• last year
Enter a new era of obsession with Football Manager 2025. Check out the Football Manager 25 announcement trailer for this upcoming sports strategy game. Football Manager 2025 will be available on PC (Steam, Epic Games Store, Windows), Game Pass, Xbox, PS5 (PlayStation 5), Nintendo Switch, and Netflix Games from November 26, 2024.
00:00It's always been about obsession, even back then, it just looks different these days.
00:10Now it's about pushing new boundaries, unlocking deeper knowledge and imagination.
00:18Whether that's finding the next big thing, or falling in love with a new story, obsession widens your horizons.
00:28Some even travel the world in search of it.
00:31And the further you go, each match matters more.
00:34So, forget the distractions.
00:37Oh yes, no, that's a great idea.
00:39Because this is serious business, no matter who you are or how you play.
00:44This is the new era of obsession.
00:47And the more you obsess, the more football gives back.
00:51Live your game.
00:58Subs by www.zeoranger.co.uk
