• last year
00:00When you study the gospel biographies trying to understand how Jesus stewarded his time,
00:06one glaring truth jumps off the pages.
00:09Jesus was crazy purposeful.
00:12In the words of the great Dorothy Sayers, Under all his gentleness there is a purpose
00:16harder than steel.
00:18Nobody in Jerusalem had more things competing for their attention.
00:23And yet Jesus always seemed to be able to discern the essential from the noise.
00:28No passage of scripture illustrates this better than Mark 1 verse 29-38.
00:34After driving out some evil spirits at the synagogue, Jesus healed Peter's mother-in-law
00:38and a bunch of her neighbors.
00:41Understandably, the town's residents wanted more of Jesus the next day.
00:46But Jesus said no.
00:49Because he had already committed his time to a bigger yes.
00:53In response to the people's request for more of his time, Jesus said, Let us go somewhere
00:58else, to the nearby villages, so I can preach there also.
01:03That is why I have come.
01:05Mark 1 verse 38, emphasis mine.
01:08Jesus understood his purpose and that allowed him to take the long list of things he could
01:13do and prioritize it down to the things he knew he should do to finish the work the Father
01:18gave him to do.
01:20John 17 verse 4.
01:22And with his work prioritized, Jesus focused relentlessly.
01:27Pastor Kevin DeYoung says that, Jesus knew the difference between urgent and important.
01:33He understood that all the good things he could do were not necessarily the things he
01:37ought to do.
01:38If Jesus had to live with human limitations, we'd be foolish to think we don't.
01:44The people on this planet who end up doing nothing are those who never realize they couldn't
01:49do everything.
01:50Man, that's good!
01:52Yet again, Jesus' example leads us to a timeless principle for redeeming our time today.
01:59Here it is.
02:00Principle 4.
02:02Prioritize Your Yes.
02:04To redeem our time in the model of our Redeemer, we must decide what matters most and allow
02:09those choices to prioritize our commitments.
02:13But let's face it, this is easier said than done.
02:16We all have so many things on our to-do lists.
02:20How do we decide what matters most?
02:23One way is by setting bigger goals for our lives and work.