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Be Rung Episode 73_30th_September_2024_-_[_Sukaina_Khan___Agha_Talal_]_-_HUM_TV(18)new drama serial be rung,drama,drama in hindi,haroon shah be rung,top pakistani drama,pakistani drama new,sukaina khan be rung,latest pakistani drama,be rung latest episode,be rung new episode,pakistani drama 2024 last episode,hit dramas,pakistani dramas,daily drama,daily pakistani drama,be rung new drama ep 72,be rung drama,pakistani drama 2024 latest episode,sukaina khan dramas,be rung new drama ep 69,be rung new drama ep 71,be rung drama cast


00:00Life is priceless.
00:05Once you leave, you can never come back.
00:09But a police officer can never know that.
00:12It's time to throw away your regrets.
00:15The day is not far when my hands will welcome you.
00:18Hey, police!
01:00If dad was alive today, he would have asked you
01:03how can you do this to me?
01:09I hate you, mom. I hate you.
01:33Fari, listen to me.
01:36I know mom is wrong with you.
01:39But I am here. I will talk to her.
01:41Let it be, brother. I know all of you.
01:44All of this is your conspiracy.
01:48Do you also think I am like this?
01:50Then why didn't you stop mom?
01:52I am sure you both know her intentions.
01:55Listen, Fari.
01:56You know mom.
01:58She doesn't listen to anyone.
02:02Not just her.
02:03None of you want me to marry Fahad.
02:06Everyone is looking at his status.
02:08But no one is looking how talented he is.
02:11You saw how mom was talking to his mother.
02:17So when Annie's parents used to do all this,
02:21why did you keep quiet?
02:22Why did you take mom's side?
02:25Seriously, brother.
02:26Are you still worried about Annie?
02:32They are also Emil's parents.
02:38You shouldn't have misbehaved with mom like this.
02:40That too in front of the guests.
02:42I and Sheryar were there.
02:43We would have talked.
02:45I am telling you, brother.
02:46If she doesn't agree for this,
02:48then I will marry Fahad myself.
02:51Then no one can blame me for this.
03:15Fariha may be obstinate,
03:16but I have no intention to give her a furnished house and a car.
03:22We have suffered a lot in business.
03:25I don't think we are in a position to do that.
03:29Look, your daughter may be stubborn,
03:33but we don't have any such demand.
03:36You keep your dowry with you.
03:39But we are also not in a position to change our home,
03:43and neither can we leave our home.
03:46Okay then,
03:49maybe it is difficult to have this relationship.
03:52Look, I think we should give each other time.
03:56It will be better if we don't rush.
04:00Today, three years later and five years later,
04:04this will be my answer.
04:06Okay, as you wish.
04:10But still, you should think about your conditions.
04:13It is a question of children's choice and life.
04:15It will be better if we don't ruin their happiness with our ego.
04:22Come on, Fahad.
04:24Do you want me to give you some more gifts,
04:27or is this enough?
04:46Mummy, please.
04:48Look at your decision.
04:51You have no idea how bad Fari will feel with your decision.
04:55And I am afraid that she might take a wrong step because of this decision.
05:01She is just threatening us.
05:04That boy will not marry her without dowry.
05:07You people don't worry.
05:09But mummy,
05:11what if she really does that?
05:14I told you,
05:16her greedy mother will not take her home without dowry.
05:21I know her very well.
05:23Mummy, we have everything.
05:26We don't lack anything.
05:28Then why are you being stubborn?
05:30Last time, you people did what you wanted.
05:33Now, this is about my daughter's future.
05:37I will decide what I think is right.
05:43If anyone has an objection, they can leave the house.
05:50Okay, mummy, don't be angry.
05:55Do whatever you want.
05:59That boy is not worthy of me marrying my only daughter to him.
06:04It's good.
06:06She will get rid of him on this pretext.
06:08Mummy, you are doing wrong.
06:10I hope you don't regret later.
06:14Brother, she doesn't care about this.
06:18She loves her stubbornness, ego and pride.
06:23Yes, she loves it.
06:26Stubbornness, ego and pride, whatever you call it.
06:29It's there.
06:32Okay, your stubbornness and ego is in my blood too.
06:36So you people listen.
06:38I am getting married to Fahad tomorrow.
06:52Did you hear that?
06:54Did you see the result?
06:57Mummy, be a little careful.
07:00If Fariya takes a wrong step, all of us will be in trouble.
07:03If Fariya takes a wrong step, all of us will regret for the rest of our lives.
07:09That's why I am telling you.
07:11Think about your decision.
07:16This is a question of your daughter and our sister's happiness.
07:20This is not happiness.
07:22This is the murder of her future.
07:25She is threatening me.
07:27I won't let her step out of the house tomorrow.
07:31Mummy, what are you saying?
07:33You will put a restriction tomorrow, day after tomorrow, what after that?
07:38Can't Fari take this step later?
07:41How long will you put restrictions on her?
07:44Mummy, till yesterday you had a problem with her status, her family.
07:49That if her brothers don't know about this, it will be an insult.
07:53But you also think that if Fari leaves the house without getting married,
07:57then won't it be an insult to us?
08:00Shehryar, since when did you start agreeing with Afaan?
08:07I know my daughter better than you both.
08:11Now go from here.
08:14You all have made me mad.
08:56Fari does have a place in this house.
08:59You will get it only after I die.
09:03Are you ready to accept such a daughter in law,
09:07who doesn't have any bank balance or property?
09:14Stubbornness, ego, pride, whatever you think, it is there.
09:19Okay, your stubbornness and your ego is also in my blood.
09:25So you people listen, I am getting married to Fahad tomorrow.
09:30What are you thinking, Afaan?
09:38On one hand, sister-in-law Fahimal's issue,
09:42on the other hand,
09:44I don't understand Fariya's intentions.
09:48And the biggest problem is that mummy is stubborn.
09:56No one can make her understand.
09:59That much I have understood her.
10:04I mean me and brother Shehryar tried a lot to make her understand,
10:10but she is not ready to listen to anything.
10:14Mummy, do you want to sacrifice Fariya's happiness for your status?
10:21I feel that Fari could have made her understand,
10:25but now she herself is stubborn.
10:30Mummy should think before making a decision.
10:34Yes, but mummy thinks if she does this,
10:39then Fahad and his mother will back off.
10:42But how can we say that they are greedy?
10:47It is very difficult to make them move away from what they understand.
10:52God knows how Fari's issue will be solved,
10:56but we can solve sister-in-law's issue.
11:00I think both of us should go to your house and talk to uncle and aunty about this.
11:06That they don't go to the court for no reason.
11:10Whatever happens, God will make it better.
11:12But you don't take too much stress, everything will be fine.
11:17How can I not take stress?
11:21This is my family matter and not one problem, there are three problems.
11:25What do I do?
11:26My head is constantly in pain.
11:30Should I give you a head massage?
11:34You? You will massage my head?
11:37Yes, what is wrong in that?
11:42Okay, massage it.
11:45I will give you a head massage.
11:57He had to come just now.
12:00You listen to the phone first, talk to him.
12:04Okay. Hello.
12:29Yes, tell me.
12:31I came to know today that Amal's family is threatening the court.
12:37Is this right?
12:42We have given them more respect than their status.
12:45We are giving them a reward for that.
12:47So why don't you take advantage of this and divorce Amal and get rid of her?
12:53You will also get rid of her.
12:59This is not your matter, please stay away from it.
13:04This is definitely my matter.
13:08You still support her so much,
13:11that you don't even know that she is your daughter.
13:14You still support her so much,
13:17that she couldn't give you the happiness of having a child or any other happiness.
13:24But still you don't want to divorce her.
13:27Shut up Aima.
13:29Whenever I sit to talk to you, you have only two topics.
13:33Either Amal or money.
13:36You are always busy with conspiracies and creating chaos.
13:40I made a mistake by marrying you.
13:43It was the worst day of my life when I said yes to marriage.
14:09I love you.
14:40Annie, this house is yours, not aunt's.
14:46Whenever you want in this house,
14:49you can come, sit and go wherever you want.
15:09I love you.
15:31What happened?
15:33Why aren't you sleeping?
15:34Yes, Umar woke up and he was crying.
15:38I put him to sleep and now I can't sleep.
15:43Why was he crying?
15:44Small kids wake up from sleep.
15:47They start crying and then go to sleep.
15:51Annie, you also sleep with the lights on.
15:57Switch off the lights and go to sleep.
15:58You'll fall asleep.
16:00No, I can't switch off the lights.
16:02Umar doesn't sleep in the dark.
16:07I can't sleep.
16:08Annie, ever since we've started sleeping in one room
16:15you've never switched off the lights.
16:18Anyway, it's quite late.
16:24Go to sleep. Good night.
17:18I think you've lost your peace by bringing Umar and me here.
17:28Who told you this?
17:33Because Umar often wakes up at night and starts crying.
17:39And because of me...
17:43Annie, because of you, there's light in my room.
17:48Can't you see this light?
17:57You're talking like a movie star.
18:01Then why don't you become a movie star?
18:06I'm a very practical girl.
18:12I've seen so much in my childhood
18:18that I don't understand these movie-like and fairy-tale-like things.
18:24But there's a handsome hero in a movie or a fairy-tale
18:29who falls in love with a heroine.
18:34And that heroine doesn't let the hero live.
18:42And this applies to our lives as well.
18:47I see.
18:49So, don't you have a lot of misunderstandings about yourself?
18:57Am I not handsome?
19:05I don't know. I've never thought about it.
19:13So, you're saying that I'm not handsome?
19:17Then see for yourself.
19:22I'm standing right in front of you.
19:27I don't want to see.
19:31Cruel girl.
19:33When will you understand my love and my pain?
19:37I feel like that time hasn't come yet.
19:43I've spoken to mom. Let me know when you're free.
19:52We'll go.
20:12Let's go.
20:34Look, uncle.
20:36I agree that your anger is justified.
20:40But we can easily solve these issues at home.
20:45Why do we need to go to the court?
20:48Uncle, the situation will only get worse.
20:52Baba Afaan is absolutely right.
20:55We should be patient and give each other time.
21:00Who knows, this will also help Sheryar and Emal.
21:04Come, Neha.
21:08Don't you have anything else to do other than discussing my life?
21:15This is my life.
21:17It's not an issue that you sit to discuss.
21:22And you've ruined my life.
21:26And now you're sitting here and instigating Baba against me?
21:31Emal, it's not what you think it is.
21:34Just shut up.
21:37This is all because of you and your beloved wife.
21:44Why don't you focus on your life?
21:47Why are you both trying to ruin my life?
21:52Emal, you're getting angry for no reason.
21:58Sit down and listen to me.
22:05Baba, I don't want to hear or understand anything.
22:09In fact, I don't want to talk to anyone.
22:13And you tell them not to come here and discuss my life.
22:20In fact, it's better if they don't come here.
22:28When will this misunderstanding end?
22:35I don't understand anything.
22:51Where are my car and driver?
22:52I have to go to the university. I'm getting late.
22:55I don't know.
22:56What do you mean you don't know?
22:59Okay, leave it. I'll go to the cab.
23:01Sorry madam, you can't go out.
23:04It's Fakhra madam's order.
23:05Why? Are you in your senses?
23:07You can call Fakhra madam and ask her.
23:22He cut the call.
23:27Where are you going?
23:28Where are you going?
23:30Wherever I go, who are you to ask me?
23:34It's Fakhra madam's order that you won't go out of the house.
23:36That's why I'm asking.
23:38My foot. Let me see who stops me from going.
23:42You have such a long tongue.
23:45It was so small when you used to play in my lap.
23:48And now see how much you are misbehaving with me.
23:52Aunt, I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now.
23:59God, how much sister has pampered this girl.
24:03It's the limit.
24:12She will go among those small people,
24:14and her arrogance will come to a standstill.
24:18I swear, seeing her condition,
24:20my heart will get so much peace.
24:24Yes, that's true.
24:26Yes, that's true.
24:29Fariha has decided to ruin all of Fakhra's arrogance and pride.
24:38She is the one who should get married.
24:50If everyone thinks that if they put restrictions on me and stop me,
24:54it's their misunderstanding.
24:56I will not stop now.
24:58Fariha, everyone in the family wants you to be happy.
25:03No one wants anything wrong to happen to you.
25:06Even I don't want you to take a wrong step by mistake,
25:09which will make you regret all your life.
25:13And I tried to explain to you once before, but you…
25:17You know what?
25:18If you hadn't told brother Afaan about Fahad,
25:21it wouldn't have come to this.
25:23You leave it.
25:25It's all your fault.
25:28Whatever I did, it was for your own good.
25:32Because you are the youngest and my sister-in-law as well.
25:35I don't want anything wrong to happen to you.
25:38But what do you think about yourself?
25:40Didn't you convince brother Afaan?
25:44Otherwise, where did he study to marry a widow and a child's mother?
25:49Then where were the lectures of goodness?
25:51Don't you know what has happened to me?
25:55Tell me the truth.
25:57How many accusations will I be put in front of you?
26:00How many accusations?
26:02After hearing all that, I was helpless, so I had to get married.
26:06This is all a show.
26:07Who doesn't like to say so much for free?
26:12Today Fahad has nothing, but tomorrow he will definitely have.
26:16This is called love.
26:17But the one who has greed in his heart, how will he understand?
26:22One is not dead, the other is trapped.
26:24Wow brother.
26:25Stop it, Fariha.
26:27Don't say a word now.
26:31If you have to say anything else, no one is worse than me.
26:48Because Mehreen, I knew it.
26:50I knew that I will be the bad one and I will be blamed.
26:54That is why I was not agreeing.
26:56Now what did someone say, Annie?
26:59What is there to say?
27:01Fari said that I made Afaan a widow.
27:04And I made him a widow and married him.
27:06Not only that, but…
27:08I made him a widow and married him.
27:11And I made him a widow and married him.
27:14I made him a widow and married him.
27:17In fact, the entire family, including my sister, is blaming me for this.
27:22Let Afaan come.
27:23I will talk to him.
27:25How long will I tolerate this drama?
27:28Why should I listen to what I didn't do again and again?
27:31What are you saying, Annie?
27:33Look, why are you ruining your life because of others?
27:36Because everyone thinks that I have trapped Afaan.
27:40Now if people think wrong, then at least they should be cleared.
27:43You deserve it.
27:45Let it be.
27:46Look, you know the real truth.
27:49Yes, but I also know that Afaan used to like Sidra.
27:54And if not Sidra, he would have married Aima.
27:58At least she would have spared my life.
27:59I wouldn't have had to tolerate all this.
28:02But Annie, can I tell you something?
28:04There couldn't have been a better girl for brother Afaan than you.
28:08I think Mehreen,
28:09you must be finding all this easy, but you are not understanding what I am saying.
28:15Because I am facing all this, not the listener.
28:19You also don't understand brother Afaan's love.
28:22Look, if nature is kind to us,
28:25and if it puts such a person in our life,
28:28who is sincere to us and loves us,
28:30then appreciate him, Annie.
28:32Okay, so according to you,
28:34I should tolerate people's taunts and insults all my life?
28:39Is this right?
28:41To avoid all these things,
28:44to avoid all these things, I married Afaan.
28:49If I had known that after marriage everything will not change,
28:54then I would have never agreed for the marriage.
28:57You don't have to spend all your life with people.
29:01You have to spend it with brother Afaan.
29:03Yes, Mehreen, all this is one-sided.
29:05But a person also has some self-respect.
29:11Whatever it is,
29:13I cannot tolerate it, I cannot do it.
29:18That is why I have decided that I will talk to Afaan.
29:22In fact, I will talk to Afaan right now.
29:31this girl will never understand.
29:34What do I do with her?
29:39I have to talk to you about something very important.
29:41You come home right now.
30:04This is just a show.
30:06Who doesn't like getting all this for free?
30:11Today Fahad doesn't have anything, but tomorrow he will.
30:15This is called love.
30:17But a person who is greedy,
30:20how will he understand?
30:22One is not dead, he has trapped another one.
30:25Wow, brother.
30:33what happened to you? Are you fine?
30:35Nothing is fine.
30:37I helped Amal because you insisted so much.
30:41But what did I get in return?
30:44Insult, humiliation, did I get to hear so much?
30:47And when it was about Fariha,
30:50I was blamed for that too.
30:52Why? Just because I married you?
30:56What is the matter? Did someone say anything to you?
30:58I know you will not like what I am about to say,
31:01but I want you to leave me.
31:06Leave you?
31:08What do you mean?
31:11I mean, it is not right for the two of us to live together.
31:15I want you to set me free.
31:18Annie, have you gone mad?
31:20Do you even know what you are saying?
31:22I know very well what I am saying.
31:25And I am talking to you in my senses.
31:28Why Annie?
31:30We were getting closer to each other.
31:32Now everything was getting better.
31:34I don't want to get closer to you.
31:36I don't want to maintain this relationship.
31:41That is why I…
31:43I thought I should take Umar and go to father's house.
31:49That is why you…
31:51You just send me the papers there.
31:53So that at least everyone's life is at peace.
31:55I will never touch you.
31:58And don't even think about it.
32:00Why? Is there any compulsion?
32:03Yes, there is compulsion.
32:05Annie, if you talk about getting separated,
32:07then I will kill you and myself.
32:09Have you gone mad?
32:11When I don't want to live with you,
32:13then how can you forcefully keep me?
32:15Annie, what has happened to you?
32:18Everything was getting better just now.
32:21Nothing has happened to me.
32:23Nothing has happened to me.
32:26I just want you to leave me
32:29and accept whoever you want,
32:32but let me go.
32:34She will also love you.
32:36She will also take care of you.
32:38Annie, I want your love,
32:40not someone else's.
32:43The situation that is between you and me,
32:46nothing is possible in that.
32:48Annie, we have come this far by fighting with the world.
32:50We will fight a little and make the impossible possible.
32:53You will see.
32:55I just want your support.
33:00Do you know what your biggest problem is?
33:03Because you are avoiding the reality.
33:06You want to live in dreams.
33:14That is true.
33:16And not in dreams,
33:18I want to live in your love.
33:20Don't make such big claims, Afaan.
33:23Because I cannot tolerate your taunts every day.
33:26That is why I thought that I am going to my father's house.
33:30No, you will not go anywhere.
33:35And Umar cannot live anywhere without his father.
33:39Know this.
33:41Annie, if not yours, then think about our son.
33:44What did you say?
33:48Forced father?
33:52you think I am not Umar's father?
33:56I didn't say that.
33:58Then what did you say?
34:01This is what you said, right?
34:03I am sorry.
34:05I didn't mean that.
34:07Okay, Annie.
34:09You may not mean that.
34:11But I am hurt by what you said.
34:16I can tolerate all kinds of anger between us.
34:24I will never tolerate this about my relationship with Umar.
34:33not with your tongue.
34:36I am sorry.
34:51I am sorry.
35:21Come inside.
35:44Hello. Yes, Annie.
35:48Afaan is upset with me.
35:51I unnecessarily called him home and made him upset.
35:55I shouldn't have said that to him.
35:58I made a huge mistake.
36:01What did you do? What did you tell him?
36:04That he shouldn't force himself to become Umar's father.
36:11What did you do Annie? You shouldn't have said that.
36:13Afaan loves you. He loves Umar too.
36:17Why did you say that to him?
36:19You didn't listen to me even in the morning and hung up.
36:22Why don't you understand? I am trying to make you understand.
36:25I know that I was wrong.
36:29I was out of my mind.
36:32I heard what Fariha said and I lost my mind.
36:36Go and apologize to him.
36:39He loves you a lot.
36:41He can't stay upset with you for long.
36:44Yes, you are right.
36:48Okay, I will talk to you later.
36:53Okay, bye.
