• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame Shia.
00:08Hi Shia.
00:09For those who are watching, thank you for watching.
00:10In this video, this video is going to be my grocery haul.
00:14So I'm going to show you my grocery haul, Shia.
00:18I got quite a few items and I'm going to start with the items, I actually bought a
00:29so many items, about 80 items, that I can't fit on the counter completely.
00:36So I'm going to pick up the items on this table, show, put it back, and then start showing
00:43you these items.
00:44So I got some applesauce.
00:45Some sea salt.
00:46A chocolate pudding.
00:53A mackerel.
00:58A house blend coffee.
01:11I got some of this corned beef, it has the labels a little bit ripped up.
01:22This corned beef I've never tried.
01:37Two cans of tomato soup.
01:43I got three cans of lentils and I'm going to try this cream of potato soup.
01:53Two cans of tuna.
01:59And they substitute the noodles, I was going to get the Hokkien noodles but they gave me
02:04the stir fry noodles and that's fine.
02:09So I got a few cleaning products, vinegar, and baking soda for my cleaning.
02:27So now I'm going to show you, the only one thing that I don't think I'm going to be eating
02:34is this bread, because I don't like the holes in the bread.
02:38I forgot that I bought this last time, I didn't like it.
02:43Well, actually, I got the French baguette, but they substituted for this one, and this
02:52is the one I don't like.
02:53I'm not sure, I might try it, because there's nothing wrong with it, but they say if there's
02:59holes in the bread, it's too much flour.
03:06So I got whole wheat crackers, saltines, apple cinnamon oatmeal, and I'm going to talk about
03:17my meal plan after I show this to you.
03:23Olive oil, tomato sauce, I thought it was the small can but it ended up being a big can.
03:33I got two cans of chicken broth, two cans of spinach, I did get the Bisquick for biscuits.
04:00I got seven of these evaporated milks.
04:03I'm not going to show them all to you, but I got seven.
04:08I got these green beans.
04:21Campbell's French onion soup.
04:27I got these little bottles of hot sauce.
04:32This is taco sauce.
04:39Nopal green habanero pepper sauce, so I think they put cactus in it.
04:48Habanero pepper sauce, green sauce, jalapeno, spinach, cilantro, tomatoes.
05:00So I got the miso soup and the seaweed, and I like to put cayenne pepper in it.
05:11I'm going to try to show all the photos in the backup camera because I forgot to show them.
05:21I showed you the lentils, I got three cans of the lentils.
05:25I got four of these quinoa, organic quinoa and brown rice with garlic, two of these.
05:35Organic quinoa, brown rice, and red rice with flaxseed.
05:45I got these stewed tomatoes.
05:51Mandarin oranges.
06:00This is more of that roast beef.
06:08Instant grits with butter, never tried this.
06:16The grape juice.
06:19Unfortunately, I bought orange juice.
06:25They came in a six pack, but they're refrigerated, so I put these two in the freezer and I just drank four of them.
06:32I'm kind of feeling a little queasy from drinking all that orange juice, but I don't want to waste it.
06:41So I got two of these pouches of tuna.
06:54Two cans of sweet peas.
07:00I got this blood sugar, Prince of Peace blood sugar tea.
07:08It has guava leaf, bitter melon, and licorice root.
07:13I think I have a problem with my blood sugar, so I think it'll be good.
07:17I have the envelopes.
07:20This is to give the rent check.
07:27Peppermint essential oil.
07:29I'm going to spray it all around and I'm going to put it on my body to get rid of the rodents.
07:42Nasal strips.
07:45This is 26, so I can wear them every night because I'm not even breathing through my nose right now.
07:51I'm breathing through my mouth.
07:53I got one can of SpaghettiOs.
08:05I got this Ovaltine.
08:09It has all kinds of vitamins and minerals.
08:14I have this for the evaporated milk.
08:19Chocolate milk.
08:23Six chocolate milks.
08:35These are boiled potatoes.
08:37I've been picky with the potatoes.
08:40There's a little piece that kind of got broken off.
08:45They look okay.
08:51Like I said, because of all the food poisoning, I'm very sensitive with food.
08:56I think they're going to be fine to eat.
08:59I got Jell-O.
09:13I got these foil pans, eight of them, so I can bake spaghetti.
09:21I have this linguine and I'm not really able to cook it in the microwave.
09:36These bagels.
09:40I got paper cups.
09:50Bowls, paper plate bowls.
09:54Paper plates.
09:58Sorted cutlery.
10:02Aluminum foil.
10:05I'm going to show you everything.
10:15I didn't really put them back well.
10:25Now I'm going to show you the meal plan.
10:52I've worked several hours on the meal plan these past few days.
11:00With the items I got, I highlighted what I got.
11:09I highlighted the items that I got and then I wrote down each quantity or serving.
11:16Then I starred each one as I made the meal plan, which includes the beverages, the snacks.
11:36I still have to get a few items tomorrow.
11:42I didn't go out yesterday.
11:44I have to do the grocery delivery.
11:46I'm not sure if I told you that.
11:49Now I have to find the...
11:51Oh, it's on my bed here.
11:59I paid the Paracuron subscription.
12:03The Ring Cam subscription is paid.
12:07Now I'm going to show you the meal plans.
12:17I have a lot of papers here.
12:56I put them on the refrigerator.
13:00So I'm going to tell you...
13:01Now I have to redo these.
13:05I have to make these better.
13:07This is just basically beverages.
13:18This was written before I got the groceries, so it's going to have to be fixed a little.
13:26But see, for beverages, I have listed orange juice plus water.
13:31However, I might buy some orange plastic bottles tomorrow.
13:45Milk with Ovaltine.
13:47I had bought a whole milk, but they didn't have that.
13:55So I'm going to use the evaporated milk.
13:58I'm going to add some water and then make Ovaltine.
14:01I can make it hot Ovaltine or cold.
14:04Then the blood sugar tea.
14:09So I have all my beverages for the day.
14:13Then for...
14:18I'll have chocolate milk.
14:20I'm not going to have lattes.
14:21I'm going to have...
14:23I actually have to redo this because it's not completely correct.
14:28I've also listed my supplements.
14:36Or add-ons.
14:38Or if I...
14:41Would be biscuits, pancakes.
14:44Salsa with tortillas.
14:45I'll cut up the tortillas in triangles and eat it with my salsa.
14:50Tuna with crackers.
14:51And then chicken broth.
14:53Sip on the chicken broth.
15:00Because when you're sick, it's good to have meat broth.
15:04So for snacks...
15:10Those vanilla wafers.
15:15And then mandarins.
15:19Or applesauce.
15:25I'm not going to have the latte.
15:26I'm going to have the Ovaltine.
15:32And I'm going to have that separately.
15:33The Ovaltine separately.
15:36Bagels and then the oatmeal or the grits.
15:41So when you wake up, it's good to have a glass of water.
15:45And then coffee after.
15:49Or just...
15:53Now this is the meals that I've made.
16:00That I put together.
16:04For lunch and dinner and then...
16:09If I say I'm not in the mood for something...
16:14I can just highlight it and know which ones I've eaten.
16:19So I'm going to have the cream of potato soup with French bread.
16:37For lunch or dinner.
16:41Cream of potato soup with French bread and green beans.
16:45Sardines with peas and rice.
16:48Mackerel fish with peas and rice.
16:50French onion soup with bread or baked potato.
16:54Miso soup with seaweed and with crackers.
17:02Tomato soup with bread or crackers.
17:04Tomato soup with...
17:06Tomato soup with bread.
17:07Tomato soup with crackers.
17:10Corned beef.
17:11Spinach in that rice quinoa pouch.
17:14Lentils with stewed tomatoes.
17:17Lentils served with spinach.
17:19Lentils served with green beans.
17:22I'm going to have those Asian noodles with miso soup and seaweed.
17:28Asian noodles again with miso soup.
17:32And that rice and quinoa and then seaweed.
17:37Canned roast beef with green beans and baked potato.
17:40And then tuna wrap.
17:42And then another tuna wrap.
17:45And I'm going to have to redo these because it's not perfect.
17:51This is like the rough draft.
18:01However, I have to go to Walmart to get the rent checks so it's possible.
18:10I'll buy a few items, not a lot, tomorrow.
18:14Like I still have a few things that I really need to get that I wrote down.
18:26I just have all these piles of papers.
18:30And I'm trying to figure out where I put my latest list.
18:37Here it is.
18:39So I tried to, in regards to the groceries, getting the deliveries a lot less stressful.
18:46And because this is what happens at the end of the month,
18:49I have to do all my groceries, get all my hygiene cleaning, get all my laundry done,
18:55and get all my cleaning done in less than like 48 hours.
18:59And this is going on for too long so I'm not going to do that anymore.
19:04So I'm good for groceries at least 10 days.
19:11About 10 days and then I'll use my CalFresh which increased, I think, about $20.
19:21However, it always increases and decreases, but they said because of the...
19:44Because of the cost of living adjustment.
19:47So I need to get some body soap.
19:52And I'm going to stop using the lavender because I don't think I'm allergic to lavender,
19:57but I get like the kind of funny feeling like it smells kind of dusty.
20:02I can't really explain it.
20:04It's like the feeling of dust. It's not like the smell of dust.
20:08So I'm going to try to get a different type of scent of the Dr. Bronner's.
20:16I need to get some eyebrow gel and some foundation.
20:23I actually haven't been wearing foundation for a while.
20:28So I'm really stressed out about going out tomorrow.
20:32I really don't want to, but I kind of have to.
20:35So I want to make it really quick.
20:39Most likely laundry.
20:42Check the underneath of my car to see if it's broke.
20:49I just looked underneath the car today and nothing leaked out.
20:56I turned my car on for a few minutes because it's been a long time since I turned the car on.
21:03I want to get the rodent repellent plug-ins.
21:05I need to get my water. Bottles of water and gallons of water.
21:09I need to get some more zebra pens.
21:11I just ran out of a pen today, and I always check to make sure it's actually run out.
21:20I always check.
21:26Toilet paper and paper towels.
21:28A float for the bathtub, which I probably won't find.
21:34And that's it.
21:37So I have to, after this video, make sure that I can afford everything else that I'm getting.
21:46I'm not going to actually get an oil change.
21:49I think that you can get your car.
21:52You can go to an oil change place, and they can check for free to see if I need my oil changed.
22:04So I basically need the oil change, the laundry, and getting my rent checked.
22:19It's going to be a lot easier because going out and getting all those groceries, it's too much.
22:28It's also too much labor because that's a lot of weight.
22:33So now I'm going to talk to you about the notes, and I know it's my personality.
22:41I'm shy. I'm kind of spaced out, and I'm really not shy to be that way.
22:50So now I'm going to talk to you about the notes, and I want to show you...
22:58Where's the camera?
23:02I just feel very unorganized right now.
23:05I took a nap before the delivery arrived.
23:10Like, luckily, I was able to take a nap.
23:12I usually never am able to.
23:23I did some more research on the Rorah's Diet for the Sick, Mrs. Rorah's Diet for the Sick,
23:31and she was one of the first dieticians in America.
23:44So I'll show you some meals that I've researched from the book that I want us to try.
23:53She's got 36 cookbooks, so I'm going to be...
23:57I really like Mrs. Rorah. Sarah Tyson Rorah is the author.
24:02I really like her style.
24:11And she was from 1947 to 1937, so I'm pretty sure Hannah read her books.
24:41So I got my Walmart delivery.
25:10I'm very happy about it.
25:12I'm a little disappointed with the orange juice and the bread.
25:16However, even if I didn't get a delivery,
25:20there's always some kinds of little things that are a little, like, disappointing no matter what.
25:28But overall, I'm really happy with the food delivery.
25:35And they were on time this time. They're at 6.30.
25:41I went down to check my mail.
25:44I got my mail.
25:51One of the maintenance employees asked what floor I was going on.
25:58But I really don't like to open my mouth in the elevator.
26:02But this was on the maintenance...
26:07This was on the leasing office door.
26:18So that's the...
26:24This is the leasing office door.
26:27It's a Halloween wreath.
26:32See these eyeballs? They kind of look like a camera.
26:42And this is the Halloween wreath.
26:52It says,
27:00Fright this way.
27:06Haunted house.
27:11Hollywood Boulevard.
27:19It's Fright for the family member.
27:32And then there's these two pumpkins, a big one and a little one, and a ghost.
27:40And then when I was walking by the security desk,
27:48there was a vase of fake flowers, fake white flowers.
27:55They put a lot of bouquets of flowers that are real with people who die in this building.
28:03And on the security desk, like right in the middle, not like on the actual...
28:09In the middle part of the security desk, it was a vase of white fake flowers.
28:14I'm not going to read into it, but you can...
28:17You probably would get it more than I get it, but I'm not going to say it on the Internet.
28:23Any of these criminals, Shai, that have torture, that are constantly torturing us still,
28:28it's only temporary power that they have over us,
28:31because if you can ruin someone's life and make them physically and mentally tortured 24-7 nonstop,
28:39then they have some form of power over us.
28:42It's only temporary power.
28:44And it's all going to be returned to sender.
28:47All of the attacks and tortures are going to be returned to sender to the criminals that have done this to us,
28:52not just the amount of intensity and the amount of time that it's been done to us.
28:59And the return to sender is permanent.
29:12Every time I go out in the hallway and I am forced to open my mouth,
29:16like just to like...
29:18Like with the elevator, I...
29:21Sometimes I'll say hi if I'm forced to say hi, if someone says hi,
29:26or what number elevator I am on, and...
29:32There's a funny feeling that happens.
29:34So, Shai, if you press here, this is called CB-22.
29:39This is supposed to get rid of the demons.
29:41And every time I go out and a demon gets thrown into me, I get this really funny feeling right here.
29:48So it's possible that this is the main point.
29:53I was told in the handbook, but I don't always...
29:57I always kind of give up on this macro-pressure point.
30:00I don't think we should give up on it, Shai.
30:02I think we should take more time to it, have fun with it.
30:07And Shai, the pendulum said you're loyal to me, Shai,
30:10and you're getting mental health and emotional health support from these videos,
30:14and so am I, Shai.
30:17It makes me so happy that you can see them.
30:21Now I'm going to show you...
30:25So when I went onto Instagram to check Alberto to see if there was going to be any photos about his ceremony,
30:42there was a little, like, one of those circles around the default photo, like a story.
30:49And I didn't really want to click on it because if you click on stories,
30:53you can see who watches your stories, but I did anyways.
30:58And this was what was put.
31:01I took photos of it because it was a story, not permanent.
31:04I wanted to make sure I could show you.
31:06But this was their ceremony.
31:10It was outdoors, and there's a painting of just one person,
31:19which I thought was odd, and he did not post pictures of her and, well, his wife or fiance.
31:33They're all wearing those red hats.
31:49But it was a story, like a view of the water, and it said...
31:58Where is it?
32:10And then he posted...
32:12Oh, I don't know why it's doing that.
32:15He posted a photo of him and...
32:26His daughter, Clover Feliz, El Paiso.
32:36And there's a Pete's coffee can.
32:47Pete's coffee on the right.
32:54So, and...
33:00See, there's a no smoking, no fire over the...
33:04No fire.
33:07It may or may not be true that someone that he knows was going to start his house on fire.
33:14So, I'm not sure.
33:16I thought that that was a little different.
33:19See just one, the painting of just one?
33:26I don't know what's going on.
33:28However, I wanted you to see these because, you know, we're kind of worried.
33:39There's not a lot of people to worry about, but he's the owner of a very, his very important company.
33:47Obviously, it's a family-owned business.
33:49It's not Hannah's anymore.
33:55However, obviously, we still are going to be part of that in some way.
34:02So, also, those Rukia images, Rukia videos and the images are not just going to be helping us,
34:16but helping our grandson.
34:20So, I wanted to show you those videos.
34:24If he is actually...
34:32If he actually did go through with the ceremony, he's just possessed and it's a very, very bad possession.
34:41It's a very scary one.
34:47But he's getting help, Shaya, so don't worry.
34:54Well, we don't have to worry because we can trust that he's getting help.
34:58He's not allowed to die.
35:03I was playing the rodent repellent frequencies around 1.15 p.m.
35:13My internet turned off and on.
35:18That used to happen hundreds of thousands of times by the hacker over the years.
35:26And I was told with V2K that he was turning it off because of the rodent frequencies.
35:35And then I was threatened,
35:37you better record those rodent frequencies because your internet is going to be permanently shut off
35:44if you keep listening to these rodent frequencies.
35:48I hear loud drilling sounds over here at 10 p.m.
35:53Is this all the notes I have?
36:24So is there any more photos that I can show you?
36:32The energy does get better in this room, Shaya, when I put your video on.
36:43So this is the point, Shaya, to try to get rid of the demons.
36:54Right here.
36:56See the bones right here and it goes like this?
37:01Right there.
37:03You press it like that.
37:05You have to for a long time.
37:08It's called CV22.
37:24I made some potatoes. I had those canned potatoes and I put nutritional yeast.
37:30Nutritional yeast, onion powder, and sea salt.
37:34It tasted pretty good.
37:42The energy felt really good on the food this time.
37:52Now I have to go through all of those papers.
37:56Basically, I have all of these papers that I have to go through.
38:06Because there are all kinds of different lists and things I have to do
38:10and all the different meal plans and the foods that I bought.
38:14And there's more.
38:22I don't want to make this video too long, Shaya.
38:25And I doubt I'll be able to go to sleep early.
38:30Or I'm going to try.
38:32But it's always very, very bad.
38:40If they can sleep deprive...
38:43I'm always sleep deprived before I have to go out and do my errands.
38:47And that's when I'm weak like that.
38:50It's easier for them to throw demons in my body.
38:56I'm going to stop this video.
38:59I'm thinking about you, Shaya.
39:02I'm going to put all my groceries away.
39:05And create the final draft of my meal plan.
39:09Actually, I'm not going to create the final draft of my meal plan.
39:15Actually, I probably will.
39:18I have enough food. I don't have to go buy more food.
39:26Because I was thinking about getting bread.
39:31And getting...
39:36Some more fruit juice.
39:38But I have enough fruit juice for now.
39:41I have enough fruit.
39:45I'm going to talk to you tomorrow, Shaya.
39:49I'm thinking about you, Shaya.
39:52I've been wanting to talk more about you.
39:55And I'm going to start thinking about...
40:00I'm going to start thinking about...
40:05Talking about you.
40:07However, I haven't in a while.
40:09So I kind of have to keep thinking about it.
40:13For some reason, I get extremely triggered and attacked when I talk about you.
40:24I really don't want to go out tomorrow.
40:28I get all kinds of these surveillance happening and things.
40:32But I kind of have to do my laundry.
40:35I have to get my laundry cleaned.
40:38And I have to check and make sure that nothing's wrong with the car.
40:43And I have to get my rent checked.
40:46It might not be tomorrow that I do it.
40:50It might not be tomorrow that I do it.
40:52I might do it on the 3rd or 4th.
40:58So I'm going to talk to you tomorrow.
41:02I'll talk to you tomorrow at about 8 o'clock.
41:058 p.m.
41:07Unless something really bad happens.
41:10Something I really have to tell you.
41:12It will be before 8 p.m.
41:14But most likely it's going to be at 8 p.m. tomorrow.
41:20I love you, Shia.
41:23Thank you everybody for watching.
41:25Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
