• 昨年
As for the Neptune show, this refers to the TV show in which the comedy duo "Neptune" appears. Neptune consists of three members, Ken Horiuchi, Taizo Harada, and Jun Nagura, who have appeared in many variety shows over the years.

Some of their signature shows include:

"Laughing Dog" series
Variety show series such as "The Adventures of a Laughing Dog", "The Life of a Laughing Dog", and "The Passion of a Laughing Dog". The content is centered on comedy, and it has created many popular characters.

"Nep League"
It is a quiz show that combines knowledge and associative games, and Taizo Harada in particular has become a hot topic for showing unique poses such as "Imagine".

"Nep & Imoto's World Banzuke"
Jun Nagura and Ayako Imoto served as MCs for this informational variety show that introduces information and rankings from around the world.

All of Neptune's programs are loved by a wide range of generations because of their unique humor and storytelling skills. In addition, their exquisite interplay and the diversity of their characters are the points that keep viewers engaged.
