Hollyoaks 1st October 2024 | hollyoaks full episodes 1st October 2024

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00:00Now the tests have confirmed you're fit enough, we can begin intensive treatment immediately.
00:05I need to talk to you about Lexi's replacement meds.
00:07It's just a temporary measure until the hospital get a supply of the official ones again.
00:10I don't care, I don't like it!
00:11JJ needs an adult there when he's going through his treatment plan.
00:14But you are and you always will be my priority.
00:16You and Daddy get a divorce?
00:17Oh, calling the old bill on your own brother?
00:58Oi! Let me out!
01:02I've been seized up!
01:03Let me out!
01:36Where's your wedding ring?
01:38Oh, well it didn't seem like wearing it after yesterday, does it?
01:45I can't believe you kept my divorce a secret.
01:47I'm not a little kid, you think I couldn't handle it?
01:49Yeah, we know you can.
01:51It's just that we planned to tell you and Andy Dee all together, that's all.
01:53Ro, these things happen.
01:55And it doesn't mean that me and your dad love each other any less.
01:58That is literally what it means.
02:05What your mum says.
02:06We're still a united front as parents.
02:08How can you be if you're divorced?
02:10What, you're just gonna keep pretending we're one big happy family?
02:22Listen, I need to tell you something.
02:23You'll have to wait until I've caught up with Robbie and made him wish he'd never been born.
02:26No, this is not right. This can't wait.
02:28Yesterday, he was giving me lies like he was the big man around town and everyone should be scared of him.
02:32And I'm gonna make sure that grassing snake knows exactly what real fear is by the time I'm finished.
02:35Will you just calm down for five minutes?
02:38I'm sorry, all right?
02:39And I tried everything I could to stop this from happening.
02:42Stop what from happening?
02:43Look, yesterday, after you got carted away, Robbie got temporary custody of Lexi.
02:49This ain't happening. She's my daughter. She belongs with me.
02:51There's nothing you can do about it.
02:53All right? She saw you hit Robbie.
02:55She told the police she was scared of you.
03:00I'm so sorry, babe.
03:02This was Lexi's decision.
03:06Well, the delivery left her wait, wouldn't it?
03:08I've got somewhere I need to be.
03:11Uncle Robbie, may I please have some juice?
03:13Yeah, of course you can, sweetheart.
03:16What do you mean the delivery can't be delayed?
03:19Well, it's gonna have to be, isn't it?
03:21May I have some crisp as well?
03:22Yeah, nice one, mate. Thanks, Joelle.
03:25All right, Lex, get this down to you.
03:27Do I have to? It made me feel sick.
03:29I know it did, but you've got to take them, yeah?
03:37You've come in for an early drink. In case you forgot, you don't work here no more.
03:40I just came here to pick up the rest of my wages.
03:43I thought you'd picked your moments, didn't you? I'm snowed under.
03:46Why? What's up?
03:48Well, I've had to keep Lexi off school because she don't feel well.
03:50Alongside trying to run this place single out in Italy when I've got a meeting with a social worker in a bit.
03:54And on top of that, I'm waiting for a delivery and I need a sign for it.
03:57Right, well, I've got a really easy fix for, like, all of that.
04:01I know that you hate me right now, but you need some help today.
04:04Not from you, I don't.
04:05Why are you being so stubborn?
04:07Look, I can look after Lexi, that's fine. I'll sort the delivery.
04:09And then you can go to the social worker without having to worry about anything.
04:14All right, fine. You can have your job back.
04:17As long as you know this don't change nothing between us.
04:20I know.
04:22Lex, Aunty Vicky's going to look after you for a bit, OK?
04:25I'll see you soon.
04:27Can I have some crisps, please?
04:29Well, seeing as you're poorly, you can have anything you want today.
04:41Oh, that was great on the phone.
04:43What did I do to deserve two brothers like Robbie and Freddie?
04:47Why? What's happened?
04:49Well, they were having a scrap about Lexi yesterday and Freddie ended up getting arrested.
04:52Yeah, I feel like this family is falling apart right in front of me.
04:55Things aren't exactly great right now.
04:57But, like we said yesterday, as long as you keep talking about how you're feeling, you'll be OK.
05:06I've got an extra shift, so I'll see you later.
05:09OK, love. Bye.
05:11I guess I'd hate me too if I was her.
05:13She doesn't hate you.
05:15She's a teenage girl going through more than anyone should ever have to.
05:20Vicky, do you do me a favour?
05:22Yeah, of course.
05:23Well, Mercedes got this, like, cancer hamper thing off her family before she started chemo.
05:29Yeah, I've heard about those.
05:30Yeah, well, JJ starts his treatment today, so I was going to do one for him, but I've got a job to the airport, so...
05:35Would you be able to pick up some silk pillows?
05:37No, babe, I've got school.
05:40Maybe in your lunchtime?
05:45Sorry, it's not that you can't do it, you don't want to do it.
05:48I just think with everything that's going on with Frankie, it's not a good idea for her to see me helping him.
05:55Sorry, shouldn't have asked.
05:58I'll see you later.
06:02Shouldn't have asked.
06:04I'll see you later.
06:10Oh, Desi.
06:13I'm so glad you came with me.
06:15Right, so I have been promising Abe that I'll do more exercise, but I just need the push.
06:19Oh, you know what, it was good for me too. I mean, I'm getting so caught up in my own head.
06:23Well, I know, I can see that. The way you ran into the naked cyclist.
06:28Well, he may as well have been.
06:29How tight were his shorts?
06:31Oh, come on, what's the joke? I could do with a laugh.
06:34Oh, be a nuncy. This one's got the hots for a silver fox in spandex.
06:37Oh, leave it. The ink is barely dry on my divorce. It wouldn't be fair on Tony.
06:42Divorce? Oh my goodness, I had no idea things were that bad. When did this happen?
06:46Yeah, yesterday.
06:48Well, if you need anything, just ask.
06:51You all right?
06:52Yeah, I heard you and Robbie got your niche yesterday. Everything okay?
06:56Not really. While I was in the cells, Robbie got temporary custody of Lexi.
07:00What? He can't do that. You're her dad.
07:04Yeah, but when Lexi saw me lose my temper with him, she said she was scared of me.
07:12I'm so sorry.
07:13No, no, no. I'm the one who should be apologising, because you're going to hate what I'm about to say.
07:19If there's any chance of me getting Lexi back, then I'm going to have to keep my nose clean.
07:23So that promise I made you about getting you the chemo drugs that you need, I'm going to have to break that promise.
07:33I'm so sorry, Maz.
07:36It's okay.
07:38No, it's not, though, is it?
07:42No, it's not.
07:46But I've been punched enough times in the face recently that I was stupid to even think that this could work out, so...
07:54Are you sure you don't want to try the alternative chemo medication, the misbarofager?
07:58I want the ones that are going to give me the best chance at beating this.
08:03I just feel so bad for letting you down.
08:08You're doing this for the sake of your kids.
08:12I do, Sam.
08:15Are you sure there's no other way you can get this treatment?
08:19There is.
08:22I've tried everything.
08:26And every night when I finally get the girls to sleep, I...
08:30I email oncologists, cancer specialists from all around the world,
08:36they say in words I can barely even understand, and...
08:41I'm just begging them to help me, but nobody can help you.
08:46When I were little,
08:49my mum used to say,
08:51don't trust anybody but family, but keep a close eye on them, too.
08:58You know, that...
09:00that served me well over the years until this vile,
09:04diseased fucker punched me when I was least expecting it.
09:09And I just think...
09:12I'd been better off not even sat in the treatment.
09:17Of course there was.
09:19Why? Because Bobby and my girls are going to end up without a mother anyway,
09:23and look...
09:25Look at me, Freddie.
09:27Please, look, look what it's done to me.
09:31You are as beautiful now as you ever were.
09:35You know that?
09:39You know, when I look in the mirror,
09:42I barely even recognise myself, but...
09:46Do you know what?
09:50I don't even care.
09:53All I want to do is live.
09:57You know, so I can give my girls
10:00that advice my mum gave me when they grow up.
10:06I just...
10:08It's not going to happen, is it?
10:11I wish I could tell you that you were wrong.
10:14But I...
10:16We're both realists.
10:20Maybe that's why we get on so well.
10:24Maybe it's not yet.
10:35I'm really sorry for ranting at you.
10:37Don't worry about it. You've got your own problems,
10:40and I hope you get things sorted with Lexi.
10:42Yeah, me too.
10:53Thank you for trying.
11:11Hiya, Maxine.
11:13Oh, hi.
11:15Oh, you smell nice.
11:19Yeah, they for me?
11:21They're for someone else.
11:23Oh, well, I have your final order document.
11:30Thanks for yesterday.
11:32Me and Diane, we really appreciate it.
11:34You're welcome.
11:38Hey, Mercedes.
11:40Oh, flowers remind me of funerals.
11:46Are they for me?
11:49Yeah, they are.
11:53You all right? Are you a bit warm?
11:55OK, let me just go and fetch you some water.
11:57Yeah, I'll be back in literally two seconds.
11:59Just wait there.
12:03Where's my brother?
12:04I'm just looking for you. He's out.
12:06Maybe you should follow the example.
12:08Hey, Lex, are you hungry?
12:10Do you want a snack?
12:11Lexi's here?
12:12Yeah, why?
12:17What's wrong with her? Call an ambulance.
12:19OK, OK.
12:20Hi, yeah, I need an ambulance, please.
12:22To the Loft Nightclub.
12:23Lexi, hold on.
12:24No, no, she's a child.
12:26I don't know, but she isn't moving.
12:41You know, I've been thinking about you all morning.
12:44How are you doing?
12:45I'm sorry, Nancy. You know what?
12:47I'm so in my own head with my own problems,
12:49I keep forgetting to ask how you lot are coping.
12:51I just feel so torn.
12:53I can't bring myself to help JJ,
12:55but then I feel so bad and unsupportive when Darren's asking me for help.
12:59Well, if you want to help, it's because you love Darren, not JJ.
13:02And Darren's the one who's asking you.
13:04Wouldn't that set a bad example?
13:06I think you'd be supporting your husband
13:08when he's in an impossibly difficult situation.
13:11Don't worry, Lexi, Daddy's here, OK?
13:13You're safe now, baby.
13:14She's going to be all right, isn't she?
13:16Well, the hospital are going to want to do some tests,
13:19bloods, an ECG,
13:20and keep your daughter in for a period of observation.
13:23OK, thank you.
13:27Hey, sweetheart.
13:29Do you know what happened?
13:31The pills Uncle Robbie gave me this morning made me feel sick,
13:34so I didn't take them.
13:36Hey, I just got your message. What's going on?
13:40Just stay there for me, sweetheart.
13:42Lexi's had a seizure.
13:43She didn't want to take her medication cos she was scared of throwing up.
13:47Hey, they're ready to take her to hospital.
13:50All right, I'll ride in the ambulance with her.
13:52I'll see you there later, yeah?
13:54You're going to be OK, darling.
13:56When Robbie gets back, can you give him a message for me?
13:59Yeah, of course. What is it?
14:01He's a dead man.
14:05Right then, I'd better get back to these kids.
14:07So, being a parent doesn't stop, does it?
14:10Do you know what, Nancy? It's been so nice catching up.
14:13I've hardly seen anyone apart from Marie,
14:15who's been a star and a rock, by the way.
14:17And I think that the divorce is starting to finally feel real
14:19now that more people know about it, so...
14:21Well, it's going to take a bit of time.
14:23I know. Anyway, it's been lovely to see you.
14:28Hey, Diane.
14:29I'm so, so sorry.
14:31It's all right, darling.
14:32Listen, we'll catch up soon, yeah?
14:34Yeah, please.
14:35Thanks, love. See you in a bit.
14:39I can't believe Tony didn't say anything to me.
14:41What kind of mate am I?
14:43We've had a lot on.
14:45Say that again.
14:47Oh, and on that note,
14:49I'm sorry for asking you to help out with JJ earlier.
14:52It wasn't fair on you. I know where you stand...
14:56bananas, coconut water and those minty sweets
14:59to help with his nausea,
15:01and I picked up that football magazine he likes too.
15:05Just to be clear,
15:06I didn't do this for JJ.
15:08I did it for you.
15:10My feelings about him have not changed,
15:12but I don't want you to have to do everything on your own.
15:15I mean, you are my husband
15:17and my best friend.
15:19And I do love you.
15:20Come here. I love you so much.
15:27Never had a fella cook for me on the first date before.
15:29Well, it's my pleasure.
15:31You're not allergic to shellfish, are you?
15:33No, no.
15:34How long have you had those prawns in your rucksack for?
15:37You know, when I reopen my restaurant,
15:39this dish is going to be top of the menu.
15:42Yeah, it's really nice to have a moment just the two of us.
15:44I know.
15:45I know. All those nights I was round gassing to Diane and then...
15:48Yeah, you and me just chatting until the early hours of the morning.
15:52We've got to come clean to her.
15:54I don't know.
15:55It's still pretty raw. I don't want to hurt her.
15:57I don't want to hurt her either.
15:58Yeah, that's why I agreed to wait until after the divorce went through,
16:01because I hate lying to her.
16:03I just think she'd take it better if there was a bit of time
16:05before we announced that we're falling for each other.
16:08Hold on.
16:11You're falling for me?
16:12How could I not?
16:14You're sweet,
16:21I'm falling for you too.
16:23Is that good?
16:24Could be for me.
16:32What are you two doing here?
16:33Er, Lexi had a seizure.
16:36Is she okay?
16:37No thanks to Robbie.
16:38Yeah, they've run some tests
16:39and I said they're going to discharge her.
16:41It's not nice having your kid in hospital, is it?
16:43How is JJ?
16:45Er, he retires his treatment today, so...
16:48And Frankie?
16:50I wouldn't know.
16:52She hates me now.
16:53I'm supporting JJ through this and she won't talk to me.
16:56If JJ was my son,
16:57I'm not sure I could do what you've been doing.
16:59Yeah, me neither.
17:00Where's Lexi?
17:01Oh, finally you've arrived.
17:03How is she?
17:04Yeah, she's all right.
17:05Well, all this is down to you.
17:08If you hadn't have chucked her other pills in the river,
17:09none of this would have happened.
17:10Right, don't try and pin this on me.
17:11I did that because I care about her.
17:12What, and I don't?
17:13Freddie, the only reason Lexi's got epilepsy
17:14is because of your negligence.
17:15You left them kids on their own for hours.
17:18I know this is all a bit stressy,
17:20but we're supposed to be brothers, right?
17:21At times like this, you pull together.
17:23You two going at each other
17:24isn't going to help Lexi, is it?
17:25He's right.
17:27Right, well, you can go now.
17:28I'm here.
17:29I'm not leaving until she's discharged.
17:31She ain't going home with you, is she?
17:32In case you forgot, I've got temporary custody of her.
17:35Yeah, babe, come on.
17:38Unless you want another little visit from the police,
17:39I suggest you stay as far away from Lexi as possible.
17:41Do you hear me?
17:42Robbie, wind it in, will you?
17:47Tony, wait!
17:50You forgot your fancy spaghetti spoon.
17:51Hey, that's a linguine ladle.
18:02Hey, listen, all right?
18:03Robbie was just lashing out.
18:05He didn't mean what he said about you not seeing Lexi.
18:07Maybe it'd be better for her if I did.
18:09Hey, you don't mean that.
18:10The fact is, if I didn't leave those two on their own,
18:13she probably wouldn't even have epilepsy.
18:15But if there's anyone to blame here, then it's me.
18:18No, you left them that night because of me.
18:20You just had a colonoscopy.
18:21They said that they found a mass.
18:23You were terrified it was a tumour.
18:24Of course I wasn't going to leave you on your own.
18:26I should have just waited for John Paul, like we planned.
18:28But my head were all over.
18:30I was trying to figure out a way to break it to my family and...
18:33So you got in touch with me.
18:35And of course I was going to come over.
18:37I've known you so long.
18:39You're like my sister.
18:42Besides, you didn't tell me to leave Lexi and Curtis on their own, did you?
18:45That is solely down to me.
18:50I've got to go.
18:51Freddie, where are you going?
18:52I don't know.
18:53Well, wherever you're going, I'm coming with you.
18:55I just want to be on my own, Grace.
18:57He just needs to clear his head, yeah?
18:59Come on, you need to step up.
19:00You need to be there for Freddie.
19:02How am I supposed to do that when I can't look him in the eye?
19:06Nothing, is all.
19:08You are keeping something from me, and I want to know what.
19:11Well, you'll have to keep wanting, because I ain't spilling.
19:13Yes, and I am not leaving until you tell me what this big secret is.
19:19Look, Freddie was wrong leaving the kids on their own.
19:27But Lexi didn't fall.
19:30How did she get a head injury, then?
19:33Curtis pushed her.
19:48I love you.
19:49I love you, too.