• l’année dernière
Avec un bilan provisoire de 130 morts et des ravages dans le sud-est des Etats-Unis, l'ouragan Hélène s'est invité lundi dans la campagne présidentielle, Trump attaquant la gestion de la catastrophe par l'administration Biden.


00:23Working together, we'll overcome these hardships.
00:26We'll endure, we will rebuild Val d'Asta and every other town that has been so badly hit.
00:32And we'll emerge stronger, more united and more prosperous than ever before.
00:37You're going to be stronger, better. You're going to learn a lot from it.
00:41And again, we pray to God for those that have been so badly injured and for, in particular,
00:47for the people that are no longer with us.
00:49And God bless everybody.
01:00Hello folks. Good morning.
01:04To state the obvious, over the weekend, there have been devastating storms in the South.
01:09We're not leaving until the job is done.
01:12I also want you to know, I'm committed to traveling to the impacted areas as soon as possible.
01:17But I've been told that it would be disruptive if I did it right now.
