• last year
La familia de Martina, una niña diagnosticada con un tumor en el tronco del cerebro, ha iniciado una colecta para recaudar 6.000 dólares necesarios para su tratamiento en el hospital San Juan de Dios en Barcelona. Con el apoyo de la Fundación Vientos de Amor de Buenos Aires, buscan reunir fondos a través del alias "Martina.140723" y advierten sobre posibles fraudes. Hasta ahora, no han recibido ayuda del Estado.

Seguí en #VivoElDomingo


00:00I'm going to heal, because I laugh with my soul, because life has something even better for me.
00:08That's how this request for help starts, this request for despair.
00:13Martina is a three-year-old girl who really wants to live.
00:19Her family is doing everything they can to keep her company.
00:26Unfortunately, Martina was born in Mendoza and was diagnosed with a tumor called glioma in her brain.
00:35And today Martina needs $11,000.
00:41She needs $11,000 to be able to travel to Barcelona,
00:47so they can do a treatment that could allow her to live.
00:54Imagine a situation where a father does anything for his child,
01:00and his mother, Anabel Casanovas, Martina's mother, is connected.
01:05It's a difficult moment, but the strength to ask for help and embrace everything.
01:15How are you, Anabel? Good morning.
01:17Good morning.
01:20Anabel, how can you help people? How is Martina now?
01:26What is the exact situation of her health?
01:29And how can we help her?
01:34Excuse me. Good morning.
01:38We have launched a collection to be able to travel to Spain, to Barcelona,
01:45to a private hospital, San Juan de Dios.
01:48We are accompanied by the Fundación de Vientos de Amor de Buenos Aires,
01:53which promoted this collection to be able to help us.
01:58And we are estimating a figure of $11,000,
02:06which can cost the expenses to be able to get to Barcelona.
02:11It's an important figure, but there are a lot of people watching.
02:17Put a big alias in the graph, guys.
02:20Put Martina, period.
02:22Write it down well, because there will be people. I already know her.
02:25Very solid.
02:26Bad people who put another similar alias.
02:28Ah, yes, yes.
02:29But write it down well. It's Martina, period.
02:36Anyone who helps, whatever they can, whatever they have,
02:41will be closer to saving Martina.
02:44Now, on whose behalf is the account, Anabel?
02:47It is in the name of Juan Pablo Flores.
02:50Good. Pay attention to that.
02:52It is good that you have been able to highlight this,
02:55to see well specifically the data that appears in the flyer.
02:59Because last year, when Martina had to be operated,
03:03a collection was also made and there were account cloning,
03:09where money was stolen that was intended for the collection.
03:14What bad-natured, huh?
03:16Anabel, I want to consult you, because I think that such issues are,
03:22for me they are of state.
03:24Did someone from the Ministry of Health communicate?
03:28Did someone give a hand?
03:30From the government they made themselves available,
03:33even if it is not to allocate some resource?
03:37No, no.
03:38At the moment no one has communicated with us from the state.
03:41It would be good if they do, huh?
03:43This runs on my account, Anabel.
03:47Anabel, good morning.
03:50Good morning.
03:51When did you find out that Martina had this tumor?
03:57Last year, in 2023, in June 2023,
04:02we interned her for low weight, malnutrition,
04:06irritability that Martina had.
04:08She started with vomiting, she vomited everything
04:11and we interned her in June 2023.
04:14And there, the next day of her internment,
04:17they did a tomography and it turned out that the images
04:21showed a tumor in the brain trunk.
04:26And from, well, how was it that they treated her in the FLEN
04:30and I say, how was the emotional impact of knowing
04:33that she needed to be intervened with an operation
04:36of this sum of money, right?
04:41Yes, in principle, we do the diagnosis here in Mendoza,
04:45in the Noti Hospital.
04:47Here in Mendoza the tumor was inoperable
04:50because they did not have the experience,
04:52there were no neurosurgeons who were encouraged
04:55to do this operation.
04:57The complicated thing is that it is located in a very complex area,
05:01which is what makes this diagnosis so devastating
05:06because the tumor cannot be completely stripped.
05:11So there we went with a doctor who is in FLEN,
05:15a pediatric neurosurgeon, and he told us
05:18that he could operate on Martina.
05:21But hey, we are talking about an establishment that is private.
05:25Of course.
05:26It was a very high sum that we had to pay for the operation,
05:29apart from the fact that we also had to pay
05:31as at this time all expenses we.
05:33Of course.
05:34And now, are we $ 11,000 away or are we a little closer?
05:44We are still far.
05:45We are far.
05:46Well, put me big guys, please, the alias,
05:48let's repeat, it's martinapunto, write it down,
05:52write it down, put it down, martinapunto140723,
05:57any help is essential.
05:59If there are 11,000 people watching and they can donate a dollar.
06:03Look, I'll give you an example.
06:05Each one.
06:06An example.
06:07We are.
06:08I, when I came here, I heard in the car that,
06:10speaking of the summer season,
06:12there is talk of 3 million pesos a rental of a tent.
06:16There are four tents that are not rented for this operation.
06:22It's not much, it's not much.
06:23Please, if there is someone with a lot of money watching too.
06:25Yes, yes.
06:26Give us a hand, because it's not much.
06:28It's not much and you can save the life of a three-year-old girl
06:32and it can be anyone's daughter, guys.
06:34And that's how it's going to happen.
06:35I always say it until there is insecurity and others.
06:37We can be there.
06:40Then you always have to put yourself a little on the other person's side.
06:43Anabel, we are going to be aware of what may happen.
06:47Let's hope that people can collect.
06:49Surely, around noon we will reconnect again.
06:55And nothing, everything that can help, I repeat,
06:58everything that can help is a lot.
07:01Now, if 11,000 people donate a dollar each, we are.
07:04Travel, we continue the trip, the operation, everything.
07:07And surely, as we just said, Martina will have another opportunity.
07:12Thank you, Anabel.
07:14No, thank you.
07:16How interesting.
07:17The truth is that it is very difficult.
07:18The strength of that mother.
07:20Imagine, one has a child, he has a sprain or nothing.
07:23You have to do any study, it's bad.
07:25Imagine this situation.
07:27You have to be in a television medium talking, but ...
07:30Give me an hour, give me an hour to spend the money.
07:32Come on, I can't stop.
07:34The information is now and we get ...
07:36Uh, look up there.
07:38Let's see, we get into the most important newspapers in the Argentine Republic.
07:42And it's time for the chronicle, because it says
07:45National launch of freedom advances.
07:49My law.
07:50We are the best government in history, Robert.
07:53Yes, well, it's ten months, right?
07:55It's a bit rushed to make that balance, but hey.
07:58Each one has the right to defend their government management, but ...
08:02It seems to me that it is very early, right?
08:04Let's see, we go ten months back.
08:06What happened to the cortex?
08:08Children are ...
08:09Well, and they know some addictions too, faithful to their style, right?
08:14Much more than that, he said.
08:15But you imagine if I put you the first ten months of Alberto Fernández.
