Earn 100USD Daily through the Woocommerce membership secrets

  • 2 days ago
00:00Hello and just want to say congratulations on getting access to this video course on
00:05how to start your own WordPress membership site.
00:09So here's a quick videos overview of what we're going to talk about in this course.
00:13So that way you get a bird's eye view of how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together.
00:20Now this is obviously video number one and we'll talk about what you need in order to
00:24get started after the slide after this.
00:27Video number two we'll talk about mapping out your membership site funnel.
00:31In other words how do you take that wonderful idea of yours and make it happen.
00:36So a lot of people make the mistake of jumping in trying to figure out the technical aspect
00:41and just getting frustrated not knowing what the next step is.
00:46So that is why we are going to map it out.
00:49So we're going to take a little bit of brainstorming and then we're going to map it out into a
00:53flow chart so that you can see what step one, step two, step three and so forth is
01:01and that way you're not going to get lost.
01:03Then in video number three we'll talk about which WordPress membership plugin you should
01:08Now obviously we're going to be covering the WooCommerce platform and the WooCommerce
01:15memberships extension that will be a plugin on top of WooCommerce.
01:21Video number four we'll talk about how do you take that plugin, you know get access
01:25to it, install it and of course getting started by configuring the settings.
01:31Video number five we'll talk about how you can go about creating different membership
01:35So as you know different membership sites are different.
01:40Some have free levels and paid levels, maybe two, a free and a paid and some might have
01:46a free, a paid and a premium level.
01:50So it doesn't really matter how many levels you want.
01:54At the end of the day we're just going to show you how to create different levels that
01:57will give your customers or prospects access to different parts of your website to get
02:05them to want to actually upgrade to the higher level.
02:09And of course in video number six we'll talk about creating products and of course pricing
02:14your products within the WooCommerce store.
02:17In other words you're going to be able to connect the memberships and into an actual
02:23product so if somebody buys that product they can get access to that specific membership
02:30And of course last but not least video number seven we'll talk about testing.
02:34How do you go about making sure that you have everything correct, it's going to work and
02:40you've spent all that time and it actually works.
02:44All right so getting started here's what you're going to need.
02:47We assume that you already have a WordPress site created already.
02:51So we're not going to go into the detail of how to install your WordPress site.
02:56So assuming that you already have that WordPress site created already you're going to definitely
03:01need money to purchase WordPress plugins.
03:05Now the WooCommerce membership plugin is about around about $200.
03:11Now that could increase or decrease depending on which way WooCommerce decides to go.
03:18Now I want to say a lot of times WooCommerce will come out with special deals.
03:23So sometimes they'll come out with 40% off whenever they do like a big release or you
03:29can see like Black Friday or different special holidays.
03:33So just bear that in mind that you can save a lot of money if you keep an eye out.
03:38Now of course WooCommerce platform the plugin is free so you don't have to pay any money
03:43for that.
03:44Now you might be thinking well are there any free membership plugins out there.
03:48Yes there are but at the end of the day we've tested some of those and we found that many
03:54of them are just not useful.
03:57They don't have the features that you need to scale to build a long-term business.
04:03So in other words free is not the best way to build your long-term business.
04:08So with that said let's move on to video number two.
04:12Hello and welcome back.
04:13This is video number two and we're going to take your wonderful idea of your membership
04:19site and of course map it out.
04:21So I'm going to do a little bit of brainstorming to give you some ideas especially if you don't
04:27know where to start.
04:28You don't really have an idea of what your membership site should look like or maybe
04:33you do and if that's the case that's great.
04:37So if you do what I want you to do of course is just write down the steps.
04:42If you don't let me give you some ideas.
04:45So as you can imagine with a membership site where I briefly talked about it in the previous
04:50video a lot of times they have different levels.
04:53So the free level oftentimes will give people access to content but if they want access
04:59to maybe videos or access to a community then they have to pay another level.
05:07So maybe the free level is down below and then you have a level on top of that which
05:13is maybe $47 a month or you could do a one time fee.
05:18Now bear in mind if you do a monthly fee you're going to need to have WooCommerce subscriptions
05:24which is another extension.
05:27So to keep it simple we're just going to do one time fee.
05:31So you could charge someone $197 to get the next level.
05:36So maybe the next level is access to a Facebook group other content and then maybe you have
05:42a level on top of that obviously you want to keep it as simple as possible.
05:46So what I would recommend that you do is do a free level and then do a paid level on top
05:51of that.
05:52So let's map that out.
05:53So we have a membership site and I like to put it on the top here just so we can see.
06:09So I'm going to make this a little bit bigger so that it stands out like that all right.
06:21So we're going to put this and we're going to call this a visitor.
06:28So they're not a customer yet.
06:30We have to convert them from a visitor or prospect into a customer or in other words
06:36we have to gain their trust.
06:38So in order to do that a lot of times you will have to give them content or something
06:43in exchange for their time.
06:45So something free something that is valuable something normally that they would have to
06:50pay money for but you're going to give that away for free.
06:53So free content.
06:58So we'll call this free level lots of great content.
07:05So in terms of WordPress that could mean maybe five to ten pages worth of really good content
07:17and it doesn't have to be five to ten it doesn't have to be a specific number.
07:22Just as long as you give enough value to make them think wow you've given me enough value
07:27what do you offer beyond that right.
07:31So we have the visitor here we send them to the free level and they're just extremely
07:38impressed to the point that they ask the question which is what's next right.
07:52And what's next in this case is your we'll call it the premium level which in terms of
08:03you know tacticalities it's just the second level above the free level and this gives
08:10people access to all of the content.
08:14So all of the pages so they even get access to the free level.
08:19So this level is actually a lot easier to create because all you have to say is give
08:25access to pretty much the whole site.
08:28So give access to all of the pages maybe you have a community it could be a Facebook
08:33group it could be a community that's built into the WordPress site and there's many different
08:40avenues that you could take.
08:41But to simplify things I would recommend a Facebook group.
08:45So that's what's next all right.
08:51Now we need to figure out what is the price going to be.
08:57So maybe before we connect the dots here.
09:05Let's say that the premium level and I can put this down here.
09:18The price is going to be $197.
09:28Now I'm going to make the font a little bit bigger so that you can see.
09:33So we'll go not too big.
09:37There we go.
09:38Now this tool that I'm using just to let you know it's called lucidchart.com.
09:44It's lucid L-U-C-I-D chart which is C-H-A-R-T dot com.
09:50This tool it does cost a little bit of money per month.
09:54It's not that much but it's in my opinion one of the best tools.
09:59So what I like about it is we can actually make colors.
10:05So let's say that the levels are going to be green.
10:13So this level is green and then this level is green.
10:16So that I have an idea.
10:19So the price is going to be here and we're going to write create products.
10:30So we're going to need to create one product within WooCommerce which I'll show you how
10:35to do in this particular section.
10:41So let's see visitor and what's next.
10:48So I could actually just change the color for these two instead of green we could just
10:54do something like light blue.
10:59So that way we have an idea that these are actually connected.
11:02So that is pretty much what our mind map is going to look like.
11:08So let me explain from start to finish.
11:11So we got the visitor.
11:12He or she comes to the site.
11:14They can then sign up, get access to the free level, lots of great content, whatever pages
11:20that you want.
11:21Then they're so impressed that they want to know what's next.
11:26Then you have a sales page and you say hey if you want more content and get access to
11:30the community so that you can get help whenever you need it.
11:33And then you send them to here and if they buy that then they get access to this.
11:39So that's essentially what the process is.
11:42So now that you know the process taking that knowledge and taking this information and
11:49implementing it into the technical aspect of it is actually going to be a lot easier.
11:55Now some of you might want to get more complex.
11:57You might say well I want to do 197 and maybe I'll give them access one on one access to
12:06Maybe a coaching level on the third tier.
12:09So if you were to do that obviously you would just copy this and then you would tack it
12:16So maybe you could have something $197 a month or $97 a month one on one coaching or $500
12:23a month one on one coaching.
12:25Regardless of what it is it's just the same process.
12:29Now like I said earlier if you do a subscription you're going to need to have WooCommerce subscriptions
12:35which I'll talk about in a little bit more depth in the next video.
12:40So with that said let's move on to video number three.
12:44Hello and welcome back.
12:45This is video number three and we're going to talk about the different WordPress membership
12:51plugins that are available to you.
12:54So that way you have an idea of the different options that you have.
12:59Now just to be clear like I said earlier this video course is going to be surrounding
13:05WooCommerce and the reason being is because WooCommerce in my opinion is one of the best
13:12e-commerce platforms out there.
13:15So we want to make sure that we cover a variety of different people.
13:20So you might have physical products right with a membership site or you might have a
13:27digital membership site.
13:29So we want to make sure that we cover as many different bases as possible.
13:34Now with WooCommerce like I said the main platform is free but under extensions if you
13:41go to extensions and you click on all and you scroll down you're going to see WooSubscriptions
13:49which you're really only going to need if you charge a monthly fee.
13:54Now if you do what most memberships do which is charge a one time fee then you would simply
14:00go with this.
14:02So if you click this you'll get an idea of what it can do for you.
14:08Now in terms of pricing it's actually very competitive compared to a lot of the other
14:15ones that I'm going to show you in just a minute.
14:19So you can create different levels.
14:23You can see that you can sell and assign memberships so you can restrict content you can do a silver
14:30membership gold membership and a maybe a premium platinum membership.
14:38So you can see that you can grant access to specific content specific post different pages
14:45different categories.
14:47So now that you know with a free level you have maybe five different pages if that's
14:53the case then all you have to do is specify which pages right here.
15:00So what I recommend you do is just go down here and make sure that everything that you
15:07see here is going to fit your long term needs.
15:12So can you think of it as you're going to be able to expand you're going to be able
15:16to scale this business down the road months or even years.
15:24So as you can see you can import or export members which is a great feature to have.
15:30You can communicate with your members and much more so you can go there and just check
15:35it out yourself but you are going to definitely need this plug in right here and the free
15:41WooCommerce plug in as well and we'll show you how to get all that installed.
15:48The next one is called member press that's member press dot com.
15:54So this is another WordPress membership plug in and it's very feature rich so it can do
16:01just about anything that you want it to do.
16:04So scroll down here to kind of give you an idea.
16:10You can see that you can integrate into a variety of different payment gateways like
16:15Stripe like PayPal and of course different autoresponders such as ConvertKit MailChimp
16:22Active Active Campaign and different help desk systems like Help Scout.
16:29So you can see all the integrations down here but if we go over here and click on features
16:37you can get a better idea of the different options that you have.
16:42So you can see it's easy to set up.
16:45We've got premium community forums so if you want to have that second level to be maybe
16:51a community and you don't want to use Facebook you want to have everything centralized on
16:55your WordPress site then this would be the way to go.
16:59So we've got coupons we've got and that's another thing with WordPress you have a lot
17:05of features built in but with member press some of these will have a little bit more
17:12feature rich.
17:14But of course as you'll see in a minute you'll have to pay a little bit more money.
17:18So we have stability you can drip content.
17:22So in other words you could if you have like a series and they have to watch course one
17:28before they get to course two you can drip feed it so you can drip it like this month
17:33and then course two with next month and so forth and so on.
17:39So just go here and take a look and see if that suits you.
17:46Now if you go to the top here and we go to pricing you can see that the basic level is
17:54about one hundred forty nine dollars.
17:56You can use it on one site which is just enough.
18:00You can do PayPal and Stripe and you get about ten add on.
18:04So you want to check out those add ons and see if they actually fit what you need.
18:08The two forty nine version you can see it operates on two sites.
18:13It works with authorized dot net which is a credit card payment processor and as you
18:18can see it has different add ons and over here the main difference looks like it has
18:25an affiliate program.
18:28The third plug in that we recommend is called paid memberships pro and this one actually
18:35is very feature rich.
18:38So you can kind of get an idea you could do unlimited levels they've got six different
18:44payment gateways that you can integrate with.
18:50Now they do have a free level so you might want to check that out yourself as well.
18:55If you're really on a tight budget and just see if that fits you.
18:59But for the most part what we found is in terms of scalability you kind of want to find
19:05something that really fits you because if you start with free and you go here you start
19:11free and that's just what you need and then you see yourself expanding that's totally
19:17fine as well.
19:18So those are the three different WordPress membership plug ins that are available to
19:24With that said let's move on to the next video.
19:27Hello and welcome back.
19:29This is video number four and I'm going to show you step by step how to get everything
19:34set up.
19:36Okay so first things first you are going to need to have access to WooCommerce before
19:42you even think about installing the memberships plug in.
19:47So to do that is fairly simple.
19:50All you have to do is simply go to plug ins click on add new and you'll see this screen.
19:57Then you need to go to the search plug ins and type in WooCommerce.
20:05So it'll take a second to load as you see here and this is what it is.
20:10Now I'm showing you a live e-commerce site that actually uses WooCommerce.
20:18So we already have that installed but if you're starting from scratch you're simply going
20:22to click the install now button kind of like this one over here and then of course after
20:28it installs it you'll have to activate it.
20:31So there will be a blue button that says activate and you can simply click that.
20:37Now once you're done what you want to do is you're going to see the WooCommerce over here.
20:43So from here you want to go straight to settings and the reason being is that the dashboard
20:51is simply going to show you the products the orders are going to show you kind of like
20:56the reports the coupons allows you to create coupons and of course memberships and customers.
21:02So all of these will most likely not really be needed until you actually launch the site.
21:09So if you go to settings here you'll end up landing over here.
21:15Now under the general tab it's pretty much self-explanatory.
21:19It'll be things like your address whether you're going to do shipping or not.
21:25You got products over here.
21:28So you can specify your shop page.
21:32You can specify the add to cart behavior.
21:36So for example redirect to the cart page after successful addition.
21:41So when somebody adds something to the cart you can redirect them to the cart page.
21:46Now I have that unchecked because what if somebody wants to purchase more than one item
21:52and then when you redirect them to the cart page it just becomes annoying.
21:57But that feature is there just in case you have maybe a few or you have a membership
22:04site and you only have one level.
22:06So that would be good for that.
22:09Then of course you go to payments and payments allows you to specify the different payment
22:14gateways that you want to connect to.
22:18Now we have it connected to Stripe which is a credit card billing system.
22:23Now they have direct bank transfer, check payments, cash on delivery, PayPal and more.
22:30So all you have to do is once you've enabled that you click manage and you can simply follow
22:36the instructions and connect the two.
22:39So once that's done you can go to accounts and privacy.
22:44Now this just allows you to create the experience.
22:48So for example guest checkout you can allow customers to place orders without an account
22:55or you can allow customers to log in to an existing account.
22:59So it really depends on the experience that you want to create for your customers.
23:06So think carefully about your customers when you do this.
23:10Then of course we have emails which are the automatic emails that are sent out such as
23:15if somebody purchases they get an email that says congratulations here's access to your
23:21product or if it's a physical product you could say we got your transaction and we are
23:26about to ship out.
23:28And then of course we have integration, advanced and memberships.
23:32So these are not really we're not really going to focus on these because we're really
23:37going to focus on this one over here.
23:39So once you've installed WooCommerce the next thing of course is to go to WooCommerce.com
23:46purchase the membership plugin download it and of course install it.
23:51Installing is easy I already have it installed here but you simply do the same thing that
23:55I showed you earlier.
23:56You go to the plugins page but in this case you're going to actually upload the plugin
24:02so you'll go click on upload you'll choose the file so in other words if you download
24:06the files somewhere you need to find that you pick the file you click install now and
24:11then of course you click activate and of course once you're done you've got the plugin installed.
24:17So if we go back to WooCommerce remember under settings we had an option for memberships.
24:27Now these are not the settings in terms of creating a plan.
24:31We'll show you that in just a minute but these are mainly just the global settings.
24:38So for example redirect members upon login you can redirect them let's say to the members
24:43area or to a very specific page or you can simply do no redirect.
24:50So if you want to redirect people to say maybe a community page or an announcements page
24:58and you want people to see that first before they access anything else this is a good option
25:04to have.
25:05So we're not going to check any of these we're going to go and create a membership plan.
25:11Hello and welcome back this is video number five and I'm going to show you how to create
25:16a membership plan.
25:18So we talked about in the previous videos that different membership sites can be different
25:23some have free levels some then have the paid level on top of the free level or some
25:30don't even have the free level at all and they simply have a paid level.
25:35So regardless of what the situation is I'm going to show you how to create a membership
25:43So to do that once you've installed the WooCommerce membership plugin or extension you simply
25:49go under WooCommerce and then you click on memberships.
25:53Now up at the top here you see members membership plans import and export.
26:00So members are simply going to list the different members that you have and what kind of plans
26:05that they are attached to.
26:07Now if you go under membership plans you'll be able to see the different plans that you
26:10have created and you'll simply be able to create a new plan.
26:14So we're going to click on add membership plan like so and here we go.
26:21So let's walk you through the step by step process.
26:26So let's say for example that you want to create a free level.
26:30So we'll call this free level two simply because I already have a free level in this live site
26:37and we're going to do free level two test.
26:43Now I'm going to zoom in just a bit so that you can see it better.
26:47In fact I'm going to collapse the menu like this.
26:56All right.
26:57So under general you have the slug.
26:59Slug simply is like the permalink or the URL what you see in the URL.
27:04So you're going to see something like free dash level.
27:08So you could basically take this title here put it here just put dashes in between.
27:13So that's not as important.
27:15Now grant access upon.
27:18Now it gives you different options.
27:20You can either do manual assignment only and what that means is that somebody creates an
27:26account and you yourself as the administrator has to actually manually approve them.
27:34Or you can grant access upon user account registration so you can have a form where
27:40somebody simply fills it out and then they become a member.
27:44Now ideally that would be the best case for a free level.
27:49Now in terms of a pay level that would be a little bit different and that would be in
27:54connection with the video after this one which I'll show you how to create a WooCommerce
27:59product and all of that.
28:01But if you just want to do free I would choose this one.
28:05Membership length is simply the length that they have access to.
28:08So if you want to give them access only for a month you could do that as fixed amount
28:14of dates or you can simply give them unlimited access for however long the life of your site
28:21which would be unlimited.
28:23Then next we have restrict content.
28:26So I'm actually going to go through this later on and when we create a pay level I'll show
28:31you the settings that you'll need.
28:33So for now for a free level this is what I would do.
28:37In terms of restrict content it says there are no rules yet.
28:41Click below to add one.
28:43This content can be viewed by all visitors and you can add a rule to restrict it to members.
28:51So in other words if you have those five to ten different pages and you want to only give
28:57people access to those five to ten pages you would simply add them here.
29:03So you would click this, click add new rule and you would go to say post or pages or whatever
29:11you want to do.
29:12So if we were to do pages and because this is a free level you want to specify which
29:18pages they have access to.
29:21So you would simply type in the page name.
29:24Now if you don't want to give them access to certain items don't put that item here.
29:30The only reason why you would ever leave this blank is if you want people to have access
29:34to every single page on your site.
29:37So again with free levels not really the case.
29:41So you want to pick and choose the pages.
29:44So once you're done you simply click on publish and you are done.
29:48Now as you can see they have pages, they have posts, they have forums, discussions, courses,
29:53lessons, topics.
29:54Now the reason why I have these is because I use LearnDash which is a different plugin
29:59which allows you to run courses.
30:02So if you don't have that plugin most likely you're not going to see this.
30:06You're simply going to see pages and posts and maybe a few things like categories.
30:12So keep that in mind.
30:14Now accessible allows you to basically say when do they get access to these items.
30:20Do they get access to them immediately which I have checked here or specify a time.
30:27So maybe you want to drip feed your content.
30:30If you want to do that you'll need to figure out what pages they have access to and of
30:35course when they should have access.
30:38So maybe you want them to come in and maybe you have a trial let's say for a dollar for
30:44the first seven days and then after the seven days you could charge them a different fee.
30:50So basically all this means is you can drip feed your content.
30:55So that's restrict content.
30:57Restrict products on the other hand is a little bit very similar but a little bit different.
31:05Products are basically whatever you add to your WooCommerce shop.
31:09So if you've added let's say a premium level to your shop or let's say you have a different
31:17product of some sort then you can give them access to those products.
31:22Now if you leave them blank they're going to have access to all the products and that's
31:25not what you want.
31:27So if you're going to do like a free level and then a paid level on top of that I don't
31:32think you're really going to need any of this.
31:34In fact we can simply delete selected.
31:37So I'll do that here and we don't need that.
31:42Next up we have the purchasing discounts.
31:46Now what this means is this gives your customers if they're on the free level a discount.
31:52You can specify I want to give them a 10% off on all of my products.
31:57So you can do that and then maybe the paid level you can give them a higher percent of
32:01discount off.
32:02It's really up to you depending on what you want to do.
32:06So if you click on add new discount you can select all the products if you leave it blank
32:13or certain products and of course you can type in the amount percentage that they get
32:18discounted or the dollar amount.
32:21Next up we have members area.
32:24Now members area as you can see is a portion of the my accounts page that shows the member
32:30lists of available content products discounts and membership notes.
32:35Now down here it has an explanation of what that is.
32:38So content will show all pages post and other content products will show products that are
32:45viewable and purchasable discounts and notes and manage.
32:50So what this is saying is that the members area what do they have access to.
32:54So include the following in terms of a free level I wouldn't really include all these
33:01items so I would probably delete the majority of these except for maybe products because
33:06I want them to purchase the premium level.
33:11And if I want to give them access to the discounts I can put notes and manage.
33:17Next up we have the email content which simply allows you just to configure how you're going
33:24to email people.
33:25Now you're not going to see WP Fusion that just happens to be on this website which is
33:30sort of like Zapier or ZAPIER website which basically connects different apps together.
33:37So you're not going to see that you're simply going to see this right here.
33:42So that's all you would have to do in terms of creating a membership plan.
33:47Now let's talk about a paid membership.
33:51So if we go back to the top and we let's say we do premium.
33:57And we're going to say that this is 97 bucks one time fee.
34:06And they have access to maybe we'll call it the all access pass.
34:13So they have access to pretty much everything.
34:15So the slug we could just do something like premium level grant access upon product purchase.
34:23So what we need to do is we're going to need to create a product and then click the product
34:30So it's kind of a little bit reverse in its case in the video in the next video I'm going
34:35to show you how to create a product.
34:36But once you create that product and you can come back over here and you can then select
34:41that product.
34:42So basically what you're saying is grant access to this specific premium level plan if they
34:49purchase that specific product.
34:52All right.
34:53So you're going to need to specify that membership length unlimited restrict content because
35:00this is the premium level and people get access to everything.
35:03You can simply say pages and leave this blank and posts and of course leave that blank.
35:12So if you would do that you would simply click add new rule and you would do something like
35:19posts and leave that blank.
35:22So that way people have access to pretty much everything.
35:26Now in terms of restrict products unless you really have a product that is higher level
35:32I don't really see any need to have this because we're not on the free level anymore we're
35:37now on the paid level or the premium level or the highest level.
35:41So if that's the case we don't really need to do anything with this purchasing discounts
35:45you could say something like the premium level members get 20 percent or 10 percent off of
35:51everything then we have members area and for this one I would just include everything.
35:57So I would include the content the products the discounts and everything and the email
36:03content is self-explanatory and that's all you have to do.
36:08So once you are done with that we would click publish click OK.
36:16And there we go.
36:18So now what we need to do is we need to go back to WooCommerce and we need to create
36:22a product that matches this.
36:25So basically any paid products you will need to create a WooCommerce product that is connected
36:32over here.
36:33So we're going to show you how to do that in the next video.
36:37Hello and welcome back.
36:38This is video number six and in this video we're going to show you how to create a product
36:44that will match this plan.
36:46So in other words the product is going to be able to take the payment from the customer
36:52and after they pay they will be sent into the membership plan.
36:56So this plan in other words will be added to their account.
37:01It's really easy.
37:02All you have to do is go under products.
37:04So you're not going to go here you're going to go here under products and then you're
37:08going to click add new.
37:10Now I went ahead and open that in a brand new window because I want to show you once
37:15we're done something that we'll need to do and come back over here.
37:20So you click on add new product which is what you see right here and well we want to
37:26name this very similar to this.
37:28So I'm going to copy this.
37:31So copy and we're going to paste this like that.
37:38And then under product or the visual you want to enter kind of the description.
37:43So the description of the membership plan and the benefits of what people get.
37:53All right.
37:54So after that you can choose a product category if you want to.
37:58That could be maybe membership plans.
38:00So we could do membership plans and do that.
38:08And here we go.
38:09So at this point you got the product.
38:13So you have a variety of different product types like simple product group product external
38:19product variable product and course.
38:22Now you're not going to see this like I said unless you have like something like LearnDash.
38:26You're going to simply want to click simple product.
38:29Click on virtual and then enter the price.
38:32So maybe the regular price is $197 and we're giving everyone a kind of a 50 percent discount.
38:41So that's a nice thing.
38:43But in this case you'll be charging people $97 and they'll see that the regular price
38:48is $197.
38:50Now if you were creating courses and you had the LearnDash plugin you would select the
38:55courses that they get access to.
38:57Now in this case it's simply a membership plan.
39:00So we're going to leave that blank.
39:01Click on inventory.
39:03You're not going to need to fill out any of this information because you just want to
39:07make sure that it says in stock.
39:11Link products is if you want to link to other upsells and cross sells attributes.
39:17You're not really going to need anything.
39:19And then we have advanced.
39:21Now advanced you might use if you want to enter a purchase note.
39:26So if you want to enter maybe a link that directs people to a certain page you could
39:32add that in here or if you want to add a note to somebody on the thank you page you'll want
39:39to enter that here.
39:42So I'm going to copy this here because down here is a little bit similar.
39:48So we got the product description here and like I said you're not going to see WP Fusion
39:54on your website unless you're using that.
39:57And I mainly use WP Fusion just so you know to connect to ActiveCampaign.
40:03So what that allows you to do is it allows you to tag people and then you know add people
40:10and then basically create a customized experience.
40:14But to keep it simple you're not going to see that.
40:17So under memberships this is important.
40:20You could say disable restrictions.
40:22So check this box if you want to force this product to be public regardless of any restriction.
40:29And then of course right here you select that and we have the registered account here.
40:36Now let's see here.
40:39Now one thing to note is it automatically chose free account but that's not what we're
40:44going to need in this account.
40:47So what we want to do is we want to add a new rule.
40:50Select that and select the plan.
40:53So in this case we're going to just choose premium and then of course only members can
40:59view or purchase.
41:02So what that means is only members of this can purchase this product.
41:08So we are going to simply click view because we don't want that to be the case and they
41:14have accessibility to it immediately.
41:17So we're going to add that rule and that simply says give them access to that plan
41:24immediately upon purchase.
41:26You can use the custom message here if you want to enter kind of a restricted message
41:32for this product or a custom message down here after they've purchased the product.
41:37And of course you're not going to see this.
41:39This is simply for my header and footer scripts.
41:42So once you're done you can simply click on publish.
41:47And of course once that is finished it'll give you access directly to the link to the
41:53So now you have the link to the product.
41:58Now I'm going to refresh this page real quick and let's see.
42:03So remember right here we have to come back over here since we created the product and
42:09say grant access upon purchase product.
42:12So in this case we're going to enter this one here and here and simply select the product
42:21So this is the product that we're choosing and we click on update and we are done.
42:30Hello and welcome back.
42:31This is video number seven and this is going to be all about testing.
42:36So in other words how do you make it work?
42:38How do you make sure that everything that you set up actually works because the worst
42:42thing is setting up all the technical aspects and then when you launch it you haven't tested
42:48it and it doesn't work and then the customers get frustrated and then you have to figure
42:54out all that.
42:55So this is what you need to do to test.
42:58So we're going to focus on two different levels since we have the free level and then of course
43:03we have the paid level.
43:05The free level is a little bit easier.
43:07All you have to do is get access to the register page.
43:11Now if you install WooCommerce typically it will install certain pages like this one right
43:19So if I go to the register page, so I go under page, find the register page, scroll down
43:25and you're going to see this.
43:27So by default it says give people access to the free plan.
43:33Now you could also create a secondary register page if you wanted to give them access maybe
43:41to a different free level.
43:42You could do that as well.
43:44So we're going to select this and select actually select delete selected and we're just going
43:54to leave it as it is.
43:55So what you want to do is just grab this link and then test it out.
43:59Enter your information, your email, your first and last name and all whatever it asks
44:05you for and just make sure that you have access to those certain pages.
44:11So you want to make sure that you know what pages that you selected.
44:14So if you selected five, do they have access to those five or do they have access to everything?
44:19If they have access to everything, there is a problem.
44:22You have to go back and it's probably some sort of settings in the restricted content
44:28If it works, congratulations, you have created a free level that actually works.
44:33Now what about the premium level?
44:37So if we go back over here to let's say WooCommerce settings and then under payments, so it's
44:44WooCommerce settings payments, you're going to see this list here.
44:51Now there are a variety of different things on this page, but for the most part, most
44:57of you are most likely going to use Stripe or PayPal, or you might use both.
45:02Now in this case, we are simply using Stripe.
45:05So I'm going to show you how to go about testing it.
45:08Now if you click on manage, I'm not going to show you those details because this is
45:12a live site, but with Stripe, it actually walks you through step by step.
45:17You simply will need to get your secret keys and your web hooks and all that.
45:23And it actually talks about it through Stripe.
45:26Stripe is actually a really good resource.
45:28They're very good at their documentation.
45:31So if you ever get lost, they actually have a lot of really good information.
45:36So once you've activated your Stripe, whether you did it yourself or you hired somebody
45:40to do it, then the next step is to get some test credit cards.
45:45So here's what I mean by that.
45:47If you go to stripe.com and it'll be stripe.com slash docs.
45:53So let me scroll down here so that you can see it better like that.
45:58So what we're going to do here is you go to stripe.com slash docs slash testing stripe.com
46:05slash docs slash testing.
46:08You go here and you want to look for some test credit cards.
46:13So if you scroll down about one fourth to the bottom, you'll see card numbers and you'll
46:18see a visa cards, master cards, American express discover.
46:23So you can test all of these if you want to.
46:26Me personally, I would just simply test one and then of course see if it actually goes
46:31Now, in order for this to succeed, your Stripe account needs to be in test mode.
46:37So when you go to set things up, there's going to be a little button that says test mode.
46:41You want to make sure that that is selected.
46:44Once that's selected, you simply just copy one of these card numbers.
46:50And then of course it says CVC, any three digits or date, any future date.
46:56So all you have to do is simply enter these.
46:58So what we need to do is simply go to the product that we created earlier.
47:03And then let's see, let me go up here so that we can zoom in and then you'll see something
47:11like this.
47:12So you got the product, you fill out your name and all that, and then what you need
47:16to do is simply enter your credit card here.
47:20So that would be the 4242, 4242 all the way here.
47:25And then the expiration date, which we could just say December 30.
47:33And then the CVC code, just random numbers.
47:37Okay, so once you've entered all that information, you just simply select submit and make sure
47:43that it actually goes through.
47:45And that's all you have to do.
47:47It's really easy like that.
