
  • last month


00:21There we go, I got a minute's peace Iris
00:30Right, yeah, I'm here. Where are you? What do you mean you're here?
00:35I'm in the middle of a lake drop me a pen drop you a pen
00:41See dude
00:43Says he's in the boat
01:06If you go anything where the hell did you get a submarine from in Switzerland, it's landlocked
01:15Right so was in
01:21Good throw pad hands Peter to port, please
01:37Mean Chris of test-driven cars all around the world together. Did you miss me?
01:42I thought I had and now we're going back behind the wheel if you're gonna do that drop a window and start with I'm not
01:52Bit the big five all and it's coming for Chris too. I'm not giving up but instead of getting weird about it
02:00What are you doing?
02:01We've decided to tackle getting older head-on
02:08So we're visiting some of our European neighbors
02:15To see if any of them can let us in on the secrets
02:20That's it Chris I
02:23Can't hold on
02:25To living healthier happier along the lines you are a change man. I'm so proud of you. Yeah, Chris
02:46Mountains around here absolutely stunning. Look at it magnificent
02:57Already visited two countries looking for the recipe to getting it right as we age and this is our final stop, Switzerland
03:11The wellness industry is big here
03:14Sweden getting out and about using your body grease putting good things into your body, Switzerland
03:21This is the capital of the cheat, this is the shortcut come here pay a load of booner and I'll make you look good
03:27They'll make you feel great. I have heard
03:30People shout that at you. I
03:34Don't think it was shortcut somewhere else
03:40Behind Switzerland's rustic charm sits a multi-billion pound wellness industry which combines cutting-edge
03:47science with luxury treatments
03:51And for two balding middle-aged men eager to fight back the years a scientific route might be the best approach
04:00Award do you feel I can't put an age on it but much older things have changed for example
04:06I now realize there was a point in my life when you make
04:10involuntary noises like when you put a shoe on or a Wellington boot and you go
04:17That is that's a that's a that's a big point in life and I think it started a long time ago for me
04:23Obviously we love a car
04:26And when it comes to more teas and stuff like, you know, you're on it
04:30We neglect the best engine you've got which is this what we're in
04:36This should be running like a sports car and we don't we don't treat them like I've never ever described myself as that
04:43Good point Chris. Well, even if you're driving a knackered old transit van, you need to look after it
04:49So for our first stop we're heading to one of the country's top wellness
04:55Destinations to get a full body health check to see how bad it really is
04:59This is the Grand Resort Bad Regas a five-star wellness hotel
05:05Offering over 40 medical treatments to make you look and feel younger
05:11This place is like catnip to the rich and famous
05:16Walker this gap Chris. Oh, this is proper
05:19Everything's gonna be alright, that's what it says above it. I think they're over promising on me
05:27What makes this resort so special is the medical and scientific approach to well-being
05:33Think more hospital than auto
05:36Also, it's a great place to get a full body health check
05:40This is the Grand Resort Bad Regas a five-star wellness hotel
05:45Offering over 40 medical treatments to make you look and feel younger
05:49On site there are 23 doctors a state-of-the-art spa and an Olympic training facility
05:57I'm normally happy enough with free wi-fi and a trouser press
06:01Look at this beautiful, this is a bit of you
06:05Look at this
06:07Hello there. Hi, welcome gentlemen to the hotel. Thank you very much. May I start you off with some water?
06:13You certainly can look at that. We have a detox and a multivitamin juice good health
06:20Maybe this health check thing isn't going to be that bad
06:23And then I believe you were starting out with the doctor's appointment today. Well, maybe it will
06:31Do I hate doctors it's better than ringing up and waiting four weeks for an appointment
06:36It's still gonna stick him fingers inside you. Well, I don't not sure what doctors you've seen
06:42We might be 50, but today we're gonna find out how well we're really aging and what if anything
06:49We can do to turn back the clock
06:52Like many of the guests here. Our first stop is to see. Dr. Isabel de curtains
06:58de curtains
07:00The name doesn't exactly inspire confidence
07:03I've been dreading this moment. I hate doctors because i'm gonna get the truth on that
07:07It could be bad news pull yourself together chris
07:12Dr. de curtains md is a specialist in preventative and internal medicine
07:20So nice to see you here at badragad it's very different to the doctor's surgery where we live
07:26Then we have a very holistic approach
07:29And that's why we look at everything today. We look at your nutrition at your exercise
07:33And then we make a final conclusion how to get you to be an athlete. Okay. Wow
07:38I'm, not an athlete. I can't speak for him, but i'm not an athlete
07:41Don't think that's coming. There's any surprise to the doctor if i'm right
07:45You've got a psychologist I can see afterwards
07:49Talk us through it doctor. Okay. I have a couple of questions for you first. Do you take care of your nutrition? No
07:57So next what is your
08:02So next what is about vegetables and fruits how many fruits do you eat a day
08:14When a doctor starts asking you stuff he's like the vegetables and fruit you're going
08:18Oh, actually knows I couldn't think about it. I don't really do a lot of that
08:23So what about exercise
08:25You work out. Yeah, try and do something most days
08:30What about you? No
08:32Our stories, you know are quite divergent. He does look after himself
08:36I'm now doing that thing that all blokes do why didn't I do this 10 years ago?
08:41Do you drink alcohol? Oh, yes
08:45Do you drink?
08:46I've been known to drink a bit
08:50And what? Whiskey. One glass two glasses
08:57All right, let's see probably better off writing in bottles. Mm-hmm as opposed to glasses. Oh god
09:05So that was the easy part I would say
09:08Now we're doing the fitness test and you just have to give
09:13Everything you can
09:18Having grilled us on our health the doctor sent us to the hotel's very own olympic training center
09:23The hotel's very own olympic training facility to test our fitness. Let's come in. Okay
09:28We're going to run you through a couple of exercise tests. We have the endurance test here and over there
09:34We're going to do the strength testing
09:36Before the ab crunching it's time for some number crunching. Let's see the real state of our figures
09:45So what's your guess it's more than that
09:50Moment of truth
09:53Is it when i'm speaking once cut off
09:5535.6 great. How is that possible? Look at the size of me
10:00How can I don't know? I think I I think I breathed in
10:06So out of my comfort zone from the moment I walked in the door my brain's gone to I can't do this good chris
10:12I think you can come over here but being an olympic training facility
10:17I think they're used to working with a different kind of athlete
10:20younger lighter
10:22Stronger and above all
10:24uh smoother
10:28Matthias step this needs a delicate hand
10:33Just run the
10:35Around the left side. I'm actually what's his body sculpting. What are you doing giving you a chest mate?
10:41Who's that doctor a little bit that way?
10:43No, just
10:46Are you sure not down there? No, okay
10:49My god get that on ebay
10:51The petrol heads will be going mad for that. We'll save that
10:56Good luck
10:58I mean this is a disaster
11:01How am I supposed to go on holiday now
11:04Listen too many since that test you'll have forgotten all about that ship. Yes
11:10Okay, one two and go push push to make sure the tests are accurate we've been asked to push our bodies to the limit
11:18Push push push push push push push. Come on
11:21And come on, push push push push push push push push and considering i'm sweating already. This shouldn't take long. Please breathe in maximum
11:29These tests have been designed to measure the amount of oxygen in our blood and muscle strength
11:35two key factors in determining if we're aging well
11:40Well done
11:42All we need now
11:44a training montage
11:47Go on go on go on
11:50Keep breathing and as fast as necessary though with iris. It's more stocky than rocky
12:03One two and jump come on
12:08Breathe in maximum
12:11And breathe normal
12:13Don't go in peddling go on the peddling go on go on
12:18Fight a little bit. Yes
12:24Go on go on go on
12:30I'm getting tired
12:41My god
12:43Thank you
12:45I'm gonna go lie down now
12:47that separates
12:49The wheat from the chow
12:51My goodness me
13:00Oh, this is lovely, isn't it i'm a bit
13:06Yeah life's about balance and after the pain comes a bit of pampering
13:15Hello, hello, good afternoon, so we have a couple of massage
13:22Uh, we've seen your question couple's massage
13:26Okay, we'll go we're colleagues we work together colleague but is there anything we need to concentrate or anything to avoid
13:32I have some earplugs. I don't have to listen to him. He has a very very hurry back
13:38Oh, here we go
13:40Believe it or not. Some studies say a regular massage has genuine health benefits
13:46Oh, I need this chris and can help reduce stress anxiety and pain
13:52Now this is the type of shortcut I was looking for
14:02Oh god
14:09How are you in pain because you're sticking a
14:13Thumb into my back
14:15This is heaven
14:17Heaven. Yep
14:23You see the thing when you work with someone like chris and i've worked with him for a few years now god
14:29If it's pleasurable
14:31If it's lovely if it's what people go. Oh, that's nice
14:35He will instantly dislike it
14:38and that's just and once you've got your head around that, you know, you
14:41You can get on with things
14:43I'll actually get she's doing a russian pressure point. You're gonna kill me
14:50What what can I ask what your colleague's doing to him over there because he doesn't seem to be having that effect over
14:56Knows we're having a little massage. Yeah
14:59You know, is it not something you put into your routine this once a week, you know get a nice little massage me
15:06What about in the morning, you know part of your routine you get up
15:10Are you do you moisturize?
15:12Do I moisturize?
15:14Yeah, do I look like I moisturize I can do all my washing and personal hygiene with
15:20One bar of soap because I wash my head with it my body with it and I don't need anything else the thing about
15:26blocks of soap for me is
15:29I've never seen a block of soap on a sink ever that I didn't have a pube on it
15:32Yeah, but my it's my soap to them my pubes yeah, but it's just not a good look is it
15:39But what about me is a good look? This is why would you try and polish a turd? I am what I am
15:44Maybe not chris, but you can definitely roll it in glitter
16:01As if today couldn't get any more distressing I still have to get the results of my health mot and find out my future
16:07from dr de curtains
16:16Look at this view, hey
16:19Listen to him not a care in the world
16:22Are you worried about the outcome of this at all? Uh, we what these results are not unfairly chris you need to relax some
16:30Look at this
16:31Someone's about to tell me i've got months to live. Well, you might as well enjoy it in these gorgeous surroundings. Look at this
16:39You know what a little church there
16:42Get you in there get the funeral started
16:45Gentlemen, thanks for waiting. Oh, hello doctor. I have your results
16:52We start with a basic result for the blood. So you both have a little bit of an elevated cholesterol
16:59That's kind of a sign of an aging. It's nothing serious. It's not harmful at the moment. It's just something you have to watch
17:05What is very good is your blood sugar levels, they're completely normal your liver results are normal
17:11Your hormone levels are very good. And also your prostate levels are very good
17:15So you're in a good shape for a man and a good health. Hey patty. You have a slightly elevated testosterone
17:23Thank you
17:24Always knew it. Thank you. Chris. You have a slight vitamin d deficiency
17:30Which could read sometimes you have a bad mood
17:33It's unusual because you don't really get in bad moods
17:36So it's unusual to hear that. It's not that he's really happy. Uh disposition in life. So
17:43Okay. Okay
17:45then we have the
17:47Endurance test on the bike and on the treadmill
17:50From that we have age estimates for the metabolic age. So your metabolic age 20 to 29
17:59It's like a mental age as well
18:02That'd be 12. Thank you doctor yours is 60 to 65 and a little bit up
18:1260 to 65 you might need glasses to read that at your age
18:18Can I check into a different type of clinic here now just get it done with
18:22You can just start
18:24This is my most depressing 10 minutes of my life
18:28The good thing is it's still in the normal range and it shows that you can do a lot to improve your health
18:32And especially I would start with the basic endurance training do some interval training between especially cycling
18:39Besides doing the sports the endurance training. I would recommend to change your diet improve your nutrition
18:44And you will be in a much better shape in a couple of months
18:49Doctor, thank you very much. I'm going to get on a bmx
18:53Go down get myself a one direction ticket
18:56One direction ticket and what else do young people do these days?
18:59I'm gonna buy myself a honda jazz and start whinging about life. Thank you very much. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you doctor
19:07As a parting gift the doctor has arranged for separate dinners which have been nutritionally designed based off our results
19:16Right, you ready? Yeah
19:21Oh lovely, of course paddy gets a nice bit of beef
19:27And i'm stuck with a quinoa stuffed courgette
19:31I don't know about my nutritional needs, but this isn't doing much for my self-esteem
19:39Uh, can you blend chrissy's?
19:42Because you can't get is it yeah, obviously i've looked after you get blended up a nice bit of soup for you
19:52I expected bad news, but I suppose
19:55We always harbor a little bit of hope that it won't be as bad as you expected, but it was worse
20:01As you receive bad news and your mate gets good news
20:04That doesn't help
20:06Think about us young people
20:14I really dislike you quite a lot now
20:19I now know i've got to work at fixing this
20:22I think
20:24It's it's small steps
20:26Got to eat better do some exercise
20:28And i've got to stay on top of it
20:45Look at that beautiful service with a smile. I thought i'd say granddad out for the day
20:50So we're heading north to zurich but before we get there I need to address the elephant in the room
20:57This is quite uh delicate for yesterday this age thing. I felt I felt your head go down a bit
21:04When she said uh
21:06You were late 60s
21:08I've had a good night of not sleeping to contemplate all of this
21:11Obviously it was a bit of a shock to the system what I take from the event is i've got to sort myself out
21:16Were you I think within two months if you start training you will definitely improve
21:26I remember like walking back to my room last night going felt a million dollars
21:31Got undressed caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror came crashing back down to earth
21:37Because i'm now looking at a 50 year old
21:41Middle-aged man
21:43Although I have the inner body of a 20 year old the outside isn't holding up as well
21:48But i've heard of somewhere that helps men with life's little insecurities
21:54We're going to a place today
21:57Gentlemen's clinic what they do everything here. So you got your botox. Yep. They do the facelifts. Oh, come on
22:07they do
22:08penis extension
22:11Yeah, but the one that's piqued my interest
22:16The old uh, i've got a full head of hair. I just choose not to display it what you are
22:22As one of the worst members of society what you are is a bald denier. You've got that bald bit there, right?
22:29so if you grew your
22:31Essentially what you'd have is you'd be like a unicorn you'd have this
22:35You have this corn of her stuck out of the front and above it and then your mane at the back
22:43How much would you pay to have a perfect head of hair everything would you yeah everything i'd be on the yeah
22:50I'd take the house to the kids. Sorry kids
22:53We're on the streets, but look at your dad's uh, ain't it gorgeous?
22:59I feel a bit guilty that i've taken the piss for so long. I didn't know it was that important to you
23:03I hate it, you know losing, you know, it's the biggest thing for men. I think that
23:08Yeah, it's not morning noon and night thinking about it. Yeah, but it does it does you do it you do go
23:16Oh, is it you know, is it getting worse? Is it getting better?
23:20So i'm gonna get something done today
23:22If it worked
23:23How quickly would you be back here? Well, i'd probably
23:26move to switzerland
23:38With a cosmetic clinic on almost every corner zurich is truly the land of the beautiful people
23:45And it's not just women keen to look their best
23:48From chin chiseling to brotox male procedures are massively on the rise
23:56Lovely around here very very clean spotless man
24:00is this the uh
24:02The banking capital of the world no, but there's lots of money here pad
24:07Well, there's lots of money. There's lots of people that want their face off
24:10founded in
24:112014 the gentleman's clinic was the first in switzerland to dedicate itself to male-only treatments
24:19It's good to see the era of the metrosexual is here to stay
24:23What's a metrosexual?
24:25Don't you worry about that son leave that sort of thing to me and david beckham
24:35Hey, forget the lift stirs
24:37Get you to about 65 at the top of these get them years off you absolutely no need for that at all
24:44The gentleman's clinic offers a wide range of treatments from penis injections to plastic surgery. You can get it all done here
24:53I wonder if they can do a personality transplant for chris
24:59These are the menus let's have a look what's on offer
25:05Oh dear god, that's what's that
25:10I didn't expect that when I walked in. We're not having that done. Are we pad? Is that a thumb?
25:17Here we are
25:18hamilton norwood scale
25:21All right, let's find us on this scale
25:23Right i'm saying you are
25:26That's you
25:29That is exactly you
25:32If you are ready giuliano is waiting here we go
25:37In we go, all right
25:40Hello there
25:42Good morning. Welcome. Welcome. How do you please come in giuliano chris chris. Welcome to the gentleman's thing again chris
25:49Welcome to the gentleman's clinic. What do you want to get done?
25:52We want to leave here with as thicker hair as possible. I know it's thin
25:58I don't like sitting on the direct line. No, it's not it's not thin. What would you say it is?
26:10Could you take some of the hair from my back and put it on my head he's got an extremely hairy back we can
26:16Wow, we don't recommend
26:18We do a plasma treatment which we do to maintain hair to increase hair density. Yeah, we'll do that
26:24That's fine that as long as we can go about our day and it's not too invasive absolutely
26:32It might be non-surgical but this plasma treatment does involve taking some of your blood
26:38Separating out the plasma which is then injected back into your scalp which apparently helps regeneration
26:45But you have to have enough good hair for it to work
26:49This is the moment of truth
26:52You can already see you got some thick ones some very thin ones
26:57That actually looks like the hair on a different part of his body
27:02Now what we cannot help you with is those red ones that you see here the issue that that we have here is
27:09We don't have the amount of hair
27:12To give you back a massive amount of volume. This is a long honesty the plasma treatment probably I would say
27:19If you want to have more hair, I wouldn't recommend the plasma treatment in this moment
27:23I would say look, let's do a hair transplant. Nope, not a chance
27:29Your turn pad
27:31Come on then daddy wants a perm
27:34Can you just stop you you're spreading it apart?
27:42He's going riding
27:45Come on back forward this one will show you exactly what it's like he's pulled the other parts
27:55Loads of it there pad look
27:59The back of it, this is my concern here. Yeah, see why why are you concerned by that? That's that's the bit what's proper gone
28:08Look at that thread burr
28:11There's a few greys in there, isn't there there you go, right, okay
28:15That's shocking the middle one's shocking
28:18Look, look, it's better than mine
28:22Your main issue is thin hair mine's a bigger area in a big area
28:26Yeah, your main issue is thinner. So in the case of plasma treatments for your situation, it would make more sense to do plasma treatment
28:35I'm in good
28:47I'm a bit squeamish when it comes to giving blood, but if it gets me her back I donate a kidney
28:53Look at all that. That's a lot of blood. It's all it's all gonna go back in
28:57Yeah, can you be careful with that because we don't need his stupidity spreading
29:01Because you could that could that could make the whole population of zurich
29:0630 less articulate if that got out. So just please be careful with it
29:11They stick the blood in a centrifuge and spin it at 3000
29:16RPM to separate out the plasma. I'll be honest. It's witchcraft
29:22This is the plasma
29:25And it's this liquid gold that should help my hair grow
29:29It means that you just got to inject it now easy, so this is the wonderful machine
29:35What the hell is this?
29:38I didn't I didn't sign up for this
29:41What the hell?
29:45Can I have a go please
29:48There are five little tiny needles look at oh dear god, can you see that i'll be honest they don't look so tiny
29:55Something got quite warm in here
29:58The plasma goes right in here here we go, right here we go. Oh my god
30:04Here we go. Okay. Okay. This is what it feels like
30:07One, two, three go
30:14That makes the eyes water
30:19Oh, that's tender though for this to work i'd need 500 injections every visit
30:25Oh, it's enough to make your earth stand on end. Oh chance would be a fine thing
30:35Oh fair amount of carrot coming out there. Oh god
30:42Feels like when someone's trying to pull your ear out
30:48I'm really glad that I was identified as being unsuitable for this treatment god. I'm sweating
30:55So take a deep breath
30:58And exhale no pain no gain
31:02How far down the tube are we doctor
31:06Just breathe breathe enjoy
31:11But I like seeing a certain amount of discomfort put his way but this looks like it's too much now
31:16They're telling me for maximum effect i'd need five more visits that's more than 2 000 injections. Oh god
31:25Okay, perfect now you're done I think once is enough for me
31:36Uncomfortable. It's like you have you've got someone's pulling your ears out weirdly then in an injection
31:42It's sort of like someone's keeps tugging at your ear all over your head
31:46But like really hard you could totally get that done in your dinner hour. I am all for
31:52Blokes looking after the self and I think the more
31:56We can
31:57Have places like this and make men feel comfortable every little helps
32:04I am now looking forward to having my hair dried off
32:08Seeing it blossom in the next few weeks
32:14Oh, that's better
32:18Like it never happened
32:27Already feeling bigger
32:38After yesterday's treatment, I can't say i'm a massive fan of swiss needles
32:43But there's one sharp bit of swiss kit. I do love
32:48Oh lord
32:51It's a beautiful bit of design swiss army knife, that's your classic that's just your blade no
32:58Look at that little pair of scissors
33:01That's your smaller blade
33:03Yeah classic
33:06Corkscrew. Yeah
33:11That little white thing there that pulls out I
33:14tweezers and toothpick
33:17Oh, no, don't tell me
33:19You have absolutely blown my mind what
33:26I never knew that
33:29I never knew a toothpick and tweezers and swiss army knife
33:33I didn't even know they had detachable, but this is major for me. This is massive
33:39Live and learn pad
33:43Cutting edge design is one thing but it's not going to help me fix my mot results
33:48So we're heading into the alps for a more natural swiss shortcut to feeling good
33:55It's funny when you're in a place like switzerland, which is so beautiful you kind of become a bit sanitized to the beauty
34:01Suppose it'd be like being married to claudia schiffer
34:04At first you're going round high-fiving yourself all the time
34:08After a year or two. It's like that's claudia
34:11wondering about the house
34:14You do choose the strangest analogies
34:17Well pad, I think you're going to be impressed by what we've got lined up today
34:22Little treat for you there
34:26Look at that
34:29Now i'm not telling you how we're getting up there, but don't worry it doesn't involve your legs
34:35Thank god. Thank god
34:38Thank god
34:42Mount regi is one of switzerland's most popular mountains
34:46standing at almost
34:481800 meters
34:49It's fresh alpine air and ancient springs have been attracting people in search of a healthier lifestyle for centuries
34:59But to reach the summit there is only one way to travel
35:07We've never discussed this before but do you have a train?
35:09Do love a train actually
35:12I love these kind of trains gorgeous
35:15Turntable have one of those as a kid
35:17This is basically the classic bentley of trains
35:21Settling also bit of velour
35:25Feel that feel that bit of velour
35:27This is what it's all about, isn't it?
35:31Here she goes
35:34This mechanical masterpiece was built in 1937
35:38Its electric engine delivers 450 horsepower and it can hit a top speed of 18 kilometers per hour
35:45Chris you're boring people. They're not here for tech spec. This is good stuff
35:50You really know how to take the magic out of a mormon
35:53Wow, look at this
35:57An amazing
35:58This is the best way to travel
36:01Well done on this
36:03I think train travel done. Well, it's the very very peak for me. I'll tell you who's got it made
36:09Michael portillo
36:11That's all he does now. Have you seen him? He's always talking about trains on the telly
36:16I mean this this is look at that down there
36:25It's not only the views which are impressive when it comes to engineering the swiss think of everything
36:33Do you know what's the treat about this look at these glasses because it's all up built in the other shape
36:39so that is
36:41pretty much
36:44Level there
36:46These are look at that patrick
36:49That there is blue peter
36:51Blue peter meets the krypton factor. You ever thought about being a physics teacher?
37:02We're off to the summit for a celebration of traditional alpine living
37:07It's all a little bit julie andrews and I feel we might be a little underdressed for this party
37:14Blimey, what are these lot here?
37:16these guys
37:21My word, there's some horn on him. There we go party today
37:31We're off
37:36Very horvitz
37:55Looks like we're here
38:14Check this out
38:17The alps are the gold standard for healthy living great walks
38:20Fresh air and views that kick stress and anxiety to the curb
38:24And today i'm embracing it all this is the type of shortcut I like healthy living without the sweat of a gym
38:34It's just smiles it's altitude it's sun it's outdoors
38:38This is just the way it is good healthy life
38:41Smiling enjoying company
38:44This is the way forward
38:46being outdoors
38:52Everywhere's good. It's local celebrity around here
38:55It's william tell a man who when it comes to archery had a very relaxed attitude to health and safety
39:04To celebrate this legendary tale the alpine festivities include a little contest
39:10Yes, patrick
39:11And I split the arrow
39:14I split the arrow. It's robin hood style
39:18Right mcginnis competition time, isn't it? Oh, he loves a competition. Okay
39:26You're the left i'm the right
39:32Oh beautiful straight in
39:38Oh you missed it's one nil to me. Yep, that is
39:55Oh, that's a good shot
39:57You might have hit me though
40:00I'm glad because you've not had a good time in switzerland
40:04Look at your little face now. Look how happy you are. We can we please give him a yeah. Yeah, of course
40:12Do you know what thank you
40:14Thank you first thing that's gone right in days. Should we go up? Do you think my 66 year old steady hand helped?
40:19Let's have a look two
40:23one two
40:25Three three. Oh you lost
40:28Sorry about that
40:38I don't like to talk about it, you know, uh the beating of chris harris
40:44But luckily chris harris isn't competitive so he doesn't bother about that at all
40:49You might see him somewhere now
40:52punching a wall
40:53If you he'll be around somewhere seething
40:58That's him there now. He's getting ready to jump out without a parachute
41:04There it is, it's not all that bad chris. Oh, he's oh it's too late
41:10It's too late
41:14But I know something that'll lift chris's spirits who doesn't love a bit of singing swiss style
41:20Yodeling is something you have to do while you're in switzerland, huh?
41:23So our friends from the train have kindly offered to teach us how to yodel. Why do you yodel?
41:28Well, this is an expression of the heart. Yes, like on a spot like this such a beauty
41:34It just comes out of you right away
41:37Let's do it my posture, right? Well a little bit. Uh, yeah like this like like do your hand in a pocket also
41:43Oh like this. All right
41:46There we go. There we go
41:50Bernard here is a big deal in yodeling. He's the alpine's answer to all this
42:09Okay, listen now I start with the melody and you do the bass, huh?
42:15Stand back chris i'm gonna show you something special here soon
42:33Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're good you're good you're also a little bit uh close oh i'm trying trying
42:44Singing like this can improve blood pressure and even lift your mood
42:48Mostly for those of us singing everyone else for miles around would rather we put a sock in it
43:34You look just like the fella at a pink floyd, yeah
43:38Roger waters, it's roger waters, right gentlemen
43:43I was just gonna say let's get a beer
43:49Took your tongue on that opener. Yeah, one, two, three
43:56All right
44:00There's no two ways about it it knocked him getting them results and it would do it knock anyone I think but being out here today
44:07Top of the mountain in the sunshine and he loves the old trains
44:11He's I wouldn't say happy because he's he's never happy
44:14He's not comfortable being happy, but he's back on a sort of
44:19Mildly unhappy keel and that suits him. He runs just nice on that
44:25I understand if
44:27Alterations make you feel better about yourself ultimately feeling good about yourself is worth investing in i'd invest in getting a train up here
44:34I really would think it's stunning if you have a chance to come here come up this train and look at this view
44:39It's awe-inspiring
44:41And do you know what? I already reckon i'm trimming that 66 back
44:56Today we're taking the doctor's advice so i've arranged a final challenge to kickstart a more active lifestyle for us both
45:09How are you feeling today
45:12That's a loaded question
45:14Well, i'm only saying you've got the you've got the readers on
45:17Life's good. You look cool. I'm relaxed
45:21The reason i'm asking how you're feeling today is
45:24Obviously, it's been a bit of a shock with a doctor
45:27But not a surprise, you know, we're coming 66 was a surprise. I was looking at thinking
45:33late 50s
45:35Right. Okay fair enough. Yeah. Well, it's a shock then so I was saying like chin up chin's off
45:43With a place that looks this good you'll actually take any opportunity to soak up the scenery
45:49Maybe that's why 2.4 million of the swiss often squeeze into lycra the world's most unforgiving fabric
45:57And get out onto one of the country's many cycle tracks and why shouldn't we join them?
46:03What we've got lined up
46:05I don't think there is any shortcuts
46:10This is fabian cancellara
46:15Nicknamed spartacus
46:17He's a world champion and olympic gold medalist in cycling and he's agreed to let us join his racing team for the day
46:25Here we go
46:27What have you got us into here pan I think i've overreached here
46:36Hello there hello
46:39Welcome paddy. Hey paddy like this
46:47The bikes are ready for you guys, let's go
46:50That's it we're straight in you of course no little pep talk no warm up no why you are fit I mean hey
47:01There's no engines you don't need engines this is the engine yes, you're the man one cylinder
47:08One cylinder, all right, let's go and get ready. All right, okay
47:11Let's lycra up
47:14The thing about lycra is that some people can pull it off and some people should never even try
47:22We make you
47:23Looking pro, right? That's not possible. There's a few things. So helmet first of all totally wrong safety first
47:32Then something else. Yeah
47:38Wait then this
47:39Oh, hello
47:41You're looking good, man. You should also have everything look good
47:45but now guys
47:47That's the magic. It's a chamois cream
47:50Is this like a moisturizer, yeah, oh god
47:56It's not for your legs what's it for it's for saddle soreness a bit you go like this
48:01Yeah, and then you go on your balls and then
48:05That you don't have pain
48:08Yeah, but turn around because it's not for people
48:11That's not gonna go. Oh this I don't this is
48:14Oh my god, I just had a little glimpse of little chris there
48:19What are you doing? That's fine. All good. Don't go too deep
48:23No, what has this show become?
48:30Someone put on some slow music i'll just i'll just stay here doing this. No. No now we go for a ride
48:40Sorry for anyone who had to watch that in hd but we're all greased up and ready to go
48:46And we need all the help we can get if we're going to survive a session with spartacus
48:51He's kicking things off with a 10 kilometer warm-up one for you. Fantastic. Thank you one for you
48:58Hope there's a paramedic at the other end that doctor said go cycling
49:02So this is the start of my the new part of my life paddy
49:06I'm shortcutting my way to not dying. Let's take this seriously. It's never too late to learn new things, right? Absolutely
49:13So i'm ready. The bikes are ready. You're ready wagons. Ho
49:29Look at this pad. Look at that mate. Absolutely gorgeous, isn't it?
49:36But i've never seen a view like that god got everything it's got green it's got sunshine it's got trees and it's got mountains. Yeah
49:45And for a 60 something like chris cycling is one of the best low impact cardio workouts around
49:51It torches through calories aids weight loss and can even help boost your mental health
49:58Yeah, and it's not about you have to do two hours three hours
50:02You have to do 100 miles or 50 miles
50:05I mean, this is not sport. This is just experience a small exercise small movement. Yeah, I bought a bike
50:12Because this is the way forward
50:20So now we go down boys be careful here
50:25If we're going downhill it means we want to go uphill at some point, yeah, we go don't worry
50:30I should be worried left here. Oh my god
50:36This is the mickel east cross a 3.8 kilometer continuous climb with an average incline of 9.4
50:44And it's part of the tour de swiss
50:47I did it in a race
50:48In tour de swiss a few years ago, and it was really tough
50:51But now it's up to us
50:54Pain is temporary memories will last forever. Come on guys. Are there vultures?
51:01This is not a good sign guys vultures
51:06Professional riders can climb it in under 15 minutes, but we are far from being professional off it
51:15Little rocket all good
51:19Come come
51:21So when it comes to a longer climb it's finding a certain pace, but it's not a problem if it hurts a bit guys
51:28It's not a problem if it hurts a bit. Yeah, because if it doesn't hurt
51:33You say oh, it's too easy
51:36I don't think we're gonna do that, mate
51:49Knocking already pad. It's good. I'm impressed you're talking
51:54So now we go to the next phase that's the longer part
51:59Go on pad. He's being very clever and quiet pad. It's not clever. I just can't breathe
52:11Feeling that chris. I am feeling that mate good burning
52:22Halfway through boys
52:28Oh my god only halfway stuff 66 right now i'm feeling more like 80
52:36Pad i'm just about out here
52:38My god, i'm feeling it now like chris you're gonna make it
52:46I have never been a natural sportsman, but there's one upside to being a grumpy old git
52:52A stubbornness to prove people wrong and i'm not quitting before my guinness
52:58Rule number one don't stop pedaling. I'm trying not
53:03To rule number two, you're gonna reach the top. I really hope that's it up there
53:12My god, come on, come on
53:19Come on guys, we are almost there few hundred meters nearly there chris. Come on
53:26Son come on. Come on. Come on
53:45We did it hey great great great
53:58You want a little bit of water very impressed
54:06Why is no one out of breath?
54:10i've got to say though
54:12I'm surprised at the pair of us because this isn't our thing
54:17He's done it though he's done it he's done it he's done it the lad
54:26I honestly thought the pair of us would have been off the bike and pushing it at some stage because that was steep
54:33I was blowing going up there and I was thinking how's he going on? I knew we were kind of there or thereabouts
54:38And the fact that he got up here
54:41um, honestly
54:42I was buzzing for chris really because I think that'll be the real kick for him when we get back to the uk
54:50Have to say it's up there with the most unpleasant things i've ever done
54:53Especially when you've got a national international cycling hero to your left just chatting
54:59Doesn't feel bad. You know, I think there's a fear
55:02Of breaking through the unhealthy barrier that particularly men have and that's why you stay in the pub
55:07It's why you stay on the sofa. It's why every time you
55:10Every time you think I could go out and do some sit-ups or I could do something different you look at your phone
55:16Or you get on deliveroo and this reminds me that last thing there up the hill
55:20Hated it wanted to give up straight away, but my brain's gone to a place now where I don't want to give up
55:26So, uh if there's a message at the end of this, it's don't give up
55:35After three incredible european health pit stops our journey together has come to an end
55:42It's been a real eye-opener for the pair of us
55:46And what started off as an adventure has really turned out to be something much more special
55:52I've got to say I think
55:54everything we've done
55:57Korea and switzerland that bike ride's got to be the toughest. Yes. I agree. My legs are still hurting now
56:06Too good in there. I'm, so glad you kept going because if you hadn't I would have given up as well
56:11Out of everything we've done in all the three different countries, what have you enjoyed the most?
56:17Enjoyed, I think in many ways i've enjoyed all of it
56:28This is look at that down there
56:32I'm, not stressed now
56:38I loved swimming in that lake in sweden as well. There's something cleansing about that
56:45It's not the physical side of things it's more the mental side for me it's more about de-stressing your life a little bit
56:56It feels like a long time ago that we were looking at 80 year old naked men
57:05Let's keep looking out there. So what have you garnered from the whole thing?
57:11But I was in an absolute state
57:14Yeah, I still am in a state
57:16But i've got the tools to get myself out of the state. Yeah, i'm gonna get on the bike
57:21And i'm just gonna i'm not gonna be scared of it and this has got me beyond the scared point
57:26Before we finish, uh, can I ask you and this is a really important question
57:32Does my hair look thicker?
57:38It's a win-win
57:39It's a win-win. I know I'm a drink fan. I love you very much. You're just you're not like anyone else i've met. Well, yeah
57:46I grew on you