• last year
The actress was hyping up her new move "Maria" at the New York Film Festival Monday night, where she stopped to sign a poster for the 2005 flick that kicked off her romance with Brad Pitt -- even though they've been locked in a messy divorce battle since 2016.


00:00Very strange sight with Angelina Jolie in New York City signing an autograph. That's not the weird part
00:06She signs autographs for fans and look at what she's signing
00:10This was outside the she was in New York for the New York
00:13Oh, I can name that tune in one note and she is signing a mr. And mrs. Smith poster thing is it's Brad Pitt
00:20And it's how they met
00:22Yeah, that's how they met and fell in love it did not end well
00:27No, there is no love lost between them at this point. She despises him and interesting that you choose to sign it
00:34Yeah, we have to be honest here. This divorce has been going on for like 10 years. They've got to wrap it up
00:39I mean, they're so rich
00:41Let's move on. I mean they act like they want to move on from each other, but yet they still can't finalize this divorce
00:47assets, well
00:49Especially that castle. It's the issue of that castle. It is beyond assets there. It's very personal and
00:57I don't know that this is ever gonna end honestly
01:00Because it takes two people to end it and I don't know that there are two people fully on board to end it
01:06So going back to the her signing this we've seen plenty of times when celebrities get something put in front of them
01:12They're like, no, I'm not signing that like it's an old photo. They don't like it. She's that she's in a tough spot
01:17She can't say no to that. She can't say no to it
01:20Then I become I know then it looks petty then it looks like oh this autograph. I won't well she was in the movie
01:26I mean, I think she did the right thing that's on Zion and she signed right next to her her face
01:31She didn't sign over his face
01:35If she doesn't sign this though it draws more attention it makes it look like she's you know bitter in a way
01:40So she did the right thing. I think
01:43Bianca from Rochester, New York
01:45I'm sure the fan did not mean any harm by it
01:47But it's got to be hard to meet fans and have them give you a poster to sign with your ex's face on it
01:52Especially during a bitter divorce
01:54She's a good sport for signing it though. I probably would have said no
01:58Well, I think she did the right back to the matter is it was a good movie. So no one should be proud of it
02:03I'm not sure if she watches that movie still
