Surviving 24 Hours Straight In A Rain Forest

  • 3 days ago
Watch as MrBeast takes on the ultimate survival challenge: spending 24 hours straight in a lush rainforest! ️ From facing unpredictable weather to finding food and building shelter, join him on this thrilling adventure filled with surprises, laughs, and heart-pounding moments. Will he make it through the night? Don’t miss out!

#MrBeast, #RainforestSurvival, #24HourChallenge, #AdventureTime, #NatureExploration, #SurvivalSkills, #EpicChallenge,


00:00So me and the boys are gonna spend 24 hours in a rainforest. Oh, I'm itchy
00:05We're all city boys except for Chris. So it's gonna be a little rough
00:08Yeah, I'm already itching my butt sack off. This one's gonna be a little different than normal
00:13We're not using tents. We have to build our own shelter and survive with the stuff on our back
00:18So have any of you guys done this before we did in the desert, but we had tents
00:21You're stuck taking care of all of us right here. No way land. Whoa. Whoa, chill chill Chandler
00:28Please put your machete away put it away
00:31All right. First thing need to focus on shelter food and water and fire fire
00:36It's the biggest I want to be able to sleep tonight. We're gonna have to make shelters how shelter food
00:42Okay, water. The water is moving really fast. You can drink it. Where are you going? Found it. We brought water Chris. We're done
00:48All right. So Chandler, we're gonna go get sticks. I might as well be naked. We have a bottle of water
00:52We don't need what I got another one guys. We're good. Okay
00:57Thanks, he said we could before we get too far
01:00I want to show you what's in our bags because this is literally all we brought a pillow. You got a pillow. That's nice
01:06What'd you bring a poncho? It's not bad. Yeah, you got a poncho too. Wow, really literally half my bag is first aid
01:15Useless rather have a donut. Why why do I have like five punches? Hey, we got some bucks for I got granola bars
01:21Really? Whoa, where'd you get that sound? Oh
01:24Talk about shelter. Look at that Chris. Would it be helpful if we went and found more dead trees? Yes, actually very okay
01:30Let's go. So we found wood Chandler. Yes, we did. Chris would carry it back. There's a beat. Oh
01:37Sure, we wait for the is the bees would that's him
01:42Awesome we need more wood. We're gonna take one for the team and collect firewood. This is gonna be proud of us
01:46Can you give me a dry test?
01:50Moisture. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Give me that one's my bad. All right, I think we have enough for a fire bump me
01:56Chris would be happy. Let's take it back to camp. So we have to go like an hour back to camp
02:01Yeah, I know. So Oh this journey is we made it if you were Chris, where would you put a pile of sticks?
02:06I feel like you would yell and then put them right there
02:12Perfect we're to try not to cut down too many trees because it's not good for the environment
02:15But in hurricane actually recently came through so there are a lot of trees that have fallen before we started doing our own thing
02:21Chris told us to get water Chris
02:22What do we carry the water in see if you can find some scrap water bottles around here and fill them up
02:27Okay, we found some bottles. Whoops. We're gonna go find a river. Wait, I gotta let my river go
02:35That way what did you hear water
02:40That way how's he doing I don't know here we are I told you guys you listen to the ears
02:51So, what would Chris do he said fast-moving water is able to be drinking
03:01All right, I got my water drink it
03:05It's a gross I'd gum it water and gum doesn't go well
03:11Wow, it's actually not good for that at all now that we have water
03:16We have to figure out how to get back to camp because to be honest
03:19We were just walking around the direction going to set up our own camp. We could build a fire right here
03:25Okay, are we going back to Chris?
03:26I don't think we're ready to live on our own part of me wants to try to survive on our own
03:30But part of me also realizes it will suck even worse than Chris yelling at us. I think you're right. I'm gonna go back
03:35All right. Bye. Wait Chandler. You're staying. I really want to go up there. It's pretty cool
03:40Good luck, sir
03:42He's safe. You too. Thank you. Let's go
03:48Worried about it. Bye
03:51Look at this. We're about to go explore this. Bye
03:59This is adventure time with Chandler, I'm on a little rock in the middle of water
04:03Look what I just found. Hold on. Look at this little worm. Look at him
04:07I'm out of water and I have no food and I'm pretty far away from camp. I don't know how to get back
04:12What is wrong with me? Hey Chris, I got water. Wait, where's Chandler?
04:17He ran away and just that water so we have energy to go find Chandler. It's not even full. I drank so
04:22How does it taste like I seriously it's a little straight from a river. So where is he really? I don't know
04:27He ran away. I really legit ran away. Like I'm not kidding
04:29Do we just want to accept that he's gone and out of our lives or do we want to go look for him?
04:34Well, there's bears they're very aggressive. Okay Chandler looks like food. Let's go find him. Let's go find you Chandler
04:43Chandler wait guys stop moving. I have a great idea. We have food. We have mac and cheese. Wow, dude. This is serious
04:53Chris, what are you about to do?
04:55About to go swimming
04:57Chris I have a confession man Chandler. We're gonna camp here on our own
05:01So, what were you gonna use for like tents and stuff? That's why we didn't do it because we need you. Thank you
05:06So it's Chandler actually lost. He literally just went that way
05:11Very oh, wow. Look at that
05:15What are you about to do? Wait? No, no, no, don't trust fall behind there. No, no, don't do it. Don't do it. Okay
05:24You know, my wife really doesn't like it when I'm in my underwear, but I tell her other women aren't attracted to me
05:30No woman is she's just the only crazy one. Yo, you look like Tarzan right now. What you looking for? Oh
05:36You smell Chandler?
05:39Did you know I'm a champion stone skipper wait, are you really yeah, you want to see it? All right, let's do it
05:43All right, a big boy. Oh
05:47Chandler buddy you ran away. I
05:51Got worried I did
05:55Hug me. I'm sorry. It's okay. We did it. Yeah for a
05:59Reunited as a family. Hey guys, whatever happened to that campsite over there. So we made it back to the camp
06:04We got our Chan Chan back. Hey, Chris is trying to start a fire
06:08Jake is being a big dude like normal Chris is spinning a stick on another stick
06:12Someone's gotta do it and we're happy you're doing it
06:14So while we were having to look for you Chandler, we depleted all our energy
06:17So it only makes sense you do everything from here on out everything
06:21Everything logical we need food. Can you find some berries? I'll need a weapon. It's berries not bears. We got rid of them
06:28It's okay. All right, so we're spreading the wood out and then we're just gonna put ponchos on it and we'll be good
06:37All right guys, so things aren't looking good for Chandler he's getting pale his pupils are dilated and seriously
06:42I don't want him to get hurt. Basically Chandler was bit by
06:46Something we think is poisonous. How do you feel?
06:48Feel like my motor skills don't work
06:55All right, boys we lost Chandler I'm gonna join you guys
06:58So the reason why we have the fire doing a lot of smoke this keeps mosquitoes away
07:02What's gonna happen if this log just breaks and falls on us in the middle of the night right here this sharp thing will probably
07:08Go right into your face. This log right here is on a perfect trajectory right for my face
07:12I'm in between two logs. I'm fine in between two logs sounds like a sitcom. You're gonna stick it out with us
07:17I'm here to the end brother. I know Chandler. All you need to do is sleep with your mouth closed or you'll eat a spider
07:23That's don't pull that
07:25Don't pull that
07:28So the bears might actually hear you bears are we need to draw our anti-sea bear circle
07:33Hey, the good news is we probably won't get a bear because they'll walk over here and they'll be like dude
07:37These guys don't even have any food and their house looks like crap. I live better than this. They'll just walk away
07:42I think this house is pretty good. When you go to the doctor. Do you want a pretty good doctor a pretty good surgeon?
07:47No, you want the best? Well, it's not our fault
07:50We had to spend half the day chasing Chandler and then he decided to give poison. Actually, isn't that your fault entirely?
07:56You left him. Well, he went the other way if a bear came we probably have to run down the mountain, right?
08:02We probably all have to agree to just throw Tariq at it. Okay
08:09We need to set up these anti bear circles, I literally am NOT getting up I'm sorry
08:13Play smash I'd rather smash my head in with that pole
08:18Fine, but you guys don't want to take the safety serious. I will there's that's not a good circle
08:22You're already not doing well. You don't think I'll stop it there. No, I know it's not gonna stop a bear
08:27Cuz there's a bear right beside me
08:29Please don't mess up on the circle. Everybody knows that
08:33Way more aggressive. I've got a perfect circumference
08:37That's an oval. All right, we have a sea bear. It's an oval sea bear oval. All right
08:42Well, then they're gonna be more aggressive. Sorry
08:46How'd it go he's in there for like four hours
08:49Gave me an IV. Just gave me some medicine. Tell me to get some rest and drink a lot of water. Feeling better?
08:55You know get some food
08:56All right, Chris. What did you find? I found a millipede dude. Imagine like it was in this bag
09:01I was looking for a torch dude. Look he slithered right down here. Where is he? He's going up in the bag
09:07How's it going up in the bag? Yeah, I'm gonna try and rescue him. We're now doing centipede rescue. Yo, look at his legs
09:13You know what the worst part about the millipedes is? What?
09:17I hate you. See you farted your fart was so bad
09:20He had to leave the bag. Look at him going off into nature like a little nature boy
09:24Go underground and hide little friend. Don't get eaten by a bird. What's up guys? It's really late
09:30Chandler's at the hospital and
09:32Yeah, I guess we're just gonna sleep. I'm literally sitting in a jungle right now
09:36There's all kinds of critters out here and I'm gonna go to bed just randomly out with them
09:41Okay, Jimmy looks actually very comfortable. Tariq, are you still recording? I am. All right, hold up. I got something. Don't fart. I'm not
09:48You're like a caterpillar just about to turn into a butterfly in a second. About to turn into a naked weird guy
09:55Oh gosh. On a scale of one to comfortable, how comfortable are you? About a three. Only thing that feels good is my head
10:01What about the rest of your body? Slowly falling down a mountain into a fire
10:06You are so close to this fire. All right guys. Good night. I'll see you tomorrow
10:24So I was asleep and
10:27Some reason something woke me up and I woke up and there was
10:31Millipede crawling all over me and freaked me out because I don't like things crawling on me in my sleep
10:37I'm gonna be honest. If I were you
10:38I probably wouldn't just randomly walk into a rainforest and try to make a little fort and survive
10:45I'd use a tent or something. I wonder what Chandler's up to
10:48Guys, I'm in bed. Hopefully you guys don't get bit tonight by those
10:57Good morning, I just woke up. I feel pretty good. Hopefully the guys are okay. I'm gonna go check on them
11:03See you when we get there
11:04Man, we just woke up after probably one of the worst night's sleep ever
11:08We keep doing these videos and every time I'm like that was the worst night's sleep I've ever had
11:13This one is the new worst. My body hurts so bad. These guys are overreacting
11:17I mean, yeah, the ground was a little rough, but it wasn't that bad
11:21I don't know when or what time it happened, but felt that millipede fell on my face
11:26I just wake up and I just go what the and I seriously considered getting up and not doing this anymore
11:33How you doing Chan? Hey Tariq. How you feeling? I feel better. Everyone's looking at me
11:38Our makeshift tent surprisingly worked. This log didn't break and send all the other logs on to our face
11:45Which is nice because a log to the face would have hurt especially in the middle of the night
11:49You guys heard how Chris reacted to his millipede. Hey bugs are scary. Oh, why do you have the knife again?
11:55It just finds its way into my hand
11:57I think Chandler faked being sick because he didn't want to sleep out here. I wish. Wanna come join us?
12:02I'm not ever coming here again
12:05Cleaning time
12:08Chandler stop having sharp objects. Maybe the caterpillar felt threatened because you're always holding weapons
12:14I was defenseless with my hula skirt on
12:16It just came up in my loins out of nowhere. In your loins? As you can see we cleared out the campsite
12:21And we're not gonna leave any trash behind. Watch out for bugs. Do research. Almost all these trees were dead trees on the ground
12:28So we didn't really cut anything down just you're aware. Camping is a lot of fun
12:31But if you ever do do it, make sure you pick up after yourself
12:33It's not good for the environment to leave plastic and trash
12:36Obviously and speaking of the environment if you're a youtuber that wants to make an impact in any way
12:40I want you to get in contact with me
12:42We're gonna plant a ton of trees, but I need a lot of youtubers help
12:45So tweet at me comment on my Instagram leave a comment on this video. Just get in contact with me
12:50I need an army of youtubers. We really want to make a difference and with that. I'll see you Jake Paulers later
