• 2 days ago
Dr. Maddy Rierdon (Lucy Lawless) is the only person who can protect the country from a deadly swarm of bioengineered locusts.

Mediocre CBS action disaster movie from 2005 (not to be confused with the Sci-Fi Channel's similar Locusts: The 8th Plague). Lucy also did the much better sequel Vampire Bats on CBS a few months later.
00:00:00It's good work if you can get it.
00:00:02Don't move!
00:00:05What are those?
00:00:08Well, those would be Chordoacetus terminifera,
00:00:12or better known as the Australian flag locus.
00:00:16I don't know what that means.
00:00:18I don't know what that means.
00:00:20I don't know what that means.
00:00:22I don't know what that means.
00:00:24I don't know what that means.
00:00:26I don't know what that means.
00:00:28I don't know what that means.
00:00:30They're hideous.
00:00:32Hideous or not,
00:00:34I may as well put some Ficus in there.
00:00:37I don't know why it's smoking!
00:00:40You're taking me somewhere nice
00:00:43when we're through here.
00:00:45Oh, and you're paying.
00:00:49Now I just need to put
00:00:52the Ficus tree into the locus,
00:00:55Then, close the outer door, and we're done.
00:01:05Hey, hey, hey, are you going to put that on?
00:01:10Please, they're grasshoppers, not tarantulas.
00:01:25My god.
00:01:27Get them off me!
00:01:29Gina, get out of there!
00:01:30Get them!
00:01:32Get them off me!
00:01:43Get out of there!
00:01:44Get them off me!
00:01:45Get them off me!
00:01:46Come on!
00:01:47Get back!
00:01:48Billy, help me!
00:01:49Get it out of here.
00:01:50Get going!
00:01:56It's a trail, guys!
00:01:57Get to the top!
00:02:00Keep shooting.
00:02:02You almost made it.
00:02:03Just hold!
00:02:04Just hold tight!
00:02:06You hold it.
00:02:07I'll get the winch.
00:02:11Get going!
00:02:12Go, go, go, go, go.
00:02:27Still want to get some tea?
00:02:31Gina! Come on! Gina!
00:03:17Oh, no.
00:03:18Hey, get back here.
00:03:19Where do you think you're going?
00:03:20Dr. Reardon.
00:03:21It's Vivian.
00:03:23Question about VIA.
00:03:24Well, we found that lab, so it should just be USDA studies that have been conducted there.
00:03:26It's been red flagged by the GAO.
00:03:28Vivian, are you logged on to the USDA website?
00:03:30OK, go in there and find out what kind of research is being done in labs, labs, labs, labs, labs,
00:03:32Oh, no.
00:03:33Oh, no.
00:03:34Oh, no.
00:03:35Oh, no.
00:03:36Oh, no.
00:03:37Oh, no.
00:03:38Oh, no.
00:03:39Oh, no.
00:03:40Oh, no.
00:03:41Oh, no.
00:03:42Oh, no.
00:03:43Oh, no.
00:03:44Oh, no.
00:03:46How good are the researches being done in Lab C12, I think?
00:03:49That's classified.
00:03:50It's classified?
00:03:51That's bizarre.
00:03:52Who's the researcher of record?
00:03:57It's Peter Axelrod.
00:04:00Peter Axelrod?
00:04:03Can you meet me in front of his lab in 15 minutes and in the meantime do some digging
00:04:06and find out what he's been up to, OK?
00:04:08All right.
00:04:09Peter, there's a blast from the past.
00:04:13Sorry, sweetheart.
00:04:14Check this out before my flight to California this evening.
00:04:18So much for spending the afternoon together, huh?
00:04:20Oh, I know.
00:04:21I'm sorry.
00:04:25We really need to have a talk before you disappear again.
00:04:31Honey, this is not going to take long, all right?
00:04:33And when I get back, I promise we will talk.
00:04:37All right.
00:04:39Dan, we both knew what it meant when
00:04:43I accepted the post of Undersecretary of Agriculture.
00:04:47And I could be heading up the UN Famine Relief Services
00:04:49right now, but I'm not.
00:04:52Because we were both supposed to slow down,
00:04:54maybe start a family.
00:05:01Come on, Dan.
00:05:02Let's go.
00:05:03Let's go.
00:05:08Come on, Dan.
00:05:10Come on, baby.
00:05:11Look, I really do want to talk.
00:05:17Look, as much as I want to, I really
00:05:18can't talk about this now, OK?
00:05:20I can't.
00:05:21I got to go.
00:05:30Come on, baby.
00:05:35Two hours.
00:05:39Come on.
00:05:44Hey, let's make this quick.
00:05:45What you got for me?
00:05:48It's a Black Lion item.
00:05:50What's he supposed to be up to, Vivian?
00:05:52He's supposed to be studying hive characteristics of European
00:05:55versus African honeybees.
00:05:58Mild secrecy.
00:06:01Oh, well, thanks.
00:06:09That's right.
00:06:10Let me run it again.
00:06:15You got it.
00:06:17I thought I'd come down and check out your bee project.
00:06:21It's always nice to see my favorite student,
00:06:24especially now that you've become such a big cheese.
00:06:28What's going on in lab C12?
00:06:34Let me show it to you.
00:06:35You might find it interesting.
00:06:38Come on.
00:06:48Neat, huh?
00:06:49Over here.
00:07:19Take a look.
00:07:24Put this mask on.
00:07:28What for?
00:07:32DDT, the pesticide.
00:07:43Now watch.
00:07:51It's resistant to DDT.
00:07:53What kind of locust is that?
00:07:55That's my locust.
00:07:57What do you mean, your locust?
00:07:58I mean, it's a hybrid.
00:07:59It's a combination of a desert locust
00:08:01and an Australian plague locust.
00:08:02It's not only resistant to DDT, it's
00:08:04resistant to all known pesticides.
00:08:06Is that right?
00:08:07And that's not all.
00:08:08I managed to isolate the DNA from both of the other species.
00:08:12And I learned that the gestation period for the hybrid
00:08:15is one quarter that of the desert
00:08:17or the Australian locust.
00:08:18And that means a hybrid can reproduce 10 times
00:08:21faster than a normal locust.
00:08:25How long do these things live?
00:08:27Good question.
00:08:28Hybrid lasts more than two years,
00:08:29so that's three times longer than a typical locust.
00:08:32And they're fast.
00:08:33I mean, it's hard to gauge in a laboratory setting,
00:08:35but I think that one of these hybrids could
00:08:37do 300 miles in a single day.
00:08:39You've done all of this in a USDA lab
00:08:41without consulting anyone in our department.
00:08:43Maddie, since when is it against the law
00:08:45for a scientist to experiment on his own?
00:08:47In the last year, we've had locust
00:08:48plagues on two continents.
00:08:50One fifth of Africa's arable land
00:08:52has been leveled by the desert locust,
00:08:53and now they're invading Europe.
00:08:55And you think we need a genetically
00:08:56engineered super locust?
00:08:57What, are you crazy?
00:08:58Maddie, you're overlooking the science
00:09:00that's being applied here.
00:09:01This is engineering.
00:09:02I mean, what if the science was applied
00:09:03to the study of human disease?
00:09:04What if children could be born immune to leukemia, asthma?
00:09:07You're not working with kids.
00:09:08You're working with bugs.
00:09:10The bug is incidental.
00:09:11I'm talking about the science.
00:09:13And the science could still apply.
00:09:16Who's paying for all of this?
00:09:18I know the USDA isn't.
00:09:19Oh, well, this is something that I do when I can, you know.
00:09:28Guess when I made him stronger, I didn't make him any smarter.
00:09:33New moonlighting for the Department of Defense.
00:09:35Is that it?
00:09:36Don't be ridiculous.
00:09:38Now, you know, if you release these things,
00:09:40they could devour a continent.
00:09:42What you've created here is a bioweapon.
00:09:45Maddie, for God's sake, what I'm doing here
00:09:47is no different than anything in bioengineering concerning
00:09:49cattle, strawberries, corn.
00:09:51You know, to increase the yield.
00:09:53I mean, they call it frankenfood,
00:09:54but it feeds the world.
00:09:56What kind of a scientist are you?
00:09:58I'm the kind of scientist who gives
00:09:59a damn about public welfare.
00:10:02Now, Peter, I'm shutting you down.
00:10:05You can do that?
00:10:08I want these things destroyed.
00:10:10This is all self-contained.
00:10:12It's not a threat.
00:10:12This is not contained?
00:10:15Come on, Peter.
00:10:16You know, you screw with nature,
00:10:17and nature will screw with you.
00:10:19We can't afford for even one of these things to get out, right?
00:10:24I want them destroyed.
00:10:33Come on.
00:10:45You left me no choice, Peter.
00:10:50I'm sorry.
00:10:54You're fired.
00:11:02You're fired.
00:11:03You're fired.
00:12:03I'm sorry, sweetheart.
00:12:04I know I said I'd be home sooner,
00:12:05but I couldn't believe what I flew into.
00:12:07Yeah, just save it.
00:12:12Yeah, I just want to get something straight.
00:12:15I gave up a really fat promotion so that I
00:12:17can stay here, home, with you.
00:12:20And you're gone.
00:12:22I'm sorry.
00:12:23I'm sorry.
00:12:24I'm sorry.
00:12:25I'm sorry.
00:12:26I'm sorry.
00:12:27I'm sorry.
00:12:28I'm sorry.
00:12:29I'm sorry.
00:12:30I'm sorry.
00:12:31And you're gone again.
00:12:34This isn't working anymore.
00:12:38OK, what's not working?
00:12:40This, us, Maddie.
00:12:42Look, I know things have been crazy lately
00:12:44and that we agreed to start a family.
00:12:46No, no, no.
00:12:47This isn't about starting a family.
00:12:48I'm not going to raise a family like this, Maddie.
00:12:50This is about priorities.
00:12:51And clearly, your priority is your work.
00:12:55Well, work's important to you too, Dan.
00:12:56Yes, it is.
00:12:57It's very important to me.
00:12:58But it's never been more important than our future or us.
00:13:01Look, I'm just sick and tired of feeling
00:13:03like I'm married to myself.
00:13:05You know?
00:13:07It's just not working.
00:13:08And I don't know if I resent you working so much or the fact
00:13:11that you love your work.
00:13:12I don't know.
00:13:13You know, I'm going to miss my flight.
00:13:20I got another dead pigeon with West Nile in Napa.
00:13:24Well, you better go, huh?
00:13:27No, seriously.
00:13:28I think we should separate and figure out what
00:13:33it is that we really want here.
00:13:36I'm going to find a place when you're gone.
00:13:41Your suitcase is inside.
00:13:43Well, can I call you when I get in?
00:13:47Hey, bugs first, right?
00:13:48Look, I'm going to miss my flight.
00:13:49I don't know if I resent you working so much
00:13:52or the fact that you love your work.
00:13:53I don't know.
00:13:56It's just not working.
00:13:58And I don't know if I resent you working so much
00:14:02or the fact that you love your work.
00:14:07Your suitcase is inside.
00:14:08Well, can I call you when I get in?
00:14:11Hey, bugs first, right?
00:15:46We've got to get back!
00:15:55BELL RINGS
00:15:58BELL RINGS
00:16:15BELL RINGS
00:16:21Now here, we've fertilized using sulfate of potash magnesia.
00:16:25With that fertilizer, we've been able to increase our yields by 33%.
00:16:31All right, just follow me right up here.
00:16:33Again, using sulpamag on these fruit saplings,
00:16:36we've been able to increase our yields significantly.
00:16:38This really is an amazing product.
00:16:41Obviously, it's not the cheapest fertilizer,
00:16:43but when you factor in the subsidies that the UN is currently offering to all of your countries,
00:16:47I think you'll see this really does make sense.
00:16:54Excuse me, just one moment.
00:17:00You're up early.
00:17:01Yeah, I couldn't sleep. I'm lonely, I guess.
00:17:05Yeah, I know how you feel.
00:17:09Hey, Dan, what do you say we have that baby?
00:17:12A baby?
00:17:14Come on, Maddie, this isn't about having a baby.
00:17:17We made a pact to spend more time with each other,
00:17:20and you constantly renege on your part of that bargain.
00:17:23No, no, no, let me finish.
00:17:24A baby needs parents who are present, right?
00:17:26Well, I'm sorry if the West Nile virus doesn't invade in a way more convenient for you,
00:17:30but it didn't, okay?
00:17:32And by the way, you're the one who moved out, okay?
00:17:35So what, I should just stop working to prove my commitment to our marriage?
00:17:38Lots of people work, and they have lives outside of their jobs, all right?
00:17:41They make adjustments, they make sacrifices, just like I did.
00:17:44But you don't want to do either one of those things.
00:17:46You know, that's not fair. You don't know what I'm going through out here.
00:17:48And don't tell me that there's no one capable of doing your job, all right?
00:17:51It's called delegating.
00:18:05Can we start this conversation over again?
00:18:08Listen, I can't talk right now, all right?
00:18:11Let's do this later. Bye.
00:18:17You're going to be a daddy.
00:18:38Hello, Grandpa?
00:18:40Who is this?
00:18:42This is Maddie, a pride and joy member of me.
00:18:45Hey, Maddie. I thought it was the wrong number.
00:18:47It's not like you said...
00:18:50Oh, honey.
00:18:52You mean you're...
00:18:54I'm having a baby.
00:18:56Sweetheart, that's wonderful.
00:18:58Dad must be on cloud nine.
00:19:01Oh, yeah.
00:19:03Oh, sweetie.
00:19:05It'll be okay.
00:19:07This is brilliant.
00:19:31John, I'm sleeping.
00:19:33Then how are you talking?
00:19:35John, there are people everywhere.
00:19:37Then it's a good thing we have this tent.
00:19:56What's that?
00:19:58It's the call of the wild.
00:20:01John, stop tickling me.
00:20:03I'm not tickling you.
00:20:07Oh, my God!
00:20:09Turn around! Turn around!
00:20:11Oh, my God!
00:20:37Help me with this.
00:20:39Get another layer.
00:20:41I'm on it.
00:20:43It's full.
00:20:45Let's see.
00:20:47What's that?
00:20:49What is it?
00:20:51Oh, my God!
00:21:01Okay, guys.
00:21:03We got to collect mosquito traps on three more farms.
00:21:05After we're done, Bart, I need you to take all today's sea samples into Sacramento.
00:21:10It's the next farm on the left.
00:21:14What the heck was that?
00:21:20Mommy's late for work.
00:21:22And you are going to be late for school, young lady.
00:21:24Hurry up.
00:21:26Run upstairs, brush your teeth and get out front, or you're going to miss your bus.
00:21:28You done?
00:21:32I don't want to take the bus. Can't Daddy take me?
00:21:34No. No, I can't, because I'm going to the gym.
00:21:36And then I'm going to the grocery store.
00:21:38So, go brush.
00:21:50The gym?
00:21:52Yeah, gym.
00:21:54You know, I'm unemployed, don't want to turn into a big fat sack of self-loathing.
00:21:56Are you going to look for work today?
00:22:00I'm going to look for work today.
00:22:02I look for work every day, thank you very much, Terry.
00:22:04I've looked everywhere, you know.
00:22:06There's just not a lot of opportunities out there for a PhD in entomology.
00:22:08It was recently canned from his government research job.
00:22:10Peter, don't be so hard on yourself.
00:22:12It's just that I don't know how much longer we can make it on one income.
00:22:14It's just that I don't know how much longer we can make it on one income.
00:22:24You know, there's always the Department of Defense job.
00:22:28Yeah, I know.
00:22:30I'm still thinking about it.
00:22:44Okay, everybody, let's go.
00:22:46Okay, everybody, let's go.
00:22:48We need to track him.
00:22:50We need to track him.
00:22:52Pinky feet.
00:22:54He ain't going to let you win so easy this time.
00:22:56He ain't going to let you win so easy this time.
00:22:58See? See?
00:23:00I ain't so bad.
00:23:02Maybe I don't have to go to the gym after all.
00:23:06Bus is here.
00:23:08All right.
00:23:10Here you go.
00:23:12Hey, Mr. Axelrod.
00:23:14Hey, Ralphie. How you doing?
00:23:16All right. How are you?
00:23:18Good, thanks. Bye, sweetie.
00:23:20Bye, Daddy. Have fun at the gym.
00:23:22Don't be a fool. Stay in school.
00:25:04I know I want to do it, but I can't.
00:25:12It kind of sounds like baseball cards on bicycle sticks.
00:25:17Yeah, only louder.
00:25:19Way louder.
00:25:30What is it?
00:25:39See anything?
00:25:41I don't know.
00:25:43Let me see it.
00:25:48Shut the windows.
00:25:50Shut the windows.
00:25:52Come on, shut the windows.
00:25:54Shut all the windows, guys.
00:25:56Shut them all.
00:25:58Shut the windows, okay?
00:26:00Come on, calm down, guys.
00:26:02They're not going to get in here.
00:26:05Calm down, guys.
00:26:07They're not going to get in here.
00:26:09Calm down, guys.
00:26:11They're not going to get in here.
00:26:13Calm down, okay?
00:26:15Calm down, guys.
00:26:27Mama, daddy, help!
00:26:38Get out! Get out!
00:27:09Open up!
00:27:11Ralphie, Ralphie, open up!
00:27:13Open up!
00:27:23Did you call an ambulance, call 911, Ralph?
00:27:25Call them.
00:27:29We need an ambulance out here.
00:27:31What's going on here?
00:27:47I don't know.
00:27:56Find out what else needs to be covered, okay?
00:27:58And then come back to me.
00:28:08That looks great, thank you.
00:28:10All right.
00:28:12Locust advisory.
00:28:17Maddy, is there a correlation between our west coast swarm
00:28:20and the one that occurred today in Virginia?
00:28:22You know, the only unusual thing about this
00:28:24is that there are similar outbreaks
00:28:26on both coasts at the same time.
00:28:28That can happen, especially at this time of year.
00:28:35Hi, Dan.
00:28:37Hey, have you seen this advisory about the locust outbreaks?
00:28:39Yeah, we issued it.
00:28:41We were right here when it happened.
00:28:43Wow. Is it anything worth worrying about?
00:28:46No, it's probably just a couple of localized events.
00:28:49You know, when I was a kid, we lost a crop to locusts.
00:28:51Right, right, I remember your dad mentioning that once.
00:28:56Uh, listen, I wanted to apologize
00:28:59for jumping down your throat like that this morning.
00:29:03Well, I'd be lying if I said that the truth didn't hurt.
00:29:05I'm sorry.
00:29:07Excuse me, Maddy, you've got to take this.
00:29:09The secretary of agriculture.
00:29:12I got the secretary of agriculture.
00:29:14Yeah, I heard, I heard.
00:29:16Can I call you later?
00:29:18Sure. Be careful, okay?
00:29:20Yeah, yeah, okay. Okay, bye.
00:29:22Hello, secretary.
00:29:24What the hell's going on out there?
00:29:28Well, what's the weather service prediction?
00:29:32Okay. Thanks, Wyatt.
00:29:34Appreciate your help. Bye.
00:29:37Please call the pay job.
00:29:50Vivian, run down the standard protocol
00:29:52for combating locusts.
00:29:54Typically, dimethylate or malathion pesticides
00:29:56are sprayed, usually by aircraft,
00:29:58and generally kill locusts within 30 minutes.
00:30:01But it's dangerous to livestock.
00:30:03Smoke and fire can also kill locusts.
00:30:05Smoke and fire can also work in a pinch.
00:30:07Bart, issue an advisory throughout the Central Valley.
00:30:11Recommend that they have those pesticides on hand.
00:30:13Stress that all livestock should be barned.
00:30:15Let's avoid the use of fire. That could get out of hand.
00:30:17All right.
00:30:19Excuse me.
00:30:21Wyatt, Reardon.
00:30:23Hey, Maddy.
00:30:25Okay, so help me out. Where is the East Coast swarm headed?
00:30:27You tell me, Maddy.
00:30:29I predict weather, not bug movement.
00:30:31Then answer me this.
00:30:33If they want to avoid extreme heat and cold,
00:30:35which way might they be headed?
00:30:37Well, if I were a betting man, which I'm not,
00:30:39I'd say they migrate toward the Great Lakes.
00:30:41Pittsburgh, on toward Cleveland, maybe.
00:30:43Which is what I told Peter Axelrod.
00:30:47Peter? What did he want?
00:30:49What else? The weather.
00:30:51Yeah, well, thanks, Wyatt.
00:30:55Vivian, um,
00:30:57try to get Peter Axelrod on the line, would you?
00:31:01The advisory is listed as urgent.
00:31:03Won't that sound a bit alarmist?
00:31:05Yeah, I don't want to take any chances.
00:31:07You got it.
00:31:19Come on, you guys.
00:31:21We're gonna have fun. It's our weekend together.
00:31:25All right.
00:31:27Lose the sourpusses, okay?
00:31:29I'm sorry things are the way they are,
00:31:31but they are.
00:31:33We're gonna pass some oranges out the trees,
00:31:35we're gonna fill this bushel, and we're gonna enjoy it.
00:31:37Hey, kids!
00:31:41Hold on. There's enough for everybody.
00:31:43One for crap this year.
00:31:45There you go.
00:31:47There you go.
00:31:53Maddie, I have Dr. Axelrod on the line.
00:31:55He's calling you.
00:32:01What do you think you're up to?
00:32:03Maddie, I think I can help.
00:32:05God, they're your Lucas, aren't they?
00:32:09Where are they headed?
00:32:11If I told you, I'd just be guessing.
00:32:13But I'm headed for Pittsburgh.
00:32:15You still working for the Department of Defense?
00:32:17No, I'm not. I'm not. I promise.
00:32:19You didn't contain them.
00:32:21They were contained till you stepped in.
00:32:23Peter, I killed every last one of those Dan Lucas.
00:32:25You let the genie out of the bottle.
00:32:27Now they're on both coasts.
00:32:29You have any idea how this could affect people's lives?
00:32:31More than you know.
00:32:33The Lucas are two miles east, headed this way.
00:32:35All right, if you want to help,
00:32:37I want you to hand over all of your research data
00:32:39and stay away from my team.
00:32:41Maddie, I'll give you whatever you need,
00:32:43but I'd like to be a part of it.
00:32:45No, not now.
00:32:47Uh, Maddie.
00:32:49Citrus Festival.
00:32:51Peter, do your Lucas eat citrus?
00:32:53Lucas eat everything.
00:32:55Turn around.
00:33:03Okay, everyone, I want you to spread out.
00:33:05We got to get all these people in their cars and out of here.
00:33:11I want you to get on the phone to the local radio stations.
00:33:13Alert all farms in the area
00:33:15that there's a swarm of dangerous locusts
00:33:17approaching from the west at 20 miles per hour.
00:33:19You got it.
00:33:21Do you work here?
00:33:23I'd advise you to turn around and leave, sir.
00:33:25Do you work here? Excuse me, sir.
00:33:27Sir, I need your help to evacuate this festival immediately.
00:33:29We got a swarm of dangerous locusts approaching.
00:33:31Yeah, right.
00:33:33Sir, I am a federal agent, and I need your cooperation.
00:33:35Really? You're serious?
00:33:37I'm dead serious.
00:33:39After these locusts get done,
00:33:41your grove will be non-existent.
00:33:43Evacuate now.
00:33:45Excuse me, you're gonna have to leave, everybody.
00:33:47Can you get these kids out of here?
00:33:49We're closing down the festival now.
00:33:51All right, everybody, listen up.
00:33:53We're closing early. The festival's over.
00:33:55Thanks for coming out.
00:33:57Out of here, please.
00:33:59Hugh, we're closing down the festival.
00:34:01Get in your cars and leave.
00:34:03Closing early.
00:34:09Maddie, the swarm's flying away!
00:34:13Here's another one, guys.
00:34:15See, I told you this would be fun.
00:34:17See, if you're home with your mom and what's-his-face,
00:34:19you'd just be...
00:34:23What's that?
00:34:37Get out of here!
00:34:41Get out of here!
00:34:59Ma'am? Ma'am, come on!
00:35:01Pick her up! Get her in the car!
00:35:03We're right here!
00:35:05You've got to stay calm, ma'am.
00:35:09Come on.
00:35:31This stuff can take the chrome off a bumper,
00:35:33but it's not doing anything to these locusts.
00:35:35They're not going to help.
00:36:05Here's today's numbers.
00:36:07Thank you, Carl.
00:36:09Hi, Stacy.
00:36:11You look good today.
00:36:19Mm-hmm. He is all that.
00:36:21And a bag of chips.
00:36:25Hello, Miss O'Brien.
00:36:27This is Jimmy with Verlaine Cable Systems,
00:36:29your DSL source, with an exciting new offer
00:36:31for you and the entire O'Brien family.
00:36:33And thanks for nothing, Battle-X.
00:36:35Hello, Wyatt?
00:36:37This is Peter.
00:36:39Can you give me a weather update for Pittsburgh?
00:36:41Wind, humidity, so on and so forth?
00:36:43Peter, I can't talk to you anymore.
00:36:47What are you saying?
00:36:49I'm sorry. Goodbye.
00:36:57I mean, if he weren't so cute,
00:36:59it would almost be sexual harassment,
00:37:01wouldn't it?
00:37:03You know, all the way he's always
00:37:05hanging out at my cube, instant messaging me
00:37:07that he likes my outfits and stuff like that.
00:37:09Yeah, except that you come to work
00:37:11dressed like a hoochie mama so that he'll stand
00:37:13at your cube and send you instant messages.
00:37:15Who's harassing who?
00:37:17Excuse me, Stacy.
00:37:19I'd like a word with you in the conference room, please.
00:37:27A good afternoon to you, gentlemen.
00:37:29A stellar job, as always.
00:37:31Yeah, we do all the work
00:37:33while you guys get all the glory.
00:37:35Oh, yeah, the glory, the glamour.
00:37:37Trust me, we're UPS drivers with long pants.
00:37:39And fancy hats.
00:37:47Guys, guys!
00:37:49This is so nice.
00:37:51I never expected this in a million years.
00:37:53Thank you so much.
00:37:55Big surprise, a cake for your birthday.
00:37:57That's the only thing you need to pen on, this dump.
00:37:59Happy birthday.
00:38:13What is that?
00:38:17That is one funky cloud.
00:38:27Hey, Ruby, take a look at this.
00:38:29What do you think?
00:38:31Looks like a localized storm cloud.
00:38:33Divert around it.
00:38:35Heartland Air Express 3-2,
00:38:37flight heading 2-6-0.
00:38:39Going to divert for weather.
00:38:41Thank you for calling
00:38:43Pittsburgh International Airport Information.
00:38:45For assistance in English,
00:38:47please call the number on your screen.
00:38:49Thank you for calling Pittsburgh International Airport Information.
00:38:51For assistance in English,
00:38:53please call the number on your screen.
00:38:55Thank you for calling Pittsburgh International Airport Information.
00:38:57For assistance in English,
00:38:59please press 1 now.
00:39:15Holy crap, did you see that?
00:39:25God, those are some ugly-ass bugs.
00:39:27I hate bugs.
00:39:29I am so out of here.
00:39:31Where are you going to go?
00:39:33Just chill out.
00:39:35We can't get in the building.
00:39:47And the Lord said to Moses,
00:39:49Stretch out your hand over Egypt
00:39:51so that the locusts will swarm over the land
00:39:53and devour everything growing in the fields.
00:40:05Tower, this is Dr. Peter Axelrod.
00:40:07I'm with the Department of Agriculture,
00:40:09Division of Voracious Insects.
00:40:11And I'm calling because what you may be seeing
00:40:13in your northeast sky, can you see out your tower
00:40:15to the northeast, what appears to be
00:40:17maybe a dark cloud formation,
00:40:19is actually a swarm of locusts that's headed your way
00:40:21and it's going to definitely affect air traffic.
00:40:23Sir, who put you through to this line?
00:40:25No, no, no, listen, please, you've got to believe me.
00:40:27Heartland Air Express 297,
00:40:29this is Pittsburgh Tower, you're clear for takeoff
00:40:31from runway 29er.
00:40:33Roger that, Tower.
00:40:35I'm with the Department of Agriculture,
00:40:37I'm Dr. Peter Axelrod,
00:40:39I'm calling because this swarm of locusts
00:40:41is headed your way, it's at least 10 miles wide,
00:40:43it's hundreds of feet high, you can see it
00:40:45if you look out, you're in the tower, right?
00:40:47If you look out, it's approaching
00:40:49and it's going to definitely affect air traffic.
00:41:07They're getting inside!
00:41:15Hit them with something, kill the bastards!
00:41:35Take that, moose!
00:41:37Oh, the bugs, I hate more than bugs!
00:41:39They're so disgusting!
00:41:41Keep them away from me! Keep them away!
00:41:43If something seems too good to be true,
00:41:45then it probably is.
00:42:03What is that?
00:42:07Those are some huge hawking bugs.
00:42:13My advice to you would be to shut this airport down
00:42:15immediately, can I, I mean, are you the supervisor?
00:42:17Right, well, right now
00:42:19we're trying to avoid flying monkeys.
00:42:23Tower, Cargo Express 2-9-7
00:42:25encountering severe insect swarm
00:42:27at 1,800 feet.
00:42:37Tower, Cargo Express 2-9-7
00:42:39needs emergency clearance to land.
00:42:45Try everything you can do, man.
00:42:47Come on, that's what's best.
00:43:03We have an aircraft down.
00:43:05Repeat, we have an aircraft down.
00:43:15We have an aircraft down.
00:43:25Dad, are you okay?
00:43:27I'm fine, honey.
00:43:29What I've been seeing on the news,
00:43:31I ought to be asking you that question, what's going on?
00:43:33I'm not sure.
00:43:35Well, you'll be fine.
00:43:37We're no strangers to locusts.
00:43:39We're strangers to these locusts, Dad.
00:43:43I have no idea.
00:43:45Well, don't worry about it, sweetheart.
00:43:47You'll figure it out.
00:43:49I guess it'll be all right.
00:43:51Mama, come get your witch's face.
00:43:53His name's Bob, Dad.
00:43:57Pandemonium is how onlookers describe the scene today
00:43:59at a citrus festival near Visalia, California
00:44:01when a swarm of locusts invaded
00:44:03the pastoral event.
00:44:05And the whole thing was captured on home video.
00:44:07The locusts ascended upon the festival
00:44:09sending families fleeing in terror.
00:44:11Officials from the USDA were on the scene
00:44:13and attempted to deter the swarm...
00:44:15There. There it is.
00:44:17Now you understand.
00:44:19So for the last three years,
00:44:21all these secrets,
00:44:23the late nights,
00:44:25you created these locusts?
00:44:29And now our daughter's in a coma
00:44:31because you had to prove something to yourself?
00:44:33Dr. Peter Axelrod?
00:44:35Yes. FBI.
00:44:38Am I under arrest?
00:44:40No, but you need to come with us.
00:44:42Right now? Now.
00:44:46I'm sorry.
00:44:59This Homeland Security Task Force
00:45:01is under presidential order
00:45:03to put an end to the locust threat.
00:45:05Do we have reason to suspect
00:45:07this is the work of a terrorist organization?
00:45:09Let's not jump to any conclusions.
00:45:11Please. One at a time.
00:45:19That's what Americans expect from their government, from us.
00:45:21But I'm not convinced
00:45:23that we have anything to worry about.
00:45:25The Department of Agriculture has determined
00:45:27that the East and West locust swarms
00:45:29are not the work of terrorists.
00:45:31I'd like to introduce Dr. Mattie Reardon.
00:45:33She heads our voracious insect division
00:45:35and has been at the forefront of the crisis.
00:45:37Thank you, Secretary Morales.
00:45:39Ladies and gentlemen,
00:45:41we've run tests
00:45:43on locusts retrieved from both swarms.
00:45:45What we are dealing with here
00:45:47is a locust hybrid
00:45:49genetically engineered
00:45:51to resist all known pesticides.
00:45:53A hybrid?
00:45:55Where the hell did they come from?
00:45:57They escaped from a government laboratory
00:45:59here in the U.S.
00:46:01So the U.S.D.A.
00:46:03was aware of their existence.
00:46:05The U.S.D.A. became aware of their existence
00:46:07and ordered that they be destroyed.
00:46:09I myself supervised that measure.
00:46:11And the doctor who created them was fired.
00:46:13And you were his direct superior?
00:46:19I am ultimately responsible
00:46:21for the activities at the facility,
00:46:23but we did not fund
00:46:25that study in the lab.
00:46:27Well, who did?
00:46:29I don't know.
00:46:31Dr. Weirden, what are we up against here?
00:46:33Uh, this is what we do know.
00:46:35Well, their gestation period,
00:46:37which is egg to mature locusts,
00:46:39is eight days.
00:46:41So that's less than half the time it takes
00:46:43for a typical locust to develop.
00:46:45Each individual insect consumes
00:46:47two times its body weight per day.
00:46:49So a swarm of, say, one million locusts
00:46:51can devour 80 acres per day.
00:46:53How many locusts are there?
00:46:55I don't know.
00:46:57Hundreds of millions, sir.
00:46:59And increasing exponentially.
00:47:01What we have here is a major threat
00:47:03to the world food supply.
00:47:05We have plenty to worry about, General Miller.
00:47:07Okay, these are the areas
00:47:09where we've had locust activity to date.
00:47:11My office is working in conjunction
00:47:13with the U.S. Weather Service.
00:47:17That's right. We've been providing the USDA
00:47:19with up-to-the-minute satellite imaging
00:47:21regarding wind and weather.
00:47:23Locusts prefer moist conditions
00:47:25to breed and thrive.
00:47:27And these guys are fast.
00:47:29They can travel up to 300 miles in a single day.
00:47:31More with a tailwind.
00:47:33So this speed,
00:47:35with the current weather conditions
00:47:37predicted across the nation,
00:47:39their lifespan and their ability to reproduce,
00:47:41they could devour thousands of square miles
00:47:43on a single day.
00:47:45What was your involvement
00:47:47at the Pittsburgh airport?
00:47:49I just went there to warn them.
00:47:51Behind me is the runway
00:47:53where earlier today a Heartland Air Express
00:47:55plane took off, only to fly
00:47:57into a monstrous locust swarm.
00:47:59Within moments, the aircraft fell from the sky,
00:48:01crashing into a nearby field
00:48:03where it exploded in a fiery blaze.
00:48:05Both the pilot and co-pilot were killed instantly.
00:48:07The FAA is currently
00:48:09investigating the wreckage
00:48:11and hopes to retrieve the black box soon.
00:48:13Rodney Wilkins, Pittsburgh.
00:48:15Might they just starve to death?
00:48:17Not a chance. They're programmed for survival.
00:48:19What do they eat?
00:48:21Every blade of grass,
00:48:23every stalk of corn,
00:48:25every leaf off every tree.
00:48:27Without a solution, we would starve to death
00:48:29before they would.
00:48:35To compound the problem,
00:48:37what we have here is two mega-swarms.
00:48:39If these swarms
00:48:41merge and meet in America's heartland,
00:48:43they'll encounter an abundance of their favorite
00:48:45food, grain.
00:48:47They will reproduce faster,
00:48:49and they will become unstoppable.
00:48:51In revelations, it's said that on the eve of the apocalypse,
00:48:53a plague of locusts shall inherit the Earth.
00:48:55Senator Clausen,
00:48:57I'd like to think that the apocalypse
00:48:59is a ways off.
00:49:01This is a man-made problem.
00:49:03It necessitates a man-made solution.
00:49:05Who else was aware
00:49:07of what you were working on?
00:49:09You mean besides
00:49:11the Department of Defense?
00:49:13Besides the Department of Defense.
00:49:15I would have no way of knowing that.
00:49:17Take notes.
00:49:21Allow me to introduce Dr. Dan Dreyer,
00:49:23the United Nations Agricultural Attaché.
00:49:25Dan is one of the world's
00:49:27foremost experts on maximizing
00:49:29crop yields in third world nations.
00:49:33If I was Secretary of Agriculture
00:49:35and didn't know about this research,
00:49:37I'd wonder how long I'd have my job.
00:49:39Thank you, Director Rusk.
00:49:43You know, we've been talking about the immediate
00:49:45problems we'll be seeing in this country.
00:49:47But let's not forget that the U.S.
00:49:49supplies one-third of the world's grain.
00:49:51The famine that we'll see
00:49:53throughout the world will be unlike
00:49:55anything we've experienced in our lifetimes.
00:49:57Well, there's got to be something that can be done.
00:49:59Yes, sir, there is.
00:50:01Locust infestations, unfortunately,
00:50:03occur frequently in Africa.
00:50:05And what have you done there?
00:50:07We've stockpiled the grain as early as possible
00:50:09before the locusts destroy the crops.
00:50:11Something's better than nothing.
00:50:13We harvest it early.
00:50:15Now, obviously, this won't destroy the locusts,
00:50:17but if we get in motion quickly, it will lessen their impact.
00:50:19So now what?
00:50:21Now we have to do something that's never been done before
00:50:23in this country.
00:50:25We have to get every American farmer
00:50:27to bring in their harvest immediately.
00:50:29We'll lose billions.
00:50:33What will we lose if we don't bring in the crops early?
00:50:39According to one observer,
00:50:41it was as if the hand of God blacked out the sky.
00:50:43Such was the scene today
00:50:45as a massive swarm of locusts
00:50:47wreaked havoc upon Interstate 5 near Lodi,
00:50:49causing a multiple car pileup
00:50:51that blocked the northbound lanes for hours,
00:50:53snarling traffic
00:50:55and creating a lengthy commute for motorists.
00:50:57If drivers encounter a locust swarm while traveling,
00:50:59California Highway Patrol
00:51:01urges them to use caution, pull over,
00:51:03and stay in their vehicles.
00:51:05Let's be careful out there. Back to you, Dick.
00:51:07Thank you, Patricia. And we'll be continuing...
00:51:11They're traceable via satellite
00:51:13when they're swarming.
00:51:15However, a swarm can develop
00:51:17in a matter of minutes.
00:51:19Because they've been genetically altered,
00:51:21we just don't know what they're capable of.
00:51:23They're formidable foes.
00:51:25We know roughly where they go down at night,
00:51:27but we still can't stop them.
00:51:29We'll stop them.
00:51:31We need to evacuate areas
00:51:33on Interstate 5.
00:51:35We can't let them get away.
00:51:37We'll stop them.
00:51:39We need to evacuate areas
00:51:41in front of the swarm so the military can act freely.
00:51:43Dr. Reardon, where will they be
00:51:45at dawn tomorrow? What are you gonna do, shoot them?
00:51:47We can use conventional weapons,
00:51:49unconventional if necessary.
00:51:51General Miller,
00:51:53what you're proposing will cause mass hysteria.
00:51:55What can we tell our citizens?
00:51:57Public safety is foremost.
00:51:59People should be advised to stay inside
00:52:01as much as possible.
00:52:03I'd also recommend a quarantine.
00:52:05Halt all international travel.
00:52:17The eastern swarm killed livestock.
00:52:19Worst case scenario,
00:52:21they turned carnivorous.
00:52:23Yeah, we've seen in Africa and Australia that when food sources
00:52:25become depleted, locusts become cannibalistic.
00:52:27Could be with this hybridized locust,
00:52:29alternative protein sources such as meat
00:52:31could become their preference.
00:52:33We're on the menu.
00:52:35Still not entertaining military options?
00:52:37At what cost to human life, General?
00:52:39Maybe that's something you should have considered
00:52:41before you allowed your researchers
00:52:43to run amok, Dr. Reardon.
00:52:47I need to speak to you outside.
00:53:03Someone's gonna take the fall for your mistakes, Maddy,
00:53:05and it's not gonna be me.
00:53:07Find a solution now,
00:53:09or you can say goodbye to a promising career.
00:53:11Don't you think there are larger issues to worry about
00:53:13than your job or mine?
00:53:15Oh, how noble.
00:53:17Where is he?
00:53:19He's unavailable to all of us.
00:53:21Unavailable where?
00:53:25Hey, Vivian.
00:53:29I think Peter's in federal custody,
00:53:31so talk to your friends in the security branch
00:53:33and try to find out where he's held.
00:53:35I'm on it.
00:53:37Uh, Dr. Reardon?
00:53:39Yeah. Dr. Dreier?
00:53:41Hey, you okay?
00:53:43Yeah, I'm okay.
00:53:45Are you sick?
00:53:49I'm pregnant.
00:53:51Look, I've been trying to tell you.
00:53:53I know you don't start a family like this,
00:53:55but here we are.
00:53:57Oh, honey, I was angry when I said that.
00:53:59Don't look at me that way.
00:54:01I'm not showing yet.
00:54:03Oh, come on. You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
00:54:09Um, so if we attack this
00:54:11in the way, uh...
00:54:13100%, exactly.
00:54:17Good luck in Ohio, Dr. Dreier.
00:54:23You have all my files.
00:54:25My lab has been dismantled.
00:54:27My research dissected.
00:54:29I don't know what else you want from me.
00:54:31We want to know how to stop these locusts.
00:54:33Without killing 50% of the population?
00:54:35I'd say that's impossible.
00:54:37What if only 10% of the population died?
00:54:45really not my call.
00:54:53They're moving in through Ohio.
00:54:57They're shifting,
00:54:59following a low-pressure system
00:55:01that crossed the Appalachians this morning.
00:55:03Excuse me.
00:55:05I found Axelrod.
00:55:07They've got him at Fort Douglas.
00:55:09Bioweapons facility? I knew it.
00:55:13We feel this is the only option,
00:55:15Dr. Axelrod.
00:55:17Why all the secrecy?
00:55:19Because of the extreme, toxic nature of VX gas.
00:55:21We can't let the press find out about this.
00:55:25watch what it can do to these hybrids.
00:55:27This is the stuff Saddam used
00:55:29on his own people.
00:55:31It's truly effective.
00:55:37It's dead.
00:55:41You killed it.
00:55:43That's what we're aiming for.
00:55:45I don't know about this.
00:55:47Do you have
00:55:49a better idea, Doctor?
00:55:59Okay, look at
00:56:01the locust direction. They're crossing the river.
00:56:03Quadrant 4B is clear.
00:56:05You guys have 9A and 5C.
00:56:07You know what?
00:56:09There's no way we're going to get this all in by sunset.
00:56:11Better tell everyone
00:56:13that we're going to be working through the night.
00:56:15This harvest is too critical, all right, Gary?
00:56:17Thanks a lot.
00:56:23Hi. How are you feeling?
00:56:25I haven't taken a moment to check.
00:56:27Listen, the swarm is moving west
00:56:29into the Ohio Valley.
00:56:31Yeah, we've been tracking it.
00:56:33It shouldn't be here till nightfall,
00:56:35so we're not taking any chances.
00:56:37Good. So, are you okay?
00:56:41Yeah, it's us I'm worried about.
00:56:43Look, Maddie, don't worry about anything, all right?
00:56:45I'm going to move back home.
00:56:47Dan, don't move home because I'm pregnant.
00:56:49Not some helpless teenager.
00:56:53Move home because you want to be with me.
00:56:59Well, look, I guess we both
00:57:01have some things to figure out, don't we?
00:57:03Yeah, I guess so.
00:57:07Oh, General Miller.
00:57:09What is it, Dr. Weir?
00:57:11I need to see Peter Axelrod.
00:57:13Then you should discuss that with the FBI.
00:57:15General, I realize that I should have kept a better track
00:57:17of Peter Axelrod's work, but the fact is
00:57:19he is the only one who fully understands
00:57:21the locust, and I need to talk to him.
00:57:23This isn't some sort of conspiracy.
00:57:25There are channels to go through.
00:57:27I'm just doing my job.
00:57:29No, no, I appreciate that. I certainly do.
00:57:31But now I need you to help me do mine
00:57:33because we're both on the same team, right?
00:57:35We both want to stop this before it elevates
00:57:37from a crisis into a disaster.
00:57:39And, General, I know that they have Dr. Axelrod
00:57:41at Fort Douglas, so please help me help you.
00:57:45Come with me. Now.
00:57:53VX nerve gas? Have you lost your minds?
00:57:55It kills them, Maddie.
00:57:57So would a nuclear bomb.
00:58:01The VX is a chemical weapon,
00:58:03a band-chem weapon, I might add, that causes
00:58:05convulsions, respiratory paralysis,
00:58:07and death to people within minutes.
00:58:09At full strength, spread near the ground,
00:58:11it kills people. What we propose
00:58:13is to spread it at altitude.
00:58:15It will dissipate as it falls to Earth,
00:58:17remaining potent enough to kill the locusts,
00:58:19but will have little effect on humans.
00:58:21Little but not no effect.
00:58:23Maddie, by the time the VX hits the ground,
00:58:25its potency will be negligible.
00:58:27Negligible? What, will it kill only
00:58:29one percent of the population?
00:58:31Maybe five to ten percent.
00:58:33You're willing to kill millions of people?
00:58:35It's all that we have!
00:58:37They're gonna spread it in rural areas, as far away
00:58:39from the population as possible.
00:58:41So what happens to those citizens in those areas?
00:58:43What happens to the water supply,
00:58:45the soil?
00:58:47There's ample data on VX's environmental effects.
00:58:49They're short-term.
00:58:51What tests have you run?
00:58:53It killed the locust in the lab, right here.
00:58:55So? We're gonna conduct a field test.
00:58:57It's too risky.
00:58:59The FDA and the EPA would never go for it,
00:59:01neither will the USDA.
00:59:03It's the responsibility of the military to protect U.S. soil.
00:59:05And to do that, we're going to conduct a test
00:59:07of this gas on the swarm that's over Ohio.
00:59:11It's been authorized by the President.
00:59:13They'll never know unless we try.
00:59:17I wish there was an alternative, Dr. Reardon.
00:59:21There's a lot of kids down there, Peter.
00:59:27What? Already?
00:59:51The Department of Homeland Security
00:59:53has issued a warning that swarms of locusts
00:59:55are ravaging Kentucky and Tennessee.
00:59:57In a chilling turn of events,
00:59:59there have been human fatalities as well.
01:00:01Residents are urged to stay indoors.
01:00:05Good work, folks.
01:00:07Keep it up. Keep it up till sunset.
01:00:09We'll get it all in.
01:00:11Hey, man, let's hurry it up.
01:00:13Johnny, be careful.
01:00:15This stuff will kill us in two seconds if we mess up.
01:00:19I can't believe we're spraying this on our own soil.
01:00:27Thank you, sir.
01:00:31You are, sir.
01:00:37All right, let's hope it's double time.
01:00:41Keep it all going.
01:00:43Right now! Go!
01:00:45JNN News.
01:00:47National desk, please.
01:00:55All clear, sir.
01:01:13General, if you're gonna spray this stuff,
01:01:15you're gonna do so under the supervision of the USDA.
01:01:19Because I'm part of this.
01:01:21What do you like?
01:01:23I don't know.
01:01:25You wanna be partners on this?
01:01:49Director Rusk,
01:01:51the swarm is shifting towards Indiana.
01:01:53Radio Miller's chopper.
01:01:55Let him know the swarm's headed toward Indiana.
01:01:57Copy that, Director Rusk.
01:02:03Thanks for the update.
01:02:05We'll confer here and get back to you
01:02:07and ask for revised clearance.
01:02:093180 Lima, out.
01:02:11All right, the swarm has shifted.
01:02:13It's headed out over southern Indiana.
01:02:15What are our options?
01:02:17We'll outrun it.
01:02:19It's a populated area. You can't spray there.
01:02:21There are populations, but it's hardly a metropolitan area.
01:02:23General, you said only in remote areas.
01:02:25We said rural areas.
01:02:27We have to spray where we know the locusts are.
01:02:29We never said there wouldn't be fatalities.
01:02:31It's a sad day for all of us.
01:02:33It is.
01:02:41Land us posture, General.
01:02:43Stop the dramatics, Doctor.
01:02:45You break that tubing, it'll kill us all.
01:02:47If you land this helicopter, I will break this tubing.
01:02:49I swear.
01:02:51I would rather the four of us die right here
01:02:53rather than innocent people lose their lives.
01:02:55She's right. Put it down.
01:02:57You're insane.
01:02:59I am pregnant and I am hormonal, and you don't want to cross this mother.
01:03:01Land the helicopter.
01:03:03Now! Put this chopper down now!
01:03:05Homeland's at 3180 Lima.
01:03:07I'm gonna answer this.
01:03:09Miller to Homeland.
01:03:11Your mission has been scrubbed, General. It's all over GNN.
01:03:13I understand. That was Rusk.
01:03:15GNN has been informed about this VX gas test.
01:03:17It's off.
01:03:21We're going to land at Fort Knox.
01:03:23Underweight further instructions.
01:03:25I hope you know what you're doing.
01:03:29Dan, the storm's over Indiana.
01:03:31I can't get a hold of my dad.
01:03:33All right, look, I can be there in 45 minutes.
01:03:35And hurry, please.
01:03:37Yeah, don't worry. I'll get there.
01:03:39Let's go.
01:03:41I'm going to get my dad.
01:03:43I'm going to get my dad.
01:03:45I'm going to get my dad.
01:03:47I'm going to get my dad.
01:03:49I'm going to get my dad.
01:03:51I'm going to get my dad.
01:03:53I'm going to get my dad.
01:03:55Let's go.
01:04:07This is a special report from the National Emergency Service.
01:04:11All citizens, as well as livestock, should remain indoors until further notice.
01:04:17A massive swarm of locusts is headed into this area.
01:04:21Further updates as they occur.
01:04:25Hey, girls, come on.
01:04:29What are you doing out here?
01:04:31We got to get you inside.
01:04:35Rusk wants us back in Washington.
01:04:37Sir, I need to go to Indiana and survey what's going on.
01:04:41I'll clear it with Rusk.
01:04:47Get a review.
01:04:49Dr. Axelrod is coming with me.
01:04:51He's in federal custody.
01:04:53General, this is as much my mess as anyone's.
01:04:55These locusts are beginning to change characteristics.
01:04:57They're actually becoming more aggressive.
01:04:59So if I may, sir, with your permission,
01:05:01get to the front of the swarm and collect some samples.
01:05:05I'll take full responsibility.
01:05:09Very well. Thank you, sir.
01:05:15The Department of Homeland Security has issued a locust advisory
01:05:19for Floyd and Clark Counties in Indiana.
01:05:21All residents should remain indoors until further notice.
01:05:25Oh, no.
01:05:27Everything okay?
01:05:29Somebody wants to say hello.
01:05:35Sophie, you're awake.
01:05:37Are you okay? Is everything all right?
01:05:39How are you feeling?
01:05:41A little tired.
01:05:43Sophia, I'm so, so sorry.
01:05:45I'm so sorry this happened.
01:05:47You know how much Daddy loves you?
01:05:49I love you, too.
01:05:51Where are you?
01:05:53I'm out looking around for the locusts.
01:05:59I'll see you soon.
01:06:31Hey, what's going on? You're not answering your phone.
01:06:33I've been a little busy, in case you didn't notice.
01:06:35What are you doing here?
01:06:37Oh, God, I was worried about you.
01:06:39Swarm's coming, Dad. We're in trouble.
01:06:41It's all right. We're fine, sweetie.
01:06:43We've got to get you inside. Come on.
01:06:45Okay. We've just got to get these calves into the barn.
01:06:47Wait. Can you do that?
01:06:49Whatever takes, all right?
01:06:51I'm here to help. Come on. Come on.
01:06:53Let's go. Come on.
01:07:11Not much longer.
01:07:19We have to get inside.
01:07:21There's swarm. It's huge.
01:07:23The barn. We'll be safe inside.
01:07:29What have I done?
01:07:43Oh, God!
01:07:49God, man, that came in quick.
01:07:51Oh, disgusting.
01:07:53I've never seen swarming behavior like this.
01:07:55Well, now what?
01:07:57We just wait them out.
01:07:59Oh, what the hell is that?
01:08:01They're hungry, and we're in here with a motherlode.
01:08:03We've got to do something, right?
01:08:05Just stay put.
01:08:07No, they're not leaving until they devour all this grain.
01:08:09Well, we can't just sit here and do nothing.
01:08:15How the hell did this happen?
01:08:17I don't know, man.
01:08:19Nothing seems to kill them, either.
01:08:21No. Nothing.
01:08:23Nothing that we know of.
01:08:25Yes, it does.
01:08:31Outside, the locusts flew into the bug zapper,
01:08:33and it just fried them up like that.
01:08:35Well, wait a minute. What?
01:08:37You weren't supposed to sit here
01:08:39until the swarm flies directly into a two-foot-long
01:08:41electrical appliance?
01:08:43Dad, is this generator still on?
01:08:45It should.
01:08:47So, so,
01:08:49could we use this thing to electrify the whole building?
01:08:51No, no, that's too dangerous.
01:08:53What, turn the entire building
01:08:55into a giant bug zapper?
01:08:57Concrete floor, steel building, why not?
01:09:01What's wrong?
01:09:03No fuel.
01:09:05There should be some fuel around here somewhere.
01:09:07Yeah, but it's out there.
01:09:09Where? Where?
01:09:11Out by the milking shed beyond the far wall.
01:09:13The milking shed?
01:09:17There? I'll go get it.
01:09:19What are you talking about?
01:09:21What? Are you kidding?
01:09:23Don't go out there, Peter.
01:09:25This is just foolish. Don't do that.
01:09:27You more than anyone should appreciate
01:09:29that I really need to do this.
01:09:31Now help me. Please, help me.
01:09:47Grab a line. Yeah.
01:10:01This will serve as our ground.
01:10:03Once we get the generator revved up,
01:10:05we'll hook that live one onto that flange.
01:10:19Open the door!
01:10:21Open the door!
01:10:23Hey, get him in!
01:10:25Get him in!
01:10:39Here. You're gonna need those.
01:10:41All right.
01:10:51Tell Terry and...
01:10:53and Sophia that I...
01:10:55that I love them.
01:10:57They know that, Peter.
01:10:59All right.
01:11:05Let it run up.
01:11:09Hit it.
01:11:31I'm sorry.
01:11:33I'm so sorry.
01:11:49I'm so sorry.
01:12:21locust swarms
01:12:23ravaged the Phoenix area.
01:12:25These swarms are now poised
01:12:27across the Rocky Mountains.
01:12:29With little food to be had
01:12:31in the desolate mountain terrain,
01:12:33it is expected that the locusts
01:12:35will emerge on the other side
01:12:37of these mountains very hungry.
01:12:41the locust swarms
01:12:43will emerge
01:12:45on the other side
01:12:47of these mountains
01:12:49very hungry.
01:12:51Similarly, the eastern swarm
01:12:53is expected to cross
01:12:55the Mississippi River
01:12:57within the next 24 hours.
01:12:59Our heartland,
01:13:01the world's food supply,
01:13:03and the American people
01:13:05are in jeopardy.
01:13:07As such, tomorrow at noon,
01:13:09I've authorized the military
01:13:11to commence spraying
01:13:13the only effective
01:13:16God bless America.
01:13:23Dan, just slow down a minute, would you?
01:13:25Those are words I never thought I'd hear
01:13:27come out of your mouth.
01:13:29No, I'm serious.
01:13:31Hey, Dr. Reardon,
01:13:33you do need to take better care of yourself
01:13:35and our baby, you know.
01:13:37Well, that's what we've got you for, isn't it?
01:13:41That's right.
01:13:46I love you, you know.
01:13:48It's good to hear.
01:13:54Let's do this.
01:13:58I don't know about the rest of you,
01:14:00but I don't want to have a worldwide famine
01:14:02on my shoulders, especially if I knew
01:14:04I could prevent it. Now,
01:14:06I want to brief you all on the evacuations
01:14:08that will precede our airstrike.
01:14:12We found another way.
01:14:14Dr. Reardon, there is no other way.
01:14:16These things are poised to enter America's heartland.
01:14:18But there is another way to kill them.
01:14:22Electricity? Are you out of your mind?
01:14:24No, Director Rusk, we saw for ourselves.
01:14:26A swarm in Indiana was destroyed by a powerful electric current.
01:14:28Oh, well, that's terrific.
01:14:30In isolation, you can kill them
01:14:32with electricity.
01:14:34If you haven't noticed, these things are everywhere.
01:14:36Look, we have some of the best minds in the country here.
01:14:38Before using a poison which promises casualties,
01:14:40we need to think creatively here.
01:14:42How do we create the biggest damn bug zapper
01:14:44the world has ever seen?
01:14:46Dr. Reardon, there is no time for pie-in-the-sky fantasy.
01:14:48No, I'm not an engineer.
01:14:50Maddie, please, sit down.
01:14:52You know, actually,
01:14:54there might be a way.
01:14:58Lorelei Wentworth, Department of Energy.
01:15:00In reality, what Dr. Reardon
01:15:02is proposing really could work.
01:15:04May I have access to the main screen, please?
01:15:06You got it. Thank you.
01:15:08Along the Rocky Mountains
01:15:10and the Mississippi River
01:15:12run what are known as
01:15:14the continental power grids.
01:15:16Now, theoretically, if we increase
01:15:18the current in these grids,
01:15:20there'll be a strong electrical field
01:15:22that will flow beyond the actual power cables.
01:15:24And anything that passes through
01:15:26would be electrocuted?
01:15:28Precisely. Don't you see?
01:15:30It'll be like a giant electric fence.
01:15:32When they fly through, they'll get a shock.
01:15:34And we're gonna need a lot more than just a shock.
01:15:36We'd be talking about significantly
01:15:38greater voltages, sir.
01:15:40Will it kill them? If we harness enough
01:15:42electricity, I'd say they should be quite deadly.
01:15:44If we harness enough?
01:15:46You said if.
01:15:48Well, it'll take nationwide cooperation, sir.
01:15:50We need to stop
01:15:52using electricity.
01:15:54Industry, homes,
01:15:56the government, everybody.
01:15:58We only have a few
01:16:00hours until dawn.
01:16:02The president has ordered us to...
01:16:04Well, it's certainly worth trying before we put the lives of my constituents in jeopardy.
01:16:06She's right.
01:16:08I say we give it a try.
01:16:10If it works, it's a lot better than
01:16:12spraying a dangerous chemical.
01:16:14I'll talk to the president.
01:16:16Thank you, sir.
01:16:18All right.
01:16:20We try it your way.
01:16:22But if it doesn't work, we act.
01:16:24And we drop the nerve gas immediately.
01:16:30Okay, so here's what we're gonna do.
01:16:32Wyatt predicts
01:16:34the leading edge of the swarm should cross the grid
01:16:36near Rockport, Illinois.
01:16:38Let's do it.
01:16:48The Department of Homeland Security has issued
01:16:50an emergency advisory to all Americans.
01:16:54To combat the locust threat,
01:16:56we must divert all electricity.
01:16:58Residential, commercial,
01:17:00and industrial customers must
01:17:02turn off all lights, appliances,
01:17:04and air conditioning.
01:17:06The National Power Routing Center is relying on your cooperation.
01:17:08Please use battery-operated radios
01:17:10for further instructions.
01:17:16Okay, I've got
01:17:18a stupid question.
01:17:22What if the locusts don't fly close enough to the power lines?
01:17:30They're attracted
01:17:32to bright, reflective light.
01:17:36And how do you propose
01:17:38that we create that?
01:17:40By using our rear-view mirror?
01:17:46Hello, National Weather Service.
01:17:50Well, sure, weather balloons
01:17:52are reflective when they're sun.
01:17:54And what's the forecast for tomorrow,
01:17:56Mr. Weatherman?
01:17:58Sun across the nation.
01:18:00Don't worry, I'm all over the weather balloons.
01:18:02Thank you, Wyatt.
01:18:28We're diverting power now.
01:19:14Maddie, there's activity all over the country.
01:19:16Okay, is everybody ready?
01:19:18We issued a federal alert
01:19:20banning all travel through the power grid.
01:19:22The power stations are awaiting our go-ahead.
01:19:24And the Air Force is on standby
01:19:26This will work, General.
01:19:28We're almost at the power lines.
01:19:30We'll check in when we get there.
01:19:32Fighter Squadron Alpha,
01:19:34awaiting command for VX gas dispersal.
01:19:50Look, there it is.
01:19:56Here we go.
01:19:58Set that tether over there.
01:20:00Keep it taut.
01:20:08Why are they putting them there?
01:20:10They should be closer to the power lines.
01:20:12What's the matter?
01:20:14It's in the air.
01:20:16No, guys, you gotta move that thing.
01:20:18You gotta move the entire line
01:20:20at least 100 yards further in.
01:20:22Well, you are the bug expert.
01:20:32Hurry up!
01:20:34How's that position?
01:20:36This should be evenly spaced all along the grid,
01:20:3825 yards from the power lines.
01:20:40We might need some more cable.
01:20:42Can you guys get us any more height on this?
01:20:44Is this gonna be enough?
01:20:46It's all we've got.
01:20:48Oh, God, let it be enough.
01:20:50Oh, God, let it be enough.
01:21:02You know, Matty,
01:21:04this is the most time that we've spent together in months.
01:21:06Matty, we're fully activated.
01:21:08Matty, are you there?
01:21:10Let's get in the car.
01:21:36This is it.
01:21:38I hope this works.
01:21:46Come on.
01:22:00All right.
01:22:10Oh, General!
01:22:12Oh, it's working!
01:22:14It's working!
01:22:16It's working!
01:22:20If I were the general
01:22:22who authorized gassing the American people,
01:22:24I'd be worried about my job.
01:22:28You did it.
01:22:32We did it.
01:22:36We did it.
01:22:40The nation breathed a collective sigh of relief today
01:22:42as the Department of Homeland Security
01:22:44declared victory in the country's recent locust invasion.
01:22:46The locusts were eradicated
01:22:48using intense electrical voltage
01:22:50over many hours,
01:22:52thanks to the cooperation of each and every American citizen.
01:22:54And in an unexpected turn of events,
01:22:56as a result of their bioengineering,
01:22:58surviving locusts are apparently sterile.
01:23:00The apocalypse is on hold.
01:23:02No, don't say.
01:23:06There's my two girls.
01:23:10She's getting tired.
01:23:12Is she?
01:23:14Oh, now this is more like it.
01:23:18Is there a Mrs. Dreyer here?
01:23:20Yeah, who's asking?
01:23:22Must be for you.
01:23:26Yes, this is she.
01:23:28There's been an outbreak where?
01:23:30There's been an outbreak where?
01:23:36Well, how much of a time commitment
01:23:38are you asking for?
01:23:44Uh, well,
01:23:46it's a very interesting prospect, yes.
