Neighbours 1st October 2024 (9122)

  • 2 days ago
00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02Can you watch Islay?
00:03Yeah, sure.
00:04Let me legally adopt Islay.
00:06If there's a way to make things worse, then you'll always find it.
00:08I've said yes to everything that you want, but you're still going to punish me.
00:12Would you rather attend a fashion show or a male review?
00:15How is that even a question?
00:17Come on, you've got to take part in it.
00:18Oh, no!
00:22Therese, I will always love you.
00:24You really don't need me complicating things.
00:34Everybody needs good neighbours
00:38With a little understanding
00:43You can find the perfect blend
00:51Should be there for one another
00:56That's when good neighbours
00:59Become good friends
01:27Should be there for one another
01:31That's when good neighbours
01:35Become good friends
01:41Should be there for one another
01:45That's when good neighbours
01:49Become good friends
01:54That's when good neighbours
01:58Become good friends
02:01That's when good neighbours
02:05Hey, the Wi-Fi isn't working and I have a work call.
02:09Are you guys having issues?
02:10It's about the internet.
02:11Yeah, the Wi-Fi's out.
02:13I'll give them a call now.
02:14No, no point.
02:15They'll just tell you we're doing scheduled maintenance.
02:17How do you know that?
02:19Byron got a notification the other night and I said I'd let you know.
02:22It's only temporary.
02:24Anyway, I've got this to run.
02:26Later, skaters.
02:28Excuse me, Isla honey.
02:30It's time to get dressed now, please.
02:32Off you go, off you go.
02:39When were you planning on telling me?
02:42Oh, I did.
02:43I left you a note.
02:44Look, it's here.
02:49Can't you hotspot off your phone?
02:50My phone doesn't have the bandwidth to support a long conference call.
02:54Okay, well it's just a day off grid.
02:57Maybe next time you could let me know in advance rather than leaving random post-it notes.
03:02Sorry, I didn't think the timing would affect you.
03:04You never work from home.
03:06The tradies are fine-tuning the lights in mine and Paul's office
03:09and I thought I'd make the most of it and get some chores done.
03:13Now I'm going to have to go find some Wi-Fi and hope that I'm not embarrassingly late.
03:16Hey, I'm not going to head into work for a bit, so how about I do your laundry?
03:21Consider it an apology for the miscommunication.
03:24That would be a big help.
03:48Oh, Jane.
03:50I thought you were heading into work for a meeting.
03:53Yeah, I'll head in a bit later.
03:55But I wanted to check in with you first because after you left yesterday,
03:59it struck me that you might have been looking for some company.
04:05I guess I might have been.
04:07I imagine the house feels quite empty after it being so full for so long.
04:12No, no, no.
04:14I've been so busy with work.
04:16I'm glad to have a moment's peace.
04:19Well, can I tempt you in a coffee? I was about to pop over to Harold's.
04:22Oh, no, I've just made a pot. Please join me.
04:25Alright, lovely.
04:28So tell me, what was your idea for the coffee?
04:30Well, I thought it would be a good idea.
04:33Alright, lovely.
04:35So tell me, what was your idea for the cooking project?
04:38Oh, okay. Well, I'm glad you asked.
04:41And thank you all again for your patience.
04:43I will see you next week.
04:44Okay, have a good day.
04:55Are you psychic?
04:57No, no. Good ears.
05:00Are you okay?
05:01Me? Yeah, I'm fine.
05:04The office stands for personal leave whenever you need it.
05:06Christa, thank you, but trust me, I prefer to stay busy.
05:15Excuse me. Sorry.
05:16Oh, it's been a hectic morning.
05:18I apologise.
05:19On top of everything, Rhys wants me to finalise the sale for Warrawee.
05:22Hasn't it sold yet?
05:25And here I was just thinking I could focus on the mail review.
05:27Well, I can help.
05:28With the mail review, that is.
05:30I never want to see Warrawee again in my life.
05:32No, of course.
05:33I would love your help.
05:34You know that I am no stranger to a boylesque.
05:37Oh, I do now.
05:39That sounds much saucier than a mail review.
05:42You are hired.
05:43Hey, Aaron.
05:44Say hello to our new entertainment consultant for our boylesque.
05:49Welcome aboard.
05:50I'm just a little bit excited.
05:53Okay, team, we need to lock down the scope of events.
05:55So, run times, we need to organise a theme for the night.
05:57No, what we really need are performers
05:59because the longer I have to train these guys,
06:01the better the whole show is going to be.
06:03Excellent point.
06:15So, it's early days, but boylesque is back on track.
06:18I've secured the council permits
06:20and the creative team are bubbling with new ideas.
06:22The creative team are great.
06:24I've already secured our first two performers.
06:27What, really?
06:28Some of Ez's crew?
06:30I'll let you know when we have a few more bites.
06:33In the meantime, I was thinking that we should discuss
06:35the hotel's collaboration.
06:36Yeah, you know what?
06:37Have you ever taken into consideration the hotel's reputation?
06:40Because boylesque doesn't exactly sound like a family-friendly event,
06:43does it?
06:44Well, it's not a family-friendly event.
06:46And it won't be built that way, much like our popular wine tastings.
06:49Oh, now, hey, they have a very clear market.
06:5225 to 45-year-old women are our fastest-growing clientele.
06:56If that's the case, why are you concentrating on a one-off event?
06:59Because one-off events are a great way to test new ideas.
07:03Plus, all of the sales for the tickets and the money that's raised
07:06will go to charity, which means it's tax deductible.
07:09Or is that going to be an issue as well?
07:12Look, boylesque will be a success, Paul, with or without your help.
07:20I'll see you for dinner.
07:25Do you have to turn every conversation with her into a cage fight?
07:28Oh, relax, Leo.
07:30Come on, little friendly sparrings.
07:32It's good for business.
07:37Here you go, Paul.
07:38No, I'm sorry, but I can't take Isla today.
07:40No, I have a planning meeting with Lana to get to.
07:43We're implementing a new cooking program between Irene
07:46and the school for our home-ex students.
07:49Mum, you're always free during the holidays.
07:51Go over there and read, sweetie.
07:53Go over there on the couch and you can read.
07:55Surely now that you're working, Isla can go into daycare.
07:58Mum, it's the holidays.
07:59They never have spots during this time.
08:01That's why I always rely on you.
08:03Mum, please.
08:04I have a huge day.
08:05I'm trialling dessert toasties.
08:07I have a new staff member I'm training up.
08:10You knew that you'd be under more pressure once you took on the managing role.
08:14You just had to be more organised.
08:16Mum, please.
08:17I really need your help.
08:19Surely this meeting can't be that important, can it?
08:22No, Nicolette, stop.
08:23No, I'm not your personal babysitter.
08:27You just have to plan your time better now that you and Aaron are both working.
08:31Fine, I'll figure something else out.
08:44You are beaming today.
08:46Yeah, did you start a new skincare routine or get a new haircut?
08:49There's something.
08:50Oh, have you been working out?
08:52Oh yeah, he's been working out.
08:54Alright, creepy, touching compliments.
08:57What did you want?
08:58We were just wondering if you'd like to help us raise funds
09:01for the Aaronsborough Police Youth Outreach Program.
09:03Okay, not creepy.
09:05Um, sure, but what's the catch?
09:07Oh, there's no catch.
09:08We just want you to be one of our sexy boy-esque performers.
09:16What? Why?
09:17Look, I get it because of my risky past that you probably think that I'm a banjo.
09:21No, no, that's not what we're thinking at all.
09:22No, we are just looking for attractive men with a good sense of fun.
09:26Yeah, and you get to work with Aaron and it's for a really good cause.
09:29Okay, ladies, stop.
09:30I get great cause and I'm happy to help.
09:33Where I can, okay?
09:34Clothes, stay on.
09:37Not brilliant.
09:43Okay, Isla.
09:45Oh, today is going to be so much fun.
09:48You've got no idea.
09:50Look, I even found this tiny little apron.
09:54Should we actually put it on?
09:55It matches Mummy's.
09:56Okay, here we go.
09:58Here we go.
09:59We are going to cook some yummy food
10:02and we are going to train our ever so, so green staff member.
10:09That looks amazing.
10:10Are you ready to help Mummy?
10:14Okay, well, I thought maybe you could fold these for me very neatly.
10:19Don't worry, Mummy.
10:21I'll help you.
10:25Hey, how can I help you?
10:30I'm so glad you were free
10:31because I don't have to be back for a whole half hour.
10:33Oh, half an hour with the luxury.
10:36Hey, I was thinking we could go on family holiday.
10:40We haven't been in a while.
10:41That's true.
10:42And we've got New York up our sleeve.
10:43We're not lying.
11:04Oh, sorry.
11:12Hey, do you mind if I...
11:15Yeah, go on, do your thing.
11:23Byron, I'm so glad you could join us for our planning meeting
11:26and hear our revised proposal.
11:28Well, like I said before, happy to help within reason.
11:32So what can I do for you?
11:33Legals, ticketing?
11:38Byron Stone.
11:40We would like your help with the entertainment.
11:42Not this again.
11:43Oh, you can do it, Byron. Come on.
11:45It's easy. Just copy me.
11:46Go, Byron.
11:47I believe in you, Byron.
11:49One, two, three, four.
11:53Face into the sky.
11:54A little boom.
11:55And then we drop it.
11:58Spin and then choose a pose.
12:01All right.
12:09Thank you, but no.
12:12Byron, get him.
12:13Do the thing, do the thing.
12:20Too much?
12:23Oh, I have never felt so desperate to donate in all of my life.
12:27Where is my wallet?
12:29Dancing's not so bad once you get over yourself, right?
12:34Okay, sure, I'm in.
12:36But I get to wear a mask.
12:37Okay, we're happy to work with Costume on that.
12:47Can I come in?
12:49Yeah, come in.
13:01I, um...
13:03Yeah, I think I just, um, let the whole drama of the waterhole get to me.
13:08You were only in hospital a few days ago,
13:11and you're dealing with enormous change at home.
13:15Speaking mum to mum?
13:18I imagine you expected it to be the heart of the home for a long time to come.
13:24Having that pulled away from you is a lot to process.
13:28I mean, that house is just, is nothing.
13:32But memories now, and I just, I lay awake there, night after night,
13:40trying to figure out how I let it all just slip through my fingers.
13:48I'm so sorry, Therese.
13:50The person that I really want to turn to is, is the one person that I really should be avoiding.
14:01I mean, I don't know Paul well, but if your gut's telling you to stay away, it's probably right.
14:12I'm sorry.
14:15I'm sorry.
14:16It's probably right.
14:30Oh, happy to be done for the day?
14:32Yeah, it'll be nice to switch off for a bit.
14:35Oh, lucky you.
14:37Um, hey, actually, did you want to take Isla for the afternoon?
14:42You mean pick her up from Jane?
14:44Oh, well, I'm swamped, and like you said, I know how important it is for us to make the right choices for her.
14:51Nick, I mean, make the right choices, as in keeping ourselves out of danger.
14:55Not so that you can guilt me into changing the child-minding arrangements anytime you want.
14:59Oh, that's not what I meant.
15:00I'm going to see an old mate soon, and he's only in town for one night,
15:03so are you telling me that I have to now cancel that because you are overcommitted?
15:07No, no, of course not.
15:09I just, I just thought you would, you want to spend a bit more time with your daughter, that's all.
15:14A little more notice next time would be nice.
15:16Sure, hey, hey, you have a, you have a good night, okay?
15:23Oh, all right, Mr Tanaka, let me get changed into some clean clothes and I'll see you in 15.
15:29Okay, bye.
15:44Knock, knock, knock.
15:50You're right, it's Paul.
16:04Oh, you are home.
16:06Yeah, sorry, I was out the back.
16:09Ah, chef's chicken pesto salad.
16:12Well, I ordered one for lunch and I know how much you like it.
16:16And the dressing is on the side.
16:18That's very thoughtful, thank you.
16:20It's nothing.
16:22I guess I just wanted to see if there was anything you needed.
16:25Oh, no, I'm fine, I'm fine, yeah.
16:29I've got a lot on at work, so I've got enough to distract myself.
16:33Well, work can be very useful that way.
16:37Oh, I suppose I'd better go.
16:39Wait, Paul.
16:42Please, stay.
17:00Thanks for coming to get me.
17:01I'm sorry that I look like this.
17:02You look great.
17:03What's going on? Is it work stuff?
17:04No, it's Nicolette.
17:05She promised she'd handle it and she didn't.
17:07So I had to run into the bottom of my wardrobe to find this
17:10and then hang that out before it got wrong.
17:12Sounds like it's going well.
17:13You know that the woman puts her empty cartons back in the fridge
17:16and she didn't tell me that the internet was going to go out this morning.
17:19She leaves a big mess around the house and then she promises to help out
17:22and then doesn't.
17:23Well, maybe it's time for a house meeting.
17:25Might be time for me to move out.
17:27It's not that bad, is it?
17:28It is.
17:29And look, I can appreciate that Nick's a working mum,
17:32but we're just on completely different wavelengths on almost everything
17:35and I can't take it anymore, okay?
17:37I need to find a new place like yesterday.
17:39Wait, wait, wait.
17:40You want to move out? Why?
17:44Byron, I love this place, okay, but since Haz and Mac moved out,
17:48I just feel like I'm being outnumbered by the Stone family,
17:50especially the new one that's been driving me loopy.
17:52No offence.
17:53Oh, come on.
17:54You don't mean that.
17:56Well, share housing doesn't really suit your current stage of life, right?
18:01That's what it is, really.
18:03Look, if it's about Nick, I can talk to her, I can deal with her,
18:05but you and me, we're old school.
18:07Come on, number 32, the blondes, right?
18:10Look, yes, we get along and you were really there for me when I needed you
18:14and I appreciate that.
18:16Just, um, I just don't think it's for me anymore.
18:27Sadie, are you sure?
18:29It'll only be for a couple of hours.
18:32Okay, bye.
18:34Got your hands full today.
18:36Ah, yes, tell me about it.
18:39What, you're not happy with the turnover?
18:41Don't get me wrong, normally I would be thrilled, but today...
18:45Oh, baby, what happened? You okay?
18:51Hey, what happened?
18:53What's this helping you?
18:58Oh, God. Okay.
19:01Hey, it's going to be okay.
19:04Okay, baby? You're going to be okay.
19:15Thank you so much. I just really needed that.
19:18Ah, it's my pleasure.
19:21So, how are you sleeping then?
19:24I'm out.
19:26What about you, after the siege?
19:29Yeah, I guess that's keeping me up at night as well.
19:32But I am glad it's over.
19:37Listen, you look exhausted. How about I make you a coffee, eh?
19:40Is everything the same?
19:42Yeah, everything's exactly the same.
19:46Uh, actually, you know what?
19:49I think a herbal tea is probably a better choice at this time of day.
19:53I've got chamomile or lemongrass. It looks like. What do you want?
20:18Come on.
20:44Coming up on Neighbours.
20:46It was less about luck and more about Felix. He's a real hero.
20:49I was just doing my bit. No big deal.
20:52You willingly walked into danger for us. That's a very big deal.
20:55I want to make this work.
20:57We're just going to end up in court and even worse, hating each other.