Emmerdale – Sunday 29 Sep

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00:30Didn't expect to see you here today.
00:34Oh, I had to get out of the house, didn't I?
00:36I'll tell you what, my friend, she has gone due rally.
00:39Well, it's good to see you anyway.
00:43There's another thing.
00:44There's something I've got to tell you.
00:47Morning, fellas.
00:48Beautiful day, innit?
00:49Well, it was until you showed up.
00:51I take it Jan told him.
00:54Told me what?
00:56Well, one of you better start talking, and fast.
00:59Say hello to your new business partner.
01:13You OK?
01:15Sorry, I didn't hear you come downstairs.
01:18Why don't you go and grab a shower?
01:20And I'll make some breakfast for both of us.
01:22You're not going to leave the house, are you?
01:23No, of course not.
01:25You're safe here, I promise.
01:39If there was any other way to do it, I would have done.
01:41But there isn't.
01:42Look, me back's against wall.
01:43Oh, sling your hook.
01:45Seems you don't work here anymore.
01:46Well, actually, he does.
01:48I've agreed to keep him on as a driver.
01:50You stitched me up like a kipper.
01:51Oh, come on, Jimmy.
01:52I had no choice.
01:53Yes, you had.
01:54You were going to talk to me about it,
01:55and you said you had three months to pay.
01:57Yeah, but things have changed.
01:58She's divorcing me now.
02:00I need all the cash I can get my hands on to pay for this hot
02:03shot solicitor I've took on.
02:05But I know you're angry, Jimmy, and you've got every right.
02:07But in my defense-
02:09You have no defense.
02:11Look, why don't you just punch me, and I've done with it?
02:15You're not worth it.
02:21What was all that about?
02:24Do you know what?
02:25I actually don't want to know.
02:36Look, I'm sorry for having a go at you yesterday.
02:42I was out of order.
02:43No, you weren't.
02:44And I'm the one that should be saying sorry.
02:46I don't know what I was thinking.
02:48I still shouldn't have mouthed off at you.
02:49And I shouldn't have been in your caravan poking around.
02:53Let's just forget it, eh?
02:56So I've blown it.
02:57Blown what?
02:58Getting to know you.
03:01What is it you want to know?
03:04We could start with Aidan.
03:17Oh, please.
03:19Just hear me out.
03:20I'm not interested, Dad.
03:21I've had to sell my shares in the haulage.
03:23Yeah, I gathered as much.
03:24Because of Kim.
03:25Why are you telling me this?
03:27Because she's been blackmailing me, that's why.
03:29She found out that I slept with your mum,
03:31and then she made me believe that somebody had kidnapped her.
03:34And now she's trying to strip me of everything.
03:36I don't want to know, Dad.
03:37Please don't.
03:38You're all I've got.
03:40You and the kids.
03:42You mean everything to me.
03:43I suppose that's why you forgot my birthday.
03:45I know.
03:46I'm really sorry.
03:48But I need you back in my life.
03:50And I need you out of mine.
03:51So please, leave.
03:57He was my best mate.
03:59So when you say was?
04:02He died.
04:04We were serving in Afghanistan.
04:07So what happened?
04:10We were about four weeks in.
04:12The final withdrawal was only a few months off,
04:14so we weren't quite DMOB happy.
04:16But we were getting there.
04:19Then out of nowhere, it happened.
04:22What did?
04:23This young Afghan lad had joined our squad.
04:29He was one of us.
04:30We liked him.
04:32Anyway, this one night we'd been talking about football
04:36and Aziz, that was his name, said he'd never played before.
04:41So we took him outside for a kick about.
04:45Aidan showed him a few moves, and it was funny,
04:49because he couldn't quite get the hang of it.
04:53Then we headed back to base camp, and boom.
05:06Bomb went off.
05:08Oh, my god.
05:09Aziz died instantly.
05:12No pain, but Aidan.
05:15I tried my best to save him.
05:19I told him I could, but I was lying.
05:23I had to.
05:24I could see the fear in his eyes.
05:29I held his hand as he slowly slipped away.
05:33I hugged his body after.
05:37I hugged him, and hug didn't.
05:44Had to be dragged off.
05:45Hey, you don't have to tell me anymore if you don't want.
05:50I want to.
05:52I've bottled this up long enough.
05:56All that medical training, eh?
05:58Saved lives.
06:00But when it comes down to it, you realise you're not God.
06:05That's when I decided to quit the army.
06:09Live in my van, tell no one I was a medic.
06:11But why?
06:14Because I didn't deserve to.
06:17Aidan thought I could save him, and I let him down.
06:20And I can never forgive myself for that.
06:24Not ever.
06:2612 o'clock, and you're slobbing about in your dressing gown.
06:30That's not you.
06:31I think you'll find it's very me this morning.
06:35Are you upset that I'm still here?
06:36I couldn't give a monkey's actually.
06:38Well, maybe you should go and check on your horses,
06:41just to make sure that they're still there.
06:43I can assure you they're safe and sound.
06:47Along with another prize stud I've just broken in.
06:52Suffice to say, I had the ride of my life.
07:00Well, that was lovely.
07:01You always feel better when you've eaten something.
07:04Yeah, I'm going to go unpack.
07:06But before you do, can we have a chat
07:09about what happened yesterday?
07:11I'd rather not, Lydia.
07:12It's not me for sex, if I'm honest.
07:13I know it is, lovey.
07:15And that's why you need to talk about it.
07:17Come on, sit down.
07:23I saw you checking for cameras.
07:25I had to.
07:26What if he's put them up here as well?
07:28How would he do that?
07:29Well, the door's always open, isn't it?
07:31And he did it to me at Dale Head.
07:33Tracking my phone, spying on me through the puppy cam.
07:36But this is another level.
07:37I just feel so violated.
07:39Well, rest assured, I have been through this house
07:42with a fine tooth comb, and there is nothing here.
07:44I swear to you.
07:46But mark my words, he's made a big mistake
07:48putting that camera up.
07:49How do you mean?
07:50Well, like I keep telling you, it's evidence, isn't it?
07:53No, I don't care.
07:54I don't want anyone to see it.
07:55Look, I know it's scary.
07:56But the police are used to dealing with things like this.
07:59I'm not going to the police.
08:01You can't just ignore it.
08:02Yes, I can.
08:04And he's probably hidden the footage anyway.
08:05Well, so what?
08:07You know, they'll have ways, the police, to recover it.
08:09They employ experts.
08:10He'll wheedle his way out of it.
08:11He always does.
08:12I'm not going.
08:14OK, nobody's going to force you to do
08:16anything you don't want to.
08:18Why don't you go and unpack?
08:20And then we can watch a film.
08:22I haven't done that for ages.
08:34Is this you getting your own back?
08:37See if I'm that petty.
08:39Anyway, you were the one who cheated.
08:41Yeah, once.
08:42Didn't go back in for an action replay, did I?
08:44Yeah, well, you never were a twice a night man.
08:47I want him gone.
08:49And I want him to stay.
08:50So put up or shut up.
08:53Either that or remove yourself.
08:55It'll make things a lot simpler.
08:56I won't be forced out my own home.
08:58Your home?
08:59Don't make me laugh.
09:01I seem to remember you moving in here
09:03with not much more than a carrier bag, which is exactly
09:07what you'll be moving out with.
09:08You really are a spiteful old cow, aren't you?
09:11How come I didn't see it before?
09:12Probably too blinded by my bank balance.
09:15Which is half mine now, remember?
09:16Over my dead body.
09:18Which can be arranged.
09:19Let's try to keep this civil.
09:20Butt out, will you?
09:22Not if you keep abusing her, I won't.
09:24Remember, she's a lady.
09:26A lady?
09:28She's no lady.
09:29She's an old trollop that's well past her sell-by date.
09:37Laurel's late.
09:39Only by five minutes, ma'am.
09:40She'll be here.
09:41Anyway, while we're waiting, any ideas?
09:45I've got one.
09:47How about an eating contest?
09:52You know, like we have at Christmas?
09:54Only this time, rather than mince pies, we have pot pies.
09:57Oh, or better still, doughnuts.
09:58I love doughnuts.
09:59I think you'll find the point of a Harvest Festival
10:02is to give people a chance to eat.
10:04I think you'll find the point of a Harvest Festival
10:06is to give food to the poor.
10:08Not eat as much as you can stuff down your neck
10:10and then probably throw it all up.
10:11Oh, sorry I'm late.
10:12I've just had a day from hell.
10:15Don't ask.
10:15Nobody was about to.
10:18Well, at least you're here.
10:19And oh, before I forget, your idea
10:22about making lunch with the allotment produce
10:24is going ahead.
10:26So any other ideas for the festival?
10:29Me again.
10:30Oh, good.
10:31How about a disco in the village hall?
10:33That's a great idea.
10:34That's going to bring the teenagers in.
10:35Wouldn't we need a music license?
10:37Good point.
10:38I can ask Nicola.
10:39You know, she used to be a counselor, so.
10:41And I can turn the bar.
10:45What bar?
10:46There can't be a bar.
10:47It'll have to be soft drinks.
10:48I'm not too sure about having alcohol.
10:50Well, we used to serve alcohol when Ashley was a vicar.
10:58Anyway, the question is, disco or no disco?
11:03I'll leave you two to fight that one out.
11:15Here, let me do that before you ruin my floor.
11:20You've got blood everywhere.
11:22Oh, and that's my fault, is it?
11:25Where is he then, lover boy?
11:29He's got a fair punch on him.
11:31For a financial advisor, haven't you?
11:33Yeah, well, pity he isn't as aggressive in the bedroom.
11:38And sit still.
11:42It worked, by the way.
11:43What did?
11:45Your little stunt.
11:47I am jealous.
11:48Very jealous.
11:50Please, remember who you're talking to.
11:53Last person who tried to sweet talk me was when I was 14,
11:57and it didn't work then.
11:58Yeah, but I mean it.
12:00Just wish we could get past all this.
12:04Then make life easy for yourself and move out.
12:07Not a chance in hell.
12:08Don't forget, I've got someone in my corner
12:10who's willing to fight for me.
12:12So you may have more to worry about than a bloody nose.
12:14Yeah, and I've got Dawn and the kids.
12:16My family, which is a lot more than what you've got.
12:20Your persona non grata at the moment.
12:22At the moment.
12:23But we'll get through this and we'll
12:24become one big happy family again.
12:26Unlike you, who'll end up all alone.
12:39Well, that was lovely.
12:43Do you want to take a cup of tea?
12:46What was it like when you went to the police?
12:49When Craig did what he did?
12:57Well, the first time I went, I ran away, didn't I?
13:03So I know how you feel.
13:05It's daunting.
13:06Yeah, my heart's thumping just thinking about it.
13:10Look, before I say this, I want to emphasize
13:14that whether or not you go to the police, that's your choice.
13:18I'm not trying to swear you either way.
13:21But I wish I'd done it sooner.
13:28Because once I'd got it off my chest,
13:30instead of keeping it all in, it felt cathartic.
13:35Like I'd, I don't know, let something ugly go.
13:42They dropped the charges, though, didn't they?
13:44That's what's putting me off.
13:45Because, Belle, I didn't have any proof.
13:48But you have.
13:49Do I?
13:50He's too clever to get caught.
13:53And I don't want to relive it all.
13:54And then if it goes to court, I've got to talk about the abortion,
13:56about how stupid I've been.
13:58It's too much.
13:59It is when you put it like that.
14:01And what if no one believes me?
14:03Like who?
14:04Oh, the police or the jury.
14:06People are going to believe you, Belle, I promise you.
14:09He reels people in.
14:11You thought he was lovely, the whole family did.
14:13How are a bunch of strangers going to see through that?
14:16Because, like I keep telling you, you've got evidence, Belle.
14:46Can I come in?
14:48I was about to go to hospital.
14:49It won't take long.
14:55I've had Dad here this morning.
14:57I hear you've been blackmailing him.
15:02I wanted to see how far he'd go to cover his lies.
15:07OK, well, you can keep me and Billy out of it.
15:09I'm not taking sides, Kim.
15:12I'm not here to ask you to.
15:15Then why are you here?
15:16To apologise for my part in driving Rose away.
15:20And keeping up the lie that she'd simply disappeared.
15:26It was cruel.
15:27And it was wrong.
15:31Well, thanks for being honest with me.
15:34It's the least you deserve.
15:37Look, I'm sorry, too.
15:41I knew he slept with her.
15:42I didn't say anything.
15:47Do you think there's any way back for us?
15:49How do you mean?
15:51I care about you, Dawn.
15:54And I love the kids.
15:56I think of you as family.
15:57It would be so nice to be friends again.
16:00What do you think?
16:04We managed to get through a lot today.
16:05Well, not really.
16:06Most of my ideas have been boycotted.
16:08No need to be churlish.
16:10Actually, you did get your balloon darts through.
16:12Not yet, she hasn't.
16:13We still have to run it past health and safety.
16:18OK, so I spoke to Chas.
16:21And she didn't say yes.
16:23But then again, she didn't say no either.
16:25So what did she say?
16:28That's what she didn't say that matters.
16:30I don't think she's keen on having us stay.
16:33No room at the inn sort of thing.
16:36So what now?
16:38We stay at Tall Trees.
16:39But not for somewhere else.
16:42Clodagh, I really don't think people want to listen to the
16:44Robertsfield over-80s choir singing Bridge Over Troubled Water
16:48with bass harmonicas.
16:51At least it'd be interesting.
16:52Oh, right, right.
16:53I've had enough.
16:57Oh, dear.
16:59Do you think she's all right?
17:00I'll go and check.
17:04Probably menopausal.
17:06She's been like a bear with a sore head since she arrived.
17:11What does he put up with her?
17:12Beats me.
17:13I mean, she's so opinionated about everything.
17:16I know.
17:17Tell me about it.
17:17I mean, leave me with her alone for five minutes,
17:20I would happily strangle her.
17:23Oh, don't be.
17:24I had to live with her, remember?
17:26How did you do it?
17:26I mean, living with her and Charles,
17:28it must be like living with the Chuckle Brothers,
17:30but without the Chuckles.
17:31To me.
17:32To you.
17:35Just to say, Mum would like a lemonade.
17:42Should have put some arsenic in it.
17:49I know we've a long way to go.
17:51Like I said, it's all just a bit raw.
17:54And with Evan being ill.
17:55I know, and he's the main reason I'm here.
17:59All I want is to help in any way I can.
18:02Time, money.
18:05There's no need to thank me.
18:07Because I'll do anything.
18:09And that's a promise.
18:12I'm sorry you've got involved in all this.
18:14Well, let's look to the future, eh?
18:17Now, do you want me to drive you to the hospital?
18:20No, it's fine.
18:20I'll get the bus.
18:21Are you sure?
18:23Come on.
18:23You know where I am if you need anything.
18:25Just phone, OK?
18:33I knew I'd find you here.
18:34Actually, didn't you hop round this morning, dripping poison?
18:38Just told her the truth, that's all.
18:40Well, that obviously didn't land very well.
18:42She hates you.
18:43Oh, and she loves you, does she?
18:45Well, I've offered to buy the kids a pony, so what do you think?
18:48I think you're so obvious it's pathetic.
18:51And you're on your way out, Grandad.
18:54So be a good boy and accept it.
18:56She's my daughter.
18:58My flesh and blood.
19:00Never forget that.
19:01And remind me again what you can give her.
19:04Well, apart from grief.
19:05Oh, yes.
19:07Disappointment, maybe.
19:09Oh, no.
19:11Won't be long before they're all back up at home farm.
19:14We'll just be one big, happy family.
19:17Sorry, Will, but I think this fight's over
19:19before it's even really begun.
19:32It's beautiful, isn't it?
19:39I always feel so grounded when I'm out here.
19:42You will get through this, you know.
19:45And never forget, the people that really matter,
19:47your family, believe you.
19:50I know.
19:52So there's nothing to be afraid of.
19:54I just don't know if I've got the energy to report him.
19:57It'd put you back in control.
19:59It'd put you back in control of your life instead of him.
20:03Anyway, I've said my piece.
20:06Whatever you decide, it's up to you now.
20:09But I'll support you.
20:12We all will.
20:24Somebody's been in the wars.
20:26No, I'm not here to talk about that.
20:28I'm here to talk about Kim.
20:30The cow's trying to ruin me.
20:32Right, that's where I come in, is it?
20:34Well, you hate her as much as I do, don't you?
20:36No doubt that.
20:38Look, I'll make it worth your while.
20:40I thought you was on your uppers.
20:41I'm not talking about financially.
20:43So what are you talking about?
20:45Whatever you want.
20:46I'm the man that can.
20:49OK, well, having thought about it for all of two seconds,
20:51the answer's no.
20:52Come on, I'm desperate.
20:53Yeah, I know you are. I can smell it on you.
20:55And that's why the answer's no.
20:56Listen, I will do anything, legal or illegal.
21:05Well, what if I asked you to do something that was,
21:08well, let's say, less than savoury?
21:10There aren't many unsavoury things that I haven't done.
21:13I've been inside, haven't I?
21:14Yeah, I know, and I thought you'd put all that behind you.
21:16So did I.
21:17Until today.
21:19Let's just say that she pressed a button.
21:22Are you sure about this?
21:24As sure as I've ever been about oat.
21:27I want to bring her to her knees, make her life a misery,
21:31and make her regret the moment she ever set eyes on me.