FULL MATCH 2013 Royal Rumble Match Royal Rumble 2013_720pFH

  • last month
00:00Man, I can't even imagine a better way to kick off
00:05the Royal Rumble than these, these two.
00:09This place is electric.
00:12It is chilling here at the US Airways Center.
00:18Jericho and Ziggler are going to have a great time in the ring.
00:24And the US Airways Center.
00:28Jericho and Ziggler officially starting the 2013 Royal Rumble and
00:33the road to WrestleMania, and here we go.
00:37The road to WrestleMania has begun.
00:40This is Chris Jericho's seventh Royal Rumble.
00:43Last year, he was among the two final men before being eliminated by Sheamus.
00:50Can you imagine Jericho being here tonight?
00:53Jericho, remember, over top rope, both feet hit the floor, you are eliminated.
00:57Chris Jericho making sure that doesn't happen.
00:59Jericho can throw a huge monkey wrench into everybody's plans.
01:03Here we go.
01:04Ziggler hanging on, lands on the apron, and he's gotta get back into the ring.
01:10Very dangerous position there for Ziggler.
01:12He's already gone over the top rope, and Jericho looking to take advantage.
01:15I don't think ten minutes ago anyone, anywhere,
01:19would have dreamed that Chris Jericho could be in the main event at
01:23WrestleMania this year.
01:24A thunderous chant here in Phoenix.
01:31Chris Jericho, how psyched does Jericho look as Ziggler is teetering on the top rope?
01:40Jericho with love to end Dolph Ziggler's Rumble plans as we await entry number three.
01:46This doesn't end well.
01:48Superplex top rope, who's coming in at three?
01:51And it's Cody Rhodes.
01:56Cody Rhodes enters his fourth Royal Rumble match.
02:01Mustache is back.
02:02And Rhodes went right after Chris Jericho and Chris Jericho.
02:06Clothesline after clothesline to Cody Rhodes, chop after chop.
02:10Jericho looks great, but Ziggler right back on Jericho, and here we go.
02:14For most of the match, it's every man for himself.
02:16But as Shawn Michaels once said,
02:19you'll see strange alliances in this matchup.
02:23Well, there's nothing strange about the alliance here.
02:26Both Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler would love to eliminate,
02:29no matter what the cost, eliminate Chris Jericho.
02:32You find a way to eliminate the biggest threat.
02:35Chris Jericho is the biggest threat in there right now.
02:37Jericho, there he may go.
02:38Yeah, trying to hang on on the top rope.
02:40Ziggler and Cody trying to eliminate him.
02:43You know, Bret Hart once said, guys,
02:44that each entrance in the Rumble changes the entire complexity of the event.
02:50Jericho's entrance did just that moments ago.
02:53Going for the walls, can he get a turn?
02:56And there it is, the walls of Jericho, and Ziggler from behind.
03:06The key is just simply survive.
03:09You can't win the Royal Rumble until you get to the very,
03:11until all 30 people get in the ring.
03:15But you can certainly lose it before that.
03:18And look at Dolph Ziggler, Chris Jericho.
03:22Falling to the bottom rope as we await entry number four in the 2013 Rumble.
03:28This is getting fun.
03:29This time it's flying by.
03:31And there could indeed be trouble in paradise for Jericho, Ziggler, and Rhodes.
03:41Here comes Kofi Kingston, entering his fourth Rumble.
03:47Kofi Kingston, the man who won a Slammy Award for
03:50handstanding his way around the ring, avoiding elimination last year.
03:54He's taking it to Cody Rhodes.
03:56What an entrance this young man is making.
03:59Coming in like a house on fire.
04:01And Kofi went right after Cody Rhodes.
04:04And Ziggler from behind.
04:06Kofi Kingston missed with trouble in paradise.
04:08Really, Kofi coming in right now is exactly what Chris Jericho needed.
04:14Takes the focus off of Y2J over there for the time being.
04:17And Kofi Kingston, just like a rubber band man.
04:21That is so great.
04:22And Dolph Ziggler, the show off's staying alive momentarily.
04:25Gotta find a way to get back in.
04:26And Cody Rhodes right after Kofi.
04:27And Ziggler gets knocked to the floor, he's out.
04:29And now Jericho and Rhodes working together.
04:32Strange bedfellows are always made in the Rumble.
04:35No, Jericho trying to get Rhodes out of there.
04:37And then Rhodes going right after Jericho.
04:40Cody Rhodes in last year's Royal Rumble.
04:42What an opportunity it is for somebody.
04:44Cody Rhodes in last year's Rumble eliminated more men than anyone else.
04:48He tossed six out of last year's matchup.
04:50Jericho with a foot right underneath the face of Cody Rhodes.
04:59But you gotta get the man over that top rope.
05:02Get his feet on the floor to eliminate him.
05:05And look at this teetering.
05:06Dolph Ziggler's in trouble.
05:08And now Cody Rhodes looking to eliminate both Dolph and Kofi.
05:12As we await entry number five.
05:15Three, two, one.
05:18Don't blink.
05:19Hey, you shouldn't say that about Zantino Morello.
05:22Even though Zantino holds the record for
05:25being eliminated in one second in a Royal Rumble match.
05:30A couple of years ago, Zantino Morello was in the final two.
05:42And now Zantino looks to eliminate Cody Rhodes and maybe Chris Jericho.
05:46Zantino Morello, Jericho hanging on.
05:50Zantino thinks he's won it.
05:51Zantino, they gotta go all the way out and both feet have to touch the floor.
05:55And there's another 25 men that still haven't entered.
05:57He's really not the brightest guy.
06:01He may not be the sharpest knife in the door, but he can still cut you.
06:03Watch, here we go.
06:04And the Cobra has come alive.
06:08Man, Jericho quite the snake charmer there.
06:13I saw what you did there.
06:14And Zantino tossed over the top rope.
06:16I told you don't blink.
06:17And the Cobra.
06:18Look at Cody Rhodes.
06:19Does that count twice, you're looking at Zantino and the Cobra?
06:22Zantino Morello is first eliminated.
06:24Jericho wants to add Cody Rhodes to that list.
06:27Cody hanging on for dear life, and he saved himself for the time being.
06:33Rhodes and Kingston and Ziggler and Jericho remain.
06:38It's not good for Kofi Kingston right now.
06:40Yeah, Kofi's in all kinds of trouble.
06:42Ziggler and Rhodes working together to try to eliminate the human yo-yo,
06:46Kofi Kingston.
06:48We are awaiting entry number six.
06:51The leg strength of Kofi Kingston coming into play.
06:56Leg strength.
06:57And who will it be?
06:58We're a three man band.
07:01Which member of the three man band?
07:03What's the matter?
07:04Drew McIntyre, the jokester, the river of the group.
07:08From Ayr, Scotland, Drew McIntyre.
07:11Remember, 3MB with all three members in this match,
07:13so they have a 10% chance of winning the Royal Rumble match this year.
07:17Heath Slater's mom said that, that they have a 10% chance.
07:20I'm not sure these guys add that well.
07:22Jinder Mahal guaranteed that one of the three members would be victorious here
07:26at the Royal Rumble.
07:27Kofi Kingston over the top,
07:28ran into a big boot by the former Intercontinental Champion, Drew McIntyre.
07:35The ring beginning to fill with superstars, five in.
07:39Santino, the only to be eliminated so far.
07:41Maybe Kofi Kingston will join him.
07:44Jericho trying to eliminate both men.
07:46Trying to get both Drew and Kofi over the top rope.
07:49Jericho, ever the opportunist.
07:51Meanwhile, look at the other side of the ring.
07:52Dolph Ziggler over the top, lands on the apron.
07:54Now the show off's gotta fight himself back into this.
07:58Dolph Ziggler's gotta understand, he's gotta be careful.
08:00He gets knocked off that apron.
08:01There he goes.
08:02Get back in, Dolph.
08:03And there goes that alliance that we saw momentarily between Dolph Ziggler and
08:08Cody Rhodes.
08:09Wow, Drew McIntyre really taking it to Kofi Kingston right now.
08:17Drew McIntyre making a good showing for himself.
08:20Look at Chris Jericho, look at Jericho, Jericho, Jericho.
08:22Is he out?
08:23Yeah, he's dangling, he's dangling.
08:25Both feet have gotta hit the floor.
08:27Referee is looking right now.
08:28Referee's right there.
08:28Yeah, Charles Robinson in great position as Jericho pulls himself back to the apron
08:33as we await entry number seven.
08:35Chris lives to keep fighting.
08:36And there he is, the big deal.
08:42Titus O'Neil of the prime time players.
08:47Here comes your wash rag, King.
08:50Whoa, Titus O'Neil taking it to all the participants in this Royal Rumble.
08:55Well, Titus wins the Royal Rumble match, he can buy a lot of wash rags.
08:59I'm not sure he would, but he could.
09:02And now Kofi Kingston, you ever thought you'd see that?
09:04Kofi and Cody trying to work together, but Titus O'Neil and
09:08the Barton that represents his fraternity from down in Florida.
09:12You can't win unless you get to the end, Michael.
09:14So you're gonna see all kinds of crazy alliances here,
09:16people trying to make it to the end.
09:18Millions of dollars, millions of dollars.
09:21Millions of dollars.
09:22The strength of Titus O'Neil.
09:23Yeah, just flinging Kofi Kingston around the ring.
09:26You know, the great- Should have flung him over the top rope while he had the chance.
09:29Talking about the Royal Rumble match, the great Harley Race,
09:31who was in the first ever in 1988, once said that you get in there and you go.
09:36There's no strategy.
09:37You stay alive.
09:38Here we go.
09:38As McIntyre is eliminated by Jericho.
09:41There goes the hair band.
09:42Watch it, watch it, watch it, there goes Jericho.
09:44Ziggler would love to eliminate Jericho and ruin the homecoming for
09:47Chris Jericho tonight.
09:49And now Titus O'Neil goes right after Dolph Ziggler.
09:51Dolph Ziggler, hanging on.
09:54Man, oh man.
09:55For the moment, Ziggler's gotta get back into the ring.
09:57Notice how Ziggler's got himself a drape around the rope.
10:01It's like a- That's exactly what you have to do.
10:04Using the rope like an octopus to his advantage.
10:08And we are down under ten seconds as we now await entry number eight.
10:14Funny how you guys both thought of an octopus at the same time when you saw
10:17Dolph hanging onto that rope.
10:19Great minds think alike.
10:25And there's a reason that Cody has that look.
10:28It's him.
10:28Because here comes his brother, the most bizarre superstar in history, Goldust.
10:35Team Goldy.
10:36And you guys gotta bear with me,
10:38because I gotta look back into my record book here,
10:40because I wasn't expecting this here tonight.
10:44And Goldust goes right after his brother, Cody Rhodes.
10:49And a shade to Goldust.
10:56That was a little Goldust from Cody.
11:00And there's the real Goldust.
11:04And now I see, I'm looking now,
11:06it looks like this is Goldust's eighth Royal Rumble ever.
11:08Looking to eliminate his brother, Cody Rhodes, who barely hangs on.
11:12Goldust made his debut in the Royal Rumble, 1991.
11:15Tag teaming with his daddy, the American Dream.
11:20This is so great already.
11:22And now he's putting a whooping on his brother, Cody.
11:25Goldust chants, ringing through the US Airways Center in Phoenix.
11:30Goldust unloading on Cody Rhodes.
11:33Dr. Shelby would have had a field day with him and Booker T as Book Dust.
11:37Well, you know, Goldust, he's been pretty vocal on Twitter about the actions of his
11:41brother and his brother's attitude ever since joining Damian Sandow.
11:45He might have to call in Dr.
11:47Shelby to have a little session with Goldust and
11:49Cody Rhodes about this sibling rivalry.
11:53And now Ziggler and Kingston.
11:55We now await entry number nine.
11:59I love the unpredictability of the Royal Rumble.
12:02Who's next?
12:05It is the Harvard Law School graduate, Daniel Sharker.
12:08Jennifer Hudson's husband.
12:10Otunga entering his third Royal Rumble match.
12:16And all three of us here at ringside have been a part of the Royal Rumble match.
12:19John, you've actually been in five in your career.
12:22One here, you lasted nearly 36 minutes.
12:25As Otunga goes right after Goldust.
12:27You've been in one, haven't you, Michael?
12:28Yeah, last year.
12:29How long did you last?
12:30Almost two minutes.
12:31Did anybody last less than you?
12:32Yes. Who?
12:33Jerry The King Lawler.
12:34How long did he last?
12:35Less than a minute.
12:35He lasted longer than Jerry Lawler?
12:38Did you beat him at WrestleMania, too?
12:40Yes. Hey, listen, I've stopped listening.
12:42You can stop talking.
12:45And Otunga has got Jericho pinned to the corner.
12:48David Otunga gotta be very careful.
12:50His face got rearranged in a recent match.
12:53I don't know if you noticed that.
12:54You know, Cody Rhodes, he was hanging out in the corner,
12:56catching his breath moments ago.
12:58That's smart.
12:59But Otunga going after Jericho.
13:01Jericho on the first one's end.
13:03Yeah, Hacksaw- You take a low-hanging fruit.
13:04Hacksaw Jim Duggan, who won the Royal Rumble in 1988.
13:09He once said, you get in the corner, you protect yourself,
13:10you move and hit, you stay out of harm's way.
13:12Whoa, Titus.
13:13Titus O'Neil not able to do that.
13:15Whoa, there goes Goldust.
13:17Hanging on the apron is Titus.
13:19Cody Rhodes not able to eliminate his brother, either.
13:24The ring is filling up with superstars.
13:27You see Kofi Kingston has Dolph Ziggler in trouble.
13:31Number ten.
13:32We're a third of the way through, ladies and gentlemen, of the 2013 Rumble.
13:36We're a three-man band.
13:38And there he is, the Axl Rose of the three-man band,
13:42Heath Slater, who tweeted earlier this week that the Royal Rumble,
13:47in his mind, is nothing more than a 30-man mosh pit.
13:51So that means you follow Heath Slater?
13:54Yeah, I follow him on Twitter.
13:57You admit that.
13:58We're on air, Michael.
13:59That's what I meant.
14:00We're on air.
14:01And Heath Slater, he's unloading on Otunga.
14:04Titus and Kofi, Goldust and Ziggler, Rhodes and Jericho.
14:08Now Slater turns his attention to Goldust.
14:12At least Beyonce could have sang if she wanted to.
14:15These guys have never even sang.
14:17Lip sync, anything.
14:18You mean they're totally Milli Vanilli?
14:22Totally Milli Vanilli.
14:23They're what happens to the mainstream class in one good karaoke bar.
14:26You know, there's been a number of times in this match that Ziggler's gone over
14:28the top rope and landed on the apron.
14:31One of these times, his luck is gonna run out.
14:34Odds against you, the more you go over that top rope, obviously.
14:38And Jericho with a personal vendetta against Ziggler.
14:41Man, Ziggler's head driven into that turnbuckle.
14:45And from there, Jericho can just knock Ziggler to the floor.
14:50Yeah, but- Or my Ziggy, as AJ would call him.
14:52Yep, that's our pet name for him.
14:55My Ziggy.
15:00Well, ladies and gentlemen, we can tell you this.
15:02Dolph Ziggler and Chris Jericho have both lasted now 15 minutes in
15:06the Royal Rumble match since starting one and two.
15:09So John, at some point, the time will become a factor for both these guys.
15:13All you have to do is survive.
15:15Make it to the end.
15:16You can't win if you don't make it to the end.
15:18Here's entry number 11, last year's Royal Rumble winner.
15:23Trying to become only the fourth man in history to win back-to-back Rumble matches
15:30and join the likes of- Look at this.
15:34Irish Curse Backbreaker to join Hogan and Michaels and Austin.
15:39Sheamus looking to join that illustrious group here tonight.
15:42Man, Sheamus cleaning house.
15:46Sheamus last year won from entry number 22.
15:49Tonight he hopes to do it from entry number 11.
15:53Titus hangs on.
15:55Yeah, momentarily perhaps.
15:56I don't know- We're about to go in, Cobbler, and listen to this.
16:02This is Sheamus at his best.
16:06Look at him.
16:06Titus eliminated.
16:10It's like pinball out here.
16:11Otunga's undefeated as a lawyer.
16:13I have a feeling he's about to be misbarred for this.
16:17Five, six, seven, six, five, six, seven.
16:24Uh-oh, uh-oh.
16:26Brogue Kick, thanks for coming, Otunga.
16:30He might have to suit for medical malpractice.
16:32And now look at- At Slater and
16:36Rhodes focusing on last year's Rumble winner as we await entry number 12.
16:42One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve,
16:46thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, nineteen,
16:51twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six,
16:56Over the years in WWE, he's been in a number of Rumble matches.
17:00This marks Rumble match number six.
17:03Well, you heard that statistic earlier about how much weight,
17:06how many superstars have competed.
17:08This is obviously the biggest man in this year's Royal Rumble so far.
17:14And you know, as the match fills up with superstars, it brings to mind a quote from
17:19Jake Roberts, who was the first person to ever eliminate a man in the Royal Rumble.
17:23He said, when the ring fills up with superstars, it gets to be so dangerous.
17:26There's so many people in such a small space.
17:30There's nowhere to go, and there's nowhere to hide.
17:32I hid under the ring once.
17:36Yeah, I know that.
17:37Great strategy, however.
17:39Mr. McMahon, remember the year he won?
17:41He ran all around the arena.
17:44You're saying he was scared?
17:45I'm saying that it was tremendous strategy by the boss.
17:50Not safe, Ziggler.
17:52JBL, can you say something?
17:55Ziggler and Slater.
17:56Michael Cole trying to hang on.
17:58It's the same thing.
17:59It's disgusting.
18:02Go ahead, bring up the fact that great men drop Bentleys.
18:05Go ahead, Michael.
18:06They do.
18:07There you go.
18:10He's Slater teetering on the edge of the ring there with a foot in his throat.
18:14He's back in now.
18:16And now we await entry number 13 in the 2013 Royal Rumble.
18:22And it's about to get funky down in this house.
18:28With a funky dance move in his first Rumble.
18:32His name is Brutus Clay.
18:35Somewhere there's a Sasquatch sitting with LaToya Jackson watching their little kid
18:39in the Royal Rumble.
18:40His big old Brontosaurus.
18:44If he can ever get off all his bling, he'll enter the ring.
18:50And here comes Brutus.
18:53My brother had to funky back to me.
18:58Yeah, look it, look it.
19:00Again, again, Ziggler's in trouble as Brutus goes right after Jericho.
19:05It seems like since starting number one in this match,
19:08Dolph Ziggler's been in trouble since the get-go.
19:10Look at the two big men going at it in there.
19:13Again on the apron.
19:14How unbelievable would it be at WrestleMania if Dolph Ziggler is the main event of
19:18the championship match and with money in the bank?
19:20He could cash in against himself.
19:22Goldust flying across the ring by his brother, Cody Rhodes.
19:25Did he call Richard Dawson?
19:26We got a family feud.
19:27It's only been ten years, but that's okay.
19:32Call him anyway.
19:35And now it's Cody Rhodes on the apron of the ring.
19:39He's great for the Geroes.
19:40Trouble for Cody, and now Cody and his brother.
19:45Two brothers outside of an apron.
19:47Yeah, both out of the apron, both went over the top rope.
19:49Who's gonna be eliminated?
19:51Cody back into the ring.
19:52We're lucky for Cody there.
19:54Dustin, Goldust I should say, hung up on the top rope.
19:57And Goldust into the steel post to eliminate him.
20:00Cody Rhodes has eliminated his own brother from the Royal Rumble.
20:04Is the dream smiling with this or not?
20:08This does call for Dr. Shelby.
20:10Entry number 14 on his way.
20:14Oh baby, from just up the I-10 in San Diego, Rey Mysterio's here.
20:27The winner of the 2006 Royal Rumble, Rey Mysterio.
20:34Who set a record when he entered at number two, lasted over 62 minutes.
20:40Watch this, Rey Mysterio, I think, just delivered 161,000, like that.
20:46Well, is that a call, a conference call?
20:49Yeah, look at Rey Mysterio up to the top rope.
20:51Rey Mysterio, what's he gonna do here?
20:53He's gonna drop the time.
20:55And speaking of time, Ziggler, Jericho,
20:58over the 20 minute mark in this year's 2013 Rumble.
21:03Rey up on the shoulders of Cody Rhodes.
21:06Mysterio knows what it's like to last.
21:09Not only number two in 2006, but he entered at number one in 2009.
21:15Rey Mysterio is fourth overall in all time minutes lasted
21:19in Royal Rumble matches in over 170 minutes.
21:25Sheamus, Brodus, Clay there, and Kofi all trying to get Tensai over that top rope.
21:29That's gonna take a village to get him out of there.
21:31Yeah, Tensai, a moose, very difficult to eliminate, and is Brodus Clay.
21:38A moose?
21:41Yeah, how would you describe it?
21:44Like a big tattooed hippo.
21:47Number 15 on his way.
21:52With it.
21:53And Darren Young hopes to last a bit longer than his partner Titus O'Neil did.
22:00It's his first Rumble for the other half of the Primetime Players.
22:06And look at everybody now, ganging up on the big man who's been eliminated,
22:10Brodus Clay.
22:11Wow. See you bye.
22:13Go back to the dance hall.
22:14Darren Young came in and made the difference.
22:16Sasquatch lovers are very upset about Brodus Clay leaving.
22:22Uh-oh, Kofi Kingston trying to hang on, but he-
22:25There goes the other big man.
22:27Wow, did you guys feel that?
22:28Tensai's been eliminated.
22:31That was about 800 pounds of man right there thrown out of two people.
22:35Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
22:37And look at Ziggler trying to eliminate Kofi, who lands on him.
22:40Kofi just landed on Tensai's back.
22:43Kofi's still alive.
22:44Wait a minute, Kofi's not disqualified.
22:45No, Kofi's still alive.
22:47Both feet have to hit the floor.
22:49Tensai, they gotta get Tensai out of here.
22:51Wait a minute.
22:51I think Kofi just got him out of there with that kick.
22:53Now what's Kofi gonna do?
22:56He's in a predicament now because Kofi's not been eliminated.
22:59But how the hell, if you're Kofi Kingston, do you get back to the ring?
23:03It's impossible.
23:04He's like a bird with the world's on fire.
23:06Where do you land?
23:06What are they used to do now?
23:09What are they used to do in Star Trek, teleport themselves?
23:12I think that's what Kofi better try to do here.
23:14Jump, Carl Lewis, jump for it.
23:16I don't think there's anybody that's gonna beam him.
23:18He's gonna try.
23:19He's gonna- Jump for it.
23:20Beam him all the way over to the ring.
23:23Beam me up, Kofi.
23:24Let's take a look at it one more time.
23:26This is what happened to Kofi.
23:27He was teetering.
23:28He had to save himself by jumping all the way across and landed on-
23:32He'll take a bigger jump than Beaman in Mexico City.
23:34Give me your chair, Kofi.
23:36Give me your chair.
23:37My chair.
23:38Come on, give me your chair, your chair.
23:39Give him your chair, Kofi.
23:40A chair for what?
23:41I don't know, just give him your chair, he wants it.
23:42I gotta see this.
23:44I gotta see this.
23:46I gotta see this.
23:47I gotta see this.
23:48What is Kofi- This is gonna be good.
23:50Well, I mean- I don't know what he's gonna do.
23:52Meanwhile, entry number 16 heading to the ring.
23:55And it's Bo Dallas.
23:56This is the young man from NXT who won the eight-man tournament
24:02at the Royal RumbleFest to earn his way into the Royal RumbleMatch tonight.
24:06Meanwhile, high drama, high drama building.
24:10What is he doing?
24:11Kofi Kingston- This is unbelievable.
24:13Has not been eliminated.
24:14Kingston is still alive.
24:16I love it.
24:17And Kingston- I love it.
24:18And look at the referee staring Kofi down the row.
24:21Hang on, look.
24:22Kingston's using the chair.
24:23This is awesome.
24:24He's using the chair like- This is incredible.
24:26He's using the chair like a pogo stick.
24:28I get an assist.
24:31Kofi Kingston, give the assist to Bradshaw.
24:35That's the craziest thing I've ever seen.
24:37I can't believe it.
24:38Kofi's safe.
24:39Kofi's still in the Rumble.
24:41He is the most innovative man- Now give me my chair back.
24:43In RumbleMatch history.
24:45See you bye, Darren.
24:47Darren eliminated Kofi Kingston.
24:49Disaster kick.
24:51And after all that- No, you gotta be kidding me.
24:54After all that, Kofi Kingston eliminated by Cody Rhodes.
24:58And in the celebration, Sheamus trying to catch Cody.
25:04Wow, one of the most unique things I've ever seen in a Royal Rumble.
25:07And it only buys Kofi Kingston about another extra minute of time.
25:11Now we now await entry number 17.
25:15Great strategy by Kofi, though.
25:17But Cody just took advantage.
25:19Hey, let's talk a little bit about Bo Dallas when we get a chance.
25:21He's still in there.
25:23Here we go!
25:24Here we go!
25:25Yes, yes, yes!
25:27Oh my God!
25:28The Godfather!
25:29It can't be!
25:31I love it!
25:32He's back!
25:33He's back!
25:34The Godfather!
25:36Ha, ha, ha!
25:37I love it!
25:38He's back!
25:41From Vegas!
25:43He brought his rep back!
25:44And look at this!
25:45Everyone in the- The Godfather!
25:48They're in shock!
25:50What could happen next?
25:52This is great!
25:54This is- That's my guy!
25:57Ho, ho, ho!
25:58One of the most entertaining characters in the history of the World Wrestling Entertainment,
26:02The Godfather!
26:03He's back!
26:06This is great!
26:08Ha, ha, ha!
26:11And Godfather just- No!
26:19Why'd you do that, Ziggler?
26:20What are you doing?
26:22Godfather was, uh, in, like, half a dozen previous Rumbles, but, fuck.
26:29I don't think he ever lasted that short.
26:31But how great was it just to see The Godfather?
26:33He's still with us!
26:36He's going out in style!
26:38The WWE Universe!
26:39That's my man right there!
26:41I love The Godfather!
26:42Aw, who doesn't love The Godfather, King?
26:44Hey, whether he's eliminated or not, Godfather's gonna party tonight, we know that.
26:47When I grow up, I wanna be The Godfather!
26:49Ha, ha, ha!
26:52And Chris Jericho, meanwhile, who started this match at number 2, still in there.
26:56Dolph Ziggler, the number 1 entry, still in there.
26:59Number 18, on his way in the Rumble.
27:17Wade Barrett, the Intercontinental Champion, entering his third Rumble.
27:23This is one bad dude right here.
27:26The man who says that, around his waist...
27:31The Intercontinental Championship means something again.
27:36Would you disagree?
27:37No, not at all.
27:38The Barrett Barrage would love to win the Rumble tonight.
27:40Put himself on the, uh, the map.
27:43Wade Barrett tells you in the sunshine right now, Cole, you better not disagree.
27:47I would never disagree with this man.
27:51Oh, look at the strength of Wade Barrett!
27:53Manhandling Sheamus!
27:57Said Andy Murray lost to Djokovic, so he's a Scott again.
28:00No longer a Brit.
28:02Unless you're talking about the Australian Open.
28:06As Wade Barrett...
28:07People know what I'm talking about.
28:08Chris Jericho looked to eliminate Sheamus.
28:11Sheamus, last year's Rumble winner, looking to stay alive
28:14and become a repeat Rumble winner this year.
28:20Ralph Ziggler, laid out there by Rey Mysterio.
28:22Oh, dropkick.
28:23Rey is in precarious position right now.
28:26Get back in the center of that ring.
28:33Let Godfather come back in for a new one.
28:34Oh, please come back, Godfather.
28:35Please come back.
28:37Entry number 19.
28:44There's no one on their feet here.
28:48Sit down. Sorry, I got excited.
28:51And you talk about me.
28:53I'm used to hanging out with that other guy on SmackDown.
28:55It's terrible.
28:57He's brought me down bad.
28:58The winner of the 2008 Rumble gets ready to head to the ring
29:02and the forces are ready.
29:04John Cena called everyone out last week.
29:06Said he was winning the Rumble this year.
29:08And here we go.
29:09The brawl is on.
29:11Everybody wants Cena.
29:14John Cena's welcome to the Royal Rumble is a beatdown.
29:17And here comes Cena.
29:19It was a beatdown.
29:20John Cena says 2013 is his year.
29:28Cody Rhodes.
29:29Cody Rhodes.
29:30John Cena is on fire.
29:36There goes Rond 2J.
29:38There goes Rond 2J.
29:39Trying to hang on.
29:40And now Ziggler.
29:42I can't believe that Ziggler tried to save Jericho,
29:45but he did.
29:47Well, Cody Rhodes was in the match nearly 30 minutes.
29:51But he didn't last,
29:52as he ran into the Bugsaw.
29:54Hey, what a great matchup this is.
29:55Bo Dallas.
29:56First NXT contestant ever.
29:58Never be in the Royal Rumble.
29:59Voting as the 10-time WWE Champion,
30:01John Cena.
30:02Yeah, Bo Dallas,
30:03who's the so-called fire and designer from NXT.
30:07Our developmental-
30:08This is how you make a name for yourself.
30:10This would be unbelievable if he eliminated John Cena.
30:13Are you kidding me?
30:14Guys, we're two-thirds of the way through the Rumble.
30:16Who's number 20?
30:22It is Damian Sandow's first Royal Rumble match.
30:25It is Damian Sandow's first Royal Rumble match.
30:36Damian Sandow comes in and immediately goes after Bo Dallas.
30:43The ring is filling up with superstars.
30:48We can tell you this,
30:49as Jericho ran the stereo way back.
30:52Both men hanging on.
30:53They both gotta get back in the ring.
30:54Did you see how fast-
30:55Rays over the top.
30:56The ring has knocked the floor.
30:57Here he's out.
30:58There goes Rey.
31:00Mysterio eliminated by Baron.
31:03Drop it down on that, 619.
31:05See ya.
31:06Entry number one, Ziggler.
31:07Entry number two, Jericho.
31:09Both men have lasted now over half an hour.
31:11Over 30 minutes in this match here tonight.
31:14Rumble 2013.
31:24Jericho, look at this.
31:27Going up to the walls of Jericho on John Cena.
31:32But he couldn't get it.
31:33Couldn't get it.
31:34Well that's not gonna get Cena over that top rope,
31:36I can tell you that.
31:40Entry 21.
31:42On his way.
31:45That strength of John Cena frees himself
31:47from the grip of Jericho,
31:48but it's right back in it.
31:49And going for the walls again is Jericho.
31:51He's got it locked in.
31:52As Daniel Bryan enters his second Rumble tonight.
31:56In 2011, he came in at number two
31:59tonight at number 21.
32:03Earlier tonight, Daniel Bryan and Kane
32:06knocked off Damian Sandow and Cody Rhodes
32:08with the tag team titles on the line.
32:10We had a Cobra in the match earlier,
32:12now we got a goat.
32:14And Daniel Bryan ran after Ziggler.
32:16Noah's Ark.
32:17A former world heavyweight champion.
32:19Listen to this yes chant from the universe.
32:21Wade Barrett.
32:27Daniel Bryan is leaving bodies in his wake.
32:31The feet are flying.
32:33But you gotta get him over the top rope.
32:35Daniel Bryan's the only man standing
32:37right now in the ring.
32:40Trying to eliminate Jericho.
32:43Daniel Bryan.
32:45Sheamus trying to aid as well.
32:47Jericho hanging on.
32:48He came in at number two.
32:51Cena's in trouble too.
32:53Jericho dangling.
32:55Pulls himself back up to the apron.
32:58And John Cena, as you said,
32:59still dangling over there in that corner.
33:01And Sheamus and Daniel Bryan,
33:03who of course met at WrestleMania last year
33:06for all of 18 seconds
33:08before Sheamus beat Bryan for the world title.
33:12Entry number 22
33:14as the familiar Cena chants fill the arena.
33:17And the United States champion
33:19Antonio Cesaro enters his first Royal Rumble.
33:22Earlier tonight on the pre-show
33:24Cesaro successfully retained his title
33:27against The Miz.
33:31Cesaro says he loves America
33:33and just needs a people transplant.
33:35Well, Antonio Cesaro said
33:36that he's going to dedicate his victory
33:38in the Rumble match
33:39to his home away from home,
33:41the United States champion.
33:43I wonder what Antonio Cesaro thinks
33:45of Tina Turner
33:46renouncing her United States citizenship
33:48and becoming a Swiss citizen.
33:51What's love got to do with it?
33:54Last green turner.
33:55She speaks German now.
33:57And John Cena-
33:58Cesaro speaks five languages.
33:59And Cena's in trouble now
34:00with Wade Barrett.
34:01You know, guys,
34:02we were talking about Bo Dallas earlier.
34:04The NXT upstart.
34:05He's got a lot of fans.
34:06He's got a lot of fans.
34:07He's got a lot of fans.
34:08He's got a lot of fans.
34:09He's got a lot of fans.
34:10He's got a lot of fans.
34:11He's got a lot of fans.
34:12The NXT upstart.
34:13He's still there.
34:14Bo Dallas.
34:15Bo Dallas has lasted
34:16over ten minutes
34:17so far
34:18in this match.
34:19Well, that's a victory
34:20in itself for that young man.
34:21He's got to be proud.
34:28What a kick there.
34:29How unbelievable it'd be
34:30for Bo Dallas
34:31to end up the champion here.
34:33To go to the championship
34:34at WrestleMania.
34:35That's the beauty
34:36of the Royal Rumble match.
34:37I mean, anything can happen.
34:38Every man for himself
34:39here tonight
34:40wants those strange alliances
34:41break away
34:42as we now await
34:43entry number
34:45Bill Billy Jim
34:46once said,
34:47the name says it all,
34:48the Royal Rumble,
34:49you hooked me.
34:51And we're hooked
34:52on number 23,
34:53The Great Khali.
34:57You know,
34:58The Great Khali
34:59as he enters
35:00his seventh Rumble match
35:01back in 2007,
35:03he eliminated
35:04seven men
35:06in one Royal Rumble match.
35:09he became
35:11only the first man
35:12to ever be eliminated
35:13by a diva.
35:15Beth Phoenix
35:16eliminated The Great Khali
35:17one year.
35:18Does Bret Hart know
35:19this is about to be
35:20his nephew?
35:21We'll find out.
35:22Bret Hart's got an
35:23exclusive interview
35:24on WWE.com
35:25right now
35:26as Khali
35:28on the superstars
35:29in the ring.
35:31Dating the Punjabi
35:33Yeah, that'd be
35:35Natty Hart.
35:36We call her Natty.
35:37Natalya Nightheart.
35:38We call her Natty.
35:39But she's not a heart.
35:40We call her Natty Hart.
35:42Sheamus just elipsed
35:43a 20 minute
35:44eclipsed 20 minutes
35:45in the ring here
35:46tonight at the
35:47Royal Rumble match.
35:48I'm upset about
35:49this interspecies
35:51Sheamus may not
35:52make 21
35:53as Cesaro looks
35:54to eliminate
35:56You never dated
35:57outside your species.
35:58Did you just call
35:59it an interspecies
36:02What is wrong
36:03with you?
36:04You had Anvil's
36:05daughter and the
36:06Punjabi guy here.
36:07He's a Punjabi giant.
36:08If that's not
36:09true, I don't know
36:10what it is.
36:11I don't know how
36:12PETA is allowing
36:13any of that.
36:14Anyway, let's move
36:15to number 24.
36:16Don't get hot.
36:17We're at number
36:1824 already?
36:19This is amazing.
36:20He is one of the
36:21greatest performers
36:22in Royal Rumble
36:24He is entering
36:25his 16th Rumble
36:26in a record
36:27setting 14th
36:28in a row
36:29for the Big Red
36:30Monster Kane.
36:31Listen to some
36:32of these records.
36:3411 straight
36:36Listen to some
36:37of these records.
36:3911 superstars
36:40eliminated in one
36:42He went to the
36:43final two that year
36:44before it was won
36:45by Austin.
36:46Kane looking to
36:47eliminate Dolph
36:49Can he get the
36:50show off out of
36:51the ring?
36:52Dangles again.
36:53Dolph Ziggler has
36:54survived and survived
36:55and survived and
36:56survived tonight.
36:57I think Ziggler
36:58spent more time in
36:59the apron than
37:00actually in the
37:01ring in this match.
37:02Spent more time
37:03in the apron than
37:04my old tag team
37:06Trying to double
37:07team the great
37:08Khali, but
37:09Khali will get
37:10the upper hand.
37:11Well, Kane
37:12overall in his
37:13career has the
37:14third most
37:15eliminations in
37:16Royal Rumble
37:17history at 35.
37:18Look at
37:20Kane has been in
37:21five final fours
37:22and Sheamus
37:23looks to just
37:24survive here.
37:25Sheamus, last
37:26year's Royal Rumble
37:27winner, trying to
37:28make it back to
37:30Give me your
37:31take on this,
37:32Cole, right now
37:33in the ring.
37:34It would be more
37:35difficult to
37:36eliminate Kane
37:37or Khali.
37:384, 3, 2, 1.
37:39Cole's not
37:41I see that.
37:42Woo, woo,
37:44You know it.
37:46Well, here is
37:47the man who
37:48wins his third
37:50He has one
37:51million Twitter
37:53Are you going
37:54to answer Jerry's
37:55question, who's
37:56going to be
37:57harder to
37:59At this point?
38:00You got a Hall
38:01of Famer asking
38:02you a question.
38:03Post-fact, you go
38:04back in there.
38:05Oh, Khali.
38:06Kane's eliminated
38:07by his own
38:09His own tag team
38:11Daniel Bryan
38:12eliminated Kane.
38:13Yeah, Dr.
38:14Shelby's a genius.
38:15Yeah, right,
38:17Oh, man.
38:19Daniel Bryan's
38:20feet have not
38:22Moment of
38:23truth for
38:25Will he
38:26eliminate his
38:28Can we
38:29allow Bryan to
38:31Will Kane hold
38:32the goat?
38:34Will he
38:35hold the goat?
38:44Daniel Bryan!
38:45I guess you
38:46can call Kane
38:47the goat in
38:48this match.
38:49At least from
38:50Daniel Bryan's
38:51point of
38:53I call
38:54Kane a goat.
38:55It was a
38:56sports reference,
38:58I know you
38:59don't watch much
39:00of it, but
39:01Eliminated by Zack Ryder, you know a guy blow something and he's called the goat just like he blew it for Daniel Bryan
39:07I mean, hello, it would be the coat you moron
39:26Who says I need to win tonight
39:36Randy Orton
39:37Exploding out of the carton. He's definitely one of the all-time
39:41Rumble competitors uppercut from Orton to Bo Dallas. I'm sure Bo Dallas knew what he was walking into
39:47Rambo time to be champion
39:50At least this is a game young man. Yeah, you got to give it credit Bo Dallas hanging in there
39:54Give all the credit the world
39:59This is bad news
40:01Is he gonna do this?
40:19And Zack Ryder
40:21See you by Chris Jericho Dolph Ziggler. They started this matchup the first two slots both have lasted now over
40:2840 minutes in the
40:302013 Royal Rumble
40:34You know, a lot of these superstars are touted before they enter the ring
40:38You can check that out a top right now to see what they have to say as we now await entry number 27
40:48He enters at the lucky 27 spot for victories
40:54From number 27
40:56Out of his own mouth guaranteed that one of the members of three and B would win this year's Royal Rumble
41:01Well, he's got to do it on his own because drew and Slater long gone. Oh, look at John Cena being manhandled here by Antonio
41:08Cena again hanging on Cesaro us champion
41:12by Cena
41:14Cena has been a beast
41:22Know as this match rolls on we mentioned 40 minutes for Jericho and Ziggler King
41:26I mean, what do you do if you're those guys? How do you dig down deep just to survive here?
41:31Yeah, but you gotta wonder also about Chris Jericho. Sorry. His name's King. I know his name is King
41:36I would need a test your question a second ago
41:38You stood there like typical throwing frisbees over your head like some guy sitting down, please. I'm talking
41:44The third time you use that as bad
41:45It's the second time as you see the superstars are filling the ring John Cena looking to send some more for the top row
41:52There you go survive it again. But again King, how do you keep last? Well, I was gonna say as you were saying JBL
41:58As I was saying, thank you King as I was saying you don't wonder how Jericho is in such good ring shape
42:05He's been off with his band Fozzie
42:06He's been doing great work all over the world and he comes in here
42:09He lasts 40 minutes with some of the greatest superstars in the history of sports entertainment comes number 28
42:17Interesting because I received a medical update a little bit ago about the Miz during his matchup
42:23But here he goes right after Antonio Cesaro Miz taking the brawl to Cesaro
42:26He's supposed to enter this Royal Rumble matchup, but he has turned his uh, his viciousness at the champion
42:31Here's the deal on Miz from what we understand
42:34Miz injured his ankle during the pre-show coming off the top rope earlier tonight the match against Cesaro
42:40We'll have to see if that's gonna come into play as Miz enters at a number 28
42:45I'm sure between now and then or then and now he went back to the trainers room and got taped up heavily taped
42:50But you're right. That's not
43:02They crashed to the bottom of the charts tonight Barrett and Seamus, they're not even on the charts
43:07They don't play music. They don't even play the jukebox
43:10Do they play the radio
43:13play iTunes
43:16And this isn't a real band, it's three car wrecks and a pileup, that's all it is
43:20Meanwhile Wade Barrett trying to eliminate Seamus, they've developed quite the rivalry over the past couple of months
43:25A very physical one at that Randy Orton turns his attention to Dolph Ziggler. Things are getting hairy two men left before we get to the-
43:32Seamus in big trouble here
43:34This will be number 29 who will enter at number 29 Ziggler again on the apron, but again surviving
43:52This is Sinkara who's missed a couple of months with a knee injury, Sinkara returning
43:58to the Royal Rumble match
44:01Innovative unorthodox style unloading
44:08Sinkara at number 29. We're awaiting one man
44:12To finish out the roster for the 2013 Royal Rumble
44:19The battle this has been
44:21You know Miz in the matchup still, he lasted longer than any man last year 45 minutes as Cena, Cena's in trouble
44:27Seamus looking to dump Cena over the top rope, John Cena hanging on to the apron
44:31He's gotta get back in there, Ziggler again on the apron
44:35Seamus can get him out, Cena's gone
44:37Look at Bo Dallas, Bo Dallas
44:39Bo Dallas trying to eliminate Barrett, Cena's in trouble
44:41Bo Dallas eliminates Wade Barrett
44:44The NXT upstart
44:45Wow, that's huge
44:47Bo Dallas, he has been in this match over 20 minutes
44:50What a thrill for Bo Dallas
44:52Who won a tournament yesterday to get here
44:54An NXT tournament of 8 men
44:56Dallas the lone survivor
44:58And he's eliminated the Intercontinental Champion
45:00Yeah, well in his first day here in the big time
45:02He may have made a wrong man his mortal enemy
45:05Yeah, look at Seamus now looking to eliminate Sandow
45:09I am so surprised that Ziggler's still in there
45:12He's been on the top rope, he's been on the bottom rope
45:15He's been dangling off the apron, but he's still surviving
45:18Are you more surprised that Ziggler's still in there or that Bo Dallas is still in there?
45:21Both, and Jericho
45:23A lot of surprises here in this Rumble match
45:27And now Jericho, again hanging on
45:30Jericho, oh look at Wade Barrett
45:32Wade Barrett, Wade Barrett eliminating Bo Dallas
45:36You are not kidding, he made the wrong man mad
45:39Oh, here we go, here we go, here we go
45:42Lights out, lights out
45:44Come on rookie, get up rookie
45:48The bull hammer elbow, and this is ridiculous
45:50Good night rookie, no it's not quick
45:52That young man Bo Dallas lasted over 20 minutes
45:54He eliminated the Intercontinental Champion
45:58Yeah, and he shouldn't have done it
45:59And then Barrett doing that
46:01As we, oh, wah, wah, wah
46:03Are you ready gentlemen, number 30 is about to arrive
46:06Only two men have won from number 30 in history, Cena and Undertaker
46:12Oh, this is a game changer
46:15Will Ryback join them?
46:20Ryback says this is a match he was made for
46:23That he thrives on it
46:25I will not be afraid, I will not be intimidated
46:30And the monster, the Leviathan, Ryback
46:34This is the last guy you want to enter number 30
46:37He's fresh, he's strong
46:40And look at him showing off that strength right now
46:43Look out Mr. Sandow
46:45And Damian Sandow eliminated
46:50Ah, Sin Cara may have chosen his opponent
46:53Just jump over the top rope Sin Cara, it'd be easier
46:55A bit more wisely
46:57He's leaving, Smart
46:59No, he's not
47:00Oh man, just swatting Sin Cara away
47:03Like a nasty fly
47:06And the power of Ryback
47:08Is on full display at the Rumble
47:13Oh, but look at Ryback from behind
47:16Smart by Miz
47:17Yeah, Miz trying to eliminate Ryback
47:18Remember, they've had a bit of a history
47:20Miz and Ryback, Miz eliminated by Ryback
47:24We are now down to six men
47:27Call the breaker
47:30Cena, Jericho and Ryback
47:32How are you going to get that big Ryback up?
47:34And Ziggler
47:35You've got to get him over the top rope
47:38Fly assault
47:43And he's hanging on
47:45Sheamus, 30 minutes in
47:47Still in there, still in there
47:50Better get back in the ring, Sheamus
47:53Code breaker to Ziggler
47:55Hanging on again
47:57Smart move by Ziggler
47:59Look at the amount of stars
48:00This is like an all-star team right now
48:04Ziggler, Jericho eliminated by Ziggler
48:07Ziggler sticks it to Jericho again
48:09We are down to five
48:11What a great performance by Chris Jericho
48:13Ziggler, Jericho, Ryback, Cena
48:18And I think it's really time to give the devil his due
48:21Dolph Ziggler starting at number one
48:23He's still hanging in there
48:25Chris Jericho lasted 47 minutes, 53 seconds
48:29We are down to five
48:30Orton and Sheamus, Ziggler, Ryback and Cena
48:36Coming clotheslines from Randy Orton
48:39And Dolph Ziggler is approaching the 50-minute mark in this match
48:42Ryback, shoulder first
48:44RKO to Ziggler
48:47But Ziggler is still in there
48:49Went for the RKO
48:50RKO to Cena
48:52Oh man
48:53But you got to get rid of him
48:54Went for the Brogue Kick
48:55RKO to Sheamus
48:57The Viper striking
49:06Uh-oh, Ryback not where he wants to be
49:08Randy Orton is on fire
49:11What a performance at the Royal Rumble
49:13Randy Orton's put down
49:15Look at the carnage
49:16Look at the bodies of all the superstars laid to waste by Randy Orton
49:20One of the all-time Rumble greats
49:22One of the all-time greats
49:24And Randy Orton moving to that place
49:28Randy Orton entering at number 26, still fresh
49:31RKO Ryback
49:32And now Ryback, after a great performance by Orton
49:35Sends the Viper home
49:39Oh man
49:40We are down to four
49:41Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait
49:43Ryback, Cena, Ziggler, Sheamus
49:49This is classic
49:51Ziggler, who entered at number one
49:53Sheamus looking to eliminate him
49:55He's on the apron again
49:56Sheamus entered at 11
49:58Brogue Kick
49:59There goes Ziggler
50:03We are down to three
50:04Sheamus, Ryback, and Cena
50:11Doll, 49 minutes, 46 seconds in the Rumble
50:14Think about this though
50:15Let's reset here
50:17Sheamus, last year's Rumble winner
50:19Cena, 2008 Rumble winner
50:22Ryback in his first Rumble ever
50:24What's gonna give here in the final three?
50:27This is something you're gonna tell your grandkids about
50:30This is history in the making
50:32Catch your breath
50:33Here we go again
50:34One of these three superstars is going to WrestleMania
50:38Sheamus looking to win back to back
50:41John Cena looking to make this his year
50:43Ryback looking to make his career right here
50:48And Sheamus and John Cena thinking alike
50:51Going after Ryback
50:52Double suplex to Ryback
50:55Strange alliance has happened
51:01Cena and Sheamus with a long history
51:03Sheamus once beat Cena for the WWE Championship
51:06But they're looking back at the sign
51:08It's all about WrestleMania 29
51:10At MetLife Stadium in New York and New Jersey
51:13On April 7th
51:14And now Sheamus and Cena unloading in the middle of the ring
51:18This is the headline of WrestleMania
51:23One of these three men is going to the show
51:27As the main event, Michael
51:31You can't see me
51:34Ryback with a knee hook close up
51:36You can see that
51:38Ryback almost takes Cena's head off
51:41And now Ryback says, finish it now
51:43We're watching history guys
51:45And it's shell shock time
51:47Shell shock time
51:50Stomping around the ring
51:51Sheamus fights out
51:54Ryback on his shoulders
51:55White noise, white noise
51:57White noise
52:01White noise has engulfed the U.S. Airways Center
52:06But how's Sheamus going to get him over the top rope?
52:10It's not enough to beat him
52:11You got to get him over the top rope
52:13Now Sheamus, you know the wheels are turning
52:15Sheamus knows how to win this thing
52:16He won it last year
52:18Guarantee he's got strategy for this moment
52:24The Celtic warrior is lining up
52:38And for the pro kick and Ryback counter
52:41And there goes Sheamus
52:43And we are down to two
52:45Oh my gosh, just like that
52:48Sheamus going for the pro kick
52:50And the next thing he knows, he's out of the Royal Rumble
52:54Sheamus lasted 37 minutes, 24 seconds
52:57But remember what happened in the fall
52:59Remember the night John Cena sat in the middle of the ring
53:02And told Ryback, it's your time
53:05Tonight, these two men face off
53:08In the final two of the Royal Rumble match
53:12That's not happening tonight
53:13Tonight if it's Ryback's time, he's going to have to earn it
53:17One of these two men will main event Wrestlemania
53:31Oh, and Cena unloaded
53:33Cena unloaded on Ryback
53:35Ryback, spinebuster!
53:39Cena, Cena, Cena!
53:44Here comes the meet-up
53:46Cena struggling to his feet
53:49That spinebuster took the wind out of him
53:51Quick to the knee, hook, clothesline, drop toehold
53:53Cena, STF, STF, STF
53:56Tap out doesn't matter
53:57He's got to get Ryback over the top rope
53:59But can Cena put the damage, will the damage be done here?
54:02Yeah, but if you wear it down Michael, you still got to get Ryback somehow
54:05On his feet, over the top rope
54:07But if there's one man that can pick Ryback's lifeless carcass up
54:11And put him over the top rope, it's John Cena
54:13I got to agree with you there, this does not look good for Ryback
54:16Cena with that inhuman strength
54:18And John Cena wearing Ryback down
54:20If Ryback passes out
54:22Ryback's going out, why are you fading?
54:23And if Ryback passes out, all Cena's got to do is lift that body over the top rope
54:28Ryback's out, Ryback is out
54:31Now John Cena with the inevitable task as he shoots the hat
54:36Of trying to figure out how to get Ryback up and over the top rope
54:40Look at John Cena
54:43John Cena has got Ryback back to his feet
54:46Absolute strength by John Cena
54:49Powering Ryback to the top rope
54:53Uh-oh, Ryback is back
54:57He's no longer out
54:58Staying alive, top rope, best press from the top rope
55:01And now, bashing Cena's skull to the mat
55:04Oh man
55:14Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah
55:16Ryback away
55:17He's gone, he's gone
55:18John Cena is going to Wrestlemania
55:23John Cena
55:30John Cena has done it
55:34A ten time WWE champion is going back to the dance, to the main stage
55:39To the grandest of them all, Wrestlemania
55:41John Cena has made history tonight
55:44John Cena becomes only the fourth man
55:48To win two Royal Rumble matches
55:57There was Austin
56:03There was Austin
56:05There was Shawn Michaels
56:07There was Hogan
56:08And now there's Cena
56:12And now John Cena gets to choose which title he'll battle for
56:17On April 7th at MetLife Stadium
56:21In New York and New Jersey
56:23At Wrestlemania 29
56:27John Cena said 2013 will be his year
56:32John Cena's going to Wrestlemania
56:47John Cena
56:48John Cena
