Alycia Baumgardner vs Delfine Persoon (27-09-2024) Full Fight

  • 2 days ago



00:00All right ladies, we're over the world's early in the dress room. I want you to obey my commands,
00:03protect yourselves at all times. Touch them up and good luck.
00:09Alicia Baumgartner told us, I feel supremely confident with my skill set. I'm going to keep
00:14landing jabs to the body, straight rights to the body of my opponent Delphine Pursun.
00:19Delphine Pursun told us, lateral movement to the inside. I have to use high intensity,
00:34I have to use high volume.
00:41Notice a lot of hardware in Pursun's right leg there.
00:45You know, in a 10-round fight hopefully it's not an issue. She's going to need
00:50strong legs for this round, for this fight. Absolutely, especially the amount of movement.
00:59The bell at round number one. Silver trucks for the champion, Alicia Baumgartner. Black trucks
01:05for the challenger from Belgium, Delphine Pursun. Triple jab immediately from Baumgartner.
01:12Baumgartner's come out here nice and sharp. Delphine seemed a little bit shocked there
01:18by how quickly she came out. She's settling. Fast jab again from Baumgartner.
01:28See the very wide stance from the champion, Alicia Baumgartner,
01:31sitting down on that right hand to the body. Nice body shot.
01:35Remember, this is Alicia's first fight back in over a year, and it doesn't seem like she's missed
01:40a step at all. No, she looks very focused, nice and sharp. Delphine seems to be settling this
01:48quite slowly. Good right hand there from Delphine, though. Came off of a feint, I think, is what got
01:54her out of position. Pursun's got a lot of power in this fight. She's got a lot of power in this
02:00fight. Came off of a feint, I think, is what got her out of position.
02:04Pursun, very high tight striking guard, trying to come forward.
02:10Baumgartner, fast on the jab. Both fighters, as you see, in the orthodox stance.
02:16I think that one right hand has got a little bit of coloring on Alicia's eye.
02:20Yeah, it's come out straight away. Left hand just off the mark from Pursun. Baumgartner on the right
02:28hand. Right hand getting through from Delphine Pursun. One thing we know about Delphine is that
02:35she will continue to come forward and constantly apply that pressure. That is just her style of
02:40fighting. At the moment, she's throwing less punches than I thought she would, but she's
02:45maybe just feeling out this first round to see how it is, because this is down at super featherweight
02:49That's right, there's a big left hand gloves touch and that will be ruled a knockdown by
02:54referee Lawrence Cole. Is the mandatory count given to Pursun by Cole? The left hand and then
03:03both of Pursun's gloves touch the canvas. Clearly a knockdown. That ends round number one.
03:13Let's take a look at that again.
03:19Good, straight right, good follow-up with the hook. She touched the ground. That was a knockdown,
03:27for sure. It was a solid knockdown. A nice left hook from Baumgartner. She followed it right up.
03:33Very nice. That right hand, I think is what did it. It just barely touched her right on the chin.
03:44Strong opening round for the champion, Alicia Baumgartner.
03:50Not the style that Delphine Pursun was looking for.
03:53I mean, without question, 10-8 across the board from the three
03:57Georgia judges. Baumgartner knocking down Pursun. Her body didn't touch the canvas, but both gloves
04:04did. Just one glove on the canvas is a knockdown if it's a clean punch to a legal target. You saw
04:09both gloves. No controversy. Round number two. Remember, Pursun took Katie Taylor to the edge
04:18and lost a, you know, a very close fight with Katie Taylor. So this is showing
04:23the type of level that Pursun is on and the type of level Baumgartner is on.
04:34He has Pursun going back a little bit. Baumgartner cutting the ring
04:38to the body. Left hand, right hand. Pursun did say she was...
04:42Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Baumgartner, you see, measuring. Big right hook to the body,
04:49counter left hand from Delphine Pursun. There's a separation from referee Lawrence Cole.
04:56And a look to a corner there.
05:00I think in this fight, the real, the question is, getting down to super featherweight,
05:05how does that affect Pursun's performance, you know? It is a big cut for her to go there, you know?
05:1350 seconds remaining. Round number two. Scheduled for 10 rounds. Our main event.
05:18But even still, you would think the heavier weight that she usually carries would help her
05:22take some of these shots. Baumgartner is strong. And I think also she's not very balanced with that
05:27brace on her knee there. Overhand right again. Another clipping right hand from Baumgartner.
05:3330 seconds remaining. Round two. Left hook. Left hook right back from Delphine Pursun.
05:41The thing is, Baumgartner, she needs to still stay and do her work. And stay sharp as well.
05:46Stay sharp. Just because you had that success early on doesn't mean that she's not a danger.
05:51Absolutely. The person in front of you.
05:56Delphine just falling a bit short with her punches at the moment. She's not quite getting her range.
06:01Time! The end of round two.
06:15So Baumgartner caught it with a good overhand.
06:19But Pursun did weather that storm very well. Again. Boom. Good shot. And she switched her
06:26stance for that and jumped right back in with a hard right hand jab. Pursun is having success
06:32with some of these punches. She's landing them. And that's what girls need to remain sharp. Yes.
06:40Because Pursun is dangerous. Yeah. As dangerous as Baumgartner is, Pursun is still dangerous.
07:05Three times he had to tell coach get out of there. Now the start of round number three.
07:13Pursun goes straight to the ropes.
07:17Good body jab from Baumgartner. Baumgartner has always had a very good word to the body.
07:24I like her straight shots to the body. It sets up all of her other punches.
07:28See immediately Baumgartner cutting the ring to start round number three. Pursun
07:32not where she wants to be. Back against the ropes. Big shot snap from the champion Alicia
07:37Baumgartner on the overhand right. Baumgartner again measuring. Overhand right. There's the
07:42entry and the turn from Pursun. That gets the separation from referee Lawrence Cole.
07:52I do wonder if Pursun has thought you know what I'm not that mobile.
07:56So maybe I'll take myself to the ropes and try my chances. Maybe and it could have something
08:01to do with all that hardware on her foot on her leg. Yeah. Right to the body.
08:06See the multiple jabs again from Alicia Baumgartner.
08:16Soon on the duck under. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. And the separation from Lawrence Cole.
08:20World-class referee. Doing a brilliant job as expected. That was two punches to the back of
08:25the head. That was not cool. Stiff jab from Pursun. Baumgartner missing the rear right uppercut.
08:35Resetting. High tight striking guard.
08:40Good body shot from Pursun. Step back. Right. Right back to it orders referee Lawrence Cole.
08:50Getting late here in round number three with 15 seconds remaining in the third round.
08:58Alicia needs to go back to a sort of nice relaxed style where she's just letting the punches flow
09:03and then she gets those big ones coming. Yes. When she stiffens up. When she tries to knock her out
09:08it's never going to come. She needs to just let it happen organically. We are through three rounds.
09:22That was nice in the beginning of the round. Alicia had a great onslaught. Caught up some
09:26good overhands and shots to the body. Pursun came back with a good right hand of her own
09:32that stopped Alicia in her tracks. Now in the corner with Alicia for me I think I would say
09:43make Pursun come to me. I know because she's obviously struggling a little bit with her
09:48balance and her footwork at the moment. So maybe she should try and get her to come to her and
09:53counter those punches as she falls forward. She's falling in and Alicia did mention that in the
09:58meeting that she noticed that Pursun often falls into the punches. So we shall see what happens in
10:04this round. Use her footwork to pull her in. Yeah and counter. Yes ma'am. Round four. Baumgartner
10:14again so quick exploding out of her corner taking center of the ring right to the jab.
10:22As Pursun told us in our fighter meeting she wanted to be a front foot fighter. Those fast
10:26starts to every round. We've seen it four out of four thus far from Alicia Baumgartner.
10:31Putting Pursun on her back foot. Pursun now off the front foot missing the overhand right.
10:36Good jab from Pursun there. Double jab right back from Alicia Baumgartner. Double jab from Pursun. Nice.
10:45I think left hand. And just like you said pulled her in and countered her with the hook over top.
10:51Something I've noticed now in the fight is that I think Pursun is prepped for that shot to the body
11:00with that reply with the left hook. You know she just caught grazed Alicia with that there.
11:06So she's prepared for it. She's ready. Switching her stance again there for a better balance.
11:12Nice hook. Lovely counter there by Alicia. And really Pursun came with a good hook of her own
11:18over top. Pursun continues to come forward. She has walked through some big shots.
11:25Lawrence Cole doing an excellent job refereeing this fight. Keeping it flowing.
11:30Yeah to be fair Alicia needs to be careful there for holding.
11:35Make it two on the entry from Pursun. Jab to the body. There's the right hand from Alicia Baumgartner.
11:43Time. Time call by Lawrence Cole. Right there. Right here. Right here. Time. Accidental clash
11:50of heads is ruled by Lawrence Cole. Accidental headbutt. Accidental headbutt by Lawrence Cole.
12:05Under the rules of boxing four rounds have to be accidental for this to be an official fight.
12:10Pursun is annoyed by that. She's not happy. She's not. She's looking at Alicia like it was her fault
12:16or if it was on purpose.
12:27I didn't know it was her fault. That was just pulling out and the shot was there.
12:31If this fight were to be stopped at this point this is a no contest because we're
12:35in the fourth round and again under the unified rules of boxing four rounds have to be complete.
12:47You can see frustration on both fighters sides here because obviously like you said
12:50this would be a no contest and that is not what we want. That is not what anybody wants and they
12:55you know put a lot of pressure on each other. It's not what we want. It's not what we want.
12:59And they you know put in a whole training camp. Yeah I mean it's brutal when both fighters
13:06making this way. There is five minutes now on the injury timeout clock.
13:21Now I don't think it's a bad cut. I just think it's in a bad spot.
13:26You just need to let me know if it can continue or not.
13:33Well but there's I don't know how much time there's left in a round
13:36so it's it's it's on you if it if it can continue or not.
13:45Okay okay it's going to be a no contest because it's not. This fight is going to end and Lawrence
13:51Cole telling Delphine Pursun this will indeed be a no contest. No contest. This fight is over.
13:58Not the result obviously that she wanted but she will retain her WBA, WBC, IBF, WBO and IBO women's
14:06super featherweight world titles. But that is not what either fighter wants. As a fighter that is
14:13the one of the worst things that can happen. There's look at that headbutt. There's the clash.
14:19I mean it wasn't and nobody did it on purpose. It was just a situational. Had this been in round
14:26number five and again this happened in round four. This would have been an official fight.
14:31The judges would have scored the partial round and it would have gone to the judges scorecards.
14:36All right but since it is the fourth there's going to be no cuts and it looks like Pursun
14:40is just devastated over it. She is devastated because you have to remember she is 39 years
14:46old you know and this would this is a solid hard camp at that age. Yes you know again
14:55and again it was it was completely accidental. Yes.
15:02So much build up to this fight. Definitely not the result that either fighter wanted.
15:08Alicia Baumgartner still take nothing away from her. She remains one of the greatest pound for
15:12pound fighters in the world.
16:31an accidental headbutt ends this fight on the advice of the ringside physician from the Georgia
16:37Athletic Commission. Lawrence Cole deems the Delphine Pursun cannot continue on the cut
16:42caused by the accidental headbutt from Alicia Baumgartner.
16:45Thus our main event ends in a no contest. Here is Joe Martinez.
16:51Ladies and gentlemen due to a cut to the head of Pursun it has been deemed we cannot continue this
16:59fight because we did not complete four rounds of action. This fight has been declared a no contest.
17:05Anti-climatic. Hey everybody Alicia Baumgartner come here.
