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Season 3 | show | 2024| S3 | Official Trailer | dHNzX05VU1JEdTlROTFV


00:00This is the era of Yatna, of terror, of war.
00:11This is the era of me, Ravan.
00:15Is there anyone who can stop me?
00:18Is there any great warrior?
00:21Jai Shree Ram!
00:24Ravan and Vaanar are words made out of similar letters.
00:27And in these letters, there is a difference between right and wrong.
00:33One who protects righteousness, righteousness protects him.
00:41As long as I am alive, Sita will not go anywhere from here.
00:45Even if Lanka turns into ashes.
00:48We have a promise.
00:50Devi Sita and Shree Ram's union and Ravan's end.
00:58My powers are increasing every day.
01:01Jambavan Kaka says that if I don't control them, they will control me.
01:06There is a lot of similarity between you and Ravan.
01:09Ravan has accepted the demon inside him and has become all-powerful.
01:15You have to accept the monkey inside you.
01:21Poor Hanuman, he is standing on the road.
01:24Jambavan shows one direction, Vibhishan the other.
01:30You have shown more than I thought, Hanuman.
01:35Leave the rest to me.
01:44He has used the strength of his entire army.
01:49Who is left now?
01:50Who is left now?
01:52The one who is alone is equal to an entire army.
01:57His sleep is a boon given by Brahma.
02:02My second brother.
02:20From 12th January on Disney Plus Hotstar.
