Khalid aus Brooklyn bleibt schicksalshafter weise in einer kleinen bulgarischen Küstenstadt am Schwarzen Meer hängen. Er ist die einzige schwarze Person in der Stadt und zieht die Aufmerksamkeit der Stadtbewohner auf sich. Bei seinem Versuch es irgendwie zurück nach Amerika zu schaffen, schließt er in The Black Sea zu seiner Überraschung viele neue Freundschaften in der kleinen Stadt und findet ausgerechnet an diesem Ort Menschen, mit denen er sich wohlfühlt.
00:00What's going on?
00:04Nothing bad is going to happen.
00:06Chiren will do it.
00:08You have to ask him.
00:10Where can I find him?
00:31I'm here to see Raya.
00:33What do you mean she's dead?
00:35She just flew me here from Brooklyn.
00:37I met her on Facebook.
00:43I need $500.
00:45I'm stuck in Bulgaria.
00:47No, no, no, no.
00:49Do you have an iPhone charger?
00:51Do you know if I can find a place to stay?
00:55I lost my passport.
00:57I'm sorry, but I can't reserve the ticket without your passport.
01:00I can offer you a place to stay if you want.
01:03I don't got much of a choice.
01:07Hey, how you doing, little mama?
01:10I think we have a cafe.
01:12What do you know about matcha?
01:14You get me? Ever since they gentrified Brooklyn, this is all I drink.
01:23Oh, no, no, no, no.
01:25You love DMX?
01:27You don't listen to music? You don't have any vibes?
01:32I don't understand anything you just said.
01:39Do you know the whole town now?
01:41Open mic night at Blue Flowers.
01:43We'll see you there, papa.
01:44I could spend the rest of my life in a place like this.
01:47Yeah, why not?
01:48Why not?
01:53My dreams in America, they never really got answered.
01:59I'm shaking up the town.
02:01Come holla at me.