• last year


00:00up on Lifetime over 1,000 people have run down these aisles
00:10and when you add it all up they've won over 1 million dollars in cash
00:17now it's on to 2 million who's got the lady potato chip okay you're
00:24on who's got the asper cream okay you're on
00:29who's got the hungry jack pancake mix okay you're on
00:36it's supermarket sweep and here is our host
00:40david ruprecht
00:44hello again and hello to you and welcome to our supermarket sweep of champions
00:52yes this is a very special show all of our contestants over there are
00:56sweep winners who have returned to compete for another chance at five
01:00thousand dollars
01:04so let's get him started like we did the last time with a free one minute and
01:0730 seconds to use on the big sweep there it is
01:11and right now here's a chance for one of you to pick up 10 seconds in a cash
01:14bonus so whoever's going to play first get
01:16your hands on your buzzers no need for wash day to be a pain
01:22sean gain wash your stuff in the powder cold game good for you john
01:28okay now mary since sean got that right you've got the chance to get the 50
01:31dollars by finding the specially marked game and getting
01:33me in 30 seconds do it in 20 or less it's 100 you ready
01:36yes and go mary
01:52good for you mary and in plenty of time especially marked it's the game that's
01:57100 we're going to add on to your three dollars congratulations
02:02all right a true champion out there let's see what other champions we have
02:06playing with us hi tom hi would you please remind us how you
02:08know laura uh yeah laura's been my wife for the last 18 years right 18 years and
02:12laura what do you do i'm a teacher and we have a 10 year old son that keeps us
02:16busy yes they certainly do don't they and tom i'm a retail manager that's
02:20right now hi kelly hi remind us how you know dave uh dave and i've been best
02:24friends since our freshman year in college
02:26and dave are you still there yes still at the university of california santa
02:29barbara and studying mechanical engineering yes sir and kelly i'm a
02:33recent grad of university of california santa barbara
02:36looking for work yes definitely now mary remind us how you know sean
02:41tom is my husband of just over a year oh that's right you've had your
02:44anniversary since you were here right yes yes well how's it going john it's
02:47going great are you still flying those f18s i sure am at the point magoo
02:51they'll be switching to s3s good for you and mary i do accounting at a
02:56major laboratory great you ready to play the game okay
03:02y'all know the routine it's time for the first players and try to earn some extra
03:05seconds so partners we'll see you all in just a
03:07little bit
03:10now if you three would look at these names we have
03:13cats turtles goose dog bears and eagle now listen to these clues see if you can
03:20match the animal to the product okay in the
03:23south they're a confection of pecans laura turtles let's see
03:29yes pecan caramel and chocolate but you can find them in the cereal section with
03:34the first name of ninja of course ninja turtle cereal
03:38this creature spreads his regal wings laura eagle see yes on cans of condensed
03:45milk eagle brand condensed milk
03:50the product is litter and the name is sean cat name is johnny cat yes it is
03:56johnny cat cat litter here's the last one in this game feed
04:02the tiniest of them from these cans dave
04:06bears let's see nope sean dog let's see yes
04:12feed the tiniest of them from these cans and you'll make them mighty mighty dog
04:16dog food so we have dave with a minute and 30 laura with
04:19a minute 50 sean in the lead with two minutes
04:22when we come back we are going to run our second mini sweep with our sweep of
04:26champions and give them another chance at picking up a dash bonus
04:44for a limited time at all 900 carpet one stores it's the semi-annual floor
04:49covering sales event take advantage of no interest and no
04:51payments till january 1999 on dupont's daymaster carpet by bigelow
04:56and laminate floors by pergo plus carpet one guarantees satisfaction
05:00installation and the lowest prices save on the largest selection of carpet
05:04laminate vinyl ceramic tile and hardwood flooring in the u.s
05:08look for our new floor covering catalog or call 1-800-CARPET-ONE for the store
05:13nearest you
05:29it's a heavyweight champion the burst of power
05:35nice headlock the mix master by some means all new and more powerful than
05:41ever it's the only stand mixer with a burst
05:43of power it's heavier bass and headlock feature keep it right where you want it
05:48while patented bullfit beaters stop dough from creeping up on you
05:51look out for the pin the all-new mix master
05:56sunbeam for mother's day now there's a bright idea
06:13this cheesecake flavor from philadelphia
06:22a sweet taste of heaven anytime you want
06:30the amazing dirt devil broom back sweeps and picks up dirt in one
06:35easy motion you'll never have to hoop to using a dustpan again
06:40nothing escapes the power of a dirt devil
06:50welcome back to our supermarket sweep of champions
06:55okay our partners have changed places we're ready for our second mini sweep so
06:59let's find out who gets the 10 seconds okay
07:03it's the sound a doorbell makes tom uh chimes no
07:09kelly ring no it's the sound a doorbell make
07:16ding dong what ding dong
07:22okay all right so sean you know what you have to do go out there and get the
07:25specially marked ding dongs and the faster you can do it the more money you
07:28earn and go
07:59oh oh
08:05didn't find them didn't find them but look at the last 10 seconds that's going
08:10to help a lot of your streets
08:15all right now partners we'll see you later
08:20now if you three would just look at these items please we have
08:25a 16 ounce can of libby's solid pack pumpkin a 15 ounce can of del monte
08:32whole leaf spinach and a 28 ounce can of progresso crushed
08:38tomatoes now which one of these three do you
08:40think does not sell for a dollar and nine cents it does not sell for dollar
08:44nine one two or three lock in your answer you remember it's 10
08:48seconds for the sweep time if you're right an extra 20 seconds if all three
08:51of you are right kelly which one did you think does not sell for dollar nine i
08:54chose number one the libby's pumpkin you're going for the libby's all right
08:57mary i chose number two the del monte whole
09:00spinach you like del monte all right and tom how about you and i chose number
09:04three the progresso where was the progresso well let's see
09:08somebody's going to get 10 seconds let's see it is the product that does not sell
09:11for a dollar nine is it's a de monte spinach it goes for 69
09:16cents so mary gets the 10 seconds
09:20okay now you are all familiar with the tabloids at the checkout stand
09:24i'm going to give you some headlines about some famous person well you know
09:28who it is buzz in so hands on your buzzers
09:31veteran hosts celebrate six thousandth show
09:36star modestly claims caught with fly open only three times
09:42tom uh johnny carson nope defends marriage to marlo as solid
09:52uh veteran hosts celebrate six thousandth show
09:56star modestly claims caught with fly open only three times defends marriage
10:00to marlo as solid
10:04ellie day leno no it's phil donahue this very tomorrow
10:09that's okay we got two more here beautiful blonde leaves
10:13sexy role in broadway play bitter fighting broke out over prenuptial
10:22starlet hates to be called donald trump pregnant girlfriend mary
10:27marla maples that's it okay there you go
10:32and here's the last one in this game odd behavior is the norm
10:39superstar hates to be recognized kelly michael jackson
10:43yes good for you and that gets you on the board with a minute and 40 kelly tom
10:48has a minute and 50 mary has 230 it's time for the round robin game so
10:51partners get on up here
10:56now i'm sure you all remember the round robin has a total of six questions
11:00don't forget this is your last chance to add time onto your sweep
11:03partners you stand by you're going to be up next i'm going to give you five clues
11:06about a product all you got to do is tell me what the product is hands on
11:09your buzzers
11:12milk nut
11:16chocolate kelly milky way candy bar nope bars
11:21tom milky way nope pennsylvania milk
11:28nuts chocolate bars pennsylvania
11:34mary snickers nope it's hershey's is what we're looking for nobody got that
11:38it's okay jane
11:42fruit shoes australia
11:53polish john kiwi kiwi okay good change
12:00breakfast pancake
12:05maple house
12:10tom log cabin that's it okay
12:16carton liquid non-dairy
12:23steve allen laura coffee mate nope creamer carton liquid non-dairy
12:32carnation nope non-dairy steve allen creamer
12:38jay coffee mate no smoke a mix okay jane
12:42jane two more
12:46famous brown bottle
12:51shampoo kelly that's it okay
12:59there's the last one in the round robin game brave
13:03low cholesterol laura pam that's it good for you
13:10all right so we have kelly and dave with a minute 50 seconds
13:14tom and laura with two minutes and 10 seconds mary and sean with two minutes
13:18and 40 seconds plus a hundred dollars mary got in that
13:22first mini sweep now which of these going to run the big
13:24sweep again dave sean and tom so don't go away
13:28when we come back you're going to see dave sean and tom taking another run
13:32wildly through our aisles at their chance for five thousand dollars a year
13:36on supermarket sweep
13:48promotional consideration provided by new wind tunnel by hoover picked up more
13:53dirt than any other clean air upright wind tunnel by hoover
14:01stop dreaming about that vacation spend four days and three nights in orlando
14:04plus three days and two nights in daytona for only $99
14:11hi i'm markie post and you're watching lifetime television for women
14:18there really is a fountain of youth for soft contact lenses
14:23bausch and long introduces renewed multi-plus with hydronate
14:27the only one bottle multi-purpose solution that removes protein buildup
14:32renewed multi-plus actually rejuvenates your lenses
14:35making them feel like a fresh pair every day
14:39so just clean your lenses rejuvenate them with new renewed multi-plus
14:43one bottle solution for bausch and long i can see things clearly through this
14:48lens and seeing their healthy white teeth
14:52made me realize mine weren't as white as i'd like but i
14:55don't want a bleaching toothpaste lucky for me something new just developed
14:59new crest extra whitening with an enamel safe polishing ingredient
15:03kind of like a dentist's tape it doesn't bleach gently helps my natural whiteness
15:07shine through why did i become a crest kid one a
15:10thousand words or a picture new crest extra whitening behind that
15:14healthy smile there's a crest kid this lifetime mom only said moment is
15:19brought to you by four jokes to laugh my mom always said drink
15:22a glass of milk every day did you feed that dog wait hey
15:26attacking happy mother's day mom lifetime wishes every mom a happy
15:30mother's day
15:41so high
15:51wouldn't putting your stars together with our five-star rating be a bright
15:55thing to do remember it's in the backseat
16:01this is an epic tale of triumph against five to one odd
16:05the abyssal power steamer deep cleaner with its one dirt lifter power brush
16:09and the competitor's most expensive five brush machine
16:13they met on dirty carpet
16:20the other cleaner did well but the power steamer got high traffic areas
16:24measurably cleaner the vessel power steamer a brush with
16:28greatness thistle life's messy clean it up
16:37welcome back and now it's time for our big sweep of champions
16:42okay team number one john and mary you have two minutes and 40 seconds you'll
16:46be starting first tom and laura you have two minutes and
16:5010 seconds and dave and kelly you have one minute
16:54and 50 seconds you've done this before out there
16:58everything you see is yours to grab and fill as many
17:00cartridges you can now remember we have those three
17:03television monitors that are located throughout the store
17:05just hit the button on any monitor you will instantly see one of three clues to
17:09our mystery product bring back that mystery product i will
17:12give you an extra 250 dollars
17:17now let's do this we have something new since you've been here we have a special
17:21job for your partners who are not running
17:23there are three sacks of empty soda cans located in the market and if your
17:26runner brings you back one of these sacks all you have to do is go over there to
17:29the recycling center deposit all the cans recycle all the
17:33cans get the receipt and bring it back before the bell
17:36i'll give your team an extra 100 dollars
17:40now remember the team whose runner sweeps up the most money in merchandise
17:44and bonus prizes at the bell wins the game and they get their second chance to
17:48go for the five thousand dollars okay runners get ready the clock is set
17:53at two minutes 40 seconds that's when sean will take off
17:55on your mark get set go sean team one is back for another try at the big
18:01sweep and this time out they have a great
18:03advantage in time sean is making a first strike in our roast
18:07and with five of those he'll earn over 125 dollars
18:11dave and kelly share some notes they have quite a wait
18:14but sean is on the move now to the turkey bin
18:18like any old pro he doesn't seem the least bit nervous and he's keeping it
18:21loose so he can pace himself all the way to the end of the sweep
18:24good strategy good job now it's tom's turn to roll out and he's heading in the
18:29same direction that sean started in and there's sean with a bag of cans to
18:33recycle and a tootsie roll bonus meanwhile tom's taking his turn at the
18:37meat section and he wouldn't have earned a place in the sweep of champions if he
18:40didn't know to go for the turkeys next there's a hundred dollar opportunity for
18:47dave takes off in a different direction and he's making straight for a mystery
18:51product clue he doesn't want to hang around but he
18:53gets the clue selson and quickly turns to the diaper shelf and gets right to
18:57work another monitor and another clue this
19:01one's for sean and it's shampoo tom is attacking the peanut we valued
19:05all the supersized products throughout the market at ten dollars each
19:09dave slides an overpacked cart up to the deli center
19:12and there he is he's shopping fast trying to catch up from his late start
19:17two at a time sean is loading up on six dollar and 65 cent bottles of floor
19:25now tom takes a turn watches for traffic and angles his part around
19:30oh look he's got a can-can girl our champs really know how to get their
19:33hands on a bonus dave's in the health care section and
19:36it's a high play for private team misters he's careful not to get a
19:40penalty sean's moving in the baby section but not
19:43before he stops for formula he'll pick up over 77 dollars for five
19:49tom is doing the tang fang and racking up the bucks
19:53whoops he's dropping things left and right but he gets the hair dryers and
19:57i'm sure he'll go back and tidy up sean's going for those half wheels of
20:01gourmet cheese priced at 18 each the stakes are higher and the audience
20:05is great dave must be thinking way back to the
20:09beginning of his suite because he remembered the clue selson and he gets
20:12the selson blue shampoo worth 250 with not a lot of time left tom
20:16finishes loading in giant cans of tuna and now he's going for a clue
20:21it's a giveaway dave is hurrying over to the meat section and time is just
20:25ticking away as he hustles in those ropes
20:29team one has only seen the true shampoo but team two knows it's selson and he
20:33gets it and hey sean just follows his lead
20:35with seconds left they both got the mystery product fantastic
20:39oh okay that's it everybody come on back thanks again johnny gilbert
20:43all right the sessions are standing by just a few seconds we'll find out which
20:46of these teams has the highest total that's the team to get their second
20:50chance at finding the five thousand dollars that's out there so don't go
21:05if you would like to be a contestant on supermarket suite and will be in the los
21:08angeles area call area code 213-960-2444
21:15promotional consideration provided by temporary relief isn't enough here and
21:20here now long-term help for cartilage is here
21:23osteobiplex from sundown helps your body repair rebuild renew to maintain a
21:28woman's balance naturally new estrogen provides natural estrogens from the soy
21:32such essentials like calcium b6 and e live a balanced life with all natural
21:36estrogen judith light she turned a lifetime of acting
21:41into a call to action i get out because i believe that everybody
21:45in the world should have the same rights that i have intimate portrait judith
21:48light premiering tonight at seven as part of tv
21:51mom week on lifetime and ask for the loving thoughts bouquet
21:58or call 1-800-SEND-FTD
22:07we are back with the supermarket sweep of champions
22:13now the checkers have entered all the merchandise in the registers we're going
22:15to hit the total this is it guys let's find out
22:18who won the big sweep okay dave and kelly you got my tv mystery product right
22:23to sell some blue shampoo good for you that's two hundred and fifty dollars now
22:28we add that to all of your groceries gives you a grand total today of
22:33nine hundred and thirty seven dollars congratulations
22:38very good you're really running around there dave all right now tom and laura
22:42you also got the tv mystery product sell some blue shampoo so that's two
22:46hundred and fifty dollars for you let's see if that's a super bonus right
22:49next to you there a hundred dollars a hundred dollars
22:52i'll work the cans in and uh we add all of that to your groceries which gives
22:57you a grand total today of nine hundred seventy one dollars so
23:02that puts tom and laura in the lead all right john and mary boy that
23:07seltzer blue is popular that tv mystery product so that's two hundred and fifty
23:11dollars for you you uh i have mary i saw you over the
23:14recycling center do you have that receipt there it is so that's a hundred
23:17dollars now you picked up the hundred dollars in the first mini sweep earlier
23:20in the game and you've got a bonus behind you let's
23:23see how much that's worth fifty dollars and a fifty roll bonus
23:28now when we add all your groceries to that if your grand total is higher than
23:31971 you win the game it's not tom and laura
23:34are going to get their second chance to look for five thousand let's see
23:37your grand total with your groceries is one thousand three hundred and fifty
23:43nine dollars team number one and thanks for coming back
23:46we have some other great parting gifts for you okay john and mary come on
23:50our jet pilot and his wife are going to go out there and find five thousand
23:54dollars as fast as you can this is your second shot at it i hope you get it you
23:57got a minute you have three clues before he began you
24:00chose envelope number one so this is your first clue here it is
24:03though stallone does it with his pet when it's time for hair care he might
24:09reach for let's go
24:19preparing a casserole don't be a turkey
24:23with french fries
24:50it's done all right okay think of what tires and we have
24:55then combine it with the perfect clean hotel room
25:27you didn't quite get your hands on it did you by the time it fell
25:30oh heartbreak but listen hey you got to you got to that's four hundred dollars
25:35you had an incredible sweep added to your sweep total gives you a grand total
25:40just today of one thousand seven hundred and fifty nine dollars
25:44now we add that to everything you got the last time you gives you a grand
25:47total on supermarket sweep up three thousand two hundred and sixty five
25:52dollars congratulations and this is david ruprecht saying goodbye
25:56from supermarket street now remember the next time you're in a checkout
25:59counter and you hear the beep thinking of fun you could have on
26:06promotional consideration provided by they taste just like a jelly belly 40
26:12fun flavors four calories for being zero fat it's
26:16jelly belly the original gourmet jelly beans
26:19bertoli italy's best loved olive oil brings out the true flavor of the food
26:24you prepare remember if you want it to be better it
26:27better be bertoli
26:38coming up if only paying bills was always this much fun
26:42wink martindale hosts the hit game show death next
26:45only on lifetime
26:57this is johnny gilbert for supermarket sweep
27:01supermarket sweep has been an al howard production