Menlu Retno Marsudi Tak Mau Percaya dengan Pidato PM Israel Netanyahu

  • yesterday
Menteri Luar Negeri RI Retno Marsudi merespons pidato Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu saat Sesi Debat Umum Sidang ke-79 Majelis Umum PBB.


00:00Indefinitely, the Indonesian Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi,
00:04has raised global issues in his speech at the 79th General Assembly of the People's Republic of New York on Saturday, September 28.
00:12The first thing he said was a defense for Palestine,
00:16and specifically questioned the statement of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who gave a speech the day before.
00:24Netanyahu's speech was also colored by the walkout protests from Indonesian delegations and a number of other countries.
00:54Israel has launched an attack on Lebanon since September 23 and continues until Friday, September 27,
01:13killing Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.
01:16In a statement to the Usai Pidato media, Retno needs to underline that Lebanon should not become a new Gaza,
01:24nor should violence in Gaza and the West Bank become normal.
01:29While Indonesia's efforts have been maximal, according to Retno, now the ball is in the hands of the UN Security Council,
01:36especially a country that has a veto right.
01:39From New York, United States, Suwanti, Internews.
01:46Thank you very much.
