clever fox short video

  • 2 weeks ago
this chanal about children fun and education for children


00:00The fox looked at the crow and said,
00:03Oh, dear crow, your wings are the most beautiful wings I have ever seen.
00:09Your song will be as beautiful as your wings.
00:13Will you please sing a song for me?
00:16The crow was very happy with the fox's words and got very excited to sing his song.
00:21He immediately opened his beak and shouted loudly,
00:25Kaav! Kaav!
00:27The cheese fell to the ground from his beak.
00:30The fox immediately snatched the cheese and said,
00:33Thank you, dear crow, for your beautiful song and this delicious cheese.
00:39The crow looked at the fox with disappointment and the fox took away his precious piece of cheese.
00:45He realized how foolish he had been by trusting the clever fox.