
01:14:17has six letters in each of his names.
01:14:23That's a coincidence.
01:14:25If you believe in God, there is no coincidence.
01:14:50Very good. Thank you.
01:14:53How does it feel to know what you're hearing?
01:14:55The hope that you're hearing?
01:14:57The hope that you're hearing?
01:14:59The hope that you're hearing?
01:15:01How does it feel to know what you're hearing?
01:15:03The hope of the whole world?
01:15:05It must be very frightening.
01:15:10We've waited for this moment for so long.
01:15:12And now you're finally here.
01:15:14The birth of our Lord will happen here tonight.
01:15:18It's a miracle.
01:15:24Oh my God.
01:15:28Oh no, please.
01:15:30Help me. Help me.
01:15:32She's okay. The water just broke.
01:15:34It's almost time.
01:15:54It's okay, Kate. It's okay.
01:15:55Just breathe. Just breathe. Just breathe.
01:15:57All right? Okay.
01:15:59This is a house of God. You are not welcome here.
01:16:03I am God.
01:16:05Our Lord Jesus Christ died for your forgiveness.
01:16:08Believe in Him and you shall be saved.
01:16:13Look at them, Kate.
01:16:14Look at me. Look at me.
01:16:16Look at me. That's it.
01:16:17You're doing fine. You're doing fine.
01:16:21That's it.
01:16:22John 3.16.
01:16:23For God so loved the world that He begot His only Son.
01:16:27And whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but shall have eternal life.
01:16:33Are you in there, Donald?
01:16:34Can you hear me?
01:16:35It doesn't have to end like this.
01:16:37You can save yourself.
01:16:39God loves you like Kate loves you.
01:16:42He will cherish you always and He wants you to live with Him.
01:16:47Get rid of evil.
01:16:48Perish it from your soul.
01:16:50Believe in Him and you will be saved.
01:16:54Yes, that's right, Donald.
01:16:56Listen to your soul.
01:16:57Listen to the good within you.
01:17:00I know there is love in your heart.
01:17:02You can stop this.
01:17:04Just believe in Him.
01:17:05Believe that He loves you.
01:17:06Believe that He cares.
01:17:24Help me.
01:17:28Please, Lord.
01:17:32Help me.
01:17:50Come out and breathe.
01:17:52Please, Lord.
01:18:34You will never defeat me.
01:18:47Stop, do they.
01:18:48Damn it.
01:18:51You can still save yourself.
01:18:54Save myself?
01:18:56For what, Father?
01:18:58The whole world is about to be mine.
01:19:00I forgive you.
01:19:05You shouldn't.
01:19:24Donald, I'm sorry.
01:19:51It's time.
01:19:54Bless this one, Father,
01:19:55who carries your child into the world.
01:19:58Bless your son,
01:19:59the return of our Savior, Jesus Christ,
01:20:02whose destiny is to be with you.
01:20:27We thank you, Father,
01:20:28for the чтобы saved your son.
01:20:30Whose destiny it is to save us all.
01:20:33Bless the life that he enters
01:20:35and the world that he will live in.
01:20:37We pray for those lost souls
01:20:40who need his guidance.
01:20:41And we thank you for those men and women
01:20:43who will be saved by his presence.
01:20:45Help him lead us into peace.
01:20:47In your name, we pray.
01:20:49He's coming, Kate. I can see him. I can see him.
01:20:52All right, you're doing fine, Kate. His head is here.
01:20:54I just need one more big push.
01:20:59Yes. You did it.
01:21:03You did it.
01:21:10You did it, Kate.
01:21:17There he is, Kate.
01:21:19Your child.
01:21:21Your son.
01:21:50This is an end, isn't it?
01:21:55By killing Donald, you have set the prophecy into motion.
01:22:01The Antichrist will rise again, but in a different, more dangerous form.
01:22:08And with him, he will raise the dead.
01:22:12The dark souls of the damned will wreak havoc upon the human world.
01:22:20But your son will lead an epic battle to destroy the Antichrist
01:22:27and vanquish the dark souls into the lake of fire.
01:22:34What can we do?
01:22:37We can pray.
01:22:40And we can believe in this world where there is good
01:22:45and where evil can be conquered.
01:22:49We must have faith in God.
01:22:53And we must believe in the good souls that they can triumph over darkness.
01:23:02All is not lost, Kate. There is hope.
01:23:07But there are challenging and dark times ahead for all of us.
01:23:11I'm afraid this is merely the beginning.