Valle salvaje Cap 12

  • 2 days ago


00:00:02Help me!
00:00:04Come quickly!
00:00:06Pilara, Bernardo is not staying there.
00:00:08Go tell everyone and tell them what's going on.
00:00:10I have to talk to Mrs. Victoria.
00:00:12We were about to leave.
00:00:14Mrs. Pilara died last night.
00:00:16What do you mean she died? It can't be.
00:00:18God bless.
00:00:20And how could she die so suddenly?
00:00:22The wild valley will drift away without her.
00:00:24We can't leave.
00:00:26And if we stay, we can't continue together.
00:00:28Let's go.
00:00:30Mercedes, what's going on?
00:00:32The letter. What letter?
00:00:34The letter I wrote to your mother yesterday.
00:00:36I said goodbye to her and told her everything.
00:00:38About us? Yes, everything.
00:00:40What is she doing here?
00:00:42It's a shame that she died, of course.
00:00:44But I think she could also bring us
00:00:46good things.
00:00:48I think Pilara had a lot to do
00:00:50with you being removed from the position
00:00:52that Don Julio had given you, right?
00:00:54She died without realizing it.
00:00:56But she didn't suffer.
00:00:58You're the one I'm most interested in, Rafael.
00:01:00I know it shouldn't be like this,
00:01:02but I can't help it.
00:01:04Wedding is what takes away her sleep.
00:01:06I don't want you to get married.
00:01:10Aren't you going to have dinner?
00:01:12What can I do? Give her medicine.
00:01:14I don't know how we'll manage,
00:01:16but we can't let someone close to Adriana
00:01:18do even more stupid things.
00:01:20We'll find a way.
00:01:22Count on me.
00:01:24Don't you think it's strange
00:01:26that she only left one for both of us?
00:01:28She would have her reasons.
00:01:30It can't be.
00:01:32She's been fine.
00:03:15Don José Luis.
00:03:33Gracias, padre.
00:03:36Les agradezco también a todos ustedes
00:03:38que estén aquí hoy.
00:03:43Su compañía nos reconforta
00:03:46en esta travesía tan dolorosa.
00:03:52Apenas empezamos nuestro camino sin Pilara,
00:03:56a imaginar un horizonte sin ella
00:03:59se nos hace difícil,
00:04:02muy difícil.
00:04:07Mi esposa se desvivió siempre por su familia.
00:04:13A pesar de su débil salud.
00:04:18puso todo su empeño en convencer al Altísimo
00:04:21de que todavía le quedaba mucha guerra quedar aquí.
00:04:27Cuando llegamos a Valle Salvaje,
00:04:30lo hicimos para...
00:04:33para traer algo de luz
00:04:35en la última etapa de su vida.
00:04:38Pero ella...
00:04:40incansable, luchadora,
00:04:42se reveló ante ese injusto destino.
00:04:46Y nos dio algo que todo el mundo creía imposible.
00:04:54Una familia.
00:04:57Nuestra familia.
00:05:03Cuatro pequeños que fueron...
00:05:06su bendición.
00:05:09Su razón de resistir
00:05:12todo su universo.
00:05:15Y gracias,
00:05:18gracias a ese empeño han llegado a ser
00:05:20las grandes personas que son hoy.
00:05:25Le ruego a todos ustedes,
00:05:28pero sobre todo a mis hijos,
00:05:31que la mantenga siempre viva en su memoria.
00:05:35Que piensen en su integridad
00:05:38cuando la duda les aceche.
00:05:40Que... que sientan su coraje
00:05:44cuando flaqueen las fuerzas.
00:05:46Que se llenen de su amor
00:05:49cuando les invada la melancolía.
00:05:52Vuestra madre siempre estará con vosotros.
00:05:57Porque su luz es eterna.
00:06:42♪ Tengo una herida que no sana con el tiempo ♪
00:06:49♪ Por una traición que atravesó mi corazón ♪
00:06:54♪ Como si fuera un puñal ♪
00:07:00♪ Que me encerró en este tormento de silencio y de mentira ♪
00:07:10♪ Todo lo que conocí está cada vez más lejos ♪
00:07:17♪ Vivo soñando con lo que el destino decidió negarnos ♪
00:07:25♪ Condenados al sabor de la amargura ♪
00:07:29♪ Bailando con la locura imaginando que eres tú ♪
00:07:36♪ Vivo soñando eternamente esperando que en este valle salvaje me ilumine tu luz ♪
00:07:46♪ Que en este valle salvaje me ilumine tu luz ♪
00:08:08¡Venga, que te queda la mitad y un cuarto!
00:08:11¿Has visto como maman los terneros?
00:08:13Pues con ese apetito quiero que muevas el bigote.
00:08:17¿Qué pasa? ¿Estaba mala la leche?
00:08:21¿Porque siempre le das buena cuenta sin rechistar?
00:08:25¡Hola, Gloria!
00:08:27No tengo hambre. Tengo algo aquí y no me entra nada.
00:08:34Ya. Es como si te hubieran cogido las tripas y hubieran hecho un lazo con ellas, ¿verdad?
00:08:41A mí también me pasa cuando estoy triste.
00:08:44¿Tú estás triste?
00:08:50Cuando le cuento a alguien que estoy triste me siento mucho mejor. ¿Tú?
00:08:58¿Puedes probar? Yo te escucho de mil amores.
00:09:06Yo quería el funeral de doña Pilara, pero la tía Victoria y mis hermanas me han dicho que me quede.
00:09:12¿Y eso que te llevas, criatura? Funerales son muy tristes.
00:09:17Ya lo sé. Yo ya estuve en el de mi padre. Y aunque todo fue muy triste, por lo menos pude despedirme de él.
00:09:27¿Pero de la señora Pilara pensabas que casi no la conocías?
00:09:32Muy poco. Pero las veces que nos hemos visto ha sido muy buena conmigo.
00:09:37Además, es la madre de don Julio y don Rafael. Los dos me han cuidado mucho desde que llegué a Valle Salvaje.
00:09:45¿Y quieres devolverle todo ese cariño?
00:09:49Yo sé lo que se siente. Y a lo mejor puedo ayudarles.
00:09:55Tienes razón. Pero también sabrás que hay muchas maneras de despedirse de alguien y apoyar a sus seres queridos.
00:10:02Darle un pésame.
00:10:04Darle el pésame también.
00:10:05Yo me refiero a algo más personal. Un detalle, por ejemplo. Algo que tenga valor para ti.
00:10:12¿Un regalo?
00:10:14¿Un regalo?
00:10:16A lo mejor lo puedo hacer con mis propias manos.
00:10:19Eso sería fantástico. Tus hermanas podrían acompañarte y colocarlo cerca del lugar donde descansa doña Pilara. Así sabrá que la tienes en mente.
00:10:28Luisa, ¿tú crees que los muertos se dan cuenta de esas cosas?
00:10:33Hombre, pues claro. Imagínate todo lo que se ve desde el cielo con lo harto que está.
00:10:39Por eso nunca dejan de cuidarnos. Porque lo ven todo. Mis padres también.
00:10:45¿Entonces qué? ¿Quieres que te ayude a hacer el regalo de doña Pilara?
00:10:51Pues apura esa taza que ya verás que ahora sienta mucho mejor.
00:11:20¿Puedo pasar?
00:11:28Te acompaño en el sentimiento.
00:11:34Ha sido un discurso muy emotivo.
00:11:37No hay palabras.
00:11:39No hay palabras.
00:11:41No hay palabras.
00:11:43No hay palabras.
00:11:45No hay palabras.
00:11:46Ha sido un discurso muy emotivo.
00:11:48No hay palabras que puedan estar a la altura en una ocasión así.
00:11:52Pues lo has conseguido.
00:11:57Pilara estaría muy orgullosa de ver a su familia tan unida en su ausencia.
00:12:05Ese era su único deseo.
00:12:08Y es el mío también.
00:12:09Viendo a mis hijos tan vulnerables y tan fuertes a la vez que he visto a ella.
00:12:18Y me han venido a la mente multitud de momentos felices a su lado.
00:12:27Es normal acordarse de lo bueno.
00:12:30A pesar de su enfermedad tuvo una vida plena.
00:12:34Ahora tienes que estar cerca de tu familia
00:12:37y no preocuparte por nada más que no sea vuestro bienestar.
00:12:44Ese debe ser mi único cometido.
00:12:47Ya sabes que yo estoy dispuesta a ayudar en lo que haga falta.
00:12:51Puedo ocuparme de buscar una nueva fecha para la boda
00:12:55o incluso asegurarme de que las cosas en la casa estén bien.
00:12:58Gracias, pero no será necesario.
00:13:06Te conozco, José Luis.
00:13:08Y lo peor que puedes hacer es encerrarte en ti mismo.
00:13:12Pilara siempre ha estado enferma.
00:13:15Llevas media vida preparándote para este momento.
00:13:19Eso creía, pero...
00:13:21¿Por qué?
00:13:22Enferma llevas media vida preparándote para este momento.
00:13:27Eso creía, pero...
00:13:30¿Qué piensas?
00:13:32A mí puedes contarme lo que quieras, ya lo sabes.
00:13:42encontramos unas cartas escritas por Pilara.
00:13:48Había una para cada uno de nuestros hijos.
00:13:52Y había otra dirigida a Mercedes y a mí.
00:13:57¿Y qué querría deciros a Mercedes y a ti de forma particular?
00:14:04José Luis.
00:14:08Nos pedía que nos mantuviéramos unidos en el futuro.
00:14:14Y eso te provoca tanta congoja.
00:14:17Me parece una petición de lo más normal.
00:14:19Al fin y al cabo, quiere que sus hijos no pierdan el contacto con su tía.
00:14:27No era eso lo que nos pedía.
00:14:34Pilara dejó por escrito un deseo.
00:14:39Que case con Mercedes.
00:14:45Es una locura. ¿Cómo te vas a casar con ella?
00:14:50Por mucho que quisiera mantener a su familia unida, no puede pedirte algo así.
00:14:55Tú eres el único que debes tomar las decisiones de cómo vivir tu propia vida.
00:14:59¿Qué haces? ¿A dónde vas?
00:15:03Voy a buscar a mis hijos.
00:15:05Quiero saber cómo están.
00:15:07¿Me necesitan?
00:15:09Sobre todo, Irene.
00:15:11No hay nadie mejor que tú, Mercedes, para velar por mi familia.
00:15:15Tú, y solo tú, tienes que ser la madre de mis hijos y la esposa de mi marido.
00:15:21Para eso has estado todo este tiempo a mi lado.
00:15:24Marchó en paz, sabiendo que estás preparada para afrontar semejante responsabilidad.
00:15:30Vengo a robarle algo de tiempo a tus pensamientos.
00:15:33¿Qué te pasa?
00:15:34Estaba preparada para afrontar semejante responsabilidad.
00:15:38Vengo a robarle algo de tiempo a tus pensamientos.
00:15:46Me parece una gran idea.
00:15:53¿Cómo estás?
00:15:56Me había preparado para intentar mostrar fortaleza en el funeral.
00:16:00Pero reconozco que ver a mi padre tan conmovido me lo ha puesto muy difícil.
00:16:09Sí. Hablaba desde el corazón.
00:16:13Sí. Y pocas veces le he visto hacerlo desde ese lujar.
00:16:18¿Y tú?
00:16:22¿Cómo te encuentras tú?
00:16:30Aunque sabía que este día iba a llegar, pensaba que estaría más preparada.
00:16:39A veces tengo que pararme a pensar dos veces para darme cuenta de que todo es real.
00:16:49Han pasado muchas cosas y muy rápido estos días.
00:16:53Es normal que todos estemos confundidos.
00:16:59Sí. Tú tienes la misma sensación.
00:17:11Además, no solo he perdido una madre.
00:17:22Alejo, ¿qué quieres decir?
00:17:24¿Qué quieres decir?
00:17:28También te estoy perdiendo a ti.
00:17:34Siento que la distancia entre nosotros crece a cada segundo.
00:17:42Esto va más allá de nosotros, Alejo.
00:17:47He perdido a mi hermana.
00:17:55Siempre he sido la pequeña.
00:17:58He criado entre sus faldas y he dejado que él tomara el mando en muchas de mis decisiones.
00:18:06Y ahora, de repente siento que me he hecho mayor.
00:18:14Me da miedo enfrentarme al mundo sin ella.
00:18:25¿Y cómo se te ocurrió dibujarle un pájaro?
00:18:28Mira que hay animales fáciles de pintar, pero los pájaros yo se las traen.
00:18:32Tiene que ser un pájaro.
00:18:34Los pájaros son los únicos animales que pueden volar hasta el cielo con doña Pilar y mis padres.
00:18:43¿Te gusta?
00:18:49¿Te gusta?
00:18:54¿Estás bien, Luisa?
00:18:58Te ha dolido. Lo he visto en tu cara.
00:19:01¿Qué me va a doler? Lo que pasa es que te has movido y me has asustado.
00:19:04Y si yo me asusto, pues la criatura da un respingo.
00:19:06Es que tiene muy poco espacio para moverse ahí dentro. Por eso da patadas.
00:19:10Mi hijo va a ser igual de vivaracho que tú, ya lo verás. Me va a tener todo ordeado de un lado a otro.
00:19:19¿Cómo me sigas mirando, mamá? ¿De qué estás?
00:19:22Es que me gustaría hacerte una pregunta, pero no sé si debo.
00:19:28Dilo. Y si no me gusta, pues no digo ni pie.
00:19:35¿Por qué no sabes nada sobre tu marido?
00:19:39Pues porque no lo tengo.
00:19:40¿Y sobre el padre de tu hijo? ¿Por qué no os hablas de él?
00:19:44Pues porque yo soy de las personas que hablan cuando tienen cosas interesantes que decir. Y esto tiene muy poca enjubia.
00:19:50¿Quién es?
00:20:02¿Quién es?
00:20:05¿Quién es?
00:20:07¿Quién es?
00:20:18Pedrito, el mundo está lleno de gente buena. La mayoría lo son.
00:20:25Pero también hay gente miserable que cree que puede tomar sin permiso y a la fuerza lo que quiera, cuando quiera y de quien quiera.
00:20:35¿Y el padre de tu hijo es uno de esas personas?
00:20:38Mi niño no tiene padre.
00:20:44Si ese hombre es un miserable, tu hijo también lo será.
00:20:48Este niño va a ser como quiera sea. Pero yo le voy a dar todo el amor del mundo para que se sienta querido y protegido.
00:20:55Y yo también.
00:20:57Te ayudaré a cuidarlo. Le enseñaré las cosas que están bien y las que están mal, para que no las repita.
00:21:02Me parece muy bien.
00:21:04Y te querrá mucho, como yo te quiero a ti. A eso también le voy a enseñar.
00:21:14¿Cómo haré un sol tan grande tú? ¿Me explicas? Explícame.
00:21:20Ay, me voy a hacer cosquillas.
00:21:22¿Qué más que te voy a hacer?
00:21:25¿Sabes que estaba muy contenta de haberme cruzado en tu camino?
00:21:28¿Sabes que estaba muy contenta de haberme cruzado en tu camino?
00:21:32Mi niño tiene una suerte de crecer a tuberita.
00:21:54¿Qué haces?
00:21:58Quiero que sepas que nos tenemos el uno al otro.
00:22:09No vuelvas a tocarme.
00:22:14Mercedes, si necesitas tiempo...
00:22:17¿Que no entiendes nada?
00:22:20No, la verdad es que no.
00:22:25No entiendo por qué te comportas así conmigo, cuando hace dos días todo era diferente.
00:22:29Porque hace dos días tu madre no estaba muerta en el juego.
00:22:34Lo siento.
00:22:37Lo siento.
00:22:43No es buen momento para juegos ahora.
00:22:45Para mí esto nunca ha sido un juego.
00:22:51Y aunque vayas a juzgarme por mis palabras,
00:22:54quiero que sepas que tu frialdad me duele más que su muerte.
00:22:57No, no, no digas eso, Alejo.
00:23:01Es horrible, pero es la verdad.
00:23:10Si quieres llorar la muerte de tu madre, quédate.
00:23:13Quedaremos juntos.
00:23:16Pero si esperas algo más de mi compañía, vete.
00:23:20No puedo ofrecértelo.
00:23:23Lo siento.
00:23:28Lo siento.
00:23:43Lo siento.
00:24:03No estaban corrientes de que hubieran que mover esos sacos.
00:24:07Tranquilo, no es importante.
00:24:14Leave it.
00:24:16As soon as I finish my tasks today, I'll be the one to do it.
00:24:18If I do it, it's to keep your head busy, Gaspar.
00:24:20The heavier the burden, the lighter the thought.
00:24:25I'm very sorry for your mother's death.
00:24:30And I'm also sorry I didn't go to the funeral.
00:24:33I had to make sure that the covenants were carried out correctly.
00:24:36I don't want any of you to have to take care of anything these days,
00:24:39but from what I see, my power is running out.
00:24:43That's right.
00:24:45But thank you for this.
00:24:49This morning I passed by the stream,
00:24:52and I remembered when we took the shotgun from your father
00:24:54and we went hunting with Don Julio.
00:24:57We left the kids.
00:24:59And we were dying to hang ourselves some pieces.
00:25:03We were silent.
00:25:05But Mrs. Pinar realized we were up to something and followed us.
00:25:10She got to the stream and caught us there, shotgun in hand.
00:25:13She was about to shoot a hare.
00:25:15She was so scared she almost took the lead.
00:25:20My ears still hurt from the shots she fired.
00:25:26It's funny, Gaspar.
00:25:29Many years have passed and...
00:25:33Now I remember it as if it had happened yesterday.
00:25:40I'm sorry.
00:25:42You've come here to stop thinking,
00:25:44and I'm forcing you to do the opposite.
00:25:46It's inevitable.
00:25:48And I'm glad to see how you keep your love.
00:25:52Of course.
00:25:54And I know that the best way to honor it is by taking care of yours.
00:25:59That's why I want everyone to know that they can trust me to get the job done.
00:26:03That while you live the duel,
00:26:05I will take care of these lands as if they were mine.
00:26:07As if they were mine.
00:26:10I'm sure.
00:26:17Your family will need you in the big house.
00:26:19That's where you have to be now.
00:26:22Thank you, Gaspar.
00:26:25But I can't leave the farm in your hands again.
00:26:30We have to lift the business and I prefer to keep you out of certain decisions.
00:26:35I hope you understand.
00:26:38Of course.
00:26:44Come on, the break is over.
00:27:08How long have you been here?
00:27:12I don't know.
00:27:14But I'm not going to leave.
00:27:17Being in your room makes me feel more serene.
00:27:23Can I sit with you?
00:27:33I'm sorry.
00:27:34It's okay.
00:27:45At the funeral I felt very proud.
00:27:50You said that ...
00:27:52Mother made an effort to convince God that she still had a lot of life ahead of her.
00:27:58That's how it was.
00:28:00She never gave up.
00:28:04Until that moment I was not entirely aware of her struggle.
00:28:09And now it is too late to tell her how brave she has been.
00:28:21Even if she was weak and sick, she always had a smile for us.
00:28:27She never wanted to worry you.
00:28:35Why was life so unfair to her?
00:28:39I wish I could give you an answer.
00:28:43But daughter,
00:28:46despite the fact that time will help you overcome this loss,
00:28:52the emptiness that your mother has left will always be there.
00:28:56In the important moments of your life and in the little details.
00:29:01But that doesn't mean you're alone.
00:29:05I'll always be here to listen to you.
00:29:10That's why I don't want there to be secrets between us.
00:29:21I'm sorry.
00:29:23I've heard voices, but I didn't want to bother.
00:29:26Wait, Mercedes.
00:29:28I'd like to talk to you.
00:29:31I'll leave you alone.
00:29:52I think we should talk about this, right?
00:29:57What do you think?
00:30:01I don't know.
00:30:03I'm not sure.
00:30:07Me neither.
00:30:10At first I thought it was crazy, but...
00:30:16I don't know, now...
00:30:19Little by little...
00:30:21You're starting to make sense.
00:30:28I never thought of you that way.
00:30:35It's strange to be in that place now.
00:30:39To change your mind.
00:30:43I suppose the best thing would be to take some time to reflect.
00:30:50It's not a decision that can be taken lightly.
00:30:53Yes. We must value all the implications.
00:30:58That's why we must be honest with each other.
00:31:03Taking a step like that...
00:31:06You can only do it if you're totally convinced that you're doing the right thing.
00:31:11To avoid in the future...
00:31:13Doubts and...
00:31:15More guilt.
00:31:21Is there something that has bothered you?
00:31:24Are you okay?
00:31:26Yes. Yes, yes.
00:31:29You know.
00:31:30For me...
00:31:32It's being here.
00:31:36I understand that you feel overwhelmed by a request like that.
00:31:40I myself have mixed feelings.
00:31:52I want you to know...
00:31:54No matter what happens, we'll always be together.
00:31:57Because we are and we will be family.
00:32:05I leave you alone.
00:32:30I leave you alone.
00:32:38Are you okay?
00:32:41I don't know.
00:32:43I'm taking the risk of getting my foot in the corbejón.
00:32:46But it seems to me that what you feel is a deep relief.
00:32:53I can feel it so much.
00:32:56You don't have anything wrong.
00:32:58I'm saddened by Mrs. Pilar's death.
00:33:02But postponing the wedding...
00:33:04Gave me some air.
00:33:06Well, take a deep breath and do it calmly.
00:33:09One thing doesn't take away the other.
00:33:13If you can't do it, just do it.
00:33:15I'm going to the kitchen. Today I have my hand blessed.
00:33:37Do you have a moment?
00:33:39I can't talk now, Alejo.
00:33:41I need to keep talking to you. Mercedes, I need to clarify my doubts.
00:33:45What doubts?
00:33:47We have nothing else to talk about.
00:33:52Are you still looking for your farewell letter?
00:33:57And all I have left to do is turn it upside down.
00:34:00I left it in that drawer.
00:34:03I'm sure.
00:34:08Maybe my mother read it and then set it on fire.
00:34:12That way she made sure that no one else knew our secret.
00:34:17That's what I'm afraid of.
00:34:20And I'm overwhelmed to think that I could hurt her so much.
00:34:24Alejo, what we were about to do...
00:34:28The only thing we did was fight for our love, Mercedes.
00:34:33I thought it was clear enough.
00:34:41But I don't think you feel anything for me anymore.
00:34:47I understand how hard my mother's death has hit you.
00:34:49A part of me is also broken.
00:34:52And it will take time to heal.
00:34:56But that wound doesn't change what I feel for you.
00:35:00Well, it should.
00:35:02Nothing in the world could change them.
00:35:11You're moving away.
00:35:13You're moving away as if my skin burned you.
00:35:16You're moving away as if my skin burned you.
00:35:22Since her death, I haven't had a chance to touch you, Mercedes.
00:35:24And I need to hug you. I need it more than ever.
00:35:35It's over.
00:35:40But how can you do this to us?
00:35:43You don't understand it now, but it's the right thing to do.
00:35:45No, it's the easy thing to do.
00:35:46Grow up already!
00:35:56I'm sorry.
00:36:01What you call our story...
00:36:04...should never have happened.
00:36:07It's unnatural.
00:36:09Don't say that, please.
00:36:10What do you want?
00:36:13What do you want?
00:36:14To keep feeding this delirium?
00:36:23Your mother's death opened my eyes.
00:36:28I never loved you.
00:36:43I love you.
00:36:53I'm sorry for my reaction before.
00:37:00We're all very nervous.
00:37:05Why don't you go for a walk?
00:37:08The sunset is a better horizon than these four walls.
00:37:13I'm fine here.
00:37:17I know you better than you think.
00:37:20If you keep building that armor, you'll only hear the echo of your own pain.
00:37:24Not even a man as strong as you can bear something like this.
00:37:28I feel...
00:37:30...impotent before my children.
00:37:32How am I going to instill courage in them if I'm unable to speak to them without breaking my voice?
00:37:38Don't demand so much.
00:37:40Give yourself time.
00:37:43Losing a wife is very hard, but losing a mother...
00:37:47It's a law of life.
00:37:50A life where, unfortunately, there is room for loss, but also reasons to move on.
00:37:56I remind you that Julio and Adriana's wedding is around the corner.
00:38:03I hope Julio knows how to cope with all this.
00:38:08Adriana is a loving and sensitive woman.
00:38:11I'm sure she can give your son the love he needs.
00:38:16And you can count on me.
00:38:30Is that Pilara's letter?
00:38:35Let me read it.
00:38:39It's personal.
00:38:42I just want to know the exact words she used to ask you for such madness.
00:38:47Marrying Mercedes? How could you do something like that?
00:38:50It's obvious that she wasn't in her right mind.
00:38:54At least we could read that part together.
00:38:57It would be good for you to have a calmer opinion.
00:39:00Thank you, but I don't need it.
00:39:03See? You're locked in yourself again, as usual.
00:39:07The same habit you have of meddling in my affairs.
00:39:10Are you serious?
00:39:12I'm very tired.
00:39:15If you'll excuse me.
00:39:17That request comes from a desperate woman on the brink of death. Don't you see it?
00:39:21What I see is that my wife wanted me to be happy next to a woman who loves our children
00:39:27and who knows this house and wild valley like the palm of her hand.
00:39:30A good, intelligent woman with her maximum confidence.
00:39:36Pilara lived for and for this family.
00:39:40And this letter is the last example of her sacrifice.
00:39:45And that's why you're going to sacrifice yourself.
00:39:51Did I say I was going to accept it?
00:39:56But you didn't say otherwise either.
00:40:02I can't force you.
00:40:04You're not indebted to her. You have to live your own life, José Luis.
00:40:08José Luis!
00:40:19I never loved you as lovers love, because that passion can't exist between you and me.
00:40:28I never should have thought of a future with you beyond what our ties and family dictate.
00:40:40Every day I ask God to let me go back to free us from sin.
00:40:48If we hadn't fallen.
00:40:51If we had been a little stronger, maybe.
00:41:00You know.
00:41:02No. No, no. What would have happened?
00:41:05You said it yourself.
00:41:07My sister read that letter.
00:41:09She read it.
00:41:11And then she burned it.
00:41:13Because she didn't want anyone else to know about our friendship.
00:41:19But her heart couldn't stand it.
00:41:24Her sister and her son in love.
00:41:29Leaving everything behind to start a new life. Who could stand something like that?
00:41:39You deserve our feelings.
00:41:45I don't want to pressure you.
00:41:48Please, Alejo.
00:41:56Leave me alone.
00:42:16You can try to fool yourself with whatever you want.
00:42:18With those thoughts you say are right.
00:42:22But the heart doesn't understand traps.
00:42:25And it will keep talking to you.
00:42:27It will keep talking to you so loudly and with so much desire
00:42:30that you won't be able to hear anything else.
00:42:40I love you.
00:42:51I don't know how long I'll be able to walk with you.
00:42:54I'm sorry I couldn't before.
00:42:56There's no way for you to apologize.
00:43:00I'm sure you understand your family's suffering.
00:43:03I know very well how painful it is to be a mother.
00:43:07There are no words.
00:43:09You don't need them either.
00:43:12I'd like to find them to be able to help my siblings.
00:43:15I feel so frustrated for not being able to help them.
00:43:18Let things happen.
00:43:20Don't set a time or a goal.
00:43:22Feelings are very unfriendly.
00:43:25They are imposed.
00:43:27Your family will take care of you when you least expect it.
00:43:31What if they don't?
00:43:33That's out of your control.
00:43:36But they'll know you're there.
00:43:37That's no small feat.
00:43:41I suppose...
00:43:44you've thought about what we're going to do with the wedding.
00:43:51Yes, I thought we'd talk about it.
00:43:54Sooner or later, if I'm being honest.
00:43:57I didn't want to keep you in the dark.
00:43:59It's an important moment.
00:44:01That's why I thought they'd have decided to postpone it.
00:44:06Celebrating the wedding right now would be a bad decision.
00:44:09Of course.
00:44:11I'm glad we agree.
00:44:13Although I doubt our opinion is relevant.
00:44:16My father and his aunt will be in charge of setting a new date.
00:44:20I don't think the delay will be excessive.
00:44:24It's curious.
00:44:28It's our commitment, but our opinion doesn't matter.
00:44:30It's always been that way.
00:44:33Of course.
00:44:35Your father and my aunt will find the date convenient.
00:44:40I hope this time will help my family find peace.
00:44:45I don't want our bond to be marked by my mother's absence.
00:44:49On the contrary.
00:44:51I'd like her to be very present in all of us.
00:44:54Through the memories we have of her.
00:44:56I'm sorry, I'm blabbering.
00:44:58Not at all.
00:45:00What you're saying makes a lot of sense.
00:45:03And it's very beautiful.
00:45:06I think both Irene and Alejo will be able to find that calm.
00:45:10But Rafael...
00:45:15He's determined to make things difficult for himself.
00:45:20I don't know.
00:45:22I don't know.
00:45:23It's difficult.
00:45:27When I hurt him, he raises a fortress.
00:45:31It may seem like it's between us, but no one can really reach him.
00:45:36That way you'll never be able to heal his wound.
00:45:39That's my fear.
00:45:44But as you say,
00:45:46I just have to let him know that I'll be there when he needs me.
00:45:53I'm sorry.
00:46:08Don Rafael.
00:46:11I need to talk to you.
00:46:13Maybe another time.
00:46:15I know it's not a good time.
00:46:17Save me then.
00:46:19It may be important.
00:46:22What do we agree on, Bernardo?
00:46:24Whatever I tell you,
00:46:26it may sound like a madman's judgment.
00:46:29And maybe it would be good to tie my tongue to my throat, but...
00:46:38I think your mother's death isn't what everyone thinks.
00:46:45What do you mean?
00:46:47I swear I don't want to spoil such a painful moment.
00:46:50It would be good to wait a while to talk to him,
00:46:53but I think every second counts.
00:46:56For what?
00:46:59What's going on, Bernardo?
00:47:01Unfortunately, I can't prove anything,
00:47:03but I think his mother has been poisoned.
00:47:12Look, aunt.
00:47:16Very good, very nice.
00:47:18I made it myself.
00:47:20Now's not the time, Pedrito.
00:47:22He's a bird.
00:47:24It's easier for my parents to see him from the sky.
00:47:27And Mrs. Pilara...
00:47:29Leave me alone.
00:47:31Do you think Mrs. Pilara has reached the highest level?
00:47:36What did I tell you?
00:47:38But you keep making mistakes.
00:47:40When an adult asks you to do something,
00:47:42you do it and that's it.
00:47:45What happened?
00:47:47Nothing, nothing happened, right, Pedrito?
00:47:54Look at me.
00:47:56Go with Luisa, okay?
00:48:06An answer that I would expect from Pedrito, who is a kid,
00:48:09but not from you.
00:48:11I asked him to shut up,
00:48:13but he kept talking to me about Pilara and that stupid bird.
00:48:16And what's wrong with that?
00:48:17That woman doesn't deserve any tribute,
00:48:19especially from this family.
00:48:21She has despised me for years
00:48:23and with you I decided to do the same
00:48:25since you came to Valle Salvaje.
00:48:27God forgive me,
00:48:29but the only good thing I've done in this life is die
00:48:31and not even that has done it well.
00:48:33Aunt, show some respect.
00:48:35He died at the perfect time to ruin his great-grandfather's wedding
00:48:37and he left a list of wishes that...
00:48:39How can you be so twisted?
00:48:41The feelings you arouse, Mrs. Pilara,
00:48:43are not an excuse to treat Pedrito this way.
00:48:44If you had obeyed me from the beginning.
00:48:46He has taken his gift,
00:48:48he has thrown it to the ground and he has broken it.
00:48:50I have not seen his face of horror.
00:48:52That boy is a sensitive man.
00:48:54It has not been for so long.
00:48:56I hope it's the last time.
00:48:58If he does something like that,
00:49:00because I will not tolerate it again.
00:49:10He said he can't prove anything.
00:49:12How can I be sure?
00:49:14I was in charge of providing the medication to Mrs. Pilara.
00:49:17Or at least who did it until the last delivery a few days ago.
00:49:20But when I saw that it was running out,
00:49:22he told me, I went to the boutique to get him a new bottle.
00:49:25I gave him a full one a few days ago.
00:49:28But yesterday, when you gave the wedding alarm,
00:49:31I noticed that the bottle in the room was empty.
00:49:35Could he take more these days?
00:49:37Mrs. Pilara was very careful with the medication.
00:49:40She knew that in high doses it had very harmful effects.
00:49:42That's why I only took it when I couldn't stand the pain anymore.
00:49:50Have you shared it with anyone else?
00:49:53I've come to you first.
00:49:57For now, it's better if it stays between us.
00:50:00I understand that it takes time to think what to do.
00:50:03We have no more proof, Bernardo.
00:50:05Then we must look for them.
00:50:12Can I count on you?
00:50:14Of course.
00:50:16For whatever you need.
00:50:31Be careful, the floor is slippery.
00:50:33One more step and all the cushions will break.
00:50:36You're the one who should be careful.
00:50:39I appreciate your concern,
00:50:40but I'm shorter and it's hard for me to fall.
00:50:43I'm not talking about the job.
00:50:49How come it doesn't jump higher?
00:50:51It's because Pedrito gave Mrs. Pilara a present.
00:50:57Poor thing!
00:50:59His face was on his feet when his aunt and sister went to the funeral without him.
00:51:03We've already explained to the boy that that wasn't a place for him.
00:51:07Yes, but he remembered his father too.
00:51:08For the same reason.
00:51:10They are too lost in a very short time.
00:51:12He shook my heart so sad, what can I say?
00:51:15He is a very sensitive boy.
00:51:17And when he told me he needed to say goodbye, I thought of the present.
00:51:21I've known that boy since the day he was born.
00:51:23I know very well what affects him in this kind of situation.
00:51:26If they have left him at home,
00:51:28it is so that he is as far away as possible from all that pain.
00:51:31Your obligation was to keep him at bay,
00:51:33not to fill his head with birds.
00:51:35Pedrito's head is better than yours and mine, Mrs. Pilara.
00:51:38You know, he's a boy, and smarter than a man.
00:51:41I don't meddle in his thoughts, as you say.
00:51:43All I do is listen to him and help that poor creature as much as I can.
00:51:47And giving a gift to a deceased woman, do you think it's giving her your help?
00:51:51Well, the truth is yes.
00:51:53And not only did I think it was good for me,
00:51:55Mrs. Adriana also thought it was a good idea.
00:51:59Sometimes it seems to me that you don't know well what your obligations are.
00:52:03With all due respect, gentlemen, you know,
00:52:05if there is something in this life, it is to lift the shoulder.
00:52:08And not to show it.
00:52:10You came to this house to serve.
00:52:12So stop trying to get close to Pedrito and his sisters.
00:52:16And what do you want me to do?
00:52:18Go around the house with an earring like the donkeys?
00:52:20If that's how we get you to focus on your homework ...
00:52:23What's going on? Do you need me to explain it to you again?
00:52:27No, no, I ...
00:52:32Well, look, when I finish with the floor,
00:52:35you're going to change the sheets.
00:52:36And the lava.
00:52:38All of it.
00:53:07I can't get it out of my head
00:53:10how beautiful you were with your mother's wedding dress.
00:53:15I hope to cause the same impact the next time you see me.
00:53:19Although don't ask me when,
00:53:21because neither Julio nor I can choose the new wedding date.
00:53:24It will be when it has to be.
00:53:26And you will be even more beautiful.
00:53:30Do you think it will take a long time to announce it?
00:53:32I'm afraid so.
00:53:34The wife of a duke has died.
00:53:36The grief must be considerable.
00:53:42Tell me,
00:53:44what are you thinking about?
00:53:47Nothing special.
00:53:51When you were a girl,
00:53:53you entrusted me with all your secrets.
00:53:57And now,
00:53:58now I don't have much to tell you.
00:54:02Or don't you want to do it?
00:54:08I'm still here for you.
00:54:10Nothing has changed.
00:54:12Everything has changed there.
00:54:16I would like to be a girl again and think only about you.
00:54:20I would like to be a girl again and think only about you.
00:54:23I would like to be a girl again and think only about you.
00:54:26I would like to be a girl again and think only about playing,
00:54:29like Pedrito.
00:54:32Without worries,
00:54:34and without guilt.
00:54:45why would you feel guilty?
00:54:55Doña Pilara was very unfair to me.
00:54:58She decided to judge me without knowing me.
00:55:03But over time,
00:55:05she realized that we could get along.
00:55:10She was a smart woman.
00:55:12And very good.
00:55:14There is nothing more than seeing all the love that leaves Maye Salvaje.
00:55:18And that's why,
00:55:20that's why it hurts me that her death has given me a chance.
00:55:24I understand.
00:55:26The opportunity to postpone the wedding.
00:55:31I feel like the worst person in the world.
00:55:33I feel relief when
00:55:35everyone around me is crying their absence.
00:55:40But she has given me time.
00:55:44That wedding will be celebrated sooner or later.
00:55:47You are engaged to Don Julio Gálvez de Aguirre.
00:55:51And one day you will be the Duchess.
00:55:53But not today.
00:55:55Not tomorrow.
00:55:56And you can...
00:55:57Get those ideas out of your head, please.
00:56:00The best thing for everyone
00:56:02is that you accept your fate once and for all.
00:56:05The number of women who would kill to be in your shoes.
00:56:08For all yours.
00:56:09I give them to you.
00:56:24I see.
00:56:26It should be almost full.
00:56:28I delivered it myself a few days ago.
00:56:31And how long does it take to order a new one, Bernardo?
00:56:34Today, every two months, to the pharmacy.
00:56:36Or maybe he dropped it.
00:56:38If so, he would have told me to order a new bottle.
00:56:42They don't come from one day to the next.
00:56:44And wouldn't he have given it to someone who needed it, Bernardo?
00:56:47I don't know.
00:56:49I don't know.
00:56:50And wouldn't he have given it to someone who needed it, Bernardo?
00:56:53To whom?
00:56:55You yourself know that Mrs. Pilar barely kept in touch with the outside world.
00:56:58And in the houses.
00:57:00No one has been sick these days as for that.
00:57:05I have also given her many turns.
00:57:08I have even come to think that she herself would decide...
00:57:17She would never do something like that.
00:57:18She has been gaining the pulse of death for years.
00:57:20I know.
00:57:22That's why I can only think that someone would deceive her.
00:57:25Or even force her to do it.
00:57:27Who would want to poison my mother, Bernardo?
00:57:30And for what reason?
00:57:32She was a quiet woman, full of kindness.
00:57:35Always attentive to the needs of others.
00:57:40I wish I had an answer.
00:57:48What are you doing?
00:57:50If my suspicions are true,
00:57:52it is likely that the person who administered all that mercury
00:57:55left a trace.
00:58:00Don Rafael.
00:58:02We don't lose anything for taking a look.
00:58:16Now that you have heard my...
00:58:18Confidences, you would prefer not to know them, right?
00:58:23No, my girl.
00:58:25For me it is important to know what happens to you.
00:58:28To Pedrito, to you, to Barbara.
00:58:31The three of you are my children.
00:58:33And you will always be.
00:58:46Come on.
00:58:49I'm going to say goodnight to Barbara.
00:58:52I'm sure she's waiting for me to pray together.
00:59:02Don't tell this to anyone, please.
00:59:05Do you think I'm capable of doing something like that?
00:59:08I wouldn't trust your secrets to anyone.
00:59:19Tomorrow I will sew the button that is missing.
00:59:22Where do you have it?
00:59:24I didn't know I had lost a button.
00:59:27Well, tomorrow I will tell Luisa
00:59:29to clean the bed well to see if it appears.
00:59:32If it was where it should be, it would have already appeared, but of course...
00:59:35It will appear.
00:59:43I found something.
00:59:50I found something.
01:00:17You can count on me.
01:00:18You can count on me.
01:00:20Even if it's just being silent.
01:00:22There are times when
01:00:24silence is healing.
01:00:27There are people who also...
01:00:30Alejo, everything has changed.
01:00:34What has changed?
01:00:36We made a mistake.
01:00:38Loving is not a mistake.
01:00:42Yes, when you are between an aunt and her nephew.
01:00:44You have spent your whole life taking care of her.
01:00:45To think of you, to have a life.
01:00:49She's crying, Mercedes, she's crying.
01:00:52I behaved badly with you.
01:00:55And instead of getting angry, you are here consoling me
01:00:58and telling me how wonderful I am.
01:01:02Wait, Luisa.
01:01:06It would be convenient if you provided
01:01:08all the chimneys of the house with wood.
01:01:11We don't need them.
01:01:13Do you have anything better to do?
01:01:15I never had anyone with as much work
01:01:17as this poor girl.
01:01:19That girl is pregnant, for God's sake.
01:01:21If you can't stand it,
01:01:23it would be best if you leave
01:01:25and leave it to someone else who is capable.
01:01:27The best for whom?
01:01:30You have me,
01:01:32Alejo, Irene
01:01:34and, of course, Father.
01:01:36I never betrayed you, Father.
01:01:38And suddenly you become the focus
01:01:40of everyone's attention.
01:01:42I wouldn't like to be in your shoes, Mercedes.
01:01:43That's what you played with my sister,
01:01:45to provoke her until she lost her mind.
01:01:48I see that you won't be up to Pilar.
01:01:50I'm sorry to disappoint you,
01:01:52but I'm not even going to try.
01:01:54How dare you tell that woman
01:01:56something that your children don't even know yet?
01:01:58Pilar hated that woman.
01:02:00She was her biggest enemy, José Luis.
01:02:02Victoria appeared at a time
01:02:04when I was destroyed,
01:02:06sunk, and I don't know why I told her.
01:02:08It could be that my mother's death
01:02:10was not the result of her illness.
01:02:11The galleon said...
01:02:13That she had died while she was sleeping, yes.
01:02:15Because of respiratory problems.
01:02:17I think those were his words.
01:02:19That they can be caused by an excess of medication.
01:02:21After what I told you,
01:02:23I didn't expect you to treat me like that.
01:02:25That you're not in love with me
01:02:27doesn't mean that we can't be friends.
01:02:30You look great.
01:02:32And you're not going to stick your ears to my belly?
01:02:34Now you're going to teach me
01:02:36how to do my job.
01:02:38No, no.
01:02:39No, no, no.
01:02:41That's not what I meant.
01:02:43That's what they told me.
01:02:45Well, they told you wrong.
01:02:47We won't be seeing ghosts where there aren't any, Bernardo.
01:02:49By investigating, we won't lose anything.
01:02:51And I remind you
01:02:53that the button isn't the only clue we have.
01:02:55The empty medicine bottle?
01:02:57I've found five more empty bottles, Bernardo.
01:02:59And why wasn't it with the rest of the empty bottles?
01:03:01Why was it in the candle holder
01:03:03where she always left the medicine
01:03:05she had to use the next day?
01:03:07They embezzled it, didn't they, Rafael?
01:03:09You doubt, but you don't doubt either.
01:03:11Too many coincidences.
01:03:13And you know what?
01:03:16I don't believe in coincidences.
