HD المؤسس عثمان - مدبلج - الحلقة 51 الموسم 2

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00:00:00Don't forget to subscribe, so you can always contact us again.
00:00:30And as always, thanks for watching and see you next time.
00:01:00I am now in the presence of my sheikh, and I don't want to make a mistake in his presence.
00:01:16This ring, what does it do to you?
00:01:22If it has been with you for a long time, why didn't you tell me from the beginning?
00:01:35Let's talk. We have a lot to talk about, Mr. Othman.
00:01:42All right, let's go then.
00:02:01Forgive me, my sheikh.
00:02:03I didn't invite you to strengthen your enmity, nor to turn your anger into a dispute between the two tribes.
00:02:18Don't worry, my sheikh. But allow us not to make a mistake in your presence.
00:02:28All right, then. Let what must happen happen.
00:02:34So meet me again in your time.
00:02:39I will show you both.
00:02:55In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
00:03:09In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
00:03:40It is clear that he has hit Mr. Othman.
00:03:48Mr. Othman will pull that arrow out of his chest.
00:03:52But I don't know how he will stop the blast.
00:04:09Let's go.
00:04:31Is Mr. Othman here?
00:04:33Yes, he is inside.
00:04:39Mr. Othman, where did you find this arrow?
00:04:50My daughter Malhun found it.
00:04:57She found it while she was going to the place where the arrow was fired.
00:05:01Mr. Othman, we followed the traces of where the arrow was fired.
00:05:08And it seems that the traces will not lead us to anything.
00:05:12Mrs. Malhun, tell me, is there anything we didn't notice?
00:05:21No, Mr. Othman.
00:05:24When I came to her, she took the arrow from the ground.
00:05:35And she didn't tell me the truth.
00:05:40Why did you hide this from me?
00:05:43It was clear that his companion was not an ordinary person.
00:05:48He was a master of the master.
00:05:51And before we were sure of the matter, we didn't want to put you in a difficult situation.
00:05:58What are you talking about now? Since the death of the pottery maker?
00:06:02And because I couldn't find the traitor, how many witnesses did I present?
00:06:06And how many times did I fall?
00:06:08And in the trap that was set for the Romans, I presented Bayhoja as a witness.
00:06:13What are you talking about?
00:06:14You and your daughter didn't behave like friends.
00:06:21Our friendship has a price and our enmity too.
00:06:26If she had given me this ring when she found it, Bayhoja would not be under the black soil now.
00:06:33While I was looking for the traitor, you were carrying this with you.
00:06:38Mr. Othman, these words will not take us to an agreement.
00:07:39May I, Mr. Othman?
00:07:42When the time is right, I will talk to you.
00:07:45Go now and think of everyone you caused to die.
00:07:50Mr. Othman, what is this accusation? And what do you mean?
00:07:54I mean what you hid from me.
00:07:57What did I hide from you?
00:07:59Be careful that no one stands in front of me except that traitor.
00:08:03Be careful that no one stands in front of me except that traitor.
00:08:07Do not stand so as not to be angry with me.
00:08:23Bring me Uncle Dondar.
00:08:25Bring him to me in any way.
00:08:27He has entered the house.
00:08:33Bring him to me in any way.
00:08:50Surround the house.
00:08:52Surround it.
00:08:54Come on. Come on. Come on, soldiers.
00:08:57Search the house.
00:09:18Come on. Come on.
00:09:26Come on.
00:09:56Come on.
00:10:26Come on.
00:10:57He is not here.
00:10:58He is gone.
00:11:00Search everywhere.
00:11:02Yes, sir.
00:11:03Hurry up.
00:11:04Come on.
00:11:27Search everywhere.
00:11:36Search everywhere.
00:11:38Search everywhere.
00:11:40Come on, guys.
00:11:41Come on.
00:11:42Come on.
00:11:43Search everywhere!
00:11:44Come on, my brothers, come on!
00:11:55Come on!
00:11:56Search the outside and look for the traitor!
00:11:59Quickly, quickly!
00:12:04Search everywhere, come on!
00:12:06Don't let him escape from you, search for him!
00:12:10Come on, quickly, quickly, come on!
00:12:12Come on!
00:12:41Come on!
00:12:46Come on, soldiers, come on!
00:13:07Sir, we searched everywhere, but we couldn't find him.
00:13:12Sir Othman!
00:13:27Sheikh, forgive me.
00:13:30I left early and had to search the house.
00:13:36This wasn't our goal.
00:13:42As for your concern, I understand.
00:13:46It is obvious that you knew the traitor who set fire to your house.
00:13:53And now it is time to pay the price of treason, Sheikh.
00:14:06Stay here, Burhan.
00:14:17Goktok, follow me.
00:14:19We will go, soldiers, we will not let a bird fly.
00:14:31Stop at all doors!
00:14:34Come on!
00:14:36Come on!
00:14:42Come on!
00:15:06Come on!
00:15:37Who is the traitor who made him so angry?
00:15:41He knew who the traitor was, but he didn't say.
00:15:46So he doesn't want to make a scene before he catches him.
00:15:51Malhun, go to the Qai tribe.
00:15:56But I don't think he wants to see me.
00:15:59Go and tell him why you gave me the ring.
00:16:03This will make him angrier than us.
00:16:06Yes, he will be angry.
00:16:09He will be angry, but you will know who that traitor is.
00:16:30Here you are.
00:16:32Don't tire yourself, sir.
00:16:35My men will now carry your ring to your house, God willing.
00:16:41Welcome, sir.
00:16:49Burhan Alp, do you want a gift for your wife?
00:16:53I received a beautiful ring from Konya.
00:16:55Come, I will give you a special dowry.
00:16:59Have you seen Sayyid Dondar?
00:17:03He was here a while ago, but he wanted to meet the relatives of the martyrs' soldiers.
00:17:10So he went to the Qai.
00:17:26What's going on, Petrus?
00:17:29I didn't like Burhan Alp's eyes.
00:17:33Maybe Dondar is in trouble.
00:17:36But if Othman doubts his uncle, that means we are in trouble too.
00:17:43What will we do?
00:17:45Be more careful.
00:17:47We must know what's going on.
00:18:19What do you want, Sayyid Othman?
00:18:26Please, have a seat.
00:18:56This ring...
00:19:01My father gave it to my uncle in the past.
00:19:12It was the first war for Sayyid Dondar.
00:19:16He took it out of his finger and gave it to his brother.
00:19:20Oh, those days!
00:19:22My grandmother Haima told me.
00:19:25It was a big war.
00:19:28Do you remember, brother?
00:19:31Yes, I remember very well.
00:19:34I heard my grandmother Haima say that my uncle was captured by the infidels.
00:19:40She told the tribe what happened while she was crying.
00:19:46It broke our hearts.
00:19:49It broke our hearts.
00:19:54May God have mercy on them and make their home heaven, God willing.
00:20:09I wish...
00:20:13I wish my grandmother's tears dried up with her.
00:20:18And my father's ring became...
00:20:21A tight rope...
00:20:24On my uncle Dondar's neck and he killed him.
00:20:54What do you say, Sayyid Othman?
00:20:59My uncle...
00:21:02He was the heartbeat of my father.
00:21:07But he hit us in our hearts.
00:21:12He convinced my grandmother.
00:21:15But he broke our eyes.
00:21:18He was the breath of our ancestors.
00:21:21But he cut off our breaths.
00:21:25Uncle Dondar!
00:21:27From the lineage of the ancestors of Logos!
00:21:30The curse of all Sada has been lifted!
00:21:33It's your turn, uncle!
00:21:35Ha ha ha ha ha!
00:21:37Ha ha ha ha ha!
00:21:45Sayyid Othman!
00:21:46Sayyid Othman!
00:21:48What is that?
00:21:50You have never cursed anyone like that in your life!
00:21:54Sayyid Othman!
00:21:56From your ancestors to your father!
00:21:59Your words will not make our masters rest in their graves!
00:22:03Sayyid Othman!
00:22:05Where is the mercy that is in your heart?
00:22:08That you show to all the people!
00:22:11Why does your tongue speak like this?
00:22:14My tongue would have been bound!
00:22:17And I did not say what I heard, Sayyid Bamsi!
00:22:23Tell me, brother!
00:22:25Tell us what happened!
00:22:27What is the matter?
00:22:34The servant of the infidel, Nikola!
00:22:37And the dogs of Baba too!
00:22:39And also...
00:22:42The traitor among us...
00:22:47He is Uncle Sayyid Dandar!
00:23:04What are you saying, brother?
00:23:06You say that he caused the bloodshed of my son?
00:23:11Do you have proof, brother?
00:23:22The person who...
00:23:24Stabbed the infidel, Idris!
00:23:27He is Uncle Dandar!
00:23:31And this ring...
00:23:32The ring...
00:23:34It fell from his finger, stained with blood!
00:23:48He was afraid that the spies of Baba would speak!
00:23:52So he knows them!
00:23:55And he serves them too!
00:24:05What will I not do to you now, Dandar?
00:24:15I want revenge, Sayyid Othman!
00:24:18In exchange for my son's blood, I want blood!
00:24:23Brother Al-Makdam!
00:24:26Brother Al-Mahmoud!
00:24:28Do you think...
00:24:30That his blood...
00:24:32The blood of bravery and courage...
00:24:35Will cool our burning hearts?
00:24:38Tell me, brother!
00:25:13My son...
00:25:15Sayyid Bamsi...
00:25:17My son...
00:25:19O Sada!
00:25:22Return to your senses!
00:25:27Return to your senses!
00:25:38What will we do?
00:25:40How will we clean up this mess that will befall our generation, brother?
00:25:53My soldiers are looking for him in Sogut!
00:25:55Let me catch my uncle first!
00:25:59Let me catch him first!
00:26:07No one will know about this now!
00:26:17My uncle comes out of his hole and falls into our hands...
00:26:21Our swords will not come out of their sheaths!
00:26:26This is what we must do!
00:26:31Do you understand?
00:26:55Bury our people's honor...
00:27:00And the pain that fills our hearts inside of you...
00:27:11When he comes out of his hole...
00:27:14His blood is lawful for many of the heroes of our tribe!
00:27:25To Sogut!
00:27:48What do you want?
00:27:50I must see the ruler.
00:27:52As you wish.
00:27:56Goodbye, my brother.
00:28:01Goodbye, my brother.
00:28:16You worked with the mouse and the old man!
00:28:19I worked with the dogs before to hunt them all!
00:28:22Save us from a disaster that you and your army could not save from!
00:28:31Togai will return from the place he went to, and he will bring soldiers.
00:28:35What will we do then? Will we fight the Mongols?
00:28:47Before Togai returns, we will advance towards our goal.
00:29:17What is this?
00:29:20Jordan and Al-Baba have dug trenches under the city of Sogut.
00:29:27I have dug a trench at the head of Othman, and I have drilled holes in it.
00:29:35We will enter Sogut through these tunnels.
00:29:41And we will get out of it victorious.
00:29:46This is a victory on a golden platter.
00:29:54Take them to Sogut quickly.
00:29:56Yes, my lady.
00:29:57And be careful.
00:29:58Yes, my lady. Do not worry.
00:30:02What is going on?
00:30:03Welcome, sir.
00:30:06Welcome, sir.
00:30:09You have honored our tribe.
00:30:12Welcome, welcome.
00:30:32Alaja, wait for me here.
00:30:35Welcome, sir.
00:30:46Welcome, sir.
00:30:55Where are you going?
00:30:57I will meet Mr. Othman.
00:31:00Mr. Othman has gathered Mrs. Al-Kai.
00:31:07Good. We will wait for him then.
00:31:17Are you going to tell him about your deal with Nikola?
00:31:21Or did your father fall down and you want to save him?
00:31:30Mrs. Bala, it is clear that you did not come to talk to us.
00:31:35If your intention is the trees, this is not the place.
00:31:38My intention is not the trees, Mrs. Malhum.
00:31:42I hope you understand that you brought us trouble.
00:31:48We did not bring trouble. We came to it.
00:31:52And we are trying to get rid of this trouble now.
00:31:58Understand this.
00:32:19Mr. Othman is free now. He is waiting for you.
00:32:31Your permission, Mrs. Malhum.
00:32:42May I come in, Mr. Othman?
00:32:45Come in.
00:33:03Mr. Othman, I came to give you justice in your anger.
00:33:08Come to me this time.
00:33:16You are right.
00:33:18You opened your tribe to me.
00:33:21And I was your city.
00:33:25And I should have brought you the ring.
00:33:30But understand me, Mr. Othman.
00:33:33I am responsible for my tribe.
00:33:38I did not want to do anything before consulting my father.
00:33:46But Mrs. Umar decided that the right thing to do is to hide this ring, didn't she?
00:33:54She was afraid that the traitor would have mercy if he was close to you.
00:33:59The position of the ruler is not the position of mercy.
00:34:08The one who has mercy on the traitor is the one who betrays the oppressed.
00:34:23But you wanted to find the traitor before me, didn't you?
00:34:28You are right.
00:34:35If we were mean to you, we would never have given you this ring.
00:34:43Think about it.
00:34:59What is the purpose of her coming here again?
00:35:07Mrs. Malhun found this ring in the place where Idris was killed.
00:35:16Did she hide this from you and wandered around while she was carrying it?
00:35:22Did she hide this from you and wandered around while she was carrying it?
00:35:40Mrs. Bala!
00:35:47Who tried to kill Mr. Othman?
00:35:51Idris, the trader of the treasure in the tribe.
00:35:56So the traitor has entered your tribe.
00:36:00We were together, Mr. Othman.
00:36:03She took it while she was with me.
00:36:06He killed my uncle Dondar.
00:36:13Mr. Dondar?
00:36:18The brother of Mr. Ertugrul?
00:36:21Uncle Dondar?
00:36:33No one will know about this.
00:36:37You must not hear about this.
00:36:41Of course, Mr. Othman. Of course.
00:36:45Don't take your eyes off her.
00:36:48Take her to the food house.
00:36:51She will be by your side.
00:36:55Mrs. Hazal will take us to Hamdi.
00:37:02She will not leave my sight.
00:37:05Do not worry.
00:37:31Sir, Mr. Dondar is here.
00:37:33Let him in.
00:37:38Who is this Turk?
00:37:40The uncle of the man who killed your brother, Kalanoz.
00:37:46Do you mean Dondar?
00:37:50Hide your anger.
00:37:53He is the horse of Turwada.
00:38:27Mr. Dondar, according to your courage to come here,
00:38:33this is an important matter.
00:38:36Yes, yes.
00:38:39Othman knew that I was fighting the pottery maker.
00:38:44What else did he know?
00:38:46Isn't that enough?
00:38:52Petrus, did he know about them?
00:38:57He knew about me only.
00:39:00And I did not find a refuge other than you, Nikola.
00:39:08My friends are here for this.
00:39:12My castle is your home.
00:39:20I want my wife, Hazal, to come here.
00:39:25Mr. Dondar, you look a little tired.
00:39:32Rest now. Sit down.
00:39:39This lady will be my guest here, just like you, Mr. Dondar.
00:39:45Don't worry.
00:39:49Othman and the soldiers of Togay have executed Kalanoz's army.
00:39:56Mr. Dondar, this is better.
00:40:00Othman and I are left alone.
00:40:03This is better.
00:40:05Othman and I are left alone.
00:40:08The end is near.
00:40:11We will both get what we want.
00:40:16You rest now.
00:40:21Commander Mikis!
00:40:26Prepare a room for Mr. Dondar to rest.
00:40:33Yes, sir.
00:41:03Let's go!
00:41:33How are you, Mrs. Bala?
00:41:36Are you here to see me?
00:41:39I want to talk to you.
00:41:46Didn't you hear me, Mrs. Bala?
00:41:49Don't talk to me.
00:41:51I want to talk to you.
00:41:54I want to talk to you.
00:41:57I want to talk to you.
00:42:00I want to talk to you.
00:42:03I want to talk to you.
00:42:06I want to talk to you.
00:42:09I want to talk to you.
00:42:13I want to talk to you.
00:42:17I want to talk to you.
00:42:21I want to talk to you.
00:42:25You're starting to cross the line, Mrs. Bala.
00:42:28Talk to me. What's your problem?
00:42:32How did you deceive me?
00:42:35You found the ring and hid it with you.
00:42:39You talked about the traitor for days.
00:42:42You hid the evidence and judged us because we don't have any evidence.
00:42:47I explained this to Mr. Othman.
00:42:49This is your punishment for presenting it to me.
00:42:52Now your pride will not remain above your neck.
00:43:01Let's go.
00:43:32Cai Alp.
00:43:35You are a beautiful warrior.
00:43:38But you don't do any work.
00:43:41You sleep all day.
00:43:45What kind of mind is this, warrior?
00:44:02He's getting older.
00:44:06You must have a problem with him.
00:44:12Mr. Dondar.
00:44:15He hasn't come back yet.
00:44:18He told me to prepare dinner.
00:44:21But he hasn't come back to the tent yet.
00:44:25And he didn't send any message.
00:44:31I don't think you're worried.
00:44:34I don't know where he is.
00:44:37He doesn't tell me anything.
00:44:40So you don't know where he is either.
00:44:44So I have to ask Mr. Othman.
00:44:55Where is my warrior grandfather, Tora?
00:44:58Didn't he come back to his tent?
00:45:11What are you planning to do to them again, father?
00:45:17So Mr. Othman didn't give you any name.
00:45:23It turned out he was a good person.
00:45:25And instead of thanking me for giving him the ring,
00:45:29he blames us for hiding it from him.
00:45:32That's what hurts him.
00:45:35It's his right to be angry for a while.
00:45:38But these actions will lead to enmity.
00:45:46Do you allow me, sir?
00:45:49Come in, Bahadir.
00:45:55We increased the number of soldiers around the tribe as you ordered, sir.
00:46:00Good. Open your eyes wide.
00:46:05He's like an evil monkey.
00:46:08We don't know where he might come from.
00:46:11Don't worry, sir.
00:46:21What's wrong with you?
00:46:23Why do you look sad?
00:46:28Mr. Othman doesn't trust us anymore.
00:46:31We didn't do the right thing by hiding the ring, father.
00:46:37It's over.
00:46:40Don't worry about it anymore.
00:46:53Excuse me, sir.
00:46:56Good. You may go.
00:46:59Go and rest, so you can return to your nature.
00:47:12This girl is hiding something from me, but...
00:47:16let it be good.
00:47:24It's hard for me to be treated like a child.
00:47:28I can't control myself.
00:47:32What was your goal, Bala?
00:47:38I wanted to get even with her for what she did to us.
00:47:42I wanted to get even with her for what she did to us.
00:47:50So you wanted to get even with her.
00:47:57May I come in, Mr. Othman?
00:48:00May I come in, Mr. Othman?
00:48:10Come in.
00:48:31How are you, Mrs. Hazal?
00:48:49There is no news from Dondar.
00:48:54He hasn't changed at all.
00:48:56Do you know anything about him, Mr. Othman?
00:49:01Who knows what you don't know?
00:49:14As long as you are so worried...
00:49:18you know where my uncle Dondar is.
00:49:27I told you, I don't know.
00:49:30I told you, I don't know.
00:49:33Otherwise, why would I ask you?
00:49:44So you don't know.
00:49:57Mrs. Hazal.
00:50:00Come to my house tomorrow.
00:50:03I need your help.
00:50:06This way, you won't have to worry so much.
00:50:13Very well.
00:50:16Of course, Mrs. Bala.
00:50:19I'll let you know when I know for sure.
00:50:27May I come in, Mr. Othman?
00:50:30Come in.
00:50:49If you don't know where Dondar is...
00:50:53then all your worries...
00:50:56are because of the plans he made with you.
00:51:06He spoke.
00:51:08We asked and searched.
00:51:10No one saw Mr. Dondar in Sogoud.
00:51:13It's obvious that he ran away.
00:51:17Even if he ran away to the seas...
00:51:19he wouldn't be able to escape his anger.
00:51:28Keep Dondar's tent under surveillance.
00:51:31Yes, sir.
00:51:33Very well, sir.
00:51:44I'll talk to you later.
00:51:50But for now...
00:51:52keep your eyes on Hazal.
00:51:56She will take us to my uncle.
00:51:59Don't worry, sir.
00:52:04If you'll excuse me.
00:52:19I'll see you later.
00:52:44From one sea to another...
00:52:46a message for my father.
00:53:09In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
00:53:17We know where Dondar is.
00:53:20He went to Nikola.
00:53:23Mr. Othman must have suspected his betrayal.
00:53:28We're safe now.
00:53:38she's a threat to us.
00:53:41Dondar must have told him about her.
00:53:44Where is she?
00:53:46I don't know.
00:53:48But if she did...
00:53:51Othman would be dead by now.
00:53:54We must kill her before she speaks.
00:53:57We must.
00:54:13May God be pleased with me.
00:54:20May God be pleased with me.
00:54:22May God be pleased with you.
00:54:25May God be pleased with you, my daughter.
00:54:30You're safe.
00:54:32You're safe.
00:54:34May God be pleased with you.
00:54:36You're safe.
00:54:38You're safe.
00:54:41Mother Fatima...
00:54:42Is your daughter Irmak well?
00:54:44Does she need anything?
00:54:46She's eating well.
00:54:48She's getting better.
00:54:50May God be pleased with you.
00:54:52Thank God.
00:54:54Thank God.
00:54:56Then let me come to your house
00:54:59to send my regards to your daughter Irmak.
00:55:01Of course.
00:55:07let's go to Mother Fatima's house.
00:55:12You're safe.
00:55:14May God be pleased with you.
00:55:18Wait for me, Mother.
00:55:21Mr. Hazal...
00:55:23You're safe.
00:55:25We'll go to Mother Fatima's house and come back.
00:55:28Stay here and watch the work.
00:55:30You're safe.
00:55:32Of course.
00:55:34I'll stay here.
00:55:38You're safe.
00:55:40Let's go.
00:55:48Mrs. Aisha...
00:55:50You're safe.
00:55:54We're going to buy fabric from the market.
00:55:58Let's go.
00:56:00As you wish, Madam.
00:56:02You're safe.
00:56:04Let's go, my daughter.
00:56:10May God be pleased with you.
00:56:13Thank God.
00:56:17May God be pleased with you.
00:56:19May God be pleased with you.
00:56:21I was in need of food.
00:56:35Mr. Othman Mohiq...
00:56:37Mrs. Hazal is waiting for us.
00:56:42Let's go.
00:56:47Tell Boran Albi Agonja.
00:56:49Let's go.
00:56:51Okay, Bala.
00:57:06Mrs. Hazal is coming.
00:57:10No, Petros.
00:57:12With her assistant.
00:57:15We won't kill her today.
00:57:17We'll raise suspicions.
00:57:20What will we do?
00:57:33Where is Mr. Dondar?
00:57:36Do you know anything about him?
00:57:38We don't know either.
00:57:40We haven't seen Mr. Dondar since yesterday.
00:57:43A beautiful garment has arrived from Konya.
00:57:46Take a look at it.
00:57:48Don't play with it, Petros.
00:57:54I know who you are.
00:58:05Where is Mr. Dondar?
00:58:08What's going on?
00:58:10I don't know.
00:58:16What's going on in this haunted city?
00:58:30Did anyone follow you?
00:58:35I told you what's going on.
00:58:40Mr. Dondar is looking for Nikola.
00:59:05How do I know?
00:59:07How do I know?
00:59:09We also...
00:59:11...know where you are, Mrs. Hazal.
00:59:14Othman is looking for Mr. Dondar everywhere.
00:59:19But it's clear that he doesn't suspect you.
00:59:26At least, not now.
00:59:38You don't like this fabric either?
00:59:43He left me...
00:59:46...and ran away.
00:59:50He must have...
00:59:52...taken precautions...
00:59:54...for a situation like this.
01:00:01What kind of precautions?
01:00:03We have the necessary equipment.
01:00:05Don't worry.
01:00:07Calm down.
01:00:10I won't go back to the tribe.
01:00:12We'll take you to Mr. Dondar.
01:00:15Get rid of that assistant of yours...
01:00:18...and come quickly.
01:00:20I have to...
01:00:23...go back to the tribe.
01:00:26At least...
01:00:27...to get my things...
01:00:29...and my accessories.
01:00:30Be careful.
01:00:33We don't have time.
01:00:35If Othman knows where Dondar is, he'll start chasing you.
01:00:40Go now.
01:01:35To bury her body far away...
01:01:38...so that no one finds her.
01:02:05Road to Dondar
01:02:26It looks like she's disoriented...
01:02:28...and thinking of what she's doing.
01:02:30Who are you looking at? Why are you surprised?
01:02:37Let's go.
01:02:52Where are the horses?
01:02:55Aren't we going back to the family home?
01:02:58You will take us back to the tribe.
01:03:01I have some work to do.
01:03:07Let me tell you, Mr. Othman.
01:03:10Brother, you have the right.
01:03:15Let's go, Ponja. Let's go.
01:03:24To be continued...
