Battle Angel

  • 2 days ago
Battle Angel
01:08She's alive. Incredible.
01:16She's really still alive.
01:20Ha ha ha ha ha
01:24Ha ha ha ha ha
01:28She's human, all right.
01:35Yes, it's uncanny how well the brain was preserved under those conditions.
01:55That's got it!
01:58Hello, my name is Ido. Do you have a name?
02:01My... name?
02:05After all this time, she's not likely to remember much.
02:08I think I can restore most of it.
02:10You'll be keeping her then?
02:12Yeah, I think so.
02:21Here, Ido!
02:23Thank you, Gally.
02:25How do you feel today, Gally? Have you adapted to your new body yet?
02:29Yes, Mr. Gons. It feels wonderful to move about so freely.
02:33Well, Ido is the best cyber doctor in town, you know.
02:37Nah, I wouldn't go that far.
02:45But Gally, wandering off by yourself can be dangerous.
02:49Especially at night, with that killer stalking young girls for their brains.
02:55And that's not even mentioning the spine thieves.
02:58That's a fact! One minute I'm whole, the next I'm spineless!
03:02You see, with cyborg technology, most body parts can be replaced with synthetics.
03:07Everything except the human spine.
03:10And that means that there's a thriving black market of ruthless organ brokers
03:14who'll take the back from under your shirt.
03:17Hey, Doc! This is giving me more trouble than I expected.
03:22I'll come back and finish it tomorrow.
03:24Well, thanks for trying. Would you like something to drink before you go, Yugo?
03:28Nah, no thanks. I've still got another 30 houses or so to hit today.
03:33Well, see you tomorrow! Bye!
03:35Courteous and hard-working. Rare qualities in a young man these days.
03:40Am I right, Ido?
03:42Mm-hmm. Yes. Sadly true.
04:22Who's there? Huh?
04:56Doc, I don't have the chips to pay for this.
04:59Oh, don't worry. I'm not at the point of starvation yet.
05:02You can pay me when you get the funds.
05:08Good morning, Ido.
05:10Oh, good morning, Gally.
05:12Huh? What happened to your arm?
05:15Uh, this? I guess I must have tripped.
05:19Are you okay? He must have done it when he was out last night.
05:32Hey, up there! What are you up to?
05:36I said, hey!
05:38Can't you see I'm in the middle of doing something up here?
05:41Hey, you live here with the Doc, don't you?
05:43That's right! My name's Gally!
05:46Gally? That's a pretty strange name.
05:48You're just dumb. I think it's a pretty name.
05:52You're right. It suits you.
05:55By the way, my name is...
05:57It's Yugo, isn't it?
05:59Ah, you knew it already.
06:01Yugo? Do you have a family here?
06:05Oh, that's impressive that you can make a living all by yourself.
06:09You think so?
06:12That's impressive.
06:14What is?
06:16Oh, come on. I'm talking about Zalem, of course.
06:21Oh, I see.
06:23Hey, why don't you come with me?
06:25To where?
06:27To a better place. Come on.
06:31Hey, Doc! I got it working now!
06:33Edo! I'm going up, too!
06:41Come on, follow me.
06:47It's up this way!
06:49Wait up!
06:51Here, take my hand.
06:54It's up this way!
06:56Wait up!
06:58Here, take my hand.
07:14Jeez, what are you made of?
07:16It felt like you weighed a ton.
07:18And you're strong, too.
07:21Yeah, really!
07:26I think the view of Zalem from here is just the greatest.
07:30Sometimes, if I keep staring at it, I can feel it calling to my soul.
07:37What kind of people live there, I wonder?
07:41My brother wanted to go to Zalem once.
07:43He even broke the law and built an illegal airship.
07:47As for me, I'll just make lots and lots of money until finally I can go there myself.
08:00Just why are you looking at me so funny?
08:03The look on your face is so interesting.
08:08More interesting than Zalem? Let's be real.
08:12I mean, look at this place.
08:15It's a disgusting cesspool of humanity.
08:18It's nothing but the dumping grounds for Zalem, you know.
08:22These people are nothing but vultures, feeding on the trash and carrion that falls from the sky.
08:29Oh, I didn't know.
08:32You really don't understand anything, do you?
08:35Are you from the Outlands or something?
08:37I really don't know.
08:39I have no memories, no past.
08:42My name's Gally. It's something made up.
08:45I see.
08:47But in a way, it's not so bad.
08:49Not having a past means that you've got no memories to haunt you.
08:53A clean slate for your soul.
08:56But why, Shirin? Why do you want to go back to Zalem so badly?
09:00I have to. There are things that I didn't get a chance to finish.
09:03Now, wait a second. Do you really think you can manage it?
09:07Why else would I be in Scrap Iron City?
09:09The work for someone of my skill in this dump is repairing crippled cyborgs.
09:15So what's wrong with fixing cyborgs?
09:18It's a crime, squandering a talent like yours in this backwater.
09:22You know you could do much better up in Zalem.
09:26Does it amuse you to play fallen angel to these insects?
09:29An angel of mercy?
09:34Edo, you have no idea how low you've fallen.
09:37Zalem's finest, the best cybernetics doctor ever.
09:41I don't understand. Where is your pride?
09:44My pride is not the problem.
09:46What has become of yours, Shirin?
09:48I'm not going to spend the rest of my life here.
09:50I'll find a way back to Zalem somehow.
09:53I'll claw my way back with my bare hands if I have to.
09:57I'll do whatever it takes.
10:00Shirin, I know it's no longer my business,
10:03but as your former partner, please trust me on this.
10:06You mustn't get involved with the factory.
10:14Edo, this is the last time I'll ask.
10:17Will you help me return?
10:20I see. I'm sorry.
10:48He's done it! Another victory for Zariki!
10:52With the disappearance of the great Gariska,
10:55he is inarguably the new champion.
10:57Unbeatable Zariki!
11:53Leave her alone!
11:55Who are you?
12:02I'm a hunter-warrior.
12:04Oh, I'm frightened!
12:12Brother, brains are brains, even if they belong to a man.
12:15But if you'll wait, I'll carve them up for you!
12:33Not bad for an old man.
12:40Leave Edo alone!
12:54How dare you do that to Rasha!
13:03Get away from here!
13:57Gally, are you all right?
13:59Is your body damaged?
14:04Yeah, I'm fine.
14:06Those moves you made, very impressive.
14:09I didn't know you could fight.
14:11It surprised me, too.
14:14My body moved by itself.
14:17A flash of rage coiled inside me, and I sprang.
14:23I nearly had him.
14:25One more second and he would have been mine.
14:31Still, I can't believe that you saved me.
14:36To be continued...
15:06It's called the police.
15:08Its purpose was to prevent crime.
15:10These days, the factory just puts a bounty on the heads of wanted criminals
15:14and lets hunter-warriors like me do the dirty work.
15:21What's wrong, Gally?
15:28I want to be a hunter-warrior, too.
15:30Don't be stupid!
15:32You don't know what you're saying!
15:34I gave you limbs to do things like this!
15:36You don't have to work!
15:38All you have to do is be beautiful.
15:40If you want money, I can...
15:41This isn't about money!
15:43This is something for me!
15:44This is for you?
15:47Tonight I felt something new.
15:49Like I was really alive for the first time.
15:52You don't know what you're saying!
15:54I don't want you soiling your perfect hands with blood!
15:57Do you think I'm some doll for you to play with?
16:16Why can't you understand?
16:22And you'll really get me to Zalem?
16:24I said so, didn't I?
16:28Don't worry your pretty head about it.
16:30Your job is to upgrade the gladiators for the Coliseum.
16:33And Zalem will be determined by the quality of your work and the size of my profits.
17:04Dr. Shirin, help me!
17:07My whole body is on fire!
17:10You're not the pampered star of the Coliseum anymore.
17:13Why should I work on a brain-eating junkie with a price on his head?
17:17Damn that hunter Ido!
17:20And where did he get the little cyber-bitch?
17:46Gally, you're absolutely right.
17:49You're not my toy.
17:51Your life is your own.
17:52But why a hunter?
17:54Is it some demon hidden in your untapped memory?
18:14Using the laser, we will now encrypt your registration number on your brain tissue.
18:18Please hold still.
18:20My brain?
18:21Fingerprints, voice prints and retina patterns can be changed.
18:24Can you think of a better way to tell one cyborg from another?
18:27Starting the procedure now!
18:39To cause this much damage with a single impact would require an unbelievable amount of power.
18:46Only Ido could accomplish such a feat.
18:51I'll not only rebuild you, I'll make you more than a match for Ido's little toy.
18:57I'll use every skill and dirty trick I know.
19:14Imprinting completed.
19:18But that was so simple.
19:19That's because the hard part is the job itself.
19:24So, what is Solemn really like?
19:27The official answer to that is no comment.
19:48I've just registered myself as a hunter-warrior.
20:04Another glorious victory for the record books!
20:08Where are we going?
20:10Hunter's Hangout. I'll need to introduce you around.
20:19What a horrible sound.
20:21It's from the tubes that connect the factory with Solemn.
20:24Officially, it's caused by the moon's tidal pull.
20:27Officially, it's caused by the moon's tidal pull.
20:58I can't pay you.
21:01I've come to pay you back, baby.
21:13Oh my God!
21:14It's Karishka!
21:16What is he doing there?
21:40Baby, are you ready to play with me?
21:47Someone give us a hand!
21:49I'm freaking out!
21:57Are you going to run away, baby?
22:07I accept!
22:09Uh, Gali?
22:10What a good girl!
22:18Don't tell me you rebuilt this monster!
22:21With a bounty on his head?
22:23But still, I can't help but wonder which one will win.
22:29Suffer, Ido.
22:31I want to see your face when your little toy is broken.
22:35But such eloquent pain belongs on a more suitable stage.
22:39One of broken steel and iron.
23:05What a funny plaything!
23:10Not enough!
23:38Now, let's finish it, baby.
24:19Help me!
24:23Do it!
24:24Use your cutters!
24:25And when you do, just say what those slashes I made on your servos will do!
24:30Try and kill me!
24:54You did it!
24:56I've lost again, Ido!
24:57Nothing I do seems to have any effect at all!
24:58I'm garbage!
24:59You're in Zalem's cast-off scrap!
25:00But someday, I'll get back to Zalem, and then I'll be the one looking down!
25:01And then, Ido...
25:23I swear that I'll make you look up to me!
25:35Your powers and abilities are still growing.
25:38Which is fine!
25:40I know what you're worried about, but you have to trust me.
25:44From this point forward...
25:47No matter how much I seem to change...
25:50I'm still Gali.
25:53I'll always be your Gali.
25:55I believe you.
25:56You can only be what you are.
26:05We got it!
26:06Let's get out of here!
26:12So, boys...
26:13How's business?
26:16Mr. Vector!
26:27Help me!
26:30You didn't have to kill him!
26:32If you keep leaving live witnesses, you won't last long.
26:38I want to talk with you.
27:11I wonder where the fool went off to.
27:14Oh, that's right. The way he talks about going to Zalem and misers his credit chips.
27:19He's funny in the head, all right. He really thinks Zalem will let him in. What a little fool.
27:28Now, what was it I told you three years ago?
27:32Give me ten million chips and I'll make sure you get to Zalem.
27:36Yes, sir.
27:37Normally, it would take a lifetime to acquire that kind of capital.
27:41But you, you want to do it in three years. I must say I'm impressed.
27:46Oh, it's not that difficult.
27:48You've got a lot of untapped potential.
27:51No, I'm not that special.
27:53Here, try this. It's the real thing, straight off the tube for Zalem. Not that junk they send us.
28:03Smooth, isn't it? Can't you just taste that essence of Zalem?
28:07Now, Hugo, I don't have to tell you this, but most of the goods collected, refined and packaged here in Scrabiron City
28:14just get exported to Zalem through the factory tubes.
28:18The crap we get to keep for ourselves is just that.
28:21Now, seeing as I'm in a position to oversee those exports, why shouldn't I share in the benefits?
28:28Say, Hugo, why don't you join my operation?
28:31But I want, I want to go to Zalem.
28:33Zalem? Are you out of your mind?
28:35Do you really want to be homeless and friendless in a place like Zalem?
28:39Trust me, you wouldn't like it.
28:42On the other hand, by helping me deliver my shipments to Zalem, you could achieve real wealth and power.
28:48You could live in the lap of luxury, just like the citizens of Zalem.
28:53Think it over, Hugo.
29:10What's wrong? Did they make you drink?
29:13You! In the car!
29:15I don't care who you are! If you've hurt Hugo, you'll answer to me!
29:20Hugo, I'll be waiting for your answer.
29:27Hang in there, Hugo.
29:31My head...
29:32Here's some water.
29:34See what happens when you drink?
29:37I'm not a kid, and it was only one drink.
29:40You're not acting like yourself. What happened?
29:44Just what are you doing here anyway?
29:47Well, um, I just really wanted to see you, I guess. I don't know.
29:56Gally, do you have a secret dream?
29:59Zalem's not just a fantasy of wealth and power to me.
30:05I want to see what it's like up there, so high and far away.
30:09I understand.
30:10There'll be sights I've never seen waiting for me, wonders I can't even imagine.
30:15That's what I want.
30:17Hugo, how much does it cost to go to Zalem? In credits?
30:53Loop jobs! Loop jobs!
30:55Greasier gears with high-grade oil and Teflon! Best loop jobs in town!
31:00I'll take a squeeze of that, kid.
31:02Thank you, sir.
31:16Hey, kid.
31:19So that's your little game, is it?
31:26Caught with your hands on my spine, no less.
31:29Now let's take a look at your face.
31:33Take the mask off.
31:38You bastard! Let Hugo go!
31:49No! Leave him alone!
32:13Quick thinking, little bastard.
32:15But I'll bet there's already a price on your head, Hugo.
32:34Oh, Hugo, it's you.
32:36What? Trouble?
32:38A hunter-warrior! Disguised as a customer!
32:41He killed Tanji! And he knows my name!
32:45Calm down. It's over and nothing you can do now will make any difference.
32:49I want you to bring all the money you've saved to my office.
32:52You mean, you'll send me to Zalem?
32:55Look, we'll talk about that when you get here.
32:58Hugo, you don't have much time.
33:00Yes, sir.
33:01Zuriki! Oh, what a losing streak!
33:14Oh, it's all over, folks! Zuriki's no match!
33:20I guess it's time to rebuild Zuriki again.
33:23Dr. Shirin, that's your department.
33:26Why should I even bother?
33:28I've used everything. All my tricks and techniques.
33:34I can't win.
33:35What was that?
33:36So, when am I going to go to Zalem?
33:39Hey, hey, hey! Take a look at the number of bounties this kid has collected.
33:43Her name's Gally.
33:45This could be a hot ticket. A female gladiator.
33:50Hey, wait a minute. This is the girl from Hugo's place.
33:54Edo's Gally?
33:56You mean you know her?
33:58Oh, it's like that, is it?
34:01Now, wait a second. You want Gally to fight in the Coliseum?
34:05Absolutely. It'll be a smash. We could call her the Battle Angel.
34:11You don't really think Gally will fight for you?
34:14Of course she will. She'll do anything I ask to keep her boyfriend from losing his head.
34:20Doctor, I want you to find Gally.
34:24Why should I?
34:26Do this for me, and then I'll send you to Zalem.
34:34Fourteen bodies in seven days? What's with the sudden mercenary zeal?
34:39Gally, when you became a hunter-warrior, you said it wasn't for the money.
34:43That was before. I'm saving so I can go to Zalem with Hugo.
34:47Gally? Who said that you could go to Zalem?
34:57Have you told him how you feel?
35:02And how does Hugo feel about you?
35:08Amazing. Such depth of feeling.
35:19He's wanted!
35:47Report him to the factory as soon as he's sighted!
36:11Four... six... eight...
36:15That makes nine million five hundred thousand chips.
36:18Just a few more...
36:45Did you really do this?
36:51Where will you go?
36:55I'm not going.
36:57I'll sneak back into town, back to Mr. Vector's place.
37:01I'm not going to give up on Zalem.
37:04I'm not going to give up on Zalem.
37:07I'm not going to give up on Zalem.
37:10That's crazy! The hunters are looking for you!
37:13Don't you understand?
37:16Going to Zalem is more than just an escape from this scrap metal prison for me!
37:21It's a war! A war between me and this garbage heap!
37:31No matter how insignificant I may be, I still have my dreams, my pride.
37:36I won't let this corroded metal monster grind me into the dirt!
37:40I'll be leaving as soon as it gets dark.
37:43Go home, before you get involved any further.
37:56Hugo, listen.
37:59I love you, Hugo.
38:01And I have to know how you feel about me.
38:05Why are you bringing up something stupid like this now?
38:08Go home!
38:11Answer my question!
38:24So now we're partners in crime, are we?
38:42My mouth is tingling.
38:45It's like I kissed a battery.
38:48It's the lightning.
38:50On days like this, my body takes on a charge.
38:55I've wondered about the scar on your wrist.
38:58The scar? It's sort of a keepsake of my brother.
39:02A keepsake?
39:04I used to have a brother, much older than myself.
39:07He had a wife, my sister-in-law, and they raised me together.
39:11The two of them cared for me as if they were really my own parents.
39:15We had a good life together.
39:17My brother was an engineer for the factory, and he enjoyed his work.
39:21And my sister-in-law was loving and generous.
39:24But it wasn't enough for my brother.
39:26He'd look up at Zalem, yearning.
39:28I want to go to Zalem someday.
39:30He must have said that a million times.
39:33Finally, he acted.
39:35He could get to Zalem, he decided, by balloon.
39:38The factory, of course, had prohibited the creation of any kind of flying machine.
39:43And put a heavy bounty on the head of anyone who built one.
39:47My brother knew what the consequences could be.
39:49But he followed his heart anyway.
39:51When I was ten years old, the airship was completed.
39:55But on that very night, the hunter-warrior came.
40:15My sister-in-law had betrayed my brother, reporting him to the factory.
40:20And the hunter?
40:26What happened to your sister-in-law?
40:30I don't know.
40:31I suppose she must be living somewhere with someone.
40:35I think I know what your sister-in-law must have been feeling.
40:40I'd be jealous too, if my lover was obsessed with something I couldn't understand.
40:46Uh, you're scaring me.
40:49At first, I think I'd go along with it.
40:51But after so long, I might come to believe that he'd even leave me.
40:55If I couldn't have him myself, then hating him, killing him, might be easy.
41:03That's kind of drastic, but I suppose you'd have to kill me to keep me away from Zalem.
41:09That's true, isn't it?
41:12So what am I to do now?
41:15Should I kill you, or free you?
41:19How much more do you need to get to Zalem?
41:22About 500,000 chips.
41:24Okay, I'll take you to Vector's.
41:28I'm not taking my eyes off someone who's so important to me.
41:31But, Gally...
41:32I've hidden some chips myself.
41:35It should be about 600,000.
41:38Go to Zalem with it.
41:40And then, if everything goes right, I'll save up enough to follow you.
41:45Uh, right.
41:47Don't worry. Go, gather your chips.
42:27Ah, there you are.
42:30Damn you!
42:35Too little, too late, Gally.
42:37You've beaten me to every kill since Gruishka.
42:40But this time, the head and the bounty belong to me!
42:44Just like his brothers.
42:46No! Yugo belongs to me!
42:49Oh, so that's the way it is.
42:52Don't you know there's no room for things like love or mercy in a hunter's code?
42:58If you want him so badly, come and take him.
43:01I'd rather have your head anyway.
43:04Prepare yourself!
43:13All right, this will stop your flitting about!
43:27Say your prayers!
43:42Do you really think this desperate effort can delay me forever?
44:07No! It's getting... it's getting cold!
44:11Cold... so cold...
44:14My Yugo is dying!
44:17If only I could give you my life...
44:35Ito, save Yugo for me.
44:56Don't worry, Gally. The operation was a success.
45:02Well, the reason he lived was because of you, Gally.
45:06If you hadn't bypassed your own life support system, feeding your blood into his arteries,
45:11his brain would have died of oxygen starvation.
45:14That was really quick thinking.
45:17But I wasn't the one who did the bypass. It was Shirin.
45:23So she's the one.
45:27What? Yugo's dead?
45:30Yes. Killed by a hunter, and then struck by lightning.
45:40Well, there goes that meal ticket.
45:43What about Gally?
45:45I have no clue as to her current whereabouts.
45:48Scrap Iron City's a big place. It may take me quite a while to find her.
45:52You know what? I'm leaving.
45:55Hey, wait a minute!
45:57I think it's time to send you to Zalem.
46:00Yugo was tricked. The story about paying passage to Zalem is just a scam.
46:05It's not possible for someone from Scrap Iron City to go to Zalem.
46:09I ought to know, Gally.
46:11The brand on my forehead means that I was once a citizen of Zalem.
46:15It's all a lie.
46:29Gally! Get out there and find Yugo!
46:44Get out of my way!
46:46What? Who in the hell are you?
46:49So you're the one who lied to Yugo.
46:53You mean that Zalem thing?
46:55Hey, it's not my fault if someone's an easy mark.
46:58And you need the money so badly?
47:00All right, then. Take it!
47:03Yugo destroyed his life because of you.
47:07Yugo ruined his life stealing money for a lie!
47:11Why? Why?
47:24You! What have you done with Shirin?
47:28Over there!
47:32My God!
47:34Organ replacements.
47:36This was Shirin?
47:39The order comes down from Zalem every month.
47:42I don't know what they do with them.
48:26He couldn't have...
48:31I'm coming. Wait for me, Zalem.
48:34I'll be with you soon.
48:57Hey, have you seen a boy come through here?
49:00He just climbed out on the tube.
49:02This is a restricted area. Please keep out.
49:09What's that ring for?
49:11It's a defense ring.
49:13Against rodents and other vermin.
49:15Zalem drops them periodically to keep rats from climbing the tubes.
49:57It's Zalem! I'm almost there!
50:04Yugo, let's go home.
50:06Forget it! I'm never going back to that filthy garbage heap!
50:10Zalem is my destiny!
50:13At this moment, my life was a cosmic joke!
50:16My entire existence pointless and unnecessary!
50:19Coward! There's more to life than scrap iron city and Zalem!
50:24Don't you know you're my secret dream, Yugo?
50:28We can find a way! Begin a new life!
50:36We could...
50:43Look out!
51:00I'm glad I had the chance to know you.
51:04Goodbye, my love.
51:43To be continued...
52:13Thank you for watching!
52:43Thank you for watching!
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53:38Thank you for watching!
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54:38Thank you for watching!
54:43Thank you for watching!
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