• last month


00:00Front door, see if it's unlocked.
00:02It's definitely locked.
00:03She's a type 1 diabetic.
00:04She's going into a coma.
00:05She doesn't have a lot of time.
00:06I'm going to need you to break into the house.
00:08Isn't that illegal?
00:09That's okay.
00:10I'm giving you permission.
00:11What am I supposed to do?
00:12I need you to stand three feet away from the door,
00:14then kick the heel of your shoe just above the knob.
00:18I did it!
00:19Press two fingers up against her neck,
00:21next to her windpipe.
00:22Tell me what you feel.
00:23Uh, her pulse is going a mile a minute.
00:25Okay, is she clammy?
00:26I think so.
00:27Now, hopefully she has a glucagon pin.
00:29Lance, I need you to look around for, like, a white tube.
00:32Looks like a cigar.
00:33There's a red top on one end.
00:34Found it.
00:35Pull the red top off.
00:36That's going to expose a yellow end,
00:38but be careful.
00:39That's where the needle is.
00:40Push that yellow end straight down into her upper arm.
00:43I did it.
00:44How do I know if it's working?
00:45Oh, God!
00:46She's waking up!