• 3 weeks ago
00:00Hello, it is Chris the word whiz here with my super cool knight armor.
00:25Today we'll learn how to read words with silent letters.
00:31Take a look at that word, knight.
00:34Do you notice anything strange about it?
00:37Usually we begin figuring out a word by looking at the beginning letter, but that doesn't
00:44work here.
00:45This word breaks the rules.
00:48It is a jail word.
00:51Words like this, with a silent letter, are very tricky.
00:56Let's look at some more rule breakers.
01:00Here are two more words that begin with a silent K, knock and knob.
01:13We do not pronounce the K at the beginning of these words, just like we do not pronounce
01:20the K at the beginning of knight.
01:23These words break the rules, so I'll send them to the word jail too.
01:31There are other words that try to trick you too.
01:34Check these out.
01:37In this word, honest, we do not pronounce the H at the beginning.
01:44In the word ghost, the H is not at the beginning of the word, but we still do not pronounce
01:52the H sound.
01:56Now let's look at some silent B words.
02:01The B in both of these words is silent.
02:05We do not pronounce it, thumb, climb.
02:11The last silent letter we will look at today is the silent W, like in answer and wrap.
02:20Again, these words are tricky.
02:24They don't follow the rules because we do not pronounce the W sound in either word.
02:31These are jail words too.
02:36Okay, are you ready to show what you know about those tricky silent letter words?
02:42Look at this word.
02:44Can you guess which letter is silent?
02:49That's right.
02:50The K is silent.
02:53This is the word, not.
02:57Here's another one.
02:58Are you ready?
03:00Check this word out.
03:02Can you guess the silent letter?
03:07You bet.
03:09That word has a silent B. It is the word, comb.
03:17One more.
03:18Don't get tricked.
03:19Can you find the silent letter in this word?
03:23Awesome job.
03:25There is no fooling you.
03:27This is the word, write.
03:31Wow, there sure are a lot of tricky silent letter words.
03:38Good thing you have me around to throw these rule breakers into the word jail.
03:44Don't let them trick you when you are out there reading.
03:48What other words with silent letters can you think of?
03:51Let me know in the comments below this video.
03:54See you soon!