The Young and the Restless 10-2-24 (Y&R 2nd October 2024) 10-02-2024 10-2-2024

  • last week
00:00Sorry to keep you waiting.
00:10Oh, hey, my meeting finished up early.
00:14So I've just been checking emails.
00:16Sounds like a busy morning.
00:18Yeah, I'm just trying to keep on top of things.
00:20But I was a little surprised when you texted me that you were running late.
00:23I stopped by home, ran into Billy and it got a bit abrasive.
00:27Oh, did he lash out at you again?
00:29Not as bad as the last time we spoke, when he threw me out of his office.
00:33Still, it looks like whatever happened bothered you.
00:36Yeah, he doesn't appreciate getting my two cents on his decisions.
00:39A Chancellor Abbott. Chancellor.
00:42He's on a self-destruct path and I don't think there's any stopping him.
00:46Well, knowing Billy, I'm not surprised.
00:48But I'm sorry that he didn't listen to you.
00:50He did mention one detail that piqued my interest.
00:54What's that?
00:56There appears to be some trouble brewing behind the scenes at Newman Enterprises,
01:01which could only be good for us.
01:04It's cost-effective, timely and innovative.
01:08This product belongs on shelves and should be added to our upcoming line immediately.
01:16Yeah, well researched.
01:19Thank you, Victor.
01:22I wish I had had more time to prepare and to get you a prototype.
01:27That was my original intention.
01:30So why'd you present it to me now?
01:33Well, I'm sorry to say this, but it's because of Kyle.
01:38If I waited another day or two, he may have tried to torpedo my project again.
01:46What do you mean, again?
01:49He's the reason I don't have a sample to show you.
01:52He cancelled my production order.
01:55Kyle's goal seems to be to sabotage me at every corner,
02:00even if it's at the expense of the company.
02:06Are you aware that Kyle brought to my attention that you apparently talked to Nate Hastings
02:14about me being the silent investor at Glissade?
02:22I know I've disappointed you.
02:25But Kyle's reveal of my misstep wasn't for Glissade's benefit.
02:31He wants to undermine me in your eyes.
02:34He did something similar at Jabot with his own mother, and it led to his firing.
02:41What's your point?
02:44This idea.
02:46My idea would not be in front of you if Kyle got his way.
02:50He's not interested in Glissade's success. He only wants what's best for him.
03:02You have a meeting. Shall I go?
03:04No, no. It's your partner's coming.
03:08Hello, Kyle.
03:14It may be of interest to you, Kyle, that
03:17Audra here just told me that you were trying to undermine her. Is that true?
03:22Do you care to defend yourself?
04:02Hey. Hey, thanks for meeting me here.
04:11Ah, yeah. I know that we said that we were going to spend more time as a family after our dinner last night, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.
04:18Yeah, do we have more to celebrate?
04:20Ooh, mimosas?
04:22Yeah, too bad we can't get those here.
04:25It's not good news, actually.
04:29Oh, what's wrong?
04:31Have either of you heard from Heather since yesterday?
04:35No. Why?
04:38She just left. She's gone.
04:49Hey, Dad.
04:50Good morning. How's it going?
04:52All right. But I'm guessing you're not here for me.
04:56I'm actually here for both of you. How's your mom?
05:00I just woke up, but I think she's still asleep.
05:04Have you checked her room?
05:07Not yet. Is it a bad sign that she's not awake?
05:12No, she's probably just exhausted.
05:15But it's not like her to sleep in this late. If she's this out of it, things could still be bad.
05:23What could be bad?
05:25You're up.
05:27Yeah, no sleeping in today. I have a lot to do.
05:42I can only imagine the stories Audrey's been telling you.
05:45Anything I've shared with Victor is fact-based. No fairy tales.
05:49Yeah, we both know you're able to spin things in your favor.
05:52I presented my new skincare concept, and he agrees. It would be a huge success.
05:57If you had gotten your way, this product would never see the light of day.
06:02Any truth to what Andre said?
06:06Yes and no. We already have products in production that we need to focus on first.
06:12But Bob Elton already loves this one.
06:14Because you jumped the gun and told him about it without my input.
06:17My priorities are what is best for Glissade, which is more than I can say for you.
06:21Yeah, that's ironic, considering you just tried to undercut me with Elton to benefit yourself.
06:25But you cut me out of any meetings with him. What else was I supposed to do?
06:29You revealed Victor's identity in a name. Why should we trust you?
06:33I can be trusted.
06:34She is a stumbling block, not an asset.
06:39Now you both want to run the damn company, so...
06:44Why don't you prove to me that you're competent?
06:52Nick, I didn't think that you would really take me up on my offer for breakfast, but there's plenty of food and coffee.
07:01You seem happy.
07:05I made muffins and eggs and bacon. I was just in the mood.
07:12I mean, it's great seeing you in such high spirits.
07:18I hope you two can stop looking so nervous. I promise I am dealing with my issues. No more running away.
07:28That's good to hear.
07:32Sweetheart, there are more muffins in the oven. Could you go and check on those for me?
07:37Yeah, you bet.
07:44So, what is on the agenda today?
07:47I have my therapy session this morning.
07:52And if you don't really think I'm going to go, you're welcome to drive me there. It's a short session today.
08:00Happy to drive you. Is a short session okay?
08:04Well, I have a full-length session scheduled later this week.
08:08Okay, great.
08:12So, there's something I want to tell you and I hope you don't get too upset at me.
08:21When you were gone and nobody knew where you were, I called your doctor.
08:28You did?
08:30I did, yeah.
08:34I just, I felt helpless, Sharon. We all did. And I was looking for some guidance.
08:44And did he give that to you?
08:48He didn't say one thing about your sessions or your treatment. He was extremely professional. He really, really respected your confidentiality.
09:02Well, I guess that's good to hear.
09:07I'm really sorry, okay? I didn't know what else to do and I apologize for it.
09:14It was an invasion of privacy.
09:17You know what? You did that out of concern for me. And if I were in your position, I would have done the same thing.
09:29There are enough muffins to feed an army.
09:32You should take some for Christian, Dad.
09:34Baby girl, have you ever known me to turn down muffins? It's never going to happen. I'm in.
09:39Everything okay?
09:44Yeah, everything's great.
09:48Your dad is going to drive me to my session this morning. Do you want me to come too?
09:55Well, there's no need. We will be fine.
10:00Would you do us a huge favor, though, before we leave? That upstairs window is stuck.
10:08I tried my best, but I don't have your skills.
10:12Nobody does.
10:14Yeah, I got this.
10:18It sounds like an exhausting job. I'll just take this for sustenance.
10:22I will supervise.
10:24Good to learn, kid. Let's go.
10:33Look at you. Calm, cool, not a crack. Good job.
10:41I feel like I could lose it any minute.
10:46You understand him? Trust me. Nobody here has a clue that you killed Heather Stevens and dumped her body last night.
10:58Uh, this doesn't make sense.
11:00I thought things were good between you and Heather.
11:02So did I. I mean, I thought they were, too.
11:05Okay, so what happened?
11:07She texted me last night. She said that she needed to get out of town for a few days to clear her head.
11:12Did she say why?
11:14She did admit that she was still upset about the whole situation with Sharon and Lucy and Faith.
11:20I tried to get her to call me so we could talk about it, but she just didn't respond.
11:24Well, maybe she does need just a minute to herself.
11:28I understand why she's mad. Sharon has gone after her very, very hard. Totally over the top.
11:34I did tell her that Sharon apologized to me, and I thought that things were going to get better for all of us.
11:40You know what? Why don't I try calling her?
11:43No. No. No. No. Why not?
11:47Well, if she didn't answer me, what makes you think she's going to answer you?
11:50Well, maybe she'll answer a neutral party, a mediator.
11:54That's not you.
11:55Yeah, Mom, I think that Daniel's right on this. If Heather wants some space, I think we should give it to her.
12:02Okay, but don't let this fester.
12:05You know what? I think it's going to blow over in just a few days. I really wouldn't worry too much about it, okay?
12:11I don't know if I can sit on it. I mean, I get the feeling that there might be more to it.
12:16You know what? Maybe there's another way we can figure out what happened.
12:35I did not mean for this to happen.
12:37I know. I know. But come on, it's not the worst thing in the world, is it?
12:41Heather was really annoying. Always sticking up for that bratty kid, and then making excuses for Daniel.
12:50But I killed her. And as much as I may cover it up, the guilt is still there.
12:57All right. Don't let it pull you down.
13:01I have blocked out what happened last night as much as I possibly can.
13:08But you know what? Emotional suppression? That can backfire.
13:12Okay, Carl Jung. I'll keep that in mind.
13:15My family is very worried about me, as it is. They know that there is something else wrong. Nick knows me so well.
13:23You know what? You don't have a choice, Sharon. You gotta keep this act up.
13:31With your family. With Nick. Hell, for everyone you meet for the rest of your life. You understand?
13:37If the truth comes out, I will lose everything. Everything!
13:43Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Hey. Give yourself some credit. You're doing great, baby.
13:50I mean, you made breakfast. You got Nick to give you a ride to therapy.
13:56Nice touch, by the way. Just keep acting like you're on the road to recovery. And it's gonna be fine.
14:06Well, it's not all an act, you know. I fully intend on getting better.
14:12Is that right?
14:13Yeah. I can't live like this anymore. Heather's death was a wake-up call.
14:20I need to find my equilibrium, starting with my therapy session today.
14:25Okay. Okay. That's another thing. Be careful how honest you are with your doc.
14:33Because one hint of danger to others, confidentiality goes out the window.
14:42I'm aware.
14:43And one word about Heather, and they'll lock you up for the rest of your life.
14:51I got it.
14:53You know there's a solution, right?
14:57I mean, Heather's dead. But Daniel, Daniel is very, very much alive and free to do as he pleases.
15:09So you can never truly get closure for Cassie's death.
15:16Don't come near her.
15:19Just saying. Hey, you know we can fix this, right?
15:26I won't do it.
15:32Okay. Do as you please.
15:38Morning. Dad's going to be unbearable the rest of the day.
15:41Boom! Windows fixed. I will accept payment in muffins and bacon.
15:47We'll be sure to give you a five-star review.
15:49It is just exhausting being this good at things. I mean, being a dad, fixing stuff, being a chauffeur.
16:00You ready to go?
16:02Let's go.
16:05I'd appreciate it if you could just let me know if you've heard from her.
16:09You know, I'm just getting a little worried over here. Lucy's a little worried too.
16:15Anyway, thanks. Paul, hopefully I talk to you soon.
16:22Reaching out to Paul? It's a good idea?
16:26Yeah. Yeah. You know, I don't want to upset him, but I'm just feeling a little desperate and I really want to know where her mind's at.
16:33Yeah, yeah. I'm sure you'll hear back from Paul soon.
16:36Yeah. Hopefully he has some answers.
16:41You know what? Maybe she decided to take off to Portugal on her own, you know, for a break or something.
16:47Without talking to me about it first?
16:51Daniel, did you two get into a fight or anything? I mean, was she upset with you?
16:57I know that she wasn't thrilled about the idea of us staying in Genoa City, but we had a good talk about it. I thought we were on the same page.
17:05She's just taking off without any warning. It's...
17:08I don't know when she's going to be back, either. You know, I drove her away once. Do you think that I could have done it again?
17:14Okay, don't do that. You can't panic.
17:18What am I supposed to think? I mean, she just up and disappears out of the blue.
17:23What if the last time we spoke she just wasn't being honest about her feelings? What if she decided that she just can't take it anymore?
17:29Okay, listen, listen. Like Summer said, please don't jump to any conclusions.
17:33What if this isn't just a trip away for a few days to clear her head? What if she's leaving me?
17:41Trouble at Newman could be good for us. Did Billy give any specifics?
17:46Billy thinks Victor wants Abbott Chancellor. He's got some kind of plan to acquire it.
17:52So what's the conflict?
17:54Victoria came to Billy with an offer to buy him out. Without Victor's approval.
18:00Oh, so there's a difference of approach.
18:03I think Victoria going against Victor is a pretty big deal.
18:07Yes, but what's the disagreement? And will it affect Lassad? Lead to Kyle leaving and getting out from underneath Victor?
18:14No, I doubt that.
18:16Well, then what's the point? Why bring it up?
18:19I thought it could be of use to us down the road. Besides, I'm concerned about Billy. Last thing he needs right now is to start a war with Victor Newman.
18:28Billy is the cause of his own problems, and you can't solve that for him.
18:33I'd like to help him if I can.
18:35It's a waste of time. Billy needs to learn to sink or swim on his own.
18:40And if he goes up against Victor, he's going to lose and we don't need to be dragged down with him.
18:46We have enough problems of our own to deal with.
18:52Victor, I have tried to be a team player. This conflict is all on Audra.
18:57You never wanted to work with me. You made that clear from day one.
19:01I won't listen to this any further, all right? Listen to what I said. You need to prove yourselves.
19:07In what way?
19:09It is now clear to me that the two of you cannot work together. Only one of you can be in charge, all right?
19:17So what does this mean for Glissade?
19:21Prove to me who's more capable and who's expendable.
19:27And how do we do that?
19:29You figure it out.
19:31So this is a test. May the most ruthless one win.
19:37Challenge accepted.
19:41I don't know where this attitude is coming from.
19:43I just don't think you need to be focused on Billy right now.
19:46I am perfectly capable of focusing on more than one thing at a time.
19:50Okay. Then there are some things that require your immediate attention.
19:56Such as, we need to make some decisions at Chabot and find a replacement for Kyle.
20:01I thought we were going to do that.
20:04Well, I don't see any sign of Kyle's attitude towards us changing, especially not towards me.
20:10And you think hiring his replacement is going to make things better?
20:14How much worse can it get? He barely speaks to us. He's moving out of our family home.
20:20What more do you want to do?
20:22I just don't think making a move on him is going to make things better.
20:25I don't think it's going to make things better.
20:28He's moving out of our family home. What more do you want to do?
20:32I just don't think making a move like this is going to create peace.
20:36The position needs to be filled.
20:40Now, I don't want to do this any more than you do.
20:43But we're going to look inactive if we don't move forward.
20:46Chabot will be a laughingstock.
20:49No one's laughing at Chabot under my watch.
20:53Under our watch, Jack.
20:56Trust me, this leadership move is just what we need.
21:00Wow, if I didn't know any better, I'd almost say you care more about the company than you do about our son.
21:06Why would you say that?
21:08You know how hard I've worked to try to reconnect with Kyle.
21:12I mean, what more do you expect me to do?
21:15I'm going to take this. Excuse me.
21:18Yeah, I got it.
21:27Audra, hang on.
21:30What is it going to take for you to get your claws out of my son?
22:09Still logged in.
22:11Guess you thought your work would be safe at home, Mom.
22:18New projects.
22:26Hey, hey, don't blow this out of proportion. Heather loves you, you know that.
22:31Seriously, Daniel, I'm sure that everything's going to be alright.
22:35I just, I don't get it. I mean, the last time I saw her and I spoke with her, everything was fine. She seemed fine. She told me that we were good.
22:43Good. That's what she said, so there's nothing to worry about.
22:46Why would she leave? I mean, was she lying? And why did she feel like she couldn't be honest with me?
22:51Okay, I think that you should just give this a little bit of time.
22:56Last time you spoke to her, it was just last night, right? So it's been less than 24 hours. It's not time to jump to any crazy conclusions.
23:05Yeah, yeah, that's kind of my thing, by the way. That's what I do, right? You got that from me.
23:10So, what Summer said, right? We're going to get to the bottom of this. I promise. I know we will.
23:19Your drink is on me as a thank you for being my driver.
23:24I'm just glad your session was helpful.
23:27It was a relief to express some of what I've been feeling and get the doctor's feedback.
23:33You're putting in the work, Sharon. That's what matters.
23:36I feel like I'm back on track. Everything feels right again.
23:41Love it. I'll get us some drinks. What do you want?
23:43Iced tea. Done.
23:46I'll get two iced teas.
23:51Keep it together, Sharon. Do not lose it now.
24:07You OK?
24:10Yeah, I'm fine. Fine.
24:14I really can't deal with Sharon right now.
24:16Yeah, I completely understand that.
24:19I know we cleared the air, but there's just a lot of tension still.
24:22Yeah. Why don't we get out of here? Breakfast is on me.
24:26No, you don't have to do that.
24:28I want to do it. All right, let's go.
24:31I'm going to check some things at work, and we can meet at the athletic club, OK?
24:35OK. Are you coming?
24:38No, I actually have to get to work. But seriously, Daniel, don't worry too much.
24:43You're going to hear from Heather soon, OK?
24:45OK. Thanks.
24:48Talk to you later.
24:49All right.
24:51I should say hi to Dad, I think.
24:54I want to say hi, too.
24:56Can you please not start anything?
24:57I'm going to be chill. I always am.
25:00I can't say the same thing for Sharon.
25:07Hey, Dad.
25:10Hi, Sharon.
25:12Hi. I am so glad that you're both here.
25:18Yes. Phyllis, I owe you an apology.
25:21I'm sorry. When we argued the other day, you were right.
25:25I wasn't myself.
25:29It's OK. I shouldn't have mentioned anything.
25:32No, no. My reaction was excessive.
25:37I was defensive and rude.
25:40I'd like to say that it will never happen again, but who knows with us two, right?
25:46Who knows? Yeah, you're right.
25:51Well, this has been nice.
25:55But we should get going, right?
25:57Bye, Dad.
26:03Look, I don't know what this is about, but I promise you, your son is safe for me.
26:07You know, I recognize your type the moment we met.
26:10Greedy, self-serving, status-seeking.
26:14Isn't that also you?
26:16Ah, perhaps I used to be, but I've changed.
26:19I've changed.
26:20I've changed.
26:21I've changed.
26:22I've changed.
26:23I've changed.
26:24I've changed.
26:25I've changed.
26:26I've changed.
26:27I've changed.
26:28I've changed.
26:29I've changed.
26:30I've changed.
26:31I've changed.
26:32I've changed.
26:33I'm really sorry, Dad.
26:34I've changed.
26:36You took the job that should have been your son's and then fired him from a lesser position
26:38at the company.
26:39A real sign of emotional growth.
26:41Ah, nice try, but those were not the circumstances.
26:44Look, I don't blame you.
26:46Kyle was at fault, too.
26:48But I believe you also exploited the situation for your own gain.
26:52But now you have exactly what you wanted.
26:55Power and control.
26:57You're where you are right now because you slept with Tucker McCall.
27:01So don't you dare talk to me about exploiting the situation.
27:04What's going on here?
27:06Your little wife here has been making really impressive accusations.
27:10I apologize.
27:11No, don't apologize for me.
27:14Didn't you hear what she said?
27:16I'll let you take it from here.
27:20So now you're not defending me against Audra Charles?
27:23You go after her the moment she walked in here.
27:26Why would you start a fight with her?
27:27I didn't.
27:28That's not what happened.
27:30Kyle needs to believe that we have faith in him now.
27:33How do we do that?
27:34If you're going after his business partner?
27:36Oh my God, Jack.
27:38That's not what this is about.
27:39I do believe in our son, but you sure as hell don't seem to trust my judgment.
27:45Do you?
27:56Victor, can I have a minute?
28:01For a car that depends, as long as you don't complain about Audra.
28:07That is not why I'm here.
28:12Then I hope you have a solid case with evidence to back it up.
28:22I do.
28:24I can show you why I am what Lassad needs and Audra is not.
28:29Right here, right now.
28:35Hey, Paul.
28:36Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.
28:40You have heard from her.
28:43What did she say?
28:49All right, let's hear it.
28:52I can offer you something invaluable.
28:55The top secret product Jabot has in the pipeline.
29:00A game-changing moisturizer.
29:03Promise to be industry-leading.
29:06But you're no longer at Jabot, so how do you know about this?
29:09I have my ways.
29:12With this information, Lassad can bring it to the market first.
29:16Beat Jabot to the punch.
29:19And you don't mind going against your father?
29:23I want success.
29:26I guarantee that this will make Lassad not a rival of Jabot, but its superior.
29:32This will pull the rug out from under them.
29:38Well then, what are we waiting for?
29:41My one caveat.
29:44We'll go to this extreme against my family.
29:48Only if Audra is fired.
29:57You sure you're okay?
30:00I can handle Phyllis.
30:03Oh, I know.
30:05And that apology was certainly very, very gracious of you.
30:09Well, I owed her one.
30:11In fact, I probably owe a lot of apologies to pretty much everyone I've encountered in the past two weeks.
30:18You gotta cut yourself some slack, Sharon.
30:21You've had a pretty rough time.
30:24Thanks for being my chauffeur today.
30:27Not a problem.
30:29I'm sure you must have other things to do besides drive me around and watch me like a hawk.
30:37You trying to get rid of me?
30:40I love the company.
30:42But there are a few things here that I need to catch up on before I head home.
30:47I'm sure you don't want to sit here and watch me putter around.
30:52You know, I can help you with that if you want.
30:56Well, don't you have some things that you need to handle over at Newman?
31:00Because I can get a car service to take me home or Faith can pick me up.
31:05I'll be fine, Nick.
31:06Trust me.
31:10One sec.
31:15Hi, Mariah.
31:16Thank you for checking in.
31:20Yes, yes.
31:21I'm feeling fine.
31:22I did see my doctor this morning.
31:25Did Faith text you?
31:29Nick is right here.
31:31He's looking out for me.
31:38Victor, may I speak with you?
31:42That was a quick turn around.
31:44What do you have for me?
31:47Something that can thwart the competition.
31:51Oh, all right.
31:57So, I heard from Paul.
32:01Oh, okay.
32:02What'd he say?
32:03Heather is not in Portugal with him.
32:05But she did text him and said that she just needed to get back to work.
32:10Just needed to get away for a few days to clear her head.
32:15Okay, okay.
32:17Well, he confirmed what happened.
32:20I just wish that she had talked to me about it, you know?
32:23But Paul said that I shouldn't worry about it and he thinks that I should probably just give her some space.
32:28Hey, I agree with Paul.
32:30I agree with him.
32:32Heather loves you.
32:35She loves you very much.
32:37How could she not?
32:38You're incredible.
32:39You're handsome.
32:40You are a genius.
32:42You are brilliant.
32:43I think maybe your perspective is a bit skewed.
32:46No, no.
32:47You are the best part of me.
32:48And your father.
32:54I needed the pep talk today.
32:58Well, everything is going to be okay.
33:00Don't worry about a thing.
33:01It's going to be great.
33:05All right.
33:07Is that?
33:08Oh, is that Heather?
33:09No, it's the police.
33:15Yeah, this is Daniel Romolotti.
33:24Are you sure?
33:29No, I understand.
33:31I'll be right there.
33:35What is it?
33:36What is it?
33:39They think they found Heather's body.
33:44Oh, my God.
33:45What do you mean?
33:47How is this possible?
33:48Apparently, a body was found in the river early this morning by a fisherman.
33:55They matched the fingerprints to Heather's.
33:57Oh, my God.
33:59I'm listed as her emergency contact, so they want me to come down and identify the body.
34:04Oh, this is a mistake.
34:05They shouldn't have called you.
34:06This is a mistake.
34:07This is wrong.
34:08This is...
34:10It has to be.
34:12I'm going to head down there.
34:13I'm going to tell them that they're wrong.
34:14I'm going to tell them that she's just gone for a few days, and, you know, she's going
34:17to be back soon, and...
34:20I'll go with you.
34:21I'll go with you.
34:22No, no.
34:23I have to do this alone.
34:34Of course I trust you.
34:36Well, it sure doesn't seem that way.
34:38Could we not talk about this here?
34:40Could we talk about this somewhere else?
34:43Mom, Dad.
34:45Even the two of you can't ruin my good mood today.
34:49What's got you so happy?
34:51I hope it's not Audra.
34:52She was just here, acting very full of herself.
34:56Audra who?
34:59I just saw Diane and Jack Abbott at Society.
35:06They got into a fight.
35:08Oh, yeah?
35:10What else is new?
35:12Well, they seem to be having some fundamental differences.
35:16There may be some major turbulence at Jabot.
35:23That's your intel?
35:26Kyle hasn't mentioned anything about it, has he?
35:31Because part of him still loves his mommy and daddy.
35:34He will never turn his back on his parents completely.
35:39You think so?
35:41I know it from experience.
35:45Kyle may be angry with his parents right now, but in the end, his loyalty to his family
35:50will interfere with Glissade's success.
35:54And that is not the case with you?
35:57Outside of this job, I have zero personal attachments.
36:01Nothing to hold me back.
36:04Kyle is a weak link, not me.
36:07Yeah, well, he was just here.
36:13Victor, whatever he said, whatever he offered you, I can counter it.
36:20I just need a little bit more time.
36:26You know...
36:32Miss Charles, thank you for your service.
36:36You're fired.
36:53I'm sorry.
37:06I promise, I'm fine.
37:09Tell me about Aria. How is she?
37:15Oh, I wish I'd seen her.
37:23I'm sorry.
