• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia. Hi, Shia.
00:05If you're just watching, I thank you for watching.
00:08In this video, I'm going to be talking about the notes, Shia.
00:12And I'm going to be talking about the meal plans I'm working on.
00:18So, I'm going to quickly go over the notes. I'm not going to be negative in this video.
00:23Because I can't feel like talking about bad, negative things.
00:35So, I didn't go anywhere today. I plan on going to do some errands tomorrow.
00:54But I'm going to get this...
00:59So, I have this rodent repellent that I'm playing.
01:04You can barely hear it because it's...
01:08This is a good one.
01:16But I'm going to show you a video of why, how this works.
01:21There's a... Look at how disgusting...
01:27Look how disgusting this is.
01:34These things are filthy, and disgusting, and gross.
01:44They're unclean in the Bible.
01:48And they're not supposed to really...
01:51I mean, if you look at other animals, besides insects, they don't crawl in and take over people's homes.
02:00So, I'm going to show you how ultrasonic works.
02:04There's an experiment where it shows you.
02:09And I'm going to skip to where they get really...
02:14So, it takes a little bit, so you have to be patient, Shia, with these ultrasonic sounds.
02:26And I'm actually going to start taping the crack under my door.
02:35Because insects are probably crawling through.
02:40Watch how... Watch...
02:42They're going to start getting really, like, crazy and try to get out of the cage because of the frequencies.
02:50They're going to start crawling up on the top of the cage.
02:56So, I'm going to go to Lowe's, or Home Depot, or Walmart, and get the ultrasonic rodent repellent plug-ins.
03:08See how they're going crazy?
03:11And they're trying to get out. They can't tolerate the sound, the frequency.
03:25Look at that.
03:36So, it's proof that these ultrasonic rodent repellents work.
03:48They're trying to get out of the cage because of the frequency.
03:53So, these ultrasonic plug-ins also work for insects.
04:10So, I'm going to play on this in case this gets...
04:22In case something happens to this, I'm going to play it on the backup.
04:37You have to be patient with it, though, because it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to work.
04:43It's a lie that they get used to the sound.
04:47However, I have been flipping through different videos to change the sounds.
04:54And flipping through different rodent repellent videos.
05:09So, I had to show you that.
05:13So, this is Pest.
05:21Ultrasonic plug-in Pest repellent.
05:30My hair looks a little bit darker in this video.
05:41I forgot that...
05:43Oh, it didn't stop recording.
05:45I forgot that this was going to fall out.
05:53I don't know. It's not going to work.
05:55So, I'm feeling very irritable and attacked.
05:59And it's going to be hard for me to make this video.
06:01And I'm not going to make it too long.
06:06In regards to...
06:15In regards to Alberto, there's a walk-in possession happening.
06:18So, do not...
06:21Don't worry.
06:27I haven't...
06:28Just don't worry.
06:32He's got spirit guides.
06:34And he has lumarians and tapas supporters working with him.
06:42And I was just trying to help. So...
06:47Obviously, I'm just going to leave it alone and let it go.
06:54I showed you the ultrasonic Pest repellent.
07:23Somehow, my Dropbox...
07:27My Dropbox, when I used to use it...
07:29When I had my alternative fashion media...
07:33I had, like, some of my interns...
07:37And people I was working with...
07:39With those fashion shoots...
07:41Sharing files...
07:43It got permanently deleted.
07:45Where did it go? Where did the phone go?
07:49It's possible to have deleted it because I got multiple emails...
07:53Telling me that it was going to be permanently deleted.
07:56If I didn't change it, the Dropbox...
08:00Back to a free account.
08:02I don't remember...
08:03I don't remember...
08:08I'm going to show you...
08:09I've had a memory issue my entire life.
08:12It hasn't just been from the stroke.
08:15It hasn't just been from the stroke.
08:17Because I had a brain injury when I was born.
08:20But I'm going to show you the Dropbox.
08:23See how it says Dropbox?
08:26I kept getting those emails.
08:29It's possible...
08:33That I...
08:36Didn't ignore it, the Dropbox.
08:38Because I...
08:41The Jo...
08:42Somehow, I was avoiding opening it.
08:44So Dropbox...
08:45Everything's permanently deleted.
08:47Unless I contact...
08:50They'll be deleted shortly.
08:52The people that was connected to the files.
08:55Well, there's no way I'm contacting anyone that's...
09:01I'm not connected to Dropbox.
09:06But if I Google Dropbox...
09:09Which I recently did.
09:11I was getting email warnings since June.
09:17There's no way...
09:18I believe these were opened, not by me.
09:21I did...
09:24Dropbox, Dropbox, Dropbox.
09:27Dropbox, Dropbox, Dropbox.
09:31And this was back in June 11.
09:35And the team is in a locked state.
09:38So I'd have to put it into a...
09:45Yeah, all the files are deleted.
09:52Because it remained in a locked state.
09:56The hacker with V2K is saying he did it.
09:59And he...
10:01And he did it.
10:02And he...
10:04Made me...
10:08Not open Dropbox emails.
10:11Not make it go through my feed.
10:14He hid them.
10:16And archived them.
10:18And then all of a sudden, this Dropbox appears.
10:21And I all of a sudden open it.
10:22So it's very possible the hacker hid the Dropbox emails.
10:27Is it really necessary that I have those files?
10:31All of my past work is deleted and stolen, kind of.
10:36And trashed.
10:37Even if I didn't even want...
10:40Even if I didn't need to look at it.
10:43It's just...
10:44It's still...
10:46It really shouldn't have been deleted if it didn't need to be.
10:49If I could have just...
10:51Logged into Dropbox.
10:54And changed it to a free account.
10:57I think I would have.
10:58I think I would have.
10:59Especially with the investigation coming up.
11:02That can be proof that...
11:07I don't know.
11:08It could be some form of proof.
11:11But I'm not going to get worked up over it.
11:15I've already been prepared for everything getting deleted.
11:24So the hacker...
11:26Hid all the Dropbox emails.
11:31He opened them, apparently.
11:33Because they weren't all highlighted.
11:36And now...
11:37These are permanently deleted files.
11:42Hopefully it was all fashion related.
11:44Like fashion business.
11:47I don't...
11:48I think I may have saved other files in Dropbox.
11:53In case things got deleted.
11:55It's possible I did that too.
11:58But I'm going to leave that.
11:59I'm not going to get worked up over it, Shia.
12:01And don't get angry.
12:03Because I didn't really use Dropbox that much.
12:07And there's not really a lot that you can save on Dropbox.
12:11So I had some spaghetti with sauce.
12:14It's more like...
12:16A little bit of spaghetti with a lot of sauce.
12:18But it tasted actually really good.
12:22I had the Roma tomato canned sauce.
12:31So these are the Dropbox.
12:33I tried to, uh...
12:37I inflated this float.
12:39And this was yours.
12:40See the pretty glitter?
12:43We, uh...
12:45This was yours.
12:46I couldn't find the one I...
12:47The mine that I opened.
12:50It's too big for the tub.
12:51Doesn't really work.
12:53So what I'm going to have to do is...
12:55Go to Target or Walmart and buy an...
12:58Inflatable float that's smaller than that.
13:01I just... I don't really want to buy a kid's float.
13:04For the bathtub.
13:05So I'm going to have to try to find some kind of...
13:07A water flotation.
13:12Not in the kid's section.
13:14I just...
13:17I just don't want to.
13:18So I started taping...
13:20The bottom of my floor.
13:24Partially because...
13:26There was, uh...
13:27Odors coming through.
13:30That, uh...
13:31I believe there's odors coming through.
13:34Also, it's going to be good to keep the bugs out.
13:37Because I've been getting lots of bugs.
13:40And what I found is...
13:43When I took the tape off...
13:45Look at all the lint.
13:47See all the lint?
13:49That's coming...
13:52I, uh...
13:53That's not...
13:54That's coming from outside in the hallway.
13:57So all that would have come on...
13:59Through my door.
14:01I keep forgetting to not show photos in this backup.
14:03It's going to be really annoying.
14:06If I...
14:10Don't show these...
14:11Backup video, uh...
14:19I'm going to start taping the bottom...
14:21Bottom of my door.
14:22For one, because...
14:23I believe there's...
14:25There can be some kind of bacterial poison.
14:27Or anything that can be...
14:29Put in the hallway.
14:30Put under my...
14:33Door. And also...
14:34It will keep, uh...
14:35Cockroaches out.
14:37And bugs.
14:41Uh, it's for when I can remember.
14:43However, I have all kinds of odors that come in here.
14:46And I can't stand...
14:48When they wash the...
14:49The floor in there.
14:50There's lots of chemicals that come through.
14:54From the...
14:55And I...
14:56I'm very, very allergic to those types of cleaning products.
15:01Uh, the more I feel that I'm...
15:04The reason why I think...
15:05That I have so much allergies...
15:07Is probably because of my brain injury.
15:09So I made these, uh...
15:12I used Bisquick and made these biscuits.
15:14It was actually kind of like a Bisquick pancake that I cut in.
15:20Uh, it wasn't...
15:23When I was putting in the biscuits, it wasn't like...
15:27I didn't really measure properly.
15:30Uh, I didn't use milk or eggs.
15:32I used water, though.
15:34And I put some olive oil in...
15:38That coffee creamer powder.
15:40I think it would be a little bit too much.
15:42I think it would be a little bit moist, more...
15:45Better if I put, like, a creamer in it.
15:47Like a liquid creamer.
15:50And the olive oil, maybe a little bit more olive oil.
15:52I burned my hands...
15:56Washing the...
15:58I'm still not showing the photos.
16:01I'll need the backup.
16:05I burned my hands hand-washing those clothes.
16:08I think...
16:09I really think it has to do with the possession.
16:12Because I'm thinking,
16:14This water's too hot.
16:15This water's too hot.
16:17Let me go put the dish gloves that I have.
16:21And then I'm thinking,
16:22I don't really want to get those dish gloves dirty.
16:25And get, like, the dish gloves sweaty on the inside of the dish gloves.
16:29Well, the whole reason why you buy the dish gloves is to use them.
16:32And I saw photos on the internet of people hand-washing their clothes
16:36I saw photos on the internet of people hand-washing their clothes
16:39and putting dish gloves on their hands.
16:43I should not have put my hands in the water yet.
16:47I should have let them soak longer.
16:49I really don't think that this is, uh, possession.
16:52I mean, I really don't think that this is, like...
16:55Uh, I really can't figure out that my hands are going to be burning.
16:59Because I thought of it.
17:01I said, my hands are going to be burned if I put them underwater.
17:05And I tell myself, I'm too tired.
17:08I'm too weak and I'm too tired to get those dish gloves.
17:11I'm just going to put my hands in the water to agitate the clothes to clean them.
17:17And I burn my hands.
17:20They're probably still burned.
17:23You can't really tell.
17:24You can't really completely tell.
17:29Let me see if there's any other photos I have to show you.
17:31And this was...
17:36Uh, 270 views on the video I uploaded four months ago.
17:45And this says 21 views.
17:48However, um...
17:53I pretty much only uploaded it a month ago.
17:56I just don't want you to get upset if you saw 21 views.
17:59Like, really, she hasn't been looking, obviously.
18:03Yeah, I have been looking shy a lot.
18:05And I just started putting this on Roku TV.
18:10Uh, but also, uh, anyways.
18:17Is there anything else?
18:18I had a hard time, uh, uploading Instagram video yesterday.
18:23This kept popping up.
18:25And I was told by the B2K, the hackers, uh, doing it and stealing my Adrenochrome at the same time.
18:34So I think I showed you all the video.
18:36Uh, well, just some of the recent ones.
18:43Hold on.
18:45So I did two hours of Lumarian technology.
18:48And I rest my arm on your blanket.
18:53When I do Lumarian technology.
18:56So, like, you're helping me.
18:58Because when I...
18:59That blanket is very connected to you, Shia.
19:19Also, in regards to the acid being through my face.
19:22Remember I told you the neighbor leaves his door open a crack.
19:24And I took photos where he puts his trash can in between the door and he leaves the door open a crack.
19:30That's why.
19:31Because I wouldn't hear the door open.
19:34And I wouldn't be, like, ready and prepared.
19:38And that would give the criminal neighbor a chance to throw acid in my face.
19:43And I've been repeatedly told with B2K, the acid is sitting on my counter.
19:48The acid is sitting on my counter.
19:53And did not say it a lot.
19:55Only a couple times.
19:56And it was blocked from me hearing it again.
20:00They blocked it.
20:01Didn't make me remember.
20:02Only said it a couple times.
20:04Because it's very true.
20:07This criminal's been trying to throw acid in my face more than I probably would like to know.
20:14That's very scary.
20:16I don't want to be here, Shia.
20:17But I have to.
20:23I told you.
20:24I'm not...
20:25This person's gonna go to jail for life.
20:28In regards to the seed of the serpent...
20:30Remember how I told you entities...
20:38Are not real.
20:39However, in regards to the seed of the serpent...
20:42Satan cannot create.
20:44Only God can create.
20:46God did not create the seed of the serpent.
20:49So how real is the seed of the serpent?
20:55I need to get a smaller swim tube for the tub or some kind of inflation...
21:01Flotation thing.
21:02Because I tried to recite the Quran in the bathtub.
21:07And my back was in so much pain and scrunching over.
21:11It was...
21:13I could feel the paralysis.
21:15I can't sit up straight with my spine.
21:18Like Indian style in the bathtub for two hours straight.
21:23My spine just kind of...
21:25Shrinks down and curls and...
21:28It's not strong enough.
21:29My spine's not strong enough because of the paralysis.
21:36I'm gonna get the...
21:38Rodent repellent plug-ins.
21:40And I believe this is going to...
21:44Help with the...
21:47I believe it's gonna help because...
21:50If these...
21:52If these demonic...
21:54I don't know.
21:57If I'm demonically possessed or if they're accorded to me...
22:01In any way...
22:03It could...
22:06Remove these...
22:10By the way...
22:11You know how I told you like...
22:13There was something in my neck or wherever else that is...
22:18All of these...
22:20Entities or...
22:23Voluntarily and involuntarily courting themselves to me and you in order to...
22:27For us to...
22:31Think about all the ten years of torture that we've been through...
22:34In regards to the Ruchakri torture.
22:45That's all gonna be returned not just back to the centers...
22:47But all the people that are courted to us.
22:49That's how I found out...
22:52How could possibly a hundred thousand maybe into the millions of people...
22:56Get all of the torture that I got.
22:58And that's why.
23:00Because they illegally courted themselves or...
23:04They were...
23:05They were illegally courted.
23:06Some of them might have been illegally courted to us but a lot of them most likely volunteered.
23:14In regards to the...
23:16Kirami Citation in the bathtub...
23:19I did it at one hour today.
23:20That's why my hair is a little bit wet.
23:23Because I did it from four to...
23:25From five to...
23:26Four to five o'clock.
23:31Or no, five to six o'clock.
23:34A little bit of the paralysis is being more obvious.
23:39Somehow that happens.
23:41You know how all the acupressure in my heart was kind of...
23:43Getting messed up.
23:45I think we'll get...
23:46Our bodies are going to get more sick before it gets better.
23:52I would like to get a car cover.
23:54And then put my rope around the car.
23:58In order for...
23:59To prevent...
24:00People from...
24:01Trying to...
24:02Put things in my car.
24:08I'm not sure if I'm going to do that though.
24:10I have a...
24:11A rope.
24:12That's like...
24:13Fifty to seventy feet.
24:14I could put the car cover and then...
24:16Wrap the rope around the car.
24:18I'm not sure if that would...
24:21I'm not sure if I can do that though here.
24:23I don't...
24:24I think they might say something.
24:35I was eating my peanut butter crackers the other day.
24:38I was eating my peanut butter crackers today.
24:41And there was something sharp that...
24:43In my mouth I feel.
24:45And then with V2K they said...
24:47You just swallowed a knife.
24:50People all over the world are doing this to people.
24:52Why can't we do this to you?
24:54And then they tried to imagine me...
24:56With like...
24:57Victims in basements.
25:00And the...
25:01Criminals are putting like...
25:03Tiny little blades or...
25:06Knives through their throat.
25:08And making them swallow it.
25:14These criminals are fantasizing...
25:16Telling me what they want to do to me.
25:26I'm not going to eat peanut butter again.
25:28Because it got stuck in my throat.
25:30Just a little bit.
25:31Not enough to choke me.
25:34Peanut butter is not a good idea to eat, Shia.
25:37Peanut butter and popcorn, they really try...
25:39To make me choke on popcorn and peanut butter.
25:45So I wouldn't eat peanut butter and popcorn, Shia.
26:01But in regards to...
26:08In regards to that ceremony.
26:10That recent ceremony of one of our...
26:16There's a walk-in.
26:18Inside one of our members.
26:22There's a walk-in.
26:23And the walk-in is trying to take 100% possession over the body.
26:27There's different ways that...
26:29These demons...
26:33Kill souls.
26:36Because we both have walk-ins, Shia.
26:38They've been trying to do this to us, too.
26:42And it is triggering me, Shia.
26:44If I, like...
26:46I know it's triggering you.
26:48If I had to watch you, like...
26:50Because you have full body walk-in, like...
26:54Be with someone right now.
26:56And there's nothing that you could do about it.
27:00But, Shia, you have to remember.
27:01I didn't know who you were.
27:03That whole 8 months.
27:04That that was happening.
27:06I did not know who you were.
27:07And they were playing a whole joke on me.
27:11They told me.
27:12They were playing a joke on me.
27:14That, no, this...
27:16I'm not going to go into detail, however.
27:19That's not going to happen to me and you, Shia.
27:21Because we have been doing so much...
27:25Here in Rakyaz.
27:26It's not allowed.
27:27We've already gone through...
27:29There's only...
27:30There's a certain limit that people...
27:31What things can do to people.
27:35He's going to get help, Shia.
27:36He's getting help.
27:37All the surveillance and all the people...
27:39They all are not proving...
27:41It's not just me and you, Shia, that think that...
27:44It's really not okay what's happening to our grandson.
27:56And they're torturing me right now.
27:58That's why I'm acting irritable.
28:00It's all going to be returned back to them.
28:02It's not going to be returned back...
28:03With the amount of tensity and the amount of time that's happening to us.
28:06It's happening to us.
28:32I'm going to show you the meal plans.
28:33Do that...
28:35Deactivation of the hive mind is happening. There's lots of layers of the hive mind that has to be deactivated. It can't just be deactivated all at once.
28:47So, now I'm going to talk to you about the meal plans.
28:53So in regards to the Mrs. Rohrer's diet book, I was actually in the bathtub last night until 1 a.m. reciting the Quran.
29:02So I recited the Quran four hours yesterday. That's why I only did an hour today, because I'm just too exhausted. I just did too much.
29:09And then I spent about half an hour, until my eyes started falling asleep, writing down Mrs. Rohrer's diet for the sick recipe titles.
29:23Before, I was writing down each ailment and what would be good for each ailment. However, that was just taking too much time.
29:32So now I'm just listing, I'm going through and listing all the recipe titles, things I want to try, things that would be good for us to try because we're sick.
29:42But I've found some good ones here.
30:02And some of them, I'm not going to...
30:18Well, it just was taking too much time writing every ailment and there's just too many good recipes.
30:26I have to go through it first and write down all the recipes.
30:32So I'm going to tell you the meal plan ideas that I have.
30:40I'm going to...
30:43Also, peppermint oil. Rodents do not like peppermint oil.
30:47So I'm going to get peppermint oil, essential oil, put it in a spray bottle, spray it around the rooms, put it on me.
30:57Once in a while, I was using peppermint oil because I did have some essential oil, but I'm going to do this daily.
31:07If these rodents are accorded to us, they'll deactivate.
31:10If this rodent repellent works, then I'm sure it could be part of the deactivation.
31:26I want to get a few toaster oven-sized pans because I really had a hard time cooking the spaghetti in the microwave.
31:33That way, I could bake the spaghetti in the toaster oven.
31:43The car license renewal is not until November 8th, so I can wait.
31:48I'll have to do that right away.
31:50I have to do the oil change right away and make sure that...
31:54Well, it's going to be really bad if I just...
32:02Well, I have to go out and try.
32:05I'm not going to go out until I have...
32:10I have to go out to do this.
32:14I really can't hand wash my sheets.
32:17I was able to hand wash three days' worth of clothes yesterday.
32:25I need to get the nose strips because I can't breathe through my nose.
32:31I don't know if this is just all allergies.
32:34However, I am taking allergy medicine at night, antihistamine allergy medicine, before bed.
32:44I need to get more nose strips for nighttime.
32:50Now, I'm going to talk to you about the meal plan.
32:54Here we go.
32:57In between meals, I'm going to have fruit juice, beef broth, vegetable broth, possibly bone broth.
33:17I'm going to get some canned milk for my coffee lattes, but also I'm going to get Nesquik powder to make like a chocolate milk.
33:30And probably put the milk in the fridge for a little while just to chill it a little bit or ice cubes.
33:43I'm going to do the broth, the fruit juices, and the milk.
33:48Because when you're weak, Shaya, that would be good to have in between meals.
33:55Herbal teas, meat broth, fruit juices, and milk.
34:01Meat broth, fruit juices, and milk.
34:04Hot milk with coffee, milk like chocolate milk.
34:12A lot of people diet for the sick.
34:16They recommend milk because of its nutrition.
34:20So, where am I?
34:29I wonder why I can't find my meal plan.
34:49Well, it's very...
35:10So, this is kind of also what happens.
35:13I misplaced my meal plan.
35:16I misplaced things and then somehow it gets forgotten or it gets all of a sudden lost.
35:31And it really ruins everything.
35:33And this happens a lot because I wrote significant meal plans.
35:46Well, let me just see if I can just off the top of my head tell you.
35:50I'm definitely going to have vegetables with canned fish.
35:55And I'm going to have like a carbohydrate with it.
36:02Bread or rice or cornbread or lentils.
36:16And I'm going to have soups with bread as a meal.
36:22I'm going to have...
36:31Snacks, pudding, jello.
36:36Okay, this really isn't finished because I didn't...
36:39Oh yeah, I wrote vanilla wafers.
36:41I like those wafers because they're not too sweet but they're good.
36:46It's like cookies to me are a little bit too rich and heavy with the sugar.
36:55The vanilla wafers seem to not be as rich.
37:01So, I also did write tortillas, salsa, and Velveeta cheese.
37:07And then I want to get the canned beef to make fajitas.
37:15I want to get hot cereal.
37:17So, I want to get those individual coffee creamers.
37:22Those little individual coffee creamer packs put in hot cereal and hot oatmeal.
37:29And for like a hot cereal, maybe like a corn-based cereal like Grits.
37:35They have instant pack Grits.
37:39I'm going to get Bisquick because I really like biscuits.
37:43I have to be careful with not overeating.
37:52I have to be extremely careful.
37:54And I think the lumerians are going to finally help me to not overeat.
38:02Because part of it is when I stuff myself, I have a greater chance of having a stroke.
38:08And I get a really bad feeling after I overeat.
38:12Like I can't move for hours typically.
38:15And I feel like they've been trying to kill me with a second stroke.
38:20And I read in the diet for the sick.
38:23If you have a post-stroke patient, it's fatal if you overeat.
38:31So, I'm going to be making sure to eat light meals.
38:35Even if I get hungry, I'll wait for an hour to make sure that I don't overeat.
38:46So, I think that's...
38:48I really would like...
38:49So, for constipation, I've been getting constipation.
38:53People with heart problems have constipation.
38:57Also, I'm not getting enough fiber.
38:59So, I need to...
39:01That's why I'm going to be...
39:04Actually, I don't really have a constipation.
39:06Actually, I've been having too many bowel movements.
39:12However, some of them are hard, like constipation.
39:15But if you get constipated, it says drink an orange juice and then drink a glass of water after the orange juice.
39:22So, I'd like to get either orange juice and then another fruit juice like grape juice or apple juice.
39:34So, vegetables, fish...
39:39I'm definitely going to get some more pasta sauce.
39:45Those canned tomato sauces.
39:52And if I have to, I'm going to do the grocery delivery tomorrow.
39:57In regards to the cleaning and the hygiene, I really need cups, plates, and bowls.
40:01But I can get that delivered with the grocery delivery.
40:09Also, I'm going to get extra tuna for tuna wraps.
40:18And I'm going to get the miso soup and the seaweed.
40:22So, I'm going to have that for dinner tonight.
40:25I've been eating a little bit late because I've been staying up very late.
40:29Somehow, I got on this schedule because of the torture until 5 a.m. the other day.
40:45And sorry if I'm not acting happy, Shreya.
40:48I'm getting extremely tortured the whole video.
40:53So, I'm going to look at more...
40:57But everything's very appetizing.
40:59Mrs. Roar's Diet for the Sick.
41:03Well, not everything.
41:04Like, there's some things that are kind of...
41:08Like, I wouldn't eat.
41:09But most of it is very appetizing.
41:13It's because Shreya, we're sick.
41:15So, when you read this book or look through it, you're going to find it's appetizing because we're sick.
41:21And these are the types of foods and this is the way we have to eat.
41:25I've been...
41:30I've been kind of eating this way.
41:32Not completely, but I've been kind of eating this way already.
41:39So, I'm going to talk to you tomorrow, Shreya.
41:58I'm thinking about you, Shreya.
42:05I'm going to talk to you tomorrow.
42:08I love you, Shreya.
42:09Thank you everybody for watching.
42:10Thank you so much, Shreya, for watching.
