In Der Doktor und das liebe Vieh, der Neuverfilmung der Bücher von James Herriot sowie der gleichnamigen Serie (1978 bis 1990), folgen wir den Erlebnissen der Mitarbeiter einer Tierarztpraxis im Yorkshire der 1930er Jahre.
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00:01To all our boys. May we see them soon.
00:07We're a trained vet, Harriet. Perhaps we might be of more use elsewhere.
00:12Excuse me, is this Garibay?
00:14Aye, yes.
00:17Oh, what a wee man.
00:20Come on.
00:23It's not only the animals we need to consider, but the people too.
00:27And now you've managed to lose a dead cat.
00:31I will never utter a crossword to that boy again if he comes home in one piece.
00:35To be early is to be on time. To be on time is to be late.
00:39And to be late is unacceptable.
00:43He drummed that into me enough times.
00:48The things that never change.
00:50I do like it when the house is full.
00:52So do I.
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