The Smurfs Season 2 Episode 15 – Gormandizing Greedy (Smurfs' Normal Voices Only)

  • 2 weeks ago
I've made the Smurfs' High Pitched Voices in Low Normal Pitched.


00:00Oooh this is fun!
00:11Come on Clumsy, Smurf me a push!
00:13OK Reddy, here I come!
00:18Thanks a lot Clumsy.
00:19I'll be sure and remember you when I need another push.
00:21Hey, Hepty, will you Smurf me a push?
00:22Sure, greedy!
00:23It's almost time.
00:24Sure, Greedy.
00:31Oh, dear. Are you alright, Greedy?
00:33He's fine, but our swing's not.
00:36Must have been an old rope.
00:38More like a heavy spurt.
00:45Here I come, Spurt.
00:49Oh, how horrible. Now I can't see myself.
00:52Oh, no. All the water's gone.
00:55Yuck. How do we swim in mud?
00:57I love mud. It's so, so gooey.
01:01Oh, hi-fi. Want a mud bath?
01:04Greedy, you're just too heavy for our own good.
01:07But it was only an accident. I didn't...
01:10You need to go on a diet, Greedy.
01:13Bubba Smurf.
01:16Bubba Smurf. Bubba Smurf.
01:18Greedy, what's wrong?
01:20The other Smurfs say I'm too heavy.
01:22Now, now, Greedy. Sit down and Smurf me all about.
01:26See, Bubba Smurf? He is heavy.
01:28He broke our swing.
01:30And ruined our swimming all.
01:31Excuse us, Smurfs, while Greedy and I have a Smurf to Smurf talk.
01:36Better put him on a diet, Bubba Smurf.
01:40The scales don't lie, Greedy. You are heavy.
01:44A little weight never Smurfed anyone, Bubba Smurf.
01:47No, Greedy. Overeating is not healthy.
01:50What? What?
01:51No, buts.
01:52Tomorrow, you must go on a controlled diet and start exercising.
01:55I am confiscating all your cakes, cookies, Smurfberry pies and cream puffs.
02:00Yes, Bubba Smurf.
02:02No way. This Smurf is going cold cookie.
02:04Oh, Greedy.
02:17Diet. Who needs a diet?
02:32All right, Greedy. Time to rise and Smurf.
02:36Oh, come on, Greedy. Nothing like an early start of a good breakfast.
02:41I said a good breakfast.
02:47Hey, what's Smurfing more?
02:49Bubba Smurf appointed me your dietician, and this stuff is off limits.
02:54That's what's going on.
02:56Now, Greedy, here's your breakfast.
03:03Boy, this diet is a piece of cake.
03:11That's one. Can I stop now, Nefty?
03:14Well, almost one.
03:16Keep Smurfing, Greedy. Bubba Smurf made me your exercise instructor, and I'm going to get you in shape.
03:23Even if it Smurfs me.
03:26What's for dinner, Tracker? I'm starved.
03:29Spinach juice, lettuce leaves, beet germ and oats.
03:32Sounds delicious.
03:35Not bad. Now, what's for dessert?
03:37Spinach juice, lettuce leaves, beet germ and oats.
03:42Oh, oh, oh.
03:45Now, what's for dessert?
03:48Oh, no. My eggs are gone. My cookies are gone. My lunch are gone.
03:53What am I going to do?
04:01No way does this Smurf go without dessert.
04:09Never put off until tomorrow what you can eat tonight.
04:15Good harvesting time, Smurf.
04:18That's funny. The storehouse is emptier than I thought.
04:21Morning, Bubba Smurf.
04:23Good morning, Greedy. How's your diet going?
04:25Oh, it's going fine, Bubba Smurf. Just fine.
04:33Your full little ears open and your biggie eyes peeled, Asriel.
04:37Hmm. Smooth petals.
04:45It's easy to harvest when you're in good shape, huh, Greedy?
04:49Yeah. Easy.
04:51Bubba Smurf always says a sound mind and a smurfy body is important because...
05:05Asriel, that sounds like Smurfs.
05:10Hey, get off, Greedy. You weigh a ton.
05:13Ow! More like two tons. You haven't lost any weight, have you, Greedy?
05:17Well, uh, no. I cheated.
05:21Oh, Greedy.
05:23You're in big trouble, Greedy. When Bubba Smurf hears about this, he'll be fit to be a Smurf and...
05:28You wretched, miserable Smurfs won't escape me this time.
05:33Run for your Smurfs!
05:36Greedy, shake a leg.
05:39I'm trying. I'm trying.
05:55Well, one Smurf is better than none, eh, Asriel?
06:04And Greedy wasn't slow, so that mean old nasty Gargamel got him.
06:08And I worked so hard to put him in shape.
06:10And I thought the dive was working splendidly.
06:13I'm afraid Greedy fooled all of us.
06:15Oh, Bubba Smurf, what should we do?
06:17Rescue Greedy, of course.
06:19But I'll need a few things from my lab.
06:22It's awfully quiet out there.
06:24Yes, too quiet.
06:25Oh, dear. You don't think Greedy's gonna...
06:30Huh? Hey, no one's here.
06:38I do smell something.
06:40Carrots, turnips, mustard greens.
06:43It smells like snow.
06:45That way!
06:46No! Oh, my! Poor Greedy!
06:49Quickly, there's not a minute to Smurf.
06:51Follow your nose, Tracker.
06:52Hmm. Nearly done, Asriel.
06:55Next, the pièce de résistance.
07:00Help! Help! Bubba Smurf!
07:04Quiet, you little blue fool!
07:06There's no one who can save you now.
07:08Oh, we Smurfed you just in time.
07:11Greedy's brilliant.
07:12Hot water.
07:14Well, we're going to temporarily change our course.
07:24Oh, carrots!
07:26Oh, I dearly love carrots!
07:28And potatoes! And turnips!
07:32They're hungrier than ever.
07:34But only for vegetables.
07:36And mustard greens.
07:38Away, miserable cat!
07:39Those are my potatoes.
07:41What a pointless thing to Smurfs.
07:43Give me that, you rotten cat!
07:45That's our last carrot.
07:48Quickly, my little Smurfs, quickly!
07:50That's a very short spell I put on cargo now.
07:53Let's go, Asriel, or I'll turn you into a cat rock.
07:57Why am I eating vegetables?
08:01Sir, that spell was shorter than I thought.
08:04What I want is that nice, plump Smurf.
08:08Where is that Smurf? He's gone!
08:11We've got to find him, Asriel. I'm starving.
08:16Look, Asriel, more Smurfs.
08:21Smurf forest!
08:24Oh, that nasty old Gargamel's going to catch us.
08:28But the Smurfs have an idea. What is it?
08:31Now, where did they go?
08:35We have them now, Asriel.
08:41You won't escape me this time, rotten Smurf.
08:44You couldn't catch me if I was a sweet Gargamel, you jello wizard.
08:49Oh, I can't, can't I?
08:51Well, watch this.
08:54Oh, no!
08:59You wretched, rotten, miserable cat!
09:02I'll... I'll...
09:05One day, Asriel, one day, I'll beat those Smurfs!
09:11I am bigger.
09:13It was a good harvest, my little Smurfs.
09:16Our baskets have never been so heavy.
09:19And I've never felt so light or felt so good.
09:22You mean you don't miss all these Smurfy tarts, cakes, pies, and popovers, Greedy?
09:27I wouldn't say that, but I sure don't miss being heavy.
09:31Here's a present for you, Greedy.
09:37Oh, now that is a nice present. Smurf very short gift.
09:42Well, thanks, but no thanks. I Smurfed my lesson.
09:46Say, look at that. Isn't that a rare Smurf bird of happiness?
09:50There, no Smurfing? I don't see it.
