Twas the Date Before Christmas - New Release Hallmark 2024 - Great Romance 2024 -Best Hallmark Movie

  • yesterday
00:00:00Yes, I will remember that.
00:00:02The furnace switch is in the crawlspace.
00:00:07Thank you so much, Mr. Duvall.
00:00:15I'm sorry.
00:00:16Are you okay?
00:00:17Uh, yes.
00:00:19After you.
00:00:20You go.
00:00:21Please, you go.
00:00:22Oh, please.
00:00:22I insist.
00:00:23Would it kill her to accept a kind gesture every now and then?
00:00:28Not Kara.
00:00:29Okay, okay.
00:00:32Not a problem.
00:00:36After you.
00:00:46Look what the cat dragged in.
00:00:49Look at this place.
00:00:50This is incredible.
00:00:53Mom did some redecorating here and in our apartment upstairs, too.
00:00:56Oh, I can tell.
00:00:57Daisy's on the tape.
00:00:58Fresh from my daily walks by the river.
00:01:01Hi, honey.
00:01:02Hi, Mom.
00:01:04I've missed you guys.
00:01:05I've missed you, too.
00:01:06Do you need anything?
00:01:07You hungry?
00:01:08Uh, no.
00:01:08I'm good.
00:01:09But, uh, he might need something.
00:01:12Uh, hot new guy.
00:01:14Roast beef on rye?
00:01:16Yes, please.
00:01:17He's been coming by every day this week.
00:01:19No complaints here.
00:01:28Uh, hmm.
00:01:30Well, I don't think he'd say it.
00:01:32Might be interested.
00:01:37Did you meet someone in Vietnam?
00:01:39No, but I don't have time for that because I sold my book.
00:01:45Yes, and I have to have the first draft in as soon as possible, so I have a lot to do.
00:01:49That is amazing.
00:01:51I'm so proud of you.
00:01:52Uh, me, too.
00:01:53Me, too.
00:01:54Wait, for what?
00:01:54She sold her book.
00:01:55She sold her book!
00:02:00Hey, uh, congratulations.
00:02:05Okay, let's get you upstairs, get you settled in, and then we go celebrate.
00:02:08Uh, actually, I have something I want to show you first.
00:02:11You do?
00:02:12Oh, if it's another three-hour slideshow, count me out.
00:02:14I don't have time for a nap today.
00:02:16It's not.
00:02:17I promise.
00:02:19Come on.
00:02:20Okay, let's go.
00:02:21So, we need, um—
00:02:24Uh, eggs, flour, sugar, do we need butter?
00:02:27Do we have enough butter?
00:02:28Uh, last time I checked it, it, um—
00:02:40So, take a look.
00:02:44The Duval's house.
00:02:46You used to love that place.
00:02:47I used to love it, too.
00:02:49You used to love that place.
00:02:51Remember when they used to let us picnic on the riverbank?
00:02:54And used to make us eat those disgusting tomato sandwiches?
00:02:56They were not disgusting.
00:02:57Puts only tomato on a sandwich.
00:03:00It's an accessory.
00:03:01Well, I have come a long way since then, so you need to give me some credit.
00:03:09They finally sold the place.
00:03:11They did.
00:03:12To me!
00:03:14No way.
00:03:16Yes way!
00:03:17But how?
00:03:18With the advance from my book.
00:03:20As soon as I got the check, I called the Duval's.
00:03:22They're already living in California with their daughter.
00:03:24They sold it to me right away.
00:03:25Furnished and everything.
00:03:27So, you actually own this?
00:03:34You did it!
00:03:35You really did it!
00:03:38I'm so happy for you!
00:03:42And Ashley, Mom.
00:03:44They recently renovated the third floor into an apartment, so...
00:03:48No, I can't invade your space.
00:03:50Mom, I've been sleeping on a cotter in a moving vehicle for the past year.
00:03:54All I need is an office and a bedroom.
00:03:56And plus, you always loved this place as much as I did.
00:04:01I do, but...
00:04:02No buts.
00:04:03You're always on me about accepting kindness.
00:04:06So please, don't say no.
00:04:09I want to do this for you.
00:04:11You've done so much for us.
00:04:14Except a house.
00:04:15You've given us endless love and support, more than any kid I know.
00:04:24Hey, what am I?
00:04:25Chopped liver?
00:04:26Don't I get a room?
00:04:27Oh please, you've been trying to get rid of us since you were nine.
00:04:30Are you telling me you don't want to live alone?
00:04:35On second thought, I'm good.
00:04:37So when do you move in?
00:04:38We move in tomorrow.
00:04:46So do we get to go in now or what?
00:05:05It's more beautiful than I remember.
00:05:08I know, right?
00:05:09Holy smokes, check this out.
00:05:12Oh, the Duval's.
00:05:14Oh, it's so nice seeing two people still in love after all those years.
00:05:22It's possible.
00:05:27Look at this place, it's huge.
00:05:34Oh, you are definitely hosting movie night now.
00:05:39Ooh, and wait until you see the wraparound porch.
00:05:44Tell me.
00:05:45It's a dream, isn't it?
00:05:46No, don't tell me.
00:05:47Don't tell me.
00:05:52Wow, that's straight out of a magazine.
00:05:55Yeah, it's okay.
00:05:59Can't you just see yourself sitting out here on a cool summer evening,
00:06:03sipping a hot tea, listening to the crickets?
00:06:06Sounds like heaven.
00:06:08And can you just see yourself picking fresh vegetables from your huge lush garden
00:06:14to serve at the cafe?
00:06:15There's a vegetable garden back here?
00:06:17Not yet, but there could be if you build one.
00:06:20True, there's nothing you can't learn on the internet.
00:06:23Consider it done.
00:06:30I can't believe this is real.
00:06:32Do we really get to live here?
00:06:35Yes, we do.
00:07:08It's just a romance, Kara.
00:07:14No big deal.
00:07:19Think Robert Redford in The Horse Whisperer.
00:07:27Okay, think Star-Crossed Lovers.
00:07:33Destiny or past lives.
00:07:44Mom, what are you doing?
00:07:47Yeah, maybe.
00:07:49What is that?
00:07:53Oh, it sounds like construction.
00:07:58No, it can't be.
00:08:13Excuse me!
00:08:14Excuse me!
00:08:16What is going on here?
00:08:20It's you.
00:08:21It's you.
00:08:26What is... what is going on here?
00:08:28What do you mean?
00:08:29What are you doing on my property?
00:08:31You live here.
00:08:32We were told that it was vacant.
00:08:33Well, not anymore.
00:08:35Oh, nice place you got here.
00:08:37But this, it's a city property.
00:08:39It's leased by Cedar Shores Powergen Company.
00:08:43Yeah, we're building the dam.
00:08:46What dam?
00:08:47The hydroelectric dam that the city approved last year.
00:08:49Last year, here?
00:08:51Okay, that can't be possible.
00:08:52Nobody in the town knows anything about a dam.
00:08:55You know everyone in town?
00:08:57Yeah, actually, I do.
00:08:59Oh, okay.
00:09:00Well, then you can ask them why they didn't show up to the community meeting.
00:09:02Okay, well, I don't know why they didn't show up to the meeting,
00:09:04but I will find out.
00:09:07Hey, come on.
00:09:08I have waited 34 years to live in that house and write my book.
00:09:11Okay, hey, how am I supposed to write my book with all this jackhammering going on?
00:09:14Look, Miss...
00:09:15Carrie Durant.
00:09:16Miss Durant, I am sorry for all the confusion,
00:09:18but I'm just the engineer.
00:09:19I got here last week.
00:09:20I definitely don't make the decisions around here.
00:09:23Hey, boss?
00:09:25Andrea's got a question here about the footings for the trailer.
00:09:28Can you just give me a minute, would you?
00:09:30You got it, boss.
00:09:32I just oversee the construction, I swear.
00:09:35I have nothing to do with selecting locations.
00:09:37If you have a problem with any of the rest of it,
00:09:39I think you should bring it up with the mayor.
00:09:40He and the higher-ups are the ones you want to talk to.
00:09:43Now, here, this is the communications department.
00:09:48My contact's on the back.
00:09:51I'm Riley.
00:09:53Nice to meet you again.
00:09:54I don't have the mayor's number, but...
00:09:56I know, Mayor Burns!
00:09:58Well, then, you have everything you need.
00:10:03Boss, don't get too comfortable,
00:10:05because this is not gonna last long!
00:10:12Oh, man.
00:10:13Is there gonna be trouble?
00:10:15Yeah, it looks like it.
00:10:20All right, let's get back to work.
00:10:28Do you need help with that?
00:10:34Fine, yes.
00:10:35What happened to drip pots?
00:10:39Give me.
00:10:39It's a dam!
00:10:40What's that now?
00:10:42They're building a hydro dam right in front of our house!
00:10:44Hey, I noticed some trucks or something.
00:10:46Hi, by the way.
00:10:47Are you sure that's what it is?
00:10:48That doesn't make any sense.
00:10:50I mean, why haven't we heard about it?
00:10:51I have no idea, but this is not good.
00:10:54The river?
00:10:54Okay, this is gonna change everything.
00:10:56A lot of the businesses downtown are tourism-based.
00:10:58This is bad!
00:10:59Wait till people on Main Street find out mutiny.
00:11:02That guy, Riley?
00:11:04The hot guy from the cafe?
00:11:06He said they had a community meeting, and no one came.
00:11:09He's working for the man.
00:11:12If there was a meeting, we would have heard about it.
00:11:13The mayor comes into the cafe every day.
00:11:15Yeah, but that's what I said!
00:11:16Well, what are we gonna do?
00:11:18I have no idea.
00:11:19Well, we're not gonna just roll over on this.
00:11:24Oh, where are you going?
00:11:25Stop this train before it leaves the station.
00:11:30Please make coffee.
00:11:33Got it.
00:11:38Yes, I hear you, Mr. Ross,
00:11:40but we cannot hand out designated parking spaces at the pharmacy.
00:11:47Yes, you can file a complaint.
00:11:48I'll transfer you to Human Resources.
00:11:49Hold on.
00:11:54Karen Durant!
00:11:56What a surprise.
00:11:59Oh, sorry.
00:12:01Mayor Byrne's office.
00:12:04Uh, yes, we do have a mailing address.
00:12:07One second.
00:12:08It is, ah, 4192 Main Street, Winfields.
00:12:14You're very welcome.
00:12:15Bye now.
00:12:17Sorry about that.
00:12:18Still don't have an assistant, do you?
00:12:20Not in the budget, dear.
00:12:22But I do have this handy direct-to-voice mail button.
00:12:28So, Kara, welcome home.
00:12:30It's been a while.
00:12:32It has.
00:12:33I don't know if you heard, but I bought the Ridgecrest Manor.
00:12:37Oh, good for you.
00:12:38You and your mom both love that house.
00:12:40We do.
00:12:41And it would be a shame to ruin it with that new dam you decided to build.
00:12:46Oh, right.
00:12:48I apologize.
00:12:49But that was put in place before you came back.
00:12:51So how come nobody knows about it then?
00:12:53Apparently there was some community meeting and no one got invited?
00:12:57Unfortunately, it was all fairly last minute.
00:13:00But we did put something on our website.
00:13:02The website, Mayor.
00:13:04That sounds like shoving it under the rug to me.
00:13:06Now, Kara, I know you're upset,
00:13:08but I really believe this could be the best thing for all of us here.
00:13:12We can't just add a dam.
00:13:14The water's going to be rerouted.
00:13:16What's the plan for that?
00:13:17An overflow pool just up County Road 9.
00:13:19That old farmer's field?
00:13:21Okay, but what about downstream?
00:13:22That's all going to dry up.
00:13:24The riverwalk?
00:13:25The swimming hole?
00:13:26It's all going to disappear.
00:13:27Mayor Burns, with all due respect,
00:13:29those spots are real tourism draws.
00:13:31The downtown core is going to suffer.
00:13:34Now, these are valid concerns, very valid concerns,
00:13:37which I share, quite frankly.
00:13:39But the numbers that they presented to us,
00:13:41as far as new jobs and revenue, were quite compelling.
00:13:44They seem to believe that any losses would be negligible.
00:13:47Those are just projections.
00:13:48I've visited and written about towns like this in my blog for years.
00:13:52And trust me, the whole landscape of the town is going to change.
00:13:56And if people knew just how bad it was going to be,
00:13:58they would object.
00:14:03There's an adjustment meeting in two weeks,
00:14:05and the committee will take a vote.
00:14:07Reps from Cedar Shores Power Gen will be there.
00:14:10It's the last chance anyone from the community
00:14:12will have to make their voices heard.
00:14:14You could discuss your concerns there,
00:14:16with supporting evidence, of course.
00:14:18A vote?
00:14:20Great, I will be there.
00:14:21With evidence.
00:14:23I'll be there.
00:14:25See you there.
00:14:26Mayor Burns speaking.
00:14:28I'm going to bring the town.
00:14:31Two weeks?
00:14:32It's not a lot of time.
00:14:33I know, but it's something.
00:14:34We have to start by getting the word out.
00:14:37I'll make some flyers.
00:14:38And I'll email Nadia and the bingo hall.
00:14:42Nothing starts a rumor faster than the bingo hall.
00:14:45I'm with you on informing everyone, guys,
00:14:48but you really need to get the man on your side.
00:14:51Mayor Burns seems sympathetic.
00:14:52I'm talking about the money, honey.
00:14:54What, the power company?
00:14:56Listening to community concerns is just something to endure
00:14:59for these kinds of companies.
00:15:00But if you got someone inside the company to agree with you,
00:15:03you may actually stand a chance.
00:15:06Why not?
00:15:06I can make a good case on my own.
00:15:08I'm sure you can,
00:15:09but it'll be in one ear and out the other
00:15:11without the right connections.
00:15:12I disagree.
00:15:12Maybe you should listen to Leanna on this one.
00:15:14She could be right.
00:15:15Yes, I'm right about these kinds of things.
00:15:17That's one of my better traits.
00:15:19I don't know.
00:15:20I mean, what is in it for him?
00:15:22Don't be so cynical, sweetheart.
00:15:24He could be a man of conscience.
00:15:25He does tip 20%.
00:15:26It's a big ask.
00:15:27And unless we make it make sense from a business perspective,
00:15:30we're wasting our time.
00:15:31What do you mean?
00:15:32We start by making the case about the effects on the town.
00:15:36And then we offer an alternative, a solution.
00:15:40Like another location?
00:15:42And we make moving the dam the better option.
00:15:45I like it.
00:15:46I love it.
00:15:48But you don't know anything about hydro dams.
00:15:50No, but Riley does.
00:15:51So I just need to start by getting him invested in the town
00:15:55and then point him in a different direction.
00:15:57And then he does all the rest.
00:16:02Only brilliant if it works.
00:16:04Start with the sandwich.
00:16:13There's a reason why it's so common.
00:16:14It works.
00:16:16Go get him then.
00:16:32Is the boss here?
00:16:34Ms. Durant, what a surprise.
00:16:37Uh, Kara, please.
00:16:39Do you have a minute?
00:16:43Come on in.
00:16:54Did you, uh, speak with the mayor?
00:16:57I did.
00:16:59He told me about the adjustment meeting and suggested I plead my case there.
00:17:04Oh yeah, you should.
00:17:06Unfortunately, we both know what kind of dog and pony show those meetings are.
00:17:11And I think the town deserves more than that.
00:17:14Don't you?
00:17:16Is this really about the town, or is it about ruining your view?
00:17:30I'm sorry, I have to ask.
00:17:32I mean, I'd be miffed about it too.
00:17:34Honestly, if that's all this was about, I'd be over it already.
00:17:37Bureaucratic jump rope isn't my idea of fun.
00:17:40The people in this town raised me as much as my mom did,
00:17:43and they're carrying this town on their backs.
00:17:45They might be about to lose their jobs, their businesses, and maybe even their homes.
00:17:49I have to at least try and help.
00:17:51That is why I'm here.
00:17:52I know it's hard to see the place you grew up in change so much,
00:17:56but sometimes change is good.
00:17:58Not like this.
00:18:00Okay, the river.
00:18:03The river is the heart and soul of this town, and you can't put a price on that.
00:18:11What if I show you around, give you the official town tour?
00:18:15The nitty-gritty kind.
00:18:17And then what?
00:18:18And then maybe you can see how detrimental the dam is,
00:18:23and you can back me up in the adjustment meeting, and we can both plead our case.
00:18:27You know I can't speak for the whole company.
00:18:29I'm just a brick-and-mortar guy.
00:18:31The higher-ups are—
00:18:32More likely to listen to you than me.
00:18:34More likely to listen to money than either of us.
00:18:37I know.
00:18:39What if I told you I could find an alternative location that could work for everyone,
00:18:45and I know I don't know much about the science behind it, but that's where you come in.
00:18:50You've really thought it through.
00:18:54And I will provide you with unlimited sandwiches for your time.
00:19:03I can't guarantee any of this will work, but we can try.
00:19:10What are you doing tomorrow? Nine o'clock.
00:19:11I'll be here.
00:19:13All right, I'll see you then.
00:19:38Game on.
00:19:45Just a train of thought.
00:19:53Not going on its own.
00:19:54Just type.
00:19:57Whatever you want.
00:20:01Morgan did her best to ignore him.
00:20:03It felt like the only logical solution to a doomed encounter, and—
00:20:09If she was honest with herself, she'd admit some kind of familiar zing had passed between them that day.
00:20:16But how was that possible when she'd never met him before?
00:20:19How could her body know someone when her mind did not?
00:20:28Hi, Marianne!
00:20:31How are you?
00:20:34Kara, darling, I'm fabulous, but how about you?
00:20:37Now, I got your message about the dam.
00:20:39That's so unfortunate.
00:20:41Oh, yeah, I'm fine.
00:20:43I'm good, actually.
00:20:44Um, I just—
00:20:46Hey, it's been a little—
00:20:49Yeah, immensely.
00:20:51And, um, I just—
00:20:53I don't know if I can make this whole romancing work.
00:20:55It just doesn't feel right.
00:20:57Well, have you ever considered that you might be mistaking right for comfortable?
00:21:03What do you mean?
00:21:04Now, just because romance is outside your comfort zone doesn't make it wrong.
00:21:09Maybe you should just try and sit with your discomfort.
00:21:13Sit with it?
00:21:14You know, everything going on with the house and your book, all of it.
00:21:18Don't push it aside and distract yourself.
00:21:21Just sit with it.
00:21:24Okay, yeah, yeah, I'll try.
00:21:27Call me anytime.
00:21:28I'm around.
00:21:30Will do.
00:21:31Thank you, Marianne.
00:21:51Sit with it.
00:21:53Sit with it.
00:22:04What? What is it?
00:22:16What is it?
00:22:17We're up all night.
00:22:17Oh, yeah, thank you.
00:22:20I put some cinnamon in it.
00:22:21I thought it might be good.
00:22:28Look at this.
00:22:28Can I read?
00:22:29Uh, only if you promise not to give me your opinion.
00:22:35Honey, everything you do is excellent.
00:22:38I already love it.
00:22:39Look, Morgan.
00:22:40That is an excellent name.
00:22:43Mom, later.
00:22:45Got it.
00:22:46So, what time are you meeting Riley?
00:22:48Oh, nine.
00:22:50Did you talk to the shop owners when you handed out those fliers?
00:22:53I did.
00:22:53They will be ready.
00:22:55How'd you sleep?
00:22:56Oh, good.
00:22:57Until those machines showed up.
00:23:04What machines?
00:23:14Trying to put those markers over there.
00:23:16Oh, dear.
00:23:20What is going on?
00:23:22I was told we had two weeks before breaking ground.
00:23:25I thought so, too, but I don't know.
00:23:26This gentleman here said he got orders from head office,
00:23:28and it was on a schedule for this morning.
00:23:29So maybe something changed.
00:23:30Nothing can't be right!
00:23:32Where's the permit?
00:23:39Not the 4th!
00:23:40So shut it down, people!
00:23:42Shut it down!
00:23:43No, no, no, I can't.
00:23:44What? Why?
00:23:45I just feel like I need to get approval from my boss first.
00:23:47Maybe he knows something that I don't.
00:23:49I tried calling him, and he's not picking up.
00:23:51Where is he?
00:24:14What are you doing here?
00:24:15I thought we had a deal!
00:24:16We do.
00:24:17Then why is there someone with a backhoe breaking ground at my house?
00:24:23That can't be right.
00:24:25Some permit mix-up and orders from head office?
00:24:28Don't worry.
00:24:30I'll call my boss and figure out what's going on.
00:24:38Hi, Mr. Gallagher.
00:24:39It's Riley.
00:24:41I hear there's been a mix-up with the Winfields Dam.
00:24:45I understand, sir, but by law, we really should be waiting until after the-
00:24:49After the 24th, at least.
00:24:52I, uh, I know.
00:24:55I understand.
00:24:56But the people of this town are pretty strong-willed.
00:24:59I don't think there's gonna be any leeway here.
00:25:05Thank you, sir.
00:25:07He's calling it off.
00:25:10As he should.
00:25:11I'm sorry.
00:25:12These Chicago guys can be a little overzealous sometimes.
00:25:15Well, you're not Chicago anymore, Dorothy.
00:25:18And thank you.
00:25:20Now, are you ready for your art tour?
00:25:25Let me get changed.
00:25:26Be right back.
00:25:42So, this is kind of like the Grand Central Station of Winfields.
00:25:46There's the grocery store over there.
00:25:48Antiques down the street.
00:25:50And that is Otto's Jelly.
00:25:52Very important.
00:25:53Do not tell my sister.
00:25:55But he has the best Italian stuff in town.
00:25:57Got it.
00:25:58Otto's, go there.
00:26:04So, do you have any of these town staples where you grew up?
00:26:08Not really.
00:26:09I was an army brat.
00:26:11Moved around a lot.
00:26:12I really settled in long enough to get to know the staples.
00:26:15Was that hard, or-?
00:26:17Sometimes, yeah.
00:26:19It forces you to go with the flow.
00:26:21And it teaches you resilience.
00:26:23I can understand that.
00:26:25But really, I thought you grew up here.
00:26:27Oh, yeah, I did.
00:26:28But my mom was always moving us around, too.
00:26:31She doesn't like to get stuck in a rut, as she likes to say.
00:26:34So, that led from job to job.
00:26:36And some were better than others.
00:26:37And we were pretty transient.
00:26:38But to her credit, she always made it fun for us.
00:26:41Your mom sounds like a pretty interesting person.
00:26:43Yeah, she is.
00:26:45And this is Nadia from Nadia's Ice Cream Shop.
00:26:48Whatever she offers you, just say yes.
00:26:50You won't regret it.
00:26:51Hi, Carol.
00:26:52I'm Nadia.
00:26:53This is Riley.
00:26:54Pleased to meet you.
00:26:55Here, Nadia's special.
00:26:56Try it.
00:26:57Ooh, the mystery shake.
00:26:59Nobody knows what she puts in it.
00:27:00And nobody ever will.
00:27:02That's what makes it special.
00:27:03People come from all over to try it.
00:27:06I'll tell you.
00:27:07Well, I can tell why.
00:27:08This is really good.
00:27:10Hey, how much do I owe you?
00:27:11Oh, no, no, no, no.
00:27:12It's our treat.
00:27:13And here's one for you, Carol.
00:27:20She hand out free milkshakes to everyone?
00:27:24Laying in on a little sick, don't you think?
00:27:28Is it working?
00:27:33Uh, are you up for more of a walk?
00:27:35I know a great place where we can sit and drink these.
00:27:38Um, yeah.
00:27:40Let's do it.
00:27:55Oh, wow.
00:27:57It's beautiful.
00:27:58Nice view.
00:27:59So beautiful.
00:28:01During the day, the tourists come here with their kids.
00:28:04And at night, that's when the teens move in.
00:28:08Oh, yeah?
00:28:09I can see that.
00:28:11Were you one of them?
00:28:12On occasion.
00:28:14But in all honesty, this spot's a big draw for our town.
00:28:20It helps keep a lot of the downtown businesses open.
00:28:24And that will probably all change once the dam goes in.
00:28:28I've seen it happen in other towns.
00:28:30In fact, I wrote about this one place in my blog.
00:28:33You have a blog?
00:28:34I do.
00:28:35The Winfields Wanderer.
00:28:37It's a travel blog.
00:28:39And I started out traveling around small towns.
00:28:41But in the last few years, I've been mainly overseas.
00:28:44Hey, that's awesome.
00:28:47Well, I just wrote my last blog post, actually.
00:28:51On to other things.
00:28:52Oh, yeah, I think I heard you say something about a book.
00:28:56That's right.
00:28:59It's a work in progress.
00:29:03Anyway, I know this is just another job and another town that you're driving through.
00:29:07But to everyone here, this is everything.
00:29:17I know you probably have a lot going on at work.
00:29:19But there's something else I want to show you.
00:29:22Are you free tomorrow?
00:29:24Uh, yeah, sure.
00:29:27Meet me at my place, noon?
00:29:28I'll be there.
00:29:31It's a deal.
00:29:47Hey, I got these copies you asked for.
00:29:49Awesome, thank you.
00:29:51Is this the lunch meeting I should be joining you at?
00:29:52No, no, no, no, no, it's good.
00:29:57You buttering up the lady from the big house?
00:30:00Yeah, something like that.
00:30:02Thanks again, Pete.
00:30:03Sure thing.
00:30:21Oh, hey, little guy.
00:30:28Uh, little guy?
00:30:31Not you, him.
00:30:33Oh, hey, hey, hey, get out of there, shoo!
00:30:35Stop scaring the neighbors already.
00:30:38Shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo.
00:30:40You realize that squirrels are just rats with good PR.
00:30:43That's ridiculous.
00:30:47My pleasure.
00:30:48Hey, take it, we're going out in this.
00:30:50Best way to see the river.
00:30:51I'll take your word for it.
00:30:53Have you ever canoed before?
00:30:56Not so much.
00:30:58We were stationed in Arkansas for about a year when I was 11.
00:31:01Spent, spent a lot of time in the backwater,
00:31:03mostly on fishing boats.
00:31:05But you do know how to swim though, right?
00:31:07Well, yeah.
00:31:08You planning on tipping us over?
00:31:11As long as you keep your tailbone glued to that center line,
00:31:14we should be just fine.
00:31:15Aye, aye, Gabby.
00:31:17Sorry, you're just bringing out my inner camp counselor.
00:31:21Did you actually work at a camp?
00:31:23Sure did.
00:31:24Every summer in high school.
00:31:27Why am I not surprised?
00:31:31One, two, three.
00:32:01You ready?
00:32:04My mom and I used to go out in,
00:32:06and that's how we found the big house.
00:32:08That's what we call the house we live in now.
00:32:12And I decided right there and then,
00:32:13I was going to buy it one day.
00:32:15You can understand why.
00:32:16It's a great spot.
00:32:18What about you?
00:32:19Do you have a house or?
00:32:20I have a condo in New York.
00:32:22And I'm never there, so I rent it out.
00:32:25These days, I'm just living wherever the next job takes me.
00:32:28And you like that?
00:32:30Well, I'm used to it.
00:32:32And it suits me for now.
00:32:35Does that mean you're going to change your mind one day?
00:32:38Honestly, I don't see why.
00:32:41We'd pack a cooler full of snacks
00:32:43and come spend the whole day.
00:32:44Swimming and fishing.
00:32:46It was the best.
00:32:47You fish?
00:32:48Yeah, I used to.
00:32:55Actually, I think the last time I went fishing was freshman year.
00:33:01They used to have a fishing derby in the summer,
00:33:03and we'd all come out on rubber dinghies for the day
00:33:05and whoever caught the biggest fish won.
00:33:06And that year, Leanne and I came up together.
00:33:09And we ran into a bunch of guys from school.
00:33:12Oh, here we go.
00:33:15They paddled up to us,
00:33:17and one of the guys threw a fish in our boat.
00:33:20A live one?
00:33:21Yeah, and it still had the lure attached,
00:33:23so it was flopping around,
00:33:24and it finally got caught on Leanne's life jacket.
00:33:28You're kidding.
00:33:29And as you can imagine, the guys thought it was hilarious.
00:33:32But I was so mad, I didn't want the fish to die.
00:33:35So I yanked it off, and I caught it.
00:33:37So I yanked it off, and I threw it in the river.
00:33:40Leanne was screaming.
00:33:41It was a mess.
00:33:42Ten bucks says that guy asked you to prom.
00:33:46Oh, don't tell me you actually went with him.
00:33:51I ended up dating him for like seven years.
00:33:53Oh, no.
00:33:56Didn't end well, as you probably guessed.
00:33:59But don't beat yourself up.
00:34:00We all make dumb decisions when we're young.
00:34:05Did you?
00:34:11A few times.
00:34:13That's why I've spent so long flying solo lately.
00:34:22I looked at the plans for the dam.
00:34:26You did?
00:34:27Yes, and it shows that this whole section down river from my place will dry up.
00:34:32Before the summer months, when the water levels are down, yeah.
00:34:35But in the springtime, when they're high, the river should pretty much look like this.
00:34:42I'm really sorry about that.
00:34:44Trust me.
00:34:44And is it also true that riverfront property value decreases once a dam is installed?
00:34:50That is true.
00:34:51That house of Nadia's is her retirement fund.
00:34:55I see.
00:34:56Riley, I'm not telling you this to make you feel bad.
00:34:59I just want you, and more importantly, your bosses,
00:35:02to understand that there are consequences to these decisions.
00:35:05It's not all profit margins and jobs.
00:35:08I hear you.
00:35:09Honestly, I do.
00:35:35Thank you so much.
00:35:37No, thank you.
00:35:39That was a lot of fun.
00:35:41It was.
00:35:42And about the adjustment meeting, I'd like to help you out, if I can.
00:35:48The company's got a dozen other projects just like this.
00:35:50They'll be fine no matter what.
00:35:51But that swimming hole in Nadia's and your place, we have to at least try, right?
00:36:00I'm sorry.
00:36:00It's okay.
00:36:01It's okay.
00:36:02We have to at least try, right?
00:36:10We should probably meet up again to go over our next steps.
00:36:14Yeah, absolutely.
00:36:16But I should get back to work.
00:36:18After you.
00:36:25Oh, hey.
00:36:25What are you still doing here?
00:36:27What do you think of this section here?
00:36:29I'm pretty sure their water flow's strong.
00:36:32So we're moving the dam now?
00:36:34I thought this lunch meeting was supposed to go the other way around.
00:36:37We're just looking at it.
00:36:39Gallagher's gonna be fuming if he finds out about this.
00:36:41And if you get fired, I get fired too.
00:36:42I've got 50k of student loans I need to pay off.
00:36:44Nobody's getting fired.
00:36:45Trust me.
00:36:46Once we figure this out, I'll pitch in the plan and he'll come around.
00:36:50You can't guarantee that.
00:36:51If we can show that it'd be more profitable, how can he say no?
00:36:55I don't know.
00:36:56It just seems like a huge risk to take for Carla up the hill.
00:36:59It's Cara.
00:37:00And it's not about her.
00:37:03It's about doing our due diligence.
00:37:05It's our job.
00:37:07Are you sure?
00:37:09Yes, I'm sure.
00:37:09Come on, Pete.
00:37:11You know I've got your back no matter what.
00:37:15Okay, then.
00:37:17Let's get to it.
00:37:27When's he coming?
00:37:30What's he like?
00:37:32Nice? That's it?
00:37:33Leanne, come on.
00:37:34We have work to do.
00:37:35Important work.
00:37:37Very nice indeed.
00:37:38Get out of here.
00:37:40Leanne, right?
00:37:41Nice to see you again.
00:37:42Yeah, do you want a coffee or lunch today?
00:37:44Just coffee, thanks.
00:37:46Just let me know if you need anything else.
00:37:49Will do.
00:37:53What is that?
00:37:54All right.
00:37:55I've circled a few spots that geographically could be good alternatives for the dam.
00:38:06Uh, that is private land owned by the Hollands.
00:38:10You'd have to buy the mountain.
00:38:11I honestly don't think they'd sell it.
00:38:13The rumor has it some big hotel guy tried to buy it to build on.
00:38:18Eight figures.
00:38:19They wouldn't go for it.
00:38:20All right.
00:38:22What about here?
00:38:24Have you seen it?
00:38:25I think I know that area.
00:38:28It might work.
00:38:29My assistant Pete says that half of it is owned by the city and the other half is private.
00:38:33Oh, wait.
00:38:34No, no.
00:38:34That's the O'Reilly property.
00:38:36It's involved in an estate lawsuit for over 10 years right away or something.
00:38:41It could get pretty messy.
00:38:42Yikes, yeah.
00:38:42That's no good.
00:38:43What about this?
00:38:44That seems like fairly steep terrain, which I'm hoping means a deeper riverbed, good water flow.
00:38:51Have you been?
00:38:52That's Tarson Trail.
00:38:54I've actually thought about that place too.
00:38:56It could definitely work.
00:38:59Uh, no land issues that I know of.
00:39:03All right.
00:39:04Can we go?
00:39:09Do you need a ride?
00:39:10I've got my kid in the truck already.
00:39:12I'll just grab us some waters and we'll meet you outside.
00:39:33Have fun.
00:39:35And stop it.
00:39:37Didn't do anything.
00:39:41Is that your kit?
00:39:44Uh, yeah.
00:39:46These fanny packs are a genius invention.
00:39:48They're like a backpack you can access with all kinds.
00:39:53And what is that you have?
00:39:55Well, we use this to take the core sample.
00:39:58We're looking for a good mix.
00:39:59Not too much sand or gravel.
00:40:01And it can't be all clay either.
00:40:03Got it.
00:40:04Although I pretty much failed geology in school, so I'll leave that part to you.
00:40:09I doubt you ever failed at anything.
00:40:38Welcome to Tarset Peak.
00:40:41Not bad at all.
00:40:47Just what I need.
00:40:50Oh, uh, that's the spot that we were talking about down there.
00:40:54Looks good.
00:40:55I just need a couple minutes here.
00:40:57Want me to take some pictures?
00:40:58I brought the camera that I use while traveling.
00:41:00Yeah, that'd be great.
00:41:47Did you get what you need?
00:41:48I think so.
00:41:49I have to send it to the lab, but so far everything's perfect.
00:41:52This is a good find.
00:41:54Great work, Captain.
00:41:55It was a team effort.
00:41:57I just, I hope it works.
00:41:59Oh, it will.
00:42:08I, we should probably get going before it gets dark.
00:42:14Yeah, you're right.
00:42:27So, I'll put together the rest of the pitch in a PowerPoint or something and keep me posted on the soil samples.
00:42:39Will do.
00:42:40We should probably get together for a dry run before the meeting.
00:42:45Yeah, that's probably a good idea.
00:42:47And maybe we could grab some dinner sometime.
00:42:49My treat.
00:42:50I mean, you get to pick the place.
00:42:52Oh, uh.
00:42:53I mean, as friends.
00:42:56If that's what you want.
00:42:59Why don't you come over tomorrow night?
00:43:00I'll invite Leanne, my mom, even Mayor Burns.
00:43:03We'll make a night of it.
00:43:05Okay, sounds great.
00:43:06Oh, and don't bring anything.
00:43:07Leanne's a great cook.
00:43:09Okay, then.
00:43:10I'll see you tomorrow.
00:43:11I have to go.
00:43:26Hey, you're here late.
00:43:28Just leaving.
00:43:29How's Kara?
00:43:32I saw you drop her off.
00:43:34It's not what you think.
00:43:36Seems kind of late for a business meeting to me.
00:43:41Come on.
00:43:42See you tomorrow.
00:43:56That night, Morgan sat in front of the crackling fire, waiting for him to return.
00:44:01She wondered if she was crazy for letting this happen.
00:44:05Or maybe she was more herself than she'd ever been.
00:44:09For the first time, instead of searching for a clear answer, she let herself enjoy it.
00:44:15And when he returned, any doubt she'd had about him would have been cleared by now.
00:44:21Oh, Kara, it's so good.
00:44:25And I'm not just saying that because I'm your mother.
00:44:27It's really good.
00:44:29I think I surprised myself a bit, to be honest.
00:44:32I knew you could do it.
00:44:34I'm so proud of you.
00:44:36I'm so proud of you.
00:44:38I'm so proud of you.
00:44:40I'm so proud of you.
00:44:42I'm so proud of you.
00:44:44I'm so proud of you.
00:44:46I'm so proud of you.
00:44:48I'm so proud of you.
00:44:50I knew you could do it.
00:44:52Well, don't get too excited. It's not done yet.
00:44:54But hey, we got pages.
00:44:56Mom, you're on appetizer duty.
00:44:58Okay, go on.
00:45:00Oh, wow, you look gorgeous.
00:45:02Is this too much?
00:45:04What? No, it's just right.
00:45:06I don't know. I think the jeans.
00:45:08A dress? Overkill.
00:45:10You're nervous, aren't you?
00:45:12I am not nervous.
00:45:14You look nervous.
00:45:16This is my favorite base camp.
00:45:18I can handle a dinner party.
00:45:20You're allowed to like him, you know.
00:45:22Okay, go.
00:45:24You're not helping.
00:45:26I'll get it.
00:45:32I've got it.
00:45:34I've got it.
00:45:36Oh, you look gorgeous, honey.
00:45:38Thank you, Mom.
00:45:40Hi, Mayor Burns.
00:45:42Welcome. So glad you could make it.
00:45:44We pass off an opportunity to see inside this place.
00:45:46It is a town treasure, after all.
00:45:48Annie, nice to see you.
00:45:50It's nice to see you, too.
00:45:52Would you like a drink?
00:45:56Come on in.
00:46:08I know you said not to bring anything, but...
00:46:12Wow, you look great.
00:46:14And the house.
00:46:16It's awesome.
00:46:20We're planning to tackle a few things
00:46:22over the next couple of years.
00:46:24Bathrooms and paint, that kind of thing.
00:46:26But the rest I plan to keep as is.
00:46:28The Duval's did a great job
00:46:30of preserving the history of this place,
00:46:32and I want to keep that going.
00:46:34For sure.
00:46:36Are the Duval's the old owners?
00:46:38Oh, yeah. They were married 50 years,
00:46:40and they only moved away to be closer to family.
00:46:42Well, that's inspiring.
00:46:44It is.
00:46:46Are you hungry?
00:46:48Leanne made enough to feed an army.
00:46:50I'm starving.
00:46:52Leanne, the chicken was delicious.
00:46:54Thank you. It's the same recipe I use
00:46:56for the chicken salad at my shop.
00:46:58Just hot.
00:47:00We know it's your favorite.
00:47:02Oh, that's kind of you.
00:47:04Sorry there's no roast beef here, Riley.
00:47:06Don't be. This was great.
00:47:10I don't hate it.
00:47:12It's just not my favorite.
00:47:14She was a vegetarian for five years.
00:47:16College can do that to a person.
00:47:20So, Greg,
00:47:22why don't you tell us what we can expect
00:47:24at the adjustment meeting?
00:47:26I hope it's not a lost cause.
00:47:30I'm only asking because I want all of us to be prepared.
00:47:32You know this is going to be devastating
00:47:34for the town if it goes through.
00:47:36It's the value of this beautiful home
00:47:38that my daughter spent the last 25 years
00:47:40saving up to buy.
00:47:42We're going to make a good case to my company
00:47:44and to the city, and honestly,
00:47:46I think they'll see what we see.
00:47:50Yes. Cara has helped me come around
00:47:52to the idea that maybe this location
00:47:54is not the best fit.
00:47:56Well, good for you two.
00:47:58I'm looking forward to your presentation.
00:48:00Thank you, Mayor Burns.
00:48:02But I'm only one person on the committee,
00:48:04there are five of us in total.
00:48:06Good to know.
00:48:08Greg, would you like to go see
00:48:10the wraparound porch?
00:48:12It has a beautiful view of the river.
00:48:14Uh, sounds lovely.
00:48:28Oh, um,
00:48:30I'm going to go get some
00:48:34I'll be back.
00:48:36See you in a little bit?
00:48:38We'll be here.
00:48:40Chicken was great.
00:48:44Thank you for your support there.
00:48:46You're welcome.
00:48:52So, uh,
00:48:54is this where you write?
00:48:56Oh, no, I have an office
00:48:58with a very nice view
00:49:00of your trailer.
00:49:02You're kidding.
00:49:08Want to see it?
00:49:10What's that?
00:49:12Oh, sorry.
00:49:14Not your fault.
00:49:16So is this where the magic happens?
00:49:18Some days.
00:49:20Other days it's just frustrated sighs.
00:49:24it's a nice spot.
00:49:26When I was a kid, I used to sit out
00:49:28across the river and stare up at this place.
00:49:30At this window.
00:49:32Imagine myself writing here with this view.
00:49:36if all goes well, we'll have that moved out
00:49:38of your way in no time.
00:49:42Is this your book?
00:49:44It is. Well, it's part of it, anyway.
00:49:46Are you happy with it?
00:49:48Sort of.
00:49:50My editor is insisting that I add in
00:49:52a love interest.
00:49:54Oh, is his name Riley?
00:49:58Romance is...
00:50:00I'm not used to writing it, so I'm just not sure.
00:50:02Why's that?
00:50:04Because romance
00:50:06has never been part of my strong suit.
00:50:08No, because it's a prom guy.
00:50:10Among others.
00:50:12But I'm not really just used to writing.
00:50:14I mean, that could be a good thing, though.
00:50:16They say
00:50:18that's where the best stuff happens.
00:50:20They say?
00:50:22Yeah, the, uh...
00:50:24The online inspiration people.
00:50:28I do google
00:50:30inspirational quotes more than I'd like to admit.
00:50:32We all do.
00:50:36And hey, listen, if you need someone to read your book,
00:50:38I'd be happy to.
00:50:40Wow. Uh, I will keep that in mind.
00:50:44Everything okay?
00:50:46Uh, yeah, I...
00:50:48You can take it. Go ahead.
00:50:50Are you sure?
00:50:54Mr. Gallagher.
00:50:58Oh, uh...
00:51:00Yeah, I'll be there.
00:51:06Turns out my boss is in town,
00:51:08and I should probably go.
00:51:10Is everything okay?
00:51:12Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't worry, don't worry.
00:51:14I'll see you tomorrow.
00:51:42Have you heard from Riley?
00:51:44No, I haven't heard from him since last night.
00:51:46I've tried calling him, but no answer.
00:51:48What time's the meeting? Can you do it without him if you have to?
00:51:50I could, but
00:51:52I don't have his lab reports
00:51:54or his write-up on geological suitability
00:51:56without it.
00:51:58He'll come through. I think he's pretty invested.
00:52:00I don't know, Leanne.
00:52:02I have a feeling things are about to go sideways,
00:52:04and I usually write about these things.
00:52:06I'm sure it's nothing.
00:52:08Just try him again.
00:52:20So you've been doing all of this
00:52:22without my permission?
00:52:24I should have involved you sooner.
00:52:26You're right.
00:52:28But I was just trying to present the best possible solution.
00:52:30I've spent months preparing the assessments,
00:52:32the paperwork,
00:52:34getting the permits for this location.
00:52:36It's been a year in the making.
00:52:38And now, within a matter of weeks,
00:52:40you've undermined all of it.
00:52:42You have done a lot of good work.
00:52:44I just think that we may have moved too fast.
00:52:46We should have done more community outreach,
00:52:48more research.
00:52:50If you just look at our proposal,
00:52:52I think you'll find that the new location
00:52:54could be more profitable.
00:52:56I got the lab results back, and the new location is more...
00:52:58I'm sorry. It's too late.
00:53:00We're moving ahead as is.
00:53:02Look, I know you think you're doing the right thing here,
00:53:04but all you're doing is giving people false hope.
00:53:06When the dam moves ahead,
00:53:08as planned,
00:53:10and everybody's heartbroken,
00:53:12that'll be on you.
00:53:14Mr. Gallagher, if you could just look...
00:53:16You're on that next flight out.
00:53:36Any word?
00:53:40You've got to be kidding me.
00:53:58All right. Is everyone here?
00:54:00Um, I'll be representing the company
00:54:02on my own today, Greg.
00:54:04Got it. Then let's get started, shall we?
00:54:06Thanks, everyone, for coming.
00:54:08We're here for the final adjustment meeting
00:54:10for the PowerGen development
00:54:12at 4928 Robertson Road.
00:54:14Each party will have
00:54:16ten minutes to present their arguments.
00:54:18Should we find reason
00:54:20to delay development,
00:54:22we'll take a vote. Majority wins.
00:54:24Is that clear?
00:54:26Mr. Gallagher,
00:54:28why don't you start us off?
00:54:30It would be my pleasure.
00:54:34There you go, Greg.
00:54:36As you know,
00:54:38we've had over 60 years
00:54:40of experience in hydro generation.
00:54:44We've built
00:54:46some of the most innovative dams in the country.
00:54:48And in places where they said
00:54:50it could never be done.
00:55:04Hi. Did you hear Gallagher's back?
00:55:06He showed up out of the blue and kicked me off the project.
00:55:08That's too bad.
00:55:10Because I'm not a resident, I'm not allowed to attend the meeting.
00:55:12I wasn't even able to submit my lab
00:55:14soil report. And Kara's got to do that
00:55:16alone? I haven't even had a chance to talk to her.
00:55:18That sucks.
00:55:28Why did you call him?
00:55:30He was going to find out one way or another.
00:55:32I told you that I was going to explain everything
00:55:34to him to get him on our side.
00:55:36It wasn't about the girl. It wasn't!
00:55:38Not entirely, anyway.
00:55:42You may have some secret nest egg that allows you to take
00:55:44huge risks, but I'm just trying to keep my head above water.
00:55:46If I get fired,
00:55:48no job prospects, no jobs, no student loan
00:55:50payment. You get my drift.
00:55:52I'm sorry.
00:55:54We understand
00:55:56the importance of new, sustainable jobs
00:55:58for a small community.
00:56:00And we're here to help.
00:56:08Thank you, Mr. Gallagher.
00:56:10Now we'd like to open the floor
00:56:12to members of the community.
00:56:16Mr. Gallagher,
00:56:18I'm sorry.
00:56:20We'd like to open the floor
00:56:22to members of the community.
00:56:26I'd like to say a few words, Mayor.
00:56:30By all means.
00:56:40I understand Mr. Gallagher's
00:56:44And I appreciate the need for
00:56:46sustainable employment in our community.
00:56:48But at what cost?
00:56:50For the last 10 years,
00:56:52I've traveled around the world writing about
00:56:54small towns like ours.
00:56:56Quaint little slices of paradise
00:56:58with picturesque waterfronts
00:57:00and deep community roots.
00:57:02Where the landscape itself
00:57:04is embedded in the fabric of the town.
00:57:06One of my favorite
00:57:08places to visit on my way out
00:57:10west was Silver
00:57:14The first time I went out there was 2013.
00:57:16And at the time, I was writing an
00:57:18article about the plethora of
00:57:20places along the river where families
00:57:22gathered to celebrate weddings,
00:57:24birthdays, and graduations.
00:57:26Where traditions
00:57:28going back generations were carried
00:57:30out, like fishing tournaments,
00:57:32derbies, and the
00:57:34annual fall fair.
00:57:36Just like here in Winfields.
00:57:38That is until
00:57:40a hydro dam was installed.
00:57:42Now, did it bring
00:57:44steady jobs to the community?
00:57:46Yes. But when I returned
00:57:48to that town years later,
00:57:50I found that the places
00:57:52that made it such a vibrant and
00:57:54welcoming community
00:57:56had gone out of business.
00:57:58Restaurants, bed and
00:58:00breakfasts, art galleries,
00:58:02and even the marina had
00:58:04dried up and gone.
00:58:06Tourism tanked, property
00:58:08values plummeted,
00:58:10and residents left.
00:58:12You see, there's a
00:58:14difference between numbers on a
00:58:16page and the real, tangible
00:58:18change you feel in a place when
00:58:20something like this happens.
00:58:22I mean, you can
00:58:24chop the roots off a tree and it's still
00:58:26a tree, but
00:58:28eventually... Objection!
00:58:30I don't think that
00:58:32wishy-washy metaphors are helpful
00:58:34here. Sir, this is not
00:58:36a courtroom.
00:58:38Carol, please continue.
00:58:40I'm not here to scare you.
00:58:42And I know we all just want to feed our
00:58:44families and put our kids through school.
00:58:46So what I'd like to offer
00:58:48is a best-case scenario.
00:58:50Keep the
00:58:52jobs without harming
00:58:54the town by simply moving
00:58:56the dam 20 minutes
00:58:58downstream. I think you
00:59:00all recognize Tarson Trail.
00:59:02Putting the dam here
00:59:04would move flooding, dry
00:59:06zones, or any other side effects away
00:59:08from the community, saving
00:59:10all the treasured spots that make
00:59:12our town special
00:59:14and make us who
00:59:16we are. Ms. Durant,
00:59:18I appreciate what
00:59:20you're trying to do, but have any
00:59:22actual assessments even been done on this land?
00:59:24No, but I was
00:59:26assured by a very
00:59:28reliable source that this location
00:59:30is ideal. Oh, a reliable
00:59:32source. Where are they?
00:59:34I don't know.
00:59:36Mayor Burns,
00:59:38I think that Ms. Durant has good
00:59:40reason to be upset. I mean, God knows
00:59:42I'd be angry, too, if something like this came along and ruined
00:59:44my view. No, that is not
00:59:46what this is about. But we cannot undo months
00:59:48and months of work over a site
00:59:50that hasn't even been properly vetted by a professional.
00:59:52Meanwhile, in this town,
00:59:54there are people expecting this work.
00:59:56And frankly,
00:59:58I think it would be irresponsible to
01:00:00postpone that over one citizen's
01:00:02objections. She's not the only
01:00:04one concerned. We are all
01:00:06worried. My business is at
01:00:08risk. Mine, too. And
01:00:10so is my home. Like I
01:00:12said, Mr. Gallagher, these
01:00:14people are much
01:00:16more than numbers
01:00:18on a spreadsheet.
01:00:20Thank you for your time, Kara.
01:00:22If that's all,
01:00:24the committee will now
01:00:26take a vote. All in
01:00:28favor of postponing construction
01:00:30on the dam?
01:00:38All in favor of moving
01:00:46Well, there you have it.
01:00:48Construction of the hydroelectric dam
01:00:50is now complete.
01:00:52Construction of the hydroelectric dam
01:00:54at 4928
01:00:56Robertson Road will move forward
01:00:58as scheduled.
01:01:06Mayor, this project's
01:01:08going to be great. Congratulations.
01:01:10Thank you, Sean.
01:01:12I'm sorry, Kara.
01:01:14I'm sorry, too, Mom.
01:01:16Kara, what happened with the lab reports?
01:01:18Where's Rowley? I don't know.
01:01:20Maybe he
01:01:22had a change of heart.
01:01:24That's really too
01:01:26bad. It really is.
01:01:32She should have seen
01:01:34it coming. She hardly knew him, after
01:01:36all. Maybe that zing she felt
01:01:38was actually a warning sign.
01:01:40More like an electric fence warning
01:01:42its inhabitants not to escape,
01:01:44or else.
01:01:46Hi, honey.
01:01:50Ah, you're making progress, I see.
01:01:52Is this the new ending?
01:01:56Doesn't seem like a happy one.
01:01:58It's a realistic one.
01:02:06Don't let the situation with
01:02:08Riley ruin your book.
01:02:10Mom, this has nothing
01:02:12to do with Riley.
01:02:14I just don't think it's right that every couple
01:02:16ends up together in the end. That's not real life.
01:02:18Have you talked to him? Nope.
01:02:20Just another man coming up short when you need him
01:02:22most. But you don't even know what he has to say.
01:02:24Don't shut down so easily.
01:02:26I'm not. I'm writing,
01:02:28aren't I?
01:02:30Yeah. I should probably get back
01:02:32to it.
01:02:48I did it.
01:02:50You finished it.
01:02:52Took me all night,
01:02:54but I just sent it to Miriam.
01:02:56That's great, honey.
01:03:10How are you?
01:03:14How are you?
01:03:18Um, I'm sorry
01:03:20about yesterday.
01:03:22I called you a few times.
01:03:24I know. I had to work on my book.
01:03:26I see.
01:03:28Look, I wanted to explain.
01:03:30It doesn't matter anymore.
01:03:32We lost the vote. Well, it matters to me.
01:03:34I need you to know
01:03:36that I didn't bail on purpose.
01:03:38My boss showed up last minute.
01:03:40Pete told him about our plan.
01:03:42And before I could explain everything, I was reassigned to another project.
01:03:46I was basically banned from the meeting,
01:03:48and I had no time to explain.
01:03:50I'm sorry.
01:03:52All right. All right. Cara, come on.
01:03:54What else is there to say?
01:03:56Please. You gotta know I'd never leave you hanging out to dry like that.
01:03:58How would I know that?
01:04:00We barely know each other.
01:04:02That's not true.
01:04:04Getting to know you these past weeks,
01:04:06there's something between us, something real.
01:04:08Really? Couldn't have meant that much
01:04:10if it was so easy to give up.
01:04:12I got reassigned.
01:04:14Did you even put up a fight?
01:04:16Because it feels like to me that the second things started going off the rails,
01:04:18you threw in the towel.
01:04:20That is not what happened.
01:04:22Look, I am sorry that I let you down.
01:04:24You didn't just let me down.
01:04:26You let down my family and everybody in this town.
01:04:32You should go.
01:04:38Is that what you really want?
01:04:46And now, if you'll excuse me,
01:04:48I'm gonna go enjoy my last few hours on the riverfront
01:04:50before they get to work.
01:05:12Cara, darling, it's me.
01:05:14Hi, Marianne.
01:05:16I got the pages.
01:05:18You were quick with this re-write.
01:05:20So, what did you think?
01:05:22It was thrilling, really.
01:05:26But, Cara,
01:05:28the couple needs to end up together.
01:05:30Don't you think?
01:05:32You've done such a good job
01:05:34of not letting me down.
01:05:36I'm sorry.
01:05:38I'm sorry.
01:05:40You've done such a good job
01:05:42of setting them up as this perfect pair.
01:05:44The yin and the yang.
01:05:46The puzzle pieces coming together.
01:05:48All that good stuff.
01:05:50And then what?
01:05:52They're not getting together?
01:05:54It just made me mad.
01:05:56That's not real life, Marianne.
01:05:58Don't be so cynical, my love.
01:06:00Now, I've been married to my Craig
01:06:02for, I think it's 31 years.
01:06:04That's impressive.
01:06:08Yeah, well, what I'm saying is
01:06:10it's possible.
01:06:12So, you won't accept them?
01:06:14As is.
01:06:16I'm not going to say no.
01:06:18But I'd like you to reconsider it.
01:06:20I have faith in you, okay?
01:06:24Now, I've got to rush to a lunch meeting
01:06:26and we'll chat later, all right?
01:06:44Tell me what you think and don't lie.
01:06:46Honestly, Mom?
01:06:48Nailed it.
01:06:50For real.
01:06:52We should sell these at the restaurant.
01:06:56Kara, what did you think?
01:07:02You okay?
01:07:04Yeah, I'm good.
01:07:06I don't know why
01:07:08I'm so upset.
01:07:10I'm living my dream.
01:07:12I got us a house we've always wanted.
01:07:14I'm going to be a publisher soon.
01:07:16We're all together.
01:07:18And something's missing.
01:07:20More like someone.
01:07:26I barely know him.
01:07:28Doesn't matter.
01:07:30And he's not that good of a guy.
01:07:32That's not fair.
01:07:34I have a lot on my plate and I will just
01:07:36get over it.
01:07:38Why do you have to
01:07:40get over it?
01:07:42Why don't you try
01:07:44putting down the to-do list
01:07:46and letting yourself live a little?
01:07:56What if it doesn't work out?
01:07:58All that time will have been wasted.
01:08:00It'll all be for nothing.
01:08:02It is never all for nothing.
01:08:08I don't want to set myself back.
01:08:10I'll do what I have to do.
01:08:12And you'll do it. That's just who you are.
01:08:14But you can have a relationship.
01:08:16And a successful career.
01:08:18Yep, that Deval's did it.
01:08:24You love him, don't you?
01:08:28Ha, I knew it. Now you gotta go get him.
01:08:30Yes, but...
01:08:32No buts.
01:08:34Whatever happens, it'll be fine.
01:08:36No matter what.
01:08:40Take the cookies just in case.
01:08:42Not really getting off on the right foot
01:08:44if I'm constantly bribing him with food.
01:08:46But it works. That is true.
01:08:48Go. Good luck.
01:08:52You got this. Go on.
01:09:08I hope it works.
01:09:10Me too.
01:09:38Hey, Kara.
01:09:40Sorry, I'm just packing up Riley's stuff.
01:09:42He left last night.
01:09:44Uh, to go where?
01:09:46Back to Chicago.
01:09:48I'm on the next flight out myself.
01:09:54I see.
01:09:56I see.
01:10:00You want me to tell him you came by?
01:10:02No. No, that's okay.
01:10:08For the road.
01:10:14You're welcome.
01:11:10What happened?
01:11:14He went back to Chicago.
01:11:16He did?
01:11:18Well, maybe we can find out where he's staying
01:11:20and we can...
01:11:22No. It's too late.
01:11:24And I've got a lot of work to do.
01:11:46Kara, this is fantastic.
01:11:48Not done yet.
01:11:50Would you like a cup of tea?
01:11:52And no cinnamon this time.
01:11:54Got it.
01:11:56During the day, it was easier.
01:11:58Morgan found relief at work
01:12:00and catching up with friends.
01:12:02But at night, that familiar,
01:12:04all-consuming wave crashed over her,
01:12:06drowning out everything
01:12:08until it was just her
01:12:10in the dark
01:12:12thinking about him
01:12:14until sunrise.
01:12:16They knew the odds were against them,
01:12:18that her headstrong stubbornness
01:12:20and his tendency towards isolation
01:12:22were going to be difficult to overcome.
01:12:24But they also knew
01:12:26that place that you sing to
01:12:28when things spin out of control,
01:12:30that deep knowing
01:12:32that has tied them together all these years
01:12:34and never weathered,
01:12:36it is there.
01:12:38They go to sew themselves back together,
01:12:40growing stronger together
01:12:42with every stitch.
01:12:46How's it going?
01:12:48I think I'm done.
01:12:50What? Really? Yes.
01:12:52You must be so relieved.
01:12:54Congratulations. Thank you.
01:12:58Hi, Mayor Burns.
01:13:00What can I get you? A latte, please.
01:13:02None of that foamy stuff, though, if you don't mind.
01:13:04You got it.
01:13:06Kara, my dear. Excellent work.
01:13:10What are you talking about?
01:13:12I'm moving the dam.
01:13:14We just got word in the office.
01:13:16Apparently Riley discovered some discrepancies
01:13:18in the environmental assessments
01:13:20and the existing permits are now void.
01:13:22What? Yes.
01:13:24PowerGen has decided to put the project on hold
01:13:26until they can review the new site.
01:13:28Holy smokes!
01:13:30That's awesome. Okay.
01:13:32Are you sure?
01:13:34Yes, I'm sure.
01:14:16You came back.
01:14:18I had a few things to clear up.
01:14:22I heard they're moving the dam
01:14:24thanks to you.
01:14:26Well, Gallagher buried one of the environmental assessments
01:14:28that flagged this area.
01:14:30Anyway, I brought it up to head office,
01:14:32pitched them our plan, sold them on it.
01:14:36I told you I wasn't gonna let it go.
01:14:40You're welcome.
01:14:42I'm sorry.
01:14:44I'm sorry I was so harsh before.
01:14:46I was just so mad about everything
01:14:48and I wasn't really ready to listen.
01:14:50I know. I understand.
01:14:52The truth is
01:14:54when I moved back here and bought this place,
01:14:56I was focused.
01:14:58I had things to accomplish
01:15:00and no time for love.
01:15:02But then I met you.
01:15:04And you're such
01:15:06an incredible guy.
01:15:08And you're so funny.
01:15:10And smart.
01:15:12And sweet.
01:15:14And you kind of took me by surprise.
01:15:16I never expected
01:15:18to fall for you.
